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The darkness in us all


First Post
updated 1/1/11

Session 5 Part I

In the aftermath of combat in the courtyard the party took another day to ride out. In the respite of the common room and by the warmth of its fire Thorn spoke. “If you would have me leave I understand. Inquisitor Stormwright will never stop hunting me. I am his chance for advancement in their church. Maybe he is right. I know not what I am. I have never known a mother or a father. My earliest memories are ones of fear and violence. I was one of The Brothers of Rhone, the deadliest cabal of assassins in the empire. Upon their twelfth birthday the brothers training is over and they enter the test. They enter the labyrinth. No food, no water just a blade and your skill. There are beasts and traps. Inside the labyrinth live the Black Witches of Ngori. I found three of them. They roll the bones and they pass their dark blessings and curses to you endowing you with terrible power. Three times the bones were cast. Destinies chains curled about me. I drew the Broken Wheel a life full of tragedy and death. Kualtis the Shadow Lizard forced to make his home in the shadows. Braggnari the Slain Tiger disciple of the blade, by its edge one lives his life.When one reaches the end there is a cave, the final part of the test. The totem of Rhone is a panther. You must enter the cave and slay the beast and eat its heart. In doing this you bind yourself to the spirit. When I entered though, my panther was slain already. Hunched over it was a fell creature. It wore the shell of a man and dressed itself in noble attire. That could not be further from the truth. It was The Other. It was no man however. Gangly and tall, skin like wax its eyes were as black as pitch as it rushed me. My sword did little to damage The Other. It clutched me by the throat and lifted me from my feet. Its fetid breath smelled of smoke and rot. Then it tore out my heart. As I fell I saw the creature consume it. I awoke in my room at the monastery. No wound no blood no hint of anything that had transpired. My mentor said it was normal to pass out after the ordeal and seemed confused at my speaking of The Other. He said that was impossible. I passed the test. However I soon learned that The Other was still with me. I was simply to go to a village and by some mundane supplies, herbs, foodstuffs and cloth. The Other whispered in my ear again and again. I tried to fight him off but he was too strong. He took over and I had to watch as The Other me murdered the entire village. When he takes over I am stronger than demons, and I can take much more damage than is humanly possible.

After the ordeal with the village I soon snuck away from the monastery. Worried that I would divulge their sacred methods of combat and assassination I have been hunted ever since. I have decided I must go back to the Labyrinth. I will kill the Black Witches; I will kill all of the brothers all the way to the Burning Shard himself. I will show them no mercy for none was given to me. Then I shall find a way to be rid of The Other and I will kill him too.”

The party set in silence for a long while. They were not used to the quiet fighter speaking so much. Even Titus had little to say, mostly because he wanted to keep his head attached to his body. Eventually the silence and stillness became too much for the large cleric of Vatan. Morganis stood and moved closer to the fire. “Thorn I believe I speak for the rest of us. I believe fate has entwined our threads to weave something much bigger than if we would part. Thou hast proven yourself a true boon as a companion. And no matter what ye say and what ye seek there is goodness in you. Darkness as well, make no mistake son. There is nary a one in this room whom shadow and sin has not smudged. I believe I can help with the other. There is one in our order who has done what is called an exorcism before. His name is Frosthammer. He may be able to aid you in being rid of this demon. His cloister lies far to the North in an old fort. After our business is settled in Mironand we should go.”

Thorn simply nodded. He talked little, everyone talked little. They spent the remaining time alone. The clerics talk of sin and darkness hit home for more than a few of the companions. But the night came and went and with a new dawn a new chance.

It took the party four days on horseback to reach the famed City of Orbs. Mironand received this name from the enchanted orbs that provided lamps at evening time. Later larger more heavily enchanted orbs were added and they functioned as city guides and such.

The party entered the city around noon. They procured an inn near the temple district and grabbed a quick meal and some ale to wash down the dust of the road. After their refreshment Titus led the way to the Boring Warrior. As in the vision the Shining Temple lay close by. They negotiated use of the library through “donating” a copious amount of silver to church. It took a little time but sure enough they found the bookcase inscribed with a bears image and stood before a row of books containing a leather bound book the color of a setting sun. Roland adjusted his monocle and took in the scene. Satisfied that no clues we to be found elsewhere on the bookshelf he grabbed the book off of the eye level shelf. “The book is titled The Shrinking Road.” He looked around at his friends. They all shook their head. Roland’s face scrunched up as he looked from the book to the book shelf, he went back and forth for a moment then motioned for his companions to look at the shelf. There on the back where the book had previously been was a tiny wooden door banded with brass. “Demon babies from the third circle.” Utah blurted out “How can we get into that.” Roland held the book up “I believe the answer lies in the puzzle itself” “The Shrinking Road indeed” Morganis huffed. A moment later after all the party had consented Roland opened the book. They were engulfed in a soft light.

