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The Dragons Reborn I: Burning Streets (Feng Shui)


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Mao's eyes widen in shock as a fine spray of red settles over his shocked features, Mark's blood soiling his contenance and staining his clothes. The wickedness of the moment doesn't stun the gambler for long, as he's grown accostomed to sudden reversals of fortune.

"You son of a bi..." Mao snatches up the nearest weapon at hand and flings it at Tony Shen's red haired head. The ceramic tureen, filled with steaming hot saki, spins slowly through the air as it sails toward the treacherous 'child', leaving a trail of alcoholic droplets in it's wake.

<OOC: Martial Arts attack on the named gentleman, a blinding stunt tacked on if it suits the narrative, and I'll blow a fortune dice on this attack. Active dodge if serious heat come my way, diving leap behind something that looks good as it gets shot, say...a lobster tank.>

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Shinji's lightning fast maneuver succeeds in catching Eiji off-guard, though he does miss his mark, catching Eiji in the shoulder instead. Eiji spins with the impact, aiming a backhanded punch a Shinji's face. Shinji ducks back in time to feel a breeze across his face, only to have the wind knocked out of him as Eiji lands a powerful blow directly into his midsection.

Shinji launches himself backward with a back handspring as Eiji's second blow connects, unable to deflect all of it's force but managing to draw away a bit of its sting.

OOC: Actively dodging Eiji's attack

As he comes back to his feet, he grabs the arm of a nearby combatant, holding it straight out as he whirls around, driving his heel into the mook's temple with a spinning heel kick and tossing the body away, trying to throw it into Eiji's path as the Yakuza soldier draws in for another attack.

OOC: Attack another mook, and trying to slow Eiji's progress with a little speedbump.


John E Smoke said:
May smiles and thanks Jack Frost for the drink, and after a sip says "Well to be honest, I-"

A gunshot upstairs interrupts her, however, and she immediately gets on her feet. "Oh no, something's wrong!"

The formerly peaceful atmosphere of the Golden Flower Bar quickly changes into a roaring battle as patrons begin screaming and running for the door as Tony Shen's men, the bouncers, and the bodyguards all reach for their weapons at once.

"It was very nice to meet you," Jack tells May. "You should run now."

Jack will try to hustle May out of a door - a back one if possible - and make sure there are no hidden kung fu gunmen waiting to off her. Then he'll get on with the asskicking.

Jack's Priorities:

1 - Get May to safety. He doesn't know her at all, and she's probably the girlfriend/wife of some Triad honcho, but she was nice to him. And she's pretty.

2 - Get the civilians out of the way. Force of habit.

3 - Beat people up. Jack doesn't know anything about the situation, but he intends to give Tony's men a series of boots to the head regardless. You don't do wetwork in a public place like this. It's gratuitous and sloppy, and he considers it better for everyone if those responsible are taken off the street.


First Post
John E Smoke said:
Only an intimate knowledge of his car's handling saves him from a catastrophic accident, but after a quick swerve and a 360° spin leaves him at a dead stop and cursing the driver of the van, which continues speeding down the road.

It's get uglier, trust me, you don't want to hear that.
say Fong to himself. He shifts to reverse and start to get out of this street to take another path.


Jadefinger curses vilely in Cantonese as he sees the limp form of his boss. Then he whips his eyes around to see the treacherous right-hand man Tony Shen, and as he does so, a Heckler & Koch USP pistol FLASHES into his hand aimed directly at his former comrade.

Jadefinger's eyes narrow to deadly slits. Even if he understood Tony's motives, his boss was his boss, and now Tony has to die. Painfully.

OOC: For this shot, Jadefinger will launch himself backward across the table blasting away with his USP at Tony.

Guns attack: 15 + 2 (blue) - 5 (orange) = 13

Then for the next shot, I plan to have Jadefinger reach the other end of the table and stomp down hard on the edge to bring the other side up as cover against any return fire by Tony or the mooks -- and take out any mooks who are too close!

John E Smoke

First Post
Golden Flower Bar

Almost as Mark Huan's body hits the floor, Jadefinger draws his weapon and starts shooting as he flings himself backwards over the table for cover.

OOC: Like I said before, I'm doing the rolls. All you guys have to do is play the game, I'll worry about the details. Also, I realised I forgot about your Quick Draw schticks, so your shot count will be corrected from here on out.

Roll: +5, -1, +15 Guns = 19 HIT!

Tony is caught by a solid hit in the shoulder and reels back.

With lightning speed, Bi Jiao Mao snatches and whips the steaming hot sake at Tony Shen, who shoots it out of the air without a blink. The ceramic container explodes, and its momentum is still enough to shower Shen in a spray of hot alcohol and ceramic chips.

