The Dungeon:Out of Whistle Characters


Living EN World Judge
Jack Lobbins, NPC Atomie, and Scout Extrordinarre

Atomie Rogue 5
Tiny Fey
Str 6
Dex 20
Con 13
Int 12
Wis 13
Cha 14
HP: 29
AC:21 <22 Dodge>/15 Flat Footed/ 20 Touch
BaB: +3
Fort: +3
Ref: +10
Will: +5
Init: +10
Move:40'/60' Fly <Wingless>

Feats: Dodge, Mobility,Weapon Finesse:Dagger,Improved Initiative
SR 16, Darkvision,
Spelllike Abilities
3/Day each:Blink, Entangle,Invisibility <Self Only>,Pass Without trace,Speak with Animals,as a 9th Level Sorcerer <DC 12|Spell Level>.

Sneak Attack +3D6, Evasion, Uncanny Dodge <Dex to AC>

Move Silently 6/+11, Hide 5/+18/23 in Forest, Spot 10/+11, Listen 9/+10, Search 7/+8, Animal Empathy 3/+5, Escape Artist 4/+9, Handle Animal 3/+5,
Concentration 3/+4, Craft <Cooking> 3/+4, Perform<Dance, Play Viol,Sing,Limmericks> 4/+6<+16 Dance>, Sense Motive 4/+5,
Use Rope 2/+7, Use Magic Device 4/+6, Pick Pocket 2/+7, Pick Lock 3/+8<10>, Disable Device 3/+4<6>, Bluff 3/+5,
Ride1/+6, Tumble 4/+9, Balance 1/+6,Jump 2/+10.

Small Light Crossbow +10 1D6 19-20/X2 60' Increments
Dagger <sword> +8 1D4-2 19-20/X2

+2 Small Crossbow, +1 Ring of Protection, +1 Cap of Resistance, Shoes of the Fey:+10 to Jump and Perform <Dance>
2 Pinches Fey Dust <Tasha's Hideous Laughter, 6th Level>
14 Bolts, leather jerkin, small pack with 4 days food <plums>, small water sack,
Thieves Tools, small bag of cooking spices and spoon <his plate>.
Tiny fork/knife/spoon for him, acorn shell mug for drinking.
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First Post
Kael Rissin, male elf Clr7: CR 7; ECL 7; Medium-size Humanoid (elf); HD 7d8+7; hp 51; Init +2; Spd 20 ft; AC 20 (+6 breastplate, +2 Dex +2 ring of protection, 18 flat-footed, 14 touch); Melee +1 shortspear +9 (1d8+4/crit x3); Ranged mighty (+4) composite longbow +7 (1d8+2/crit x3); SA spells, turn undead; SQ elf traits; AL NG; SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +8; Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 17(19), Cha 10(14).

Skills and Feats: Appraise +2 (1), Concentration +10 (9), Heal +12 (8), Knowledge (dungeon) +2 (1), Knowledge (games) +2 (1), Knowledge (religion) +8 (7), Listen +6 (0), Perform (dance) +1 (1), Search +4 (1), Sense Motive +5 (1), Spellcraft +7 (6), Spot +6 (0); Dodge, Mobility, Scribe Scroll, Weapon Focus (shortspear) [virtual from War domain].

Cleric Spells Prepared (6/5/4/3/2): 0-detect magic (2), detect poison, guidance, light, resistance; 1-bless (2), divine favor, sanctuary, shield of faith; 2-bull's strength (2), endurance, resist elements; 3-dispel magic, flame of faith, prayer; 4-freedom of movement, greater magic weapon

Domain Spells Prepared (Brenbrylla/Portal and War): 1-summon monster I; 2-spiritual weapon; 3-magic vestment; 4-divine power

Equipment: +1 shortspear, mighty (+4) composite longbow, +1 breastplate, Heward's handy haversack, periapt of wisdom +2, cloak of charisma +4, pearls of power (1st and 3rd level), spell component pouch, arrows (40), bedroll, sunrods (5), healers' kits (2), scroll cases (2), scrolls of: augury, remove paralysis, remove curse, remove disease, neutralize poison, restoration (1 each), holy symbol, scroll inks and blank scrolls (275 gp worth), 300 pp, 445 gp.

