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The Celestial Empire (Romance of the Three Kingdoms-ish, Updated 12/09/05)

drag n fly

First Post
Great stuff EV :) In the midst of this cliff-hanger moment, how about adding a little humor by posting the "pounce" Felonca and squirrel picture ;)

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A little shorter update this time. And I'll get the photoshops up later today maybe.

The Loss of a Friend, Part Two

Nayu froze. His mind screamed at him to move, to do something, but he found himself rooted in place, his friend’s sharp voice coming from in front of him, the stomps of the advancing hulk of steel coming from behind.

Felonca’s eyes shone a dull red in the firelight, as her muscled tensed, coiling, preparing to launch her forward. Just as Nayu closed his eyes, thinking he might see his father far sooner than he hoped, he heard a slight noise, above the din of the fight...

“No...” a very weak voice spoke.

His eyes flashed open.

Felonca stood only inches from him, her warfans raised. Her face had changed, however. Instead of a smirk that spoke of a fury to come, her brow was furrowed, her lips twisted in a grunt of effort. As he watched confused, her hands that were poised to strike him down instead grasped her head, and her eyes closed with furious effort. She sank to the ground, her voice hissing.


For a moment, Nayu’s focus remained on his friend, on death nearly averted, before the thundering rumble of the charging behemoth behind him forced him to spin around. The steel giant now towered over him, seven feet of steel plate, six blades whirling about its form, a massive steel chain whirling about its head.

At first, Nayu’s feet pushed him away from the monstrous thing; he was no warrior, and while he could touch and manipulate the planes of magic, he could not wield even a sword for his life. Yet something was amiss. Instead of fear, he felt anger.

Fury. Rage, even.

Even as his conscious mind screamed he was crazy, his hands flitted down towards his morningstar, his teeth bared in a snarl that would have frightened even Felonca’s uncle. Part of him screamed that this was sheer idiocy, that there was no way that his thin, comparatively frail frame could stand toe to toe with the beast that towered over him.

Yet he still didn’t care.

He watched carefully, and just as the beast’s whirling titanic chain was about to strike, the sorcerer ducked with surprising agility, rushing forward in a blur that would have done Felonca proud. A split second later his morningstar slammed into the steel chest of the creature, and a purple flash lit the entire parapet, and part of the camp.

Nayu, ever prepared, had long ago made sure that his morningstar was special; special enough that he could place one of his spells inside its diminutive form. The magical beast he unleashed into the towering creature before him was none other than a spell he had learned from Yu Enlai, a spell of utter randomness. At times, it caused fire to leap from its target’s eyes. At other times, acid ate their lungs. The purple flash meant it had unleashed Nayu’s favorite effect; insanity.

The creature stopped its assault in mid-swing, pausing, looming over the sorcerer. Nayu’s mind broke free from the insane urge to attack, and he looked up at the creature... aside from a dent in its chest plating, it glared down at him, glowing green eyes blazing from a slit in the plating covering its head. Then there was a whoosh, a whirl, the flash of three steel blades and the whoom of a massive chain, and Nayu felt pain.

Nothing but pain.

He felt himself flying backwards, his morningstar tumbling off of the parapet into the camp below. As he tumbled, his eyes flashed skyward for a moment, long enough to see the massive whirling chain about the beast spin above its head, small red pieces of gore flying from its ends.

Dumbfounded, his mind wondered for a moment how badly he was hurt, till he felt the wooden palisade meet his back with a harsh crunch. Unable to hold it in any longer, he let out a scream, yet his ears only heard a dull groan above the pulsing of his own blood, and the strange sound of Meiji singing.

He glanced down, to where his stomach should have been... instead he saw a mass of flayed robes, flesh, and blood. Dully, his mind told him he should cover the grievous wound with a hand, while his eyes drifted upwards, towards the sight of two of the undead ghouls now fighting each other as Meiji’s voice continued.

The beast’s green eyes turned towards the bard, as Nayu’s rolled back. He could feel his strength waning, part of him wanting to just give up, the pain being far too great. As his head leaned back, he made out a fuzzy figure rushing towards him, a tinny voice shouting at him. Something told him to focus his eyes, and he realized who it was just as Yari Ai’s eyes flashed upwards towards the creature.

Her bloodcurdling yell seemed very distant to his sinking mind...

Felonca blinked.

The din of battle had before seemed distant, far away. She couldn’t remember what had just happened, only that she’d looked into a pair of shining blue eyes, then... nothing. Dumbly, she looked about, before her mind suddenly realized where she was, placing the huge plate armored behemoth that was on the ground before now just feet from her on the parapet.

A blur flashed by her sight, a streak of white and orange as Liu dashed by, tossing his now burning robe aside after he leapt through the burning wall. A split second later, he was airborne, delivering a powerful kick to the enormous iron titan.

“What the...” she started to speak, before her ears were assaulted with a frightening, blood-chilling scream. She spun to see Yari Ai, her face twisted in a terrible visage, her hair seeming to float in a frightening wind, her eyes blazing white and staring directly towards the iron titan looming over Nayu’s broken form. Immediately, Felonca tumbled backwards, as the ground itself seemed to shake and shudder. Below in the camp she could hear the shrieks and screams of men as the ground ripped open, swallowing them whole.

The walls, parapet, and Felonca all shook violently for several moments, before the rogue was able to scramble to her feet. Her eyes caught sight of Liu, still swinging and kicking at the steel monster, Meiji, still singing, and Yari Ai, whose eyes still blazed with divine power. Yet she saw no Nayu.

“Nayu?” She cast her eyes over the parapet, towards the inside of the camp. Fifteen feet below, the sorcerer lay, groaning, pulling himself away with a hand. She thought about leaping down to defend him, before another scream, this one full of terror and pain, caused her to snap back about.

She saw Meiji caught in mid spin, his body twisting in the air just before landing on the wooden parapet with a dull thud, his blood still fresh on the whirling spikes of the great iron beast. He didn’t move, yet she could see his flayed chest rising and falling ever so slowly...

“MEIJI!” she screamed, her warfans out an instant later.

Her muscles coiled and released in an instant, her form flying through the air with a desperate speed born of fear. The beast’s great chain was still in mid-swing, its arc coming down, straight towards Meiji’s prone form.

She leapt out, her form stretched as far as it could, her warfans extended, desperately hoping to block the doom she saw for her kin. She ignored Liu’s shout of pain as the whirling chain struck him, stretching out, stretching out...

She felt a rush of air flash by her arm, and had only a moment to realize her failure.

