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'The Clearing' Battle Log - Mass Melee

  • Thread starter Jaya Ballard Balla'th
  • Start date

Jaya Ballard Balla'th

(( First off, MUCH MUCH MUCH Thanks you WizO Simon for getting this log for us and editting out the non-patron content! You are Da MAN! Everyone thank him! ))

(( Sooo.. Thanriyon, Sekir, Trelack, Draco, and Company Vs. Rune, Dontella, Jaya, Rajak, and Company. Two hours of battle Goodness! ))

sekir {enters}
trelack {enters}
kyra {enters}
sekir {action} comes out of the Tavern, running and spots Rune and Than, calling a spell.
thanriyon {action} draws forth his Two-Handed sword, a purplish faerie fire dancing around the blade, he stares at those present warily
trelack {action} follows after Sekir..
sekir {action} reaches into a pouch, drawing forth a glittering red powder.
meat_market {enters}
thanriyon {action} . o O ( I aint all that sure who's friend and foe here.... )
kyra {action} slips in.

meat_market {action} rushes in from the doorway, slightly bigger
kyra {public msg} Ai'ight Kender.. who's done what?
meat_market {action} screeches a high pitch scream

thanriyon {action} 's sword says "Damnit Half-breed, I was having a lovely dream"
meat_market {action} rushes at Trelack...
rune {public msg} Talking sword? How quaint.
sekir {action} draws some kind of lines before him...
meat_market {action} leaps upwards at the tiefling

thanriyon {public msg} Quaint..nay, annoying, aye
trelack {action} flicks his hands, a bastard sword appearing in the right, long sword in the left..
rune {action} takes a step forward, disappearing, like a drifting shadow.
meat_market {action} crashes into Trelack...heh
sekir {action} throws the powder toward Rune.
jaya {enters}
jaya {action} eases out of the treeline.
trelack {action} tries his best to position the swords between himself and meat market, heh..
thanriyon {action} 's sword suddenly growls "It's one of them! Strike him down! Death to all who follow the Lord of Entropy!"
thanriyon {public msg} Well, at least I now know yer fer real..

meat_market {action} screeches as it's claws scrap across the metal blades, being deflected
meat_market {action} lands back on all fours like a cat
trelack {action} bares his teeth and growls..
meat_market {action} bares it own maw of teeth like a shark's mouth

thanriyon {action} closes his eyes, raising the blade in the air. and begins to circle around the clearing, trusting on the sword to find it's sworn foes
meat_market {action} turns around and runs away into the forest
thanriyon {action} . o O ( Lets hope he likes Kender! )
sekir {action} concentrates on his spell, impervious to the surrounding.
rune {action} comes back into view behind Sekir his shadow-step finished as he seems to slow, some of his tattoo's glowing softly, before he speeds up horrendously, as his leg snaps out with a ferocious kick at the kender.
thanriyon {action} whispers the words to a Truestrike spell..

meat_market {action} crawls up along a tree

trelack {action} keeps his ground, watching meat market..
meat_market {action} screeches at Trelack from it high vantage view
thanriyon {action} completes the spell, then turns and hurls the sword through the air at Rune.
meat_market {action} hops out of the tree and rushes over to Thanriyon...
jaya {action} gives Rune a languid look.. and darts from the edge of the clearing towards Thanriyon as the sword flies.
trelack {action} mutter to himself and jumps to the right, swinging the longsword at the thing lunging at him..
sekir {action} is thrown off balance, as Rune's feet connects with the magic shield around him, a shower of blue sparks exploding as Rune hits the shield.
kyra {action} slips out..
sekir {public msg} What the...?
kyra {enters}
andion_isurand {enters}
thanriyon {action} can only manage 30 yards with the sword throwing btw -)
sekir {action} whirls around, looking for Rune...

rune {action} staggers back as the two-handed sword impales him through the gut, causing him to stagger backwards with a growl.
meat_market {action} gets slashed at by Trelack with a scream almost child like...'s blood squirting out
kyra {leaves}
cradedarkshadow {enters}
meat_market {action} turns away, rolling against the dirt

freya_tilmitt {enters}
jaya {action} 's stiletto comes to hand.. making a thrust to drive it into the small of Than's back.
sekir {action} casts Magic Missiles at Rune, thinking of some other spell that would be handy.

trelack {action} lunges towards meat market, attempting to thrust the bastard sword through it's torso..

meat_market {action} hops to it feet, it's right hind leg dragging behind and then gets pierced thru by a sword...
thanriyon {action} stretches his hand out towards the sword and calls it back.. is hit by the stilletto, his stoneskin blocking any serious damage, and the Mantles around him sparking out at Jaya with an electrical burst. The suddeness of the blow makes him stagger forward however..
rune {action} tattoo's glow oddly as he is struck by the magic missiles.
meat_market {action} screeches in pain at Trelack and then suddenly slumps dead on his blade
freya_tilmitt {leaves}
sekir {action} . o O ( Those tattoos... )
jaya {action} staggers in the opposite direction as the burst connects, reeling with a growl.

freya_tilmitt {enters}
thanriyon {action} 's sword screeches "Idiot! Strike again! Again I say!"
sekir {action} casts Greater Dispelling on Rune.

meat_market {action} 's eyes suddenly snaps open and bites into the blade of the sword..

thanriyon {action} staggers forward, turning to see who has struck him

rune {action} the gaping whole through him churns, as the tattoo's twist and writhe, digging deep into his skin, before lifting away entirely and swarming towards the casting kender.
trelack {action} blinks and tries to push the thing off his blade with his foot
jaya {action} regains his balance, flashing Thanriyon a toothy grin as he turns, "Hi."
meat_market {action} gets pushed off...
sekir {public msg} Uh oh...
sekir {action} steps backward, quickly.
meat_market {action} falls on it backside like a turtlet...struggling to get to it footing
sekir {action} . o O ( Think... think. )
thanriyon {action} readies his sword with an unnatural speed. At the same time he assumes his true form (( see description ))

trelack {action} mutters to himself.
sekir {action} casts Blink upon himself.
meat_market {action} 's life blood slowly oozes out of it's stomach as it eyes Trelack

trelack {action} eyes meat market, holding his stance.

thanriyon {action} 's eyes flash a fiery red as he gazes upon Jaya.

jaya {action} tilts his head, giving his fingers a waggle.. and drops, literally dissolving into Shadowstuff as he Shadow Steps.
rune {action} tattoo's calm and return to their natural state as he straightens, the whole in his gut repaired, as even his clothes and cape seem to be as new.
trelack {action} shakes his hands and the swords disappear..
meat_market {action} uses one claw to in a drastic attempt to move over to Sekir's direction
sekir {action} . o O ( Gotta get rid of those tattoos... )
freya_tilmitt {action} walks in and leans agaits the wall hand on her paladine medallion
trelack {action} reaches down and draws a dagger out of his boot.

meat_market {action} moves closer to Sekir...
sekir {action} keeps blinking from one place to the other.
meat_market {action} blinks as Sekir blinks away
meat_market {action} screeches..
thanriyon {action} raises his sword, and utters a short phrase, 12 identical copies forming in the air around him.. " Protect me, the Kender, and the Tiefling "
thanriyon {action} 's phantom swords move to surround Sekir, Trelack, and himself, four each
trelack {action} lunges at meat market and attempts to impale it with the dagger..
meat_market {action} gets impaled

sekir {action} growls...

