• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The current "Real Deal" on Castle Zagyg by G. Gygax


Gary Gygax
ghul said:
Hello Gary,

I think _Hall of Many Panes_ is a fantastic module, and hats off to you (and Jon Creffield and the Trolls) for pulling of such an amazing module in this age where the boxed set is supposedly dead. One of the things I like about the adventure (read it, haven't DMed it yet) is the device you use to integrate new characters when a player character dies. I'm wondering if CZ will have such a device. Of course, any DM worth his salt can figure out a way to quickly introduce a new character to a campaign, but as the characters delve deeper and deeper into the strange depths of Castle Zagyg, I'd imagine it will become a little challenging for the DM. Looking forward to this Gygaxian magnum opus! As a teaser, I've been reading _Land Beyond the Magic Mirror_ and _Dungeonland_ lately...

Your #1 fan,
Thanks kindly :D

As a matter of fact I had not thought about a means of bringing in new PCs, whether due to the loss of an old one or because of a new player joining the group. In the HoMP semi-campaign it was mandatory, as the party is in a sealed pocket universe. Howeverr, it might be useful to GM, rather Castle Keepers, when using the CZ setting. I'll see what can be cooked up...


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Gary Gygax
Nightfall said:
Just gotta say Gary, I loved your acting debut on Futurama. It was priceless. :)
The script was a good one, and David X. cohen directed me considerably, so the writer and director get the lion's share of the credit. That said, I would enjoy doing more VO work as I did there and for the D&D game online.



First Post
Geron Raveneye said:
Makes me wonder how much of it will be picked up by the OSRIC crowd, as they would have an easy time translating the C&C stats back and would have the dungeon of their life. :)

The OSRIC crowd is only an "OSRIC crowd" when you're talking about publishing and compatibility and all that jazz. At the gaming table, OSRIC just means 1e rules.

So it's safe to say that CZ is the "OSRIC crowd's" single most anticipated product of all time. :D

(although the publication of the GH campaign and the DMG were both up there)


Gary Gygax
Semah G Noj said:
So, how much, if any does the Yggsburgh hardcover stem from your old Greyhawk stomping grounds?

Not a whole lot, as there was never anything substantial for the city save a map that I drew which grew from one page to four...and has been lost it seems. Some of the encounters are from those that I created on the fly for play in the city, and the remainder is purely solid material for the GM to use in his campaign action based on the town and environs. It is all in the same spirit as what went into the original adventures of course.



Gary Gygax
Mythmere1 said:
The OSRIC crowd is only an "OSRIC crowd" when you're talking about publishing and compatibility and all that jazz. At the gaming table, OSRIC just means 1e rules.


Sounds to be pretty much the same as how I approach the C&C game :uhoh:



At least a couple of the locations in Yggsburgh, the Tower of the Striped Mage and the Green Dragon Inn, are from the City of Greyhawk.


Gary Gygax
Faraer said:
At least a couple of the locations in Yggsburgh, the Tower of the Striped Mage and the Green Dragon Inn, are from the City of Greyhawk.
Quite so.

Those were places that the PCs visited frequently, so I had a fair amount of stored data in the old memort banks to provide details for those places. There are various other commercial places that are loosly based on those found in the city as well, not to mention the guilds.



First Post
Well we've been using OAD&D while playing Yggsburg and it's been a breeze to convert on the fly. So, it looks like we'll be using OAD&D for the rest of the castle/dungeon. Yggs is hands down an awesome product and we're having a great time with it. (we used Dark Chateau too)

The only product that rivals it's practical usefulness for time challenged DM's is Ptolus. These two products have actually chased the boardgames back to their shelves for months! ( I still love boardgames but these modules are amazing) Anyways, I hope you enjoy making and publishing these "new" levels and I can wait the extra time, so don't rush it.


GenCon '07 or Bust!!! ( Gary's going to be there!)

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