The EN World FREE Character Portrait Request Thread!


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Kudos to all the artists of this thread! This is a very solid body of work over all. I noticed it's been a while since anyone posted but it would be a shame if this wonderful thread didn't reach the 1000 post mark. So if any artists are still listening out there here is my D&D 4E character:

Name: Alatrial of House Centhalis
Race: Eladrin
Sex: Female

Physical Description: An young Eldarin noblewoman with waist length black hair (feel free to style as you see fit). Tall and slender, she is good looking, but not in an unnatural way. She has a very serious disposition, so she is not really the smiling-merrily sort. Over the course of the campaign she lost her right eye, and (due to the slight Japanese influence of the world setting) the wound is covered by a tsuba--the guard piece of a katana-- held in place with red silk cord, like in the old samurai movies i.e.

Although she is a cleric of Corellon, her prestige class is Seldarine Dedicate which is fairly martial class and she wears elven chainmail and wields a Screaming longbow. (see link for pic--scroll down for description)

This campaign is going to be on hiatus for a little while due to real life scheduling difficulties, and I thought having a brand new pic to show the changes that Alatrial has gone through over the last 10 lvls (from naive scholarly cleric at lvl 1 to hardcore longbow wielding menace to the followers of Vecna at lvl 11) would be an awesome prop to show the other players.

Thanks a lot in advance^^
Kristin Harper
Modesto, CA

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Yay! Free art!


I have a request, if someone wouldn't mind drawing my first 4E character.

Hrafnhildur "Fin" Arnardottir is a dwarf who grew up with both parents inside a large, industrial/ebberonesque city. She was the black sheep of the family, always getting into trouble, putting off chores, doing undwarf like things. Her two choice were as an apprentice with her father or baking goods with her mother. Neither looked like what she wanted, and she was often too busy reading tomes she had bought off the streets to pick up any other Dwarven skills. She was a rougish tom boy, often earning disproving looks form her father for spending to long with men or male dwarves, and equal disdain for acts of sheer foolery such as climbing up rain gutters or trying to find a way into the sewers. Despite this she is quite intellectual, neat and tidy when she can be.

As such spending so much time away from home and disliking the boring, plain manner of her family she set up with a street gang looking for some excitement. Soon she found herself too deep in, but could do little to stop the gang contacting her, and her family finding out.

One day they told her to read a book that they were going to fence, to see what it was worth. When she spoke the first few lines, she felt a power surge through her, and a malevolent intent. This is when she became a Warlock. Soon after having her Warlock abilities abused by the gang she fled them and the city leaving her family behind too ashamed to return to them.

She wears loose cloth and leather clothing. Designed to look innocuous, light and comfortable, possibly patched and sewn together pieces of other clothes. Certainly enough padding here and there, tied and buckled haphazardly to protect from scrapes and bangs whilst on the run. A hood deep enough to cover the face, but shallow enough to see the face in the drawing. I imagine most of the clothe parts to be beige or tan, very light colours, whilst a darker brown for the padding bits. She needs some sort of 'street robe', very rough looking. She stands about 4'3", and is of a stocky build, even for a dwarf, but quite lean due to having lived on the streets for some time.

Her hair is a mix of wild hair kept down by neat plaits, some held at the ends with copper or porcelain, maybe one or two loose and a bit frey-ended. Her books are tied together and in a small satchel at her side, but are now looking a bit tattered. The only other thing at her side is a small war hammer from her fathers forge.

If anyone who wants to draw Fin, needs any more info you can PM me or just write here, as I'll be checking back soon. Thanks!



Wow ... its been awhile since I've been here! Of I loved reading all the wonderful cahracter concepts and spending what little time I have between work and sleep to draw some of them! Of course, having the ENworld website forums be inaccessible to me time and time again had something to do with it too! :p

Perhaps I'll squeeze in another .. or two sketches if I have the time1

I hope I havent left out any free comissions I was suppose to do from my absence here!
If so, please remind me, thank you.




First Post
Haven't done a request in a while but here is Alatrial for Copisetik. I've been trying out a new way of creating my pics so bear with me.



First Post
Totally awesome Meatboy! Sorry it took so long to praise your wonderful work, but school started last week and time just got away from me, I hope you can forgive me :erm:.

I really enjoy the "soft" look of the piece, it makes it look more artsy than a basic character pic...if that makes sense. I also dig the Asian inspired shoulder guard and the chain mail "dress". Great design choices. Once again kudos to the artist!

Kristin AKA Copisetik


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I've got a couple characters I'd love to see drawn up. If anyone wants to try their hand with these, I'll be much obliged.

Here's the first:
Gar Heavyclaws
24 year old, Human Male, 6’5”, 160 lbs.
Gar looks like a hulking, savage brute of fair skin. His massive frame is intimidating even without the extra pair of arms growing out his sides. Normally, his dark brown hair simply hangs about his head, adding to his wild appearance. A light stubble is ever-present on his face. Speaking of his face, it is just as tough-looking as the rest of him… As long, thin scar runs from above his left eye down to the center of his left cheek and a nasty jagged claw mark runs just below his jaw on the right side. And his neck looks like it was bitten by a wolf at some point long ago. His brutish features are generally set in some kind of scowl, and when he snarls or grimaces (as he is wont to do), sharpened (though very clean) teeth are easily visible.

Nowadays, he often wears a suit of finely crafted silvery platemail, which also seems to accommodate his extra limbs. A well-worn pack is slung over his (upper) left shoulder, while heavy gauntlets and thick leather boots adorn his hands and feet. Normally, he would look impressive enough, though not particularly extraordinary. However, Gar happens to have two massive, blue-white glowing arms and vicious looking claws end their hands and his natural hands, which wear smaller, furred gloves of their own. He also sports what looks like a fur shirt over his armor, though it seems to shift and patches appear and disappear. On top of all this, a golden brown cloak of feathers and fur wraps itself around his shoulders and back.

And the second:
Fahlias Dragonson
Fahlias is 6'3" and weighs 140 pounds. He is not of a large build, but has obvious strength. His teeth have vicious points, meant to tear flesh, as he is half-dragon. His claws are always sharp, though mainly used in hunting. His skin is composed of silver scales and his eyes are a sharp steel-blue. He also always has a faint scent of rain about him. He has no hair, but has a small frill in the manner of silver dragons, but can flatten it, which is customary for him to do in a settlement. He is 56 years old, possessing the slow maturation and long life granted by dragon's blood. He is constantly wearing a large, full-length cloak that covers his entire body. He keeps every inch of his natural scales covered, so as not to alarm other people or draw unwanted attention to himself. He is a dark person, naturally due to his history. A finely wrought longsword hangs at his side, and a composite longbow and quiver upon his back. He wears no shield, but does wear a mithril shirt of chain links. He also carries a masterwork short bow and longsword in his pack, for sentimental reasons.

Dej Koosh

First Post
These are great. I've been looking for something like this for a long time. I would like to see my 3.5 Lupine created if anyone is still working on new pictures. If you don't know what a Lupine looks like its basically a wolf mixed with a man. They bear wolf-heads, are totally covered in fur, and have pawed hands and feat. Any ways here is the description.

Height: 5' 10
Weight: 150 lb.
Fur: Black
Eyes: Yellow
Description: He wears leather armour and uses a bow primarily, though he has a hand axe and a battle axe as backup. He ccomes from savage lands so his equipment is a bit rustic.

Hope this is enough info. If not let me know. Once again thank you.

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