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The Chronicle of Burne, and Some Others of Lesser Importance *Updated May 17th, 2009*


HalfOrc HalfBiscuit said:
Every update in this story has at least one line that's an absolute classic.
I was proud of that one...

On another note, is anyone reading interested in hearing more about the world in which our heroes, and I use that term inappropriately, are adventuring? Before the database died, someone asked if there was a CITY website or wiki, and the answer is sadly, no, not yet.

In fact, there wasn't much in the way of player handouts for CITY. One reason for the long, talky, detail-laden in-character emails was to familiarize players with the setting. All exposition is better as dialogue, or so a friend kept telling me in college. Oddly, the same friend who co-created CITY...

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Interlude: Ship of Fools Part VII. The Confession of Joachim Driftwood

<Late afternoon, due east of Grand Base Island, 3 days from port at Narayan:CITY.>

Throughout the day Joachim's slurred, frantic, muttering is heard throughout the ship; from aft to stern, hold to crows nest. "I must tell her! Consorting with demons! Could it be an infernal affair? Damn the family honor! And their souls... ah the flames! The madman saw! And what of our love? And why the f--k does she want to help the man who got me pressed? Could she really be related?"

It's accompanied by hushed yet plainly audible whispers of the crew and refugees. "Will they marry? What of the soul-transference ritual? Will she do it? Will it work? Just what did the baker see?"

Even Captain Revi's voice is heard: "Will I be court-martialed? It's hard to say."

Delphine asks the crew to leave Joachim be. "He'll talk when he's ready. And that better be soon."

Late in the day, Joachim Driftwood, acolyte of Kruetzel, and sous chef at the Narayan Arms Hotel, stands at the prow and begins to speak.

"I'm tired of all the talking behind my back." He turns to glare at those who begin to gather round, in particular Rackhir, Dr. Wu, and Mallus Lovesworn.

"Technically it was talking all around you; above, below, front and...." Mallus observes.

"Shut your dirty mouth, Erisian, or I'll shut it for you," Joachim raises his holy rolling-pin shaped mace. "And get me a drink!"

Mallus is silent for a moment. "I didn't think you had the scones," he says, slowly passing his own flask to the angry young priest.

The Lady Delphine St. Sous pushes through the small crowd of rough sailors and the nuns sworn to pleasure them, wrapping Joachim in a fierce embrace. "Just tell me...umm...us, the truth."

Next to Mallus, Sister Inferior Eva Longinus practically squeals with delight. Her hips begin to sway as she makes obscene guestures with her delicate hands. She incants.

"There's no need for your spell. I'll speak loud and clear." says Joachim.

Eva stops moving. The sailors behind her let out an audible sigh. "Spoilsport." she says.

Joachim ignores her and takes a long drink from the flask. By now, the entire crew has gathered round.

With a surprisingly loud and commanding, if not exactly sober voice, Joachim tells his story.

"I was preparing a feast for honored guests, in the basement kitchens of Delphine father's estate. Her father may not like me, but he loves my tarts".

"And you love his," remarks Sister Eva. Joachim shoots his fellow cleric a murderous look.

"I was making traditional Narayan fare: curried snails, vindaloo cordon bleu, crepes-paneer...."

"If he doesn't get to the point soon, I'm going to start masturbating", says Sister Eva out of growing boredom.

"If there's anything I can do to help," begins Mallus.

"...when I heard a sound coming from above. It was Sabot. I could tell by his shoes. Fancy, bad fitting things the Lady St. Sous gave him as a joke. He was stumbling along toward a big black carriage with two noblemen at his sides. I'd seen them before around the estate. Friends of Delphine's father. I think they're art dealers. Always talking about art, especially from Ajakhan....

"So I figure they've gotten poor Sabot, who can't walk straight in those f-----g shoes to help carry some priceless vase or something. The carriage door flies open, and Sabot goes in. One man goes in after him, the one with the funny jeweled walking stick. The other stands outside, pacing. He must have a dozen bottles of wine under his cloak from the racket he made. Probably from old Pavur's own cellars.

"Then everything gets real quiet, and the whole inside of the carriage goes red for a minute, like I was looking through blood. When it cleared I saw her face through the carriage. A demon, from one of the Hells."

"She's going to damn my beloved's family."

