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The Doomed Bastards: Reckoning (story complete)


Thanks for all the posts, everyone!

SonofaKyuss said:
Orcus sitting at the middle of a maze waiting for somebody to bust in and get themselves killed is certain doom ENOUGH for our intrepid adventurers, but Goat Face's proactive "let's just rip this sucker open and BRING IT" approach guarantees that the Doomed Bastards are indeed just that...
Yeah, I've seen a number of published adventures (even high-level ones) that seem to assume that the Big Bad will just huddle in his/her/its room and wait for destruction. I know that the DM can always take the initiative and make changes, but few mods seem to even offer suggestions on how to make a dungeon experience more dynamic.

Needless to say, I've made a lot of changes from the module as written, but I've tried to remain faithful to the source material at least in terms of mood and overall substance of the Dungeon of Graves.

Time for today's update: reinforcements to the rescue of our heroes! Heh, right, and it's Friday...

* * * * *

Chapter 296


The winds had been growing in intensity over the last half-hour, and Nelan struggled to maintain the focus on his wind walk spell. He glanced over his shoulder at the eleven others flying in a V-formation behind him. Below them stretched the uneven mounds of scrub hills that stretched for miles in every direction; to the west they could see the green expanse of the Forest of Hope, while to the east the vast expanse of the ocean could be seen beyond the farthest ranks of hills.

And ahead, their destination.

They had long since left behind the clear skies that had miraculously appeared above Camar. Above them stretched a great bank of gray, which had deepened in color and malevolence the further south they had traveled. And now, as he peered into the distance, he saw that there was a particularly dense gathering of black clouds ahead that hovered over a point in the midst of the hills. It was a good twenty or thirty miles ahead, he judged, but as he watched he could see flashes in the sky, reverberations of dark power that he could not clearly distinguish in the mist-form granted by his wind walk spell.

He could guess where that unnatural storm was centered.

He looked up again and tried to gauge the level of the sun through the clouds. He could not be sure of the time, but he suspected that Honoratius, Dar, and the rest of the first wave were getting ready to depart, if they hadn’t done so already. He was tempted to rise up above the clouds briefly to check the position of the sun, a trivial exercise with the wind walk, but despite the security of his faith, he was not accustomed to flying, and the thought of leaving the ground so far below was more than a bit unnerving.

He berated himself slightly for the thought. If he was unused to flying, he could only imagine what his companions were feeling. None of them had broken formation, and while there had been a few pale faces when they had paused briefly at Highbluff to rest and take a hasty breakfast, none of them had complained. At least the two priests and the two temple guards were familiar with the concept of wind walking. The six knights, however, had merely accepted their orders, their faces all hardened with the same grim look of men and women who had accepted death as a likely outcome of their oaths.

Talen had done something to these people, Nelan thought. There was something missing from them. Maybe if one of them had shown fear at the thought of being transformed into mist and whisked over landscapes faster than the fastest horse. Or even cracked a joke, or shed a tear. It could be that they were just better at hiding their feelings than most people. But Nelan had felt decidedly uncomfortable around them.

Another gust of wind buffeted him, and he gestured to the others to follow him down lower. Thus far the wind had not been sufficiently intense to cause physical injury, which was a real hazard to a wind walker. But just from the look of the skies ahead, it seemed likely that they would not be able to fully reach their destination via the spells he and Patriarch Jaduran had cast before dawn that morning.

He turned back just in time to see it.

It appeared out of nowhere, dropping down from the sky above, maybe a thousand feet ahead of them. It was big, and vaguely humanoid, but its features were difficult to make out due to the dark cascade of energy that surrounded it. Nelan recognized that nimbus as an unholy aura.

He gestured frantically, even as the driving wind carried them closer to the creature. The formation split, with half of the group following Nelan down to the left, while the other half veered right. The monster, which Nelan now saw to be some sort of demon, just hovered there on stubby wings that seemed incapable of supporting its hulking weight.