After the light diminished they found themselves merely inches tall and on the library floor. “Now how do we get up there” Morganis asked. Thorn Titus and August however had broke into action and began removing coiled rope from their packs. Utah grabbed one end of the rope as his eyes flashed with power he began to rise. With Utah’s levitation and their rope most of the company with the exception of Morganis repelled up the bookcase quite easily. The cleric was really more hauled up than anything. As they stood before the door Titus stated “Let’s just be clear, Im not fighting any cockroaches or rodents”. The small dose of levity helped spurn them onward as Roland pushed open the door.

The site that greeted them was not at all what the expected. Before them an expanse opened. They were in a forest. An open field blooming with wildflowers greeted them ahead. A small path cut through it leading to a house that was unmistakably elven in design. A bubbling brook ran behind the abode. The companions looked around in disbelief. Roland adjusted his monocle and took in the scene. Titus clawed at the ground smelling the earth on his hands “This isn’t right. This is dirt is black and moist but it smells like it’s ancient and dead” Roland pondered for a second “Or never really alive. Titus would you run off into the trees to our right please”. Titus shrugged and then did as asked. Titus ran off to his right. About ten seconds later Roland shifted his gaze from the right to his left to see Titus emerge from his the opposite side of the field. Titus seemed amazed then ran back into the forest only to emerge from the right again. “Pocket Realm I believe” Roland said “I’ve only read about these, it is a small contained space that exists in another space without actually taking up any of the Home planes original space.” The party did not follow but it didn’t matter Roland ushered them towards the elven abode.

They rang the bell as they stood before the door. “Come in please” an elderly voice replied from inside the home. The party entered to find a quaint sitting room. In a high backed chair sat a sight that made the party blanch. An elf. A real elf. The wizened Elf stood “Welcome welcome. Are one of you the heir of Wyrmcrest by chance?” Roland could only slightly lift his hand. The elf nodded and offered the party some refreshment. Then he addressed Roland “I am Darioc, High Mage of the First House and Chief Priest of Cheronaster. You may call me Watcher. And I believe I am you great great great great great great great great great great great Grandfather.” The old man let it sink in and then continued. “Cheronaster has blessed our line with insight and it was determined that The Riddle would be given to us. I have been waiting for you. Since you are here this means you have 4 rooms left to complete before The Riddle can be undone.” Roland stood there mouth slightly agape as did much of the rest of the party. Finally he adjusted his Monocle. “So what is this then, why the riddle, why the house, what is the point?” “The revelation is not for me to give. You must complete the puzzle. You are close now. Press on.” He removed a leather throng with a key hanging from it and handed it to Roland. “Be careful.” Utah pushed his way to the front. “That’s it?” the elf nodded and sat back down. “Tell us what you know.” The elf paused before he answered. “I know many things and everything that is relevant has been divulged.” Utah drew his snub nosed rifle “We have ways to make you talk” his voice low and dangerous. The elf stood his eyes gleaming and turbulent like a storm, his countenance suddenly terrible. “Do you now” Utah let loose a spellfire shot. Darioc the Watcher plucked the spellfire from midair and like a mummer turned it over in his hand put it in the other and opened his fist to reveal a chocolate candy. He popped it into his mouth “mmmmmhhh” he said as he took his seat again. Utah swallowed hard and backed up “Son of a donkey”. The Watcher chuckled “The door to your right will take you back to the library. I will be watching.”

They returned to Wyrmcrest and decided that they would seek out the Frosthammer to see if he could rid Thorn of The Other. Thorn paced the grounds he could feel The Other restless somewhere in his soul whispering the terrible things he would do to his new friends. His mind told him to flee to not bring The Others wrath upon his companions. “Boy. Come here” Morganis hailed breaking his dark train of thought. Thorn strode to Morganis and the cleric beckoned him to sit. “I know you’re thinking of leaving. Don’t. While we maybe unsure of you, make no mistake we are with you. I have communed with Vatan. I have searched all of your hearts. He has determined we are all worthy. Not perfect but usable. I know what you are thinking. The Hammer Tome tells us the forging is unpleasant for a time but soon produces a blade for battle. It also tells us that fear leads to a broken shield.” Thorn remained silent staring into nothing. He was not used to being read like this. Morganis stood and placed a meaty paw on Thorns shoulder as he walked away. He turned and said “Trust in Vatan, he has a purpose, and we will see it through with you”.