"And instead of telling them, I ran away to help the greengrocer and feed some halfwit foreigners."

Joachim gets down on one knee by virtue of falling. "So, Magnaeta Delphine Laxsmhi St. Sous," he fumbles for the ring he doesn't have, and instead offers his holy symbol, "Will you marry me?"

There is a brief moment of stunned silence throughout the ship, broken only by the sound of NE7 singing a gentle chromatic melody to his dog. It's surprising that the madman has such a sense of pitch. The song sounds alien to the Ajakani ears, but after a moment Burne recognizes it as a children's song...what were the words again? Something about a lazy mouse who refuses to get out of bed...although it isn't explicitly stated in the lyrics, he seems to remember that the mouse is too lazy to even run away from a cat, who promptly eats him.

Frowning slightly, Burne throws a puzzled look at the madman. Even more puzzled than usual. "Omen? Or insight?" he wonders aloud.

<Joachim Driftwood and Delphine Laxshmi St. Sous were married at sunset in a small ceremony attended by strangers, sailors, and ecclesiastical harlots.>
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First Post
Mallus said:
I was proud of that one...

On another note, is anyone reading interested in hearing more about the world in which our heroes, and I use that term inappropriately, are adventuring? Before the database died, someone asked if there was a CITY website or wiki, and the answer is sadly, no, not yet.

In fact, there wasn't much in the way of player handouts for CITY. One reason for the long, talky, detail-laden in-character emails was to familiarize players with the setting. All exposition is better as dialogue, or so a friend kept telling me in college. Oddly, the same friend who co-created CITY...

Hell, man, I'd love to see that. It's a great setting, and there are a lot of details that made it so great. "St. Gorge" indeed....

Gold Roger

First Post
It's a great setting and I always love to see how other DMs go about things, so yeah, I'd be interested.

Great update as well, those, uh, priestesses are funny :p


Gold Roger said:
Great update as well, those, uh, priestesses are funny :p

And damn friendly too ;)

My PC (Mr "not in the face!") thinks they're wonderful and would probably have joined the faith. If he wasn't a godless, cynical bastard, that is. I think you'll like him a lot when he shows up. Rackhir especially does.


Interlude: Religion in CITY

(In lieu of a story update, some setting information. Geography, anthropology and urban studies to follow...)

“All politics are metaphysical” –attributed to Count Tyrabidus Marphan, just prior to his initial death, Late Imperial Period, Gate Builder Era.

As above, so below. As within, so without. There’s a sucker born every minute. These are spiritual truths for the ages. Unfortunately our present task is to catalogue the Gods known in CITY. A job not unlike counting the grains of sand on a particularly unpleasant beach, just after a Dread Tide, in the rain. Their origin is a mystery, if you’re lucky. A source of bloody, public contention if you’re not. So once more onto that beach, dear would-be-theologians, and let us count the grains. And pray they do not curse us with impotence, higher taxes, or an undue burden of faith.
--preface to The CITY Book of the Dead, revised edition, University of Narayan Press, 250 Monopolis Standard Year.

The Common, Accepted CITY pantheon (excluding Hannikum:CITY): major deities

  • Aja Opal Blossom, goddess of lovers. Formerly a geisha from the Empire of the Three Pillars of Heaven (the Empire is commonly referred to as ‘Ajakhan’ --the land of Aja-- which also means ‘land of the coyly submissive’ in the primary Imperial dialect) . Said to have won divinity from Erebus as a part of a divorce settlement from him. One of the patron gods of Narayan:CITY.
  • -St. Tarte, the Saint of Shamelessness in the Temple of Aja.

