• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Celestial Empire (Romance of the Three Kingdoms-ish, Updated 12/09/05)

Done. (Things like that are very easy to do when I'm avoiding schoolwork :D )

Its rather crude and large, so I'll just link to it. It goes up to where the party is after the most recent session (this weekend), and I'll warn you, it CONTAINS SPOILERS, though I've deliberately kept some of the incidents 'vague.' :)

It too doesn't have a legend so here it is.

1)All notes and lines in ORANGE denote the FIRST SESSION of gaming (perhaps two weeks game time)
2) All notes and lines in LIGHT BLUE denote the SECOND SESSION of gaming (perhaps four weeks game time)
3) All notes and lines in PINK denote the THIRD SESSION of gaming (perhaps three weeks game time)
4) All notes and lines in DARK BLUE denote the FOURTH SESSION of gaming (perhaps two weeks game time)
5) All notes and lines in DARK GREEN denote the FIFTH SESSION of gaming (three weeks game time)
6) All notes and lines in YELLOW denote the SIXTH SESSION of gaming (another three weeks)
7) All notes and lines in RED/BROWN denote the SEVENTH SESSION of gaming (about five weeks game time)

Here's the map link:
Link to the Map
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First Post
Wow, that is AMAZING. Much better than I even thought possible. Thanks alot :) I think that'll be real fun for people to read along with the stories and as a 'teaser'.

Question: What program did you use to make all that? Cause I'm royally impressed ;)

I just used PhotoShop... to do a good job, I'd really need something like PrintShop though. PhotoShop has stuff to make good maps... but not GOOD maps.

All I did really was draw the base map, then split things into layers... one layer for the mountains and rivers, one for borders, one for cities, and one for the name. To change the first map, I just zoomed in and added another layer for campaign information. By shifting which layers are "on top" you can make it so the borders overrun the lettering, or vice versa. Took me about a half hour to figure out... maybe an hour and a half to fiddle to make the first map, and 45 minutes to do the second (the longest part was looking up the events in previous sessions to remember what happened where).

I'm not really in the mood to write an update tonight, so instead I'm writing up a province list for the game players. Once we reach the appropriate point, I'll get the information up here as well.
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Next update... the first part didn’t truly happen “in game,” but I felt it needed to be added to give some of the dimensions of Cho’s character, such as his motivation for joining the group, and what makes him tick. He’s harder to characterize than the other PCs ‘cause he’s so far appeared in only one session...


A Town on the Edge

A day later

A twig snapped. Felonca immediately rocketed from her sleeping roll, her hands furtively snatching her warfans, her eyes looking about, wide and fearful. Another snap. Felonca followed the direction the noise came from, until she saw its cause.

Sheepishly, Cho looked down, putting the small twigs away. The monk’s hands quickly hid the small whittling knife as well.

“I apologize for waking you,” he said, pausing before he added, “Why are you so skittish, Wa-Feng Felonca, may I ask?” he asked, his voice a rolling tenor. “Have none of your traveling partners ever whittled as a means to pass their time on watch?”

“Nayu used to,” Felonca admitted, thinking back to their first night traveling, on their way to Xianlung to sell a few tomes of magic. “But that was months ago. It’s just that since... well...” She sat up, trying to find a way to explain herself, and what was going on in her mind. “I... we... me and Nayu and Liu... have been through a lot.” She paused again, trying to figure out what to say, before blurting “I... guess I never really thought I’d be helping someone search for their parents, or have undead chasing me. I was supposed to be a warrior, not a thief stumbling about the countryside...” Her voice drifted towards silence.

“But Nayu is my friend... that’s why I’m here. Even if I can’t be a soldier like my ancestors, at least I can do something here that’s right!” Felonca sighed. Despite that, Father is probably so ashamed of me right now, Felonca looked down, the smallest pebbles on the ground drawing her eyes. Cho had seemed just as patient as Liu, and just as kind, without the attempts at conversion. Why did you just blurt that out to him? He doesn’t care!

“Ah... I too wonder why I am doing this sometimes,” Cho said, and Felonca immediately gaped at him.

A monk? Not knowing why they are here, or what they are doing? Liu would never say something like that! That’s... that’s like Liu saying a scholar is right! As confusion ran through her mind, Cho gave a slight smile and leaned forward.

“But then I remember that for all the bad in the world, there is much good, and I try to protect it. That is why I am here, why I have my speed, my fists.” The reply was simple, sure, and filled with as much confidence and gravity as a lecture from a scholar or a prayer from Liu. “I need to keep myself honed, to fight for what is good... and most certainly trying to assure the reunion of a family is a good thing, is it not?”

“Of course,” Felonca gave a slight smile. Nayu finding his family is better than neither of us ever seeing our families again.

“And since I joined, I have more reasons to go. If this village is being harassed by a monster, it is my duty to help to try and free the people from such a danger. If a corrupt Imperial official threatens innocents, it is my job to help stop him.” Felonca could tell that even while all of Cho’s words were delivered with the same frank, blunt speech, the monks eyes were looking past her, to something different.

“So you’ve dedicated your entire life to helping others? No time or thoughts to yourself?” Felonca asked, disbelief on the edge of her tone of voice.

“Yes.” The same sure smile. “I am one part of many. You’ve likely heard Master Liu talk on and on about that, correct?” Now, a slight smirk.

“Yes! He rambles on and on about how according to Master Shenyang, we are all linked together; noble and common, warrior and farmer, even the foreign devils are linked to us in spirit, albeit dimly. It seems rather... broad, if I should say so.” Felonca stopped again, before speaking, trying to focus her thoughts. “Naive... especially considering what I’ve seen.”

“Well, taking into account that I happen to follow Master Shenyang’s teachings, and that I am one part of the many, if I can make the many better, I better myself, no?” Cho asked, picking up his twig again. “If I defend the many from those that would misuse, abuse, or destroy them, I defend myself, right?”

Felonca tried to follow his train of thought, and found it far easier than Liu’s convoluted theological blasts. She still doubted him, but it was very late, and she knew even when fully awake, philosophical arguments with religious personalities were not her forte.

“Why’d you choose this life... of dedicating yourself to helping others, as opposed to... well... doing your own thing?” she asked instead. You are extremely fast and strong... Master Hsiu likely would have loved to had you at the Academy instead of me...

“My parents were devotees of Master Shenyang, and The Way,” Cho replied, his eyes snapping back to the present. “I suppose some of it rubbed off. As for any other reasons why I do this... I suppose in my heart of hearts, helping others in need is the right thing to do.” The monk then shrugged, before chuckling lightly. “My mother was full of old cliches! One of them sticks with me even now!”

“What was it?” Felonca asked, sincerely curious.

Cho cleared his throat, and his voice changed to an impersonation of a creaking, aged crone, as he wagged his finger through the air. “My son, if you are pressed to make a choice, remember thus! Always do the right thing! Then, you will never look back with regrets!”

Always do the right thing... it sounds so simple... but it’s so hard... Felonca thought silently.

“I wish the world was that simple, Master Togashi,” Felonca sighed. “But as for now, I’m going to lay down again.”