Languages: Old English, Elven, Dungeontongue

Encumbrance: 56 lb. (light)


Dodge feat AC bonus: Apply to enemies with the following priority:

1) Melee enemy that has most recently attacked;
2) Ranged enemy that has most recently attacked, if no one falls under (1);
3) Enemy I'm currently attacking, if no one falls under (1) or (2);
4) Nearest enemy, if no one falls into any other category.

(This is just so I don't have to declare it, and you don't have to notice my declaration, *every single combat round.*)

Elf Traits: Kael is proficient in longsword, not rapier.


Kael didn't believe in gods when he was on Earth; and he didn't believe in "Monitors" after being fished into the Dungeon. He had paid lip service to Corellon in his homeland, mainly because without said lip service many simply didn't believe he was a real cleric, but having been fished he thought that maybe, just maybe, he could skip the lip service. He could act according to his own beliefs--that most everything could be explained by the actions of humans, and that divine and arcane magic were not truly different, just two ways of tapping into the magic power around them. And he could happily use his sword to fight for the people when needed.

Of course, the Monitors weren't happy about this. Or perhaps it would be more correct to say they were amused by the challenge.


When Alchraol and Brenbrylla met--as they often did, though normally in battle--Alchraol proposed, instead of yet another sword-match, a small wager. "And what would you have me wager?" asked Brenbrylla warily.

"Just control over this one mortal. It seems he doesn't believe in us. I would wager that I can force him--eventually--to believe in us. But elves have strong minds and are slow to change them. I think fifty years is a fair amount of time."

Brenbrylla sighed. "You know what? Fine. If you hadn't dragged me into this in the first place, he wouldn't even be here. But only one caveat: you may not harm him in any way."

Alchraol chuckled. "My dear Shielder, harming was never what I had in mind."


Kael awoke in an unfamiliar place, wearing unfamiliar clothes. He remembered what had happened the night before: a great blast of magical energy that had hit him with such force he was surprised he was still in one piece. There was a priest standing over him. "Brother! You have come through."

Kael eyed the man warily. "Brother? Where am I? And why," he asked, pointing to his clothes, "am I in this get-up? What is this? The vestments of a cleric of Brenbrylla?"

"We prefer to simply call her the Shielder, but yes, Brother, of course. We found you in these garments, unconscious and nearly dead in the street. Are you not a cleric of the Shielder?"

"Not that I know of. Let's just say that I'm not a fan of any of the Monitors. Though if they are who you say they are, I simply don't believe that your Shielder would suddenly decide to make me a cleric of hers. She doesn't seem the type." Kael rose from the bed, dusting off his clothes. "You say I was found in these?"

"Indeed. Why otherwise would you have been brought here?"

"Why indeed?" Kael sighed inwardly. Yet more magic--this place was full of it, and it was hard, sometimes, to tell what the source was. Whoever it was running this place, they certainly weren't gods in the formal sense--if this was their fondness, changing people's lives at will, then they were no better than children, and only marginally better than the pompous pricks who set up little fiefdoms in this forsaken place. "I should find out who did this to me."

"But, Brother, if what you say is true, then perhaps Brenbrylla *has* chosen you?"

Kael smiled as he picked up the spear which seemed to have replace his longsword. "That, my devout friend, is about the last thing I am prepared to believe."


Alchraol watched for a moment, sullen, then tossed the scrying mirror across the room.

Brenbrylla chuckled. "Don't worry, Warmaster. You have fifty years, after all..."


