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The Cursed Ones OOC

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First Post
8-0 points
9-1 points
10-2 points
11-3 points
12-4 points
13-5 points
14-6 points
15-8 points
16-10 points
17-13 points
18-16 points

Buy 6 scores using 32 points total. Divide the scores over the abilities as you see fit. Apply racial modifiers afterwards. Finally, add 2 ability points for reaching 4th and 8th level (only 1 if your level adjustment is at least 1).


First Post
Calim said:
anything listed in savage species with an ecl or in fiend folio or mm 2 that lists the ecl otherwise prolly not gonna let it in

I'd like to make a Githzerai monk. Githzerai are ECL +2 race from Manual of the Planes. Would that be ok, Calim?

I have another question. The game begins in Waterdeep, but what's next? Can you tell us a little more about what kind of campaign this is going to be. That would make it easier for players to write good backgrounds.

Thrarn Iranorn

First Post
Have you made your decision on players yet. I havent had time to get my character started but will have him done by the end of the day. I am most likely going to be playing a druid.
But if you have alrady chosen the players, please let me know so I dont waste the time chreating the character and history.


First Post
Do you have room for another player? I'm thinking Dwarven Wizard magical item creator. Do anybody know some good prestige-classes they'd like to recommend?

Thrarn Iranorn

First Post

Character Name : Caralaire
Character Race : Human
Character Class : Druid
Alignment : Neutral Good
Deity :
Character Name : Caralaire
Character Race : Human
Character Class : Druid
Alignment : Neutral Good
Deity :

Gender : Female
Age : 24
Height : 5'3"
Weight : 105 lbs
Eyes : Blue
Hair : Light Brown

Character Level : 8
EXP Points Gained : 0
EXP Needed For Next Level :

Known Languages : Common, Druidic,


Strength : 12 (+1)
Dexterity : 16 (+3)
Constitution : 14 (+2)
Intelligence : 12 (+1)
Wisdom : 18 (+3)
Charisma : 10 (+ 0)

* Used Level 4 & 8 Ability increase on Wisdom
* Gloves of Dexterity +2


Armor Class : 19 [ BASE (10) + ARMOR (3) + SHIELD (3)DEX (3)]

Armor Type & Weight:
+1 Leathor Armor [+3 Armor Bonus / +6 Max Dex/ 0 Check Penalty / 10% Spell Failure (15lbs.)
+1 Large Wooden Shield +3 Armor Bounus / -2 Check Penalty / 15% Spell Failure / (10lbs.)

Flatfooted Armor Class : 16

Special Armor Class Notes :


Hit Points : 80


Save vs. Fortitude: 12 Base(6)+Ability(2)+Magic(2)+Feat(2)
Save vs. Reflex : 9 Base (2)+Ability (3)+Magic (2)+Feat (2)
Save vs. Will : 12 Base (6)+Ability (4)+Magic (2)

Special Save Notes :
*Lighting Reflex and Great Fortitude Feat
*+2 Cloak of Resistance +2

Initiative Modifier : +7
*Improved Initiative

Base Attack Bonus : +6/+1

Melee Attack Bonus : +7/+2

Ranged Attack Bonus : +9/+4

Special Combat Notes :


Weapons :

+1 Scimitar/ +7/2 melee attack / 1d6+2 damage / 18-20 [x2] critical / slashing damage/ 4lbs


Skills :

Total 66 Points
Name/Total Mod (Ability) ** # Ranks taken

Animal Empathy/11 (Cha +0) 11 ranks
Concentration/10 (Con +2) 8 ranks
Diplomacy/4 (Cha +0) 4 ranks
Handle Animal/11 (Cha +0) 11 ranks
Heal/8 (Wis +4) 4 ranks
Knowledge (Arcana)/3 (Int +1) 2 rank
Knowledge (Nature)/9 (Int +1) 8 rank
Spellcraft/5 (Int +1) 4 ranks
Swim */7 (Str +1) 6 rank
Wilderness Lore/12 (Wis +4) 8 ranks

* Armor Check Penalty Applies


Feats :
Improved Initiative
Lightning Reflexes
Scribe Scroll
Great Fortitude


Racial and Class Skills, Abilities & Features :