The squelch of Meiji being torn to shreds confirmed it.

She unconsciously tumbled out of her leap, emerging upright, fans at the ready. Eyes wide, she didn’t need to look behind her as her heart dropped. She knew.

She knew.

In that instant, memories flashed before her. Meiji and her when they were younger. The pranks he loved to pull on anyone, even his father. The pain and anger of the day he stormed off, and his father disowned him. Her eyes started to well for a moment... and then she felt it.

Heat burning through her chest, down into her heart, into her soul. Grief was overwhelmed by anger, shock overcome by rage. The reddish tint of the flames grew deeper, as she felt her muscles twitch, instinctively readying themselves. She started towards the creature, her warfans out, ready to flash forth, spreading her own version of death...

“YOU BASTARD!” she snarled, her form flashing through the air again, not towards her friends but towards a single beast she wanted to kill, gut, and flay. She didn’t care that he towered two feet over her, or that six blades whirled and danced around him. She didn’t care that his spiked chain was still singing through the air. Her fans aimed at one target... the thin gap in plate where his two green eyes showed brilliantly.

With surprising speed, the creature ducked his head aside, and Felonca felt her warfans slam into plate mail. She felt sharp blades slash her arm and shoulder, as the whirling, floating blades around his form focused on her. Her own focus was complete, however, and she merely flipped over the creature’s shoulder, landing behind it, eyes still aflame with vengeance.

In front of the beast, Yari Ai let loose another scream of pain and anger, her hands stretching towards the sky, reaching towards Shenyang, calling, crying for vengeance. Momentarily, the sky answered, as the deep, heavy rumble of thunder crackled across the heavens, before a massive pillar of flame, ten feet across, crashed onto the plated beast, engulfing him in flames. For several seconds the flames raged, licking, burning along the parapet, setting the wood itself aflame. Yet from the column of fire and smoke, the beast emerged, its plate glowing red with heat, the smell of burnt flesh coming from within its armor.

“DIE!” Felonca screamed, leaping towards the creature’s back, not caring as one of the floating blades bit her again...

“Ow,” Nayu moaned into the blackness. He heard shouting, much closer, much louder than before, as the rhythmic thumping of his own heart seemed to subside. With a little effort, he managed to open his eyes, and then he tried to gasp.

He was looking up at the parapets, from the inside of the camp. Above him, he watched Felonca leap into the air, her fans slashing at the gaps in the beasts armor. To his surprise, he saw blood flash from the gaps, even as the whirling blades slashed at her, leaving her own form bloody as she landed.

He blinked, his mind processing. It was obvious the beast was off-balance by her flurry of assaults... and it was equally obvious, even to his broken form, that she wouldn’t survive long if the creature focused its attacks. He closed his eyes, desperately hoping, feeling for the arcane power that lay within his soul...

And he gave a blood-filled smile when he felt the power, resting, nestled within the recesses of his soul.

Slowly, carefully, he tried to coax it forth, as the noises of the fight above echoed in his ears. At first, when he reached with his mind, the pain proved too distracted. But as his mind clawed and stretched again and again, he drew closer and closer, until finally he felt the magic starting to surge in his body.

“Felonca... I won’t let you die...” he mumbled to no one in particular, letting his inhibitions go, letting his emotions carry him and his magic farther than ever before. He felt his breath grow rapid and shallow as the arcane storm built within his body, and slowly, painfully, he raised a hand, stretching out towards the great steel colossus as it finally started to raise its spiked chain yet again...

Even on the other side of the camp, nearly a half mile away, the double CRACCKKOOOM was thunderous, deafening. To Nayu, the massive pair of lightning bolts that lanced from his hand, less than a second apart, were not heard... rather felt... as if instantly all the magic in his body had lashed out, raced from his fingertips. The sudden, powerful discharge made him gasp, a move that made pain tear anew through his stomach. He closed his eyes and groaned again.

He didn’t see the creature lurch in mid swing as the two bolts of lightning arced through its form. He didn’t see it stumble, dropping the massive spiked chain. He finally didn’t see Felonca’s death charge, her warfans lashing out, finding the gap in the armor from whence its eyes peered.

He did heard the thunderous crash as several hundred pounds of steel-encased creature tumbled off of the parapet, crumpling to the ground below...


The creature the party just killed was a ‘ragewalker,’ (MM3) an angry fey spirit left behind from an immense battlefield. The creature is absolutely vicious. Firstly, it has six blades that constantly whirl about its body, slashing apart anyone that comes too close to it. Secondly, it is armed with a massive, magical spiked chain... good for decimating anyone within 15 feet of it. Its clad head to toe in steel plating, making it dangerously hard to harm. And finally, it has the ability to induce a blood frenzy on those within 30 feet, causing them to charge into melee with abandon (This is why Nayu conducted his suicide charge).

Felonca was under the effect of a domination spell put on her by the camp commandant, a special rakshasa (full details to be revealed later ;) ). He left her with the simple instructions to kill her friends... for the most part, she resisted, except for one round where she lashed out at Zhen Ren. It wasn’t until just before Meiji was hit that she broke free of the spell... just in time to see her cousin get slashed to death. :( Of course she went over the edge at that point, and charged this thing that on most days would’ve killed her easy.

Yari Ai... seeing Nayu go down, the Meiji, both to this one creature, went a little nuts. The first major spell she performed was an earthquake, while the second was, of course, flamestrike. She stopped being a nice little cleric at that point, and started going out for blood.

Nayu, due to his little pinch of insanity, found himself knocked from full strength to 4 hp in one round. He was lucky he ended up off of the parapet... otherwise he could’ve suffered Meiji’s fate (the ragewalker was taking no prisoners). He basically laid there on the ground (Yari Ai’s earthquake had taken care of anyone that had been on the ground nearby) for a round, and then launched into action with his newest feat... quicken spell. A quickened and regular lightning bolt later, and the ragewalker was tottering, allowing Felonca to do her coup de grace...

I call things as they are, true... in previous sessions, things went the player's way. In this session, that started working against the PCs a bit... :]

I've also been trying to write things differently, as an experiment to see if its better for me to write including the player thoughts, or write without. Let me know what you think.
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First Post

[fanboy on]I love this story hour.[fanboy off]

Just one thing: Nayu is a sorcerer, so quicken spell does nothing for him, as metamagicked spells take a sorcerer a full round to cast. Did you houserule this in your campaign?

Emperor Valerian said:
I've also been trying to write things differently, as an experiment to see if its better for me to write including the player thoughts, or write without. Let me know what you think.

