• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The darkness in us all


First Post
Just want to chime in and let you know that I am enjoying what I've read so far. Seems like a good story you've got going; let's see where it leads!

edit: re mechanics, pictures and such: I don't think that anything prevents you from doing that. You might want to use spoiler tags for bigger pictures and stat blocks, though, as not to interrupt the reading flow too much. I, for one, always like to see the mechanics 'behind the story', so to speak.
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Base of Operations PartII

The next couple of days were filled with exploration for the new abbey. The party helped scout and escort. Roland was in and out splitting his time with his companions and seeing to Wyrmcrest. It was slow going they had sent a small contingent back to report of the assassination attempt and to escort more acolytes back. Every site they found had a problem in some way with the engineering squad. One exploration group came back and told the party they had found a keep of sorts. It seemed well positioned in the low mountains. They dared not approach until they had more information and more back up. They found Roland and laid a map out. The explorers indicated approximate location of their discovery. “I believe you have found Brightsone.” He informed them. “There used to be a mining settlement there in days past. Imperial forces never branched out this far, so it became difficult to protect and transport ore from and supplies to. I believe it remains unclaimed. It would more than meet the needs of your Abbey. I have no idea to the extent of the disrepair however.” Morganis chimed in “We leave in the morning. Roland are you with us?” Roland adjusted his monocle “Indeed.”

A half a day’s ride brought them to the base of the mountain road that led to Brightstone Keep. They started towards they keep at a leisurely pace. Thorn and Titus pulled up short. Titus noted there was a small waft of smoke. Thorn indicated that he could see movement on the one of its towers. The party decided to retreat and scout under cover of darkness.

Thorn and Titus returned. “Frontal assault is probably not the best option.” Thorn stated. Titus continued the recon report “We could only see the front two towers, but four guards in each with a roving sergeant keeping them on their toes. There is only one entrance, barred by a portcullis.” “Humans?” August inquired. Thorn shook his head. “Orcs.” Titus added. “They won’t surrender or negotiate” Morganis mused out loud. They hashed out a plan over the next Ten minutes.

At the farthest tower the orc sergeant turned back towards the main entrance and went through the tunnel door. Thorn crept over the farthest wall. He crouched and silently drew his hand and a half sword. The hidden Titus fired off two arrows. The first one took a sentry in the throat. The second missed. Thorn swung and took off an orc’s head. Then he planted two feet in the next orc’s chest and the orc tumbled over the battlement fifty feet to his death. The remaining orc let out a snarl and tossed a javelin as Thorn charged him. The javelin hit Thorn in the thigh and caused him to miss his downward strike. The orc hefted a rust pitted battle axe. An arrow took the guard in the arm and Thorn finished him off. Now he waited for the patrolling orc to return.

Everything went according to plan, Thorn moving from tower to tower and Titus providing support and cover. They raised the portcullis and signaled the rest of the Party inside. Then it all went wrong. They advanced quickly through the courtyard. Too late they noticed the large white wolf chained to the well towards the center of the large area. Too late and just like that August, Titus and Morganis were covered in frost. Thorn barely avoided the deadly winter breath. The wolf started to bark loudly. Utah and Roland shut it up with a mass of gunfire. Thorn charged in took the rest of its life. What they did not notice at all were the two hulking figures emerging from one of the buildings spiked clubs. Both of them charged incredibly fast for such large creatures. The first one hit Thorn squarely in the back sending him flying several feet from the rest of the party. The second took Utah’s legs out from underneath him. He hit the ground and tried to curse but all he could manage was an “oomph”. “Ogres” Roland shouted as he fired off two more pistols. Morganis and Titus tried to rally themselves but could only shiver. August shook off the unnatural cold and struck the one over Utah with his war axe. Thorn felt the Other threaten to take over as he rushed the Ogre that struck him. He ducked under another swing and landed three slices to the midsection. Utah fired as the ogre standing over him went to crush him and nearly took his head off. August finished the first one off as plunged his short sword into its belly. Roland killed the other one with a headshot.