Roland paced the halls and decided to use the key and start the next room. He approached the shield with the key hole, inserted Darioc’s key and clicked it over. The Sarcophagus slid out revealing a passage way. He followed it down until it opened into a large expanse. Roland might have let loose a curse that would’ve made Utah blush had his breath not been taken away. In the center of the cavern locked in mortal combat were two statues one a divine looking female knight. She was beautiful and she rode a winged charger. Her opponent was as malign as she was pure. It was a large coiled snake with two headed serpent each head had three eyes. There was something missing however. It appeared that the warrioress was missing her weapon. A lance or spear of some sort it would seem.

When it was light Roland gathered the rest of the party and showed them his discovery. Upon entering the cavern and seeing the sculptures both August and Morganis dropped to one knee, bowed their heads and said in unison “Blessed be your name and may your light never cease to shine”. When pressed about the act of worship the rest of the party learned that the knight was The Valkrie herald and servant of the Gods of Light. So then Roland deduced that the beast must be Jormungiir first son of the Hydra and devourer of worlds. He further deduced that the next stage of the puzzle would be to find the missing spear and bestow it back to the knight.

They returned to Pol’Cera the capitol of the Griffon Lands and each attended to their own business. August went to temple. Roland did research on The Valkrie. Morganis sought his superiors to find out the location of the Frosthammer. Utah went to see his family and report De’Achas’ actions. Then he would get drunk, gamble and take in a whore. Thorn sought out agents of Rhone. Titus procured supplies and equipment.

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First Post
Part II

Titus soon met up with Utah in a den of iniquity. That proved to be a dangerous combination. They both had a taste for strong liquor, games. They were short on coin, tall in the mouth, but unlike most they could back it up. Needless to say that the common room of said Den of iniquity was wrecked, the city guard was called, and it took a lot of favors to avoid being banished from Pol’Cera.

The other’s endeavors proved quite fruitful. Thorn found some of his former brotherhood and dealt with them. They were however not high enough on the food chain to give him any information he did not already possess. Morganis found the location of the Frosthammer, an ancient military hold that was once known as Fir’ et Omega or the Fort of the Last Flame. The Fort was far to the East and the North. Roland believed had a start on the location of the Spear. It is known as “Rhongomyniad” and was last used by a barbarian warrior called Halder the Righteous. The tombs of the barbarian hero’s were also to the North and a fair proximity to Fir’ et Omega. The first spear clue was the closest so the party set out with anxious determination.

A few days into the ride the weather started to cool a bit. August noticed that both Thorn and Titus were visibly on edge. “Thorn, Titus is something wrong?” The two scouts looked at each other and nodded. Titus spoke “Since we have left Pol’Cera we have been shadowed. I believe it to be agents of Pol’Cera to see if we are really leaving for a time. Thorn does not share my sentiments.” Thorn turned his horse to face the rest of the party “The one who tracks us is exceedingly great and skillful in the arts of hiding and tracking. This is no governmental agent. He has been beyond even my ability”. This took the party aback a bit. They had all seen how easily the man walked in the shadow, like he belonged, like he was a part of them. Titus spoke again “By mid day we will cross the borders of the Griffon Lands and the Empires northern line. We have not said anything because if they are indeed a man of the Empire or the Griffon Lands then they will likely break off. By this evening we will know much more”. While satisfied this did not console the party in the least. It could be anyone The Brothers of Rhone, Imperial Inquisitors, De’Achas and his henchmen.

That night at camp everyone one was on edge. They set a double watch. There vigilance did not pay off for no one noticed the silent shadow that drifted on the edge of the fire’s light.