I think it's good thing to include at least some insight into what is going through PCs' minds during a fight, especially the longer and more involved ones. Otherwise the narrative tends to get reduced to "A did this ... B did that ... C cast that spell ..." repeated several times, which doesn't make for great reading. Not that I recall you resorting to that sort of thing anyway. Telling the reader what the PCs think of how the battle is going is also often more revealing than a simple narration of events.

The only thing I would say as a caution, is that writing from a PC's viewpoint - which is emphasised by including their thoughts - means that you have to be extra careful about throwing in descriptions that work from an "objective observer" viewpoint, but might clash with the PC's viewpoint. As an example (with emphasis added):

Emperor Valerian said:
“What the...” she started to speak, before her ears were assaulted with a frightening, blood-chilling scream. She spun to see Yari Ai, her face twisted in a terrible visage, her hair seeming to float in a frightening wind, her eyes blazing white and staring directly towards the iron titan looming over Nayu’s broken form. Immediately, Felonca tumbled backwards, as the ground itself seemed to shake and shudder. Below in the camp she could hear the shrieks and screams of men as the ground ripped open, swallowing them whole.

The walls, parapet, and Felonca all shook violently for several moments, before the rogue was able to scramble to her feet. Her eyes caught sight of Liu, still swinging and kicking at the steel monster, Meiji, still singing, and Yari Ai, whose eyes still blazed with divine power. Yet she saw no Nayu.

The inclusion of both highlighted phrases grated a bit for me, I'm afraid. But this is a very minor criticism - intended, and I hope taken, constructively.

Anyway ... Keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to Felonca aquiring a Rakshasa-skin rug ... and to Nayu becoming Emperor! ;)
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Yeah, I think I'm going to go back to typing the character's thoughts... it was much harder for me at least, to write without blatantly revealing the character's thoughts. Each of those updates took quite a bit longer, as I forced myself to rewrite. I did it more as an excercise for myself... the whole "don't tell, show," mentality.` Sees how hard it was to write (and its more grating style) I'm going back to the older way :).

EDIT - And I also appreciate the criticism, seriously. :) If I don't know something about my writing doesn't work, how can I fix it? Please, keep the comments coming!

Also, yes, I also house-ruled the quicken feat for him. I saw no real reason he couldn't quicken a spell while a wizard could. *shrug*

As for the photoshops, I'll get them posted as soon as I can find a place that can hold the images. I've used imagehosting.us in the past, but lately its been screwy, and refusing to upload images. If anyone knows of another location, let me know, and I'll get the pics up.
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As the dust rose from the crumpled metallic form below, Felonca’s rage continued to burn bright and hot. She let loose a few low, sharp curses, her shoulder and leg complaining in fierce pain from her wounds. Her leveling gaze lasted only a moment, before her memory flashed back with a vengeance.


“Nayu?!” she echoed her mind’s worried call, her eyes looking about. Meiji was gone, lost, there wasn’t anything she could do. But Nayu had rolled off of the parapet, he hadn’t fallen, he hadn’t been thrown. Combat had been so blindingly focused for her that she hadn’t seen the blast of lightning or heard the massive thunderclap. Finally, her eyes caught sight of the bloody, stumbling sorcerer on the ground below.

“Nayu! Are you alright?” she shouted. She felt something brush against her shoulder... a worried Yari Ai craned around Felonca’s head to see, followed shortly by the clank of Chou and Liu’s quiet footsteps.

“I feel like a filleted fish,” he complained, stumbling towards the wall. Blood came from the corner of his mouth.

“Nayu, hold on! We’ll be down there in a second!” Felonca called, just before she heard a hiss of air from behind her. She turned, and saw Yari Ai looking toward Meiji’s broken body, before her eyes turned back to Felonca, pregnant with tears.

“I...I could...” Yari Ai started to say, her voice cracking slightly as her hand slowly pointed towards Meiji’s body. Her face, even her tears seemed to glow, as if the gods themselves were reaching down to her, even through her...

She thinks she could help him... Felonca realized numbly. There are stories of those blessed by the heavens with the ability to bring the dead to true life again... Her head turned, as the distant noises of cattle and battle began to rumble louder from inside the camp. Felonca’s own eyes looked momentarily towards her cousin, and she fought herself to not break down in tears herself.

There is no time! her military mind shouted, cajoled. You must get inside this camp, to rescue your father!

But Meiji... she thought. She shook her head hard. There was a battle going on. People were dying in droves, yet she remained her, frozen in place by the death of one. Death happens in battle! Meiji knew this! she shouted to herself.

And I helped bring him into battle... She shook her head, trying to shake free of the thought.

“No,” Felonca said, injecting more command than she wanted to into her voice. “We must move now, the other soldiers are already moving into the camp! We need to free the prisoners as soon as possible! Yari Ai, heal as many as you can!” Her eyes flashed about, her mind finding refuge in work, in focused command. “Where is Zhen Ren?”

All of their faces twisted, and she saw their eyes all look to the opposite side of the wall.

Why? They look as if I...

She looked over the edge herself, and saw the scholar’s broken form, trembling in a pool of blood. He gave a groan, but it was apparent that unless something was done, within minutes he would groan no more.

“You...” Chou started to say, before he stopped suddenly and looked away.

Me? I did this?! she read between the lines, her mind reeling from this second blow. Slowly, her muscles remembered... before the slashing, cutting of the steel behemoth, there was other slashing, other cutting moments earlier...

How... why... her mind started to mumble. He probably can’t look at me... why don’ they attack me, arrest me, if I did this?

“You were under magic, Felonca,” Yari Ai sniffled quietly. “I could feel something wrong with your mind, but there was nothing I could do to stop it... and Nayu flew into a fury I’ve never seen before...”

“That crazy nut charged the damn thing with only his morningstar and robes!” Chou added, with a low whistle. “I’ve never seen him that angry... got his behind ripped apart for it too! Crazy idiot!”

“I’m still here! I can hear all of you!” Nayu’s voice came weakly from below.

I did this under a spell... Felonca tried to reassure herself as Yari Ai began chanting words of power, healing spreading amongst all close by. I was under a spell, I had no control over it...

I should have been stronger!
another part of her mind snapped in anger as she remembered those glowing, powerful blue eyes. I should have kept that thing out of my mind! Guilt now joined the grief in her mind, guilt that quickly turned to anger. For a moment, she mentally kicked herself hard for letting such a thing happen, before the call of the battle in the distant rang loud and clear. She sighed, and closed her eyes.