It took a while for Morganis and Titus to shake the frost breath and cold from their bones. They mopped up a few remaining orcs in the outer buildings. As they did a final sweep and headed towards the mining entrance Utah lit a ginger weed blunt and said "zombies, bloody hell!". There they were met by corpses shambling towards them. The zombies and skeletons were little match for the party. Then the orcen priest of Hydra entered the fray. He cast a spell that unleashed a wave of unholy energy over the party. The party and undead were both affected especially Morganis. The party weakened, the undead strengthened. The Vatan cleric tried to bring his own faith to bear but could not muster the hope. August and Thorn rushed through the throng of undead to the unholy priest. Roland came to Morganis’ side “What does your own canticle of battle state? Does it not tell us that the trees that bear no wind are weak indeed? Through adversity we are strengthened. Like blades in the forge. Through fire and hammer, until we are mountains”. “Until we are mountains!” Morganis screamed and the undead horde obliterated all around him.

Kurjan the wicked cleric swiped his axe cleaving into August. Thorn slashed his own sword drawing blood. August looked at the vicious wound set his face and cried out “MORSUS ex UMBRA!” His weapons took on a golden hue and brought both war axe and short sword down on each of the orc’s collar bones. The orc screamed out in rage and pain. Then there was blur of steel, hammer, gunfire, spell fire, and arrows as the priest went to the grave. The party stood over the bloody soup that used to be the Cleric of the Mother of Monsters.

A day later the engineering and building team reported that the buildings were surprisingly in good condition. They had sealed of the mine entrance until a later time, when they could decide what to do with it. They found several archaic chain shirts that bore tell tale marks of arcane enhancement, and a small fortune in uncut gems. A few days after that a contingent of Vatan clerics and acolytes arrived with more supplies and enough men of war that the party could return to Wyrmcrest in good conscience.
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First Post
Just want to chime in and let you know that I am enjoying what I've read so far. Seems like a good story you've got going; let's see where it leads!

edit: re mechanics, pictures and such: I don't think that anything prevents you from doing that. You might want to use spoiler tags for bigger pictures and stat blocks, though, as not to interrupt the reading flow too much. I, for one, always like to see the mechanics 'behind the story', so to speak.

Hey thanks Ry! I appreciate the support!


First Post
Hoping to get an update in this weekend. Do you guys have a favorite character yet? Need more info on an unclear subject. I think I will post some mechanics and dm notes at the end of the season.


First Post
Ahhhhh the holidays have breached the gate and are raiding and pillaging! I hope to sneak in one before xmas this weekend. Merry Christmas y'all


First Post
Thank you for the entertaining reads. What you have described sounds like a lot of fun!

And for myself, I would definitely like to know of any houserules and mechanics that you are using. It's always interesting to see how others handle various bits and what they allow in their games.


Steeliest of the dragons
Good stuff, thejc.

I'm enjoying the action and the characters are an interesting, if eclectic, crew (all the best crews are ;)

Also getting a kick outta seeing the gods' names. Really liked how you incorporated the "hopelessness" into the attack. Interesting that the cleric of Vatan seemed to be the worst hit.

And where do you come up with Utah's endless stream of entertaining curses? "Boton's balls" might just become my new signature. lol.

Look forward to more...and happy holidays to you and yours too.
Have a good one.
--Steel Dragons


First Post
Good stuff, thejc.

And where do you come up with Utah's endless stream of entertaining curses? "Boton's balls" might just become my new signature. lol.

--Steel Dragons

It's the player. I can't tell you how many times beverages have been spewed through the nose over some of his exclamations/proclamations. Most of the time I spend trying to figure out how to censor them to make them friendly enough to put on here lol.


First Post
Wyrmcrest The quest for Sir Guy
Part 1

The next few weeks were lazy. Titus negotiated a fair sum for the enchanted armor and gemstones they found at Brightstone. August and Thorn were often sparring amongst the grounds. Their warriors respect growing for one another all the while. Titus was on and off. Some days were spent sulking and brooding away from the others. Others he was the same old fast talking good natured rogue they had come to love. Morganis travelled back and forth to check on the newly found Abbey. Utah helped Roland and explored Wyrmcrest.