The next day they came the stone bridge a relic from the Ossorian Empire. The bridge was actually a large stone platform that was swung out on a mechanism that was powered by a crank on the platform. It was slow going, at this rate it would take over 20 minutes to get to the other side. “Get behind the Horses!” Thorn yelled as arrows streaked out from the side they left from. Titus fired a few shots off but it became obvious that the attacker was moving from cover to cover and any return fire was useless. When the last horse fell dead the assault stopped. “Now he has limited our mobility and speed.” August said. “You think it is one man?” Titus asked. “Possibly but definitely no more than two or three or they would’ve pressed their advantage on the bridge. Now they have an edge in travel. They are probably not strong enough to take us on head to head.” “Then we need to move and move now” Titus exclaimed. That night at camp they set watch and patrol and still came with nothing. As they broke camp Roland voiced an obvious fact “At our current pace I believe we will reach the village of Kragbrook in two days. Well more of a trading post really but I doubt our hound will want to risk us being able to pick up new horses. My guess is he will make he will present his endgame before we break camp tomorrow.” Morganis spoke up “We could press through the night I can see well in the dark and Thorn and Titus are no slouches either” They party nodded. “We need to be able to shape the battlefield as well” August added. They plodded on and discussed strategy as they went.

The first arrow flew soon after the sun went down. It took the Vatan Cleric in his right arm rendering it useless in battle until it was healed. With incredible speed the arrows came. The other wounds from the volley were minor. “There!” Morganis pointed Utah’s eyes flashed and a ball of light appeared in the fir trees branches. The illumination granted a glimpse of their attacker. He sat high as he rode away from the light. The next volley came. This time both Titus and August dropped. “Back to back” Morganis cried. The next arrows came Thorn dropped screaming and clutching his leg. Utah too landed with a thud but he did not make a sound. Roland was left guns pointed to and fro wildly. Morganis started to pump the healing power of Vatan into his ruined arm. “Ssstop priessst” their attacker said as he came from the shadows. Roland gasped as it was revealed that the assailant was no man, but had mottled green and black skin and had no horse but the bottom part of him was much akin to a snake. “Hydra-spawn” Roland breathed. The creature dropped his bow and drew a large serrated blade “Sssoon I sshall collectss my coinss. Now manss sssonss you diess!

“Now!” Morganis cried. The party sprang their trap jumping to their feet and rushing the abomination. They surrounded him and combat ended when Thorn straddled his back and put his Tekko-Kagi to its neck. “Who sent you, you vile creature?” Thorn asked. The snake man laughed “By the onesss who are so much viler on their insssidess. Men of the godsss of courssse. Know thisss that the Ssstormwright will never ssstop.” Thorns eyes narrowed. “We will see. But you shall not” With a violent tug of the clawed gauntlet he took of the creatures head. “Burn it” August said as he helped tend to Morganis.

Arriving into Kragsboork they sold the snake-mans bow, leather breast plate and bought some more horses. They rested and set out early hoping to make the barbarian hero’s tomb by evening. As the sun went down they came to Hadrian’s tomb. They dismounted and soon after they heard several sets of lumbering footsteps. They tossed a couple torches in the direction of the noise. Titus wrinkled his nose “Trollborn”. As the four Trollborn came into the light a bowstring thrummed and gunfire erupted. Two fell. Thorn burst from the shadows slashing the midsection of another. The wound was not fatal and the large lanky creature struck downward at the smaller man. Thorn rolled and rose bringing his sword up at a diagonal taking the arm off. His next strike pierced the creature’s heart. The last one had charged Morganis and August. The creature let out a battle cry that Morganis met with one of his own. The cleric dodged the clumsy strike of the brute and spinning a circle he swung his own battle cudgel crushing the creatures kneecap. August finished it off by cleaving into its skull at the jaw.

The tomb itself was fairly straight forward until the actual burial chamber. The door that led to the final room was covered in runes. While Roland could not deduce all of them several of them read differently. “Scion, seed of Darioc, line of Darioc, the heritor, the inheritor, hand of light. It was clear that the door could only be opened by Roland he placed his hand on the door. It pulsed with light and clicked open. The room itself was covered in painted relief and the spear set upon an altar enshrined. They lit the chamber. Roland adjusted his monocle and produced several pieces of vellum and began to sketch and take notes. "Touch nothing please" He requested. The reliefs had a few themes. The first was a dark warrior, bathed in blood, terrible on the battlefield, and which appeared to drink the blood of his enemies. The second was obviously of the hero Halder. It showed him a man of might slaying various beasts. It showed the bequeathing of “Rhongomyniad” to Halder. The reliefs culminated in the battle between the blood drinker and Halder. The altar had an epithet that reads

Halder exceeding in strength, doughty in heart, mighty in battle.
Saviour of cities, defender of man, righteous in fury, Light In the
Darkness. Slayer of Hannibal. God friend and wielder of Rhongomyniad.
Here lies the best of man.