Nature Sense
Animal Companion
Woodland Stride
Trackless Step
Resist Natures Lure
Wild Shape (3/Day)
Wild Shape (Large)


Equipment & Gear (include weight of individual items and total weight) :

Backpack (2 lbs.) holds:
Waterskin 4(lbs)
Ink (1 oz. vial) *
Inkpen *

Scroll Case (Holds)
# 10 Sheets Parchment *
# Scroll Cure Light Wounds
# Scroll Cure Light Wounds
# Scroll Cure Light Wounds
# Scroll Cure Light Wounds
# Scroll Entangle
# Scroll Entangle
# Scroll Cure Moderate Wounds

Belt Pouch (1lbs)
5 Pices Chalk *
5 Fishhooks *

Belt Pouch (1lbs)
Oil (1 Pint Flask) (1lbs)
Flint and Steel *
Whetstone (1lbs)

Belt Pouch (1lbs)
mistletoe & holly

Slippers of Spider Climp 2000gp
Ring Animal Friendship 9500gp
Ring Sustenance 2500gp
Gloves of Dexterity +2 4000gp
Cloak of Resistance +2 4000gp

TOTAL Weight Carried 43 lbs

Money : ___PP 50/GP ___SP ___CP


Base Speed : 30 ft.


Spells Memorized:
0 Level Spells:
- Create Water
- Cure Minor WOunds
- Detect Magic
- Light
- Read Magic
- Resistance

1st Level Spells:
- Cure Light Wounds
- Cure Light Wounds
- Entangle
- Obscuring Mist

2nd Level Spells:
- Flaming Sphere
- Lesser Restoration
- Speak with Animals

3rd Level Spells:
- Cure Moderate Wounds
- Contagion
- Poison
- Neutralize Poison

4th Level Spells:
- Cure Serious Wounds
- Cure Serious Wounds
- Flame Strike

Number of Spells to Cast per Day (by Level) :

DC Modifier for Spellcasters (by Level) :

Animal Companions

Sevawyn (Grizzley Bear)
Hit Points: 84 Hp
Initiative: +1(Dex)
Attacks:2 Claws +11 Melee / bite +6 Melee
Damage: Claw 1d8+8, Bite 2d8+4
Face/Reach: 5 ft by 10 ft / 5 ft
Special Attacks:Improved Grap
Special Qualities:Scent
Saves: Fort +9 / Ref +6 / Will +3
Abilities: Str 27 / Dex 13 / Con 19 / Int 2 / Wis 12 / Cha 6
Skills:Listen +4 / Spot +7 / Swim +14
Tricks:Stay, Follow, Attack, Hold, Fetch, Watch (Guard)

Lyektas (Hawk)
Hit Points: 8 Hp
Initiative: +3(Dex)
Speed:10ft / Fly 60ft
Attacks:Claws +5 Melee
Damage: Claw 1d4-2
Face/Reach: 2.5 ft by 2.5 ft / 0 ft
Special Attacks:-
Special Qualities:-
Saves: Fort +2 / Ref +5 / Will +2
Abilities: Str 6 / Dex 17 / Con 10 / Int 2 / Wis 14 / Cha 6
Skills:Listen +6 / Spot +6
Feats:Weapon Finess (claws)
Tricks:Come, Stay, Follow, Attack, Fetch, Watch (Guard)


Character History :
Aarit staggered home drunk from the local tavern in a small village. He had spent hours there, drinking and raising hell at his going away party. Aarit and his family were moving to the big city that evening.

His current home was on the outskirts of the village and was only a stones throw away from the edge of a large forest.
Aarit was a skilled hunter and made his living off of what he killed. However he was a drunk and a very cruel man. He had three boys, and a wife. Thermion, his youngest, was not quite a 1 year old, Borol was 4, and Aragil was 8. His wife Sylvia was a beautiful woman at one time, but years of hard work and fear had run her down. She feared her husband Aarit, for he made a habit of coming home drunk and taking any problems he had out on her.