One morning as the party set about eating breakfast Ryril the eldest orphan rushed in the common room. “Riders Mr. Roland!” Roland adjusted his monocle “What standard do they bear?” he asked. “They bear tabards of the Griffon Lords” the young Ryril stated. Roland’s face scrunched up. “What could the royal honor guard want with Wyrmcrest?” The party filtered out into the courtyard. A haughty looking man set upon a charger in front of a small company with a well polished hunting rifle strapped on the back. He had his hair pulled back and a very large mustache. Roland strode to the man “May I help you good sir?” The man sneered “It is Lord. I am the Baron Garack De’Achas. The lands east of the Groff River are now mine. YOU are on my property and have half an hour to leave or you will be punished” Roland sensed the parties unease and waved them down. “My Lord you must be mistaken. This manse and its property have been in my family for generations. It has been deeded by the Sovereign Empire himself. I have a copy here and there is also one at the Royal library at Pol'cera the capitol of the Griffon Lands” The man’s pride was palpable “Well we are taking it back!” at this Utah extinguished his ginger weed cigarette and came down the steps “De’Achas you will stand down. I am Alester Royaci and I am the inheritor to the Third seat in the House of Griffons. To move your hand against me or my personal guard is an act of treason. If you leave now I may forget to mention this to my father.” The man blanched. He wasn’t the only one. Collectively the parties jaw hit the courtyard ground.

The man stammered and fidgeted in his seat. “Lord Royaci I apologize.” De’Achas seemed to gain confidence as time went on. The Baron moved his horse closer to Utah. “My Lord I do apologize but this is the frontier. Accidents do occur occasionally.” His sneer now sat back on its prideful throne. “I have with me men of war, ex Gold Talons to be exact” De’Achas soldiers put their hands to their weapons. Utah was a blur as he ripped De’Achas from the saddle and put the barrel of his sawed off rifle into the Barons mouth. Utah’s face full of furious anger “You dare to threaten me. You die first, get it. I don’t know what happens after that but not before I plant your teeth about a foot into the ground. I WILL let you up then you and your men WILL ride away, far away. If you do not my companions and I WILL slaughter every last one of you” Utah removed the fire arm and took a step back. The Baron a little wet in the pants could not get back on his horse fast enough. They stirred up a cloud of dust as they rode away. Half of his companions were laughing hysterically the others jaws were still on the ground.

Questions abounded over the next few hours and a few fights broke out when Utah was called “The Duke of Utah” and "Highness". Utah went on to explain that having grown up in the royal court he had little taste for the body politic. How he decided to not take the seat on the Griffon council. How that had estranged him from his family. How he started adventuring. Utah side stepped the rest of the inquisition by suggesting that they explore the next puzzle of Wyrmcrest. Roland agreed. All of the party was intrigued by Wyrmcrest, so they decided to help Roland with the next room. The party passed through the door of blood and smoke. The next room was set up like a tomb. A large sarcophagus lay diagonal to their right as they entered. To the north lay an empty dais. In the middle of the room stood a pedestal with a piece of parchment on it. “Sir guy has lost himself, put him back together” was all it read. Two doors to the west, another door just beside the dais, and a single door on the east wall. Morganis paced “Does this feel wrong to anyone” Titus looked at him “What do you mean Morg? Like we are surrounded by shadow assassins or the whole ceiling is a gelatinous cube, or Wyrmcrest is a gianourmous Mimic and Roland is its avatar sent to lure us to our doom ” The party let out a collective sigh. Roland looked up from studying the parchment. The Vatan cleric continued to pace “Are ye done halfwit. I’ve been in many a tomb. Everything’s off the sarcophagi, the sconces. It’s out of order.” Titus visibly deflated. Roland peered around the room adjusting his monocle. “Check this out” said August as he examined the Sarcophagi. He noted that the relief was missing. Roland came over. “Yes it appears that there should be a knight carved on the top. My guess is we have to go through these doors and find the missing pieces.

