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The EN World FREE Character Portrait Request Thread!


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Here is Kyran.


Dire Lemming said:
Hey, I finally have a character that might be interesting to draw, of course that's only because his look is inspired by anime, but it still might be cool. The idea for his look is a cross between Edward Elric, Red Mage, and a little bit of Vash the Stampede. He wears a Heward's Handy Haversack and has a masterwork light repeating crossbow, a whip +1 and regular old leather armor. Whoever wants to draw him, as long as you're alot better than me, I'd love it.

Kyran, male Aasimar Bard, level 4

Kyran is of average height and build for an Aasimar, though a bit on the thin side. Like most of his race he is quite handsome with a clean-shaven face, bright blue eyes and radiant blond hair, slightly beyond shoulder length, which is tied in a braid. He has the pale, flawless skin that is common among his kind. His clothing is rather odd, a long coat of faded red covers dark leathers and leather boots two thirds up his shins and a wide brimmed hat of the same color. An odd looking whip is clasped to his belt inside the coat, and on his back he wears a multi-pocketed backpack with a finely crafted repeating crossbow hanging from it. On the finger of his left hand is a silver ring with a feather pattern along it's edges.

He's for Nalfeshnee's "Planescape - Dead God Rising" game right here on ENWorld, and he wants to keep the character sheets relatively secret from the other players so that's all the info I can really give. If you feel like it try checking out the IC and OOC threads.


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First Post
I'm looking for character portraits of the four heroes of my current Iron Heroes game, who are currently playing their way through the Dark Harbor adventure module set within a homebrewed alternate past earth setting.

Here's Mkhai, a Khemeti (Egyptian) ex-slave, ex-gladiator...

[sblock]"Cold, mouthy, proud, loyal, trustworthy, devout, fearless."


1. This life is but a dream. The dreaming me lies within the afterlife.
2. When I die, I will be remembered as a hero.
3. Your plan will fail, what will you do then? Always have a backup plan ...and a way out.


1. True friends deserve the most profound sacrifice.
2. Never turn your back.
3. Never fight fair. End it as quickly as possible.

Physical Description:

Mkhai stands just under five and one half feet tall, His skin is a deep bronze tone weathered from sun and sand, and dark black eyes that rarely convey any emotion other than wariness. His head is mostly shaved, but he does have a long braid, topknot-style, of black hair that hangs down to his shoulders. Demotic tattoos stitch across the back of his head above a stylized symbol of a black scarab. He wears a light sand-colored leather armor studded with dark steel nubs, and his left arm carries a heavy steel shield that also carries the scarab motif. On his right hip hangs an ivory-hilted scimitar, the blade etched with more Dometic symbols and heiroglyphs. His body is very muscular, a large chest and shoulders coupled with hefty arms. Darkened steel bands encircle his wrists and just above his elbow, polished to a gentle sheen.

Personal History:

Mkhai started his journey in life as a worker of a caravan operating in the north of Khemet. It was a fated night that found his caravan under attack, most of the caravan party either lay dead or in chains of the slavers who had befallen them. The next seven months were spent in the pits of Tiberium, a slave whose only recourse was to fight for his life in the arena for the masses. It was made quite clear to the new crop of gladiators that their training was their salvation, and Mkhai took that message to heart. He exercised and practiced well into each night, and absorbed all of the wisdom of the veteran gladiators educating them. When his final fight was called, it was called in a draw. Both he and his opponent were awarded the wooden swords of gladiators who have earned freedom. It is a moment that now stands memorialized in marble outside the arena itself.

His next three years were spent taking bounties and selling his sword as a mercenary for causes that he could stand behind, all the while searching for clues to the slaver caravan that ambushed him and his cohorts those years ago in the northern Khemeti desert along the Nile.

Game Statistics:

Male Khemeti
Level 1 Man-At-Arms

Brave: Immune to fear effects.
Perceptive: Free chance to notice disguises, concealed weapons and such...

Str 17, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 16

Base Defense Bonus: +1
Defense: 17 (Passive +2, Active +5)
DR: 1d3+1 (studded leather armor)
Hit Points: 12
Reserve Points: 12

Base Attack Bonus: +1
Attack: Scimitar +4 (1d6+3 18-20/x2)
Initiative: +3

Armor Mastery I: Gain a +1 DR bonus to armor checks.
Shield Mastery I: Gain a +1 active bonus to defense when you gain a defense bonus from a shield.
Weapon Focus (Scimitar) I: Gain a +1 bonus to attacks with scimitars.