Background Notes:

Kael comes from an alternate earth which is populated much like Middle Earth or Faerun. He hails from a Merrie Olde England where elves and dwarves are commonly protagonists of Shakespeare's plays, where guns, while available, are very uncommon, and where the Americas, it turns out, are full of Native Gnomes. Kael is about 150 years old, and could have known both Columbus and Shakespeare if he'd been so inclined. He was Fished from this alternate Earth in 1606 (equivalent) and has been in the Dungeon for three years.
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Kazareen Bricklebottom

Kender Wizard Level 7
Neutral Good
Height: 3’2”, Weight: 35#, Blond /blue.
Str: 8, Dex: 18, Con: 12, Int: 19, Wiz: 10, Cha: 10.
AC: 15 (+4 Dex, +1 size)
BAB: +3, Fort: +3, Ref: +6, Will: +9. (+1 to each from Amulet of Resistance)
Hits: 28
Languages: Common, Kender, Dungeontongue, Goblin, Gnome, and Draconic.

Skills: (*= Magic Item adds)
Knowledge Arcane: 10/+14
Spellcraft: 10/+14
Knowledge Magical beasts: 10/+14
Knowledge Nature: 10/+14
Wilderness Lore: 3/+3
Sense Motive: 1.5/+1
Knowledge Dungeon: 2/+6
Appraisal: 1/+5
Search: 1/+7
Pick Pocket: 0/+6
Open Locks: 0/+6/+10*
Disable Device: 0/+6
Move Silently: 0/+10*
Hide: 0/+8/+18*
Escape Artist: 0/+10*

1) Track
2) Weapon focus: Hoopak
3) Weapon focus: magical rays.
x) Summon Familiar
x) Scribe scroll
x) Spell Mastery
1. Read magic
2. Sleep
3. Mage Armor
4. Monster summoning 1
5. Comprehend languages

Spells memorized:
0 Level: Detect Magic, Conjurer’s Tool-belt, Prestidigitation, and Mending
1st Level: Mage Armor, Shield, Quakethrust, Monster summoning 1, and Kauper’s Skittish Nerves.
2nd Level: Mirror Image, Slipping the Ranks, and Melf’s Acid Arrow x2.
3rd Level: Greater Sleep, Fireball, and Dispel Magic.
4th level: Enervation

Kender Traits (added into stats and skills)
Kender Racial Traits
-2 Strength and Wisdom, +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence. Kender are slender built and so are naturally not as strong as others; this natural slenderness also means natural quickness and agility. Also, a Kender's curiosity almost always overrides everything, including common sense. The more dangerous, the more exciting. However, a Kender's childlike mind is very keen when it comes to observing things, many times picking up details that others miss and granting astounding insights into many things.
Small: Kender are of a small stature and therefore gain the typical advantages and disadvantages afforded them (+1 AC, +1 size bonus on attack rolls, +4 to hide checks.)
A Kender has a base speed of 25
A Kender receives a +1 attack bonus when using a Kender specific weapon, such as a hoopak or a whippik.
Immunity to fear: Kender are completely fearless. Normal situations that may call for a fear check simply do not apply to a Kender. Magically induced fear does not affect a Kender, except for under certain circumstances. Magically induced fear cast by someone whose level is twice that of a Kender character can force the Kender to roll a save, but at only half difficulty. A person four times the level of the Kender can fore him to roll a saving throw at practically the normal difficulty, but the Kender still gets a +2 bonus to the roll.
Taunt: Kender can drive an opponent into a rage by taunting him incessantly. If the opponent actively tries to ignore a kender's taunt, he must pass a willpower saving throw, with a -1 penalty induced for every five points of intelligence he possesses. Once driven into a rage, the opponent attacks the Kender by any means possible, ignoring all other threats. Furthermore, the enraged enemy suffers a -2 penalty to all attack rolls, but the anger fuels him on to deliver a +3 bonus to all damage rolls. This rage lasts until the Kender is out of sight or dead, or the opponent has been subdued for two rounds or 1d8 rounds pass.
Thief Bonus: Kender are naturally adept at getting into things and so naturally gain a +2 racial bonus to Disable Device, Open Lock, Search, and Pick Pocket. However, their openness and typical short attention spans do cost them. They may not become proficient at all in Decipher Script, or Use Magic Device.
Kazareen’s SPELLBOOK

Resistance, Ray of frost, Detect Poison, Daze, Flare,
Light, Dancing Lights,
Ghost Sound, Disrupt undead, Mage Hand, Mending,
Open/Close, Arcane Mark,
Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Conjuror's
Tool belt <1>.

