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The Black Book of Stories



*A young veluptuous human woman with long brown hair draping into her eyes, approaches the corkboard in the tavern, with a small metal tack, chain and black book. She pins the chain to the corkboard, and smiles, before pinning a small note to the cover, and turning away. Her leather sandals scuff the floorboards as she slips out the door, smiling some.

The black leather bound book hangs from the small chain on the cork board in the tavern, of what appears to be steel or some other grey metal. It looks to have seen better days. But in gold pressed lettering on the front cover, it reads "The Black Book of Stories". A little farther below that, a small emblem, in caligraphy, but still the same gold pressed lettering, reads "M". It is quite obvious that many pages in the front of this bound tome have been ripped clean out. But three fourths of them, remain it would seem.*

*the small bit of parchment is pinned to the front cover of this book, which appears to be a note, hand written in an ink that seems to change from black to silver to black, to gold, to black again..repetitively, in caligraphy style. It reads, as follows:

"Dear patrons of tha Cross Roads Tavern,

I offer ta all who care ta look, my stories. Read as ya like...but please, leave it here, unscathed..this time. Thank ya...an enjoy tha stories ta come.

-M "

*the parchment smells somewhat of jasmine and lavender, as does the book itself.*

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*on the first stained, worn page, appears writing. Written in an ink that seems to constantly change from black to silver to black to gold to black, in caligraphy style hand script. A small title is written slightly larger than the normal text, at the near top of the first page. It reads: "Tha Magicked Choice"

*An inch or so lower, a story begins.*

~It was uh brilliantly borin' day fer May, as she made her way inta' tha Red Fang Tavern, er as she always called it, tha Rift. Tha creaky ole' door swung open slowly, an she walked on in. Hair drapin' in her vision, she din't seem ta mind. Uh quick look uh'bouts round tha place, ver'fied tha fact it was quite tha dull evenin' ta come, too. Barely uh'nother bein' in tha place, May made her way toward the small bar, smilin' at tha big wooden golem barkeep b'hind tha counter as she slipped up onta one uh tha creaky stools. Her sandals nearly fallin' off as she took up perch on tha somewhat comfy seat.

"hey'uh weeg, how's it goin' this evenin' eh?" May mused, as she leaned onta tha freshly washed bartop, usin both forearms ta prop herself up uh bit. Uh cold breeze suddenly shootin' up her spine, tha main door flingin' open, May fought uh shiver off, an turned her head ta look an see wha 'uhcompanied tha cool gust uh wind.

She blinked, as uh rather good lookin' drow male strutted in, grinnin' from ear ta ear. It was obvious he was nah one uh 'em tha enjoyed livin' under tha ground much. He seemed smooth, had an air uh charm 'bout him, somethin' tha seemed ta draw May's 'ttention, she din't know why.

May slipped inta' uh bit uh thought, as she watched tha male drow slip off his cloak near tha door an make his way ta tha bar, uh bit of uh ways off from where she sat 'erself.

She thought ta herself: "he looks...jus' like...Trist.....oh..how i miss him.."

May blinked out uh thought as tha door slammed shut once 'gain. Uh grumblin' woman helpin' it shut, huffin' in uh bit uh angered tone "Ya dun live in uh barn, darkie! Shut tha damned door after ya're arse, aye?!"

Tha woman wore tha crest uh tha Red Dragon on her tunic. She was r'ferred ta as Lady Fion'uh, owner uh tha Rift, an none too bloody happy 'bout some uh races tha' seemed ta make popular her tavern these days. Fion'uh stormed cross tha common room uh tha tavern, an went right in ta tha back kitchen, dis'pearin' b'hind tha scenes, once 'gain.

May blinked, unable ta fight off uh quirk of uh smile at tha d'splay uh frustration. She turned her head back round ta look at tha golem, uh soft smile playin' over her lips uh bit. As uh hand jumped down inta uh pocket uh her breeches, searchin fer one uh her last silver coins, she spoke ta tha golem, as iffin' he was jus uh'nother person ta carry on uh conversation with.

"Ya know, weeg, I dun'no bout some uh these people tha' come in 'ere sometimes. Fion'uh gonn'uh kill em all iffin' they keep leavin' tha door open all tha time, i think..heh.." She smirked, as her hand popped out uh her pocket, success in it's palm. Uh sol'tairey silver clutched in her hand, uh'long with uh bit uh pocket fuzz, May contemplated what ta order, once 'gain leanin' quite uh bit on tha bar top.

She looked at tha golem after uh short time, an grinned, comin' ta uh conclusion on her self d'bate. Speakin' with confidence, she picked tha silver from her palm, an dusted off tha fuzz, lookin' ta tha golem "Alright weeg, i know wha' i want this evenin' ...gi'mme some uh tha' whiskey, okay?"

