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The Brandybuck's letters home.

Argent Silvermage

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Gosh are my ears red. I should have read your letters more closely. I'm a bad Halfling. Well as long as everything is good on your end. I mentioned to Scortch, the mage in our party about Kippin and he looked at me with one of his characteristic frowns and said she could come for training with him as long as I brought enough bar-b-que sause for the dragon and her. I'm taking that he's not interested in an apprectice at this time.

Well I need to get back to my grove. I have reclaimed one of the shattered pyramids (that appeared with our towers and fortress) for the wild. It makes a wonderful grove and has man made living quarters in it as well. and it looks VERY IMPRESSIVE.
I am hopeing that I attract a family of our people to tend the grove and live here. It would be a great spot for a community.
All love to the family,
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Wish I had that kinda fun!

Now I'm starting to get jealous. It seems like you are having all the fun and games.

We're STILL stuck on the road. Our bard found the little bits of the first compatriot we lost, and it seems we'll be resurrecting both of them. Lord knows HOW this is going to work, and what we'll do to PAY for it all. Probably put ourselves in hock for MONTHS!

Kippen says she'll pass on your KIND friend's offer. Wonder why? I think the little pseudo overheard, and is making plans of his own. Tell him to beware. I've seen what that little bugger can do.
The miller's son, Theodore Sandhame, had been pestering the little critter. Rosie (Kippen named her) ummmm, took exception. His father wound up sending him to Rushenton after he healed. I hear he's doing better now.

Bolo, if you get an earth elemental form, or whatever, does this mean you'll have rocks for brains after all? (A joke, a joke, I couldn't resist. Especially after all we went through as kids because of your big ideas.)

Sheesh, remember the time you wanted to bell the local weretiger? You were sure she was taking old Dame Hitha's chickens. I still remember the hiding I got for that one. Sometimes I have to use a cushion just for the memory.
Well, Peregrine swears little Bolo is growing like a weed and is as smart as you too. I hope that bodes well.

Would you believe my mother is now asking when I'm going to settle down and give her grandkids? I was hoping getting Peregrine's would alleviate that, but NOOOO. A little help would be nice; I'll even never make another crack about the earth thing.
Aunt Rose is hounding Momma again about your letters. Better write soon. Seems she's getting jealous of me. Whatever for?
Oh well, love and kisses,
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Argent Silvermage

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You had to remind me about Fluffy! Momma never did forgive us for not only belling the Weretiger but for bringing it home and trying to convince her that Buliver Wadleston was actualy just a big cuddley pussycat! Buliver himself thought it was funny until Poppa got his Holy Avenger out!
I didn't know he was evil! As for the Sandhames, well they all need a little fire lit under them! Lazyiest bunch of deadbeats this world has ever produced, with the possible exception of a few slime moulds I know.
I guess Little Bolo is more like me than they would wish...But what can they expect when his namesake talked to the druids back home and asked them to bless him, and they brought Faeries with them! All I know is that Bolo will be a champion archer and have the gift of song. Those are the blessings the Fey gave him.
Im sorry to hear of your companies troubles. I wish I had the time to aid you but I'm really rushed right now. Momma and Poppa are begging me to come and see them before I make a huge mistake (in thier opinion), I am leaving the Druidic Order's main body to become a full Shapeshifter.
Momma says if you hadn't gotten me interested in the Weretiger this would not be happening. Momma is wrong. [Bolo waits for the thunder and lightning to pass over him before continuing to write] I was always looking for ways to make myself look different. Remember the time we used Augili Greenbottem's cloth dyes to make our hair bright red? Momma nearly died! Now thats the whooping I remember most!
So I will not be getting an Elemental form for a long time to come BUT I will be a full Shifter and gain one that way.
But I still have the rocks in my head from that time I fell asleep in the glade and you filled my right ear with pebbles. The healer's bill was huge.
I'm going to tell you something in strictest confidance...I have a son. His name is Geo and he is living with the druidess who birthed him. He just had his 5th Birthday last month and shows signs of having my "nature" inclinations. Momma must never know. Promise me that this will be kept between the two of us dear cousin. I may be able to get you to see him some time.
I have to go! The Treant and Cresent, the Dire Wolf mount of Aethramyr our Paladin, are facing off again! Lord and Lady I keep telling Cresent that he may NOT pee on the Treant!
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Ummm, shifty memory cous

Wow, the news you dropped on me this time! I think I may need a little recovery time for this one. I promise to protect your confidence as long as need be. Which, you ought to know, is nigh impossible considering my mother. Whatever SHE knows, is soon known by Aunt Rose. However, for you cous, I will keep it close.