This night would be no different except for one small thing. As he neared his home, he noticed a large animal running from the side of his house. It was a white wolf, and it carried something in its mouth. From the cries he quickly determined that what the animal carried was a baby. Fearing it was his son Thermion, he quickly ran into his home and grabbed his bow. Seeing his wife frantically cooking dinner he ran into the kitchen and after a few fowl words, struck her and cursed her for not watching there youngest boy.
As he ran out the back door after the wolf, Sylvia ran into the boy’s room to see what was going on. Lying on the furs where she had left him, Thermion was sound asleep. What was her husband talking about she wondered with tears in her eyes as she rubbed the new bruise on her cheek. Picking up her baby, she walked outside to see where her husband was going. By the time she got outside, he had already entered the woods. Rocking Thermion, she ran around the front of the house to find out where the other boys were. They had been hooking up the team of horses and were playing inside the packed wagon and they were still there. Walking back to the rear of the house waited outside for Aarit to return.

With great skill Aarit tracked the wolf into the forest. It was easy to follow due to the cries of the baby. Sneaking through the trees, he could see a small clearing up ahead and the sound of the cries were getting closer. Once close enough, he could see the wolf standing over the baby. The baby was still wrapped in a blanket but its face was uncovered. After a few licks from the wolf, the baby stopped crying. Aarit paid little attention to this and drew back his bow and with great aim, let an arrow fly. The arrow struck true and the wolf stumbled only a few feet and feel to the ground. In a rage, Aarit ran into the clearing and snatched up the baby which had started crying once again. He then walked over to the wolf and after a few more foul words, kicked the dying beast as hard as he could.
Not caring that the wolf was suffering and slowly dieing, he turned and walked back to his house. In his haste he did not see the hawk fly in behind them and land on the wolf.

Leaving the woods, he looked toward his house and saw his wife standing there holding what appeared to be a baby. Confused, for the first time he looked down at the face of the child he was carrying. This was not his child. Seeing that it was not his child, with no care, he dropped the baby on the ground. Immediately Sylvia ran forward to help the poor baby. As she came closer to Aarit, he grabbed his son out of her arms and walked inside the house, locking the door.

Sylvia quickly picked up the baby and unwrapped it to make sure it was alright. As she did so, feathers, bits of wild flowers, and bark fell from the leathers the baby was wrapped in. Comforting the baby, she began to sing a song, and soon discovered that this was not even a boy. Aarit had “rescued” a little girl but she did appear to be about the same age as Thermion.

Sylvia was confused. No one from this village had a daughter this young. Whose child could she be? There were no visitors in town that she knew of. As she sat there singing to the baby and trying to think where she could have come from, her husband kicked open the front door of the house, jumped onto the wagon and snapped the horses with a whip to get them going.

Not knowing what to do, Sylvia quickly wrapped up the baby girl and ran to catch up to the wagon. After running down the road for almost a half a mile with the baby in her arms, Aarit finally stopped the wagon for Sylvia to catch up. As soon as she jumped into the back of the wagon, it lurched forward again at the snap of Aarits whip.
Wiping the tears from the little girls check, Sylvias mouth, for the first time in years, turned into a smile. “I do not know who you are, but I will name you Caralaire,” she said as her oldest boy grabbed his mothers hair and yanked it. As Sylvia let out a scream, the two oldest boys and Aarit began to laugh.

A hard four days later, the family arrived at their new home in the big city. Aarit had bought a small shop in the city and began making a living by taking wealthy business men on guided hunting trips.

Over the years, Aarit made a very good living, but the way he treated his wife remained the same. In fact it got worse and he also started treating Caralaire the same way. Aarit hated Caralaire but because she helped out around the shop when she got older, he let his wife keep her. In fact, Caralaire brought in a different income. As she grew she found that she had the knack for helping and calming distressed animals. Many of the city folk often brought their pets to her to help with illnesses, births, and injuries. When she was 10, she even helped calm an out of control tiger that had come to town with a traveling circus.

However, Caralaire hated the city. She hated Aarit, and she hated her three brothers that were growing up to be just like their father. The only thing that kept her there was the love that she had for her mother.
Many times, when the men were away on a long hunting trip, Caralaire and Sylvia would close up the shop and leave the city. Several miles out of town, was the biggining of a great forest. Caralaire felt at home here and would teach Sylvia things about the forest. Things that she for some reason knew, but had never been taught.