Tha large wooden golem tilted it's head, but held out his splinterin' palm, fer tha silver, with uh slow nod. May placed it in tha golem's hand, an smiled as he closed his sticklike fingers 'bout it, turnin' ta tha many rows uh glasses an bottles b'hind him.

Tha handsome lookin' drow male now fully casualled in uh relaxin' posture, sprawled out over one uh tha padded benches near tha half circle fire hearth. May's curious, an somewhat naive gaze, drifted bout tha' Rift's common room, as she waited fer her drink ta be served. It soon settled 'pon tha drow male, an she found herself starin' at him, fer some time. Uh smile creepin' up on her lips, as she slipped inta' past mem'ries. Tha wooden golem clinked tha small shot glass uh whiskey onta tha counter near May. She paid very lil' 'ttention ta it, at all. Her eyes reflectin' tha dim light uh tha fire, oddly. Mem'ries floodin' past her hair shrowded vision. Tha smile lingerin'.

Her thoughts: "he...seems ta have tha same kind'uh att'tude as Trist did....sigh...stop this May...it ain't Trist..he ain't comin' back ta ya...he was never even really ya're ta b'gin with woman.."

May's semi-glazed over look, came ta be met by tha drow male she was starin' at. He turned his gaze from tha fire's flame, an jus grinned an grinned at May. Raisin' himself from his relaxed p'sition, he stood from his seat, flicked his stark white locks back uh bit, an moved ta uh'proach May, uh coy look in his entrancin' eyes.

May blinked out uh her stupor, an uh'bout fell off'uh her chair when she saw tha dark skinned man uh'proachin' her. She panicked, an turned quickly uh'bout on her stool, in tha process, loosin' uh sandal ta tha floorboards below, an spillin tha whiskey shot on ta tha bar, in uh single movement. ~

*The story seems to stop in the middle of one of the pages, and appears to just end, there. Though it is obvious this is not a complete story yet. *



*A new entry seems to have been entered, on the following page. In larger caligraphy style, a title is scrawled:*

~Tha Unsuspectin' Lobe~

*A few lines down, a story begins, in smaller sized writing. The black ink seems to change constantly, black/silver/black/gold/black, though it seems dry.*

~May blinked sev'ral times as she tried ta remain calm. Suddenly, uh portal openin' near tha main wooden door uh tha Rift, produced uh pointy eared, fair skinned, handsome elf male, wearin' somethin' like robes, fer tha most part. His eyes dartin' round, uh wry smile dancin' cross his lips, it was obvious there was no harm dwellin' in his soft, inspirin' eyes. May yelped as tha fair skinned elf male popped through tha portal, landin' on tha hard wood floorboards with uh thud of his boots. Tha drow male blinked, castin' uh disint'rested glance at tha surface elf.

May took this opportunity ta snatch up her jus' b'fore lost sandal, an try ta slip it onta her foot in tha same upsweepin' motion, while still perched uh top tha bar stool. Unfortunately fer May, she gave uh bit too much dip ta her swoopin' motion, an tumbled right off uh tha barstool, with uh nother squeal like yelp.

"Yagh!" May cried out, as sandal clunked down on tha floorboards, racin' her backside ta tha finale, uh'parrently. Tha fair skinned elf darted like uh bolt from uh bow, without hes'tation, ta catch May jus b'fore she hit.

Tha drow male blinked, his snowy brows arched in slight surprise, if nah uh'nnoyance. Tha fair skinned male looked down at May as he held her under her arms, a half smirk formin' on his face.

He spoke with a hint of amusement "Ya know miss..usually people sit on tha stools, nah tip off uh them". May blinked, as she found her footin' an rose from tha man's hold. Her bare foot findin' it's place in tha stray sandal as she smiled shyly.

"Er..well..thank ya ...sir...I...dun usually do tha...though..er..kind'uh happen's more than it should...prolly...er..thank ya..." She managed to slip past her lips, a slight blush creepin up on her cheeks, as her eyes met with tha fair skinned elf's unique gaze.

May cleared her throat, takin' in uh breath b'fore uh'temptin' ta speak 'gain.

"Er...it's nice ta meet ya sir...name's Maylynn...er jus May iffin' ya want. Wha's ya're name...sir?"

Tha drow male jus bout fell over as he watched his chance get cut off, by nothin but uh surface elf...he scowled slightly, turnin' bout on tha ball uh one foot, an headin' back ta his previous p'sition near tha fire.

Tha fair skinned elf smiled tha type uh smile tha jus makes ya wann'uh see it 'gain.

"Well tis uh pleasure ta meet ya miss May...ya can call me Philo, iffin' ya like. Philo Softmellow, fer formalities. An think nothin' of it miss, always glad ta help out uh pretty lady."