OOC: The way I'm going to work this stunt, every two points of your outcome will give him a -1 impairment to his attacks. Tony is actively dodging, not parrying - I just thought a quick sharpshooting stunt would make for a cooler scene.

Mao - +5, +4 (fortune), -2, +13 Martial Arts, -2 Called Shot = 18 Hit!

Tony takes some damage, and will be taking a slight penalty to his attacks.

Tony Shen, after staggering back a moment, pulls a second pistol out of his coat and fires at both Jadefinger and Mao as he dives out the door and bolts down the stairs. In response, Jadefinger flips down the table and ducks for cover, sending mah jong tiles and glasses flying across the room.

OOC: No attacks, just suppressing fire to cover his retreat. This leaves no opponents upstairs, but Tony's men are coming up...

May shakes her head in refusal and shouts "I can't just leave Mark here! What if he's hurt?" And makes a run for the stairs, oblivious to the fighting.

Bi Jiao Mao: 10
Jadefinger: 9
Tony Shen: 9
Tony's Men: 10
Jack Frost: 10
Mark's Men: 6

Western District

Eiji continues his offense as Shinji weaves and dodges attacks on all sides. With a loud shout, he again launches a powerful punch, aiming for Shinji's face. This time, however, his aim falls short as Shinji ducks his head back in response.

OOC: Claw of the Tiger: +5, -4 + ?? = Miss, and why do I keep rolling fives and fours?

Shinji plucks one of the yakuza mooks with ease and after a quick bout of abuse sends him flying towards Eiji, who ducks under the hapless thug.

Roll: +4, -2 +15 Martial Arts -2 Multiple Targets = 15

Eiji actively dodges the attack.

The remaining thugs continue to attack, though Shinji avoids them easily.

5, 4 = Miss, 5 and 4 AGAIN.
4, 2 = Miss
2, 5 = Miss

Shini: 1
Eiji: 1
Mooks: Out of shots

Hai Lee Fong changes his route again, and continues to make his way through the Western District. It's looking like he's definitely going to be late...

OOC: Oh yeah, and before I forget to mention it, if you haven't already, please do me a favor and post your character in the Rogue's Gallery thread (link is in my sig).
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First Post
Modified events of last round

"You've got balls, I'll give you that," Shinji says as he slips his head back just out of range of Eiji's punch, feeling the wind lash his face as he punctuates his statement with reverse thrust kick into the stomach of the thug behind him, dropping him neatly into position for a precision upward ridgehand strike that crushes his windpipe. Shinji slips his wrist around, grabbing the fighter's broken nexk and hurling him at Eiji, who ducks the human missile...

And now, this round

Only to be caught offguard as Shinji launches himself at him, bringing his heel down with a vaulting axe kick intended to shatter his skull.

OOC: Going after Eiji, regular attack.
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First Post
"Get down, get down, get down." Mao shouts out to the few people who've not shaken off the shock of the past few moments. One woman in particular is standing beside a table, screaming and grabbing the sides of her face.

As Tony's goons begin to crest the stairs, Mao curses darkly and dashes across the room, his pistol popping off shots blindly toward the stairway. As he approaches the woman, he dives toward her, trying to tackle her down behind a table before the mooks open up with thier widely inaccurate gunfire.

<<OOC: Mao hates being shot. He'll actively dodge if a lot of fires heads his way. Standard attack of trying to shoot a mook with his wild firing as he darts across the room.>>


Jadefinger sees Tony getting away. I think not, you bastard, he fumes. He leaps from cover and dives into a forward roll toward the stairs.

As he reaches Tony's mooks, he uncoils with the ferocity of a cobra, smashing one mook in the face with the USP's barrel in a vicious backhand strike. As the barrel swings around, it lines up with another mook and Jadefinger hits the trigger.

EDIT: forgot that you included the table stunt in the same post as Jadefinger's first attack on Tony. My mistake.
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John E Smoke said:
May shakes her head in refusal and shouts "I can't just leave Mark here! What if he's hurt?" And makes a run for the stairs, oblivious to the fighting.


Ok - Plan B. If I can't keep the girl out of the fight, I'll just have to end the fight before she gets herself killed.

Jack grabs the drinks tray that the bartender abandoned when the shooting started, and hurls it at one of Tony's mooks, hopefully knocking him out and drawing attention to the crazy gwailo rather than the grief-stricken Triad moll. I'm assuming this is a martial arts attack, rather than guns, but the AVs are the same in any case.

"I really wish you'd let me handle this," he tells May.
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