When Caralaire turned 16, her father and brothers were planning a week long trip at the end of fall. When they left, the two women, once again closed up shop and snuck off to the forest. They had pack a few supplies, for they planned on staying in the forest for a few nights. Although many feared staying in this forest after dark, Caralaire was not afraid at all. Her mother too felt safe as long as Caralaire was nearby.
This trip would be different though, for Sylvia was going to tell Caralaire that she was not her real daughter. On the last night of their stay in the forest. Sylvia explained how they had found Caralaire. Of course this sparked an interest and Caralaire wanted to find out who her real parents were, but she did not want to leave Sylvia to the hands of her nasty father. Caralaire convinced Sylvia to return home, pack some necessities and run away. As they left the woods, a small hawk Lyektased as it flew within reach of Caralaire and then went back into the woods.

After three days in the woods, they returned home to pack. They almost had everything ready when the door burst open. Aarit stumbled in drunk and angry demanding to know where they had been. Someone from Aarit’s hunting party had fallen from his horse on the first day of the hunt and they were forced to come home two days ago. Before Sylvia could say a word, Aarit lunged forward and punched Sylvia in the jaw. As she fell her head hit a table and she slumped to the floor, lifeless. Caralaire knelt over her mother, and with tears in her eyes, realized that Aarit had killed her. Screaming she jumped up, pushed Aarit to the floor and ran outside. There she found Aarits horse. Mounting it, she galloped out of town, towards the forest that she loved so much.

Once Aarit picked himself up off the floor, he ran outside and grabbed the first horse he could find and gave chase to the fleeing girl. He would not let her get away. Caralaire had a head start, but Aarit was a better rider. He caught up to her just inside the forest. Misjudging a low branch, she was knocked off of her mount and was knock unconscious.
Aarit jumped off of his horse and pinned her to the ground. He raised his hand to strike her, and at the last second heard a large branch snap in front of him. He looked up to see the largest bear he had ever seen in his life, staring straight into his eyes.
No further than two inches from his face, the bear roared. Aarit’s face turned ghost white as he let out a whimper. With a flick of its massive paw, the bear sent Aarit flying. As he lay on his back, something pounced on his chest and pinned him down. Opening his eyes, he saw what was on top of him, a white wolf. The wolf snarled as Aarit reached out to grab a stick that was laying nearby. As his fingers wrapped around the tree branch, a human foot stepped on his wrist. Looking up he let out another whimper as he looked into the eyes of a tall gangly man dressed in furs. His hair was matted and vines grew out of his long messy beard. As the man smirked, a white mouse poked its head out of the mans beard and a small hawk landed on his shoulder.

As the strange man kicked the stick away he uttered “What kind of man are you?” As the man shook his head and walked away, Aarit lay motionless, not wanting to anger the wolf anymore.
Walking over to Caralaire, with great care, the stranger picked her up and walked away into the woods. As the distance between them and Aarit greatened, only a muffled scream could be heard as the bear and wolf finished Aarit off.

Caralaire woke a short time later in a bed of flowers and vines. She sat up to look around to find a white wolf curled up at her feet. To her right was a large brown bear. Caralaire felt as she had seen these animals before and was not afraid of the at all. As she started to get up, a man appeared from behind the bear. “Greetings my child,” it is so good to you see you again. “I am Dorion, an these two are named Aredrimar and Bireric,” he said pointing at the wolf and bear respectively.

“I am sure you do not remember me,” he started but was instantly interrupted as Caralaire jumped up and threw her arms around him. “Father,” she whispered as tears rolled down her checks. “My mother…Sylvia, she is dead.”

“Do not fear my child, Sylvia is still alive and well. She did not die, and she is being well taken care of. She will never be hurt again. You brothers have been warned and they swear to never treat their mother badly again. But do not concern yourself with those matter, for it is time for you to learn the ways of a druid.” He stated as he pushed her back to look into her eyes.

With a smile, she wiped her tears from her eyes. “Thank you for what you have done. I will gladly accept your teachings. I am honored and will do my very best to learn all that you know.

Caralaire and her father remained in these woods for a very long time. Dorion tought her all there was to know about the wild. He also allowed her to visit Sylvia in the city. Sylvia had married the man that had been injured on Aarit’s hunting trip. Her new husband D’nick was a wealthy merchant and Sylvia grew happier ever day as her sons grew to be good men and she had given birth to a daughter of her own.