They tried the door to the east first. It wound down a long corridor every so often there would be a five foot recess. Ahead three skeletons stumbled out of a few of the alcoves. One held a polished shield while the other two wielded maces. That party made short work as they set about to investigate the skeletons and their alcoves a potent hum caught the ear of the party. The skulked up the corridor until it turned right. Something ahead gave off a multi colored ambient light. The hum grew louder and smell of ozone was in the air. “Well I’ll be a boil on a hag’s arse if there isn’t magic involved” Utah was dead on as they rounded the corridor bolts of arcane energy flew at the party. A lightning bolt streaked straight at Utah. His eyes flashed with his own magic as he summoned an eldritch shield. The aegis absorbed the killing portion but the lightning bolt overpowered it and took Utah off his feet.

The corridor ended in a large open room. Towards the back wall stood a suit of armor that crackled and pulsed with power, displayed on a small dais it held court over the nothing that was in the room. “Vatan have mercy.” Morganis huffed “What is that thing?” Roland answered “It’s an Arcane Sentry Harrier.” The rest of the party just stared at him, and then Titus broke in “Does it roam Wyrmcrest eating people’s souls, where does it get its power, does it have a cool sword, does it…” August smacked him on the back “Shut up you twit”. Roland smirked “To answer your questions Titus, no. It is an ancient enchantment. The elves would place these in places of strong ambient magic or nodes of power. They absorb the existing magic around them over time and channel it into battle spells, such as the lightning bolt Utah attempted to block.” August stood and readied his weapons “Morganis with me. Titus cover us”. Roland tried to pull them back. The fallen Paladin and the Cleric rushed the armor dodging fire lightning and ice all the while. Titus bow hummed but his arrows did little. “Pull back you fools!” Roland cried out. Morganis and August struck the Sentry at the same time. A charge went off that shook the room. Morganis and August were blown back against the walls. They lay there in smoking heaps. Each one groaning and cursing. Roland gasped “Thorn Titus do you think you can you pull them out of there?” The archer and the assassin both nodded. The A.S.H started to power back up. It was then as the prismatic light dimmed Roland noticed the three pictures on the walls. A monkey with a crown, a crow with a staff, and dog with a sword. Roland pointed them out to Utah as Titus and Thorn returned with their companions. Utah paced. Morganis put a spell of healing into both him and August. Roland gazed at Titus “Do you know those pictures?” Utah cocked his head but filth was not what poured out of his mouth. “Sort of. A bed time rhyme my Father used to tell me.

The travelers three set out one day and never came back home. Fate entwined and sang its song calling them to roam. The monkey king on lightning swings to see what makes the world turn. The wizened crow would have to know what makes our mortal hearts burn. The loyal knight would fight the fight and sit on still waters throne. The travelers three set out one day and never came back home.

Roland was off in his own world. “Yes that’s it!” the party looked at him waiting for his deduction. He looked back at them almost burdened they had not figured it out. “Every Sentry has a deactivation code. The pictures tell us what that code is. If we use Utah’s rhyme for the key we get monkey to lightning, dog to ice, and crow to fire. And look there some arcane conduit leading down to the dais from each picture. So we must hit each image with its corresponding spell from the rhyme.” “The shield” Titus blurted before he could be silenced “I thought it just ornate at the time it was sort of fragile, but it was well polished like a mirror” Roland gave him a nod. Titus quickly returned with the mirror. “Here I found this as well” he said as he handed Roland a small vial with some unknown powder in it.

Titus walked out and waited for the A.S.H. to power up. Sure enough it did and let out a fireball. Titus rushed at it and threw the shield up. The shield shattered into tiny pieces but his reflection was true and hit the wizened crow’s icon and it powered down. The power hum lessened a bit. Titus returned “Well it worked, but it destroyed the shield.” Morganis stood and stated “I’ve got the next one.” He slammed the butt of his hammer into the ground and started to turn it counter clockwise “Vatan bless me with the strength to turn my enemies might against themselves.” Morganis’ hammer had a visible aura that was a shade of green. He strode out and the Sentry shot out its deadly ice spell. Morganis waited. When the freezing bolt was almost to him he swung his hammer in a long horizontal arc and connected to the bolt.
The cleric of the Hammer Lord swatted the bolt to the right hitting the dog and it to shut off its flow of energy.

