The Dread Legion Advances...(Updated 08/02/2005)

A potter's field is where we found ourselves.

A mere two hundred of us.

Barely more than a handful compared to the old days.

The Legion Standard, the proud golden hawk of the Emperor was covered in a thick glaze of clay. Nothing more common than that grey green muck. Nothing more capable of sucking the warmth right out of a man and we were covered in it too.

Smoke from the direction of the docks rose into the air. The docks had been our destination and our salvation until that smoke had appeared. It signaled that the commoners had overwhelmed our last ship which had held in place at anchor, valiently holding out to carry us away. Carry us off of the moonlet of Sarpa and home to the Imperial capital. The column of thick oily black rose upwards, towering like a collosus in the air; the final exclamation point at the end of nine hundred years of unbroken Imperial rule.


Our Officer, likely the last Officer, and a young one at that; barked the command and strode down the line like an old hand.


We turned to face them at last. Five thousand of the victorious rabble which had followed along behind us half the afternoon; organized themselves with pike in the front ranks and an assortment of common soldiers armed with everything from spears and swords to farming impliments in the back ranks.

How far we had fallen. To face common soldiers who would dare face us in leather and brandishing pitchforks.

The smoking ruin of the walls surrounding Sarpa provided us with a scenic backdrop from where we stood in the midst of that field not worth a handful of silver.

Before our orderly withdrawal towards the docks to the last of the ships we'd provided the victors with a final courtesy in setting a blaze in the center of the city. Our Sorcerer had left behind a present or two of his own.

They would not be forgetting us any time soon in Sarpa.

Time passed.

The occasional bolt from a rebel crossbow or bullet from a rebel musket whistled by or found its mark. Rarely did they penetrate armor to marry themselves into flesh.

I remembered to breath, relax a little. To notice the little things.

The few spots where the green grass growing long and fine had not been trodden into the clay.

The passing of a flight of birds.

I thought about my son. Nearly six years old now in the Imperial city and what a fine man he would grow to become. Grow without me there to guide him.


I had fought in battles before, of course. Killed before, but never received -the- order.

It was of course, the ultimate duty of every sworn brother in the Legion.

There were many who had come through the issue of the final order and had survived and yet for every single one that survived there was something missing. Something was absent behind their eyes.

It was not a moment that I had looked forward to and I had even hoped to finish my ten year in the Seventh without ever drawing the final order.

Yet here; inevitably, the time had come. The likelyhood that I would survive; that I would pass through it to hold my son again was more than remote.

Yet I would not dishonor him by failing in my duty.

I held the ensorcelled gladius, the symbol of our oath in my right hand and my long spear in my left. I could see our foemen through the narrow visor of my helm. The throng surged forward and backward like the beating of waves against rocks. They rebel was caught between the desire to rush at us and stop us from our intended act and fleeing the field.

Fleeing would have been the wiser choice. Many chose unwisely.


Time slowed down for me.

I pressed the sharp blade of the gladius into a joint in the side of my armor and felt warmth running down inside, down my leg. Warmth and pain like a cutting cramp. Some men fell to a knee in the act, I managed to stand.

As I stood I felt the ensorcelled blade take my last life's breath, draining every ounce of worldly warmth from my flesh...and I knew...

I knew the secret of the power of the Legion.

"the DREAD legion...shall advansssssss...."

Witnesses reported that at noon the young Imperial Officer gave the final command for the last of the Seventh Dread Legion to advance meeting the valiant freedom fighters of our beloved Sarpa head on.

The battle raged for almost four hours and at the end all of the remaining Imperial troops were destroyed. Three thousand heroes would join them in the clay of the potters field.

From that day forth it was named The Field of Sorrow and it became a shunned and a haunted, lonely place where few dared to wander after dark.

This is the end of the tale of the Seventh Dread Legion and the beginning of the Tale of Timus the son of Varis the Legionaire.
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Arrgh! Mark!

First Post
Dred legion? Shouldn't it be Dread Legion? Thats far cooler.

And doesn't remind me of Invadors.

Five dollars to the man who gets THAT one.

But other than that, it looks excellent :D:D. I'm in to read the second installment alright.
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Serves me right for jotting this down off the cuff so late at night.

I'll give it an editing pass and try not to make such obvious errors in the text the next time.

Thank god my wife edits my material for print.

Thanks for the comments and support! It feels great to stretch the writing muscles in public for once.


Herder of monkies
Oh, very nice start.

I really like what you've done so far, the feel, the perspective of it. I'm looking forward to much more.

Color me subscribed.

There's an old statue, one of the old cast ones in bronze gone green like it's been turned to Jade stone. It seems to loiter alone like it just happens to enjoy being off by itself with it's thoughts; far off down at the old end of the grand stone pier here at home. My home, The City of Doors, capital of the Dominion and home of the Empress.

I think it must be an old image of Artovan. Artovan the Terrible, Artovan the Wicked. Artovan the God Emperor of the Known Universe. It makes a certain amount of sense that a right nasty old bugger like Artovan would find an out of the way spot to be alone with his thoughts.

I spend most of my time alone. That's alright though because people just... Well they just seem to make a damn lot of noise just to hear themselves talking without really saying....anything.

That's my spot. Out there, right on the edge of the world. I didn't much like sitting with my feet dangling off the edge of the crumbled old stone pier like that when I was younger and with my Father. Not even when he promised to hold my hand. He was such a big man. Huge. Like a giant he towered over me and over everything in my world. Strong. Godlike. I'd hold my head up to look proud like him walking alongside holding onto his hand. Him dressed in his polished golden armor. Lions snarling on his shoulders. Zebra skin scabbard and rose wood handled thrusting sword. A Gladius, is what he called it though he never let me touch it or showed it to me like he showed me every other scar and medal and weapon he'd carried with him to war.

"Now steady son."

He'd say.

"Must be brave. Must learn to have the heart of a tiger."

His words helped and before long I was able to sit next to him and dangle my feet off the side. Looking out from the pier. Into nothing.

Into the yawning mouth of vast empty that was the Empyrean. It was an awesome thing to behold. Nothing but open sky all the way from the edge of the floating moonlet upon which sat the Imperial capital to the horizon where a massive field of floating debris called Artovan's curtain cast the daylight all around into a dusky amber hue. Filtering all through dust into a half light even at mid-day. The Umbral Empyrean is our ocean of sky. No other moonlet below like in some places and certainly no solid ground below the clouds like in story books about the land where the Sorcerors dwelled before they journeyed here. Before they built the first teleportation portals that eventually gave the City of Doors it's name.

I come here to think and to make my plans for the future.

Father left the last time and he promised me that he'd bring me back my own Dak to train and to ride and fly like the boys of other Fathers in the Legion.


Father never did come back. He promised that he would but I expect that he didn't count on things changing so quickly out there in the provinces. Dark times. Dark times for the Empire.

Dark times for Timus son of the Legionnaire.

None of Father's friends made it back either. Hundreds of sons and daughters too were left without Father to come home. That was almost fifteen years ago now.

I expect most of the other children of dead Legionnaires have found their own quiet spots to sit and wait and plan for the future.

Plan for the day when accounts will be settled with those living in the provinces or what they now call the Free Provinces as though attaching the title of Free to their name will somehow make it stick.



Today is my last day as Timus. Tomorrow I climb the steps of the Order of Sorcery and take my oath to the Sixteenth Dread Legion and become a sworn brother like my Father before me.
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