Watching her mother become happy, Caralaire visited her less and less as she spent more and more time in the wilderness. For a few years, Caralaire and Dorion traveled throught the lands, meeting other druids. Dorions companion, Bireric, gave birth to a cub during their journeys. Caralaire watched the cub, she named Sevawyn , grow into a massive bear over the years. They became great friends and to this day they still travel together. She also befriended a hawk that she named Lyektas.

When Dorion felt she was ready, he took her to meet the high Druids where she was gladly accepted into their society. Shortly after this meeting, Dorion and Caralaire bid their farewells and went their separate ways. Caralaire traveled back to the grove where she often went camping with her mother, and made her home there. She still checks in on her mother from time to time but spends most of the time nurturing her grove with Lyektas and Sevawyn .

Gender : Female
Age : 24
Height : 5'3"
Weight : 105 lbs
Eyes : Blue
Hair : Light Brown

Character Level : 8
EXP Points Gained : 0
EXP Needed For Next Level :

Known Languages : Common, Druidic,


Strength : 12 (+1)
Dexterity : 16 (+3)
Constitution : 14 (+2)
Intelligence : 12 (+1)
Wisdom : 18 (+3)
Charisma : 10 (+ 0)

* Used Level 4 & 8 Ability increase on Wisdom
* Gloves of Dexterity +2


Armor Class : 19 [ BASE (10) + ARMOR (3) + SHIELD (3)DEX (3)]

Armor Type & Weight:
+1 Leathor Armor [+3 Armor Bonus / +6 Max Dex/ 0 Check Penalty / 10% Spell Failure (15lbs.)
+1 Large Wooden Shield +3 Armor Bounus / -2 Check Penalty / 15% Spell Failure / (10lbs.)

Flatfooted Armor Class : 16

Special Armor Class Notes :


Hit Points : 80


Save vs. Fortitude: 12 Base(6)+Ability(2)+Magic(2)+Feat(2)
Save vs. Reflex : 9 Base (2)+Ability (3)+Magic (2)+Feat (2)
Save vs. Will : 12 Base (6)+Ability (4)+Magic (2)

Special Save Notes :
*Lighting Reflex and Great Fortitude Feat
*+2 Cloak of Resistance +2

Initiative Modifier : +7
*Improved Initiative

Base Attack Bonus : +6/+1

Melee Attack Bonus : +7/+2

Ranged Attack Bonus : +9/+4

Special Combat Notes :


Weapons :

+1 Scimitar/ +7/2 melee attack / 1d6+2 damage / 18-20 [x2] critical / slashing damage/ 4lbs


Skills :

Total 66 Points
Name/Total Mod (Ability) ** # Ranks taken

Animal Empathy/11 (Cha +0) 11 ranks
Concentration/10 (Con +2) 8 ranks
Diplomacy/4 (Cha +0) 4 ranks
Handle Animal/11 (Cha +0) 11 ranks
Heal/8 (Wis +4) 4 ranks
Knowledge (Arcana)/3 (Int +1) 2 rank
Knowledge (Nature)/9 (Int +1) 8 rank
Spellcraft/5 (Int +1) 4 ranks
Swim */7 (Str +1) 6 rank
Wilderness Lore/12 (Wis +4) 8 ranks

* Armor Check Penalty Applies


Feats :
Improved Initiative
Lightning Reflexes
Scribe Scroll
Great Fortitude


Racial and Class Skills, Abilities & Features :

Nature Sense
Animal Companion
Woodland Stride
Trackless Step
Resist Natures Lure
Wild Shape (3/Day)
Wild Shape (Large)


Equipment & Gear (include weight of individual items and total weight) :

Backpack (2 lbs.) holds:
Waterskin 4(lbs)
Ink (1 oz. vial) *
Inkpen *

Scroll Case (Holds)
# 10 Sheets Parchment *
# Scroll Cure Light Wounds
# Scroll Cure Light Wounds
# Scroll Cure Light Wounds
# Scroll Cure Light Wounds
# Scroll Entangle
# Scroll Entangle
# Scroll Cure Moderate Wounds

Belt Pouch (1lbs)
5 Pices Chalk *
5 Fishhooks *

Belt Pouch (1lbs)
Oil (1 Pint Flask) (1lbs)
Flint and Steel *
Whetstone (1lbs)

Belt Pouch (1lbs)
mistletoe & holly

Slippers of Spider Climp 2000gp
Ring Animal Friendship 9500gp
Ring Sustenance 2500gp
Gloves of Dexterity +2 4000gp
Cloak of Resistance +2 4000gp

TOTAL Weight Carried 43 lbs

Money : ___PP 50/GP ___SP ___CP


Base Speed : 30 ft.