  • Belli Rex Legis, god of lawyers. One of the patron gods of Narayan:CITY. Also patron of the Honorable Order of the Barristers, an order of lawyer-knights.
  • Bigby Ghosthands (also Bigby Handsfree), god of valor, battle and hopeless causes. Said to have been maimed by Erebus after repeatedly challenging Him to one-on-one combat . Later granted divinity and a pair ghostly prosthetic hands by Erebus out of pity.
  • Dhalberg (also The Dreamer out of Time), the god of boredom, madness and outer space. Said to rule an Outermost Plane called “Pasadena, California”.
  • Kruetzel (the Ever-Rising), god of cooking, home, and hearth. One of the patron gods of Narayan:CITY.
  • The Maestro de Grappe, god of swashbucklers, wit, and manliness. Said to have won divinity from Erebus in a duel. Patron god of Gallina:CITY.
  • Malec Pearlhammer, god of simple machines and craftsmen, particularly jewelers. Said to be ‘all sizes at once’. Inventor of the cigar lighter.
  • Mr. Spidergod, god of money, merchants, contracts, free trade. He appears as a giant golden spider, with the so-called “Eight Perfect Jewels of Heaven” for eyes. His creed is referred to as the “Eightfold Profitable Path”.
  • Mr. Three-Legs, god of virility. Said to be both ‘the father of the Giants” and “formerly a Giant”. Legends say the Grand Chasm between the Lassantees Wastes and the Plains of Gallina was dug by his penis dragging along the ground as he walked up and down upon the earth looking for a wife.
  • Nadanya (also Nanya, Nonny Fancypants), god who dwells on Mt. Parvishta. Nominally the god of civilization and culture. Legends say Nadanya gave the gift of pants to the Yeti, thus civilizing them. Nadanya is often depicted as a large, handsome Yeti smoking a cigarette, wearing a brocade vest and pantaloons.
  • Narsisco (the Saint of Self), the un-god. Teaches followers to worship ‘the god within us all’. His church charges exorbitant fees for their so-called ’12 Station Program’ to personal deification.
  • Oroborous, serpent god of the Great Canal; also god of the underworld.
  • Pentamoor, goddess of vengeance and storms; also piracy.
  • Shialla, the goddess of those her serve unseen; also goddess of darkness and caves.
  • The Smoldering Whore of Ur-Imbra, goddess of abandoning and the abandoned. Destroyer of Ur-Imbra, and by extension the Lassantees Empire. Depicted as either a tall woman in desert garb with black pits for eyes, or as a column of fire descending from the sun.
  • Tophaceous Pairolairo (the Saint of Sinners), god of gamblers, thieves and scoundrels. Said to have won divinity from Erebus in a game of cards.

The Common, Accepted CITY pantheon (excluding Hannikum:CITY): minor deities

  • Dicastor, god of metalworking and sadness.
  • Ezramundius (The King of Emperors), chief god in the cult of deified emperors in Eris:CITY.
  • The Leeres and Pinyates, small household gods that originated in Eris:CITY. Leeres are short, red, impish creatures who peer in open windows looking for disrobing ladies. Pinyates are roughly dog-sized and said to break open and scatter minor miracles when hung up and beaten repeatably with sticks.
  • Mercruxiphus, the winged death-sentence, old Imperial god of justice. Patron of Eris:CITY.
  • The Misery Cults (including Mewl, Mournfallow, and The Sower of Men), an almost extinct set of mystery religions of a uniformly pessimistic nature. Dicastor is sometimes considered one of them.
  • Mr. Pau Pau, the Saint of Alleyways. Depicted as a faintly luminous cat, often asleep in a flowerbed. Said to able to forgive all sins.

The Infallible Revelation of the Hannikum Monotheon:

  • God (also Al ha’Kum, “The Only One”), the Creator of All, the Most Mighty, the Most Merciful, etc. Only the Priest-King of the Hannikum Church worships Him directly. The rest of the faithful pray to Him indirectly through an array of venerated saints.

  • Mr. Cradle-Casket, saint of death and duty.
  • Mr. Featherbones, saint of martyrs and missionaries. Often depicted as a Shirac.
  • Mr. Skinflower, saint of fertility (female).
  • Mr. Jaguar, saint of war, strength, prowess. Said to live in the sun.
  • Mr. Onyx, saint of divinely sanctioned murder. Said to be ‘black as the last night of the world, and made of knives.
  • Mr. Redlips, saint of blood and healing. Patron of the Order of the Bloody Hospitaliers.
  • Mr. Skull Monkey, saint of chance and fate, said to embody the unknowable nature of God. Often depicted as a skeletal Hannu.

The Gods of the Barbarians:

  • Tiki-Ishii, fire god of the scattered Polyneecheean (Ping Island) tribes. Formerly a volcano.
  • The Voice of Thunder,The Wolf With Many Jaws, The Smoke Bear, etc., Aspects of the One God worshipped by the far-flung barbarian tribes outside of CITY.
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