She found she couldn’t sleep for a while, however, as her mind reflected over the simple phrase over and over again.

Gently, Nayu ran his hand through the thicker, longer strands of hair coming from his mustache, his fingers combing them until they looked perfectly in balance with the nascent beard slowly enveloping his face. As soon as his hand moved away, a small gust of wind caught the hairs alight, and soon blew them awry again.

So close... Nayu thought as he rocked back and forth on his horse. The young sorcerer stared into the mirror, and for a second, the youthful reflection changed; the smooth skin looked cragged and wrinkled with age, the brown eyes turned a sky blue, hard with age, while his black beard became streaked with gray.

So close to my father, yet so far...

“Aren’t we feeling vain today?” Felonca laughed, bringing her horse next to Nayu’s. Hurriedly, Nayu’s mirror disappeared into his saddlepack, his eyes averted from her, even as she pressed more. “You’ve been toying with that mirror quite often, young man! Once we reach Mafeng, should I ask your mother for some paint to properly make you a beauty? Or would that make your father...”

She suddenly stopped, recognition on her face.

“Yes... I grew it to look like him,” Nayu sighed, answering her unspoken question. “His is longer... his hair is long enough he needs to wear a queue, but in a few months, I’ll be close to his.” There was a tone of hopefulness in Nayu’s voice. I will see him again! he reminded himself.

“Good... I don’t know how to put queue’s into boy’s hair,” Felonca grinned again, happy that her friend wasn’t too morose, “so either your mom or dad’ll have to do it!”

Only a few hours later, Felonca began to smell the distinctive odors of many people living together... whiffs of baking, the smell of unwashed bodies, the wetness of straw. Only a few minutes later, the party rounded a bend in the road, and before them lay the small town of Mafeng.

It looked to be moderate sized... Nayu guessed that normally perhaps 1,500 people called the village home. However, it was plainly apparent that things were not as they should be in what should have been an idyllic little place. Most obviously, a hastily thrown up wooden palisade surrounded the entire village. Outside of the improvised walls were the remains of an abandoned camp... many tents still pitched, their cloth flapping in the breeze.

As they rode closer, it was also apparent that there were guards mounted on the palisade walls, and the closer they got, the more guards seemed to arrive. They did not look like professionals in any sense... most were armed with a mishmash of old weapons and haphazard bits of old armor. Finally, just as the wooden walls seemed to loom above them, one of the guards called down.

“Who goes there! Who are you! More trader scum bent on conning us?!” The man looked better armored than the rest... he had a boiled leather vest, a couple pieces of scale mail attached, along with an ancient great helm.

“I am Wakabayashi Nayu, these are my companions Wa-Feng Felonca, Liu Ganxi, and Togashi Cho,” Nayu called back. “We come here searching for my family! They were refugees from the village of Red Lotus! Prince Hu has stated the refugees have been sent here!”

The “well dressed” guard disappeared from the wall for a moment, and the party heard loud mumblings of a discussion. Finally, with a creak, the wooden doors opened, and the party cantered into the village. Even more quickly, the wooden doors were shut.

“Have you met the prince?” a different guardsmen said, wide-eyed as he held Nayu’s horse. “Is he sending hunters here to get rid of the beast and the councillor?” The sergeant immediately gave the young man a scowl.

“Don’t be bothering them just yet, Mao. Just got here and he’s already asking questions,” the man muttered. “I’m going to have to ask you to go talk to the prefect before you do anything else. He is the one that needs information about what happened in Mingzhong a few weeks ago, not corporal Li Mao.”

“Sir... I understand you’ve been having issues with a great beast of some kind. What exactly is this beast?” Felonca asked, before adding, “If you don’t mind explaining, of course.”

“It is a great creature, eyes as wide as a house, with fangs large enough to be made into a sword!” the one they called Li Mao exclaimed, before another soldier gave him a cuff.

“You’re talking drivel, you’ve never seen it!”

“But my brother’s cousin’s wife saw it! She told him everything!”

“Your cousin isn’t even married!”

”Yes he is!”

“Aha, that’s how that drivel began,” the sergeant replied. “Why do you ask? Did you see the beast yourself on the way here? They say the Puyin Road is the beast’s stalking grounds...”

“No... we saw nothing on the way here, save several travelers that told us to be careful,” Nayu replied. “Nonetheless, we’d like to know what it looks like, so we can be aware on our return trip.”

“Hmm...” the sergeant grunted. The man then looked sharply around the gathered gaggle of soldiers, before his eyes came to rest on one man. “Bai Ren, you explain! You saw it yourself, just a few weeks ago!”

There were a few sputterings from Li Mao about how Ren didn’t know what he was talking about before the sergeant cuffed him again with one hand and shoved another forward with his other. The one called Bai Ren looked to be middle aged, his hair going gray. He didn’t even have any armor, and his darkened hands spoke of someone who normally was a dyer, not a soldier.

“Well...um...you see, myself, my neighbor Li Su, and his son Li Sin went outside the city two weeks ago to get some wood, for the last parts of this wall,” he said, his voice starting to tremble. “We were making good progress, and had several pieces of lumber, when were heard some twigs snap, nothing big. Li Sin said he thought it might be a deer, since he’s part hengeyokai and whatnot and could smell it. So he said he’d go take a look, and we went back to cutting wood. I then looked up, to check on him, and that’s when I saw it.” The warrior stopped for a moment, his wide eyes a window into memories of terror.

“What did this thing look like?”

“I...it was like...a lion... save it was enormous! It’s haunches were as tall as a h...horse! And it was longer than a h...horse!”

“Dear gods,” Felonca whispered.

“It was eating two deer! It then raised its face and looked at us... its muzzle was covered in blood and gore, and it roared! It roared like the heavens themselves were crashing down upon us! So we ran, as fast as we could, me and Li Su!” Tears were coming to the dyers eyes as an the wound reopened in his mind.

“They never found the boy,” the sergeant interjected quietly. “His bones are probably out in those woods somewhere. Probably out by that damned councillor’s abode.”

“Excuse me?” Nayu’s interest increased immensely at the remark. The beast lives by the Imperial Councillor? Most odd... Suspicions began to arise.

“That... thing has been spotted often close to where the new Imperial Councillor has taken up residence! The beast started stalking only days after he arrived! He has brought great evil on us, and brought Heaven’s displeasure!” Li Mao spat.

“And the beastly man demands hostages to keep our prefect’s loyalty! He’s even gone so far as to demand refugees from the north as hostages as well!” Bai Ren jumped in, his horrible memories now being replaced by anger as well.

“He’s demanded refugees as hostages!? Which refugees!?” Nayu was immediately in the midst of the soldiers, only inches from their faces. His voice bordered on panic, his eyes danced between them in desperation.

“Only one couple. The woman was short and slightly stalky, with an iron gray set of hair and this small necklace of blue stones around her neck.... the man was tall and thin... as a matter of fact he looked a great deal like you...”

Felonca could immediately tell by the look of horror on Nayu’s face.

Those are his parents!