sekir {action} . o O ( Stupid... I don't... hmph! )
meat_market {action} screeches a death rattle cry and then slumps down
meat_market {action} turns into a puddle of ooze...
thanriyon {action} 's four swords dart around, searching..
rune {action} crackes his knuckles as he survey's the scene.
dontella {enters}
cradedarkshadow {enters}
trelack {action} mutters again and drops the dagger on the ground.
thanriyon {public msg} Trel, Sekir, the swords will do thy bidding, command them as ye see fit
Wtrelack {action} nods to Than.
sekir {action} . o O ( Riddance. )

meat_market {leaves}
rune {action} begins weaving his hands in somatic gestures as he begins casting, speaking on tongues.

sekir {action} commands the sword to strike at Rune.
trelack {action} shakes his hands again, swords reappearing..

saereth {enters}
dontella {action} appears in front of Rune, deflecting Sekir's sword with her Rapier.
saereth {action} steps out of the shadows
jaya {action} phases back into his proper Plane a pair of steps on Than's left, his mask over his face.. making a try at lunging with two quick strokes for the rips.
jaya {action} then the ribs. >.<
saereth {action} surviews the battle field
sekir {action} then casts a spell, raising his hands to the sky, calling up a dense fog upon Dontella and Rune.
thanriyon {action} 's swords move quickly to parry the blows and counter attack.

trelack {action} directs his swords (Than's) towards jaya..
thanriyon {action} Whips at Jaya with his tail.
freya_tilmitt {action} growls at dontella
saereth {action} cackles for a moment and points to Trelack's area and invokes an incantation...
dontella {action} turns a ring on her hand.. then dances back a moment.
rune {action} walks forward a few simple steps to bypass Dontella as he continues casting, before raising up his foot as he finishes and stomping it heavily on the ground towards Sekir, causing the ground to shake and the earth to split.
saereth {action} shoots out a small fiery bead....

trelack {action} grumbles..
saereth {action} watches as the bead explodes upon impact on the ground near Trelack, a sphere of flames errupting

dontella {action} steps back into the fray... in a dance.. rapier flashing out to easily counter the swords..
jaya {action} darts back, parrying Than's circling blades and hopping back to avoid the tail... catching three heavy slashes from Tre's blades by doing so.

sekir {action} losing his balance and falls to his knees, then... blink
trelack {action} rises slightly off the ground.. then gets engulfed in flame..

rune {action} tattoo's glow brightly as the dense fog, simple seems to dissipate, almost seeming to be drawn in towards them.
freya_tilmitt {action} hisses at dontella and trys to taunt her to fight her
thanriyon {action} raises his hand and utters an incantation - shooting five Mordenkainen's Improved Missiles at Jaya
sekir {action} reappears in between Rune and Trelack.

saereth {action} points over to Freya and invokes the same incantation as before
thanriyon {action} . o O ( This one is dangerous.. )
saereth {action} 's finger conjures a bead of fire and shoots it out at Freya...
trelack {action} swings, his bastard sword, as it draws in the fire around Trelack, protecting him..

jaya {action} staggers, catching himself with one hand.. and gets halfway up before being knocked clean off his feet by the Missiles.
sekir {action} throws a ball of sulfur and bat guano toward Rune, chanting a spell... the ball growing into a flaming sphere, growing.
trelack {action} - a comma..

sekir {action} glances around...
sekir {public msg} Trel!

dontella {action} Spins, aiming a kick at Sekir's knee.
trelack {action} sends his set of Than's swords after Saereth..
saereth {action} 's bead of fire explodes into a similair sphere of flames around Freya
thanriyon {action} commands his four phantom blades to strike at Jaya, whilst he searches for the source of the spell that was hurled at Trelack

rune {action} begins casting himself in a reverse sort of manner, holding up his hands towards the incomming fireball, a gleam surrounding his hands as the fireball is mirrored back to Sekir.
saereth {action} is standing beside a tree at the edge of the clearing
thanriyon {public msg} There's an errant mage loose here somewhere, and fer once it aint me
jaya {action} rolls away, occupied with dodging and deflecting the blades now.
freya_tilmitt {action} dives and rolls hissing as she takes the fire but its dosent seem to do much eles and burn her robes and darken her skin some
saereth {action} grins with evil amusement, eyes wandering the battle grounds
sekir {action} the force of Dontella's strike shatters the protective shield around Sekir, again, leaving the kender untouched, but for the exploding blue shards... and then, the fireball coming back to him, explodes, engulfing him and Dontella.
dontella {action} whistles sharpyl..

thanriyon {action} flaps his wings and moves forward... begins chanting a spell as spots Saereth
saereth {action} rubs at his ring and disappears
saereth {action} reappears deeper into the forest
trelack {action} grumbles to himself.

sekir {action} comes out of the explosion unscathed.

sekir {public msg} Rune> Gotta do better than that...
sekir {action} blinks away.
thanriyon {action} starts vomiting snakes.. the slither forward.. heading out towards the forest ( probably in vain ) and towards Jaya, Rune, and Dontella
dontella {action} looks mildly annoyed, as it chars her blouse..

dontella {public msg} Feh..
rune {public msg} Hmm?
thanriyon {action} . o O ( I *hate* this spell )
saereth {action} pulls out a small replica of himself in doll like fashion
freya_tilmitt {action} chants points her finger and chants at saereth makeing its rain black tulips at him/her
saereth {action} is currently out of sight...
rune {action} glances down at the snakes slithering near him, reaches down and simply picks one up in each hand, holding them, watching as that bite his wrists and hands.

trelack {action} hovers in the air, watching..
rune {public msg} How quaint..

saereth {action} murmurs an incantation deep within the forest and concentrates on the doll

dontella {action} dances over to Jaya..

jaya {action} regards the snakes with a quick glance, earning a scratch across the arm from one of the phantom blades.. and breaks into a sprint for the treeline, trying to outrun the blades.
thanriyon {action} grins an evil grin... and utters a very short word.. all snakes in the clearing explode into small balls of force.. -)
sekir {action} casts a spell... as he reappears, turning into a great silver dragon. (( shapechange ))

saereth {action} watches as a projected image of himself appears at the edge of the clearing

sekir {public msg} Rune> Let's see what you taste like!
jaya {action} skitters to a stop by Donny instead. ^^
sekir {action} 's head lurch in to bite at Rune.

dontella {action} twirls, parrying the phantom blades then.. her footsteps dancing, easy..
rune {action} the snakes his hand seem unaffected by the rest of the spell, as they continue to slither and bite, before his tattoo's begin to glow softly, and lift entwining about the snakes; covering his entire body in a wrap of murky blank inky substance.
freya_tilmitt {action} shakes her head as the spell fails

freya_tilmitt {public msg} come dontella i call you out if you have any guts
saereth {action} 's projected image begins to invoke another spell as the real one also invokes another spell

dontella {action} giggles, softly.
dontella {public msg} Jaya> How charming.