“Two down any other ideas” Roland said after the cleric was successful. Morganis was a little pale in the face when he returned “I am sorry but I cannot do that again. Not today” Utah stood and fished in his pockets. “Let me try” Roland looked concerned “Are you sure Utah? It already overwhelmed your shield. Perhaps it is beyond you.” Utah produced a long leather glove that was rune covered and put it on his left hand. “Dragon-:):):):):) MOM. I’ll be ok” Roland backed off then asked “What is that I’ve never seen you use that?” Utah looked at him slightly annoyed. "This is a channeling glove, it helps me absorb spell energy and store it. Now leave me alone.” The spellgun walked towards the A.S.H.

He steadied himself. The Sentry’s humming reached a crescendo as it let the lightning fly. Utah’s eyes flashed as he summoned a pale concave cradle of energy. The lighting hit it and bunched up into a ball. The power was intense. Utah struggled to change and store the magic. His eyes flashed and started to leak mystic tears. He was bleeding from his nose and ears. This blast was stretching him. With a growl he channeled the last of the blast. He wheeled his snub nosed rifle with his right hand. With a scream he let loose his lightning infused shot. There was a flash. When the light subsided Utah was on his knees laboring in his breathing. But the monkey king had a smoking hole right between his eyes.
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First Post
Part II

The party returned to the tomb room and placed the armor on the sarcophagus. The lid absorbed the armor and it was almost as if the suit had never left. The party tried the door to the north wall. Once again it led them down a winding hallway. Finally they came to a door with an inscription over it. The inscription read The Sword of Sir Guy is legend. So sharp it could make the wind bleed. A frontal assault would be folly.

The party opened the door to find a room that was shadowed. There was a single source of illumination. That moved throughout the room. The party filtered into the room. They could see this room was lined with pillars. They crouched waiting to see the source of the light. A floating sword a glow and roaming in between the pillars. August readied his weapons. “Wait.” Roland hissed “Do you not read? The inscription said that the sword was deadly.” “So am I” August replied as he steeled his gaze fixing it on the sword. “Morganis placed his hand over Titus’ mouth to prevent a flow of obscenely insane scenario’s that were sure to pour out. “What would you attack? The sword is obviously animated and we need IT to complete the puzzle.” August stood down with a grim look on his face. “What is our move Roland?” Thorn asked. “Well I suppose…” Just then Roland caught an image on the pillar closest to him. “Light please” he asked. Utah snapped his fingers and a small flame appeared on his fingertip. He took this time to light a ginger weed blunt as well. Under the small illumination Roland read the fresco. “Hmmmm this sounds crazy but I think we need to sneak up on it and lay hold of the sword. These painting tell the story of how Sir Guy found the sword buried in a Cyclops’ eye. Before it killed the Cyclops warrior it was enchanted to protect someone, but after that someone died the sword essentially went insane seeking another wielder.”

Thorn tied on his mask. “I’ll handle this” The man left and melted into the shadows. A few moments later there was a flurry of movement by the sword. It stabbed chopped and sliced at Thorn who was in and out of the light dodging and twisting away from the deadly blade. The sword tried to spear its antagonist but Thorn avoided it by leaping straight up then pushing his feet off of a pillar he twisted mid air to land neatly behind it as the sword buried itself into the stone. Thorn grabbed hold of the hilt and cleanly pulled it from the stone.

With the sword in tow the placed it on the sarcophagus and watched it be assimilated into the relief. “A shield is what should be left I believe” Roland stated. August looked at his friends “We should take a rest everyone appears exhausted” The party agreed.

The next morning the explored the western doors. The first one revealed a small closet with long metal shod poles. Finding nothing else of interest they moved to the next door. This door opened to a straight hallway ending in a rough wooden door. The party proceeded. The wooden door opened to a moss covered cavern. Mildew and fungus assaulted their noses. The air was damp and cool. The cautiously entered into the cavern.

They came to a large chamber that was dominated by a natural rise. There in its center lay a steel shield. Titus started to slink up to grab it. The cavern began to tremble as the moss and rock twisted into a large vaguely human shape. The rock became its frame the moss strangled it into skin and sinew. What stood before them resembled a giant four armed ape with Sir Guys shield embedded into its back.