There was only a second’s worth of shock, before Nayu stalked back to his horse, and mounted. There was no more shock, just a grim look of determination and anger. Before the soldiers could grab his reins, he was already starting to canter towards the gate.

“Nayu, wait!” Felonca called, running over to her own horse. He’s going to get himself killed! A flurry of footsteps told her that Cho and Liu were running jsut behind her. In the chaos, one of the soldiers managed to grab Nayu’s reins finally, holding his horse in place.

“Sir, its too dangerous! The beast will surely kill you!” the soldier yelled, as Nayu tugged at the reins, trying to pull them loose.

“Nayu!” Felonca reined up in front of him, blocking his path. “If you go out there alone, you’ll be killed! This beast was bad enough that the town militia couldn’t hurt it, what makes you think you can take it on by yourself!” Please think before you leap out and get yourself ruined! You’re the only friend I’ve had in years!

“Let go of the horse. Move, Felonca.” The voice was even, deadpan, but Nayu’s eyes were wild with a deep, powerful fury that threatened to explode forth any second.

“Sir, I am afraid I cannot do that. You will go out and get yourself hurt,” the soldier said simply, even as he flinched away from the seething anger that was Nayu on horseback. A hand touched the soldier’s shoulder, and gently urged him aside.

“At the very least, if you’re going to run amok, young man,” Cho gently took the reins, “you can let us go with you!”

“Yeah... and you know I’m good at that fighting thing!” Felonca smirked, before turning towards the soldiers. She remembered many things from the military academy, but at that moment, none were as useful as remembering morning parade drill, and the words of Master Hsiu himself.

“Move you lazy rabbits! Open the damn gate NOW! We’ve got some villagers to free,” she barked, before looking at Nayu.

And two parents to save!


There's nothing quite so nice as getting back to the PC after a few days without access and finding TWO updates of one of my favourite story hours :) .

Excellent stuff, as always, Emperor V.

Now, if you could just get another couple of updates done by .... Ooh how does Monday sound? ;)

The Party Goes Hunting, Only to Become the Hunted

“Bah! Damn brambles!”

Felonca frowned as Nayu complained again, leaves shaking as he pulled himself out of a bush. Quiet... we need QUIET, she groaned, thankful that the noise lasted only a few moments.

Now, back to the task at hand. Her long, low panther form slinked along the forest floor, perfectly at home, her senses finely attuned to tracking... To hunting! she gleefully reminded herself. Carefully, she silently padded deeper into the wood, her eyes keenly looking for disturbed ground, her nostrils flaring, seeking any hint of an unnatural animal.

“Anything yet, Felonca?” Liu whispered as the monk noiselessly slipped behind her. Felonca looked up, and shook her head. For all its advantages in speed, stealth, and even occasionally weaponry, her true form wouldn’t allow her the luxury of speech. She then flicked her tail, and went back to her search. A few minutes later, her keen eyes spotted something.

Hmm... that’s right odd. The leaves look out of place over there. Quickly but silently she bounded over towards the disturbed ground, a bevy of smells filling her nose as she neared. Humans were here... as well as...

She couldn’t quite place the smell. In many ways, it smelled just like a big cat... the dank smell of fur, the slight stench of a marking somewhere nearby. However, she smelled two other things in the air. Firstly, she smelled something like burnt brimstone... which was odd, there were no burn marks anywhere nearby. Secondly, she smelled blood.

What is this? She gently pushed aside some of the leaves with her muzzle, revealing a footprint. A few more leaves removed revealed more footprints, covering a wide area. They all appeared old... more than a few days, perhaps even a week or two. One of the footprint sets was deep, and went into the woods.

One man ran into the woods... away from something.

Another two sets of human footprints, also deeply set into the ground, trailed off towards Mafeng. But it was the final set of footprints that ended the puzzle for her, and chilled her blood.

Deeply imbedded in the dirt were enormous paw prints, each print easily over two feet long.

A really REALLY massive cat was here... she shuddered. That’s all I need to know. She then closed her eyes, and shifted towards her hybrid form, allowing her to speak.

“Big cat... when I say big, I mean enormous,” she spoke, looking at the others. “Looks like the monster chased someone into the woods.” A clawed hand then scratched her head as she stood up. “I think if we follow these tracks, we might find its lair... or even it. I don’t know for sure.”

“Mistress Tracker, lead the way,” Cho motioned, and Felonca resumed her hunt.

Felonca and the party ventured deeper and deeper into the woods, as Felonca alternately lost and regained the trail of the panicked person and the huge beast stalking him. All of her senses were focused, her mind concentrated, shutting out other parts of the world as she concentrated on sight and smell, the constant singing and chirping of the forest birds covering her sense of hearing.

Suddenly, she heard a twig snap. Instinctively, she sensed no twigs were under her paws, and a quick, sharp glance behind her showed that none of her companions had committed the faux pax. She listened intently, but heard nothing as the three men began to whisper among themselves.

“I didn’t do that!” Nayu hissed, with Liu and Cho adding their own quiet protestations of innocence.

Felonca was about to growl an angry reply to their argument when a collective shriek thundered through the air. Felonca’s hybrid hands jumped to her warfans, while she saw Nayu and Liu both give perceptive jumps. The screaming, shrieking din continued, as Felonca finally detected which direction it was coming from. Above.

The sky, already blotted out intermittently by the trees towering above, was a sea of movement. Hundreds of shapes flew overhead, as the fowl of the forest took to flight, screaming in warning as they did so.

“Gods...” Nayu muttered as the squawking and squealing finally began to diminish.

Felonca watched the birds leave as well, before looking back at the party. One cat knew the tactics of another, and out there, in the forest, she could sense its presence... slinking, softly padding, listening, watching.

“We’re being stalked,” she whispered. “Keep your eyes open, and your ears listening. The beast’s tracking us.”

Why don’t you reveal yourself? Cho thought grumpily several hours later. It was nearing late afternoon, and within three or four hours, night would fall. Cho sickened in realization that that was the reason the beast had been content to manifest itself so far as only the occasional cracking of twigs, or Felonca’s persistent smelling of “big cat,” and “blood.”

A night attack... Cho shuddered slightly at the thought. I and Felonca can stay awake the night, but neither Master Liu nor Nayu can do the same! And if we do stay up all night, and it attacks just before dawn when we are worn and tired...

“I see something!” Felonca hissed suddenly, her arm up, calling for the party to halt. Silence hung thick in the air as everyone searched around with their eyes. After a few seconds, Felonca padded forward, forcing everyone else to fall behind.

“What is it?” Cho heard Nayu ask yet again. The young sorcerer was always insistent to know what was going on, at all times. A good characteristic the monk granted. For the time being, however, it seemed to only annoy Felonca.

Felonca gestured again as she slinked forward, and for the first time Cho could see it as well.

Shenyang on high...

At first, it looked to be the arm of someone that was hiding beneath of pile of leaves... until one noticed that said arm was caked in dried blood. Quickly, Felonca dug at the leaves, as her face twisted in horror the more she uncovered.