“We must go,” she added quietly. We need to get away from this place, and get this job done! “Yari Ai, heal as many people as you can, especially Nayu and Zhen Ren. I want the scholar to head back to our camp. He can take...” she started. For a second she fought herself, before she continued without the tears her soul wanted to cry, “...he can take Meiji as well.”

She allowed her eyes to close this time, and a tear fell. Silently, she uttered a small prayer.

I cannot do more, Meiji... not now. When this battle is over, I will do everything that I can to make your memory known...

...but I have another family member I have to save!

Nayu closed his eyes, and tried not to breathe any deeper than he had to. When his eyes opened, he saw that Yari Ai was finally on the ground, just behind Felonca running towards him. A worn, small grin came to his face.

“You charged that thing?!” Felonca shrieked at him.

Oh boy... here comes the lecture...

He still wasn’t sure what made him charge the giant ragewalker. He could remember all parts of his logical, sensible mind telling him not to, yet all the raw emotion, the anger at seeing Felonca so manipulated, had boiled out not in magic, but swings of his morningstar. Something came over him... something otherworldly.

“You ran against that... beast,” Felonca seemingly found the right word, “after my mind was taken over?” She was right next to him, and he braced himself. Instead, he was surprised when Felonca gripped him in a hug tight enough he lost his breath, and his stomach and ribs screamed in pain at being squeezed.

“Ow ow!” he managed to hiss, loud enough that she heard and let him go. When he finally got a look at her, he could see in her eyes the tears barely being held back by a dam made of sheer willpower.

She’s hurting... can she hold up? his mind wondered. As if to answer his question, suddenly those eyes narrowed, and it seemed as if steel flashed in their blue depths. She turned, and her old voice snapped over the field.

“Yari Ai! Get up here and heal him! Chou, if you can’t climb down a set of stairs, you shouldn’t be in the army! Move it!” She turned back to Nayu, and those eyes wavered for a moment, before the steel in them came back. She gently put a hand on his shoulder, then her face went blank, utterly devoid of emotion. A split second later, Felonca walked past him, deeper into the camp, as Nayu heard the click of her warfans coming out. He could hear men shouting behind him, shouts than suddenly changed to screams.

“Felonca,” he started, before Yari Ai ran up to him, gently but forcefully grabbing his face and turning it towards her. The young woman was far easier to read, her fear, sadness, and anger all roiling on her face.

“H...how are you still alive...” she stuttered, looking over his wounds, “how are you standing?”

“Maybe Heaven has a purpose for me,” Nayu replied. More like I was damn lucky... Nayu, why did you do that? he still asked himself. Yari Ai’s face lit up partially at his words.

“It would appear so. I can’t think of...” she suddenly stopped, shook her head, and took in a deep breath, causing Nayu to raise a blood-caked eyebrow.

Something’s going on here... he thought, as she brought one hand to his brow, another to his torso, and began whispering prayers to the gods and the ancestors, asking for their healing. He felt the same warmth across his body he’d felt the previous times she’d done this, but he knew something about her reactions was different... something he couldn’t place.

“There’s something different about you, Nayu,” she said after she finished healing him. “I can’t place it exactly... but when I touched your forehead, I felt the divine running through you, just as heaven has touched me.” She shook her head in confusion, her eyes betraying that there was more to what she was thinking, that she wouldn’t say.

What could be divine flowing through me? Nayu instantly thought. I am no priest, I don’t speak to the ancestors, or to the gods, from whence the divine comes...

Oh no...

Something in his face, the way he winced, made Yari Ai blink, and look at him strange again. Quickly, Nayu fell back to his background as the son of a merchant, and put on his best blank face, even as his mind stumbled for words and panicked over what her little statement foretold.

People can tell... they can tell I am seeking to be the Emperor, the Son of Heaven! When he blinked, his eyes filled with thoughts of soldiers, white wolves, skeletons, assassins, and all other manner of beasts and powerful men seeking to destroy him, and him alone.

Before this they were after each other, and only Prince Hu seemed to have understood Nayu’s ancestry and attacked him. But if the other claimants... the Prince of Shu, the Dowager Empress, the Princes of Han and Bei...

I know who I fight now... but if they all know... He shuddered involuntarily, thinking of the forces arrayed against them, multiplied many times... attacking himself, his friends, his family. Second thoughts on the Imperial throne ran through his head.

Conveniently, Yari Ai snapped around to look behind him, and Nayu turned to follow her gaze, expecting another horde of enemies to be charging towards him, weapons upraised. Instead, Felonca crouched alone in a sea of the enemy peasant spearmen. Instead of advancing on her, they were backing away fearfully. As she slowly stood, the mass broke and ran, revealing the circle of bodies piled around her...

Truth be told, Felonca had not even registered that initial group of soldiers, and she did not notice all of the Langya peasants and peons shrinking away, even fleeing as she swept through the camp. Word of the black panther that charged into twenty men and culled five in the space of mere seconds passed far faster than her legs could have carried her.

Behind her came the surviving members of her small unit: Chou, dismayed that in the ten minutes since they had left the wall behind them, he had not had a chance to even swing his sword; Yari Ai, her eyes still fearful, grief still apparent across her face; Liu, his emotions ever masked; and finally Nayu, whose eyes shared the same dark gaze as Felonca’s... the thirst for revenge.

Any and all that came to challenge them were met by Felonca’s blades... a second of whirling and slicing, and the challenger soon lay on the ground, nary a breath left in their body. Finally, the small group passed several rows tents, before they turned a corner, and saw three long wooden buildings, their roofs ancient and filled with holes.

There... Felonca thought, as the noise of battle grew to an oppressive din, and an errant ox or cow thundered by, fleeing the chaos of war in terror. That must be where the prisoners are... the only buildings for any distance, it seems... Quickly, she dodged between the stunned soldiers, the fleeing cattle, and crushed, battered tents and camp supplies towards the three buildings.

Speed... we need this done! she kept telling herself, remembering her uncle’s advancing troops. The sooner the prisoners were gone, the sooner her uncle could retire, and the scholars could fireball the camp. Deep within, she felt the deep pangs of grief for a moment, before the needs of the battlefield conveniently allowed her to push them aside for the moment.

“Felonca!” Chou called, “you work on getting the door open! Me, Liu and Yari Ai can keep these people at bay!”

“What people?” she heard Nayu reply sarcastically, “They’re busy running for their lives, from either us, or the oxen!”

On a normal day, Felonca might have added her own sarcastic remark, coupled with a self-confident smirk. Instead, her eyes focused on the door to the first building, her heart pounding in her chest.