jaya {action} staggers, taking one of the snake balls in the chest, and grins weakly at Donny, "Ya, well, play with the pointies for a moment, would you?"

dontella {public msg} Indeed..
thanriyon {public msg} Sekir, if I might make a suggestion ....

jaya {action} nods his thanks, using her cover to begin a spell.
dontella {action} dances among the phantom blades easily.. holding htem off.
sekir {action} waits to get a bite out of Rune's head. Mmmmmmm....
saereth {action} 's projected image points to Thanriyon as it murmurs the end of it spell...shooting out a green ray

rune {action} is bitten but the Sekir drake only takes away murky shadow substance, as his form increases in size, simply forming a writing black mass monster, both arms ending in massive lurching snake heads, the black beast simply leaps at the Sekir drake.
trelack {action} glances over at Saereth (projected image)

saereth {action} 's projected image then goes into the motions of another spell
thanriyon {action} is struck by the ray and staggers back... some of the invisible mantles surrounding him seem to become visible briefly then shatter like glass.
rune {action} writhing, even.
sekir {action} claws and bite at the "Rune Thing", roaring.
sekir {public msg} Than> What, Half-Elf?
trelack {action} glances over his shoulder, then looks back..
thanriyon {public msg} Anti-Magic Field. A Very large one!
sekir {public msg} Than> I'll be useless!
freya_tilmitt {action} chants and castes her spellat dontella
saereth {action} pulls out what looks like a pince of dust and a few drops of water
dontella {action} whistles again..
thanriyon {public msg} Sekir, Trelack and I won't be.. we're swordsmen after all...
saereth {action} conjures down an ice storm over Thanriyon..

jaya {action} gestures sharply, the end of his chant coming out in a hiss.. his form taking on a solid onyx tint, only his eyes a slate grey.. and sprouting claws in place of hands.
perlor {enters}
thanriyon {action} shrugs off Donny's spell, his sword flashing brightly as the ice storm strikes. deflecting 75% of it's power away. He staggers from the rest.

jaya {action} tips an imaginary hat to Donny.. sprinting across the clearing headlong towards Thanriyon.
thanriyon {public msg} By Nerull's scythe, someone is going to pay fer that!
sekir {action} bites deeply into "Rune", then lets out a growl of pain, blinking away.

saereth {action} 's projected image cackles as he digs into his spell component pouch
trelack {action} floats away from the battle for a moment..

thanriyon {action} 's phantom blades move to imterpose themselves between himself and Jaya
freya_tilmitt {leaves}
rune {action} form writhes with a hissing chuckle, the snake head hands snap their jaws, Sekir's blood on their murky fangs.
trelack {action} waves his hand, creating darkness around Saereth's image..
dontella {action} giggles, as she parries the blades easily.. Freya' spell falling away from her..
saereth {action} blinks
saereth {public msg} blasted!
thanriyon {action} commands his sword. "Find now the spellcaster who strikes at me"
dontella {public msg} More Blades eh..
trelack {action} looks over his shoulder..
saereth {action} looks to the air "i imagine my turn is over, let the other have it's fun"
trelack {public msg} Follow the sword..
saereth {action} rubs his ring and teleports out
saereth {leaves}

mandarin {enters}

thanriyon {action} 's sword resonates with a purple radiance.. a faerie fire that seems to spread out.. but is unable to find the mage.

sekir {action} reappears, in the silver dragon form, then returns to the general form of a kender...

mandarin {action} steps out of the shadows from the southern direction
sekir {public msg} Than> You asked for it.
dontella {action} whistles again, gesturing..
jaya {action} hops and twirls, flowing seamlessly through the interposing blades.. not even studdering as three bite into him sharply.
sekir {action} casts Anti-Magic Field on the area.
mandarin {action} cracks his neck
jaya {action} 's claws rake out, moving in a flurry of motion towards Thanriyon.
jaya {action} ... and turn into hard fisted punches as Sekir negates the form. =\

perlor {action} draws his sword
trelack {action} drops back down to the ground and heads back near Sekir.
rune {action} shrinks and returns to himself, his tattoo's calming down, held in his hands are the skeletal structures of the two snakes, he drops them with a chuckle.
dontella {action} stretches.. as the phantom blades fall..

thanriyon {action} slaps out at Jaya with a wing, his Stoneskin absorbing some of the claws damage.
thanriyon {public msg} OOof...
mandarin {action} slowly walks over to Sekir, the illusion around himself disappearing to show that Mandarin is made out of ruby

trelack {action} stands, watching Mandarin.

thanriyon {action} remembers the field now in place and takes some cuts, doh
mandarin {action} seems to be ignoring Trelack as he attempts to reach Sekir
dontella {action} steps back to Rune.. her steps light...
sekir {action} 's spell included the area close to him, to include Thanriyon and Trelack...
mandarin {action} steps into the field...
sekir {public msg} Mandarin> Oh no...
rune {public msg} Lady Thorn.. a weapon if you please.
jaya {action} staggers back again, pushed aside by the wing nonetheless.
mandarin {action} slams a fist into Sekir's side
dontella {public msg} What style is preferred?
perlor {public msg} so who side am i on
rune {public msg} Slashing weapon, a moderate sized sword perhaps.
thanriyon {action} readies his sword, and thrusts towards Jaya, feinting, and probing, being a bloody good swordsman has it's advantages -)
mandarin {action} is obivious to be a golem of some sort
dontella {action} frees a shortsword, handing it over.
rune {public msg} Thank-you.
dontella {public msg} Jaya..
dontella {public msg} To me..
sekir {action} takes the hit, flying a few feet away in the air, then falling hard on the ground.
sekir {public msg} Ugh... hate him.
jaya {action} 's stiletto snaps to his hand, batting at the blade as he backpedals towards Dontella.. fully on the defensive.
thanriyon {action} smiles at Jaya.

rune {action} slips the sword into his belt, not quite ready to use it, cracking his knuckles again, stretching his back, causing his spinal column to crack, then he does his neck.
rune {public msg} Shall we kill them now?
trelack {action} looks at Sekir, then back to Mandarin, readying himself.
dontella {public msg} Yes..

thanriyon {public msg} Jaya > Come, lets us dance with the blades, shall we see who is the deadlier?
mandarin {action} looks to Trelack since he the nearest opponent
dontella {public msg} Whom is the larger problem?

thanriyon {action} smiles a thoroughly unpleasant smile.

mandarin {action} turns slightly and steps forward to Trelack
rune {public msg} The Fey'Ri.
dontella {public msg} Right.
jaya {action} :eyes Thanriyon, though giving him a thoroughly pleasant grin as he pauses a few feet from Dontella.. blood seeping through his clothing.