Spells Memorized:
0 Level Spells:
- Create Water
- Cure Minor WOunds
- Detect Magic
- Light
- Read Magic
- Resistance

1st Level Spells:
- Cure Light Wounds
- Cure Light Wounds
- Entangle
- Obscuring Mist

2nd Level Spells:
- Flaming Sphere
- Lesser Restoration
- Speak with Animals

3rd Level Spells:
- Cure Moderate Wounds
- Contagion
- Poison
- Neutralize Poison

4th Level Spells:
- Cure Serious Wounds
- Cure Serious Wounds
- Flame Strike

Number of Spells to Cast per Day (by Level) :

DC Modifier for Spellcasters (by Level) :

Animal Companions

Sevawyn (Grizzley Bear)
Hit Points: 84 Hp
Initiative: +1(Dex)
Attacks:2 Claws +11 Melee / bite +6 Melee
Damage: Claw 1d8+8, Bite 2d8+4
Face/Reach: 5 ft by 10 ft / 5 ft
Special Attacks:Improved Grap
Special Qualities:Scent
Saves: Fort +9 / Ref +6 / Will +3
Abilities: Str 27 / Dex 13 / Con 19 / Int 2 / Wis 12 / Cha 6
Skills:Listen +4 / Spot +7 / Swim +14
Tricks:Stay, Follow, Attack, Hold, Fetch, Watch (Guard)

Screech (Hawk)
Hit Points: 8 Hp
Initiative: +3(Dex)
Speed:10ft / Fly 60ft
Attacks:Claws +5 Melee
Damage: Claw 1d4-2
Face/Reach: 2.5 ft by 2.5 ft / 0 ft
Special Attacks:-
Special Qualities:-
Saves: Fort +2 / Ref +5 / Will +2
Abilities: Str 6 / Dex 17 / Con 10 / Int 2 / Wis 14 / Cha 6
Skills:Listen +6 / Spot +6
Feats:Weapon Finess (claws)
Tricks:Come, Stay, Follow, Attack, Fetch, Watch (Guard)


Character History :
Aarit staggered home drunk from the local tavern in a small village. He had spent hours there, drinking and raising hell at his going away party. Aarit and his family were moving to the big city that evening.

His current home was on the outskirts of the village and was only a stones throw away from the edge of a large forest.
Aarit was a skilled hunter and made his living off of what he killed. However he was a drunk and a very cruel man. He had three boys, and a wife. Thermion, his youngest, was not quite a 1 year old, Borol was 4, and Aragil was 8. His wife Sylvia was a beautiful woman at one time, but years of hard work and fear had run her down. She feared her husband Aarit, for he made a habit of coming home drunk and taking any problems he had out on her.

This night would be no different except for one small thing. As he neared his home, he noticed a large animal running from the side of his house. It was a white wolf, and it carried something in its mouth. From the cries he quickly determined that what the animal carried was a baby. Fearing it was his son Thermion, he quickly ran into his home and grabbed his bow. Seeing his wife frantically cooking dinner he ran into the kitchen and after a few fowl words, struck her and cursed her for not watching there youngest boy.
As he ran out the back door after the wolf, Sylvia ran into the boy’s room to see what was going on. Lying on the furs where she had left him, Thermion was sound asleep. What was her husband talking about she wondered with tears in her eyes as she rubbed the new bruise on her cheek. Picking up her baby, she walked outside to see where her husband was going. By the time she got outside, he had already entered the woods. Rocking Thermion, she ran around the front of the house to find out where the other boys were. They had been hooking up the team of horses and were playing inside the packed wagon and they were still there. Walking back to the rear of the house waited outside for Aarit to return.