First Level
Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Hold Portal, Detect Secret
Doors, Shield,
Protection From Evil/Good/Law/Chaos, Charm Person,
Feather Fall, Spider Climb, Quakethrust <1>, Lesser
Acid Orb <4>, Kauper's Skittish Nerves <2>,
Silent Sound <3>.

Second Level
Rope Trick, Melf's Acid Arrow, Levitate, Cat's Grace,
Mark of Fire <3>, Slipping the Ranks <1>, Dig <1>,
Mirror Image.

Third Level
Dispel Magic, Fireball, Haste, Gandar's Chatterbox
<1>, Greater Sleep <3>,
Analyze Portal <2>, Leomund's Hut.

Fourth Level
Dimension Door and Enervation.

Total Gold Spent +6,200GP
<1> Spells & Spellcraft
<2> Magic of Faerun
<3> Book of Eldritch Magic
<4> Tome and Blood

Conjuror's Belt creates a small tool (up to 1 pound).
Quakethrust causes a small quake that causes creatures
to fall.
Kauper's Skittish Nerves adds to the Initiative Scores
of a group.
Silent Sound is a ranged attack doing Sonic Damage
Mark of Fire grants a Dex Bonus and allows you to
shoot a Ray of Flame (which ends the spell)
Slipping the Ranks grants a series of small
(10’) Teleport leaps instead of 5' moves.
Dig clears out either a 20X20X20 area, or a 10X10X40
Gandar's Chatterbox creates a blathering magic mouth
that distracts and annoys nearby creatures.
Greater Sleep affects more and stronger opponents than
Analyze Portal gives details on Portals, as well as
detecting them.

The hoopak is probably the most well known of the Kender weapons. It is a 3-foot staff made of hard yet supple wood that is forked at one end and has a metal tip at the other. The metal tip can be sharpened and the hoopak can be thrown like a spear. The hoopak can also be stuck into the ground so that missiles can be fired from the forked end like a sling shot. It may also be twirled over the head like a sling to launch sling bullets or stones or it may be used as a traditional sling staff. Occasionally this type of weapon may be hollowed out to hold useful objects, like silk rope or stones for ammunition. As a tool the hoopak can be used to help a Kender gather fruit from the lower branches of trees, like an apple picker. As a musical instrument the hoopak can be swung in a circle and it emits a low bullroar
Weapon Cost Damage Critical Range Increment Weight Type Size Instrument

Hoopak*‡ 7 GP 1d6+1/1d4 X2/--- 20 ft./50 ft. 9 lb. P/B/ Medium Bullroar
*See the description of this weapon for special rules.
‡Double weapon
Equipment list Kazareen

Item Where Charges quantity GP SP
Ring of Protection +1 rt. Hand n/a 1 2000
Wand of Shocking Grasp belt 48 1 750
Boots of Elvenkind feet n/a 1 2000
Cloak of Elvenkind Back n/a 1 2000
Amulet of Resistance +1 Neck n/a 1 1000
Vest of Escape Chest n/a 1 2000
Heward's haversack back n/a 1 2000
Masterwork Hoopak rt. Hand n/a 1 315
Masterwork Thieves’ tools Haversack n/a 1 100
Bed roll Haversack n/a 1 1
Spell book Haversack n/a 1 n/a
Scroll cases Haversack n/a 2 2
Spell component pouch belt n/a 2 10
Explorers' outfit body n/a 1 10
Sunrods Haversack 1 each 10 20
Tindertwigs Haversack 1 each 20 20
Antitoxin Haversack 1 each 4 200

Total spent: 12,427GP 1 SP

rest in coins.


