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The Brandybuck's letters home.

Argent Silvermage

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The Ruby Falcoln......

For those who do not know. I (Joe) decided to contact Jasper who is the DM for Tic's game and have him give Tic a gift from Bolo in the game. This is the first official in game confirmation that Bolo and Tic are actualy cousins in game not just for the fun of the boards.
Jasper was more than willing and seems to have taken my suggestion and is using it as a polt piece for a story.

This is going to be fun for me.:D :D :D :D :D
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Argent Silvermage

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"Tic? Can you hear me?" Bolo's voice seems to be coming from a tree that Tickleberry is sitting in. "The Druids taught me a new trick. I can actualy speak through trees now. Isn't this cool?"
Everything here is fine. I was attacked by a demon and was rescued by one of our enemies. It is a story that is still unfolding. I'll talk more later when I have a chance"

OOC: The DM and the group all decided the Module we were in sucked to the point of causing tension within the group so we retconed time and it never happened. All except Bolo getting nearly killed by the Demon.
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What you put me through!

Bolo? Hey Bolo! Great, message by tree, and I'm gonna have to parchment back.
Dear Bolo,
What other surprises do you have in store for me? Who is this Travis fellow? Do I have yet another suitor who won't suite at all?

Since my dear cousin has redone time, I no longer have to worry about dragons, right?
Dragons. Why did it have to be dragons, . . .but it ain't dragons no more! Right Bolo? . . . Bolo?

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Argent Silvermage

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They're Heeere!

Well Coz,
Mam and Pap have finaly made it here. Unfortunatly they came to Rhuun-Kazai. I had not told them of the academy that we have and when the Treant contacted me and said 2 small humanoids like myself were coming up the road I was just a tad nervous. Considering the last time someone came to see me here died at the hands of the deamoness I have every right to be.
Well Pap started in right away about the family being in danger and while the rest of the family was safely at my grove in the land of black ice her and Mam came here by divine guidance and low and behold there I was.
Mam of course started in right away with how nice it all was and when she met Aethramyr she started her "Elves = Magic" thing and said to him "You speak very well for an elf." and other very embarrasing things. I have never been able to figure her out.
They bring news of the vale. Brogen Swaybottom has finaly given up the pretense that he is a "powerful Sorcerer" because when the Deamon attacked the village he ran using the only spell he knew. Expeditious Retreat!
Well I gotta go. Pap and Scorch have been chatting and I'm worried what Scorch may tell Pap of my adventures. Even though It is making Pap see me in a whole new light.

(it's Really funny how Wizardru is playing Bolo's parents. They are George Costanza's parents from Seinfeld!):D
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And the rest of the family?

Well cous, I have been rather out of it for a while, what with dying at the tentacles of an ilithid, being brought back just in time to stand trial as a thief, and nearly dying again taking out the whole thieves' guild.
At least I was finally able to put paid to all rumors of me being a necromancer. Unfortunately, something has been hounding me. What with the pranks played lately, I'm about ready to scream. Just as soon as I figure out what. It's almost as if the fates have decreed my torment.
Do you think, since I TOOK OUT a thieves' guild, Aunt Rose and the rest will look a little kinder at my exploits?
How's my family? What danger? Black Ice? I want a full report (hey, I gave you one).

Argent Silvermage

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Hello Tickleberry dear,
It's Auntie Rose. My poor baby boy has been up to his ear tips in trouble lately. Your Uncle Danforth and I are living in this wonderful (if a bit too elvish) place called Ruun-Khazii. Bolo says a god gave it to him and his friends. Bolo is off right now defending some silly human settlement called Brindenfort or something like that.
The family are now living in the village that is in Bolo's grove in the land of Black Ice. It really is paradise here. The Earth mother has outdone herself there; there is a volcano and healing hot springs as well as the Great Rowan that is Bolo's charge.
Bolo sends his love and hopes everything worked out with your little head squid problem. Honey did you have a squid on your head? Was it a hat? I have an ointment for that sort of thing. Your sainted mother sends her love and wants you to know she never thought you were a Necromancer. Oh! And she wants you to stop by on your birth day this year. She wants you to meet this nice young taylor from Bippendorf. I think she said his name is Ike Claudius.
i'm sending a basket of my cookies and some preserves. (assuming the wolf that is to deliver it doesn't eat them first.) You need to put some meat on those bones if your ever going to land a husband.
Tickle honey, it's Uncle Danforth. I want you to go right now and confess your sins at the closest shrine of Yondallah. The mother of our people will preserve you as long as you change your ways. We were all very upset to hear of your death but Bolo and Bala said that there was no such a thing as death for our family. Tell that to your Grandparents who were ripped apart by savage Dire Dodos. Well the wolf, his name is Gar, is getting impatient. Love to you and safe journies, Rose and Danforth Brandybuck.