Nelan glanced back, and saw that the final member of his group had broken off, and was heading toward the demon on a direct course. As he watched, his wind walk dissolved, and the figure took on the solid form of a muscled, golden-haired youth clad in a simple white robe. Gravity asserted its hold as the spell ended, but the youth’s form began to shift and shimmer, and within seconds a pair of feathered white wings had appeared from his back, and a bright glow had erupted around him.

Nelan gestured for his cadres to keep going. He wanted to aid his planar ally against the demon, but he knew that he could not help short of landing and returning to solid form, which would put him in no position to be of any use.

A pair of vrock demons materialized in front of the demon, and immediately dove at the oncoming deva. The celestial lifted his mace, but before the two creatures could reach him he uttered a holy word. Both vrocks stiffened and fell, blasted insensate by the pure force of that syllable. The deva flew past them, its attentions focused upon the greater demon.

The nalfeshnee waited until the deva was almost within striking distance, and then it teleported away.

Nelan looked back and saw the deva falling farther behind them. He raised a hand and started to slow his rate of speed; the others started to shoot past him before they too began to slow to match him.

The first warning he had was a twisting sensation that shot through him like a crossbow bolt. Four of the five others accompanying him suddenly materialized as the wind walk was dispelled. The temple guardsman, priest, and two knights screamed as they fell, their momentum continuing to carry them forward as they plummeted toward the ground over one hundred feet below. Nelan could do nothing but watch in horror as all four smashed hard into the barren, rocky hillsides.

The nalfeshnee descended upon them from above. Even slowed as they were, the wind walk spell still carried them forward faster than the demon could follow, and soon he and his last companion—a temple guardsman named Valerian—were out of its range.

Nelan was at a loss what to do. The four that had fallen had dropped a distance that should have killed them, but it was possible that one or more might have survived the fall. He looked around for the other group that had split off when they’d first spotted the demon, but he couldn’t see them; wind walkers were hard to spot any any distance beyond a few hundred feet. He looked at Valerian, and could see the terror on the man’s face even with the distortion to his features caused by the spell. He caught the man’s attention, and pointed toward the ground. They descended toward a hilltop that jutted up from the rolling terrain like a bent thumb.

They had nearly reached it when the demon appeared in a sudden rush of blackness and sound above them.

Valerian panicked and veered sharply to the right. Nelan headed downward, under its reach. The insubstantial form granted by his spell provided some protection against physical attacks, but he did not doubt that the demon’s power was sufficient to overcome that obstacle.

But the demon did not attempt to seize him in its massive claws. Instead it focused its dark stare upon the cleric, and hit him with another greater dispel. This time, Nelan’s magic dissolved under its attack, and the cleric dropped like a stone, plummeting forty feet onto the side of the hill. He was lucky to land in a mound of dead scrub, which cushioned his fall slightly, but his momentum and weight dragged him down, and he tumbled hard down a rocky, uneven slope, his breastplate protecting him some against blows that would have otherwise crushed the bones of his torso. He finally came to an abrupt stop at the base of the hill, slamming into a boulder the size of a wagon. There was a flash of pain as his right arm was snapped by the impact, and then for a moment everything swum out of focus, and darkness enfolded him.

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Neverwinter Knight said:
Lazybones, chapter 295 is one of your greatest works to date. How naive are they? :] I thought they might have tried to access RA through one of the other entrances...
Well, remember that Grezneck and the bee tunnel were closed off earlier. Shay had gotten out through the underwater tunnels in the troll caves and the Great Cavern, but that route was anything but friendly. I don't think they know about any of the other routes in at this point.

* * * * *

Chapter 297


Dar looked around, quickly. There was little that could promise cover; a few clumps of small boulders nearby, some small ravines tangled with brush, a cleft in a hillside about a hundred yards off. Ironically, the best thing he could see was the burned wreckage of Lord Sobol’s fort, but that was on the northwest side of the valley, and they stood on the edge to the northeast.

All they had to do to get to it was hack their way through a few thousand undead...

“Fall back to those rocks!” the fighter yelled, pointing to a knot of man-sized boulders about forty feet behind them.

The screams of the gargoyles drew his attention back up, as his allies drew back. His earlier guess about their numbers took a sharp tick upward; there looked to be thirty, maybe forty of the things, and all of them looked to be coming their way.