With great skill Aarit tracked the wolf into the forest. It was easy to follow due to the cries of the baby. Sneaking through the trees, he could see a small clearing up ahead and the sound of the cries were getting closer. Once close enough, he could see the wolf standing over the baby. The baby was still wrapped in a blanket but its face was uncovered. After a few licks from the wolf, the baby stopped crying. Aarit paid little attention to this and drew back his bow and with great aim, let an arrow fly. The arrow struck true and the wolf stumbled only a few feet and feel to the ground. In a rage, Aarit ran into the clearing and snatched up the baby which had started crying once again. He then walked over to the wolf and after a few more foul words, kicked the dying beast as hard as he could.
Not caring that the wolf was suffering and slowly dieing, he turned and walked back to his house. In his haste he did not see the hawk fly in behind them and land on the wolf.

Leaving the woods, he looked toward his house and saw his wife standing there holding what appeared to be a baby. Confused, for the first time he looked down at the face of the child he was carrying. This was not his child. Seeing that it was not his child, with no care, he dropped the baby on the ground. Immediately Sylvia ran forward to help the poor baby. As she came closer to Aarit, he grabbed his son out of her arms and walked inside the house, locking the door.

Sylvia quickly picked up the baby and unwrapped it to make sure it was alright. As she did so, feathers, bits of wild flowers, and bark fell from the leathers the baby was wrapped in. Comforting the baby, she began to sing a song, and soon discovered that this was not even a boy. Aarit had “rescued” a little girl but she did appear to be about the same age as Thermion.

Sylvia was confused. No one from this village had a daughter this young. Whose child could she be? There were no visitors in town that she knew of. As she sat there singing to the baby and trying to think where she could have come from, her husband kicked open the front door of the house, jumped onto the wagon and snapped the horses with a whip to get them going.

Not knowing what to do, Sylvia quickly wrapped up the baby girl and ran to catch up to the wagon. After running down the road for almost a half a mile with the baby in her arms, Aarit finally stopped the wagon for Sylvia to catch up. As soon as she jumped into the back of the wagon, it lurched forward again at the snap of Aarits whip.
Wiping the tears from the little girls check, Sylvias mouth, for the first time in years, turned into a smile. “I do not know who you are, but I will name you Caralaire,” she said as her oldest boy grabbed his mothers hair and yanked it. As Sylvia let out a scream, the two oldest boys and Aarit began to laugh.

A hard four days later, the family arrived at their new home in the big city. Aarit had bought a small shop in the city and began making a living by taking wealthy business men on guided hunting trips.

Over the years, Aarit made a very good living, but the way he treated his wife remained the same. In fact it got worse and he also started treating Caralaire the same way. Aarit hated Caralaire but because she helped out around the shop when she got older, he let his wife keep her. In fact, Caralaire brought in a different income. As she grew she found that she had the knack for helping and calming distressed animals. Many of the city folk often brought their pets to her to help with illnesses, births, and injuries. When she was 10, she even helped calm an out of control tiger that had come to town with a traveling circus.

However, Caralaire hated the city. She hated Aarit, and she hated her three brothers that were growing up to be just like their father. The only thing that kept her there was the love that she had for her mother.
Many times, when the men were away on a long hunting trip, Caralaire and Sylvia would close up the shop and leave the city. Several miles out of town, was the biggining of a great forest. Caralaire felt at home here and would teach Sylvia things about the forest. Things that she for some reason knew, but had never been taught.

When Caralaire turned 16, her father and brothers were planning a week long trip at the end of fall. When they left, the two women, once again closed up shop and snuck off to the forest. They had pack a few supplies, for they planned on staying in the forest for a few nights. Although many feared staying in this forest after dark, Caralaire was not afraid at all. Her mother too felt safe as long as Caralaire was nearby.
This trip would be different though, for Sylvia was going to tell Caralaire that she was not her real daughter. On the last night of their stay in the forest. Sylvia explained how they had found Caralaire. Of course this sparked an interest and Caralaire wanted to find out who her real parents were, but she did not want to leave Sylvia to the hands of her nasty father. Caralaire convinced Sylvia to return home, pack some necessities and run away. As they left the woods, a small hawk screeched as it flew within reach of Caralaire and then went back into the woods.