“Dear ancestors protect us,” she muttered, her blue eyes wide.

It was the decayed body of a young man, his mouth still opened in a scream beyond the grave. His form was discolored, his eyes and soft tissue long gone, but his desecrated skin was still caked with the dark brown of dried blood. Just as she was halfway done uncovering his form, Felonca stopped moving leaves.

“What killed him? Nothing here explains the blood...” Cho asked, until Felonca crawled away from the corpse, coughing, nearly retching. The monk walked forward and looked at what she uncovered, and felt his own bile rising.

Just bellow the belly-button, the boy’s body ended in a sudden bevy of torn flesh and shattered entrails.

“He was bitten in half,” Cho whispered, before uttering a few prayers for the deceased.

“You okay?” Nayu asked gently.

“Fine enough,” Felonca choked out, keeping her eyes averted from the maggot filled horror. This thing doesn’t hunt to eat... it hunts for sport! she realized, her stomach sinking. Any wild cat would have consumed the body of Li Sin – that is who it clearly was, from the soldier’s description of the missing boy – within even a day of the kill. The fact that half his body still laid here had many more implications than simply malicious play.

A marker maybe? That this thing doesn’t want its territory infringed on? Well... too late for that...

The air was still thick with the smell of old blood, and as Liu performed consecration rites over the mutilated body, Felonca’s nose began to follow the scent. Leaning close to the ground, she saw small splotches of dark brown on twigs, leading away from the body.

Her huntress mind came back, grateful that there was a puzzle to solve to push the image of the dead boy from her mind. Carefully, she slipped forward, slowly following the trail as she heard the slight rustle of the others following in behind.

Another snap echoed through the quiet forest, and the party knew better than to start questions each other as to who made the noise. They knew they were being stalked.

“This... is creepy as hell,” Nayu said quietly, as he looked about.

The trail of old blood Felonca followed ended here... in a small clearing, little more than a parting amidst the leaves of the great trees. It was not the rustle of this cloud of leaves that had caused Nayu’s comment... it was what was far closer to ground level.

A huge patch of grass in the midst of the small clearing was not thick and green, as it should be in mid summer... rather it was squashed flat, brown and very dead. Obviously, something immense had rested on the grass for a long time or repeatedly, killing it. As if that didn’t confirm the party’s suspicions that this was the lair of the great cat beast, the piles of dried bones and skulls laying about did.

“I saw something!” Liu suddenly shouted, grabbing Nayu’s shoulder and roughly spinning him around. As the monk’s finger wildly gesticulated at a bush, Nayu squinted, but only saw green leaves lazily dancing in a slight breeze.

“Whatever it was, it knows we’re here now, for sure” Felonca hissed sourly, giving the monk a look of death.

“I swear! I saw something! Something large and white!”

“Which merely means it’s getting closer,” Nayu said, his mind already flashing through relevant spells at his disposal. Protection, protection, then firepower he sighed mentally. “I think it means to ambush us.”

“That would never do.” Cho’s voice seemed perfectly calm and even... a state that Nayu was envious of. “We need to be the ambushers, not the ambushees, if we want to have a chance with this creature. It’s far larger than us, and clearly more powerful.”

“It also has either maliciousness or intelligence higher than a normal animal,” Felonca added. “The only half-eaten body showed that.”

“We need some bait... someone that looks helpless,” Nayu thought aloud. “Liu, we need your ability to heal, so you are out, and Felonca, it will probably recognize you as unusual, and perhaps dangerous... so,” Nayu swallowed, hard, “I think I should be the bait.” Mage Armor, Shield... and a few well placed fireballs, hopefully... I should be fine...

“But you are a master spellcaster, are you not?” Cho offered. “That is at least what Master Liu says. If that is so, you should be in hiding also. I shall be the bait.”

Are you nuts!? part of Cho’s brain screamed at him. That... THING is easily larger than a horse, capable of biting a man in half, yet you VOLUNTEER to be the bait to lure it out!?

Cho could see the same look of confusion on Nayu’s face... the look asking why. Cho sighed, and steeled his heart.

“I must. You are here to find your parents. If we fail, I can hold the beast off so you can flee, and find them.” If I die so the many are better, I am making myself better, one of his master’s mantras entered his head. One look at his face told the others he’d grimly set his course, and nothing would change it.

Felonca felt the bark of the tree rasp slightly under her claws as she clambered higher and higher, her midnight black panther body pressed close against the tallest tree next to the clearing.

The plan was rather simple. Nayu and Liu hid in some bushes at the near edge of the clearing from where Liu had seen the white shape... Felonca had reasoned that the beast would circle around, in an effort to attack them from behind. Cho meanwhile ran about the middle of the clearing, making an excellent attempt at sounding hysterical.

Carefully, Felonca clambered out onto one of the larger boughs than hung over the clearing belong, slinking closer till she felt she was in a good pouncing position.

Ah... a fellow tree climber! You will make interesting prey! a voice purred. Felonca looked around, perplexed, before she realized it came from within her head.

It can speak?! she panicked, clambering down from the tree in a hurry. This thing is even smarter than I thought!

It was only a few seconds later when Cho saw his bane. The ground shook lightly as the immense beast, easily as long as two horses, padded towards him. It did bear a passing resemblance to a lion, save all its fur was a snow white in color, and its eyes burned with a fiery red glaze of hunger, and hate. Even though Cho was not hengeyokai, the smell of burning brimstone assaulted his nose.

“W...Why do you hunt?” Cho asked, steeling himself. Unconsciously, the warriors body slipped into a defensive pose. “Why are you killing innocents?” If it is as intelligent as they say, it might reveal how it came to be here...

The beast slowed its approach, and slowly started to circle the monk, its eyes boring in directly on his own. A tongue shot from between the snow white lips, blood red and forked, licking its chops.

I like to play with human things, it chuckled, before it pounced.

One second, the creature seemed slow, even languid in its movements, as it lazily circled around Cho, sizing him up. From the way Cho’s face suddenly looked confused, Felonca realized it was speaking in his mind too.

The next second, it was all speed, a blur, as if an immense coiled spring had shot forth, lashing out. A roar that seemed to shake the trees to their roots thundered through the woods as the creature pounced on Cho with its immense weight, its claws tearing at the young man, his blood curdling screams grating Felonca’s ears.

CHO! She felt herself shifting, back towards hybrid. Even as her paws slid into nascent fingers, she clawed at her belt, and pulled forth the old gift from Master Quan-Shi, left outside her inn door so long ago.

I hope you will find this necklace useful she remembered, feeling the icy pearls run under her hands. With a tear, she bit off the largest of the snowy blue-white baubles, and hefted at the rear of the beast as its claws continued to tear at her comrade. A bright flash blinded her eyes for a moment, and the beast left forth a roar that was clearly of pain. Its posterior now covered in icicles, the beast spinning to find its attacker.

Nayu stood there, fear running through his veins as easily as blood.

What the hell happened? the sorcerer thought, fearfully. He’d concentrated, focused, bringing forth seemingly all the magical power within his body, and focusing it within one small, tiny white bead... a bead that should have given birth to a fireball, ranged perfectly to strike Cho’s attacker but leave the monk alone.