perlor {public msg} whos side am on or do i jest pick ond
mandarin {action} brings down a fist against Trelack
rune {public msg} Allow the Golem to deal with the kender.
perlor {public msg} one i mean

sekir {action} takes a quick count...
jaya {public msg} ... No. I think we'll play Half-Elf in the Middle.
dontella {action} ducks in, dancing in really.. in a whirlwind.. Rapier and all..
sekir {action} . o O ( Rune, Dontella, Jaya... Manadarin... )

sekir {action} releases eight bolt of spellfire, 2 flying toward Rune, Dontella, Jaya and Mandarin.
thanriyon {action} 's blade, now silent, moves with an elven grace, seeking for an opening. At the same time his tail lashes out at Jaya's legs
mandarin {action} notes Sekir still has his anti-magic up..
sekir {public msg} Than, Trel> Unless you got some genial idea...

sekir {action} notes that spellfire is supernatural... thus passes through the anti-magic.
thanriyon {public msg} Sekir > We're outnumbered and the wizard is gone, do as ye see fit.
trelack {action} jumps to the left, but still gets hit in the side, falling back a couple feet from the blow..

dontella {action} spins around Thanriyon..
rune {action} tattoo's glow as the bolts are absorbed.

trelack {action} grumbles and quickly catches his balance..

thanriyon {action} lashes out at Dontella with a wing.

jaya {action} catches the spellfire in his back, knocked on his back once more.. happily allowing the interposing Donny to deal with Thanriyon.

mandarin {action} follows in with a second slam attack
trelack {public msg} Nope, none here..
sekir {action} cancelled the Antimagic field before doing so.

perlor {public msg} do as i see fit that would not be a wise choise
mandarin {action} gets hit by two spellfire bolts...
thanriyon {action} staggers back from the blows, he's still got his elven chain shirt tho -)

dontella {action} dodges easily.. in her dance.. springing under said wing..
trelack {action} dodges to the right and swigs at Mandarin's arm with both swords..
perlor {action} draws a great word
perlor {public msg} sword

thanriyon {action} 's sword bursts back into life.. his phantom copies also reappearing..
sekir {action} gets back up, groaning.
mandarin {action} stumbles from the spellfire bolts and has his arm slashed at...making a ringing sound as the blades chipp into the ruby flesh
jaya {action} drags himself to his feet with a groan, pulling an ivory-handled epee from his belt as well as the stiletto.. glancing over the scene.

sekir {action} sends a volley of Magic Missiles toward Rune again.
thanriyon {action} sends his four phantom copies to deal with Donny.
mandarin {action} reaches out to snatch Trelack
dontella {public msg} Only four?

rune {action} calmly walks around behind Thanriyon as Jaya and Dontella occupy him, before dashing in with surprising alacrity, snaping one fist out towards Than's shoulder, spinning his elbow down towards his spine, his hand drawing the short sword and slashing it towards the half-elf, then stabbing it in a pure syncrized motion, before replacing it back at his belt, and dancing deeper into the fight.

perlor {action} stands next to mandarin ready to help

jaya {action} uses his reprise to fumble about his pouches and person, coming up with a potion bottle.
jaya {action} quaffs it.
mandarin {action} gets attack by three invisibile attackers...denting and chipping at the ruby flesh

mandarin {action} still attempts to snatch Trelack
rune {action} tattoo's glow as the Magic Missiles strike him.

sekir {public msg} Thought so...
dontella {action} spins with the phantom copies.. moving faster then should be allowed.. her movements still a dance.

perlor {action} holds his sword in frount of him ready for an attack
thanriyon {action} staggers, but with his Stoneskin back in place, he takes only some physical damage, he slaps out with a wing at Rune., breathing heavily.
trelack {action} hopes the stalkers distract him enough to jump out of the way of being grabbed..

mandarin {action} seems to be ignoring the stalkers..is single minded heh
sekir {public msg} Than> Take Rune... I'll handle the others! Magic is not as good against him!
sekir {public msg} Trel> You okay?
trelack {action} grumbles to himself.
mandarin {action} snatches Trelack and tosses the tiefling over to the kender
dontella {action} giggles.. going into another flurry of attacks..
sekir {action} doesn't wait for the reply to fall into concentration for a spell...

perlor {action} lunges at trelack but hits the ground next to him
trelack {action} gets yanked and thrown, crashing to the ground..

rune {action} catches the wing in his hand, holding it tightly with strength beyond what his frame shoulder hold, his tattoo's glow softly as he seems to slow as he raises his arm, and then with a piercing battle scream he speeds up beyond possible norms and slams his fist down at the held wing.

perlor {action} ready his sword
trelack {action} lands next to Sekir..
jaya {action} wipes his lips.. and turns his sights to Sekir as the other pair handle Thanriyon, moving to close distance iwth him.
sekir {action} a shimmering lance of power appears by his side, shooting straight for Dontella as Trelack hits the ground next to him.
jaya {action} and the landing Trelack. ;)
thanriyon {action} spins to face Rune, sword readied. He screeches as his wing snaps at the joint, the Stoneskin not covering that....

trelack {action} rises to his feet with more grumbling..

mandarin {action} leads the invisibile stalkers in a mighty battle out in the forest....
dontella {action} pauses a moment.. as the spell flares around her.. but leaves her.. untouched.

sekir {public msg} Darn her!
thanriyon {action} lunges forward with his blade, joviality gone now.. he begins to ready a spell
mandarin {leaves}

perlor {action} swings at trelack but is to slow
sekir {action} looks at Jaya.
master_blaster {enters}
sekir {public msg} Uh oh...

master_blaster {action} appears in a swirling vortex of darkness...
trelack {action} parries with his longsword and jabs at Perlor with his bastard sword..
perlor {action} puts away his sword
sekir {action} quickly sends a volley of magic missiles toward Jaya.

thanriyon {public msg} I... am.... getting.... angry...
rune {action} moves into the blow as Thanriyon pierces him through the shoulder, his eyes slowly diluting to pure black as he makes a grab for Thanriyon's leg.
sekir {action} . o O ( Let's see what magic does to him. )
jaya {action} skids to a stop a few yards off, epee at the forward ready, the stiletto posed back.. and grins.
master_blaster {action} steps forward and glances around
perlor {action} puts away his sword and draws a ax
master_blaster {action} eyes narrow
jaya {action} takes two steps back as the missiles impact, giving his head a shake, "Stoppat."
master_blaster {action} rushes suddenly over to Sekir
perlor {action} draws a axe

thanriyon {action} thwaps his tail around, aiming for Rune's face.. his leg is grabbed. The action ruins the spell.

sekir {action} looks all around him...
perlor {enters}
master_blaster {action} slams a foot into Sekir's backside
sekir {public msg} Eeep!
dontella {action} points again..
dontella {public msg} Jaya.. here..
thanriyon {action} swears loudly...

jaya {action} gives his foot two hard stops.. dropping a Deeper Darkness in a wide radius on Sekir's edge of the clearing, JAy's current standing point the center.
perlor {public msg} draws a ax and helps sekir

sekir {action} gets slammed by Master Blaster and as he falls to the ground.
jaya {public msg} Don> Yes darlin'.

rune {action} head turns to the side as he is lashed in the face, but undeterred even as blood runs from his nose, he seems to slow again, as his tattoo's glow, before once again he seems to catch up, faster and stronger then normal; lifting Thanriyon from the ground, leg in hands, he begins to turn, round and round, faster and faster, spinning his opponent.

