The Blind Watchers of the Sylvan Shard

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Richard Rawen

First Post
Souds good on all counts, Richard made enough to pay off his debts... oh, and saved (a bit of) the world. Not a bad deal!
Thanks again to all that helped make this adventure work.


First Post
Di Senzio's bought the scales for 1100, so we each get an additional 275gp, for a total of 2525gp each.

There is one other bit of business that needs dealt with: the CLW wand.

Phoenix and Tumna each paid 375 for a fully charged wand (750gp), with the understanding that they would be reimbursed by the party members they were helping to cover. The wand currently has 35 charges remaining, giving it a value of 525 gp.

And to make things more difficult, I'd like to go ahead and purchase it from the party.

So who owes who how much? And Phoenix, how much do you need to be reimbursed?


First Post
Here's my first guess on the wand. If Phoenix and Tumna each paid half the value of the wand and you want to buy the wand, then just pay each of them half of the current value?? Let's see... half of 525 is 260gp and 5 sp. That's the easy way.

Otherwise you get into each party member (some of which are dead now) paying for their share of the fully charged wand (1/4 of 750, or 1/5?) split between Phoenix and Tumna and then Heckler's character paying each of these PC's 1/4 or 1/5 of the current wand value to buy it from the party? Something like that? (It's early and my brain isn't awake yet.)

I'd be fine with the first method just for simplicities sake.

Richard Rawen

First Post
Richard would gladly pay 200gp to Rinya for the whole staying alive thing...
I'll mark +2525 for treasure and -200 for 'cost of living' expenses =)
I'll check back here to see if that turns out to be unacceptable.
Richard would pay more, gladly, or help out in any other way, if anyone even touches on a subject of need in party conversation.
(Say, on the way back to the RDI)


First Post
Here's my first guess on the wand. If Phoenix and Tumna each paid half the value of the wand and you want to buy the wand, then just pay each of them half of the current value?? Let's see... half of 525 is 260gp and 5 sp. That's the easy way.

Otherwise you get into each party member (some of which are dead now) paying for their share of the fully charged wand (1/4 of 750, or 1/5?) split between Phoenix and Tumna and then Heckler's character paying each of these PC's 1/4 or 1/5 of the current wand value to buy it from the party? Something like that? (It's early and my brain isn't awake yet.)

I'd be fine with the first method just for simplicities sake.

Richard would gladly pay 200gp to Rinya for the whole staying alive thing...
I'll mark +2525 for treasure and -200 for 'cost of living' expenses =)
I'll check back here to see if that turns out to be unacceptable.
Richard would pay more, gladly, or help out in any other way, if anyone even touches on a subject of need in party conversation.
(Say, on the way back to the RDI)
I'm all for keeping things simple.

So of the 275 of Rinya's share, she's paying 260.5 to Phoenix. Tumna dissappeared a long time ago so... Rinya nets +14gp and 5 sp from the scales.

Richard, keep your money. You put yourself on the front line keeping me alive, so we're even.

So unless I missed something or my math is wrong, everything is settled.

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