It let out a huff in mockery of being a living creature and charged at the party meeting Morganis and August. Clubbing the Vatan Cleric with a stony fist. The Cleric rolled with blow however and stood his ground. Morganis and August spread out around the creature and laid into it. Thorn joined the fray landing a series of violent strikes. Chips of rock and fungus were sent flying. The ranged fighters fired sparingly trying to avoid the Cleric and the two Fighters. Roland glanced a shot off its rocky hide. Titus’ arrow flew true sticking right below the shield of Sir Guy. Utah focused himself charging his spell gun. Thorn sunk his own sword into the beast. The beast threw another clubbing blow to the Clerics face then wheeled and turned on August. Two rocky claws hit home. The party watched in horror as the beast hefted the former Paladin and ripped his left arm off at the socket. August screamed inhumanly. Somehow he kept his feet. There was a hail of steel and spellfire. The beast still stood and let out another roar. Then with the last of his strength the former Paladin of Bahamut brought his war axe down and crushed the cavern apes skull. He crumpled to the stone floor beneath him, his breathing shallow and his skin pale. The party forgot about the shield as they gathered round their fallen comrade.

“Morganis can you heal him?” Titus cried as he cradled his friends limp body. “Aye boy I can, but I cannot make him whole. The arm is forever gone.” The cleric channeled healing power as a soft amber glow spread out from Morganis’ hands to the vicious wound. The bleeding stopped. Titus looked down at his friend almost envious. Somewhere in his heart the Archer wished it had been his arm of undead flesh that had pulled out. As Morganis continued to pour the healing of Vatan into his comrade his breathing steadied. They transported him back to his room. Roland upon seeing that August would both survive and was unconscious decided to complete the room. The others decided to complete the room as well. Titus however stayed by his friend’s side a bit longer but eventually caught up with the rest of the party.

Roland let the sarcophagus take the shield. Now there was a full relief of a knight atop the burial box. After that nothing happened. Roland adjusted his monocle and visibly swept the casket, then the room. “Morganis what was that you said about this room not being right.” The cleric seemed distracted but answered “Well I mean the casket belongs up there on the dais. The sconces should flank the casket and then another set should be opposite on the side walls. The party busied themselves with setting the sconces. They now focused on getting the sarcophagus onto the dais. They could barely slide it when Roland noticed the rings on the side. “Pallbearers, of course.” He exclaimed as he ran to the closet grabbing the two metal shod poles. They shoved them through the rings and collectively they managed to muscle the stone funeral box onto the dais. Upon correctly setting the sarcophagus a hidden door appeared in the floor. Ladder rungs led into the darkness.

August looked around. He could not remember how he had gotten onto this road. Everything seemed so grey. Had it always been this way? Where was he going? It didn’t matter he knew that he just had to go. Where had he been? Questions haunted him as he plodded on. Nothing else really mattered other than reaching his destination, whatever that may have been. He made his way up a windswept escarpment. There he knew he had to wait. It wasn’t long before he heard huge buffets. He became very uncomfortable as he peered into the swirling grey mist. Something was coming and that something was big. What broke the mists would’ve taken his breath away if August was in fact breathing. A dragon, but not just any dragon. This was the king of dragons. BAHAMUT. August shielded his eyes from Bahamut’s splendor. August had never seen anything so vast. Not even the imperial capital of Vollkrad was this large. His scales shined with a platinum hue and let a rainbow of color off of them. Six wings held the mighty beast aloft. Piercing cerulean eyes centered on the former paladin. The fallen holy soldier prostrated himself before his LORD. A voice like thunder and of many waters spoke.


August managed a meager response. “As you will my Lord, I am yours to command. I shall do as you ask. How will I know where to start?”

August bolted upright in his room. Pain lanced through his left side and he saw that his arm was gone. He passed back out.

