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The Collected Journals of Artemis Heuw Cannith


First Post
The Collected Journals of Artemis Heuw Cannith, excerpt 20

"Stark held the pieces together as I infused each in turn, following the investiture of magic with the a rubbing of the compound we had mixed together earlier. It had taken almost an hour to get this far, but it had been a fun challenge: creating a non-permanent binder that would hold the two thin plates together. Stark and I were in the last stages of implementation when I looked over and saw Hutch clamping similar plates together with hairpins. He had about almost twenty of them done, stacked up neatly to one side. I looked to Stark, who looked at me. I hate mundane solutions to interesting problems. Wait.... Why was Hutch carrying hairpins?"
. An Excerpt from the Craft Journal of Artemis Heuw Cannith, Volume 7

"I awoke this morning sore, exhausted, and soaked in sweat. Images of DA's last moments had danced through my dreams all night and I was not well rested. It took more than half an hour for me to get out of bed -- an event that hasn't happened since the fever I'd had as a child. I have always been energetic, always been ready to go out and take on the world. But now.... Now, I have seen such things. So much death. So much pain. Is this what it means to "live by the sword"?

What have I become?

When I did get up, I took special care with my appearance. I didn't want my state of mind to introduce doubt into my companions. I know that they look up to me -- expect me to lead. I have a responsibility to them, and I cannot fail. Not again.

I busied myself for the first part of the morning with household affairs, then went into my laboratory. I sat with S1 and HU for a while, but couldn't work up the drive to get S1 started on any projects. I set a few things out of his reach, then gave him free reign to work, clean, or organize the lab as he wanted.

XL came over about the time I expected he would, and had with him the items I asked him to fetch last night. Missing from the bag he held out to me, however, was the rare ointment I had put at the very top of the list. I had drafted a very fine letter to Master Huygen d'Cannith with the express goal of convincing said alchemist to sell that rare commodity. Obviously, I was not convincing enough.

We had to wait to see if that lack would lead to our destruction.

GW spent the night at the tower (after making a very unusual rooming request), but had gone off a little while ago to fetch our healer. She returned with a halfling named Robin (RO).

RO was an energetic fellow, but smelled as though he had been up all night in his cups. I examined his dragonmark to determine it's veracity, and concluded that the mark, at least, would prove useful. After a few minutes of questioning, I concurred with XL that RO would be a good addition to our expedition. He was eager to join us. Very eager.

In short order, we were ready to go. I gathered the DC, plus RO and GW, in the music room so that we could go over any last minute preparations. I had HU put the alchemist frost and spark that XL had acquired the night before out on a table and quickly explained their use. I refrained from commenting on Master Huygen's choice of vials for the two types of alchemy. He had chosen a periwinkle blue for the frost, rather than the universally accepted frost blue. Worse, both vials were the same shape. Dangerous when one is in a hurry and needs to know what one is grabbing. Still, the alchemical symbols for "Cold" and "Electricity" were in prominent relief on both front and back of the containers. I hoped that the DC were as well-trained as I at rapidly distinguishing the two by touch so there would be no mistakes.

Adding to the collection on the table, HU set down several vials of alchemists fire and arranged them in pairs.

XL, bless him, loyally chose to stick with the brand of alchemist's fire that was my own creation, rather than using something from an unknown. I commended his decision, but told him that Master Huygen was a well-respected alchemist, and that cold or spark could occasionally solve problems that fire could not. He would not be persuaded. The rest of the group, barring RO, of course, helped themselves to what they wanted.

HU, seeing that two vials of spark and two of frost remained, happily gathered up the surplus vials and stowed them away. I, meanwhile, was giving a brief lecture to RO, showing him which wand bracer held my healing wands, and which wand did what. He seemed very impressed that the wands would identify themselves to any who could use them.

It is sad how a lack of education can reduce even a respected member of House Jorasco to a veritable bumpkin.

Once everyone was ready, we departed. XL had the idea of passing the the Key [ref: PJ-V7-53] to CA, to see if someone untrained in the finer arts could use it. I thought this a capital idea, and passed the key over. With some trepidation, he used it open the music room door into the Lost Room.

The Room was as it had been every time we visited. It was a bright sunny day outside the keep. A fire burned in the hearth and the interior seemed undisturbed. Once again, CA stepped in to guard the only other known entrance -- a stairwell leading down to a closed door. GW went to one of the windows to look out -- I think she wants to go exploring. This was RO's first visit and he certainly was impressed.

Once we were all in the room, I came in and closed the door. CA came once again to open it. I calmly attempted to guide his concentration so that he was focused on the particular door we sought. When he opened the door, however, we were looking out on a stable. An elven stable hand stood with his back to us, speaking to what appeared to be a Valenar-bred horse. CA closed the door rapidly, but I think the stranger turned and saw us before CA could do so.

I looked to CA, who seemed embarrassed, but was trying to play it cool. I told him that he had done well so far, but he needed to focus on our desired location. On his second try, we opened the door to the Vault of Crimson Stars.

Signaling for silence from the DC, I strained my ears, but did not hear the tell-tale "All Clear" message I had left in the vault the last time we were there. A magic mouth, triggered when this door opened, was supposed to signal the all clear. If it didn't, that could only mean one thing: someone had been through the vault since our visit last night.

I told my companions as much, and we moved quietly through the doorway and into the Vault. Closing the door, I re-opened it up onto the trapped room. My suspicions were confirmed: the bodies of two tomb robbers lay in the room, and the loud whirring of spinning blades filled the air. They had activated all of the traps we had, and it killed them. At least one of their number had survived to open this door, though, so some had survived. We debated what to do for a moment, then decided to engage the enemy that still lived, rather than loot those enemies that had fallen. Cautiously, and as quietly as ST could manage, we crept forward.

It was hard to say -- even with my training -- whether or not more people had passed through this hallway since our last visit. The dust was heavy, but we had tramped back and forth a number of times in our last visit.

We were just passing through the statuary room when a sudden grinding klank sounded from up ahead, followed by a loud shout. Almost immediately, that same sound that had plagued my dreams of last night came to us; hundreds of wood bearings bouncing across stone, a wave retreating from a pebbled shore, a swarm of flesh-eating scarabs. Evidently, the survivors from yesterday's swarm had joined forces to feed again.

Before the first sounds from the swarm had time to echo, XL was clambering up onto one of the statues.

I told everyone to stay where they were, and pulled one of the patches from my robe [ref: CJ-V7-30]. It reverted to a scroll, which I read immediately, and with more than just a modicum of grace, I lifted off the ground and flew around the corner towards the swarm. They could crawl, but they could not fly. I would be safe.

Evidently, that was the theory of the vault's other visitor. I came around the corner to see not one, but three portcullises dropped across the hallway. The first was cut through, thanks to ST's work last night. Trapped between the other two, however, clinging to the ceiling some how, was a dinosaur the size of a massive dog. On the dinosaurs back -- underneath the creature, from my point of view -- was a halfling in native garb. Reins, tassels, hair, and the occasional loose tie was hanging down from this odd duo, so I knew that gravity had not been adversely affected in the area. Nor were they flying. The dinosaur was somehow walking on the ceiling.

At the same time that I came around the corner to witness this odd spectacle, the swarm came around the far corner and into sight. It swept towards me just as I raised my wand [ref: CJ-V6-66]. With a strange battle cry, the halfling on the ceiling gestured towards the bugs and a small explosion of fire sent dozens of the tiny creatures scattering.

Unfortunately, they didn't seem to be actually hurt by the fire. I hoped to have better luck.
With a word, I sent a bearing-sized ball of energy sailing through all three portcullises to land in the midst of the swarm. It exploded outward in a massive detonation of super-heated fire as soon as it hit. Bugs went flying everywhere, rattling off of stone and portcullis like an explosion of hard biscuits. The halfling cried out again, and I realized he was yelling "Fire! Fire!" with disturbing enthusiasm. Reforming on the move, the swarm churned slowly towards me. With another cry, the halfling summoned a solid sphere of fire and set it in the insects midst.

Needless to say, the DC did not follow orders. GW appeared behind me, followed by ST. GW unleashed one of her spells, sending two searing beams of fire towards the swarm. They scattered away from the points of impact, however, and only one or two of the insects were hurt.

The swarm moved forward to cover GW and ST. ST just had time to throw his alchemist's spark before he was completely engulfed. CA had the unfortunate luck to arrive just at that moment, and was caught up in the mass, also. He swung his sword into them, and though the blade did little damage, the infusion I had placed upon it [ref: CJ-V1-12] melted the creatures by the dozen. HU, following CA, pulled up before he was swarmed and threw a vial of alchemist's spark at the creatures. Many died.

The sight of thousands of medallion-sized insects slowly eating my companions alive nauseated and revolted me, but I kept my head about me. I realized that this group was more resistant to fire than the last. With a shout, I told GW to switch to electricity. Following deed to word, I switched wands [ref: CJ-V5-38] and let loose a stream of energy that destroyed the creatures by the hundreds. GW did the same, using a spell to coat her blade in electricity then sweeping it broadly through the swarm. The combined energy of our two spells spread from one scarab to another, and soon there was nothing left but a few survivors scuttling off into the darkness.

The ancient halls of this unhallowed place were not silent, however. CA was screaming and thrashing. The swarm had burrowed into him while we fought, and he was left struggling for his life, being eaten alive from the inside, out. Unwanted images of DA's last moments came unbidden to my mind.

Stumbling out of control, CA fled the scene, trying to run from an enemy he could not fight. I shouted for XL to slow him down, then for ST to grab him. DA had died to these creatures, but only because we didn't know how to stop them. Now, we did.

One of the things that I had sent GW out to find the night before was an answer to the swarm problem. She had visited House Jorasco, who told her that the flesh-eating infestation of beetles acted much as a disease does -- though, of course, the individual elements of a disease were much, much smaller than a flesh-eating scarab. I didn't quite buy into their beliefs, but they were the experts in such things. While ST held CA still, I quick-infused a spell into my cane to remove disease [ref: CJ-V1-12]. Knowing I may not finish in time, I called out to RO (who had run away at the first sign of trouble) to do what he could for CA.

