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The Brandybuck's letters home.

Argent Silvermage

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Hi Tickleberry,
I have bad news and Good news.
Starting off with the Bad: Bolo died in the Elemental plane of Fire. He was killed by a massivly powerful beholder (Paragon Fire elemental beholder to be exact).
The good news is that I was Reborn (reincarnated) due to the workings of Ehlonna and Pelor. I'm a WOOD ELF now.
Mom and Dad are less than thrilled, but copeing. My sisters Cara, Sara, and Bala are having more trouble than I would have expected. I mean... I'm a shape changer for Ehlonna's sake! You would have thought seeing me in another body would be normal to them.

About the "new me". I remember being raised in an ELVEN village with all of the family having Elven counterparts including you. It's sort of like I woke up in the Elemental plane of Fire and found everyone I knew changed. Strangely I don't speak Hobbitish anymore. I couldn't understand a word Mom or Dad were talking about to me when I finaly got back to the Grove. But I now speak fluent Elvish which I could not speak as Bolo (supposedly. I don't remember speaking Hobbitish, only Elven).

Other good and Bad news. We Rescued Lord Gelban (The ancient Gold Wyrm) and he informed me that because of the other druids on the world being offed by Demons and undead I am the most powerful follower of the Old Ways save for the Avatar of Beory (the earth Mother) who just so happens to live in My grove.
So... Here I am all 5'10" 140 pounds long chestnut brown hair and Moss green eyes and slightly green skin (the skin color change is due to my being a direct decendant of the Great druid Dydd. a story for another time.) and feeling very out of place.
I'm glad to hear all is well with you.
Your loving Cousin,
Bolo Brandybuck.

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Boy o Bolo!

I tell ya cousin, must you follow all my exploits? I mean, there you were on the elemental plane of fire (a little too hot for my tastes), treating with gods, and all that cool stuff. I get myself killed, and then you follow right along behind! At least I had the good fortune to come back as myself, you have to be a wood elf! Tell me, was my woodelf version as cute as me? Can you still read this? Should I start writing in common? Really Bolo, the lengths you go to outdo me sometimes amazes me.
Give all in the Grove my love.
Right now my biggest problem is identity challenged ogres and trolls. Sheesh, I think I need a score card.

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Long time no hear...

Hi Tic,
'm sorry I haven't written in so long but it's hectic here. we all just had the Mark or Fire (or Earth in my case) Awakened and all heck is breaking loose.
The grove is under attack and the person I was trusting to watch over it turns out to be a puppet of the enemy. The family so far are fine but Dads a bit upset over finding that it wasn't Yondhalla that was talking to him but the Shadow-Taker. and if you think you need a score card just think how I feel smack dab in the center of it all.
I'll write more later. I'm in the Crypt of the Shadow-Taker and we're about to kick some undead keister.

Love always,
Bolo Sharpleaf

Voidrunner's Codex

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