First Post
Valendir the Lost
Male Elf
Cleric, 7th lvl
Exp: 23,000
Chaotic Neutral
Str 14 6 pts
Dex 18 6 pts +2 elf +2 gloves
Con 12 6 pts -2 elf
Int 12 4 pts
Wis 17(19) 10 pts +1 level (Spellcasting Prodigy)
Cha 8 0 pts

Hit Points 51
AC 22, Touch 15, Flat 18
Init +3
BAB +5, Grap +7
Speed 30 (base 30, load 45/58, light armor)
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +9

+8 Melee, longsword, masterwork, 1d8+2, 19-20/x2
+10 Ranged, composite longbow, masterwork, +2 str, 1d8+2, 20/x3, 110'r
+11 Ranged, composite longbow masterwork, +2 str, 1d8+3, 20/x3 (within 30')
+10 Ranged, javelin, 1d6+3, 20/x2, 30'r (within 30')
+10 Ranged, short spear, 1d8+3, 20/x3, 20'r (within 30')

Medium, 5'3" tall, 125 wt, 70 yrs old
Black hair, Green eyes, pale skin

Speaks Common, Elven, Draconic

+2 Appraise (0) +1 bonus
+11 Concentration (10)
+9 Diplomacy (10)
+11 Knowledge Religion (10)
+2 Knowledge The Dungeon (0) +1 bonus
+5 Listen (0) +2 racial
+4 Search (0) +2 racial, +1 bonus
+4 Sense Motive (0) +1 bonus
+5 Spot (0) +2 racial

Point Blank Shot (Elf Domain)
Spellcasting Prodigy (1)
Precise Shot (3)
Rapid Shot (6)

Elf Traits
+2 dexterity, -2 constitution
immunity to magic sleep
+2 racial saving bonus vs enchantment spells or effects
low-light vision
proficiency in longsword and bows
+2 racial bonus to listen, search, spot
automatic search check within 5 feet of secret or concealed doors

Cleric Abilities
Domains: Elf, Travel
Spontaneous Casting
Turn or Rebuke Undead (2/day, +2 for Knowledge Religion)

--delete this section unless wizard, cleric, or druid--
Spells Prepared
0th (6) - Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Light, Read Magic, Resistance
1st (4+1+d) - Bless, Comprehend Languages, Entropic Shield, Sanctuary, Shield of Faith, True Strike (d)
2nd (3+1+d) - Hold Person, Inflict Moderate Wounds, Lesser Restoration, Silence, Cat's Grace (d)
3rd (2+1+d) - Dispel Magic, Protection from Elements, Summon Monster III, Fly (d)
4th (1+1+d) - Greater Magic Weapon, Summon Monster IV, Dimension Door (d)

Valendir was born in Faerun, but when he was still a baby, his entire elf band, a band known as the Zemalin, became lost in The Dungeon. He remembers nothing of the lands of his birth, and only knows that seemingly endless collection of Worlds connected via Portals. His band of elves travelled from World to World, a band of lost travellers, searching for a new home. They came to worship Lynnareen, The Traveller. Then, about a decade ago, they moved to a World filled with evil humanoids, who hunted down his band. They fled, and in their flight Valendir became separated from his kin. He is all alone in the world now, not knowing if his kinsmen lived or died.

Valendir is a loner by circumstance, not by choice. He's always looking for new friends, but never seems to find any he can truly trust. He dreams of a home, but he knows he wouldn't really know what to do if he found one. He holds no special love for Lynnareen, but he knows he could not have survived without her blessings.

Valendir looks very unremarkable. He travels light. He has a quiver slung over his shoulder and a longsword at his hip. A chain shirt peeks out from under his travelling outfit. He smiles a lot, looking to make friends.