Valor snicked from its sheath as he fell back toward the rocks. Ahead of him, at the valley’s edge, undead were already appearing, skeletons of all shapes and sizes, packs of slavering ghouls, about a dozen pale-skinned wights, a feral light shining in their eyes.

“Come on, you bastards!” he yelled, brandishing his sword at the gargoyles, trying to draw their attention away from the casters.

Alderis, half-carried between Marcus and Xenos, pulled himself free and cast a spell. Almost at the same time, Allera invoked the same magic, the two forming overlapping globes of repulsion around them. Between them, the diving gargoyles were driven back, shrieking as they were forced to abort their dives against the invisible barriers of potent magic. The elf’s spell held them farther out, almost a hundred and fifty feet distant, while Allera’s had made the edge of her barrier closer, so as to leave any undead at the borders within range of her mass cure spells. The leading edge of the undead charge was already within those ranges, but the overwhelming majority of them suddenly stopped, held at bay by the potent combination of divine and arcane magic.

The gargoyles were held at bay, their will insufficient to penetrate the repulsion fields. Several fast undead, however, penetrated the outer field, and charged toward Dar. Alexion hurled his javelin of lightning; the shaft transformed in mid-flight into a bolt of electrical energy that tore through a pair of wights. Marcus and Zahera started to come to Dar’s aid, but the fighter ordered them back. “Get the spellcasters to those rocks, form a defensive ring!” he ordered. A wight rushed up behind him; Zahera shouted a warning, but Dar smoothly spun and met its attack with a downward strike of Valor. The wight went down, its head and torso falling one way, its legs and hips another.

More undead that had made it through both repulsion fields were on his heels. Above them, the frustrated cries of the gargoyles echoed over the battlefield like the raucus yells of spectators. “Ring of steel... nothing gets through!” Dar yelled. The three knights and Marcus had formed a half-circle with the rocks at their backs, and with Honoratius, Alderis, Allera, and Tullus inside. Alderis’s shield guardian stood slightly off to the side, rising over the low mound of boulders. Dar rushed into position on the left end of the half-circle, and spun to face a ghast that had pursued him all the way across the rocky field. Shields clashed and weapons bit into undead flesh as Dar and the knights hacked down the few undead that had penetrated their wards thus far. But more undead were ascending from the valley; and already two groups of several dozen each had accumulated at the curving edges of the barriers established by Alderis and Allera.

“Well, archmage, let’s get going with the blasting!” Dar yelled. With his foe down, he glanced over his shoulder to evaluate their position. The “wall” of boulders was really just a jumble of rocks, none of them larger than six feet tall, but it at least offered them some degree of protection from their backs. Thus far the undead had only come at them from directly ahead, but that would change as more of them made it through the barriers.

More undead were continuing to trickle forward, their arc of approach widening as the newcomers moved around those already penned in against the barriers. The surge of undead coming into view over the valley’s edge had become a flood, and while most were held back by the spell auras, the sheer numbers meant that more would be able to muster the will to force through.

Honoratius did not respond to Dar’s shout. Most of her higher-order spells had been invested in the transposition necessary to link the consciousness of the venerable magus lying in his bed in Camar with Letellia’s, and in the multiple teleports that now seemed to be useless. The archmage had a number of potent evocations in reserve, but she held them for the moment, knowing that more dire threats existed here than the foes they had faced thus far.

That thought was given substance a moment later by a shout from Marcus, who was holding their right flank. “Demons!”

Sizzling pops around the edges of their repulsion fields announced the arrival of fiends as they teleported in. There were about a half-dozen tall, impossibly slender black forms, their rank hides oozing red ichor like droplets of blood. They were accompanied by a fat, toadlike hezrou, its claws flexing in anticipation of rending human flesh. And finally, high above them, a trio of vrocks shimmered into existence, each surrounded by a shifting array of mirror images.

Honoratius nodded to herself as she catalogued each of the demons. This was going to be a problem.