CA was strong, but he couldn't hold out long against such an adversary. RO was moving far too slowly, and I wouldn't risk CA's life on untested ability. With a word, I touched my cane to CA's abdomen and let loose it's magic. The forced expulsion of scarabs was... disturbing to watch... but it freed CA from their feasting. Robbed of their meal and the companionship of their fellows, the beetles scuttled away into darkness.

I checked CA's wounds and the wounds of the rest of the DC. We didn't get through the fight unscathed, but did far better than we had last time. Knowledge and preparation are key in all things. I set about healing those who were injured.

ST, meanwhile, had gone forwards to cut through the bars of the portcullis, freeing the halfling trapped within. XL reported seeing a body while he was up on the statuary, and retrieved said corpse from it's hiding place in the corner of the room. It was another of the DG adventurers, killed, perhaps, by spear wounds. GW, in her practicality, searched for magic on the body and removed any items of interest.

We moved on, finally, meeting up with the halfling. He introduced himself as Conshru (CN) and his mount as Grix (GX). He looked like one of the halflings that we saw riding patrol outside, so I subtly asked of him what he was doing here. CN told us that his tribal brothers sent him in because a group of seven adventurers entered this sacred place without first asking permission. CN was unclear as to what he was supposed to do to these tomb robbers, but his fixation with fire provided some clue. This worried me, as we did not have permission to be here, either. It took a very delicate hand to weave the conversation that followed in the direction I needed it to go, but, naturally, I succeeded brilliantly.

By the end of our discussion, CN had invited us to accompany him deeper into the vault. We had accounted for six bodies so far, and the seventh must have continued onward. CN hinted that he was dissatisfied with his life amongst the tribe, and that he wanted to see Sharn. I cultivated that desire with grandiose descriptions of Sharn, her towers, and the wide variety of people, places, and things one could find in such a place. By the end, CN was hanging on my every word.

My hope, naturally, was to bring him back to Sharn with us when we left, rather than letting him return to his peoples and explain our presence here. He seemed the type that would be open to the idea later -- CN himself didn't mind our presence here, as he wasn't told to keep us out. He just wanted to find out what happened to those who had come before us.
So we traveled together to find out what happened to the last tomb robber. And, of course, to look for the dragonshard that we had come here to find in the first place.

I took the lead, searching carefully as we went to make sure we triggered no new traps. The way was clear. The hallway continued to slope downwards, an angled spiral down to gods only knew what.

Before long, the hallway turned another corner and left us standing before a large archway with a scarab motif above the doorway. Three runes marked the only decoration we'd seen to date, but none of us could make anything of them. I searched for traps while GW searched for magic. We found neither.

Beyond the arch was a chamber almost one hundred feet deep, forty feet wide, and just over forty feet tall. Three massive carvings evenly spaced along each of the side walls depicted more hawk-faced men; these more than forty feet tall and bearing the weight of the ceiling upon their carven backs. The last two carvings stood above a dark, ten foot wide pit that separated the far side of the room from the side we entered in on. The ceiling here, as it was back in the well-trapped room with the original statue, was black, with stars depicted in red inset gemstones. I stood under the arch for a few minutes, shining HU's beacon lantern here and there and looking around. The rest of the DC (plus our new followers) stood behind me. The room was large, silent, and dusty.

I began the long process of searching the floors and walls for traps. No more mistakes.
It took more than a few minutes to cover the room. By the time I was done, we had determined that except for a trap door just in front of the pit, the room was safe. A curtain of magic divided the room, however, over the pit's location. On the other side of the pit we could see a large sarcophagus propped up against the far wall. In front of it was a dry basin, and in front of and to either side of the basin was a large brass brazier. The room was otherwise plain.

As I disabled the trap door, I began investigating the pit. There was some magic above it -- abjurative in nature -- and everything below floor-level was obscured by magical darkness. Bringing out a rope, I plumbed the depth of the pit to see that it was merely thirty feet down. We could climb down, but what would we find?

CN, still walking the walls with his dinosaur, crossed over to the far side of the room. When he crossed over the pit, however, he and GX started to fall. CN twisted and turned, landing on the far side of the pit. GX scrambled and rolled, and landed on this side. They looked at each other for a moment, before GX backed up and leapt across the pit. The companions reunited (CN leaping onto GX's back), and backed away from the pit.

The sarcophagus opened.

I had had images of what we might find in the sarcophagus, and the creature who stepped out met every one of my expectations. Well, all except one. He was massively tall, probably nine feet tall in total ,with an elaborate headdress. Covered in bandages, he satisfied every image of a two-copper theater rendition of a mummy attack, except that he moved very quickly. He carried a wicked looking black rod, too, and as I watched it pulsed to life with black energy. The strange thing about the creature, though, is that it looked hobgoblin rather than hawk-headed. It was definitely out of place here.

We didn't stop to dialog about it's alien appearance, however. Quick as a wink, CN and GX withdrew from the creature and raced back up the wall. The mummy bore aloft his dark scepter, and black-fire electricity erupted from the weapon, striking CN and GX both before arcing off towards the nearest statue.

GW responded as I am learning she is inclined to: she quick-cast a spell of extra movement and leapt over the pit. Her speed was sufficient to reach the mummy, but her attack deflected off of dusty bandages. XL jumped across too, and positioned himself to get into the fight.

I had seen three people cross the pit, and two of them do so with magic. My extensive training in all things magical took the miniscule clues provided by my companions actions and formed a very vital piece of information. Hovering above that pit was a veil of anti-magic. No magic would cross the barrier. I pondered, suddenly, how the pit itself could then be shrouded in an obviously magical darkness? How, too, was the lightning from the black rod piercing the veil so as to strike the pillar?

I urged my companions to bring the battle back to this side of the pit. The obstacle was only ten feet across, but I wasn't sure ST could leap that distance. He was built for durability, not mobility. CA must not have heard my orders, because he leapt across to take the fight to the creature.

CN dropped fire down upon the creature, who reciprocated by blasting CN, GX, XL, and GW with lightning from his rod before withdrawing to the other side of the basin. GW followed, and in a flurry of magic and steel destroyed the mummy with a single hit. Fire and lightning were her specialty, too.

Most of us gathered on the far side of the pit to tend wounds and examine the area. Looting the fallen mummy was a priority for most, but there were some who were simply looking around, too. I joined in the search: our path lead here, but there were no other exits, nor any sign of the dragonshard we had come so far to find. I started my search at the sarcophagus, then expanded outward from there. No traps. No secret doors or compartments. Nothing.

I looked over the gear that the mummy had carried, but the dragonshard wasn't there, either. The scepter looked rather interesting, but that was research for another day.

We were still missing one tomb robber. If the scarab swarm had consumed him, then we would have found the gear piled at the location of his death. We had found nothing, though. With few other leads, we lowered ST down into the darkened pit, but brought him back up as soon as he reported more scarabs. It seems the pit was full of them.

Our last lead, then, was the trap door in front of the pit. The DC stood around me as I opened it up. A shaft descended into the darkness, angling slightly towards the pit. I could see right away, though, that the shaft would descend beneath the scarab-filled pit. What we did not know was how far down it went, or what was down there.

HU came over to help, and dropped a lit sunrod into the shaft. It slid and bounced until it descended out of sight. There was a slight curve to the shaft that hid it's endpoint from our vision. We waited a moment, to see if anything would respond to the noise and light, but nothing did.

Not trusting what we could not see, I infused a quick spell into my cane [ref: CJ-V1-12] and cast my vision down the shaft, centering it on the sunrod. My clairvoyance revealed a rectangular chamber twenty feet wide and fifty long, filled with three alcoves along each of the side walls and another on the far end of the chamber. The floor was covered in an indeterminate amount of water; piles and piles of bones extended out of the water, but didn't exactly fill the room. The body of a human male lay at the base of the shaft. Was this, perhaps, the chamber we sought?

I told my companions what I had seen, and they immediately set to work. ST drilled a hole in the stone with his energy blade, then secured a piton within it. HU, meanwhile, tied two ropes together so that we could descend the steep slope with less difficulty. CA opted to go down first.

It seemed to me that CA was disappointed that he did not get to fight the mummy, and so was eager to find another battle.

Following CA was GW, then CN, then ST. I had the opportunity to follow XL, but decided that if a four hundred pound warforged was going to trip up and slide down the shaft, I would rather be behind him than in front of him. I followed ST, then HU, XL, and RO came after.

I had never used a clairvoyancey spell before, but they work just fine. The chamber was just as I had seen it earlier, though better lit now that more light filled the room. I had just found a stable place to stand when trouble arrived.

Mummies burst forth from the nearest alcoves, one on each side of the room. ST turned to fight one, keeping it pinned in the alcove. The other stepped out to attack XL. Before we could react, a gibbering shade of pure blackness drifted out of one of the walls and charged straight towards GW. XL stood fascinated by the sound the creature was making, and CA stood paralyzed at the sight of the mummies. I have to profess that I was feeling a deeper despair than I ever had before. Still, there was a fight to be had!

From my wand [ref: PJ-V5-62], I unleashed a handful of magic missiles at the shade, my other targets seemingly not as critical. A mummy slammed his dusty fist into XL, knocking him out of his reverie. The other mummy clawed at ST, but was rebuffed. The shade struck GW, who began babbling a bit herself.

Our footing shifted slightly as the bones beneath our feet started to quake. from the center of the room rose two massive skeletons, each the size of an ogre. They struck out at any living creature near them.

CN responded with his normal war cry, and a small explosion of fire struck the skeleton and the mummy nearest XL. ST was having trouble with his mummy, but XL struck his a solid blow, the infusion I had placed on it earlier [ref: CJ-V1-33] cutting through the creature like an axe through soft clay.

As if we didn't have enough problems, a pair of well-preserved hobgoblin corpses came out of the far alcoves, and started making their slow way towards us across the piles of bones.
The shade's incorporeal form protected it from GW's counter-attack, and when it touched her again she giggled and started babbling a little louder. I hit it again with force missiles from wand, then GW followed up with a sword strike that hit true, and the creature discoprorated.

ST continued to trade blows with his mummy, while XL turned his attention to the skeleton behind him, using the infused haft of his spear to good use. The creature was large enough that in this room it nearly divided our party in two. CA came out of his reverie, and made his way towards the nearest skeleton. The combined efforts of the DC caused the creature to collapse before CA could get there, so he turned, instead, towards the mummy fighting XL.