24 of 24 skill points spent.

Skill Groups: Agility 4, Perception 4, Wilderness Lore 4

Balance +7/4, Escape Artist +7/4, Tumble +7/4, Listen +4/4, Search +4/4, Sense Motive +4/4, Spot +4/4, Handle Animal +7/4, Ride +7/4, Survival +4/4, Use Rope +7/4, Bluff +5/2, Gather Information +7/4, Intimidate +5/2, Hide +5/2, Move Silently +5/2

Khopesh (scimitar), kukri, javelins (3), bola, studded leather armor, heavy shield.[/sblock]

Agnar Gudrod, a Thulish (Skandinavian) ex-viking, ex-gladiator and friend of Mkhai...

[sblock]"Bold, steadfast, intimidating, impetuous, scarred, cantankerous, trusting."


1. True warriors do not die from old age, they die in a blaze of glory battling their enemies.
2. My actions in this life profoundly influence my station in the afterlife.
3. Life is a struggle; obstacles are there to be overcome, not avoided.


1. Fight now, ask questions later
2. Never leave a friend behind
3. Never pass up an excuse to have a drink

Physical Description:

7 foot 6 inches tall. 240 pounds. Shoulder length dark blond hair; generally unkempt and free flowing. Dark blue eyes. Skin tone – fairly pale, though suffering from the effects of sunburn.

His face is fairly stern looking with a jutting jaw and high cheekbones His nose is rather flat and somewhat crooked, as if it were broken by a heavy staff. There is a long deep scar which travels from just under his right eye down towards his lower lip. His teeth are in generally good shape with the exception of two missing teeth on his right side. He would be very handsome were it not for the scar and missing teeth.

His body is very muscular without being bulky or in anyway impacting his agility. There is very little fat anywhere on his body. Various scars of different shapes and sizes decorate his body. He has obviously been in many battles and taken more than a few hits.

Finding the temperature warm compared to his native Thule, Agnar generally wears a light short sleeve red tunic cinched at the waist by a large leather belt holding a few small pouches. His pants are grayish and form fitting so as not to get in his way during combat. Strapped to his back is a Large sized greatsword and several Large sized javelins.

Personal History:

Agnar Gudrod was born on the northwestern coast of Thule. His mother died during childbirth. Agnar’s father blamed him for her death and was constantly beating Agnar. One day, Agnar could take no more abuse and responded by taking a club to his father. The hit killed his father. Scared, he grabbed his father’s greatsword and went down the coast. He made it south several hundred miles before managing to convince a trading ship to take him along as a rower.

Over the next several years, Agnar worked on a number of different merchant ships. Agnar grew considerably and developed incredible strength from the constant rowing. One day during a run within the Middle Sea, Agnar’s ship was stopped by Tyrrhenian war ships and accused of piracy. It was a lie but there was nothing Agnar or the rest of the crew could do against the obviously superior force. Agnar was herded into the hull of one the warships. Several days later, he was sold into the gladiatorial arenas and told to give the crowd a thrill before dying.

Agnar survived the battles. One day, he could tell the crowd was excited about his match against another performer. The battle was exciting with neither gaining an advantage. Soon there came continual applause and calls for them to be freed. The two fought on, dazzling the crowd. Suddenly two wooden swords were tossed into the arena signifying freedom. They immediately stopped fighting, picked up the swords and exited as free men.

Game Statistics:

Male Thule
Level 1 Berserker

Mighty Build: Wield weapon up to one size category larger than normal without penalty.
Tall: Gain +2 bonus when making grapple checks. Threaten one additonal square.

Str 17, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 12

Base Defense Bonus: +0
Defense: 14 (Passive +0, Active +4)
DR: 1d4 (berserker DR)
Hit Points: 14
Reserve Points: 14

Base Attack Bonus: +1
Attack: Large Greatsword +4 (3d6+4 19-20/x2)
Initiative: +4

Cleave I: Gain extra melee attack after dropping target.
Power Attack I: Trade attack penalty for damage bonus.
Fury Pool: Gain access to the fury token pool.
Berserker Strength: Spend 2 fury tokens to gain a +2 bonus to Strength and Constitution.
Suicidal Assault: Gain +1 to attack and -1 to base defense bonus for each fury token spent.

20 of 20 skill points spent.

Skill Groups: Athletics 4

Climb +7/4, Jump +7/4, Swim +7/4, Hide +8/4, Move Silently +8/4, Survival +6/4, Tumble +8/4

Large greatsword.