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Letters to the Family

Dear Family, including Aunts, Uncles and assorted others.

I'm glad y'all have finally gotten all together, the various letters home were causing hand cramps.
Momma: I'm fine, and fully recovered. For a little while at least, the squid head can't reach us. The thieves' guild is caput, and we are in possession of a nice little house, honestly earned. We've had a few come and go in the party, and I'll give you a full update on my travel companions next letter. I've got entirely too many to address in this one little letter right now.
Uncle Danforth: For shame! You know perfectly well I am a devout follower of Brandobaris, and Yondallah herself approves of his exploits. Had I any sins to confess, I would to Brandobaris. However, I happen to have it on excellent authority that I am JUST FINE! Now, quit harping.
What Bolo is referring to, Uncle, is that he can now reincarnate, should that be called for. For that matter, I have contacts to have someone brought back as themselves, should the occasion warrant it.
I hope the relocation hasn't hurt your chances for the next Smoke Ring competition. Good luck, hope the pipe I sent helps (no, no magic, just a really fine pipe, like I know he's wanted for YEARS)
Go get em girl, and hope Rosie helps A LOT
Enough already! I know he's a FINE BOY. Now get over it. I'm having a bow made. I need measurements when he's big enough to pull. Okay?
Auntie Rose:
Thanks for the update. Knowing Bolo, he's got everything exactly where it wants him.

Separate letter to Bolo:

Dear heavens Bolo,
How do you handle it? Just the letter reminded me of why I went adventuring in the first place. Is it my imagination, or has Uncle Danforth gotten worse? Mindflayer seems to be on sabbatical for now, and there's only two left out of the whole guild to worry with, and we have a nice little house now.
Keep in touch!


Argent Silvermage

First Post
Hi Tic!
Greetings from the Elemental Plane of Fire. The Meepites and I are trying to rescue our benefactor Lord Gelban (who just happens to be one of the original 10 dragons (Gold one) and is older than the gods!.)
Tailcatcher is adjusting to the group well, except for the "pissing" matches with Cresent the Dire Wolf. Gar the awakened wolf that delivered your last letter, says Hi and thinks your pretty. Looks like you have a wolf on your tail.
Well I hope all this death nastyness is over with. I can't afford to loose my favorite cousin. Oh... And it looks like I'm going to be a father again. While I was away on in the Beast Lands I met a hobbit who said Ehlonna wanted me to "ensure the bloodline carried on" whatever that is supposed to mean.
Well I have to et going, our host is setting up the 5th dinner so far. I just wish they had an idea how to cook. ever have a fried salad before?
Love always,


First Post

Bolo, there's just no stopping you, is there? It's hard enough to get an update on you and little Geo, now there'll be another? Wow.
Well, we haven't really done all that much since last I talked to you. We have yet another brick wall in the party. Tough and thick, ye know what I mean? Get this, he has red hair, too. Unfortunately, he's a human and all his fur is in the wrong places.
I told you we inherited Lilybo's place, right? Well, we now have the charred remains of his summer home. We also have a new mission, we have to track down these possessed crowns. Okay, nobody else thought it all that weird that the two crown wearing goons thought they were Lilybo, and then rounded up fellow goons to try to kill us. A well placed fireball took care of one, and the house. We have one of the crowns, and our mage is looking into it. I hope he either confirms, or disproves my theory. Huh, as if any of them listen to me anyway. Oh well.
Mom wrote me again, everything seems to be fine, Kippen is progressing rapidly, and li'l Bolo is still growing like a weed. Write back soon.
Oh, lemme know if any prospective handsome halflings find me as cute as the wolf did. I am starved for some proper company these days. What maroons.

I finally met my tormenter, its a PsuedoDRAGON! ARRRRRGGggggghhhhh!

Voidrunner's Codex

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