Instead, the bead, as it passed within inches of the great beast’s body, seeemd to sparkle, then fizzle.

My magic is useless? Nayu thought, confused, only now realizing that he was standing in the open, and had been since he’d released his ill fated spell. He stood there, dumbfounded, as Liu charged out of the bushes with a yell, swinging left and right to drive the beast from his fellow templar.

When the beast turned and an immense paw caught Liu in the chest, Nayu suddenly was yanked back into the present. Quickly, shakily the words for another spell ran through his mind. Qing, a dju-go... Cho leapt up, bloody and torn, only to charge the beast headlong. Mai-op chen...

“SUNG!” Nayu snarled, extending his hand in a familiar manner. The same crackling, billowing tongue of flame that had helped him so many times before lashed forth, speeding away towards its target...

...the trees just above the beast’s head, which burst into a riot of flame.

“DAMMIT!” Nayu swore, digging down and calling forth more magic...

Felonca’s world was a mere blur, as she spun about, her warfans extended in a graceful dance of death. She stopped her spin, intent on going momentarily on the defensive to gauge her situation, and the blur came into focus, just as a massive paw caught her just above her belly button, and sent her sprawling. Roaring, thunderous roaring melded with screams and shouts in her ears as she flipped back to her feet, feeling the blood running down her stomach.

The beast’s immense eyes were boring in directly on her, as it slowly padded forward, its eyes belying malicious glee at the toughness of its new toys. In the fiery reflection of those orbs, she could see Cho and Liu bracketing her, their forms also torn and bloodied. Behind the beast, still standing, was Nayu, noiselessly mouthing more words of power.

“Bastard!” Felonca snarled at the seeming glee coming from the creature, despite the icy frost covering its tail and behind, the bruises undoubtedly growing under its snowy fur, and the slices around its sides and haunches where blood had seeped through the thick pelt to drip on the ground below. Defiantly, Felonca snapped into her oldest defensive posture, the Flying Dragon, both of her warfans extended towards the beast.

Her eyes momentarily found Nayu’s, and for a split second, a silent conversation took place. The next moment, she let loose a blood-curdling yell, charging forward as fast as she could go. On each side, she heard Cho and Liu issue death cries as well, all lurching forward towards the beast, just as it happened.

Later, Nayu would tell them he wasn’t initially sure if his spell would work, considering what’d happened the two previous times. But this moment, the long, spitting tongues of flame that erupted from his fingers blasted deep into the massive creature’s rear, turning its snow white fur black, and sending the smell of burnt flesh high into the heavens. The beast suddenly turned to face this new threat, as the three other party members slammed into its flank, hacking, punching and clawing.

Blood now flowed quite freely over the snowy fur, as the beast suddenly snapped around. For a second, Felonca was sure that its maw would find her and bite her in half, but the immense turn continued as she saw for just a moment those haughty eyes now looking fearful. The beast instead began to charge into the woods, fleeing from a fight it now knew it could not win.

“Get him!” Felonca snarled, shifting her momentum to charge after the creature. The bastard will otherwise just heal and then come back! Kill him now!

She heard footsteps, and Liu shouting, but then a blur passed by her, as Cho dashed after the beast.

The ancestors are with me! I am one of the blessed! I have in my mind the power to control my surroundings! I will catch you! Cho ran through the mantras, his body screaming and complaining as his legs pistoned him after the great beast. After the immense blasts of energy had scalded its back legs, it was far slower... while Cho’s faith was keeping him as fast as normal.

The moment when Cho took the air, the world felt... peaceful, even as he drew his fist back. Even as the white furs on the massive beast’s back came into individual view as he fell. Even as his fist went forward, and he felt and heard a sickening crack as the beast’s neck was shattered, and its fleeing form tumbled to the ground...

With an uncharacteristic flip to the side, Cho landed on the ground. Despite his torn stomach, his aching side, the pain throughout his body, he felt alive... and he realized the mantra was true.

When you save others, you save yourself.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The creature featured in this update was a bezekira, or “hellcat” as seen in the Monster Manual. Isida was kind enough to bring her ambient music CDs, of which I played the creepiest songs during the “hunt” for this beast. That, coupled with the fact the players never saw the creature for a good half hour before the fight, really... really creeped them out. I think it was probably one of the most fun encounters we’ve played so far.
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Well, the next update took a little longer than expected, but that just means that there'll be two posts tonight instead of one. :)

The Imperial Councillor... and Parents Found

“Is it safe to have you in the lead?” Nayu gently teased, “I mean... there could be a skeleton only ten feet in front of you, and you might walk into it!” Felonca frowned, the midday sun highlighting her furrowed brow. She gave a snort, as the party set out along the small trail she found only moments earlier.

Of course he’d have to bring that up, she growled. After the party had felled the great white lion, they’d spent a bit of time skinning it. Realizing it was too late to advance on the Councillor’s home that night, they’d decided to make camp in the great beast’s home, hoping other animals would assume the massive monster was still alive and not disturb them.

Boy, were we wrong on that account, Felonca grumbled, her eyes checking their surroundings, attempting to give her brain something to do to help ignore their teasing.

“What happened last night was a fluke... we felines under most normal situations have excellent sight, smell and hearing!” she replied haughtily. “Besides, if I remember correctly, who was the one able to consistently harm the creature after it made its presence known?” That’s right... all of you floppily-doppilies who couldn’t hit a sandstone wall if it was two inches in front of you owe me!

“The boneclaw,” Cho corrected her, a grin on his own face. “It was a boneclaw. A lone boneclaw.”

“Yeah, it definitely made its presence known! You were quite busy whittling away at a stick when it sliced you up... then you realized there was something wrong and woke us up. Standard procedure would have those actions reversed, my pretty kitty,” Nayu smirked, and Felonca’s face grew more sour.

“How was I supposed to know that thing’s claws reached thirty feet like that, Mister I-Like-To-Set-Fire-To-Trees-Instead-Of-Monsters?” she replied. So I was busy trying to make a little wooden statue of Nixu... it was supposed to be Nayu, but I messed up the face, then it was supposed to be Liu, but I got the arms wrong!

“Cho, I believe one of your mother’s cliches fits in at this moment,” the normally dour Liu grinned.

“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger?” his companion monk offered.

“Nope... the other one,” Liu replied.

“Expect the unexpected?”

“No, not that one, the other one.”

“Always be prepared?”

“Yes, that’s the one.”

“Just shuddup about it already!” Felonca moaned. So I was distracted one night, and my superior senses failed me! She then made the decision she was going to ignore whatever they said for the next hour, as she knew the snickering would continue. I made up for it, I killed it singlehandedly almost!

“I think we’d better drop the topic, otherwise our blind and deaf friend here might slice our heads off,” Nayu chuckled. Felonca turned to snap at him, till she realized the veiled compliment... as well as the fearful nervousness dancing in the sorcerer’s eyes.