This is it... she thought. She felt fear rising within her, fear of something far more frightening than a titanic man plated in steel, more terrifying than a white lion that melded into the shadows. A familiar dark-skinned face hung suspended in her mind’s eye, the dark blue eyes of Wa-Feng Felonxi blazing, burrowing deep into her very soul.

She’d been named after her father. Both he and her uncle Dian had hoped she would grow to be massive, muscle-bound, as they were, strong in mind, spirit and body. Yet she had not grown tall, or thickly muscled. Where her father stood just shy of seven feet tall, his body weighing in over 275 pounds, she stood barely five and a half feet tall, less than half his weight. Where his form was thick and muscle-bound, hers was thin, willowy, wiry, the muscles rough and taut under her skin.

The first of many disappointments.. her mind reminded her, and her heart beat faster as her eyes inspected the door, looking closely, and finding a series of tiny holes along the doorframe... holes where likely darts shot forth. A quick glance revealed to her thieving mind that indeed darts ringed the door, likely each one poisoned, each ready to paralyze, kill or otherwise maim its target.

I was not strong in body, as Papa and Dian wished, she remembered, her eyes now searching for the trigger mechanism for the trap. In spirit, her memory spoke of how her uncle had deemed her a failure... until he had seen her in combat. She ran her hands carefully along the inside of the door, as her soul prayed for the impossible... that her father, the proud Felonxi, the honorable Felonxi, the chivalrous Felonxi, would not be crushed by her dishonorable actions.

The panther in her mind shed a tear, and Felonca stopped, unable to focus, the image threatening to break the tight hold she had on her emotions. Breathe... calm... she tried to tell herself, but even as she resumed, she saw her hands shook ever so slightly as they found tiny, almost invisible trip wires hidden both at head and ankle level across the door. Shakily, she brought forth her warfans, and cut the two wires.

I’m not even strong of mind... she thought morosely, watching her hands shake from the raw emotions thundering through her mind. Unconsciously, her hands then moved for the lock, as she heard Chou’s voice heckling the fleeing foot soldiers, wishing them riddance and a good time at their mother’s bedside.

Felonca! You are Shao... a high rank! You have led troops into battle! You have accomplished in your short life far more than many people do in a century! she snarled to herself, false bravado and courage leading towards the real thing. Gingerly, she lifted the latch, and ever so slowly, the door creaked open a crack.

Even above the din of battle, she heard the muffled moans, hissed voices of question. After a few moments, she then heard a loud, familiar shout.

“If you’ve come to send me to fight like your lackey, I will not! I am an Imperial general, I bow to no lackey!” the voice boomed. Instantly all the courage she’d built up, the hope she’d built up, came tumbling down as a house of cards snatched away by the winds. Within moments she would see that face... a face her mind now twisted not into the look of anger, the shouts of shame and dishonor that came from Uncle Dian. Perhaps such verbal assaults would have been better.

Instead, the panther’s face held a look of disappointment, of sadness, and most damning of all, a look of shame. No shouts came from its lips, only a sigh, a glance towards the ground, away from her eyes, a moment of silence hanging in the air, far more condemning than hours of lecture...

...a moment of silence she now wanted to avoid.

“Felonca?” She felt Nayu’s hand on her shoulder. Part of her was rooted to the spot, fear holding her in place. Part of her wanted to lean back against the hand, a source of comfort from the storm of fear in her mind. All of her trembled.

She froze even more when she saw his other hand gently push the door, which creaked open, revealing a sea of blackness inside. She heard chains slipping, grating about, more mumblings, a few more shouts, born of callous indifference caused by weeks of mistreatment.

“Felonca... you’re here,” she heard Nayu’s voice, as if from afar. “You are in charge... give them your instructions,” he quietly urged, the reassuring hand still on her shoulder. She felt fear dripping from her soul, but through his hand came enough courage – just enough – that she opened her mouth.

“Prisoners!” her voice cracked from the panic still in her veins, “I come on the behalf of Shang Wa-Feng Dian!” she stumbled out. She heard more slight whispers coming from Nayu, and and suddenly the blackness grew ablaze with light, forcing Felonca and the prisoners to all blink. When she was able to see, what she saw only added to her shock and terror.

Along the walls of the structure sat several hundred prisoners, one next to the other. Jointly they were all chained to the wall, unable to move far, their bindings holding them so they could look neither towards the left, nor the right. The smell then hit her... unwashed bodies, urine and feces, a stench tearing towards the heavens. Even from the doorway, she could see the battalions of lice and fleas that parading about each and every one of them.

For a moment, she stood there, mouth open, before her mind realized she needed to do something. She clambered down, and examined the chains holding them in place, only to realize that a single, massive chain attached all the prisoners to each other, and was locked to the ground with a single, massive lock and ring. Her nervousness found focus, and soon, the lock gave to the efforts of her pick. Nayu was quickly forward, untying the first prisoner, moving down the line.

“When you reach outside, go towards your left, and run towards the palisade wall as best you can!” he called. “People will be there to assist you in getting out of the camp, and food and water will be available!” Quickly, the bound men began to head towards the door.

Amidst the sea of people making towards the exit, Felonca’s eyes caught sight of one particularly tall figure, clad only in torn trousers, towering literally head and shoulders above the other prisoners. Her soul didn’t feel the reassuring touch of anyone’s hand, and her fear came tumbling back.

Quickly, she melded into the crowd, and slipped from the building.

“Will there be arms?” Nayu felt a strong grip grab his shoulder, and the sorcerer turned to see a short, barrel chested human staring at him intently. The prisoner’s hair was unkempt and gray, but his eyes shown fierce and proud.

“I’m sure we can make some arrangements,” Nayu replied, hoping that was the case. The old soldier gave a sharp nod, and made his way towards the door as he was told.

Where’s Felonca? the sorcerer thought. She’s supposed to be the one running this mess, and getting these people outside! Why did she stop suddenly, as if she’d seen a ghost? Why couldn’t she even talk prop...

His train of thought ended when yet another hand, this one large and massive, grabbed his shoulder. A voice rumbled out, steely sharp, ordering the prisoners to halt and stay where they were. When Nayu turned, a massive panther lowered his head until his huge, deep blue eyes were level with Nayu’s.

“I heard what you spoke to Shih-Ri,” the man’s deep bass rumbled. Despite the fleas and lice that obviously covered him, despite his torn and ruined clothing, or even his obviously thinned out frame, Felonca’s father still carried himself with an air that could only be described as regal, majestic, and commanding. “That, I am afraid, is unacceptable. Our arms are stored in the building opposite here, and we can fight!” the old panther added sharply.