After three days in the woods, they returned home to pack. They almost had everything ready when the door burst open. Aarit stumbled in drunk and angry demanding to know where they had been. Someone from Aarit’s hunting party had fallen from his horse on the first day of the hunt and they were forced to come home two days ago. Before Sylvia could say a word, Aarit lunged forward and punched Sylvia in the jaw. As she fell her head hit a table and she slumped to the floor, lifeless. Caralaire knelt over her mother, and with tears in her eyes, realized that Aarit had killed her. Screaming she jumped up, pushed Aarit to the floor and ran outside. There she found Aarits horse. Mounting it, she galloped out of town, towards the forest that she loved so much.

Once Aarit picked himself up off the floor, he ran outside and grabbed the first horse he could find and gave chase to the fleeing girl. He would not let her get away. Caralaire had a head start, but Aarit was a better rider. He caught up to her just inside the forest. Misjudging a low branch, she was knocked off of her mount and was knock unconscious.
Aarit jumped off of his horse and pinned her to the ground. He raised his hand to strike her, and at the last second heard a large branch snap in front of him. He looked up to see the largest bear he had ever seen in his life, staring straight into his eyes.
No further than two inches from his face, the bear roared. Aarit’s face turned ghost white as he let out a whimper. With a flick of its massive paw, the bear sent Aarit flying. As he lay on his back, something pounced on his chest and pinned him down. Opening his eyes, he saw what was on top of him, a white wolf. The wolf snarled as Aarit reached out to grab a stick that was laying nearby. As his fingers wrapped around the tree branch, a human foot stepped on his wrist. Looking up he let out another whimper as he looked into the eyes of a tall gangly man dressed in furs. His hair was matted and vines grew out of his long messy beard. As the man smirked, a white mouse poked its head out of the mans beard and a small hawk landed on his shoulder.

As the strange man kicked the stick away he uttered “What kind of man are you?” As the man shook his head and walked away, Aarit lay motionless, not wanting to anger the wolf anymore.
Walking over to Caralaire, with great care, the stranger picked her up and walked away into the woods. As the distance between them and Aarit greatened, only a muffled scream could be heard as the bear and wolf finished Aarit off.

Caralaire woke a short time later in a bed of flowers and vines. She sat up to look around to find a white wolf curled up at her feet. To her right was a large brown bear. Caralaire felt as she had seen these animals before and was not afraid of the at all. As she started to get up, a man appeared from behind the bear. “Greetings my child,” it is so good to you see you again. “I am Dorion, an these two are named Aredrimar and Bireric,” he said pointing at the wolf and bear respectively.

“I am sure you do not remember me,” he started but was instantly interrupted as Caralaire jumped up and threw her arms around him. “Father,” she whispered as tears rolled down her checks. “My mother…Sylvia, she is dead.”

“Do not fear my child, Sylvia is still alive and well. She did not die, and she is being well taken care of. She will never be hurt again. You brothers have been warned and they swear to never treat their mother badly again. But do not concern yourself with those matter, for it is time for you to learn the ways of a druid.” He stated as he pushed her back to look into her eyes.

With a smile, she wiped her tears from her eyes. “Thank you for what you have done. I will gladly accept your teachings. I am honored and will do my very best to learn all that you know.

Caralaire and her father remained in these woods for a very long time. Dorion tought her all there was to know about the wild. He also allowed her to visit Sylvia in the city. Sylvia had married the man that had been injured on Aarit’s hunting trip. Her new husband D’nick was a wealthy merchant and Sylvia grew happier ever day as her sons grew to be good men and she had given birth to a daughter of her own.

Watching her mother become happy, Caralaire visited her less and less as she spent more and more time in the wilderness. For a few years, Caralaire and Dorion traveled throught the lands, meeting other druids. Dorions companion, Bireric, gave birth to a cub during their journeys. Caralaire watched the cub, she named Sevawyn , grow into a massive bear over the years. They became great friends and to this day they still travel together. She also befriended a hawk that she named Screech.

When Dorion felt she was ready, he took her to meet the high Druids where she was gladly accepted into their society. Shortly after this meeting, Dorion and Caralaire bid their farewells and went their separate ways. Caralaire traveled back to the grove where she often went camping with her mother, and made her home there. She still checks in on her mother from time to time but spends most of the time nurturing her grove with Screech and Sevawyn .
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