"The Black Madonna" for Kult: Divinity Lost

From this week onward you will be able to listen to me and a few friends play "The Black Madonna" for KULT: Divinity Lost. It's actual play but tightly edited to keep flow in the story and respect the listener's time. As a result it ends up sounding a bit like radio theater.

A big thank you to Atrium Carceri & Cryo Chamber for allowing us to use their excellent dark ambient music and to Helmgast for giving us a preview of the new version of "The Black Madonna".

A new episode is released every Friday and you can listen here:
iTunes: http://apple.co/2wTNqHx
Android: http://bit.ly/2vSvwZi
Stitcher: http://bit.ly/2wTiGGC
acast: http://bit.ly/2fBP1hN
RSS: http://www.redmoonroleplaying.com/podcast?format=rss

Do contact us with any ideas, feedback or encouragement you may have after listening. Thank you!

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New episode!

The Black Madonna 02: Fever Dreams
Björn von Krusenstierna, well-respected businessman and book collector. James Carver, the man who gets you the rare tomes you need. What connects the two, aside from an affinity for expensive paper from the 17th century, is their friendship with Magda Orlova - a woman haunted by dark dreams...

iTunes: http://apple.co/2wTNqHx
Android: http://bit.ly/2vSvwZi
Stitcher: http://bit.ly/2wTiGGC
acast: http://bit.ly/2fBP1hN
RSS: http://www.redmoonroleplaying.com/podcast?format=rss

New episode!

The Black Madonna 04: The Fire
There are moments when time stops. When you meet your true love, hold your newborn child in your arms for the first time... and when you come face to face with death. But a fire... a fire does not wait.
Music by: Atrium Carceri

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedMoonRoleplaying/
iTunes: http://apple.co/2wTNqHx
Android: http://bit.ly/2vSvwZi
Stitcher: http://bit.ly/2wTiGGC
acast: http://bit.ly/2fBP1hN
RSS: http://www.redmoonroleplaying.com/podcast?format=rss
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RedMoonRoleplaying

New episode!

The Black Madonna 05: An Understanding Pathologist

Why are some driven to the brink of insanity by the reality they perceive, while others are able to blissfully enjoy their lives? Is it even reality that we are experiencing? Or could there be something... beyond the veil?
Music by: Atrium Carceri

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedMoonRoleplaying/
iTunes: http://apple.co/2wTNqHx
Android: http://bit.ly/2vSvwZi
Stitcher: http://bit.ly/2wTiGGC
acast: http://bit.ly/2fBP1hN
RSS: http://www.redmoonroleplaying.com/podcast?format=rss
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RedMoonRoleplaying

New episode!

The Black Madonna 06: Reeperbahn

We are here, where forgotten gods are revived by the neon lights and the street noise, and tread their dance of death in seedy night clubs. But where is the book? Where is the book Carver?
Campaign: "The Black Madonna", KULT: Divinity Lost
Music by: Atrium Carceri

iTunes: http://apple.co/2wTNqHx
Android: http://bit.ly/2vSvwZi
Stitcher: http://bit.ly/2wTiGGC
acast: http://bit.ly/2fBP1hN
RSS: http://www.redmoonroleplaying.com/podcast?format=rss
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RedMoonRoleplaying
Web: https://www.redmoonroleplaying.com

A little more than a month ago me and two friends started the actual play podcast Red Moon Roleplaying where we play "The Black Madonna" for Helmgast ABs KULT: Divinity Lost, set to a soundtrack by Atrium Carceri and cut in such a way that it resembles a radio drama. We have released six episodes so far and received a lot of positive feedback - huge thanks to all who have listened!

Now we are launching our Q&A podcast "Ask for the Moon" where you'll get a chance to get to know more about me, Hjalmar Nordén and Craig Austin. You also get answers to a number of questions we have received about our play-through of "The Black Madonna".

The episodes are recorded in conjunction with our gaming sessions and this first episode will be available to all listeners, with subsequent episodes being Patreon-exclusive.

You can listen here or through the link below:
iTunes: http://apple.co/2wTNqHx
Android: http://bit.ly/2vSvwZi
Stitcher: http://bit.ly/2wTiGGC
acast: http://bit.ly/2fBP1hN
RSS: http://www.redmoonroleplaying.com/podcast?format=rss
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RedMoonRoleplaying

New episode!

The Black Madonna 07: The Cemetery
Our civilization is built on the bones of our dead ancestors. Billions of souls that are now eternally slumbering in their graves. But is life truly a story that ends with death? Or is death... only the beginning?
Campaign: "The Black Madonna", KULT: Divinity Lost
Music by: Atrium Carceri

Web: https://www.redmoonroleplaying.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedMoonRoleplaying/
iTunes: http://apple.co/2wTNqHx
Android: http://bit.ly/2vSvwZi
Stitcher: http://bit.ly/2wTiGGC
acast: http://bit.ly/2fBP1hN
RSS: http://www.redmoonroleplaying.com/podcast?format=rss
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RedMoonRoleplaying

New episode!

The Black Madonna 08: Mr. Mahler
Stasi had 90,000 employees and 170,000 unofficial informants prior to the fall of the Berlin wall. It is now 1991, and the East German state is but a painful memory. But those that supported Stasi; some because of jealousy and malice, others out of love for their country - now carry the secret of how they betrayed their neighbors, their friends... their loved ones.
Could you live with that?
Campaign: "The Black Madonna", KULT: Divinity Lost
Music by: Atrium Carceri

Web: https://www.redmoonroleplaying.com/
iTunes: http://apple.co/2wTNqHx
Android: http://bit.ly/2vSvwZi
Stitcher: http://bit.ly/2wTiGGC
acast: http://bit.ly/2fBP1hN
RSS: http://www.redmoonroleplaying.com/podcast?format=rss
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RedMoonRoleplaying

New episode!

The Black Madonna 09: Murderer
Could you kill another human being? How about one that isn’t a direct threat to you? During World War 2 it’s estimated that only 2% of U.S. front line soldiers fired their weapons with the aim of killing the enemy - even when they were in a position to do so. Shooting to kill requires conditioning.. or a psychopath...
Campaign: "The Black Madonna", KULT: Divinity Lost
Music by: Atrium Carceri

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedMoonRoleplaying
iTunes: http://apple.co/2wTNqHx
Android: http://bit.ly/2vSvwZi
Youtube: http://bit.ly/2wL2rLv
Stitcher: http://bit.ly/2wTiGGC
acast: http://bit.ly/2fBP1hN
RSS: http://www.redmoonroleplaying.com/podcast?format=rss
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RedMoonRoleplaying

Learn more about "Shooting to Kill" in Lindybeige's excellent video: https://youtu.be/zViyZGmBhvs

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