CN continued to unleash fire into our enemies, and the remaining skeleton fell. Two zombies shuffled up into the fight. CA, XL, and GW teamed up on the mummy, dropping him, then CA turned and with one strike cut the nearest zombie in two. CN destroyed the other zombie.

ST, meanwhile, was still fighting determinedly with the mummy he had trapped within the alcove. GW called for ST to move aside so she could get a clear shot in, but ST pressed forward, keeping the creature contained. Eventually, though, it, too, fell, and we were alone in the chamber.

Once again, the DC spread out to search the chamber. I busied myself making sure everyone was healed before beginning my search.

XL had gotten hit at some point during the fight, and a black decay was spreading slowly but inexorably across his skin; deadened flesh was flaking off into dust and blowing away on a wind that wasn't there. Was this the mummy's curse, as is so often depicted in the theaters?

We had little time. Whatever it was, it was killing XL. I took out the only scroll I had capable of breaking a curse [ref: PJ-V7-84] and read it over XL's wound. I could feel the magic of the scroll fighting against the mummy's power. Then I felt the curse break. The blackness was still spreading across him, but it was just killing him now, not disintegrating him. Not good, but better. Rather than figure out where Robin was, I pulled out our only potion of disease removal and spread it over the wound. More progress: the disease was no longer spreading. XL was saved!

RO came up from whatever concealment he had found during the fight to administer aid. His curative wand was helpful in restoring CA to full health, and his restorative wand set both XL and GW aright. I tended to ST myself.

With all of the DC healthy once again, I utilized a divinatory wand [ref: CJ-V6-59] to search the room we were in in two broad sweeps. The body of the adventurer had some interesting gear (he was, in fact, the last member of the DG adventuring party), and the mummies had a little bit of useful gear. There was nothing else in the room of interest, though. Nothing buried under the bones, nothing concealed within the walls or floor. This was another dead end. Where was that dragonshard? Had it already been stolen, centuries before we got here?

We returned to the upper chamber, and began a long, exhaustive search. When that proved fruitless, I set about identifying the scepter that the mummy lord had carried. Perhaps it held some clue?

Identification of a magic item is a long, tedious process. Quite interesting, though. While I was working on the scepter, CA and CN went back out to the outer chambers to collect anything of value still on the bodies of the DG tomb robbers. I warned them to be wary of any traps that might still be active.

An hour later, the black rod provided no clues as to where we should go next. It was an interesting device, though, with a negative energy effect on anything you attacked with it and special electric-fire abilities that worked only in this room. But it didn't answer the questions I had about this place. Where was the dragonshard? Why did the mummy we fought here not "fit in", thematically speaking? If the tomb wasn't built for that creature, who was it built for? Where was he?

GW had the idea of lighting the braziers on fire and filling the basin with water. It seemed a waste of effort to me, as there was no magic to be triggered by such activities and my -- very thorough -- search had found no mechanisms that would activate. Still, we had little else to try, so we got about it.

The fires were harder to light than I expected. There were traces of residue in each, and we tried using existing materials to light the fire -- in case it mattered. We were able to get the fires started, though, through sheer determination. Nothing happened, unfortunately.
The basis was easier to deal with. GW collected water skins from the DC and simply poured them in. There was an immediate and obvious affect.

The water did not splash or ripple when poured into the basin. It went in like poured glass, filling the basin and reflecting the red lights that glowed in the ceiling. We had determined quite some time ago that the lights where placed in a very detailed pattern, mimicking the placement of stars in the night sky. The scarab motif in the entrance to the chamber held a cartouche with three symbols -- each of them representing a known constellation. We had identified the constellations mapped out on the ceiling, but had been unable to discern any pattern or hidden meaning behind them.

Those same three constellations were reflected in the pool before us. This wasn't a mirror, though. It was a portal.

But where did it lead? GW tried lowering a rope into the pool, but the rope simply gathered on top of the water. When she reached down to touch the bottom of the basin, it seemed endless. Not wanting to leap into the unknown, I began the process of infusing my cane with a spell to analyze the gate [ref: CJ-V1-12]. It was a magic I had never done before, so I took my time with it.

GW, however, was not one to wait. I had told her what I was doing, and was already in the middle of it, when she simply jumped into the pool. There was no splash; no ripple. There was just GW disappearing into nothingness. With barely a second's hesitation, CA followed.
That's all we need -- rivalry between our two best swordspeople.

There was a cry of great injustice from across the room. CN had just returned from another scouting expedition to see CA jump through the gate. Not wanting to be left behind, CN and GX ran across the room, jumped the pit, and leapt into the basin at full speed.

Or perhaps "Fool Speed" would be a better descriptor...."
. An Excerpt from the Personal Journal of Artemis Heuw Cannith, Volume 7
"Reignstones on rosewood"
"Whiskers from Kytons"
"Bright copper scepters"
"Wyrmwood in pitons"
"Brown parchment punk-sticks tied up with fronds"
. An Excerpt from the list, "These Are a Few of My Favorite Wands" by Artemis Heuw Cannith

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First Post
more from Caelen....

I recall that in Mother's last letter she mentioned Belgaer complaining that I never call my adventuring companions by name. I'll have to remedy that.

We were all shocked by Dalia's sudden horrible death, but I think Artemis, the human artificer, was the most disturbed. He wanted to return immediately to Sharn. To his credit, he didn't want to give up on exploring the vault. He suggested using the key to the Lost Room to get us back. We could leave our horses in the city and return to the Vault of the Crimson Stars at will now that we'd seen it.

Before we left Artemis reset as many of the traps in the vault as he could. The changeling, Xil, made a surprisingly good suggestion: that I should try the key to see if someone with no magical talent can make use of it.

That pleased me because I wanted to be first into the Lost Room, to check for enemies. We found the room the way we'd last seen it, although our new companion, Gwaenna Goldenbrow, noticed that while we'd entered the vault at night it appeared to be midday in the Lost Room. That's a puzzle for another time.

After we'd assured ourselves the room was safe we brought the horses through and I tried the key again. My first effort was disappointing. I've spent more time in Caerlyn's barracks than in Artemis's tower. The door opened there, much to the surprise of some of the Blades. I shut it quickly and tried again.

Once we were safely in Artemis's rooms, Gwaenna and Xil went out to seek supplies and a healer to accompany us. We worried that Caiber might have spies watching the tower, so we chose the two who wouldn't be recognized as part of our company.

I rested while they were gone. I didn't realize until then that while I'd had some unpleasant visions during my meditations on the lightning rail, I hadn't experienced them after Kylara left.

Gwaenna returned with a Jorasco halfling named Robin. He doesn't seem too trustworthy, but I suppose we don't have much choice on short notice.

We returned to the vault about mid-morning. Caiber must have had another team right behind us on the lightning rail, because the traps had been set off and we found several corpses. He's sending some pretty poor examples of adventurers. Something in the vault raised them as ghosts, just like their predecessors, but they were no trouble for Gwaenna and the warforged Sten to destroy.

Armed with alchemical substances to combat the beetles, we set off for the room where Dalia died. As we came to the statue room I heard the clang of a metal grate falling, followed by screams and shouts. I decided that caution was the better part of valor and climbed a statue. But the rest of my companions decided to run down the hall to see what was going on.

I couldn't see anything so I climbed back down. In the hall I could see some bright flashes from around the corner. The beetles came swarming into the area and Gwaenna turned them all to dust with a spell.

In the hall we found the goblin woman talking to another halfling, this one riding a dinosaur upside-down on the ceiling. He calls himself Conshru. He was following the Deathsgate people. They were supposed to get his tribe's permission to be in the vault, but they'd snuck off during the night and he'd been sent to spy on them.

We went on down the passage to an arch with a carving of a beetle above it. Beyond lay a tall room lined with pillars carved like the hawk-head statues in the other room. At the far end stood a sarcophagus and a basin. Between us and the basin lay a dark pit the full width of the room. Overhead the ceiling twinkled with red gems.

Artemis discovered a pit trap in front of the opening in the floor. He disabled the mechanism. When Conshru rode his dinosaur up the ceiling over the opening in the floor, his magic failed and they fell.

Then Gwaenna decided to jump the opening. When she did the sarcophagus lid rose and a tall mummified creature emerged.

It wielded a black rod that fired blasts of black lightning at Gwaenna and the carved pillars. I jumped across to help the goblin. The mummy hit me with some of its black lightning. Gwaenna fired off a spell through her sword and the mummy collapsed.

To make up for my disappointment I tore its wrappings off in search of treasure. I found nothing. Gwaenna took charge of the magic rod.

Artemis climbed up the walls and started searching the ceiling. While he did this Gwaenna and Conshru went to search the other bodies outside the room. I couldn't help thinking that Kylara wouldn't have liked us disturbing the dead.

Finding nothing on the ceiling, Artemis decided to examine the pit trap. It turned out to be an angled shaft leading toward the other pit. He threw a sunrod down it and cast a spell to see what was there. He could see that it didn't lead into the other pit. There was a room full of bones and water lying at the end of the shaft. Then we let Sten down on a rope.

The warforged came back up covered in beetles. But we decided to make the descent. The room was knee-deep in water and heaped with bones. As we entered a mummy emerged from an alcove and attacked. Bones rose up out of the water, forming themselves into a large creature like the ones Kylara could summon. A shadowy form floated up and I found myself unable to tear my gaze from it.

A second bone creature rose from the water and a second mummy emerged, but I still couldn't look away from the black thing. Then Gwaenna blasted it and I came to my senses. I moved to fight the mummy that Xil faced. Two zombies appeared and when the mummy fell I slashed a zombie in two.

Once all the undead things were destroyed Artemis had to use a scroll to prevent Xil from getting a disease from the mummy. After that we found another body, one of the Deathsgate adventurers. Conshru said there were seven and we'd accounted for them all.

There was nothing else of value in the chamber so we climbed back up. We all jumped across the black pit, except Sten, who's too heavy. Artemis tried using the black rod to see if it would trigger a secret doorway or something. We spent a while poking around the sarcophagus and two big braziers suspended above the dark pit, without finding anything.

Finally we decided to try putting water in the shallow basin. Once it filled with water it looked bottomless. Gwaenna stuck her arm in and it went in much too far. Then she jumped in the basin and disappeared!