Titus determined that the altar was not trapped. Roland took a rubbing of the epithet then grasped the spear. The road to Fir et Omega would be long. They party set out.
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First Post
To The Fort of Last Fire

The Road grew colder as the farther North and East the party travelled. Snow and frost dotted the countryside and grew thicker the farther they pressed the road. Three days out from Halder’s tomb they came upon the small town of Eidelfast, there they were able restock supplies and trade for some warmer attire. They took rest at the Worn Blessing a simple but comfortable inn with a well renowned brewery. This place is a hotspot in the summer of well to do families from the empire and both the Griffon Lands and the Rose Republic. The distillery “Scriptures Best” produced fine liquor notably the Chipped Ice Whiskey, Volcano Brandy, and Fey Gin. They also brew a seasonal set of ales in various flavors and styles simply known as “The Rogues Brew”.

Utah was deep in a game of daggers with a few of the villagers and enjoying the atmosphere when one of the men started to press him about the parties business. “Just heading north going to see a priest friend of ours” Utah answered. The commoner shook his head “Good sir I mean no offence you and your friends look more than capable of holding your own, but these are not empire roads. The road brings many dangers here in the north. Be careful” Titus who for whatever reason had been dreary and depressed since the tomb of Halder had been drowning himself in the Fey Gin. He stumbled from his corner accusing the men of treachery and his usual preposterous schemes and scenarios. This time however the liquor was talking and there was malice in his voice. Utah was the only other from the party there, the rest long since retired. The villagers with their own liquid courage spat back. Some shoving back forth started. Then it happened. As Utah inserted himself between Titus and the town one of the commoners caught hold of the leather sleeve on Titus arm and pulled it most of the way off. There was silence in the common room. Then shouts of “Undead”, “Demon”, “Unholy” went up followed by “Kill him” “Get them” and “Burn the creature”.

Luckily for the men of the town all weapons had been checked at the door. That did not stop Titus from breaking off a chair leg and brandishing about like a club. Utah tried to steer them towards the door or a window but they were cornered. Titus had madness in his eyes fueled by the alcohol. They commoners rushed them. Everyone became a big pile. Utah’s eyes flashed and suddenly there were a few villagers on the Titus and Utah’s side. Someone managed to sneak a dagger in and sliced Titus on the cheek. Titus swung the makeshift club down breaking the man’s arm. Another villager grabbed a log out of the fire then went flying smacking into the wall. A few more went spilling out of the way. Morganis had joined the fray. “Men of Eidelfast here me now. We know you to be a good and hearty people. Do not let the strong spirits steal your hearts this night. My companions and I are warriors of the light and we bear the scars of doing battle with the darkness. The only difference is we bear our marks on the outside. Go home to your families go home to your wives. Wake in the morning and repent. Vatan will forgive you.” The crowd diffused. Morganis watched as Titus still full of hate went upstairs. “Flaming pubes of Azers” Utah breathed as he too went to his room.

The next morning as the party set out. Titus leaned in and whispered a question to Utah. “Do you think that’s true?” Utah shrugged and looked to him for further information. “That we are warriors of the light?” Titus continued. Utah looked forward grimly “I don’t know”.

They day was little more than half over. The snow had really started to deepen and blanketed ground. Titus sat sulking in his saddle. Utah seemed very annoyed and Morganis was also silent. The other three however were oblivious. Thorn pulled his horse up short. He started to sniff the air. The rest of the party stopped too. Titus came peered around at the landscape. “I see nothing” he said. Thorns eyes went wide as the snow piles lining the road erupted. “Giants!” Thorn cried. “They are Cyclops actually!” Roland countered as he dismounted. “Black blood and hairy :):):):) they are giant one eyed monsters!” Utah cursed aloud. “I count four” August called out. “One more at the treeline!” Thorn answered. As if in answer to Thorn a large ice ball lobbed into the party. The projectile hit like a Trebuchet’s stone taking Morganis from his saddle. “Form up, two single columns. Thorn take the thrower.” The party held their ground and let the Cyclops move first. August ducked under the first ones legs. Coming out behind him he struck twice. The first blow took a meaty chuck out of the back of the giant’s leg then August leapt and sunk his axe into the small of the one eyes back. The Cyclops bellowed in pain and dropped to one knee. Morganis found his footing and came to his line just as the Cyclops attacked. Morganis called upon the power of Vatan uttering a battle blessing. Roland dodged the fist of another giant and fired two pistols right into its exposed armpit. Titus whirled his arms blurring as he pumped three arrows into the Cyclops Roland had wounded. It succumbed to the wounds and fell. The one eye attacking Utah was stricken blind as Utah’s eyes flashed. August continued his assault this time attacking the Achilles heel of his giant. The giant fell forward on his face screaming in agony. Morganis waited for the last Cyclops to attack. The burly cleric met the giants club with his own hammer then slammed the large mallet onto the one eye’s foot. As it doubled over in pain it was peppered with shot and arrows. It cried out, close to death. Utah eyes flashed with power as energy started to coalesce around him he let out a grunt as he pushed the energy out forming a giant fist slamming into the giant knocking back into its ambush trench. Thorn reached his Cyclops catching it unaware his sword slicing its throat then he shoved it into its eye cavity. Morganis let out a cry to Vatan as he struck his Cyclops and turned its head so hard it broke its neck. August focused the power of Bahamut. Then he ran and planted off his giants back leaping into the air and landing on the beasts head, looking as a demented child jumping in mud puddles. He crushed its skull. Utah’s energy fist came down not once but twice crushing the beast’s lungs and heart of the giant.