That’s why his comments are so biting, she realized. He’s nervous about his family... and trying to find a way to laugh it off. Her retort died on her tongue as she gave a sigh. We’re all scared... and laughing is a good way to get over fear...

“Rawr, I’ll do it too!” she shot back, grinning herself. Relax... there’s enough fighting ahead. “Yeah, yeah, get your laughs in, its not everyday the hengeyokai doesn’t do well acting as the eyes, ears and nose for the rest of you!”

“You had better believe I will,” Nayu happily whispered, “its not everyday my blind eyes spot trouble while waking up before you do when you’re awake!”

The quiet teasing lasted only a few more minutes, before the party found itself too caught up in watching the surrounding forest, looking for signs of more boneclaws, or even the Imperial Councillor himself. The soldiers had described someone that was human, but the party was not willing to take any chances... especially if the Councillor was affiliated with that gigantic lion.

Around midday, the party found that the trail led to a small clearing. On the far side sat a small, recently constructed home, the flowers and other plants outside it well maintained, as if it had residents. Cutting between the party and home, however, was a babbling brook, perhaps five feet wide. A single wooden bridge crossed the brook on a small pathway that led to the home.

After some misgivings from Nayu about crossing the bridge (which Felonca now teased him for), the party crossed, and drew close to the house...

“Well, that’s an imperial seal of some kind,” Cho grunted, motioning to the writing in Court Tongue on the large wooden door. “I think we’ve found the home of the Councillor.” The monk carefully examined along the door, before he felt hands shoving him aside. With a little shock, he turned to see Nayu feverishly attempting to try the door, pushing and shoving.

“I think if we let our thief friend here,” Liu started to calmly advise, before Nayu lowered his shoulder, and rammed into the door.

Which flew wide open.

Immediately what seemed to be a cloud of dust flew out from the inside. Felonca’s nostrils filled with the smell of dankness, as well as the faint smell of the earth and death. No surprise, she thought, considering what else we’ve seen inhabiting this wood. I’m sure the Councillor keeps all sorts of lovely company...

“Does anyone have some kind of light?” Nayu asked, as he peered into the pitch black darkness of the house. It was apparent that something inside was covering all of the windows, blocking any light from coming in. Cho quickly fetched a torch from his pack, and lit it.

And the sight caused most everyone to recoil in horror.

All throughout the single room home were webs... hundreds of thousands of webs, thickly covering and hanging from the ceiling, the walls, even the fireplace. Hanging from the rafters were two massive blobs of netted webbing, and as the open door brought a gentle draft into the building, the blobs turned, revealing skeletal arms coming from their midst.

Giant cocoons?! Massive webs?! Nayu’s mind thought, in a panic. Webs come from spiders, and spiders put their prey in cocoons to eat... Immediately the sorcerer’s eyes were fearfully looking along the walls, and to the ceiling above, feverishly checking for any sign of movement.

Kenzi... climb up the wall and check above the rafters. If there are any spiders, get back down as fast as you can so I can flush them out! Nayu whispered mentally. He felt two pairs of legs clamber from his pack, up his back, onto his shoulder before a slight shove revealed the lizard leaping onto the wall, clambering up the side.

“Um... Nayu! Your pet is climbing up into the spider’s nest!” Felonca called worriedly, running over to try to grab the lizard before he could climb too high. Her jumps came up short, as Kenzi clambered beyond sight.

Nayu closed his eyes, and suddenly found a different sight flooding in where there was once darkness. He saw darkness still, but saw no movement, no shapes.... only dust gently wafting in the small draft now circulating the house.

Thank you, Kenzi Nayu mentally thanked his friend, and with a scramble the lizard clambered back down and hopped onto Nayu’s shoulder. With a look of horror in his eyes at his surroundings, Nayu then proceeded to examine the skeletons hanging from their webbed cocoon. Once cut open, it was obvious they were not the remains of adults, but children. The sorcerer gave a grunt... partly of relief, partly in fear of what other entombed souls this house of horrors might contain.

“Um... that lizard has some guts,” Cho said quietly, watching in awe as the chameleon clambered down into Nayu’s pack. If that little thing went up there and disturbed the webs, and came back down free, there’s likely nothing up there...

The monk’s thoughts were interrupted by a moan, and for a second, Cho second-guessed his own logic. He looked about the room of horror, searching for where the noise was coming from. Finally, in a darkened yet unchecked corner, Cho found two cocoons laying on the ground. One emitted a soft, muffled moaning sound, while the other was still and silent.

“Nayu! Quickly!” Cho called, and within seconds the sorcerer was by his side.

“A dagger! Now! I need a dagger!” Nayu shouted in a panic. With one hand he insistently waved for something sharp, with the other, he tried desperately to tear at the cocoon making the noise. One of my parents! was all that ran through his desperate mind.

A split second later, he felt the coldness of a hilt in his hand, and feverishly he cut the sticky sinews holding whatever was making the noise imprisoned. As the webbing snapped away, the cocoon shook as its contents thrashed about wildly, and Nayu’s hands shook as the moans and noises became more distinct... a voice he’d heard most of his seventeen years in the world.


After what seemed an eternity, another sinew was sliced open, and the cocoon shuddered and unraveled, releasing a blast of foul air as it broke open. Inside, covered in jelly-like goo, was an older woman, her midnight black hair infested with streaks of gray, her eyes closed tight as she cried out in sheer terror, her hands clasped around some small object.


“Mom!” Nayu grabbed the woman, and pulled her from her horrible prison. Quickly he slid her to the side. Dad’s in the other one! Without pause, the terrified young man leapt to work on the next cocoon, working with the fury of someone both terrified and determined.

“You cannot have it! No!” Nayu’s mother whimpered again, her eyes squeezed shut, her arms wrapped viciously around something as Felonca rushed forward and put her arms around the woman.

“Madame Wakabayashi, things are okay. Your son is here, we are friends!” Felonca called into the woman’s ear, trying to calm her down. My god... what did he do to them? Felonca’s own mind asked, unable to wrap fully around the horrors that must have happened.

“No...” the woman called, shuddering, her cries falling to whispers.

“Shhh...” Felonca kept rocking, the movement simultaneously keeping her mind from the terrible place they were in, or the horrific prospect of the Councillor’s return. “It’s okay, Madame Wakabayashi. You’re safe.”

Liu was quickly by Felonca’s side, and gently placed a hand on the woman’s forehead. He closed his eyes, and a few whispered words of concentration later, he looked at Felonca.

“She is healthy... though greatly afraid. Madame,” he turned back to Nayu’s mother, “I am Liu Ganxi, a follower of the great monk Ashoka Shenyang. You are safe, by the blood of myself and my brethern...”

It was then that Felonca heard the shriek, and turned to see Nayu’s terror struck form peering into the second cocoon.


Before Nayu’s horrified eyes lay the body of a man. His form was tall, and exceedingly thin, his skin drawn taut over his bones, as if the muscle he’d carried in life had been sucked out of him. Thick, sticky goo that smelled caustic covered his body, and seemed to bubble from two enormous holes in the midst of his chest. Stuck tight to his deathly pale form was a long, iron gray beard, trailing from the remains of a face that once bore an exactly resemblance to his sons...