Artemis had been casting a spell to learn more about the basin, but I decided that would take too long and jumped in after the goblin. We found ourselves in a dark passageway. Gwaenna summoned a light, revealing a descending stair.

At the bottom of the stair was a pillared room. As we climbed down Conshru appeared behind us. We all three began searching the room, examining a magic boat and a series of jars with carved lids. Then we descended another stair to a second chamber.

This one held another sarcophagus - and just like the previous one, it opened to release a tall mummy. Then two more mummies emerged from behind the pillars. We were trapped.
Quips & Quotes:

DH: "There's a fireplace burning in the hearth."
Jubilee: "There's a fireplace in the hearth?!"
Hedrin: "Yes, there's a fireplace in the hearth. They burn fireplaces for fuel in Argonnessen."

Zora: "Is there an advance on this job?"
Patv: "You have a full purse!"
Zora: "Yeah, but that's mine!"

Zora: "See that mole? That's my dragonmark."
Jubilee: "That's not a mole - that's cancer!"
Zora: "I'm an heir of House Melanoma."

Zora: "Alcoholism is a disease!"
Patv: "So you've been to rehab?"
Zora: "House Rehab. It's an offshoot of House Jorasco."

Zora (throws a candy bar at the GM): "Sorry your monster died. Have some candy."


First Post
Journal of Gwaenna Goldenbrown (Session 3-18-07)

... We traveled back to Sharn almost instantly by means of a magical key.
This key took us to a room high in a tower on Argonessen! I was quite
excited by the prospect, but the others seemed nervous and apprehensive
about going back there, much less exploring! While Sten and Xil argued
about a wardrobe and Caelen stalked around like a monster might pop up from
the stairwell at any moment, I went for one of the four windows on the room
and looked out over the landscape. It wasn't anything I recognized from my
studies of the draconic continent, but there were a number of dragons on the
skies - quite far off, it would seem. I was surprised to see that it was
sometime in the afternoon here, though it had been the early hours of
morning when we left the crypt.

I longed to go find MY Dragon, and ask him more questions, though I knew
that would ultimately be fruitless. I had asked questions before and he
hadn't answered them. I think I have to do something spectacular before he
would consider answering any more questions. Still, the chance to explore
Argonessen was an exciting one - but it was an excitement my new companions
didn't share.

Without my noticing, they had opened a door back to a room in Sharn.
Artemis called sharply to me that he was going to close the door and wanted
to know if I was coming. Of course, I ran for the door. I think if I were
to try to explore alone, the first dragon that saw me might eat me. Maybe
if I could bring Hunter with me, he would take care of them.

I found myself in a fancy room in another tower - this time in Sharn. The
horses looked quite out of place in the "music room," as Artemis referred to
it. It looked like quite a lot of useless junk to me, although there were a
few things that could serve as clubs in a pinch.

Everyone was nervous about being noticed by Caibre's watchers, not that I
blame them, but once they marched the horses out of the house and tied them
up front, I figured any fool would have noticed and reported it to Caibre.
If they were lucky, no one was watching the tower. In the interest of any
secrecy that might remain, they decided that Xil and myself should take care
of the errands that needed doing. Artemis was keen to leave with the
sunrise, but I reminded him that both he and I would need at least eight
hours of sleep to be fully refreshed, and if he wanted me to do errands, I
wouldn't have time to rest! He agreed to push off our leaving until the
lunch hour.

I set off to find a healer, while Xil went to find a number of supplies
Artemis wanted. Artemis gave me a large sack of platinum pieces, and I did
my best not to look surprised. I don't think I have ever seen so much
platinum in one place! It made me a little nervous to carry so much money
around, but as it turned out, hardly anyone took notice of me. I don't
think anyone expects to see a goblin, even one with as noble a bearing and
as nicely dresseed as I, to have a lot of money.

Unfortunately, the healers at Jorasco took very little notice of me as well.
They could recommend no traveling healer unless I gave them an exorbitant
amount of money. I wasn't about to waste someone else's money, so I
politely declined their assistance. I asked around on my own but had no

I returned to the house without a healer and returned the money to Artemis.
Sten kindly offered me the bed in his room, as he had no need to sleep. The
bed was much too big, and the room too open, for my comfort, so I took the
blankets into the closet instead. I don't know how those people can sleep
in a place where any person can sneak up behind them, but having three walls
at my sides made me feel better.

In the morning, I learned that Xil had located a healer - a halfling by the
name of Robin! Of course, I should have thought of Robin - I know of him
only by reputation, but it is a well-known reputation. He's supposed to be
a competent healer - dragonmarked of Jorasco, even - but he's had a run of
bad luck lately. Seems the last few adventures that've hired him on haven't
returned, though Robin has returned with a pile of treasure. Well, I can't
hold a bit of opportunism against him - I can imagine his adventuring
companions might not have treated him very well - so I went to fetch him
while other preparations were made.

Robin was quite eager to go, either to get out of the city or just for the
chance to turn his luck around, I don't know. When we returned to the
house, Artemis inspected his dragonmark and quizzed the halfling on his
abilities and knowledge. Artemis seemed satisfied, and we set out.

I was very excited to be returning to Argonessen! There was another
argument about searching the room or somesuch, and Caelen was eager to rush
through and look for enemies. I waited, with some impatience I'll admit, to
get through the door and peer through another of the windows. The scene was
much the same, including the position of the sun. I was almost certain it
was exactly the same time as the day before. Once again, I was rushed out
of the room and back into the long tunnel that led to the scarab swarms.

Artemis told us that there had been someone else through the door. He had
left a ward of somesort behind that had been triggered. We opened the door
back to the room of traps, and sure enough, there were several blades
grinding away at some bodies and the pit was open again. I wanted to go
search the bodies for anything useful, but Artemis insisted we carry on in
case there are others about to beat us to their prize. I wasn't as worried;
since I doubted anyone was interested in what I wanted, but I suppose it's
possible some fool could damage important information in a hasty search.

We got to the room of soldier statues when we heard the sound of falling
gates, followed by a loud curse. I didn't have to strain my ears much to
hear the scuttling sound of beetles. Xil and Caelen went for high ground -
again, I refrained from telling them how futile it was - and Robin asked in
a loud, strained voice if anyone was going to help them. Artemis told us to
stay behind, giving himself flight with a scroll.

I ran towards the gates, with Artemis right above me in the air. I know it
was foolish of me to run towards such terrible danger, but I couldn't bear
the idea of standing here while someone was eaten alive by those bugs. I
guess I'm a bit soft when it comes down to it. I don't think I'll tell
Hunter about it. He wouldn't run into danger for a stranger.

As it turns out, the stranger was one of the halfling plains riders - he and
his mount were standing on the ceiling between two fallen gates! I took a
moment to admire such a well-trained beast. The halfling summoned a large
sphere of fire, and sent it rolling down the hallway, where the scarabs were
just appearing around the corner. They scuttled out of the way of the fire,
and perhaps a few of them were roasted, but it made little difference in the
strength of it. Artemis similarly threw a fireball down there, with the
same result. Luckily, I had prepared myself already with a shocking grasp,
so I could hit them as the swarmed over me - as they shortly did.

Artemis actually had the audacity to tell me not to use fire. As if it wasn't
obvious I had already figured that out on my own!

We dispatched the scarabs with a minimum of trouble, at least so I thought,
until I noticed that someone had singed my kimono with more acid, and Caelen
appeared to be about to suffer the same fate as Dalia. I called out to
Robin, who I think had run away when the fight began, and Artemis began
chanting over his gorgon-headed staff. He finished his infusion, and tapped
the staff against Caelen's abdomen with another command word. The scarabs
were forcibly expelled from Caelen's body. I decided to attend to the
trapped halfling while Robin began attending to their wounds.

It took some time, but I managed to lift the bars high enough so that the
halfling, who had introduced himself as Conshru and his mount was Grix,
could lift it the rest of the way into the ceiling. I decided we ought to
take care of both doors while we were at it. However, when I stepped
through, the gate behind me fell again. I think my heart skipped a few
beats while I waited to hear if the scarabs were coming for us again, but I
didn't hear their scuttling, so I began to lift the grate again.

Around this time, the others joined us, and with Artemis's help, the doors
were disabled.

Conshru informed us that there were seven in the group that was behind and
ahead of us. We had only accounted for six so far, and hadn't found a pile
of clothing that would indicate that someone else had been eaten by scarabs.
Conshru told us that this was a sacred place, according to his people, and
that he was here to remove those who had entered without permission. I
think everyone in our group looked a bit nervous about this, but Artemis
played it cool enough, and offered to help Conshru find the final

We continued down the hallway without further mishap, although there was a
length of it with a number of holes in the wall that were probably where the
scarabs came from. I think we all breathed a bit easier once we were past

We came to an arched entry into a large, square room. There was a winged
beetle at the apex of the arch, the design much like those on the stone
soldiers we had found earlier. The room beyond was dark and glittered with
pinpoints of red light from the ceiling. There were more twelve-foot tall
statues along either side of the room, and two above a dark, 10-foot wide
pit. Conshru continued along on the ceiling, while Artemis made a thorough
search of the chamber. When Conshru crossed the chasm, his magic suddenly
failed. He fell to one side of the pit and Grix to the other.

With remarkably little hesitation, the small dinosaur jumped across the
chasm to rejoin his master. We started to discuss how the rest of us might
cross the pit, and I made ready to jump across to hold a rope while the
others crossed. Conshru backed away from the chasm, to give us room to come
across, when the sarcophagus on the other side suddenly swung open, and a
mummy stepped forth!

Conshru retreated up the wall while I finished my jump, giving myself a bit
of a boost to speed before hand, so I could reach the mummy once I got
there. I swung at him, but my sword was deflected by the pectoral hanging
from the mummy's neck. In very little time, Caelen was also fighting beside
me. The mummy retreated from us and lifted his scepter, which shot forth a
black mix of fire and lightning that arced between us all before grounding
out in one of the statues above the pit.

I charged the mummy, this time attacking with all of my strength and
expending a fair bit of magic, but I burned him with a combination of fire
and lightning as well! He practically exploded with the force of my
strength and magic. I felt triumphant, and smiled at my new companions.
Everyone but Caelen looked impressed, I thought. Caelen seemed a bit sour,
and complained that he hadn't had a chance to attack the mummy himself.