The rest of the journey was fairly uneventful aside from the occasional skirmish with a small patrol of trollborn. Finally they arrived at the Fort of the Last Fire. Fir et Omega loomed in the distance. It was quite large for a wilderness fort. It was here the ancient Ossorian Empire would stem the tide of northern barbarians, trollborn and savage sorcerers. It was also here that the battle of the dragon forged was fought. Here that the earth ended. You could walk farther to the North East if you wanted. The Shining awaited. A vast expanse of frozen waste, a place said to exist both here and the spirit world. And now here they would find answers to The Other.

The Fort was opened to them once Morganis was established as a member of the Vatan faith. The party was escorted where they waited for the Frost Hammer. Soon the Frost Hammer entered or rather took up the room. The man dwarfed Morganis. Not only was the giant man large in stature, but his presence was palpable. It was if an avatar was standing before them. “Brethren, The Hammer Lords blessing on you all. Morganis by the hammer it is good to see you old friend.” The bassy voice boomed as they greeted one another. Watching this exchange Utah’s jaw hung open. “Well I’ll be a black toothed bar wench” he exclaimed “You’re a giant.”

The Frost Hammer guffawed “Nay brother. I am a humble servant of the Hammer Lord. I have been through the rite of might though, resulting in the Hammer Lords blessing of increased vigor and strength.” Roland adjusted his monocle “Interesting. Morganis did you take the rite of might as well?” Morganis shook his head “No, upon the anointing of Vatan’s Hammer Priests, which is my official rank, they choose a rite to go through. You may choose between the rite of Might, Cunning, Resilience, Power, or Counsel. I chose counsel. Seeing to the morale and well being of your fellow soldiers is as important as to any damage you could ever inflict on the enemy.” The Frost Hammer nodded his face jovial. “Aye, well said Brother. Now tell me what brings you here. Surely ‘tis not our sandy beaches.” Morganis chuckled “Surely not. This is Thorn. He is a good man, a valuable ally. Once he was on the dark path with the Brothers of Rhone. Those who skulk in the shadows and steal children out of the night, black fletched arrows and daggers unseen slid between ribs are their calling cards. Now he is on the path to repentance. However he finds himself oppressed by an ancient and powerful spirit. Not of the Panther as is the custom of those of Rhone, but of a Demon. Of…The Other”

The Frost Hammer thought to himself then looked at Thorn “Boy I make no guarantees, but I can attempt to expel this taint from your soul. In my order I have been trained in dealing with things not of this earth. It is a long ritual and I must consult the scroll of Anvil and Stars. But if you are truly repentant then Vatan will bless it.” Then in unison Morganis and the Frost Hammer boomed together. “For He would have mercy on us all”

Three days the party waited for the Frost Hammer when finally he sent word he waited for them on the northern battlements. The party approached the Holy Behemoth. He looked at them grimly “I have found the rite. I however will need a powerful reagent to provoke The Other into manifesting. The ancients said that here at lands end, before The Shining that giant snakes with the heads of bulls would consume the dead to carry them to the afterlife. I need the blood of such a creature.”

As one the party set its face toward The Shining.


First Post
Updates soon I promise...Really this is to motivate myself more than to whet your appetites, but hey....

All right ramblers lets get rambling.

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