The party pressed on and took the ladder down. They were funneled into a room that looked exactly like the previous one with the exceptions of exits from the room. “Hmmm…” Roland pondered aloud. “By the hairy butt cheeks of six bakers, this is the SAME room. Uggghhh.” Titus wandered into the corner muttering some strange evil scenario’s about what would probably never happen. Morganis and Thorn just watched it all play out. There was one major difference Roland noted as he walked over to the sarcophagus. “Look here. Instead of a shield there is an open book on the relief.” Thorn pointed to a small inscription to the right of relief. Roland stepped over and examined it. “Ancient Ossorian glyphs this will take just a moment” Roland fished for some parchment and unfolded a sheet. Next he produced a stylus and began to write. After a moment he cleared his throat “Ahem. They way of blood and smoke has passed and only bone remains. Sir Guy can help you know longer. Crushed dust now guides the way.”
The party fired theories back and forth while Roland remained silent. Then something Titus said actually made sense. “The vial of powder! The way of bone. The skeletons. Sir Guy. Thus the skeletons in Sir Guys room.” Roland took the vial of powder and poured it over the empty pages of the stone book. Nothing happened at first and then the pages began to glow. Images swirled on the books face. Then they slowed. The first was a large building with columns and domed top. Then a bookcase marked by a bear. Then a large book with a leather binding dyed the color of a twilight sky. The last image was a wooden door banded with brass. The light dimmed and the images disappeared. After the light subsided there

“What in name of Lyaree’s skirt was that? You mean to tell me we have to find those things!” Utah exclaimed. Roland remained calm in spite but Morganis spoke first as he hefted his hammer “Alright boy. I tolerate the incessant flow of filth that comes out of that sewer drain of a mouth. But I will not listen to you mire the holy names of gods and goddess” Utah just waved him off “I am sorry. But those places could be anywhere. It will be like finding a bastard gypsy child’s Dad.” Roland chuckled “Fun isn’t it. This is what generations of my family have done. Chase obscure leads into abandoned elven villages, spent endless hours in some basement library referencing an ancient language, searching for some Halfling burial scepter in the middle of nowhere. It goes on and on.” The companions held their breath as Titus piped in. “Well I don’t know about the book case and the book or the door. But the building we saw was the Shining Temple.” Morganis looked up “You mean the temple to Rojelster the Shield Lord in the Rose Republic?” Titus nodded “Aye in my youth I found work for a bit at an inn called The Boring Warrior right across from the temple district.” Roland adjusted his monocle “So we go south to Mironand the City of Orbs”.

The companions returned to the manor proper to find August awake. They told him what happened. As Morganis examined Augusts wound he gasped. “By the mountains! The wound is healed over, no scar or anything as if you never had a left arm.” August sat up. “I need to speak with Morganis alone.” The party conceded and August told Morganis of his vision. “August you are blessed. You have seen the Platinum One. If this vision is indeed true, and I believe it is then you are in for many blessings and one helluva fight. I am with you.”

They let August rest a few more days, he practiced combat with Thorn and the shadowy fighter showed him how to keep his balance and protect his now unguarded left side. Satisfied that he would be a help and not a hindrance to the party they prepared to set out at dawn.

The summer had started to turn to autumn and the leaves had just started to turn. That morning was quite warm. The peaceful preparations would not stay so for long. Thorns ears perked up. Then the sound of horses approaching caught the rest of the party’s attention. Sure enough Ryril the eldest orphan came running. “A contingent of riders approaches Mr. Roland. They bear the standard of the Imperial Church of Bahamut.” Morganis and August shared glances. Nobody noticed Thorn fade into the shadows.

The riders were in fact armed soldiers. They made no pretense about their intentions. They dismounted and drew their blades. Most bore two handed swords. One of the soldiers held a long hunting rifle loosely. Two of them were dressed in armor resembling dragons and wielded long spears. The leader was a cleric of sorts, an inquisitor to be exact. Not one to be toyed with. “Greetings” Roland said. The inquisitor dismounted “Shut up. I am the Malleus Belros Serpenhelm. We know you are harboring one accused of the dark craft and murder. We have also been informed that you are in the company of seditionists and imperial force deserters.” At this the Malleus looked at August and sneered. “I see Bahamut has already decided to judge you little maimed knight. Augusts face showed righteous anger. “De’Achas the bloody son of a pig molester. He must have opened his mouth.” Utah cursed under his breath. Roland looked around and strode forward “First! THIS is my land deeded to my family by the Imperial Throne itself. As such it has remained outside the boundaries of the empire suffering no protection from nor lawful jurisdiction of the empire. I do not welcome you here. My companions business is our own.” The soldiers were now visibly on edge but Roland continued “Hence forth we will not bow to these accusations this day. We wish to make no enemy of the Church but you attempts at strong arming will fall short.” Roland moved his hands closer to his pistols. The Malleus drew two maces and with a flicking motion the heads slid down on about a foot of chain. “Under the authority of Inquisitor Stormwright you have been judged and sentenced to death!”