dontella {action} giggles, and vanishes into the darkness, pulling Jaya with her..
sekir {action} . o O ( What the? Blind? Not again! )
sekir {action} crawls away from where he is as quickly as possible.

perlor {action} puts his hand on sekir to help him

trelack {action} darts towards Master Blaster, swinging with one sword, then jabbing with the other..
master_blaster {action} touches the circle to it's forehead..."initiating Blind sight"

2003 sekir {action} is in an area of magical darkness... and blinks
2003 master_blaster {action} steps back as the blades slash and jab into him
2003 jaya {action} grins pointlessly at Donners in the Darkness, not at all impaired.. and rushes towards the crawling Sekir.

master_blaster {action} 's wounds leave behind a yellow ichor
thanriyon {action} releases his sword as he is spun, aloowing it to 'Dance' of it's own Volition, it will seek to harass Rune. He clutches at ab old, blackened, and evil looking dagger at his belt as he is spun around helplessly
jaya {action} does a 180 as he vanishes, "Bloody hell.."

dontella {public msg} Meh.. shhh..
jaya {action} grabs a hold of Donny as he runs past her.
master_blaster {action} continues to step away from Trelack

trelack {action} tries to follow through with a couple more jabs..
dontella {action} goes..
thanriyon {action} cuts his own palm with the blade, allowing the blood to soak into it. He is unable to do anything else however
rune {action} tilts slightly as he spins, putting a wave into the revolution as he spins faster and faster, before comming to a sudden halt as he slams Thanriyon into the ground, yet still not releasing his grasp he spins the half-elf thrice more, before throwing him towards a tree.
thanriyon {action} . o O ( This... is ... not good. )
jaya {action} Shadow Steps again, with Donny.. the Deeper Darkness remaining.

master_blaster {action} twists and turns as he ducks the jabs
sekir {action} reappears, panting, then...

sekir {public msg} Trelack, Than... close your eyes!
thanriyon {action} crashes into the tree with a sickening thump..even the Stoneskin won't help too much with that one..

sekir {action} casts Sunburst
thanriyon {action} 's eyes are closed, heh
perlor {action} attacks master_blaster with his ax
trelack {action} shuts his eyes and steps back..

jaya {action} 's Darkness dissaptes.
rune {action} closes his eyes, since you know, he heard the warning to the others.
master_blaster {action} staggers and steps back, blinded for a moment and then closes it eyes as the blind sight takes over

dontella {action} is nowhere to be found.
jaya {action} is, also, gone.
thanriyon {action} pulls himself to his feet unsteadily, using the tree, and he aint happy.. both wings hang limply..
perlor {action} swings axe tring to hit master_blaster

thanriyon {action} coughs up blood..
master_blaster {action} gets hit by the axe swing...
trelack {action} reopens his eyes.

thanriyon {public msg} Sekir.. doing.. a summoning.. guard... me
rune {action} lunges out from the radiating sun flash, thrusting the short sword with a roar towards Than's midsection.
master_blaster {action} staggers from the blow as it adjustes to the scenery

wizo_randal {enters}

master_blaster {action} slams a open palm into Perlor's chest

thanriyon {action} parries with the dagger as best he can..
perlor {action} readies axe for a nother blow

sekir {action} casts Prayer ... heh.

wizo_randal {leaves}
thanriyon {action} screeches in Ur-Flan...

master_blaster {action} is bleeding from everywhere, sipping yellow ichor from the many blows..
perlor {public msg} how do you like a dwarven defender

rune {action} intercepts Than's parry with his own hand, caring not as the flesh is opened by the blade, laying the way open for his short sword.
master_blaster {action} eyes narrow

master_blaster {action} steps back and touches its forehead
rune {action} clothes rip and shred slowly as he attacked by unseen forces.
sekir {action} throws his hoopak toward Rune, like a spear.
master_blaster {action} points to the floor under Perlor and utters a "dig spell"
sekir {public msg} Where are the others?
trelack {action} steps around to flank Master Blaster and takes a couple jabs at him..
master_blaster {action} creates a 50 ft pit under Perlor..
thanriyon {action} takes the blow, the blood flowing forth, he uses it to power the ritual he will now attempt.
master_blaster {action} gets flanked and stabbed, shedding more yellow ichor blood..
jaya {action} steps back into the primary Plane at Sekir's left, looking somewhat tanned, "Here."
sekir {action} runs over to Trelack, behind him...
dontella {action} appears in front of Sekir..
jaya {action} jabs with the stiletto, carrying two slices with the Epee.
sekir {public msg} Jaya> Huh?
dontella {public msg} and here..
perlor {action} hits the ground below
sekir {action} bumps into Dontella.
thanriyon {action} gasps out the words to the Ur-Flan summoning, which is luckily a spell-like power -)
rune {action} and then does something, likely.. well, not expected, kisses Than upon the lips.
dontella {action} slams into him with her rapier.. pointy end first..
perlor {public msg} what untill i get out
sekir {action} dodges, tumbling between her legs, running toward Trelack.
master_blaster {action} 's feels another sword stab by Trelack pierce it...
thanriyon {action} wasn't expecting that and can't start the ritual ;p
master_blaster {action} staggers on falls on its knees
thanriyon {public msg} MMfpf!

master_blaster {action} er and falls on its kness..
jaya {action} scowls, giving chase, "Sodding Halflings.."
trelack {action} throws in a hefty kick for good measure..
thanriyon {action} brings his knee up aiming for Rune's crotch
dontella {public msg} Mmm.. cut out his tongue.
master_blaster {public msg} initial destruction...
dontella {action} glances at Rune
master_blaster {action} falls flat on it's face...
dontella {public msg} The kender is yours..
perlor {public msg} dose anyone have rope im stuk in a hole
jaya {public msg} Yes Ma'am.
master_blaster {action} 's body begins to glow...

dontella {action} dashes over to Rune and Thanriyon..
trelack {action} blinks and runs..
master_blaster {action} murmurs in the muck..."ten"

master_blaster {public msg} nine...
thanriyon {action} stabs ar Rune with the dagger, which happens to be a minor artifact of the big T btw -)
master_blaster {public msg} eight..
rune {action} grunts as Than's knee finds it's designated target, though still with an evil chuckle to the distracted and kissed Than, and you know, a hoopak bounces off his shoulder, which hurts.
sekir {action} changes his course of running abruptly.
master_blaster {public msg} seven...
thanriyon {action} . o O ( Tossed a Hoopak.. yay? )
sekir {action} pants...
perlor {action} gets out of the hole

master_blaster {public msg} six...
perlor {public msg} now what???
sekir {public msg} Hoopak... back!
jaya {action} studders in step, digging up the dirt as he turns with Sekir.

dontella {action} whirls in.. rapier whirling as she comes in on Than's side..
trelack {action} gets far away from Master Blaster..
sekir {action} 's hoopak zooms to him.

jaya {public msg} Hoopak.. wha- OoooOF!
master_blaster {public msg} five...