Jendara, the orphan who was lifted out of the Tartessian (a wealthy "Spanish" city-state) gutter.

[sblock]"Confident, Lithe, Quick-Thinking, Persistant, Pragmatic, Resourceful, and Tall."


1. Tartessos is the cultural center of the world.
2. Senex Thaumaturgicus can do no wrong.
3. No obstacle is insurmountable.


1. Always know where the back door is.
2. Never let them see you sweat.
3. Help those who help themselves.

Physical Description:

Calm confidence is evident in her stide, a direct gaze and an easy smile add to this impression – only the most careful of observers note that the smile does not reach her eyes. The same careful observer might notice the sword-practice induced scars and calouses on her hands.

Long dark hair pulled back in a simple braid, utilitarian clothing in sand tones – ofset by a crimson scarf. Slightly battered shield, well-worn scabbard with a plain-hilted sword, and scuffed thigh-high boots complete her outfit. Her clothing and gear appears well-used, even slightly beat-up at first glance; a careful appraisal shows that although none of it is new, all of it is in good condition and very well cared for.

Tall and lithe, with copper-colored skin. High cheekbones and large dark eyes help her to maintian the impression of helplessness when it is convienient to do so. When she is angered or frightened, her eyes betray a glint of steely determination and her softly intoned orders are delivered with the calm assurance of someone who takes for granted that their commands will be followed.
Jendara habitually carries lock-picks in a small pocket inside her belt. She generally chooses not to wear a cloak, cape, or headgear – but will do so if the weather is hazardous. She favors snug-fitting breeches and shirts with flowing sleeves, has a fondness for vests – especially if they have interior pockets, and always has at least one scarf on her person.She wears no jewelry.

Personal History:

Jendara grew up on the streets of Tartessos, she has no recolections of family or other adult caretakers.

She was about twelve years old when she first encountered the Senex. She failed to escape with her partner after they picked the Senex's pockets – she was the "bump" part of a "bump and grab" team; her "grab" partner didn't stop (nor look back) when she was caught – not that Jen expected him to. The first two rules for surviving on the streets were 'don't get caught' and 'always look out for yourself first' and Jen understood those rules quite clearly – besides, she would have kept walking had Cat gotten nabbed.

For reasons he has not choosen to reveal, the Senex did not send Jendara to the goal as she expected – truth be told, she wouldn't have minded much, rumor had it that they fed you if you were thrown in jail. She was instead placed in a home for orphans, and later in a school for young ladies (whose parents would have been quite unhappy to learn how the Senex had acquired his ward, had that information been shared with them). Tutors were arranged, both in traditional studies and in swordplay. After 'graduation' Jendara began to work most commonly as a guide or body-guard for merchants visiting Tartessos. From time to time the Senex has a commission for Jen to undertake; she always obeys his instructions in these matters to the letter; giving him undivided and unquestioning loyalty.

Game Statistics:


Female Tartessian
Level 1 Man-At-Arms

City Rat (Bravo): Bonus to Survival within a city; Sneak Attack +1d6.
Inspiring Presence: Three times per day, grant an ally a morale bonus.

Str 15, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 17

Base Defense Bonus: +1
Defense: 15 (Passive +3, Active +2)
DR: 1d2 (leather armor)
Hit Points: 12
Reserve Points: 12

Base Attack Bonus: +1
Attack: Bastard sword +3 (1d10+3 19-20/x2)
Attack: Shortbow +2 (1d6 20/x3, 60 ft.)
Initiative: +1

Sneak Attack: +1d6 damage bonus when flanking or against flat-footed targets.
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword): Suffer no nonproficiency penalty on attack rolls with bastard swords.
Healing Lore I: +4 bonus on Heal checks. Increased restored reserve points by +2.
Overwhelming Presence I: Use a move action to gain your Charisma bonus (+3) as an active bonus to defense.

36 of 36 skill points spent.

Skill Groups: Academia 4, Perception 4, Social 4

Appraise +7/4, Concentration +6/4, Decipher Script +7/4, Heal +10/4, Knowledge (Arch/Eng, Local, Geography, History, Nob/Roy) +7/4, Speak Language +7/4, Listen +6/4, Search +7/4, Sense Motive +6/4, Spot +6/4, Bluff +7/4, Diplomacy +7/4, Gather Information +7/4, Intimidate +7/4, Balance +3/2, Climb +4/2, Disable Device +5/2, Hide +4/3, Jump +4/2, Move Silently +4/3, Open Lock +3/2, Ride +3/2, Tumble +3/2

Bastard sword, heavy steel shield, shortbow, arrows (20), leather armor, thieves tools.[/sblock]

Yseulte, an aspiring witch from Prydaine (England).