Unable to get close enough to attack, the vrocks instead concentrated their spell powers upon the defenders. Rocks ranging from stones the size of a fist to small boulders the size of a man’s torso suddenly sprung up off the ground, flying toward the line of warriors as though fired by a catapult. Dar, Xenos, and Zahera all took hits, the woman knight screaming as her right arm was crushed by a missile twice the size of her head.

That assault was followed by a surge of chaotic energy as the hezrou unleashed a chaos hammer upon them. Even as the violent explosions of color faded around them, the babaus hit them with a barrage of targeted dispels. They had no way of knowing which of their foes was the source of the invisible barriers that kept the undead back, so they focused their efforts on those who looked like spellcasters. Their magic was much weaker than that of the companions, but one got lucky, unraveling the repulsion aura that surrounded Alderis.

Instantly two hundred undead came charging forward, accompanied by three dozen green gargoyles that plummeted down eagerly. Most of them stopped again after a mere thirty paces, as they ran up against the second repulsion field around Allera. But many of the more powerful entities, including an assortment of about twenty wights, ghasts, and mohrgs, kept on coming, hollow shrieks coming from their gaunt bodies as they pushed past their more mindless brethren. Above them the green gargoyles shrieked in renewed frustration as they ran up against Allera’s repulsion, again kept at bay by the magic.

Meanwhile, the three vrocks drifted down from above. They did not test Allera’s barrier, but began to circle just above it, twisting and gyrating in the complex maneuvers of their dread dance of ruin.


First Post
Wow, I didn't think the story was going to end with all of the heroes dying outside of RA. Looks like Varo will have to save the day :)

Unless Nelan has a few tricks up his sleeve when he arrives on scene I think the DBs are in a lot of trouble; especially after the vrocks finish their dance.
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Chapter 298


“Hold the line!” Dar yelled, gesturing with his sword as the outer wall of undead moved forward from Alderis’s collapsing barrier to the inner circle formed by Allera’s spell. Zahera rose to her feet, nodding in thanks as Marcus treated her injured arm with a cure serious wounds spell. The cleric drew his sword and joined her in place in the line of defenders, bolstered by the divine power of Soleus. Behind him Tullus incanted a prayer, infusing them with strength of purpose and iron determination.

Allera drew upon a pure cascade of divine potency, surrounding herself and each of her companions with the brilliant enegy of a holy aura. Each of the companions felt that glow to the core of their being, steadying them against the evil powers of the hordes of Orcus.

And then the arcanists unleashed their power.

Alderis extended his arms wide, incanting words of magic. In response a wall of fire rose up ring seventy feet out from where the elvish abjurer stood. The flames rose up to block the view of the undead that were gathered at the edge of Allera’s repulsion, just ten feet further out, but they could hear the screams of rage and pain as the heat of the wall scorched the bodies of the undead. A few that had just penetrated the healer’s ward were caught within the flames as they erupted upward, and they were consumed within seconds by the blazing pyre. The other undead fell back from the deadly circle, leaving behind a few dozen scorched skeletons and ghouls that had been roasted by the initial wave of heat.

Honoratius targeted the vrocks with a greater dispel magic. The spell cut away the mirror images surrounding two of them, but the demons continued their dance unabated, the supernatural potency of their ritual unaffected by Honoratius’s potent magic. The archmage frowned.

Dar and the knights met the undead charge, absorbing attacks on their armor and shields, bolstered by Allera’s holy aura. Tullus lifted his holy symbol and called upon the might of the Father, causing some of the weaker undead to recoil. But the others fought back with terrible ferocity. A mohrg smashed a powerful fist into Dar’s torso, and its sinuous tongue lashed out and pricked him on the side of his neck. But the fighter’s fortitude was such that he easily shrugged off the paralytic effect of its bite, and he countered with a two-handed downward stroke that crushed the creature’s skull and kept going, smashing it into a hundred pieces. On the far flank, Marcus faced another of the terrible monstrosities, but he too was able to fight it off, delivering powerful blows augmented with divine power that smashed bones and bit into the foul substance that crammed the cavity of its chest.