Now to answer charges laid against my innocent self (please don't strike me mister lightening).
If you recall correctly, I have always had red hair. YOU wanted red hair, too (we're cousins, we oughtta have the same hair color, you said), hence the whooping you got. I got one supposedly for encouraging you. Nyah.
You also forgot WHY I put pebbles in your ear. Somebody said I was named Tickleberry because I looked like one? Hmmmm? Ring a bell? (Hair as red as a berry, eyes like the Tickleleaves, skin like the bark!?) You got off easy, chum.
The weretiger was all your idea, not that Aunt Rose would believe it by any means, sheesh, I was just the go-to girl. (Please don't strike me mister lightening.)

By the way, I would like to hear how little Geo came to be, considering your preferences? It must be one heck of a story, one I'd just about give an ear to hear. Little Geo also explains why so many of your letters home are short, doesn't he?

News from home: the five year champion windbag has been disqualified from the smoke ring competition! Poppa is over the moon! He didn't win, but then, neither did his old rival. Turns out the old bandit had been using a magic pipe! We have the little pseudodragon to thank for that. He and Kierenestrael (ahem) had come home just for Poppa's competition, and the little drake went right for the pipe old Silas Bottomwater had. They did a truth spell on him (courtesy of Kip- I mean Kierenestrael's teacher) and found he had been cheating for over five years! We all thought Poppa was going to burst! Silas, as far as I have been able to discern, has left the Vale, and headed who knows where. Poppa is already gearing up for the next competition. Who won? Old Agnes Hornblower took honors this round.

Kierenestrael, hang it! I'm the big sister, she's still Kippen! She has indeed knotted her teacher's beard. I hear he has decided to go beardless for the nonce. Oh well. I hear he has her working on some interestesting spells. He's got her doing cantrips well enough. Lord knows, most of those were meant for practical jokes. I wonder if that's why he's rushed her through those.

Peregrine is still over the moon, for that matter, so is everyone else about the baby. He's fine, and Peregrine was most gratified with your news. I promised to furnish his first bow, and that REALLY gratified him. Momma looked a little concerned though, wonder if she was doubting my methods. I did take her aside and reassure her. She still thinks I'm some lowly pickpocket, but we two know better, don't we? (The answer, in case you are wondering, is a resounding "of course!")
I have never picked a pocket, ever. I work better than that, and never to an undeserving suspect (a la that Bilbo fellow, what was it. . .?)
Anyhow, that's all the news that's new from home, and the company is once again in full form, hopefully the adventure will continue soon. I'll let you know who bows out and who stays, and if we catch that cloud again to finish the job properly!
All love and kisses
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Where'd ya go?

Dear cous, did you forget me? I never did hear back from you, so I was wondering. I mean, just one little reminder about who did what, and you fall off the face of the earth! Just kidding, with you, that might actually happen.

The party is healthy and whole, and the adventure continues, slowly. We were contacted by this guild, (ahem), to do a very naughty deed. Due to some seriously mixed up adventures, people think I'm a necromancer! Me! A necromancer! Get this: they think I'm very powerful, because I've been sleeping in a paladin's inn, right under his nose. Sheesh. And it's all because of one lovesick kid not out of his teens, and the sick sense of humor of one cleric.

The cleric finally sent the kid (killed by a demon, I told you about that when I saw you at that inn that time.) on to his final reward, and I convinced the cleric he wanted to travel somewhere else.

Anyway, all that hoopla has come back to haunt me, again. A necromancer! Nobody will believe me. I'm just a very good little aaaahh acquisitioner. Procurer of rare and wonderful hard to get antiquities. What was that Jones guy name? like that, sorta.

Now we're in this stupid mining camp, and well, we've gotten a treasure said to be ungettable. People would go in to get it, and come out without ANYTHING. We didn't have that many difficulties. There were some pretty difficult traps, and gremlins, and a coin golem, but really, nothing too hard.
Now if I could just get this guild off my back.

