• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Dragon Heresy RPG (variant of 5E)


The Dragon Heresy Introductory Set Kickstarter launched at 10am on Monday April 2. By mid Tuesday, it funded. Now, it's onward to stretch goals!

I'm especially pleased at the interest in the color printing, and very grateful for it.

Of course, we're not there yet, and the best thing folks can do right now is check it out, spread the word.

I'll be posting links to a few podcasts that I recorded over the last week talking more about both the setting and the mechanics, and will be appearing on a few more during the campaign. The first one has already dropped: Derek Knutsen-Frey and I had a great chat on THE ESTABLiSHED FACTS. I'll be appearing on Table Top Babble, Down with D&D, and Hobbs and Friends of the OSR, and at least two more besides.

If you want to chat with me real time, ask questions, or just hang out, drop on by the Gaming Ballistic Discord Channel.

Based on feedback from the backers

  • I have added extra books as add-ons
  • I have added a Retail option to order some discount physical copies during the Kickstarter.
  • A short and hopefully amusing/fun Designer's Intent video went live. Check it out here.

With that . . . please join me on the Dragon Heresy Kickstarter! It runs until Apr 28.

Dragon Heresy Mockup Prelim 2-small.png

DH Intro Mockup Black and White Spread small.jpg

Inside Spread Combat 1.png


Here are some updates so far:

Welcome to Dragon Heresy

A Great Beginning: the first 24 hours

Hail to the Shield-Guard! The Skjald-hirð carries the day! (FUNDED!)

Progress Report: Things moving along well

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