The knights were almost overcome by a pack of leaping ghouls, ghasts, and wights that surged into the center of their defensive line. Zahera was hit by a wight and groaned as life energy was siphoned from her body. Xenos was nearly dragged down by three ghasts, and only the potency of the holy aura enabled him to resist being paralyzed and torn apart. Alexion fared better, holding off two wights and a ghoul with his magical shield, but his pick was designed to cripple living foes, and his initial counterattacks had little effect on them. More undead continued to come forward, but as they spread to the flanks, trying to get around the fighters toward the juicy, unarmored casters behind, they found only Dar’s sword and Tullus’s holy power waiting for them. A small pack of ghouls rushed around the mound of rocks, seeking to bypass the warriors altogether.

And then a wave of healing power surged down the line, restoring the humans and destroying undead at the same time. The few undead that survived Allera’s spell were quickly hacked down by the defenders, who then reformed their line at Dar’s command.

The ghouls that turned their flank found only more destruction waiting for them. Springing over the rocks with feral agilty, they found Alderis’s shield guardian waiting for them. As the ghouls leapt to attack, Alderis glanced up and spoke a word to his construct. “Defense.”

The guardian invoked a spell, and a magical shield appeared in the air before it. The mithral-clad construct extended its arms and met the attacking ghouls with fists like battering rams. Gray bodies crunched and cracked, and ghouls fell in mangled heaps into the cracks between the stones. The monsters counterattacked, tearing at the guardian with claws and bite, but they had little effect upon its armored body. Several tried to get past it to get to the easier prey below, but the guardian abandoned its own attacks to block them, absorbing more damage as it knocked the creatures back.

The ghouls intensified their efforts, and two dove under the guardian’s arms as they hurled themselves forward at Alderis and Allera. The stench they brought with them indicated that these two foes were ghasts, more canny and deadly then their weaker cousins. The elf calmly pointed and cast a spell, blasting the first with an empowered scorching ray. The ghast’s chest turned black as the magical flames tore into it. The elf hit it with a second ray, transforming its head into a charred mess. As it fell, Alderis turned and fired his third stream of fire into the monster attacking Allera. It took damage but still managed to lunge at the healer with one jagged claw. It grabbed her arm, but Allera easily resisted the power of its touch. The ghast could not maintain its hold in the face of the healer’s holy aura, but its struggles ceased abruptly a moment later as the shield guardian brought a heavy stone boot down onto its body, crushing it.

“Alderis! The vrocks!” Honoratius yelled, pointing upward. The demons’ wild dance was approaching culmination, and tendrils of energy were beginning to flash within the chaotic space between them.

Another area-effect spell, this one an unholy blight, exploded around them. Ignoring both the sickening effects of the hezrou’s foul magic and the wild melees still going on both ahead and behind them, the arcanists focused their magic upon the greater threat above.

A screaming roar echoed over the battlefield, drowning out the cries of the gargoyles and the undead below. Honoratius’s sonically-substituted chain lightning blasted into the first vrock, shredding its spell resistance, devastating its flesh. The secondary arc hit the second vrock, and then cascaded through the mirror images of the last, drawing a scream from it as they finally found the real creature. Pulses shattered green bodies as the spell depleted itself through several of the gargoyles, which drew back from the demons.

Most were not quick enough to avoid the empowered fireball from Alderis that exploded in the wake of Honoratius’s spell. The blazing globe scorched the demons even through their inherent resistance to fire, and when the flames died, one of the vrocks—the one that had been the focus of Honoratius’s spell—broke away from the others and plummeted to the ground, its body blackened and quivering.

Another chaos hammer hit them, fired blind by the hezrou through the wall of fire.

“What the hells!” Dar yelled, grimacing as the spell’s energies blasted him, one pulsing strand of energy hitting his arm and running down the limb into the fist that clutched Valor. “Will somebody kill that freaking demon already?” The knights were equally hard hit, but Allera eased their injuries a moment later with another mass cure spell.