I don't think any of us was ready to enter the dark, magicless pit, so we
began to search the room more thoroughly for clues. As we still hadn't
found the seventh adventurer, Conshru and I returned to the entrance to make
a more thorough search for bodies, and to strip those left behind of useful
items. I wondered if the last had hidden himself amongst the statues while
we passed, and made his retreat after we were gone. I figured the person
leaving would likely take time to at least strip some of his companions to
help his escape, so we might glean some clue of they didn't have much of
value on them.

We confirmed there were, indeed, only six bodies (and unfortunately, six
ghosts!) and found a number of magical and alchemical items in their
possession. Conshru and I returned to our companions; he elected to take a
nap while I made a study of the ceiling, which I discovered was decorated
with some kind of glowing red gems in constellation patterns. I made notes
of them, but we couldn't find any way to make use of them.

Finally, we decided it would be necessary to lower someone into the pit to
investigate. After some argument, we decided it would be Sten, who was more
resilient and somewhat resistant to the beetles' effects. It turned out to
be lucky we had, because when we pulled him up again, he was covered in a
number of the horrible bugs! They dropped from him as soon as we got him
over the edge and scuttled back into the darkness.

I borrowed Sten's grappling hook and dragged it along the bottom of the pit
to see if the seventh adventurer had fallen down there and left his clothing
behind. No luck. Finally, we decided we'd have to investigate the pit trap
that would open at the edge of the magicless pit. We discovered that it was
a chute that dropped down below the darkness pit, so after some preparations
by Artemis, we climbed down and found ourselves in a very wet, skull-piled
room with a number of niches to either side. There was also a body down
here - the seventh adventurer.

As we tried to determine what had killed him, two more mummies appeared out
of the first set of niches, attacking Caelen and Xil. A shadowy form came
rushing out of the darkened end of the room towards me, babbling
incoherently. A number of our companions were held spellbound by the
strange voice, while it reached out to me with a cold hand that made me feel
a bit light headed as it passed through my body. I began to attack it
vigorously, though my blade passed harmlessly through the incorporeal body
as often as not. I felt a little mad, I admit, and was almost overcome by a
fit of giggles when the terribly cold hand passed through me again.

Two zombies had joined the fight somehow, before I took care of the black
shadow, which I caused to explode in a mix of fire and electricity. Xil was
fighting off one of the mummies, while Sten battled the other. Caelen came
out of his stupor as the shadow dissipated and ran over to help Xil.
Conshru was holding off the two zombies with blasts of fire. Still a bit
light headed, I really would rather have sat down for a rest, but I moved
forward to help Conshru with the skeletons. In short order, we dispatched
the rest of them. Xil seemed to have been affected by the mummy's curse,
something I had heard of but never seen. Blackness was spreading over his
body, but luckily for him, one of the scrolls Artemis had thought to buy was
one to break the mummy's curse. Robin had a wand that cured me of my
light-headedness and Xil of the remaining effects of the curse.

We thoroughly searched the room and still couldn't find the dragonshard
Artemis and his companions were looking for. We made the climb back out of
the lower chamber and once again looked around the room, trying to decide
what to do.

Sten wondered if we should light the braziers on the other side of the pit,
and I suggested we try filling the pool between the mummy's coffin and the
pit with water. Artemis seemed doubtful, but didn't have any better ideas,
so he agreed. Conshru, Artemis, and myself made our way across, armed with
water and fire. ...


First Post
The Collected Journals of Artemis Heuw Cannith, excerpt 21

Here's another entry from Devo. Enjoy! sniffles

"I came back to see everything in my lab split into pairs. A line of chalk divided the table into two halves, the contents of each perfectly mirrored the other with the same tools, components, and materials laid out on each. The doors, the chair, the bookshelf, the window -- everything was cut down the exact center with chalk, each side a mirror of the other. Stark lay on one side of the table, and on the other half lay... Stark. In the day that I had been gone, he had split the lab in two and constructed another version of himself. I approached, worried that he had somehow managed to create a living homunculus. My concern was in vain, however. As I came close, the Stark on the right stood up and ran over to the Stark on the left, picking him up so they could stand side-by-side. I laughed at him, shaking my head. 'Perfectly symmetrical artifice never solved anything,' I told him ."
. An Excerpt from the Craft Journal of Artemis Heuw Cannith, Volume 7
"When we caught up with the others, they were, naturally, in trouble.

Getting ST across the pit had been a simple exercise in teleportation -- two of my favorite wands [ref: CJ-V5-72, CJ-V6-24] are geared towards just that. I told him to enter the portal, as CA would most assuredly be in trouble. He talked back, saying something about not leaving me behind, but I assured him that I would be just behind him. XL jumped in, good man that he was, and then ST went through. I told RO to follow, then hopped back across the pit and right into the portal. HU came in right behind me.

The corridor we came into was narrow, with steps that descended steeply downward. There was light, even before HU arrived, as CN was running round and round in a lower chamber, a light spell placed upon his spear. He had just shouted something out to ST, who hadn't had a chance to fully descend the stairs, and he sounded a bit panicked. I hustled forward, asking to know what was going on.

CN spoke rapidly of a large chamber up ahead, filled with mummies. CA and GW were in that room, but the connecting hallway had been sealed off when a stone slab slid down from the ceiling. There was no way to get to them.

Enter the artificer. I had arrived just in time, again, to save my companions. They never seem terribly appreciative, but I've gotten used to having them around, so I rushed forward to deal with the block. At the bottom of my stairs was a rectangular chamber in the center of which was a long reed boat. Four plinths surrounded the boat, each bearing an alabaster jar topped with a carved animal head. I knew from the condition of the boat that it was magical. Unfortunately, I did not have the time to stop and examine it. A pity.

Beyond the chamber was another stairway down, this one sealed off at the end by a broad stone wall. I could tell right away that the stone had been recessed up into the ceiling until just recently, some mechanism causing it to fall into place to trap those on the other side. I tapped it hard, once, to measure it's thickness. My extensive knowledge of all things architectural served me well, and I estimated that it would be just narrow enough.

I pulled a patch from my vestments [ref: CJ-V7-18] and it instantly took the shape of a scroll. HU stood behind me to provide light, and I read the words of magic.

A vortex appeared in the center of the wall, stone swirling and sliding away as though disappearing down a drain. When it stopped, there was a perfectly round bore all the way through the wall. I crouched down to look through, and saw a vast pillared chamber lit by a single source of moving light. Shadows battled one another, and the sound of fighting echoed through to us.

I was about to move through when CN and GX pushed past and scrambled through the opening. XL saw me off balance, and took advantage of the opening, sliding through, himself. ST insisted that he go first, so I backed up to let him go. Not nearly as agile as the other two, nor as petite, he found himself wedged in the opening.

I could hear fighting and screaming from the far chamber, and decided that I could wait no longer. Raising my gorgon cane, I activated the wand inside [ref: CJ-V5-72] to teleport across. It failed. Strange.

It must have had something to do with this place. That's the third wand to lock up on me since I'd been here.

With titanic effort, ST finally got through the opening. I turned to HU and RO and told them to find any who were wounded and heal them, then crawled through. I stepped immediately into a fight.

The side walls of the chamber I had just entered into lead away from the opening at an angle, giving the whole room something of a triangular shape. A row of pillars extended from the door straight back towards the far wall, with at least one more row of pillars visible in the shadows to either side. The far wall was almost one hundred feet away, where another -- much larger -- sarcophagus lay. It's lid was open for obvious reasons.

Standing in the center of the room was a walking, battling corpse; a figure easily twelve feet tall with the body of a man but the head of a hawk. He was wrapped head to foot in burial bandages, over which were ceremonial accoutrements and a small amount of jewelry. The evil, red glow of his eyes was matched by the deep red glow coming from the giant dragonshard hanging from a chain around his neck. He wielded a massive, two-handed weapon. It's top was a long, hooked sword; it's bottom a large axe blade perpendicular to the haft. The way the creature spun and moved the weapon, though, it was hard to say which was the top and which the bottom.

CA stood weapon-to-weapon with the monster, a look of extreme concentration on his face as he tried to ward off the creature's blows. XL was there too, having just entered the fight. CA looked badly hurt, but it was obvious that both he, XL, and GW had done some damage to the mummy. Most of CA's attacks had landed near or below the creature's waist. GW's were much closer to it's knees.

I couldn't see GW, but CN shouted that she had fallen deeper into the room, behind one of the pillars. CN and GX were there, now, fighting another, smaller, mummy. ST battled a third mummy to one side, keeping the creature off of CA's flank.

I knew CA could handle himself, so I turned my attention to ST's opponent. Drawing a wand of brass [ref: CJ-V5-48], I unleashed a stream of electricity at ST's opponent, which left a satisfying scorch across it's right side. We were connected now by a river of near-invisible current -- a current that would carry my next attack unfailingly to that same location.

CN let us know that GW was still alive, and that he was drawing his opponent away from her. XL shifted to one side to take the attack to the giant mummy, the infusion I'd placed on his weapon earlier serving him well. CA was there beside him, fighting defensively, but still fighting. HU and RO, as ordered, had come in behind CA to try to heal him. Good men. (Well, "good halfling", and "good construct". The sentiment stands fine on it's own, however, without a long exposition detailing the physiological differences between the phrases "man", "halfling", and "construct", even if in a normal sense, a construct would never be considered a man.)

ST and his mummy exchanged blows. I decided at that moment to talk to ST about getting hit so often. He really needed to find a way to keep people from bashing him every time he gets into a fight. He relies too much on his adamantine plating, I think, and that's not a good thing. Now was not the time for such a discussion, though, so I concentrated on the task at hand.

Bringing another wand to bear [ref: CJ-V5-64] I called forth it's magic and two bright streams of fire leapt from the wand to strike ST's mummy. The creature exploded outward, a violent expulsion of long-desiccated flesh, bone, and wrapping. Of course! The embalming process must have left them vulnerable to fire. I turned to the giant mummy with a grin both wicked and dashing. Had he been a living foe, I am sure he would have cowered at the sight of me.