The eyes suddenly narrowed. “You are a scholar... I doubt you are in command here. Please, take me to your commanding officer, the person who led this raid. We will fight... we have all pledged so!”

“Fight... ah...um...” Nayu stuttered. Felonca’s afraid to talk to him! How do I... “Ah...um... please, Master Wa-Feng Felonxi. My instructions were simple... to tell you and the other prisoners you had best make your escape now, by going towards the left once you leave...” Fall back on the orders...

The old general gave a grunt at Nayu’s stonewalling, before rising to his full, impressive height. “Very well, young scholar. They have left you with strict orders... and I have a strict code of honor.” The powerful hengeyokai turned, striding towards the door. “I shall inform your officer after the battle you followed your orders to the letter, it was simply that it proved impossible for you to persuade an old curmudgeon like Shang Wa-Feng that he must flee instead of fight!”

Felonca stopped when she heard the barking order from inside the tent, the distinctive thunder of a particular voice, when its normally quiet owner decided power and control was needed. She turned, and was also stunned to see all the prisoners stop, turning towards the door to the prison, their eyes attentive, their ears listening.

Despite the hundreds, even thousands of people about, prisoners milling, soldiers fighting, oxen running, her nostrils caught one scent, powerful, intense, and close. As Felonxi swept out of the door, she held her breath, hoping his gaze passed over her. For a moment, it looked as if his blue eyes had seen hers, until she realized he was turning towards the second prison house, instead of towards the gates.

And her heart dropped.

No... no father don’t... she plead, watching his powerful, angry stride towards the second prison house. She knew him, the way only family could. She knew how he thought. Free the others, fight back, his movements shouted to her. But she knew the door to this prison house had been riddled with poison darts...

...there was no reason that the second one wasn’t either.

Father, no! she mentally shouted, her mind’s commands finally starting to be heard and obeyed by her muscles. She pushed, shoved, and squeezed her way through the crowd, twisting and dodging as her father walked closer and close to the second door.

“Papa!” she shouted, as he reached the steps, and lowered his shoulder. She saw the muscles in his legs tense, his eyes close as he prepared his own body to be a massive battering ram.

As he started his run forward, she leapt.
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The Loss of a Friend, Part Three

Felonca felt a snap, her shoulder shifting out of place as she hit her father’s much larger frame. She’d expected a hard impact... he was easily twice her weight, but she didn’t expect to feel her shoulder slip from alignment. Then again, she also didn’t expect the “Uf!” that came from the surprised Felonxi, or how he sprawled to the ground. She’d only meant to push him aside, but instead she leveled him just shy of the trapped door.

“Who in the blazing hells...” she heard his voice growl in annoyance.

Safe... she thought simply, looking down at the ground, her right hand grabbing the misplaced left shoulder. She closed her eyes, clenched her teeth, and wrenched. She felt a pop as the shoulder returned, the limb blasting her with pain for her effort.

“Who are you?” she heard her father’s voice ask, its tone twinged with anger, but also curiosity, and not a slight amount of confusion. She heard his nose sniff, another grunt of confusion. “You are panther hengeyokai...”

She looked up, trembling slightly.

“Yes, I am, papa.”

Felonxi’s blue on blue eyes flashed wide, as his mouth dropped open slightly. Felonca stared back up towards him, and for a moment, there was no battle, no chaos exploding around them, only two sets of blue on blue eyes, staring, wondering...

You are still in combat! Felonca’s military mind shouted at her after a moment. The other prisoners need to be freed! That trap needs to be disabled, so your father won’t poison himself trying to free his men! The rest of her mind seized this as an excellent way to distract herself from the tumultuous feelings inside her, and she quickly set about her work with the ferocity of one attempting to avoid another task.

“Felonca?” she heard Felonxi’s voice ask quietly as she found the three fine wires, and cut each of them in succession.

“Yes papa?” she spoke over her shoulder, now furiously working at the lock. If he starts to yell about what I’ve done, I can make him stop by saying I’m busy, that there’s a battle going on. That’ll give me time...

Time for what?

To figure out something to say? An excuse? Should I need an excuse?
her mind bothered her as she tried to work. Moments after her fingers crackled open the lock to the building, she suddenly felt crushing pressure around her, the sensation of being lifted into the air. It took a few seconds before she heard the deep, rumbling of a panther purring, and realized her father had her in a vice-like hug.

“You are safe, my Felonca!” she heard him whisper quietly, wetness from his tears spreading across the back of her tunic. “There were rumors from the north, that the Academy had been destroyed, that you’d been killed by Master Hsiu, that...”

Felonca‘s first response was shock. The shouts of anger, the furious accusations of dishonor and shame, none came to her ears. Instead, the deep, rumbling purr continued, and she felt tears welling in her own eyes.

Papa doesn’t hate me! Papa doesn’t hate me! she shouted, even as her more practical mind tried to wrestle control back, to open the door, and free the prisoners. Gently, she pushed back, pulling away from the embrace. When she looked into her father’s eyes, she saw a train of emotions; confusion at her pulling away, a slight tinge of anger, followed by recognition, then a prideful smile.

“There is a battle,” Felonxi replied knowingly, “and you are an officer in command. I can tell,” he said, “you have a look about you, like my father once had.”

Felonca beamed at his understanding, and the look of pride that came from him. She let herself bask only mere moments in those looks, before her mind went back to business. “The doors were trapped. I couldn’t let you ram into it,” Felonca explained, before whipping the door open. Yet again, the interior was lined with prisoners, every one mangy and beaten. She turned back to her father, “I have a job to do right now.” I... I have too many things I would like to say, but there’s not enough time right now to say them...

“Let’s work together then,” he replied before grabbing the huge link that held the chains into the floor, then ripping it out. With a tug, the two of them quickly had unloosed the chains, and yet more prisoners were free. They all scrambled to their feet, before they all set eyes on Felonxi. Immediately they stopped their scrambling, and waited. Felonca was about to shout to them to move, to flee the camp, when she felt her father tapping her shoulder.

“The third building here houses the weapons and arms they took from us,” Felonxi said aloud, loud enough that the other prisoners heard. “They’ve held some of us for weeks, some of us for months! Now the tables have turned!” he cried. “To arms!”

“To arms!” the prisoners thundered back, as Felonca stood aghast.

“Father,” she changed her word of endearment to one that was more formal, “you can’t do this! You can’t...”