[sblock]"Superstitious, Insightful, Creative, Proud, Intuitive, Knowledge-seeking, Sage."


1. Let them think whatever they want; in the end, everything comes down to perception and anything can be justified.
2. All knowledge is worth having... the only issue is the price.
3. Never allow an insult against my honour to go without answer.


1. Always use strategy before resorting to physical force.
2. Always preserve magic of Atlantis or magic that predates the Diluvian War.
3. Never leave magic in the hands of those who aren't wise enough or responsible enough to control it.

Physical Description:

Smoldering ruby ringlets are usually her first feature to gain notice: narrow plaits painstakingly divide perfectly arranged spirals, held fast at her crown by gilded amethyst clips. The rest falls in various states of meditated disarray away from her oval face to her waist, save for a few tendrils hanging in front of brilliantly liquid silver eyes and caressing high-boned cheeks blushed by rose and a smattering of freckles reaching across the bridge of her nose. Lips rouged pale pink are full enough to be aesthetically pleasing without drawing notice from those brilliant eyes. True to her breeding, her pointed chin, smooth alabaster complexion and unflaggingly dignified bearing all set her apart from the norm. Beyond this, her lithe figure, neither tall nor short, is bedecked only in traditional Prydani clothes of homespun cottons.

Thus are her robes: delicate gossamer webs, like spun pearl, sheet over a sheer skirt of russet red to the ankles. A row of bangles clink upon slender wrists, their rhythm unimpeded by her sleeves. An intricate necklace of amethyst-studded silver adorns her slim throat and shoulders. A sash of raw silk dyed ecru wraps around her torso, underlining her bodice sprinkled with a beaded outline forming coils and interlocking mazes upon her breast. Her bodice is worn on top, its neck cut in a square revealing the cut of her collarbone. Over this, she wears a plain-spun grey wool cloak complete with hood lined in pure ebon, its weave an art.

Personal History:

Descended from powerful witches, Ygraine never truly belonged to Lyonesse society: her blood marked her out. Some claimed her cursed or born of unnatural magic. Her mother abandoned her young, returning to Prydaine to practice powerful magic, leaving Ygraine in her aunt's care. Legacy meant everything in her formative years and she studied intently on every subject put in front of her.

She studied feared arts under careful scrutiny, learning to brew elixirs and potions. People watched her uneasily, knowing her lineage and whispering of taint and curses, thus she never made close connections with others. Girls her age feared or envied her. She embraced her differences in her isolation; proud and defiant, she acted every bit a lady with arrogance to match.

Time and again her aunt refused to teach her magic for various reasons: too young, undisciplined, unfit. Every year brought small, new challenges but truthfully, she was sheltered. She enjoyed few moments to pursue interests outside honing mind and body to peak fitness, though she only learned why into her seventeenth year. Myrddin – Merlin – the Senex would put her training to use.

Game Statistics:


Female Prydani
Level 1 Executioner

Brave: Immune to fear effects.
Shadowborn (precognitive): Ask for a clue once per session.

Str 14, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 14

Base Defense Bonus: +1
Defense: 14 (Passive +0, Active +4)
DR: 1d3 (studded leather armor)
Hit Points: 11
Reserve Points: 11

Base Attack Bonus: +1
Attack: Dagger +4 (1d4+2 19-20/x2, 10 ft.)
Attack: Shortbow +4 (1d6 20/x3, 60 ft.)
Initiative: +3

Sneak attack: +1d6 damage bonus when flanking or against flat-footed targets.
Razor Fiend I: Gain an addition attack when fighting with daggers.
Weapon Finesse I: Apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls with finesse or light weapons.

Execution Pool: Gain access to the execution token pool.
Executioner's Eye: Gain execution tokens with a successful Sense Motive check.
Hindering Cut: Spend execution tokens to inflict a -1 penalty to attack, defense or speed.

36 of 36 skill points spent.

Skill Groups: Athletics 4, Perception 4, Stealth 4

Climb +6/4, Swim +6/4, Jump +6/4, Listen +5/4, Search +7/4, Sense Motive +5/4, Spot +5/4, Hide +7/4, Move Silently +7/4, Bluff +4/2, Concentration +7/4, Escape Artist +4/1, Heal +3/2, Knowledge (arcana) +7/4, Perform (sing) +4/2, Ride +5/2, Spellcraft +4/3, Tumble +7/4

Daggers (2), halberd, rapier, shortbow, studded leather armor.[/sblock]

Garrison, a Hyperbrean (Germanic) huntsman.