Such is not the way things work when one is hundreds of feet underground in tombs both ancient and evil. I took a single step towards the king mummy and the aura of despair I had somewhat sensed coming from the creature hit me of a sudden like heat from a blast furnace. Such suffering! I kept hold of myself, naturally. Nothing can break the mind of a Cannith artificer. I had mastered the ability to control my emotions long ago, and my training held up even when pitted against this foul abomination. With a knowing smile, I raised my wand and let twin streams of fire be my retort. Like an arrow shot from the bow of a champion marksman, each beam lanced out and struck the creature directly in the heart.

Well, it would have hit it in the heart, if it weren't for that pesky dragonshard. The magic was absorbed harmlessly into the medallion hanging around the creature's neck. A fascinating bit of artifice, that, but rather unfortunate in our present situation.

Come to think of it, his heart was probably up in one of those jars, too, and no where near the center of his chest. I will keep to my first description, though, as it makes for far more dashing a tale.

"I told you magic wouldn't work against him!" shouted GW from across the room. "But I didn't hear you!" I cleverly rebutted.

I looked over to see that GW had been having a rough time with her fight. The mummy she had been battling had reached out with the long weapon he carried (one that matched the king mummy's weapon in all but size) and tripped her. He had smashed her into unconsciousness twice. CN had been there the first time to help, and RO was there now, healing her wounds. She stood, drinking another potion, and seemed somewhat upset. CN had drawn the creature away, and was clinging to the wall again, trying to get some distance from the mummy coming after him. I casually arced a stream of lightning across the room at the creature from a wand [ref: CJ-V5-48], destroying it utterly.

XL and CA had done a fair job of keeping the king mummy busy, but they had paid for it. CA withdrew from the fight to take a couple of healing potions before stepping back in. XL looked about ready to drop, himself. ST turned his energy bolts against the creature just as the mummy was beginning to realize that it was outmatched.

He wasn't out of the fight yet, though. With a rapid sequence of attacks, the mummy drove CA to the ground. I was standing close to HU, who looked ready to run in and heal CA. Rather than let that happen, I ordered HU to wait, and activated the wand [ref: CJ-V6-24] that would cause CA and I to swap places. HU immediately applied a healing potion to the fallen elf. I stepped back from the mummy. Quickly.

The creature wasn't interested in fighting me, though. He must have seen what I did to his longtime companions. Rather than face the righteous wrath of House Cannith, he backed away into the pillars. ST moved up to protect me while RO dispensed healing magics on GW.

XL cautiously pursued the creature, driving him farther back but using the pillars as cover against the creatures counter-attacks. ST slid this way and that, finding whatever opening he could to blast the mummy with his bolts.

GW, now feeling much refreshed, came after the king with a vengeance. She charged, swinging as hard as she could. He repelled her attack and countered with his own, but RO's healing had brought her to near full fighting force. She swung again, a broad overhand strike that carried with it all of her little goblin rage and all of her little goblin might. She struck, and struck true. The mummy collapsed, cut in half at the waist. With it's magic dispersed, the creature's form disintegrated before our eyes, turning to dust and ragged bandages. The dragonshard lay on top, glowing a dull red.

It had been a titanic battle, but we had persevered. Without IR, we had been hard-pressed to keep ourselves healthy enough to continue. RO's presence helped some, and, of course, HU and I played no small role. I will have to come up with some way of keeping this group healthy for longer stretches of time.

With the known dangers out of the way, we began searching the room. The king had no treasure with him, excepting the dragonshard itself. GW wanted to take the mummy's weapons and wrappings, which CN allowed so long as they went to a museum. I found a secret compartment behind the king's sarcophagus, which lead to a winding staircase that went up and up, but ended in a blank stone wall. We could find no other exit.

ST and XL suggested digging through the wall, to see what was on the other side. I convinced them that this could be dangerous, though. What if the lake were on the other side? Reluctantly, sullenly, they agreed that maybe digging through wasn't such a clever idea.

We spent another couple of hours looking the place over. Each of the pillars and every wall were covered in some sort of cryptographic language. The imagery was quite interesting, especially to GW and CN. Pictographs described a kingdom ruled by a large, hawk-headed man, with goblins and hobgoblins giving obeisance at his feet. GW dated the site as being some time during or just after the Age of Demons. Quite a long time back.

She insisted that it must have been the goblins that overthrew the empire. I corrected her, saying that it was probably the Dhakaani empire that came next, ruled by hobgoblins. She would hear none of that. GW is convinced that before the Dhakaani empire came into power, there was an empire of goblins. She seemed rather adamant about that, so I let it go. Imagine, an empire of goblins. It makes me smile. She mentioned that she had seen proof of just such an empire, but that it had since been destroyed.

I thought to tell her of the Dhakaani artifacts that we had, but she was distracted by a new mural.

After searching the main chamber, we returned to the boat chamber to look over the artifacts there. They were extremely interesting, but CN did not want them taken from this sacred place. Pictures along the walls showed the hawk-king flying on a reed boat very similar to this one, and it occurred to me that it might be our only way out. CN had been extremely helpful, however, and I still did not want him to tell his tribe of our presence. That means we had to leave the boat where it was.

When we were done studying the tomb, we left in the only way we could. I pulled another patch from my clothing [ref: CJ-V7-18] and produced a door which we opened with the Lost Key [ref: PJ-V6-54]. It took us to the keep in Argonnessen (which I am starting to develop theories about) and then we returned from there to my tower in Sharn. It took very little convincing to bring CN with us.

It's beginning to bother me, the number of times I save the lives of someone within the DC -- or the DC as a whole -- without so much as a simple "thank you" from any of them. Ah, well. I'm not in this for the glory. Still, a little appreciation wouldn't kill them.

Finally at home again, I went immediately to clean up. GX was sniffing around the house, so I gave CN some suggestions on places he could stay that would house the two of them. I invited everyone else to stay the evening if they wanted. Instead, GW took CN and GX out to see the city. This was CN's first time in Sharn. By his account, it was his first time anywhere other than Gatherhold, actually.

We had a pile of magical gear from the two DG groups that had died within the tomb, and I began to sort through it and get it cleaned up. I contemplated how best to identify the items, as the infusion that does so takes an inordinate amount of time to finish. Then I remembered a book I had read last year about a device that could do just that; a monocle that one could use to study magic items. Searching through my library, I found the book and enough information to make the item. It was relatively inexpensive! Putting the list of materials together, I handed it off to one of my house staff to fetch from the Cannith Holdings after dinner. S1 started putting it together the next day.

The DC went their own way for the next day or so. ST, HU, and I went shopping, securing supplies for the house and my laboratory. I checked in with the House, and was told that the construction of the Golden Dragon could wait no longer. The launch party would commence in just two days. When I got home again, I told the DC and they were all excited to go. I'm not the only one who was interested in meeting some of Sharn's social elite!

I spent the rest of the afternoon in the library, identifying items. There were some very interesting pieces here! the most powerful was a dagger devoted to the Keeper. It would capture the living soul of any creature it killed, sending it to a special vault that was directly under His control. Scary stuff.

The next day, ST and I had a short discussion about his inability to dodge blows. He explained in painful detail how he was built for durability, not dexterity. In the end, I decided to use some of the materials I had laying about the lab to enchant his composite plating. If he couldn't get himself out of the way, then I would do it for him.

That same day, S1 finished the monocle he had been working on, and I identified the last of the gear. The DC came together again, and we divvied up the loot."

. An Excerpt from the Personal Journal of Artemis Heuw Cannith, Volume 7

"...wands, over thirty of which I constructed and charged myself. They are of essential use in not only my explorations into ancient crypts and wards, but also into the investigations I have conducted in and around Sharn on behalf of the Blackened Book, Morgrave University, the Sharn Watch, and, most importantly, House Cannith. I have learned to rely heavily on these wands to deal with enemy and ally alike, harming the first, but aiding and restoring the second. With the proper tools, there is nothing I cannot do..."
. An Excerpt from the letter, "A Petition Into the Prestigious Order of Wand Adepts, House Cannith" by Artemis Heuw Cannith


First Post
Caelen's latest letter concludes

I say we were trapped because we'd already tried to go back through the portal. From this side it was a solid wall.

I drew a flask of wizard's fire from my belt pouch and waited for the hawk-headed mummies to get closer.

That was the wrong decision.

The two shorter mummies receded into the shadows among the pillars. The larger one bore down on me. I couldn't move. All I could do was think that this wasn't the way I wanted to meet my patron ancestor.

The mummy swung a strange weapon at me, a long haft with a hooked sword at one end and a curved axe-blade at the other. Not surprisingly, he didn't miss.

I heard a sound like a stone sliding from behind me, though I couldn't turn to look. I found out later a stone door had fallen in the passage, leaving the halfling on the other side. Only Gwaenna and I were in the chamber with the mummies.

Gwaenna tried to attack the mummy with her enchanted sword, but the magic didn't seem to affect it. It struck her twice and she collapsed.

My paralysis vanished, but by then I was sorely wounded. I backed off, fighting defensively to give myself time. Conshru and his dinosaur reappeared, accompanied by Xil. I stepped behind the changeling and swallowed two potions of healing.

Conshru and his mount climbed the wall and fired a spell at the mummy. Artemis waved a wand at it, sending more magic its way. Gwaenna shouted at them that magic didn't work, but they didn't seem to hear.

I moved in on the mummy. It swiped at me but missed. I didn't miss.

The other halfling, Robin, came up behind me and healed me with his magic. Gwaenna was back on her feet again, but the other two mummies had reappeared. Gwaenna went down again. Artemis set one of the lesser mummies afire and it exploded in a burst of sparks.

I moved behind the big mummy to flank him, but he caught me with his blade and that's the last I recall for a short time.

When I woke I wasn't where I'd been. Artemis had cast a spell to swap places with me. His homonculus administered a potion to me. Then Conshru came and gave me more healing.

Gwaenna managed to get back on her feet again in time to give the large mummy the final blow. Then Artemis cast another healing spell over everyone and we started searching the chamber.

The biggest mummy had the dragonshard Artemis sought. But the rest of the room was a disappointment. The first room still held the boat and jars, but Conshru didn't want us to touch them. He didn't stop Gwaenna from taking the odd weapons the mummies had wielded.

Artemis uncovered a trapped door hiding a winding stair out of the chamber. When we tried the stair we found it led to a blank wall. We went back down and the artificer pulled a patch of cloth off his coat. When he stuck it on the wall it turned into an iron door!