The inquisitor lashed out with one of his chain maces. In a smooth motion Roland ducked under the quick strike drew his pistols and fired. One shot catching a swordsmen in the throat the other in the face. The dragon armored soldiers charged in tandem. They both leapt high and brought their spears down. One narrowly missed August. The other one pierced Morganis through the shoulder. Morganis cried in anguish. Unable to use his hammer at such close range he created some space and called down a pillar of flame upon the dragon knight. Utah stepped forth his eyes flashing he conjured a single tentacle that coiled around a swordsman breaking his neck with a sickening POP. August wasted no time with words. Before him stood a lance Dragoon and they were ferocious in battle. He scored two solid blows to his opponent before the knight kicked him back. Thorn came out of nowhere and cut down two more of the swordsmen. The soldier with rifle took aim. Two of the three remaining knights ran towards Titus. One fell filled with arrows. The other arrived and scored a glancing blow on the archer. The final swordsmen arrived to help the Malleus. Belros noticed Thorn cried out “There is the night touched! We must take him alive for inquisition. Soldier finish off the gunslinger I will deal with out heretic.” The soldier advanced on Roland. He back peddled “Wait. I surrender. I am unarmed.” The soldier lifted his greatsword for a downward cleave then said “No mercy is found for you today.” “Nor you!” was Roland’s reply as a small pistol ejected from an apparatus around his wrist. He fired it right into the man’s face. The sniper fired hitting Utah almost taking his leg off. Utah hit the ground and let loose a stream curses that made everyone pause. Through gritted teeth he continued. “Fine you want to have a gunfight let’s dance!” He fired his snub nosed rifle and let loose his full battery of spellfire immolating both the horse and it’s rider. The lance dragoon and August danced a deadly ballet of steel until August sunk his war axe into the man’s chest. The lance dragoon fighting Morganis swept his feet out from under him. Morganis however reached up pulled the knight down with him. They struggled but Morganis eventually gained position on top and after a series of head butts the knights helmet and skull were crumpled and the clerics own head bled profusely. Titus dropped his bow and drew a long dirk from his boot. The final knight seeing his company essentially decimated lost confidence. He swung anyway. He missed. Titus sidestepped the strike and stabbed the knight in the groin. The man didn’t die but was definitely out of the fight.

The Malleus rushed Thorn and swiped out with one of his chain maces. Thorn threw up an arm to block. The mace hit the arm and snapped it. Thorn cried out in pain and felt the Other coming. With a shove Thorn was once again forced to watch his body fight in the possession of the Other. Thorns arm snapped back into place. His visage changed into something savage and otherworldly. His muscles bulged and strained threatening to pull off of his frame. The Malleus went to utter a turning but got a fist to the face that made him bite off his tongue. He struck with both maces entangling one arm and scoring another hit to the possessed warrior. The Other Thorn struck down with his hand and a half sword but the constricting chain caused him to lose his weapon. Thorn let loose a furious roar. He ejected his Tekko-Kagi from its sheath on his forearm. The Malleus began to know fear as he landed another solid blow but watched the warrior shrug it off. The Other Thorn ripped the chain mace out of Belros hand and then landed a kick to the knee that bent it backwards with a pop. The man cried out in pain but it turned into a gurgle as The Other Thorn plunged the Tekko-Kagi through his chest. The party kept their distance from their possessed comrade. The Other Thorn let out a final roar of fury before his features began to soften which left a silently weeping Thorn.
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