“Look!” Alexion yelled, pointing ahead. Dar looked up to see Alderis’s wall of fire fading, sundered by a dispel magic from one of the babaus. The companions, paled, all of them, as the barrier’s collapse revealed a ring of undead that completely surrounded them. There had to be at least six hundred of them, ranging from tiny zombies created from vermin, to hulking, monstrous skeletons of umber hulks and minotaurs. They had been kept at bay by the wall of fire, but now moved forward again, intent only upon the utter destruction of those who stood against their Master. Many stopped at the edge of Allera’s repulsion, but dozens did not, picking up speed as they rushed forward in a wave to attack.

And then Allera was hit by several targeted dispels, and in quick succession her holy aura winked out, followed a second later by the collapse of the repulsion spell.

A sea of undead rushed in from every direction, as the gargoyles above screamed in joy, and dove down to attack.

“You have got to be freaking kidding me,” Dar said.


First Post
Great update LB!

I'm hoping to see another for a Happy Thanksgiving! (dispels a sudden image of Dar, Varo, and Allera sitting acrossed from Orcus carving a zombified turkey...)


I...can't believe it. I started on this SH a few weeks back and it seemed like it would go on forever. To have caught up was....shocking!

I've been greatly enjoying this story, LB, your approach and execution have been amazing! As many others have commented, it's surprising that you haven't professionally published something. Your style and execution could easily make the grade.

And using Rappan Athuk in such a manner has been a stroke of genius! :) I own a copy of the boxed set, and while it seems like a fun meat grinder, the depth of character you've brought to this story has been very satisfying.

Sadly, instead of reading at will and plowing along, now I'll have to wait... :(

Oh well, now I have something to look forward to in addition to OotS and the eventual release of Spore. ;)


Welcome, and thanks for posting, SolitonMan!

I may not get a post up tomorrow, but I'll definitely be back Friday for the resolution.

* * * * *

Chapter 299


“Keep them at bay... just for a few seconds!” Allera yelled. She closed her eyes, and spread her hands, whispering as she drew upon healing power.

“The gargoyles,” Honoratius said to Alderis. The archmage hurled a sonic evocation into the air, and the gargoyles screamed as it shattered the air in their midst. The companions felt it as a pulse that shook their bones, but the spell had been precisely placed, and none of them suffered any lasting harm. Allera did not stir, completely lost in her concentration.

Alderis lifted a hand and fired a cone of cold into the descending swarm of gargoyles. Gargoyles stiffened as the magical cold froze their bodies, already ravaged by Honoratius’s sonic. The creatures plummeted to the ground, shattering as they hit the rocky soil. One landed on a ghoul, crushing it, and a second nearly smashed into Marcus as he held off a pair of skeletal wolves.

“Keep them off Allera!” Honoratius yelled, ducking as a gargoyle tried to seize her head in its claws. With a half-dozen layered wards still protecting her, she was difficult to harm, but the gargoyles were sufficiently big and strong to carry her off, if they got a hold on her.

Alderis’s shield guardian took a gargoyle out of the sky with a swipe of one armored limb. At the elf’s command the construct stood over Allera, protecting her from the descending attackers.

Undead came at the line of warriors, attacking in a violent fury. Skeletons, ghouls, and wights went down under their blades, but more surged forward, and others simply leapt up and came down upon the defenders, trying to bear them down by sheer weight. Marcus was struck in the face by the skeletal claw of an umber hulk, and he would have fallen had not Tullus stepped forward, supporting him with one arm while his other wielded his mace with unaccustomed fury.

A moment later, a ghast leapt onto the older cleric, bearing him down.

Zahera staggered as a zombie beetle seized her ankle. Three wights seized her, and a ghoul sprang onto her shoulders, trying to rip her helmet off.

Dar formed a wall of hacked and dismembered undead in front of him, but for every one he killed, two or three others charged into its place.

Vrocks descended lazily from above, looking for opportunities.

Another unholy blight exploded around the companions. Alexion cried out, and two ghasts ripped his pick from his hands. Xenos felt a prick on the side of his neck as he hacked down a ghoul with his holy sword, and looked up to see a mohrg standing there, even as his muscles stiffened and stopped obeying his command. A skeleton smashed him in the face, and he fell to the ground, claws already tearing at his flesh.

Forty ghouls surged over the low rock mound, rushing at the companions from behind.

And more undead kept pressing forward.

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