Chain Shirt +1 (worn, 25wt, -1 armor check) 1250gp
Buckler +1 (worn, 5wt, -0 armor check) 1165gp
Traveller's Outfit (worn, 5wt) 1gp

Longsword, Masterwork (belt left, 4wt) 315gp

Efficient Quiver (right shoulder, -wt) 1800gp

Handy Haversack (back, 5wt) 2000gp

Cloak of Resistance +1 (worn, 1wt) 1000gp
Gloves of Dexterity +2 (hands, 0wt) 4000gp
Ring of Protection +1 (finger, 0wt) 2000gp
Slippers of Spider Climbing (feet, 0.5wt) 4800gp

50 Arrows (backpack, -wt) .05gp x50
10 Arrows with Continual Flame (backpack, -wt) .05gp x10
18 Javelins (quiver, -wt) 1gp x18
Composite Longbow, Masterwork +2 str (quiver, -wt) 600gp
5 Short Spears (quiver, -wt) 10gp

Bedroll (haversack, -wt) 0.1gp
Flint & Steel (haversack, -wt) 1gp
Trail Rations x4 (haversack, -wt) .5gp x4
Waterskin (haversack, -wt) 1gp
Chalk (haversack, -wt) .01gp
Acid x10 (haversack, -wt) 10gp x10
Antitoxin (haversack, -wt) 50gp
Tanglefoot bag (haversack, -wt) 50gp
Pearl of Power, 1st Level x2 (haversack, -wt) 1000gp x2
283pp, 6gp, 8sp, 9cp (haversack, -wt)
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Living EN World Judge
Ferretguy's Character

Name: James Samuels Fast Hero 4/Psion 3

Str: 11 +0
Dex: 15 +2
Con: 13 +1
Wis: 13 +1
Int: 16 +3
Chr: 12 +1

Hit Points: 42 (4d8+3d4+7)
AC: 19 (+2 Dex +5 Def mod (modern) +1 ring, +1 dodge with defensive m.a.)
BAB: +4 Melee: +4 (+6 with Rapier +5 HtH) Range: +6

Evasion (class), Simple Weapon Proficiency(class), Personal Firearms Proficiency(1st), Stealthy(1st)+2 hide/move silently, Defensive Martial Arts(2nd) , Increased Speed(lvl 3), Archaic Weapon Proficiency(3rd), Weapon Finesse(4th), Brawl(criminal background)

PP: 8

0: Bolt, lesser natural armor, burst
1: Astral Construct I, Lesser Body Adjustment, Dissipating Touch

Psicrystal: Sneak (+2 hide)

Saves: Fort: 3 Refs: 5 Will: 5
Initiative: +2
Speed: 35

Balance: 7
Drive: 7
Craft (mechanic): 9
Move Silently: 10
Sleight of Hand: 7
Hide: 10
Disable Device: 9
Knowledge (streetwise): 5
Speak Language (Spanish): 2
Read/write Spanish: 2
Concentration: 7
Search: 6
Knowledge Alchemy: 8
Craft (sculpting): 7
Psicraft: 8
Knowledge (psionics): 6

Lockpick kit 1#
Colt Python (.357) 2d6 x2 6 shots 3#
Thomson Submachingun 2d8 x2 shots 4#
2 drums (50) Thompson SMG, 6 Speed loads for Python
124 rnds SMG, 36 rnds Python
Backpack 2#
Multipurpose Tool
Casual Clothes
Rapier +1 “charged” (1d4 extra damage when charged)
Ring of protection +1
Flashlight (standard) 3 extra batteries 1#
Shoulder Holster
Rope (150’) 12#
Pinstripe Suite (Grey)
Wingtip Shoes
Fedora (hat of course)

Jason is a little crazy....well maybe more then a little...
He tends to think of himself as a mob boss from the 1920's, although he knows quite a bit about modern (21st century tech). His "gang" are the creatures he summons up with his psionic abilitys, appearing at least to him as short gangsters. He has short greased black hair, kept under his hat unless a lady is present (then is of course removed to be polite), a grey pinstripe suit and jacket with matching wingtips. He is 5'2" and 120# with a slight short mans complex..(along with his other mental disorder....).