We used the magic key to get us to the Lost Room, and from there back to Sharn. Conshru came with us. It was amusing to watch the halfling gape in awe at both the room in Argonnessen and the towers in the city.

Gwaenna took the weapons to Morgrave University, promising Conshru she wouldn't tell them exactly where the vault lay. I went back to the barracks.

Artemis wants us all to come with him to the launching of a new airship. But I've been thinking that hunting treasure in ancient crypts and riding around on airships isn't really the way I want to bring glory to Coriandor's name. I'm considering taking Caerlyn's offer to join the Blades and return to Valenar.

I'll let you know what I decide.

Quips & Quotes:
Jubilee: "Who charges Orcus, anyway?"
Hedrin: "Most of the time you just comp him."

Hedrin: "He can't be holding a crook. This is 3.5. He'd be holding a rogue."

DH: "What's your character's name again?"
Zora: "Conshru."
sniffles: "You can call him Con. COOONN!!"

Jubilee (as Conshru steps over a fallen Gwaenna): "Hey, I'm difficult terrain, thank you very much!"

Devo: "So now the mummy's got two columns of energy on him."
DH: "Don't cross the streams!"

Jubilee : "Don't give the GM ideas."
sniffles: "Somebody should."

Jubilee: "Anything was a delicacy where Gwaenna came from."
Hedrin: "Things in the sewers... Sometimes you feel like a nut."
Zora: "Sometimes you just don't want to look that hard."

DH: "Artemis is a living wand."
Devo: "That's what they say."
Hedrin: "I believe they say he's a living tool."
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First Post

I think I'm going to have to preface my next journal with a who's who of short-hand names. It always seems to me that anyone reading this would lose track of who I'm talking about if they don't know the characters as well as I do.

On a side note, every time I refer to any of these characters in an email (the the rest of the group, for example), I have to fight not to use shorthand. Habit, I guess. :)



First Post
Devo said:
I think I'm going to have to preface my next journal with a who's who of short-hand names. It always seems to me that anyone reading this would lose track of who I'm talking about if they don't know the characters as well as I do.

On a side note, every time I refer to any of these characters in an email (the the rest of the group, for example), I have to fight not to use shorthand. Habit, I guess. :)

Confusing, conshmoozing. We're just waiting for you to make your next journal entry!
(taps fingers impatiently) :D


First Post
Azlin Valkara's tale, part 1

Well, we're falling behind a bit here, so I'm going to get things up to date and we'll just have to keep waiting for Artemis's journal entries. I apologize to any readers that my entries just aren't as entertaining as Devo's.

Player's note: I've decided to retire Caelen. He's joined Caerlyn's Blades and will return to Valenar. In his place I'm now playing Azlin Valkara, a female dwarf fighter/cleric of the Sovereign Host.



Consul Lain Soldorak wants me to bodyguard him at a gala for the christening of the Golden Dragon. It's the biggest airship ever built, if House Lyrandar's claims can be believed.

I feel naked without my armor. Thank the Host for magic.

This is dull. Soldorak's just chatting up everyone and enjoying the food. I've got to stay on my toes. House Lyrandar's certainly put on a fine show, though. This ship is pretty impressive. Lots of giltwork and fine carving.

It must be near midnight. My feet are sore from standing. Nearly everyone else has gone home, or retired to the observation deck. I wonder if Soldorak's going to be here all night?

Bam! What's that?! Time for action. What are those - minotaurs? And hobgoblins! Coming up from below decks. One of the hobs is yelling, "Get on the floor! There's a bomb!"

A bomb! I've got to get Soldorak off this ship.

"Don't worry about it," he mutters to me. "Lyrandar will just pay the ransom and we'll be fine."

We're outnumbered. I've only got a dagger. Blast them to Khyber, I'll just have to do as they say.

They're herding us all together. I think that's the representative of House Cannith over there, that young human in the blue and silver outfit. He's got a warforged bodyguard with him. Some other kind of construct is with him, too, a chest with arms and legs following him around like a dog.

There's a goblin woman with weird skin and eyes talking to the Cannith, and there's a halfling with her who doesn't look local. What strange guests.

I hear one of the hobs yelling, something about Lyrandar refusing to pay! There's a lot of nervous muttering and shuffling around me. Somebody mumbles something about letting the bomb go off!

That Cannith artificer's rummaging around in his walking chest. What - those are harpies alighting on the deck. The hobs tell them to look after the hostages - us.

I don't know what that just was, but I'm sure that artificer had something to do with it. I tell Soldorak, "Keep out of the way!" Then I pray to the Host, "Let my enemy hold," and aim the divine power at the nearest hob. It worked! He's not moving, just staring at me.

I mutter another prayer, "Send me ice to gird my fist." A rime of spiky ice forms over my fist. The hobgoblin's swinging his sword at me now. Ha, he missed! I punch him with my icy gauntlet and he crumbles like the biscuits they were serving earlier at the buffet.

I notice that the artificer has run around the wheelhouse, but his warforged is still near me. He's toe-to-toe with a minotaur and getting the worst of it.

A harpy comes flapping down, singing her siren song, but it doesn't bother me. A lot of the other guests are starting to gather around her, though, or wandering off to the other side of the wheelhouse.

I move over by the warforged and swing my icy fist at the minotaur, but he dances away, surprisingly nimble for such a beast. The warforged backs up, then slices out at the minotaur with some sort of weird purple energy that comes out of his hand. The minotaur falls to the deck.

The warforged pours a liquid over himself and I can see the damage on his exterior sealing up. I throw a punch at the harpy and get clawed in return.

Zap! A bolt of lightning sizzles from the corner of the wheelhouse and the harpy goes limp.

Some of the crew are back, yelling "Evacuate! Abandon ship!" I follow Consul Soldorak toward the docking tower. He must have invested in the airship. "Stay on board," he says. "I'll be fine. Do what you can to help save the ship."

I see the Cannith artificer going below with the goblin woman and the halfling. So I follow them and ask, "Need any help?"

The halfling's riding a dinosaur now - how did he get that aboard? It's climbing the walls like a spider. I've never heard of dinosaurs doing that.

The artificer's trying to find the bomb. Somebody says, "The hobgoblin leader's still on the ship." I say, "I'm going to take care of him."

As I start to walk away from the group, the halfling's voice suddenly says in my ear, "This spell will let you talk back to us."

"I found him!" the goblin woman yells. I can hear her via the spell. I run downstairs, praying to the Host as I go. An axe made of ice fills my hand.

I find the goblin and the halfling fighting a hobgoblin and a warforged - a different one, more heavily armed than the artificer's bodyguard.

The halfling's dinosaur is clinging to the wall, and the halfling's shooting rays of scorching heat at the warforged. The little goblin girl draws a sword and sends lightning down the blade. It burns right through the hobgoblin and then takes the warforged down!

The hob's still on his feet, so I let him feel the cold of my axe. It makes a nice meaty thunk as it hits his nasty red hide. He falls like a side of beef. A nice-looking warhammer falls out of his hand. It looks to be adamantine. I pick it up and push the haft through my belt.

The door opens up and a stranger sticks his head in. "We need to leave," he says urgently. Wait, the room beyond the door doesn't look anything like the rest of the ship - that's not the hallway I came through!

But the halfling and the goblin go right through. I guess it would be prudent to follow them. Dol Arrah keep me safe.

Where in Boldrei's name are we? It looks like we're in a stone tower, but it's not the docking tower. It reminds me of Consul Soldorak's mansion. I can't see where the windows are facing, but I don't see the Lyrandar airship anywhere.

The human who opened the door opens it back up again, with a key I note, and now I'm looking at the airship again! Is this some trick of the Mockery? The man leans out into the room and disappears in a cloud of steam. I follow the other two out into a corridor.

I can hear someone talking excitedly, but I can't make out what they're saying. The man reappears and opens the door into the tower room again.

"Get in! Get in!" he urges. The warforged bodyguard is with him. Those things don't have expressions, but something about the way it's walking makes me think it's reluctant to be here. I don't see the artificer anywhere.

Now we're walking out of the stone tower into the airship docking tower. This is getting stranger and stranger.

Just as we emerge onto the docking tower, I see the elemental ring on the airship flicker out. The huge ship starts to list to one side, then begins falling ponderously toward the lower levels. People are shouting and screaming all over the place.

The airship hits a smaller vessel moored at the tower and smashes it to splinters on its way down. Eventually it disappears from sight.

I follow the man with the key one more time when I see them all filing through a doorway again. No one objects. Now we're coming out at the base of the docking tower. The Cannith artificer comes floating gracefully down to the ground in front of me, covered in soot.

One of my own people comes running up, pointing at the Cannith. "You set the bomb! You destroyed my ship!" I recognize him as the ship's engineer; I met him earlier this evening.

He's got someone wearing Lyrandar heraldry with him. I turn to the Lyrandar. "These people have been trying to save your ship," I tell him. "They were held hostage by the brigands along with everyone else."

The engineer looks like he's going to have an apoplexy. "If only you'd done what I told you, everything would have been fine!" he bellows at the artificer.

Consul Soldorak shows up and starts trying to smooth things over with the furious engineer. I back off to let him handle the situation. Eventually things get straightened out enough that the Cannith representative and his friends can leave, and I escort Soldorak back home.

This has certainly been an interesting evening. On the way back to his mansion the consul tells me the Cannith artificer, Artemis Heuw Cannith, is an up-and-coming member of his House who's been making a name for himself as an adventurer.

I'm not sure how comfortable I'd be with a goblin and a warforged for company, but I may have to look Artemis up again. He certainly seems to lead an exciting life - far more exciting than guarding a consul during parties and dinners.

Quips & Quotes:
Devo: "That's one of the reasons Artemis is sporting a new cane."
DH: "Put that away!"
Devo: "No! He's sporting with it."

DH: "Do you have reservations? Yes, many."

Jubilee: "Pat, you're not suspicious enough to be a player!"

patv: "I can do a minotaur."
Zora: "Ew! Gross."

Zora: "I'm going to do my Aquaman signal to Grix. "(Conshru's animal companion).

DH: "The door is ajar."
Zora: "So which is it, a door or a jar?"
sniffles: "It's magic, so it's both."
Zora: " Made by the Masons?"

patv: "You can't just Sten around here. Heuw knows how much danger there

Jubilee: "You can double move on a stair."
DH: "You're assuming it's a stair. It's a lift. Grix is listening to 'The
Girl From Ipanema'."