May blinked, tha soft blush creepin' up over her ears an cheeks. Shyly she glanced over toward tha fire hearth, nah sure wha ta say fer uh few moments. Lookin' back, hair draped inta her soft emerald eyes, though she din't seem ta notice. Uh soft shy smile formed as she d'cided ta take uh leap, an speak 'gain.

"Well I really 'ppreciate it Mr Philo...would ya let me buy ya uh drink er somethin', as thanks? It's tha least i could do..really"

Philo smiled an with uh nod, took ta uh stool jus next ta May's previous perch. May smiled still, as she retook her seat. Ankles hookin' round tha legs uh tha stool, she leaned on both forearms, top tha bar. Her eyes shiftin' ta tha wooden golem, she addressed him as if he were actually livin' an breathin' flesh, an nah merely wood enchanted.

"Weeg, i'd like uh ..hmm...apple juice please...an wha ever Mr Philo here wants ta drink..too..okay? Thanks weeg, ya're tha greatest!!"

May rifled in uh pocket uh her breeches, fer uh short time, pullin' out uh couple spare silver, an placin' em in tha golem's wooden hand, b'fore lookin' ta Philo with a shy smile as uh constant.

"So er...where ya from...Mr Philo? I dun think i've seen ya round here..b'fore.." She said, quietly. Hair hangin' inta her eyes still.

"Er..really, no need fer tha Mister part, miss May. I'm jus ya're average elf..nothin' fancy bout Philo. Okay?" He said in an even tone.

His eyes seemed ta twinkle in tha dim light. May found herself starin' inta them, absently. Blinkin' out uh her stupor, tha flush ta her cheeks quite obvious now.

"Er..ok ...Philo...wow..is it um..gettin' warm in here...yeesh...er..um..ahem" She sputtered, nervously. Her face warmin' underneath uh gentle curtain uh brown. Tuckin' uh bit uh her hair b'hind an ear, she looked ta tha bar, re'uhlizin' she was starin' , embarassment plagued her expression.

"I think i'll have uh juice too, weeg. thanks" Philo said, before lookin back ta May, smilin' .

May thought: "wow he's got nice eyes..buh i think he saw me starin' .....i need ta jus calm down..er my face is gonn'uh melt off...so frickin' hot ...too nervous...calm down May its jus uh guy...nah uh dragon...jus breathe...an be ya're self..."

May blinked, takin in deep breaths, oddly, as her shoulders seemed ta loosen up an her posture looked uh bit less ridged.

"So May, wha brings uh lady like ya'self ta tha Rift?" Philo asked, attemptin uh conversation.

May blinked an stopped her deep inhalin' exhalin'. She looked at Philo shyly and shrugged uh touch.

"Er..well...i dunno really ..I like talkin' ta Weeg...an I'm jus relaxin' with some time uh'way from tha shop, i spoze..." May said softly.

"Well I fer one am glad fer that then, Miss Maylynn...are ya hungry?" Philo asked, smiling still as he leaned on the bar, to one side, his attentions upon May.

"hungry? er..well yah..i am kind'uh ...Philo" May said with an unknowin' tone, nah sure why he'd ask such.

"Have dinner with me, May?" Philo asked, in uh rather cute tone.

May blinked, her face now uh perfect stunt double fer ripened t'uhmatos.

"er...uhhh..." She stuttered..starin' at him..unsure.~

*The story seems to stop there, in the middle of a page, yet again. Obviously not finished.*


nevish darkwind

greetings beautiful melynxt

i am the champion, Nevish Darkwind of the shadow.
maybe one day you will allow me to tell you some of my stories, perhaps over dinner even. if you are interested you may contact me here or by messanger if you wish.
i shall eagerlly await your reply.



*the ink of the message that seems to have been jotted down by another author, seems to remain wet, as if it just simply can not absorb into the book's parchment. The ink slowly seems to bleed down, dripping off the bottom of the page, until it simply, is not there.*

*a few lines down, a new story begins, in the same black to silver to gold to black again, changing ink.*

~Tha' Missin' Blood

May blinked as she entered inta tha Rift, it was uh rainy day, an tha suns were settin'. Hair draped in her eyes, as she glanced uh'bout. She spotted her uh'dopted sister, Lynnd, at uh nearby table. Lynnd was uh pretty girl, buh rather thin. Her skin was coal grey, an metal collars were ever present round her neck an wrists. Simple an well worn clothin uh'dorned her slim figure, buh her 'ppearance spoke falsely uh her gentle manner an lovin' pers'nal'ty. Uhpproachin' her, May soon noticed Lynnd's sad expression. She spoke softly, as she neared her friend.

"Lynnd? Are ya alright?" May questioned, nah really knowin' wha else ta say, at this odd emotion tha seemed ta dwell on her sister's usually friendly face.~

*the story seems to end abruptly, right in the middle of the second paragraph. Though it is quite obvious, it is not finished.*

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