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The Elvencourt campaign (Me an' my brother)

If the half-orc says one more thing about that stupid $#%^$#* potion, I'm going to slap him silly, and I don't care that he can probably rip my legs off. I'll slap him silly anyway.

"Where's my potion? Who took my potion? What happened to my yellow potion? Hey, Amaali, did you see my yellow potion?"

Yeah, I'll give you a yellow potion all right, Ortuk. Just hand me that empty flask over there and about twenty seconds behind that tree, and I'll have your yellow potion back, you big ape.

If I find out that one of those halflings took it, I'm going to beat them repeatedly with a wet noodle just for making me listen to that half-orc for the last 2 days.

We confronted them about it, sure enough, but denials all around, as you might expect. And those halfling women have our little dude man so wrapped around their little fingers that there was no arguement from him of course. I will admit at least that they've been fairly pleasant company along the way. That little guy, Rondo, can sure whip out a tune, and that fortune teller, Alana, she pegged down a lot about me right off the bat when I asked her to read my cards the other night. You'd think she could read my mind or something.

Still, something doesn't quite shake out right here. First the half-orc's stupid potion and then the dwarf's oil flask went missing. Then, the next night, I swear to the heavens that I saw something or someone looking at me when I woke up in the middle of the night in that wagon they've been letting us sleep in.

I don't care if the nights have gotten a bit colder this week...I'm sleeping outside in the tent from here on out.

At least we're almost to the town that those halflings were looking to get to. We can ditch them there and get on our merry way to finding out just what that estate is my uncle left me.

Just one more day of halfling town around here...now, how about handing me that flask over there...

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I find it hard to comprehend how insane this entire expedition has become. As if fighting dead people who wouldn't die, thieving wizards, and flying kobolds weren't strange enough, we had now found ourselves in the midst of a mystery involving the disapperance of several of our group's items and now regular occurences of the strangest sort such as floating objects in the wagon at night and the sighting of some kind of creature or such by Amaali as she slept in said wagon.

Oh yes, that and we were now travelling alongside a troupe of what I suspected to be con artist halfing gypsies. Enough already...

After a few days travelling with those random acts of mayhem, we had decided it best to avoid that spare wagon completely, relegating ourselves to sleeping in tents outside once more. Better to face the cold of night outside than whatever odd creature was plaguing us in that wagon. I dare say though, that I still did not fully trust all of those halflings. I had the thought that one of them may have been plying this "possession" to his or her own advantage. Must have been my elvish half coming through there...the full bloods are known for their suspicions of the smaller folk. Sometimes I think those suspicions are well-founded, though the implied bigotry may not be so good.

Whatever the case may be, it would have been nice to not have to fret over the thievery of our possessions, be it halfling or red-eyed mystery imp.

No good ever comes from visitors. That's what I say. This little town of mine would've made it through it all just fine, thanks, without the meddling of that ragtag group of nogoodniks. If anything, they just made it all worse for all of us...hmpf!

Sure, Mary Ellen Mayfair might say how lucky we were to have them come through, but I know better than that. Don't you tell this old lady that a bunch of no good halfling con artists and their strange companions, one of whom was a half orc so big and ugly I'm sure he frightened all the children and half of the adults in town, were any good for us at all. They just should have kept going on the main road and left this little town be.

If it weren't for those no good Schrumpins, who I'll say gladly up and left two winters back, they never would have even had a reason for coming here.

Like I said, all this group brought to my town of Daverford was a whole heap of Trouble, with a capital T!

Denied! Me! The halfling mage from Tarrytown struck low by the lovely Aelena. The lovely girl with the long brown hair, and the cute little nose, and the bright green eyes, and the way she shakes that tail end when she walks away after smacking me across the face. She wants me...no fortune telling daughter of a fortune teller could turn down all this man has to offer. She's just playing hard to get.

This town is staring to give me the creeps. I've been to a lot of weird places after scootin' out of Linshire, but something about this place just don't seem right.

Don't get me wrong, the people are friendly enough. We stopped at a few of the houses to find out what had happened to the buddies those halflings were looking to visit when we found their house abandoned when we came into town, and all the people who greeted us were as friendly as you would want.

There's just some weird things about this place.

Like the mayor-guy, or whatever you want to call him. There's this big house I guess he lives in on a hill over the town, but you'd think no one's been living there for like fifty years. And no one answered that door when we went knockin' to ask about those halflings and to see if we could camp out next to their old house.

Then, we find out that the town priest has shut himself up in the "church" for the past two days along with his acolyte, and no one's heard a thing from either of them, and no one there will open the door to anyone who knocks.

And then, there's the town guards. A bunch of elves that seem like they stepped out of a bad elf fairy tale. I know most of those guys can be a bit haughty, but these guys just seemed tough and mean, like the old ragged sailors on the docks back in Linshire. Must be mad about being stuck out in a hole like this instead of patrolling the roads or serving back in Elvencourt.

And that's not even the whole of it...

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