I want a COMPLETE update from you, and all there is to tell about little Geo, and what all is going on. Are you a shapeshifter now? Or something else? I still haven't told, so that should get me some kudos from you. Mom don't make it easy, you know.

Argent Silvermage

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Begging your pardon...

Dearest Cousin,
I'm in way over my head and loving every minute of it. We wound up going to Sigil, and wound up even further off plane when we had to escape to Azgard. I actualy had drinks and dinner with KORD! You know... the GOD of Strength!
(cousin Rasta... you know the Halfling cleric of Kord has been spitting blood now for a week after I told him... he barely gets his spells every morning, and I have drinks with his Diety!)
After that we went to the Elysian Fields where I met some planars and Divas (no not aunt Soffie) and from there I went all alone to the Beast Lands where I met Ehlonna of the woods. She asked me to be a Verdant Lord and I accepted.
From there we fought off a few black dragons (not an easy task by a long shot, but my new 8th level spells work really well.) and I found out that Ehlonna and Beory (the earth mother) have conspired to grant me a great responcibility. I now am the druid protector of a true paradise in the Land of Black Ice.
There had been a fight between our world and that of Mechanus (an other planer world of technology) and the Earth Mother reverted the land the Mechanus had "claimed" into a garden of delight in the middle of all that ice and snow.
There are still some secrets I must keep about Geo but rest assured I was willing to do what I did. I don't dislike women... Just don't want to live with them.
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Looks like you have all the fun, cous. Did you happen to run into Brandobaris in all your running around? Sheesh, I meet weird voices and fight coin golems, and you are a verdant lord? There's a major descrepancey for you.

Whatcha mean by that last crack about women, huh? Well, you did mention Aunt Soffie. She could turn anyone off. I think the great halfling lover Cassanunda would run from her. But then, you were raised with li'l ole me, and that should have fixed that, but nooo.

By the way, remember what you said about Timmin (Lily's brother)? He asked about you. Somehow it got back to him, and guess what? He sent me this note wanting to know when you'd be in town. Let's say it was a very friendly invite on his part.

Hmmm, you with Aunt Soffie, him stuck with Lily. Maybe there's something to that after all. Oh well.

Argent Silvermage

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Latest News!

Hi Tic,
I am having a strange time of this... Timmin has a weird power over me. I just can't stay away from him. sort of like a moon moth to the moon. As for Auntie Sophie, She is more like Auntie Social. Momma and Poppa, say Hi and wish you would get a more "reasonable" job. (Like that could happen). I hope you recieved the Ruby Falcoln I sent you. I hear it was made by a Stone Elemental artisan. I found it among the loot from the last dragon we killed. Well more later, I have to figure out how to take out an undead ex-druid Blighter (who may be a lich!) and an Orc Hexer. The fun never ends for me.
Love and kisses,
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About that ruby falcon

Would you be interested in hearing how I received that ruby falcon, Bolo? It was literally dropped on my head. I was keeping watch from my usual post in a tree, and it was dropped on my head. Luckily, my reflexes are very good. What did you do, send it by air?
Or maybe by kennie gerr or something. Because the next morning I had to clean out my backpack. It looked and smelled like what a cat would leave behind. My bedroll was also rubbed with poison ivy. Oh, lovely joy. I can't write much right now, I'm borrowing parchment and quill from a kindly sage. He's pressed for time, so I'll write more later.
Love and kisses,

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Why Dear Cousin!
I'm shocked. You of all people should know that a good Halfling never reveals his tricks. :D
I just had the bird delivered as quickly as I could. As for the "problems" your having It could not possibly be attributed to the bird. I had my treants clean it myself. (that's right I now have 5 treants working for me.)
The world tree has been saved and the Lich and Hexer are destroyed. The hexer's "Evil Eye" wound up being the Eye of Vecna. Were having the Council of Dragons dispose of it properly, it that is even a possibility. I now have my final circle of spells (9th level) and am getting used to having the power to cause earthquakes.
Well back to Sigil for my friends and back to the Grove for me. I have a lot of work to heal the great Rowan and ward the place verses the shadow power that is behind the Vecna- Iuz war.

Mam and Pap say hi and send thier love. By the way... Who is Traver Goldenbuckle? He arived with the family and says he knows you. From the nudging and winking he is either in need of a heal spell or there is a story that you haven't told me.
Love and Prosperity,

Voidrunner's Codex

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