“Fight?” Felonxi finished her thought. “Why? Because I haven’t washed in six weeks? Because I’ve been fed on gruel for that time?” He shook his head, his teeth baring in a smile. “No, my daughter. I need to see what you can do first hand!”

For a second, Felonca looked up to the man twice her size, and a growl of protest formed in her gut. It drew out, deep and rumbling, her eyes gauging the same Wa-Feng stubbornness she’d seen her uncle display, though this time it was covered by a genial smile. Finally, she sputtered her reply.

“Alright! Fine! I’ll start getting rid of the traps on the third building!” she grunted, a thin grin forming on her lips. Her father had a reputation for numerous things... honor and discipline, both of which would have been useless without his famous skill with a blade. She had no doubt he could take care of himself... yet part of her still wished he’d followed the plan, and had sought shelter, instead of following her into the maw of battle...

Nayu couldn’t help but grin at the turn of events. She was so scared... and how the two are working side by side... Within those few minutes since father and daughter had embraced, Nayu had noticed an immediate, profound change in his friend.. even now she was helping him and the elder Wa-Feng hand out weapons and armor to the prisoners clustered around.

Finally, as they neared the bottom of the pile, Nayu felt his fingers begin to tingle. As more weapons were uncovered then handed to waiting hands, the tingling in the sorcerer’s hands grew. Someone has some magically touched weapons or armor, Nayu thought, his mind curious to see what arcane power had touched what weapon.

Near the bottom of the pile, Felonxi’s massive hands suddenly stopped. For a few seconds he groped about, until suddenly his huge paws caught something. With a yank, he pulled it free from the surrounding pile of steel, and Nayu fought to keep himself from gasping.

It was a blade... a longsword, and Nayu’s trader’s eye noticed the slight crosshatchings within the steel... the blade had undoubtedly been forged in Taisho, where all the best blades in the Celestial Empire arose. Its hilt was simple, covered in silver leaf, its pommel circular, a gilt relief of a roaring panther’s head blazing anger through twin ruby eyes on each side. The blade itself was dark, its steel made smoky through the addition of magic, blue character’s as brilliant as the sky etched along its length.

“Always Wa-Feng Clan,” they read.

“The family sword,” Felonca whispered, as her father held the blade at arms length, testing his own strength. Slowly, then with ever increasing ferocity, he twisted his wrist, slashing the blade, its whoosh seeming to give off a soft cry as it tore through the air.

“You need not worry, Felonca. My sword arm works just fine,” her father said casually, before handing her the blade. Nayu saw her heft the blade up, but hold it awkwardly...

Fans are her element, not blades, he thought as Felonxi dug through to the bottom of the pile again, and piece by piece, removed a set of lamellar armor whose steel plates were painted snow white, each with a tiny brass panther head.

The armor of a Shang Jiang... a full general, the highest rank one can earn in the Imperial army... Nayu recognized. Part of his mind then realized Ling would have been proud of him for recognizing such. Not the first lesson Nayu remembered from watching the old politician...

Felonca helped her father into the steel cage as quickly as she could, and soon father and daughter strode from the prison, facing towards the din of battle, oxen and terrified peasant levies running past them as they marched to war...

“We surrender! We surrender!”

Felonca growled towards the speaker, and a grunt of acceptance. Before her thirty more of the Langya peasant levies fell to their knees, performing kow tow before her in thanks. She tried to hide the sourness from her face, a move that evidently succeeded by the looks of hope she saw in the eyes of her new prisoners.

“Bei Yuan!” she heard her father bark to some of the last of the remaining ex-prisoners that trailed behind them, “take your two men, and march these people towards the edge of the camp!”

“That’s the last of your fellow prisoners,” Felonca said quietly as her father’s companions barked and snapped orders, forming up the surrendered warriors and marching them away from the noise and din of battle. Somewhere behind us are nearly a hundred and fifty others... all guarding captured peasants...

The advance after her father and his allies had joined her small force had been no less than devastating. From seemingly the midst of their own camp, the Langya forces had another formidable foe seem to arise from nowhere, cutting the gut from their defenses. Felonca’s reputation through the camp had spread... and when the poor drafted peasants saw two panther hengeyokai walking towards them, blades drawn and followed by a small army, the peasants surrendered en masse, a human wave of captives.

“I doubt we should have much more of a problem here,” her father said in reply. “I think the big issue up ahead will be avoiding the oxen running amok.” The panther’s eyes lit up slightly as he looked as his daughter. “Whose idea?”

“Mine,” Felonca replied rather sheepishly, as she watched the small group of captives and their guards march off into the depths of the night. The smell of smoke and charcoal filled the air, flames giving the camp around them an orange, otherworldly aura.

“It’s just mopping up left,” Liu said with a sigh of relief, walking forward. “The second in command is dead, the camp commander fled, you and your father are running amok...” The monk opened his mouth to say something more, but no words came to his mouth.

“Liu?” Felonca grumbled with a grin. “I do not run ‘amok,’ she started to tartly reply, until she turned and looked at Liu... and past him.

Like some apparition out of the smoky mists, two bright blue spots blazed, burned fierce and sharp. Her eyes just barely made out the same gnarled, shadowy form, the same slumped half stance, the same gaunt white tiger’s head, empty of soul, seemingly leeching life itself from its surroundings.

Liu’s eyes bulged, his voice came in a gasp, a hiss of barely escaping air. His body twisted unnaturally, attempting to wrench itself free from whatever arcane horror gripped its form. As she stood, rooted in shock, the monk’s body seemed to collapse; no, not just collapse, but break apart, breaking, ripping, shredding, till what lay on the ground was not even a pile of flesh, but a pile of dust.

Felonca’s horror stricken mind took precious moments to comprehend, to understand. LIU?! Those blazing blue eyes then switched to hers, and she felt the same presence in her mind yet again, pressing, pushing, feeling...

”They say you Wa-Fengs are a stubborn clan... I see that is true...” the same thin, rasping voice hissed in her mind. ”Perhaps, if you slay your own father, you will learn your lesson!” The eyes blazed bright again, as Felonca felt her mind being wrenched away from her control.

“NO!” she shouted aloud, echoing the cry of her mind, caught now in a frightening wrestling match. She felt something forcing her hands down to her warfans, and with all her mind’s strength, she fought back, fighting each finger till her hands had curled into fists, her claws biting into her own palms.

You will NOT take me! Not again! Felonca snarled.