Wynter Wolf

First Post
Name: Damien Westhoven Half Dragon/Half Human Ftr 4/ ECL 3

Str: 24 +7
Dex: 12 +1
Con: 18(20) +4(+5)
Wis: 12 +1
Int: 14 +2
Chr: 12 +1

Hit Points: 49(53) (4d10+16(20))
AC: 24 (+1 DEX +9 (+1 Full Plate) +4 Nat Armor Bonus) Touch 11, Flat
footed 23
BAB: +4 Melee: +11 Ranged: +5

+2 Great Axe +14 Dmg 1d12+14 (x3crit)
Hvy Crossbow +5 Dmg 1d10 (19-20 x2)
> Feats:
> Power Attack, WF Great Axe, Cleave, Improved Sunder, WS Great Axe
> Saves: Fort: 9 Refs: 2 Will: 2
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 (20 Full Plate)

Sense Motive 2
Knowledge The Dungeon 3
Apraisal 3
Search 3
Climb 14(8 in armor)
Intimidate 8
Jump 14(8 in armor)
Swim 14(8 in armor)

Languages: FR Common, Draconic, Dungeon Tongue

Specials: +4 nat ac, claws 1-4, Bite 1-6, Breath Weapon 1/day Acid Line
60' 6d8 sv dc 14(15) ref
DArk vision 60', lowlight, Immune Sleep, Paralysis, Acid


+2 Great Axe
+1 Full PLate
Bag of Holding type I
Amulet of health +2
Heavy Crossbow
25 +1 crossbow bolts
2 Potions Cure MOderate Wounds
4 Thunderstones
1 Bless weapon oil
1 wk food
2 gallons water


Appearance: 6'5" 325 lbs. coppery skin with turquoise eyes. wears a tabard
over his armor showing
the Cormyr purple dragon on it.

> History: Born into the Westhoven family Damien learned very early on that
> he was different, perhaps it was the fact he had scales and reptilian
> eyes. He grew quickly and became much stronger than the other kids. At the
> age of 15
> he joined the Cormyrean Military and excelled in hand to hand combat. He
> has spent serveral years in the military now. Recently he was promoted for
> deeds and performance to Leutenant and put in charge of a siege breaker
> squad.
> The seige breaker squad is a close assault squad designed to bust loose of
> a military seige and then create havoc in the behind the lines area of the
> enemy taking out enemy seige engines and support troops and commanders.
> Recently his team had been recruited to hunt down and wipe out a
> coven of the Cult of the Dragon. Damiens team engaged the Cult in a cave
> complex, The Cult was dug in tho and due to traps and ambushes Damiens
> team
> Were cut off from escape and killed one by one. As the fighting reached
> its peak Damien found that a Fellow Half Dragon yet the other was Red in
> color. The Fight was fierce between the 2 Axe versus Sword, Bite vs Bite
> the
> fight seemed even neither with an edge over the other. It seemed that it
> was going to be a last one standing no will to fight left kind of
> challenge, When on a stroke of what can only be called divine guidance
> Damiens Axe
> slammed thru The others Sword shattering it into several pieces and the
> downstroke continued onwards to embed itself in the body of the other 1/2
> dragon killing his opponent. As the cult stood in shock at the loss.
> Damien guided
> by an inner fire went into a rage not unlike a berserker and layed about
> him killing cultists as fast as he could. After a while Damien realized
> that there were no longer any more cultists around so he turned to attend
> to
> his own dead when..........Left open for DM to finish for plot entry into
> storyline


First Post
Well update for James Samuels...
Dorjes of Lesser Body Adjustment (50 charges)
Third Eye of Awareness (+10 on spot/search)
4 shards of Disable Device +4
2 Shards of Hide +5
2 Shards of Move Silently +5
Power Stone:
Astral Construct III
Burning Ray
Lesser Metaphysical Weapon (x3)

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