Jubilee: "The minotaur's so large he has penalties for being squeezy."
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First Post
Azlin's tale, part 2

I've been in Sharn for a couple of months now. Starting to learn my way around, though this place is so complicated and multi-leveled I doubt anyone can ever know all of it well.

Got a message from the Cannith artificer, Artemis, inviting me to dinner, more than once. Got acquainted with him and his adventuring companions. Gwaenna and Conshru are both new to the group, too. Nobody seemed to want to say much about it, but I think Artemis has lost a couple of friends. Adventuring is a dangerous business.

Got a message from Artemis. He's checking into the deaths of some warforged down in the lower levels. I guess he takes it pretty seriously. I'm still not sure they're really people, but I'll go along, see what happens.

Seems people blame the killings on some fabled ghost, 'Jack in Irons', supposed to haunt down deep somewhere. A Cannith heir, according to the stories. But the warforged think humans are destroying them. They had trouble with that before I got to town. Artemis had something to do with finding the killer then, too.

Went down to Blackbones to talk to a warforged named Ash at a place called the Red Hammer. Warforged tavern of sorts, not that they need taverns. Met another warforged called Dandy that actually wears clothes! Pretty foppish clothes at that. Saw a mad warforged, too. Didn't think those things could go mad. Guess maybe they're more like people than I thought.

All the dead warforged were dismembered, parts missing. Is somebody trying to build new ones from old parts? It's against the law to make new ones. Went to see Lord Shlogar, head of a foundry. He had the bodies. Wasn't much help. Says he's investigating and doesn't need any help from Artemis. But he didn't find the gold chain link with the body of the last victim.

Artemis found another link at the scene of the last death. Nobody down here would make gold chain. We were checking the other murder sites when 3 shifters ambushed us. They must have been crazy or desperate. We killed them all. Gwaenna's pretty impressive with her little sword. Conshru likes fire magic. And Sten can shoot some kind of weird purple energy from his arms.

We found more gold links at the other sites we visited, 10 in all. Sten suggested using him as bait to lure the killer. Xil said he could pretend to be warforged too. He's not like other changelings I've heard about. Doesn't try to hide what he is. We might try using Xil to lure out the killer. Hope the killer leaves him be when it figures out he's not really warforged.

Took a while but we found out all the victims worked at the Tain foundry. Went there to talk to the man in charge. Turned out to be one of my kind, but there's something wrong with him. He shaved off his beard! Ugh, I've never seen anything so ugly. He wasn't any more help than Shlogar. Doesn't think warforged are people, doesn't care if they all die.

We heard one of the warforged from the Red Hammer was stirring up trouble. A whole crowd of them had gone off to the foundry. We ran off to stop them. Artemis was able to talk them down before they started a riot.

But we're not getting anywhere with finding out where those gold links come from. The fellow at the Tain foundry had one, but he claimed he'd found it. They're not magic, unless breaking the chain breaks the magic. Maybe they do come from the ghost. But what stirred him up and where is he?

Maybe I'll say a prayer for guidance tomorrow, see where it gets us.
Quips & Quotes:

Hedrin: "Are they regular or irregular?"
Zora: "That's kind of a personal question."

patv: "If we had four more warforged could we make Voltron?"

Zora: "I have a Johnny on the spot."
sniffles: "Johnny, get off that spot!"
patv: "You need some spot remover."
Zora: "No, that's a spot on the Johnny."

Jubilee: "Do the shifters have darkvision?"
DH: "No, I don't think they do."
Zora (as shifter):"I hate living down here. I can't see nothin'."

Zora: "Your Diplomacy check bounced."


First Post
Azlin's tale, part 3

My new comrades and I weren't sure if we wanted to continue looking for the warforged killer. We weren't getting far tracking him down 'til we heard that the crazy warforged, Copper, was the one handing out the gold links we were finding.

Artemis decided to give the search one more day. The day after the riot we went back down to the Red Hammer and found Blackbones very quiet. There was a big crowd of warforged out front of the inn. We were told there were three dead warforged inside: Ash, who'd been helping us; Link, the warforged who'd come to Artemis for help; and Shadowblack the rabble-rouser.

We found them all dismembered. Ash's head was missing. One of my companions noticed that they all had copper shavings in their hands, as if they'd scratched something made of copper.

Artemis decided that our first course of action should be to find Copper. He asked around some more and finally learned that the crazy warforged stayed at the Tain foundry. Funny no one mentioned that before.

Turned out that even though the foreman doesn't like warforged, they let some of them stay in barracks in the forge. That's where Copper stayed. His little cupboard was completely empty, but Artemis noticed a false panel at the back. After Sten broke through it we saw a crevice leading off into the stone.

We left the foreman at the entrance and headed down the winding passage, with Sten and Conshru carrying lights. Too bad they didn't have goggles like Artemis. He could see even farther than I can.

It smelled bad down there, like offal or decay. Gwaenna ran into a trap that set a bunch of spinning and stabbing blades going. Conshru had to have his fastieth run out and carry her to safety. Artemis got across the blades, though he was hurt, and the changeling Xil fell right in them. I guess pretending to be a warforged made him clumsy.

Sten got across the blades and called out that he saw something like a big snake in a cavern at the end of the passage. I couldn't see much of the cavern from where I stood. But I could see when the separate legs and torso of a warforged - or maybe two different warforged - started attacking Sten and Artemis.

I summoned up a divine axe to hit the torso piece that was grabbing at Sten, and prepared to try to jump across the spinning blades. Sten destroyed the torso. Artemis sent the legs flying into the blades, which cut them apart.

Then Artemis yelled that he had a spell to get me across. He swapped places with me and started trying to turn the blades off, while I fought with a thing made of chains and scrap parts that was attacking my companions.

The snake thing Sten had seen came out from behind a rock and attacked Xil. I moved over by Gwaenna to deal with another scrap monster. That goblin is pretty impressive. She dealt with the thing herself.

I moved around to face the snake-creature and so did Gwaenna. When she hit it there was a big flash and it just disappeared. Artemis announced that he'd disabled the blades, but we'd noticed a door at the other end of the cavern. He came back to the cave and started looking the door over.

There was a long tunnel beyond the door. Before we stepped through, Artemis gave me a sphere he carried. He said it's a hammer sphere, a magic device that can summon a hammer like my divine axe only it does more damage than the axe does. I appreciate how he's always trying to help everyone.

We came out of the tunnel into another cavern that looked like an artificer's lab according to Artemis. Copper was there, claiming he'd been waiting for us. He started spouting some nonsense about someone coming and some other stuff I really didn't pay much attention to. Then he drew a wand and blasted Sten and Artemis.

Whatever hit Sten hit me too, as I was standing near him. Xil attacked Copper with his staff-spear. Artemis did something to Sten that made him tougher and Sten turned on Copper.

I took up a flanking position opposite Xil and drew the adamantine warhammer I'd acquired the previous day. Copper had a dagger that seemed to do a lot of damage to Sten. It burst into flames when it hit especially hard. Copper himself was very resistant to damage. Conshru threw a lightning javelin at him and missed, and Gwaenna's spell didn't hurt him either.

A dog-like construct emerged and attacked Artemis, but I guess he dealt with it because he came over to help with the warforged. Copper fired his wand at Gwaenna and Artemis. Then the rest of us surrounded him. He retreated over to the entrance, but Xil followed him and knocked the wand out of his hand. Then Sten took him down.

All the while there had been something strange going on with a shape on a slab, and some dragonshards flashing on the wall above it. Just as Copper fell, the last shard went dark and the shape rose up and threw off the black silk sheet covering it. It was another construct, but this one was very big and cobbled together out of all sorts of warforged parts - including Ash's missing head!

The thing's fist burst into flames. Conshru gestured at it, but his spell didn't have any effect. I decided to take cover behind a boulder and ward myself with divine magic. I used my gauntlets to throw my hammer at it, but I missed.

The construct attacked Gwaenna first with one of its long arms. It tried to hit me, too, but thank the Host it missed me. Then Artemis took a hunting horn out of his pack and blew it. A moment later eight constructs appeared, encircling the bigger one. But that didn't stop the monstrosity from grabbing hold of Sten.

I stepped out of cover and hit the thing as hard as I could. My hammer met its metal hide with a satisfying clang. Our opponent dropped Sten and destroyed three of Artemis's summoned constructs with a sweep of its arm. They weren't much use against it, but at least they gave it some other targets.

A ball of fire came flying from Conshru. That halfling loves fire. The thing wiped out three more of Artemis's constructs an instant later. Conshru hit it with another fire orb. It responded by hitting Gwaenna and Xil and one of the remaining constructs. Xil collapsed. Artemis healed the changeling with an amulet he wears.

We surrounded the monster. It destroyed the last of the constructs. Artemis threw a knife at it that he'd crafted to hurt warforged. It tried to rush Gwaenna. Conshru blasted it with another orb. Gwaenna got back on her feet and sent a bold of lightning through her sword. I kept pounding it with my hammer.

Finally Sten lobbed a flask of alchemist's fire on it and a couple of heartbeats later it crumbled into a heap of assorted waroforged components.

After we caught our breath Artemis and Gwaenna searched the chamber. They took the wand Copper had been using, along with a magic ring he wore and another wand. They found a magic bag too, and pried a mithral piece out of what had been the monster construct's chest plate. When we'd done with that we brought the Tain foreman down to see what Copper had been up to in his secret lair.

I'm not sure what I'll be doing next, but it sounds like it will be with this group, whatever it is.
Quips & Quotes:

Zora: "Artificers aren't allowed to dip into the company funds. 'Ooh, the House really needs a ring of protection +4!'."

sniffles: "Luckily Shadowblack is dead so he can't blame us for the deaths."
Devo: "No, he saved his one standard action..."
Hedrin: "... to say 'J'accuse!'."

DH: "I contradict myself enough. You don't have to help me."

patv: "You find a secret lavatory behind the panel."

patv: "Can't you put your wands away when you're done?"
Devo: "I'm still playing with them."
sniffles: "He's always 'playing with his wands'."

Devo: "Someone has to pay for all these deaths."
sniffles: "That will be one gold piece each."
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