”Young Wa-Feng... you cannot resist... you are far too weak! Oh!” the voice seemed to laugh in her mind, ”I see your uncle had repeatedly told you this!” The voice dropped to a conspiratory tone. ”He still believes it... as will your father! Kill him. Kill them both! You’ll be head of the clan then, and no one will question you!”

Felonca eyes were closed so tight, they hurt. You lie! Lies!

She could feel the burning of those blue eyes on her, she could almost see them through her closed eyelids, the power searing her mind as the powerful spellcaster probed her, questioned her, searching her memories and thoughts.

”Ah... there is something here you’re trying to hide from me... what is it?” the dark voice casually asked. She froze, realizing where her intruder was probing towards, and desperately she tried to parry the attack, drive him away from that fortress of hidden knowledge. She remembered Ling, and how he had discovered secrets about her friend...

”Your friend... Nayu...” the raspy voice purred, the scrape sounding like a rusty saw cutting a heartwood. ”You... think of him often...”

Stay out of my mind! Felonca’s body tensed, every ounce of her being fighting, pushing back.

”He is special to you...” the voice murmured with almost dull realization. The beast cared not for such things... save they could be weapons to be used...

Leave him alone! she snapped back.

”Ah... you are attracted to him...” She could almost see the smile on the creature’s face when it discovered this, the thing she’d been hiding. It made sense! The reason why she’d snapped when Nayu had asked long ago at Prince Hu’s sister. The reason why she’d fiercely guarded him for so long.

She’d never thought of things that way, she had only thought of him as a friend, a close companion, someone who had braved many dangers alongside her. Yet now, her mind wrapped itself around the thought, trying to decipher it, to understand it, instead of pushing back against the beast’s ever probing assault.

”And there is something more about him...” the creature spoke, almost shouted with excitement in her mind. Felonca froze, knowing for sure now what the creature was about to find, and knowing that her off-balance mind couldn’t recover in time...

Please, part of Felonca prayed as she struggled, gods of high, ancestors of old, keep Nayu’s secret safe!

Seemingly in the distance, she heard Nayu’s shout to her father, she heard Felonxi roar. Her mind registered him charging the creature, blade drawn, as Yari Ai seemed to call to call the gods with a distant, almost quiet fury. Their noises came drawn out, deep, as if the sands of time had slowed their fall.

Suddenly, the burden was gone, the voice fleeing her mind. She chased after it, feeling fear and urgency left in its wake. Her eyes flashed open, just as her father was about to swing down upon the creature...

Who just as suddenly disappeared, Felonxi’s blade catching only air and fireflies.

Nayu’s string of profanities would have normally caused even her to blanche, but her mind was focused more on what the creature had said to her as it tried to rummage through her thoughts, on the remains of her friend lying on ground before her, of Meiji, of the many things that had shaken her world that night.

“He teleported!” Nayu continued to rant. “He could be back in Langya now!” The sorcerer added a choice comment about the rakshasa, the beast’s family, and cattle in heat.

“Felonca?” The rogue felt a small hand on her shoulder, and she turned towards Yari Ai. For a second, Felonca started to let things loose, before instinctively, she bottled her feelings up again, hiding them. Put them away... they are of no use right now.

“Do you have an empty canteen?” Felonca asked quietly, feeling a single tear come down her cheek. More threatened to follow, but the hengeyokai’s will forced them back.

“Felonca? Are you alright?” Yari Ai repeated herself gently. “We’ve lost much tonight, your father is back, and after that... thing went after you again, you look as if you’ve seen a ghost...”

“Do...you...have...an...empty...canteen?” Felonca gritted her teeth, repeated the question slowly, anger rising to the fore, the hairs bristling on the back of her neck. Answer my damn question!

“Yes... why?” Yari Ai replied.

“Put...” Felonca stopped, and fought herself under control again. After a moment, she started her order again. “Put Liu into the canteen. We’ll see what can be done back at the camp.”

“Felonca, I don’t know if any of the healers will be...”

“Do it!” Felonca snapped. I don’t CARE if any of the healers here don’t know how to help him! You said there were people that could raise the dead! Dammit, we’re going to help him!

As if on cue, she heard the galloping of a great horse’s hooves on the packed earth, followed by a great shout from her father. When she turned, slowly, quietly, she watched as Dian leapt off of his great black steed and hugged his brother. Close to them, she could see Nayu was already flashing Dian a confused, depressed look.

Father doesn’t know about Meiji... she realized slowly. And neither does Meiji’s own father...


Oh yes, I was evil again. :] The Al’Chazar rakshasa (the camp commander) managed, in one session, to dominate Felonca, disintegrate Liu, then attempt to dominate Felonca again. To top this all off, before our valiant heroes could dispatch his evilness, the rakshasa teleported away, to locations unknown, leaving our heroes vexed and upset.

The final toll for this session was quite bloody. Nayu was knocked within inches of his life (4 hit points), as was Zhen Ren (or, as he was known in the session, ‘peon spellcaster number one’). Felonca lost her mind, then was knocked to half strength, Yari Ai and Chou were bth knocked to half strength, and both Liu and Meiji were killed.

Though they did rescue Felonca’s father... though Felonca has been too emotionally confused and mentally preoccupied to open up to him. Yet... As for the musings of Felonca’s mind, was it something real, or just a ploy by the rakshasa to try to throw off her defenses?

I know what it is... :)
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First Post
Emperor Valerian said:
“Do it!” Felonca snapped. I don’t CARE if any of the healers here don’t know how to help him! You said there were people that could raise the dead! Dammit, we’re going to help him!

Is Yari Ai already able to cast Raise Dead? Resurrection?
Are these spells normally available - if rare - or did you houserule them with some kind or restrictions?

I ask because it seems to me that most of the high-ranking movers and shakers would be rich enough to pay in advance for their own resurrection, which is kind of lame; also, the anti-emperor blade wouldn't be that much of a deal.

Few things ruin drama more than commercialized resurrection. It dwarfs the indulgences sold by the Roman Church in the past: an unchecked high level D&D cleric can sell you a way back from hell.

Yes, she had ressurection... Felonca didn't know for sure, and didn't want to waste the time finding out at that moment... there was a battle going on, and Yari Ai's spell would have taken too much time...

Though I run the ressurection spells differently. For NPCs, there's one ressurection free, and then after that, usually they get held in the afterlife (higher the level, the higher the chance some divine or demonic being will take interest in them and keep them from returning to the material plane).

For PCs, well, we'll just see how that one goes. heh heh heh :]

EDIT: Oh, and as for the anti-Emperor blade... no ressurection, no wish, nothing. Pokeity poke, and its game over... (it is an artifact, after all!)
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