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The Dragon's Hoard Arcane Game: Ruins 2007


The Megaraptor lies dead at their feet. Team Heritage moves on. The Black skinned barbarian is still weak from his encounter with the Crown Naga. The Red skinned creature holds up its TWO flags. "TO VICTORY!"

They jog for a ways and come to a ruined bridge. The Brass skinned creature pauses. "The Thunder Lizard encountered someone here. Medium sized humanoid."

"The new recruits?"


"Victory is near." says the Red 1/2 Dragon.

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You have reached the base of the broken tower. What appears to be the ground floor remains in place. The next ten levels are entact and over the river. The water licks at the sides as it is less than a foot from the water's surface.

Which to start with? Base or the tower over the water?


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Ksthara looks at the base of the tower, then at the the tower walking towards it, "Shall we go inside and see what remains of this wizards hidely hole?"

Mista Collins

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"Yes. Let's have ourselves a looksee. I do be hopin' we find the flag right quick. It feels as if we've been held up and I do be wanting to win this." Julian says as she walks towards the tower base. "Lets start there. And lets do be quick."


Ksathra climbs over the bit of remaining wall of the base. Looking about (Spot 22) he spots movement on the other side of the base. The base is about 60ft wide. A stone floor covered in leaves, twigs and dirt remain with a few remains of old furniture mixed in. The movement came from a section of floor that looks indented or sunken.


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The mind blade springs to life in the Xephs hand, it glows for a moment then another appears in his other hand, "Show yourself!" he barks before glancing over his shoulder, "Julie, Dot over here"

Mista Collins

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"It do best to listen to the man." Julian says as she draws both swords and slowly approaches the location Ksathra pointed out. "He might not have a temper, but you do be wantin' to stay away from mine."


Dotson Spot 23! Listen 6
Julian Spot 12 Listen 26!
Thamior Spot 2 Listen 18
Ksathra Spot -1 (holy smokes!) Listen 15
Goram Spot 10 Listen 20

The leaves and debris across from you move and shift like a chest from breathing. It slowly rises then falls but without a sound. The hairs on your necks rise and pull. There is something evil and unnatural about this place. Julian can just hear a bit of movement under the earthern mass of rotting dead leaves. Dotson swears he can see small creatures within the leaves but is uncertain.



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Ksathra furrows his brow, "Heh, you scared it away Julie." he hops down into the tower base, "You should of seen that scrawny oversized talking housecat (I still can't get over the fact that thing could talk). Tail between its legs Running on all twelve legs!

Voidrunner's Codex

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