“NO! PAPA!” Nayu cried, reaching in to grab the figure, even as the slime burned his hands. With a great heave, the body tumbled out of its webbed tomb, and onto the floor. “Papa!” The seventeen year old that had grown immensely, that had become a man during his search ceased to exist. In his place, a frightened son leaned over his dead father, tears streaming down his face.

Nayu shook the body futilely, ignoring the pain in his hands as he did so. If I shake him, he’ll wake! He’ll wake! the child in him cried, even as two pairs of hands grabbed his shoulders, pulling him back from the body.

Nayu didn’t hear Liu say the body was covered in some kind of acid, or see the monk head towards the body. Instead he fell to the side, his vision blurred from the tears. He barely heard Felonca’s voice calling to him, and hardly felt her encircling embrace, as a numb feeling of horror covered his entire body, his voice softly calling for a soul long lost.

It seemed like hours went by, before he was able to muster the ability to speak, and even then, only one word came from his lips.


Nayu looked down, to see two people holding him tight. One looked up at him with blue eyes, filled with dismay and sympathy. The other peered up at his height from under a crop of black hair streaked with gray, her eyes filled with both resignation, and determination.

“I’m... I’m sorry Nayu,” Felonca said quietly, before releasing her comforting hug. Her eyes then flickered for a moment to his mother, before she bowed slightly, and backed away.

“Mama,” Nayu whispered, leaning down to kissing the forehead underneath those black and gray locks. “I’m sorry mama... I came as fast as I could! I did... if I’d known sooner, mama, I could have...”

“Ssshh...” the woman’s voice cracked slightly with her age. For the first time, Nayu noticed the cracks and wrinkles in her face had grown deeper, as if in the space of two months she’d aged ten years. “My son... I am just so glad to know you’re safe!” For several moments, mother and son were merely content with each other’s company, years of conversation being exchanged through simple tears and hugs.

Once safely in her son’s arms, Nayu’s mother broke down yet again, muttering through her tears about the burning of Red Lotus, the creature killing his father, and repeated, about a box...

Felonca watched the scene numbly, feeling a sense of loss despite having met Nayu’s family for only a few hours after the burning prefect was defeated. Images came to her mind of Nayu, the entire way to Mafeng, trimming his beard perfect, checking it each day, so one day he’d look like the man he admired most.

The man now laying on the floor, the now neutralized poison surrounding him as Liu uttered a few prayers over the body.

Felonca felt a tear coming to her cheek, and let herself sniffle. Even as the tear fell, though, her brow wrinkled in confusion, as the sniffle brought in a whiff of something strange. A smell of incense and earth, of perfume and dust and personhood. She frowned, smelling deeply this time, to be rewarded with the scent yet again.

For a second, she was confused, until she looked about the house... alongside the thick dusty webs were perfumes that a scholar would wear to show off his status, and her mind quickly put things together.

“Quickly!” she was immediately rushing Nayu and his mother outside, “He’s coming!”

“Who?” Nayu asked weakly, his eyes red from the past half hour’s tears.

“The Councillor! He’s coming back! I can smell him, he’s upwind!” she gesticulated wildly.

“Why go outside? Wouldn’t it be safer to wait...” Liu started to say, before the monk looked and Nayu and stopped in mid-sentence.

The young man’s red eyes seemed to radiate an unearthly fury, as his jaws clenched so tight that Felonca thought she heard his teeth grating. With a final squeeze to his stills sniffling mother, Nayu turned, and strode towards the door, terrible purpose in his walk...

Come here, you bastard! Nayu fumed as he stepped into the sunlight. The Councillor had torn a large part of his heart away... and for a tearful half hour, there had been nothing to replace the missing piece of his family.

Now there was.

“Get my mother and father out here, and get them to a safe place!” Nayu barked, his eyes looking up the road ahead. Nothing yet. “Felonca, can you smell him?” he asked as Liu and Cho moved the dead man’s body as well as his mother to behind the house, and admonished the elderly woman that should things go wrong, to flee.

Nayu watched his friend’s nostrils flare, and then give a decisive nod yes.

“Good,” the young sorcerer replied grimly. Already, he could feel the magic in his veins boiling, his rage, sorrow, and fear multiplying its powers. Within his chest there was no longer a placid sea of magic, lying passively to be tapped, but a raging tempest, frothing, rising to the surface of his body.

He glanced to his left, where Liu and Cho were both coming around the house, calling for him to take an ambush position.

“Watch my mother!” Nayu replied grimly, waving them off. Help her!

“But Nayu, if this man is truly this powerful, or this evil, I should...” Cho started, before Nayu glared at him, a hot, fiery heat burning behind his eyes.

“Go, Cho.” Some part of Nayu’s conscious heard his voice, and how different it was from normal. This voice was as unbending as steel, and sharp as a sword. It had its desired effect, as the monk backed away, and disappeared behind the house.

The straining creak of a bowstring drew Nayu’s attention to his other side, where Felonca was already drawing, taking careful note of the wind, and her bow’s aim.

“Felonca, go join them,” Nayu demanded, feeling the magic now thundering just beneath the surface of his skin, the feeling coming from his fingers that small wisps of it seemed to be escaping. This is my fight, my friend! I want to kill this Councillor with my own hands for what he’s done!

For just a second, those blue cat-like eyes stared back at him with intensity, before a soft, sarcastic laugh came from her lips.

“Screw you, Nayu!” she snarled, before looking up the road as the object of her anger came into view. Casually, and foully, she told exactly where she was going to place her first arrow. Instead of angering him, her defiance caused Nayu to give a harsh smile, more baring his teeth than grinning. The magical reservoir within his body was now seething with power...

When the Councillor did appear on the hill before his home, his silken robes drapping his tall frame over 200 feet away, it was Felonca who loosed the first destruction at him. Just as she’d calmly spoke, her arrow slashed through the air, slamming into him in an area all men fear being struck in.

Even before his howl of pain could rise from his lips, Nayu released the dam holding back his magical energy. All of his anger, his pain, his fear, his hatred, sprung from his hand in the form of a tiny bead of pure white, which rocketed through the air almost as quickly as Felonca’s arrow.

The ground shook as a massive explosion enveloped the Councillor and the surrounding forest, setting trees afire and animals to flight. Nayu gave a bleak smile at the ghostly white shockwave that rumbled towards them, bringing the cruuump of the blast with it as it washed past the two friends.

Somehow, someway, the Councillor still stood in the midst of the blacked destruction, his form teetering about in the smoky shroud of the surrounding flames. Nayu heard Felonca give a grunt of displeasure, and within a moment, her bow was loaded again. Another snap let loose another arrow, this one also flying true.

Before any word came from the Councillor’s mouth, the arrow struck between his eyes, snapping his head back as his dead body crumpled to the ground, its human disguise falling away...