sekir {public msg} Oh well good.
jaya {action} gets a hoopak to the gut. And also changes course abruptly. Backwards.
perlor {action} run his little feet of

sekir {action} grins as his hoopak slams into Jaya.
master_blaster {public msg} four...
rune {action} is bleeding all over, clothes in shreds, still being assaulted by the invisible stalkers, and being stabbed by Thanriyon as well.
sekir {public msg} Good hoopak, now... lets see, lightning!
thanriyon {action} gags, and tried to wrench back from the embrace, at the same time his Mantles start firing flame, elcetricity and positive energy in an attempt to break free.
master_blaster {public msg} three....
jaya {action} coughs, his wind knocked out.. rolling along the ground as he tries to regain it.
sekir {action} casts Prismatic Eye and a... green ray shoots toward Jaya.
thanriyon {action} slaps his player's lously spelling too
perlor {action} jumps behind a boulder
dontella {action} blinks, getting knocked flat.. then is on her feet again.. parrying.. something.

rune {action} embraces Thanriyon only closer as he holds with all his might, kissing the half-elf still, or so it seems.
master_blaster {action} explodes suddenly as an fire storm engulfs the surrounding area...covering a good two hundred cubic ft radius
dontella {action} . o O ( Odd taste.. )

littledramaboy {enters}
trelack {action} looks at the explosion, then at Sekir, then the others..

dontella {action} grabs the tree with the hand not weiling a weapon..
thanriyon {action} struggling for inspiration brings the dagger up sharply, attempting to cut through his own and Runes lips and toungue to break the embrace
rune {action} is engulfed like the rest of the clearing?
master_blaster {action} heh...
perlor {action} looks over the boulder
perlor {action} blinks a few times the come out
littledramaboy {leaves}
thanriyon {action} loses another bloody mantle absorbing the flame, this aint good .....

dontella {action} gets flattened.. by remains unscathed.. somehow.
master_blaster {action} 's explosion was as strong as a delayed blast fireball...
rune {action} pulls back, holding a hand to his mouth, as the end of his slit tongue writhes, already beginning to regenerate, the length of tongue down Thanriyon's throat continues moving down, and growing.

master_blaster {leaves}
andion_isurand {action} sees a blast of light peak on the horizon of the wood, followed by a big rumble a several seconds later.
jaya {action} is crispied.. and renches as the ray also slams into him.
sekir {action} shields himself from the debris of the explosion as annother ray shoots toward Jaya from the eye... a violet one.
trelack {action} thinks he ran pretty far away?
dontella {action} pulls herself into Thanriyon's tree..
thanriyon {action} now free turns the mantles inward, buring his insides as he tries to cleanse thw taint from his body, he screams in horrible pain
mandarin {enters}
perlor {public msg} what happened??

dontella {action} peers at Rune..
mandarin {action} wanders back into the clearing from the forest....cover head and toe in dents
thanriyon {action} gags..

trelack {action} frowns slightly.
dontella {public msg} Mmm..
sekir {action} grabs his hoopak and throws his, as a spear, toward Rune again.

rune {action} tattoo's glow oddly and they lift away from his skin, striking out at the invisible stalkers that attack him still, each moving in it's own deadly fashion for a killing blow.
mandarin {action} eyes snap over to Sekir..
thanriyon {public msg} s. Sekir.. h..hit.. *gags* me.. wi.. th s.. spell.. fir..*gags*
mandarin {action} takes it time to walk over to the kender

rune {action} one tendril of tattoo, grabs the hoopak, and simply consumes it in itself.
sekir {action} eyes Mandarin.
jaya {action} starts dragging himself to his feet, looking rather sickly.. and stumbles as he's struck by the violet one..
sekir {public msg} Uh oh...
andion_isurand {action} turns his pegasus, in flight over the forest, left to investigate the explosion some miles away.
mandarin {action} brings a fist up over his head
jaya {action} seems to flash.. but stays on Oerth, coughing up blood.

dontella {public msg} Boys boys.. boys..

sekir {action} a ray shoots toward Mandarin (from the eye), orange in color, then starts running toward Than, Rune and Dontella.
perlor {action} looks at the blood on the ground

trelack {action} runs towards them as well..
dontella {action} growls as something hits her leg.. but aims her Rapier down at Thanriyon..
cradedarkshadow {action} is knocked out of tree he was sleeping in
thanriyon {action} starts turning a rare shade of purple as he's having trouble breathing, cleansing that tongue is taking far, far, too long
jaya {action} grits his teeth, screaming in frustration at Sekir, and chases behind the Kender, running with the lot.
Wthanriyon {action} is skewered and howls in pain
sekir {public msg} Hoopak back!
rune {public msg} Cut out his eyes for me Dontella. I want them.
mandarin {action} staggers back from the damage...his face a melted mess..
andion_isurand {action} estimates the explsion to have occured some where just beyond the river ahead.

dontella {public msg} As ye like..
thanriyon {action} 's sword lunges at Dontella fiercely
jaya {action} rolls this time, smarter than your average mouse.

perlor {action} darts at mandarin and brings his axe down on him
dontella {action} parries it.. kicking at something down below in the meanwhile.

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Jaya Ballard Balla'th

.draco. {enters}
mandarin {action} gets slashed as the axe chips into the ruby flesh
thanriyon {action} pulls himself off the rapier, and breaks into a run away from Rune and Dontella.
sekir {action} rolls, dodging, Mandarin's blow... and shoots two bolts of spellfire, one toward Mandarin, one toward Dontella.
rune {action} wounds and clothes slowly continue to repair themselves, turns his head to look at Sekir with a smile as the hoopak tears away from the tendril of murky tattoo still fighting the invisible stalkers.
perlor {action} jumps back
.draco. {action} looks at Thanriyon as he walks in, then to Rune and Dontella... and growls slightly...

mandarin {action} staggers from the blow and attempts to balance himself
thanriyon {action} coughs up blood, and ichor, now able to breathe having cleansed Rune's tongue from his system ( Ewww! )
jaya {action} comes to a kneel in his roll, "How are your ears, Dontella?"
dontella {action} mehs.. as it hits the tree around her an sets it aflame.. then ducks.
dontella {public msg} Wonderful.. why?
perlor {action} swing his axe a seconed time

andion_isurand {action} closes the distance between himself and the location of the blast he saw
dontella {action} jumps out of the tree..

jesse_drakona {action} walks in
mandarin {action} turns to face the new foe and gets an axe slashed at his neck....suddenly a cracking sound is heard...
mandarin {action} shatters......and falls apart...
sekir {public msg} Don't these baddies ever die?
dontella {public msg} Kender.. kender.. kender.
trelack {action} shrugs at Sekir.
thanriyon {action} is bloody angry, and it shows. His eyes turn an unatural shade of black as he raises the dagger and chants in Ur-Flan
sekir {action} looks around for Trelack and Thanriyon.
jaya {action} scrowls at the ground, slapping it, and dropping his second Deeper Darkness for the evening. Banishing the melee in shadows.
trelack {action} is near Sekir.
dontella {public msg} Stop the half-elf.
sekir {public msg} Donny, Donny, Donny...
thanriyon {public msg} Magnarius, lord of thy Domain, I summon thy aid yet once again. Walk now the Oerth, not languish in space, as thunders crash and lightings race. Magnarius come to me! ".
mandarin {leaves}
jesse_drakona {action} leans against the CRT's door watching the fight
sekir {action} throws his hoopak, as a spear, toward Dontella now.
sekir {public msg} Trel> Plan, quick!
saereth {enters}
perlor {action} blinks
saereth {action} appears on the opposite side of the forest
andion_isurand {action} begins to hear the sounds of a pitched battle, as he makes his approach, riding his pegasus low over the forest.
dontella {action} hears it coming, and ducks.. getting down low.. and vanishing it seems.
saereth {action} smirks as he moves deeper into the woods
trelack {action} shrugs slightly..
trelack {public msg} Gotta think..
sekir {action} snarls at the magical darkness again.
.draco. {action} moves quickly to Sekir's side... all the time muttering, "I'm gonna feel this in the morning..."
saereth {public msg} i always gotta clean up the job...
thanriyon {action} falls to his knees as a blackness forms in front of him.. a small rift that seems to widen..
rune {action} disappears into a ribbon of murky blackness.