[sblock]"Stern, Patient, Relentless, Curt, Pragmatic, Observant, Wary."


1. Magic is not necessarily evil but it is something to be wary of.
2. Cities are full of pompous, soft-bellied blowhards.
3. Deanna was my one, true love – there will never be another like her.


1. Always single out magical opponents in battle.
2. Always show disdain for those city-folk.
3. Never go unarmed.

Physical Description:

Garrison is of medium height but a solid mass of muscle. He is bald but sports a dark brown goatee. He has dark brown eyes that never seem to blink. Garrison usually wears tans and greens to help him conceal himself while wandering the forests. While wandering the wilderness, he is always on the watch and always taking in his surroundings. While in large cities, Garrison has a scowl on his face that rarely lets up. Taverns are the only places where he lightens up…a bit. [Pb's Note: Garrison is typically armored in light leathers, and goes armed with a pair of short seaxes... His character goes in the style of the Germanic tribes of the "Dark Ages".]

Personal History:

Garrison is a native of the Hyperbrian lands where he sustained himself and his wife, Deanna, by hunting. He was a resident in the village of Eder where his father, Rolf, taught him how to fight, protect and sustain himself. Eder had friendly but cool relations with the nearby fey, each wishing little to no interaction between the two peoples. Eder was eventually destroyed by the demons and creatures that were summoned during the war with Achaeia. Rolf and Deanna were killed during the raids. Feeling responsible for their loss, Garrision left Hyperbria vowing only to return when he feels he has avenged his wife's death or has someway of cleansing his homeland of the creatures that have overran it.

Game Statistics:


Male Hyperbrian

I don't have Garrison's game stats handy at the moment, as he is one of the newer players, having only recently joined the group. However, for all intents and purposes, you can think of his character as the Iron Heroes equivalent of a D&D Ranger.[/sblock]

And finally, an as-yet unnamed Tartessian Knife-wielding Thug... whom I do not yet have a description for.
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First Post
Icy Cool-Thank you very much!

Pbartender-I am working my way down the request list and if no other artist picks you up I will enjoy drawing your characters for you.



First Post
Hunter said:
Pbartender-I am working my way down the request list and if no other artist picks you up I will enjoy drawing your characters for you.

Excellent! The portraits are meant to be a reward for the players completing the character profiles I posted above... Let me know if you have any questions concerning the characters.

Oh, and thank you in advance. I like your work; the style suits the Iron Heroes paradigm perfectly.
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Hunter or Bastion, if either of you are interested, here's my character...

Gusil Snapfinger is a Gnome Bard. He's not too smart, but he tells stories effortlessly enough and he can really work a crowd with his fingersnapping and toetapping style.

He currently wears a magical Chain Shirt and uses the Bow as his favored weapon in battle. He also rides a dog that has been trained for battle (don't know if you're into drawing animals or not).

Gnomes in this setting tend to be a bit like Gypsies in our own history.

If you get this far down the list... great. If not, that's cool too. It's been fun seeing your interpretations of the character descriptions.



Hunter: Great work on the portraits. I hope those who asked for them are still lurking about to see their patience rewarded!

Looking forward to seeing more of your work.


Atheas, Gatekeeper Initiate

Atheas was raised in the far south in a fairly quiet elven village. His distain for his potential role as a leader amoung his people drove him from the more traditional druidic teachings of his early life to the ways of the Gatekeepers. Since then he has spent his life hunting the unnatural.

Atheas is fairly young for an elf, appearing perhaps as human may in his early 20s. His skin is pale from the months spent in the frozen north without sunlight. His emerald green eyes are usually cast forward in a hard stare. A tattoo of a tree with leaves ranging from nearly black-purple to pale blue, the trunk and branches bright green dominates the entire left side of his face and continues down below the neckline of his armor.

Long silver hair trails from his head down to his waist, with a single braid tied in the front. Hanging through this braid are several feathers of various sizes, it ends with a hard leather strap with half a dozen teeth of some small animal set into it.

He wears stiff cured armor made from the black-brown hide of some huge creature: the more rigid pieces across his body are bare hide but the flexible parts at his joints still covered with short fur. The shoulders and thighs of the armor have the beast's hair still at its original length, it hangs down across his entire chest and legs. Bone runs visibily across the edge of the breastplate, and a thin collar guard of ivory.