The Imperial Councillor was an aranea, who had a few levels of sorcerer and ventured about most of the time in human form. He was intended as the BBEG of the session, but Felonca sniffed him out (she said she was going to smell, I made her roll a D20 to see how well she sniffed the air, and she got a 20... so she smelled him.), and then Nayu and Felonca did obscenely well on their spot checks to see him in the distance. Nayu rolled near max damage on his fireball, while Felonca then proceeded to crit on her second arrow hit... the Councillor had taken well over 50 points damage in the first round, so on principle, I had him do a fort save against being stunned (I know I would be after having 90% of my HP taken away in the space of 6 seconds), and he failed, miserably. Oh well. :) Just meant the session got to go through additional ground that would otherwise appeared in the following session.

Ancestry Revealed

“An aranea...” Felonca said quietly as the party looked at the burnt, spidery body that now covered the road. “How could one have come into Imperial service, or masqueraded as if it was in Imperial service?”

“I don’t give a damn,” Nayu spat, kicking the dead body one last time. Its form was almost unrecognizable due to the damage Nayu had inflicted with his morningstar post-mortem. Nayu then let loose a string of profanities directed at the Dowager Empress, the young Emperor, and her brother the Prince of Shu.

“I... I think I need to talk to you, my son,” Nayu’s mother Su said quietly. It had taken her another hour to finally calm down to a point of numb observation. “Your... father... had something he...he wanted me to tell you... before that... beast...” she stammered, before Nayu was at her side.

“Yes, mama?” he said quietly.

“May... may we speak in private?” she asked, her voice loud enough that it carried to Nayu’s comrades.

Felonca, Cho and Liu immediately understood, with Felonca immediately drafting the other two into helping her loot the Councillor’s home of, “anything nonevil we can get some cash from!”

When they were gone, Su pulled from her sleeve a small wooden box, its top and sides carved with simple beauty.

That box sat on the shelf by father’s side of the bed! Nayu remembered, the sight of the object immediately bringing back memories of happier times in the warmth of a home. His home.

“Your f...father,” she started to break down, but managed to control herself, “he...he wanted you to have this.” She held out the box, and Nayu reverently took it from her hands. He gave her a slight bow, which provoked a slight, sad smile on her face.

“Your father did that, whenever I gave him a gift,” she said sadly. At Nayu’s responding look of depression, she gently urged him on. “Open it... look inside.”

Nayu carefully opened the box that’d never been opened in his sight before, and too his surprise, found the inside lined with red velvet. Sitting in the middle, atop the velvet, was a large ivory seal, its top an intricate miniature of a palace, four ivory pagodas rising in each corner an inch above its base. In the center, as the roof of the largest, round pagoda, was a beautiful rounded ruby, ground perfectly smooth.

What is this?! How did father get something this... this...

Nayu flipped the seal over, and on its underside, found writing in the Court Tongue, the language of the Imperial Court within the Jade Palace. He’d only seen such writing twice before in his life, both times when a scholar for the Imperial family stopped briefly in Red Lotus on their way north.

“This... this has Court writing on it!” Nayu hissed. Did father steal it? Did a noble sell it to father for something? What? “How... Where?”

“My son... I have to take the place of your father. On your eighteenth birthday, he meant to tell you the following... the secret of the Wakabayashi family.” She gave a sigh. “I must caution you, that you keep this secret closely guarded, especially in these dark times. Your father and I were taken in because this secret became known to that Councillor.”

Nayu nodded numbly, alternately staring at his mother and the priceless seal in his hands.

“Many years ago, when the Emperor Xuandi ruled from the Jade City, his eldest son, Prince Huang, fell in love with a follower of Shenyang, a commoner named Diao Xi. When he married her despite his father’s disapproval, his brothers engineered his birthright to be stripped from him, and the Prince to be banished to the north... Heaven was displeased, the nation almost fell into civil war until Huang’s brothers had him killed...”

“What does that have to do with father?” Nayu asked numbly.

“They did not kill him before Diao Xi became pregnant with his son. Diao Xi hid away, becoming a widow and farmer in the town of Red Lotus,” Su began, as Nayu’s face dawned in slow recognition. “Her son lived long, and sired only one son... who also lived long, siring one son... you,” Su replied simply, before looking at the ground. “By all rights, Prince Huang should have become Emperor after his father, and the eldest of his sons after him. Your grandfather was Huang’s only son, and your father was your grandfather’s only son.”

And I am an only son... Nayu thought, his brain trying to wrap around the new information, before it hit him like a tidal wave.

“That’s... that’s why the Imperial Councillor killed father.” Nayu looked down at the seal, the sunlight reflecting brilliantly off of the ruby on its top.

“This seal is the seal of Prince Huang, whom many regarded as Huangdi, Emperor of Ak Konylu. And by Heaven’s will and intents...”

Nayu nodded grimly in understanding. Su sighed again, before looking to her son.

“Your father, like his father before him, chose not to assert any claim, instead living peacefully and quietly, content to provide for his family. The family claim,” she gently clasped her son’s hands around the seal, “is now yours, Nayu. Yours to guard, and to pass on to your children, until Heaven’s Will manifests itself, and the time is right for the claim to be made public.”

“Nayu, you look worn out,” Cho observed as the sorcerer almost stumbled into the small house. “Are you all right?” The monk set down the vase he’d been instructed to examine, until Nayu waved him off.

“I’m fine, really.”

“What’d your mother have to say, and did she give you that box she was clutching so tight?” Felonca asked, dumping a vase out, causing a clatter as hundreds of silver taels rattled across the ground.

“Yes, she gave me my father’s last gift,” Nayu replied numbly.

“Well, what is it?” Felonca hopped up, the looting of coins having put her in a far better mood. When Nayu didn’t respond immediately, she crossed her arms. “C’mon! There are quite a few curious people here!”

“It was something very personal, Felonca,” Nayu replied, sounding immensely tired.

“Oh,” her face went down, detecting the slight admonishment. “Well, its good you have whatever it was then.” She started pushing the silver taels into Nayu’s magical bag, before she suddenly stopped.

“If you really don’t want me to know, I won’t snoop,” she added softly, prompting Nayu to give a real smile for the first time since they’d arrived in the house of horrors.

“I know... I trust you, my friend.” He then leaned down, and scooped up some of the coins. “It looks like you could use some help there... I can be some additional hands if you like.”

“Hmm, I think I’m rubbing off,” she smirked, giving him a pat on the shoulder before pointing him towards a corner where a few walking sticks were stacked. They looked beautiful and elegant, intricately carved. “I need to know if those are magical, and if they are, tell Liu so he can check if their evil. Then, I need you to take a look at...”

drag n fly

First Post
The above session was one of my personal favorites. Not only was stalking (and being stalked) by the creepy white kitty great fun, the whole Councillor bit was hilarious! After finding Nayu's father dead (tear), the guy who did it strolls up the road whistling, thinking what joy hes going to have drinking Nayu's mother dry, when WHAP BOOOM WHAP! Two arrows and a fireball later he's smoked spider-meat without even knowing what hit him. That whole battle lasted maybe 10 seconds (as long as it took us to roll). Best defeat of baddie ever!

Voidrunner's Codex

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