sekir {public msg} Draco?
jaya {action} darts forward, blades posed behind.. and skids to his knees behind Sekir, bringing both blades up as hard as he can at Sekir's backside.
.draco. {public msg} Sekir: Sorry I'm late...
saereth {action} waits patiently in the woods

trelack {action} spins and swings his swords at Jaya..
.draco. {action} attempts to grab Jaya's arms as he does that, being close enough.
cradedarkshadow {action} seems to be following andion ducks to cover in woods
sekir {public msg} Draco> 'bou... argh!

trelack {action} hopes he doesn't hit Draco, heh..
perlor {action} swings his axe at jaya
.draco. {action} hopes not, either? ^.^;;
jesse_drakona {action} walks towards the benches
andion_isurand {action} turns parallel with the river, looking accross it and down into the clearing next to the other bank.

sekir {action} 's knees flinch, as the blades sink in, and he falls on his back.
saereth {action} casts an incantation and pulls out a wing feathered, focusing on it
saereth {action} floats off the ground a few inches
sekir {action} reflexively rolls away.
thanriyon {action} chuckles evilly, his eyes still an unnatural shade of black, as a fully 13 foot tall frog headed, multi-colored creature steps from the rift.. " I am here, blood of my blood, what dost thou require?"
.draco. {action} growls, and leaps at Jaya, then... claws extended.
jesse_drakona {action} walks towards crades bench with a grin
jaya {action} rolls right on forward, tumbling into Sekir as the blades connect with a few biting slashes.. having the Darkness to his advantage
thanriyon {action} is backstabbed, and drops forward, his final words being " Defeat now, my enemies... "
jaya {action} rolls forward anyway. ;)
perlor {action} brings axe down on jaya
jesse_drakona {action} grabs for crades neck a dagger forming in her other hand
jaya {action} turns over, both blades poised up at Draco as he leaps. Having the Dwaggie as a shield for the axe?
saereth {action} pulls out his doll-like replica and murmurs another enchantment....summoning his projected image above the clearing some fifty feet

sekir {action} is very skilled in "rolling", right Trel? ;) So... manages to get out of Jaya's reach.

trelack {action} thinks so, heh..
jaya {action} Kender. Bah. :p
perlor {action} drwas a seconed axe

dontella {action} mutters.. something uncouth.. and rolls off.. vanishing into the darkness.. again
andion_isurand {action} brings his pegasus down within the trees near the river bank accross from the battle.
cradedarkshadow {action} falls back not noticing jesse until to late

saereth {action} murmurs another incantation and summons a spectral hand before the projected image
.draco. {action} decides to keep away from that axe, and instead grabs for Jaya's ankle... hee.
saereth {action} grins slightly
Wsaereth {public msg} now the fun begins...
jesse_drakona {action} puts the dagger to his neck pressing against him
.draco. {action} screams, "Milka, I'll *kill* you for this!"

perlor {action} brings both axes down jayas head
sekir {action} casts the Daylight spell, to cancel out the magical darkness.
rune {action} steps from the murky black ribbon behind Draco, reaching a single finger out to touch the dragon.

aereth {action} pulls out a small piece of sheet iron and sprinkles it with gold dust
trelack {action} jabs at Jaya from the side..

jesse_drakona {action} thrusts her dagger into his neck
trelack {action} is trying to avoid those axes too, heh..
saereth {action} 's projected image is seen above the clearing some fifty feet
dontella {action} again.. no longer seems to be present.
sekir {action} then quickly prays for his wounds to heal...
.draco. {action} senses someone behind him, so he reflexively rolls forward... then stands to his feet, turning toward the place he felt someone...
cradedarkshadow {action} grabs at dagger it thrusting through his hand
saereth {action} 's projected image spectral hand conjures a wall of Iron on spectral hand's finger tip
thanriyon {action} 's summoned creature, which can see through the Darkness, moves to stand over Than, it searches for the largest concentration of people, and screeches an inhuman screech. in an attempt to deafen anyone within earshot
jaya {action} rolls as best he can, kicking at Draco.. saving himself from an early end by the axe, but catching a stab in the side with a screetch.

jesse_drakona {action} keeps pushing for his neck
jaya {action} stab by Trel, a'course.
perlor {public msg} crap
saereth {action} 's projected image drops the wall of iron...
sekir {action} . o O ( Okay... gotta try this. )
saereth {action} 's over Sekir...
sekir {action} 's goes splat?
trelack {action} blinks at looks at Than's creature..
perlor {action} swings axes at jaya

jaya {action} lays back on the ground as Draco steps away, glancing at Perlor and his axes..
cradedarkshadow {action} grabs her by the hair putting all strength in other hand
thanriyon {action} 's sword returns to Than, seeming to become lifeless, dropping to the ground next to the unmoving Elf.

jesse_drakona {action} jumps back

andion_isurand {action} observes the clearing from a new location he aqquired closer to its edge, having left his pegasus to go free but stay close about.
jaya {action} rolls forward sluggishly, bleeding profusely from that side wound.. keeping away from the axes long enough to make a solid stab at Trelack as he looks away.
saereth {action} 's projected image above pulls out another iron sheet and sprinkles it with gold dust

cradedarkshadow {action} holds wounded hand to side and reaches wfor sword with other
jesse_drakona {action} throws her dagger at his other hand
saereth {action} murmurs the incantation and brings the spectral hand to extend its forefinger
sekir {action} notices the shadow over him and tries to dodge out of it's area, the wall of iron still catching him, trapping his legs.
jesse_drakona {action} as she forms a new one