A well-maintained scimitar hangs on the left side of his belt without a sheath, black fletching from a long quiver rest at his right. On his back he carries a long yew bow nearly as tall as he is; over this a large wooden shield is set, shaped in an elegant style with flowing curves alowing one to wield wield a blade easily on the other side. Over his armor is a bandoleer made of cracking leather holding nine daggers of similar quality.

At his neck an uncut crystal with a deep purple hue hangs, tied with a thin leather strap.

(Atheas' armor is MW hide, made from a wolly mamoth, reinforced with bone and ivory. The crystal is peice of byshek and serves as his divine focus. The gatekeepers were lifted wholecloth from Eberron)

Atheas tends to be direct, to the point and blunt. He doesn’t speak as often as some other members of the group but when he does most listen. He’s a rather pragmatic for a druid (in this not being very different from most Gatekeepers), and generally reserves judgment until someone’s had a chance to show their worth. He has a sense of humor, but it’s subtle and sardonic, often having him play the straight man in the witty banter between others. He lacks in the way of modesty, ego and moral baggage compared to most raised in more ‘civilized’ societies.

Atheas is from the dense jungles of the far south, hundreds of miles beyond the expirences of any of the other party members. After his journy north he was captured by Carcerian Empire (Think a combination of Ancient Rome and RIFTS CS) and worked as a slave in a frozen mine called Hearthsgate in the far north. Since escaping he had hitched his fortinues to that of the party and is attempting to resume his mission of hunting down the unnatural. His animal companion is a long haired wolf named Burn, burn has a nearly snow-white coat and a distinct burn scar across his snout (the result of a produce flame from Atheas when a wolfpack attacked their camp, the druid later tracked down a surviving wolf and 'adopted' it).


The man with the probe
I had a character request a while ago for Kitrina. There's a link in my sig for the character. I'll dig up the post.

Good work Hunter, it's good to see an artist back in the thread :)

Edit: Sorry, was a different request thread.

My request.

Name: Kitrina ir'Danyl
Class: Noble 2/Sorceress 1
Race: Drakontos (Gold)
Age: 76
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 168lb
Eyes: Blue, with a hint of gold.
Hair: Golden Blonde
Skin: Deep Golden Tan

Kitrina is strikingly beautiful with a tall, shapely figure, and striking features. Her golden blonde hair is long, but often styled in some manor. Her Blue eyes seem to have a hint of gold in them as well, and her deep golden tan speaks of years under the sun despite spending most of her time indoors. Her clothing is always of the highest quality, tailored specifically for her, and in the height of current fashion.

Kitrina in her Blue Dress:
Katrina is dressed in a royal blue dress that sets off her eyes as the deep blue pools sparkle with flecks of gold. Her golden blond hair is tied up in an elegent fashion, leaving only the jacket to cover her shoulders. The jacket is tightened around her waste and parts just below the dress line, where her clevage is amplified by the dresses cut. The somewhat shorter dress ends just above her knees, accent her long golden tanned legs.

You don't have to draw her in the blue dress, that's just a secondary description of her.

About the Drakontos race.
Nonlethalforce said:
Physical description:
Drakontai appear as normal humans, their draconic heritage is buried deep in their otherwise human genetic make-up. Most live in and among humans and it is quite possible that a drakontos is not aware of his special heritage. In this case, however, the drakontos still benefits from his Draconic Heritage, it is merely viewed as special knack for a particular type of task. A typical male drakontos stands just over 6' tall and weighs about 200 lbs. The typical female stands about 5'10" and weighs 160 lbs. However, the range of drakontai heights is between 5'4" to 6'8" and ranging between 110 lbs and 275 lbs. A Drakontos reaches adulthood at 75 years, middle age at 175, old age at 275, venerable age at 375, and the oldest Drakontos to ever live was 775 years old. This extended life span can cause problems from Drakontai who are unaware of their heritage and who live among normal humans.
The hair of a Drakontos often takes on highlights of their Heritage, but the base color remains a typical shade for a human. In addition to the hair, a Drakontos has a 90% chance that one eye is the same color as their Heritage Dragon and a 60% chance that both eyes are the same color of their Heritage. This means that it is possible for a fair number of Drakontai to have different colored eyes and to experience eye color change over the course of their lives. Any Drakontos whose eye or eyes match their Heritage Dragon also experiences the same color change as the Heritage Dragon. The change is very slow and gradual, however, because the Drakontai are blessed with long lives. This physical effect with the eyes may also make it difficult for a Drakontos who is unaware of his heritage and living among normal human beings.

Thanks to any artist willing to take this up :)
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