perlor {action} jumps into the air bring both axes with him
sekir {action} winces, gritting his teeth.
trelack {action} blinks as he feels cold steel enter his body and swigs with his longsword where the stab came from, wincing..
dontella {action} steps in front of Jaya suddenly.. throwing a punch at whomevers in the path.
.draco. {action} eyes Rune...
sekir {action} . o O ( Will... get it! )
trelack {action} swings, too..
saereth {action} floats over Draco...
rune {action} eyes Draco.
.draco. {public msg} Damn you, Milka...
saereth {action} conjures another wall of iron on the finger tip
sekir {action} puts a hand over the wall of iron and...
sekir {action} . o O ( Absorb! )
Wsaereth {action} drops it...
cradedarkshadow {action} bats dagger out of air with sword
jaya {action} catches the blade hard from Trelack.. as Donny intercepts Perlor..?
rune {action} leaps backwards.
.draco. {action} pulls out Aelesal, and immediately swings for the midsection, stepping out of Saereth's range. :p
thanriyon {action} 's summoned creature screeches again, gating in three Red Slaad. One heads for Jaya, one for Dontella, and for Rune.
saereth {action} wall of iron crashes into the floor...
sekir {action} 's hand glows of a silvery light and then the wall of iron falls to dust, it's magical essence absorbed by the kender.
dontella {public msg} Half elves.. Bah.
.draco. {action} is lucky like that.
saereth {action} 's projected image smirks slightly
cradedarkshadow {action} moves toward jesse
jaya {action} stumbles, wide-eyed.. and pushes his body weight forward, trying to drive more of the blade into the tiefling.
perlor {action} swings axes in rage
trelack {action} mutters something and the blade shatters into hundreds of pieces, that dig into Jaya..
jesse_drakona {action} her dagger grows to a greatsword
perlor {public msg} afk guys brb in a few
sekir {action} holds out his hands toward the Dontella and Jaya.
saereth {action} 's projected image floats over Trelack and pulls out a piece of clay from the spell component pouch
sekir {action} . o O ( Magic, come to me! )
saereth {action} molds the clay into an elephant...
dontella {action} dances under the axes.. and grabs Jaya, rolling off to the side and out of sight with him suddenly?
rune {action} draws Don's short sword and brings it up to his throat, slicing his own flesh, allowing the blood to flow freely as he begins chanting.
trelack {action} winces again and tries to fall off the blade..
.draco. {action} shakes his head, and attempts a downward slash at Rune, to interrupt his chanting.
saereth {action} murmurs another incantation of summoning...taking his time

jesse_drakona {action} holds it with both hands watching crade
jaya {action} 's blade is pulled out by Donny as he's pulled away, rather lifelessly.
rune {action} a tendril of tattoo intercepts Draco.

thanriyon {action} :: Magnarius' three Slaad engage their three opponents - doing what slaad do best, ( i.e trying to either eat, smash, or procreate with their opponents )

cradedarkshadow {action} places hilt of dagger in mouth and pulls it out of hand sword extended outward

.draco. {action} growls, and spins to the side, attempting a slash to the back.
trelack {action} disappears..

rune {action} opens his mouth as his chanting comes to a close, releasing an unnatural sound through his gurgling voice, which grows louder and reverberates, before it becomes an unnatural roar.
saereth {action} frowns slightly as he continues to cast the spell...
jesse_drakona {action} a silver wolf forms by her side

saereth {action} summons the elephant fifty feet above Thanriyon...

saereth {action} 's projected image cackles with glee as the elephant falls to it's doom..
trelack {action} . o O ( Mmmm... elephant.. )
esse_drakona {action} five more form around crade

sekir {action} . o O ( Quickly... come. )
thanriyon {action} :: Two slaad can't find their opponents, and therefore head for Trelack's opponent -)
cradedarkshadow {action} steps back changing form into field mouse
kentaro_tsushima {enters}

trelack {action} isn't to be seen at the moment..
thanriyon {action} has faith in Magnarius.... elephant + Magnarius + Than = Clone time ;p
sekir {action} senses nothing from Dontella, so moves his attention to Saereth.
cradedarkshadow {action} runs to hole in ground
.draco. {enters}

.draco. {action} kicks his damned connection... got nothing after Rune's roar. x.X
saereth {action} 's projected image floats above the air with a grin..

jesse_drakona {action} the wolves dissapear as she walks to the hole with a grin

dontella {action} steps back into existence beside Rune.. promptly shoving rapier into whomever might be near.. or rather, trying..

jesse_drakona {action} points a finguer down at the hole

thanriyon {action} ::: Magnarius looks up.. swears.. it's going to be one of those days...

saereth {action} 's projected image disappears...
jesse_drakona {action} a stream of fire flows from her finger tip and into the hole
saereth {public msg} blast that kender!
rune {action} nods to Dontella as he holds a hand over his slit throat, which heals slowly, already looking weaker from his use of so strong of spell.
saereth {action} curses deep in the forest..
jaya {action} is gone by Donny, and player turned into a spectator. ^^

sekir {action} smiles.

rune {public msg} We shall return in force. This day they have.
sekir {action} becomes consummed in flames of silver.
kentaro_tsushima {action} walks in
rune {action} pulls Dontella into a ribbon of murky blackness, disappearing.
saereth {action} calls out in the forest "i have yet to begun to fight!"
.draco. {action} roars, "NO!!" as he leaps at Rune and Dontella's disappearing image...

cradedarkshadow {action} taps jesse on back laughing at his illusion
kentaro_tsushima {action} . o O ( heh surely I thought he would be here )
thanriyon {action} is under an elephant ;p Magnarius probably took most of the blow, but even so, we have a nice puddle of Thannic gore...
saereth {action} floats upwards in the air and above the tree lines...
cradedarkshadow {action} kicks her squarely in butt

trelack {action} grumbles and reappears, almost near where Rune and Dontella were..
kentaro_tsushima {action} . o O ( I wonder what is going on )
saereth {action} points to Trelack and shoots a green ray.....similiar to the one eariler used on Than..
jesse_drakona {action} turns around quickly catching his foot setting his leg on fire

kentaro_tsushima {action} looks around
kentaro_tsushima {action} . o O ( must be a tournament )
saereth {action} immediatley utters his quicken teleport...heh afterwards...
.draco. {action} glances around from his position on the ground at the wounded and defeated...
sekir {action} releases all the magical energy he gathered into a Maelstrom of Fire in a 40 ft area around him. equivalent to a Meteor Swarm, but will spellfire.
cradedarkshadow {action} brings other leg up kicking at her face pants start on fire

saereth {action} is so glad he left before that happen...
trelack {action} blinks, absorbing the spell..
jesse_drakona {action} gets kicked in the face falling to the ground with a loud thud
ji'tisa {enters}

thanriyon {action} would probably make some smartarse remark about now, but is currently a puddle of gore, heh
sekir {action} falls to his knees.
ji'tisa {action} quietly makes his way in, observing with a sightless gaze
cradedarkshadow {action} lands with thud rolls on ground attempting to extinguish pants

kentaro_tsushima {action} . o O ( yes this must be some kind of tournament )
trelack {action} considers eating that now fried elephant..

.draco. {action} frowns, seeing what is left of Thanriyon. After the fire is extinquished, he stands and moves toward the ... remains.

sekir {public msg} They... gone... ?

saereth {action} 's notes the elephant disappears due because it's a conjured creature..heh
jesse_drakona {action} crades hole body is now on fire the flames wont extinguish

.draco. {public msg} Sekir: Sorry you were late... heh.
sekir {public msg} Draco> Was... here... because of... me.
cradedarkshadow {action} begins to run to river
trelack {action} looks at Sekir and Draco..
jesse_drakona {action} slowley stands wiping a drop of blood from her lip
sekir {action} grins and slumps to the ground.

Voidrunner's Codex

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