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The Epic, the rift and the travellers.

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Medowbrook: Half-Nymph/Female (Bard)

“I mean that he fell from the very air itself into that pile of books over there,” which Meadowbrook pointed out with great poise, “as you can imagine it made quite a racket, while at the same time I was sitting here before my mirror and preparing for my next performance,” again her slim hand elegantly pointed out this new location, “Expecting to find that our one of a family cats, Midnight in this case as he has always been a little rambunctious, had again knocked over my books I went to make sure he was okay. Not expecting to find an undressed man I didn’t worry about my undressed state and we managed to surprise each other in an equal state of undress. Of course, such a state was far more embarrassing for me and I screamed in surprised as I went running for the top I will be wearing for my next performance…”

Meadowbrook frowned slightly at this admission, she hadn’t even given much thought to what had happened until now and she found it upsetting, “I guess that means my reputation has been soiled already, good sir, but hopefully we can all agree to not pass on that little detail to anyone else?”

Meadowbrooke was truly sincere in her plight…

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Voadam laughs good-naturedly, having watched the young man and determined his disabling spells would not be needed at the moment.

"My dear, assuming you don't want to put the lie to your offers as an unexpected host, my tastes run to mead, wine, and teas. I appreciate the hospitality and if this young man's presence makes you more comfortable while we talk then his presence is welcome. Your honor of course is in your own hands, I entered with no intent to harm you, all that can affect your honor is your own actions, whether you keep your given word and act justly or unjustly, with or without honor. And I could still use your help, the aid of someone knowledgeable would help me get my bearings and move purposefully again in the affairs of this world. I don't even know the current season or if I would need to ward against the elements if I left this inn.

"So greetings and well met young man! I am Voadam called the Traveller and I speak true that it was a magical rift that brought me here. A clash of mighty magics with a demonic cabal that ripped apart the barriers between worlds. You're a sunite, eh? What of the house drinks would you recommend to a wanderer who has travelled far and seen many sights.
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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Medowbrook: Half-Nymph/Female (Bard)

“I was more speaking of my lost honor in what you saw,” Meadowbrook said slightly miffed but she let it go with an easy smile, “I would be more than willing to help you, Voadam, and I must admit your arrival has garner my curiosity, but until I get you dressed there’s little I can do for you…”

Meadowbrook, her hands firmly on her well formed hips, frowned slightly at him as she found her asked him once again, “now do you want to try my cloak or should I look for some of my father’s clothes?”

Meadowbrook, in her own opinion, was far too young to feel like a mother but at the moment she could think of no other apt description what was happening…

Lord Wyrm

First Post
Nicos moves lke fog rolling across the moors, his stride is measured and silent. He drifts in between the patrons as a ghost as he moves for the stairs. He eyes glance out searching for magic in the tavern, like twin saphires they glint with intelligence and a hint of magic. He reaches the stairs and ascends. He comes to the hallway with sleeping quarters lining it. His eyes detect the faintest hint of magics from one room, they are fading quickly and he knows the activity that must of occured there. His hand reaches out and he raps on the door thrice.
"Do you happen to house any planar traveller's in there?" Nicos inquires, almost in jest, but still maintaining his complete calm.


First Post
Phineralthus Flickwort

Phineralthus was oblivious to his surroundings. At least four pints and almost as many jackpots had the familiar, pleasurable tickling of indulgence sweeping over him. He looks up suddenly with a confident grin. "I'll raise to 20....Better to make it 30 though." Phin quipped with a wink. As the other players quietly appraised his bet Phin looked over his cards. He had a Mare's Run. It was a solid hand, one of many he'd lucked into this night, probably enough to force his opponents to respect his bluff.

"I'll see you an' raise you double then." The corner of Phin's mouth twitched as he looked up quickly, the man had an incredibly thick, sun-streaked mustache curled around his darkly stubbled jaw. Phin started in surprise, the man had been quiet most of the game, never raising, breaking even all night. Phin wondered if he had a new twinkle in his eye, if he was a sleeper. "What did you say your name was again sir? I like to know my opponents, as a matter of course and civility." He grins drunkenly.

"Friends call me young Tuck Jones. An' whut do they call you then Phin's stomach did a flip-flop as the man's gazed bored into his eyes. He knew better than take any chances gambling against a man with such a blatantly terrifying card-shark moniker and awe inspiring facial hair. "Ordinarily-aged Thomas Diggleby, at your service." he bowed, making a showy display of counting his chips with his left hand. Phin twisted his wrist in a manner that would drop the card 'Queen's Scepter' into his hand completing an "Arranged Marriage", the second strongest hand in the game. He grinned confidently and then faltered as a second familiar tickling told him he had made a mistake and the card was about to slip from his sleave in plain view.

"I fold. To the better man, I think." Phin raises his glass, allowing the card to slide down the length of his sleave where he pinned it between his arm and body. Taking a healthy pull from his pint glass he wipes his mouth, "Good night gentlemen it has a been a sensational evening." He began to scoop up his modest pile of coins as objections from the other players started to rise up from the table.

"Now, now friends. I really must be going." The sound of muted scream causes each of the players at the table to drop a hand to their belts and look aroung suspiciously.

"See Gents? There you have it...I'm already going to catch hell from the missus. So if I could have your pity, I'll just be on my way." Phin flips a few coins onto the table and makes his way quietly and submissvely upstairs as if he would rather be going anywhere else.

Glancing about his new surroundings a snippet of conversation catches Phin's ear. The words "...undressed..." and "...mead..." drift into the hallway. Raising an eyebrow Phin creeps up to the door and begans to eaves drop carefully. "I wish I'd brought a pint for the road, as it were." He lamented with a wistful misting of his eyes and then began trying to catch the attention of a barmaid with some frantic gesturing of his arms.
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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Medowbrook: Half-Nymph/Female (Bard)

The knock didn’t bother Meadowbrook but the words spoken did. Whoever was at the door was not a noble soul out to investigate cries of a woman but someone who was here to investigate the magic involved and that made her view the door warily and the person outside cautiously…

The gorgeous half nymph looked towards her unexpected guests but mostly she focused on Voadam as she replied in a hushed whisper, “well, unexpected guest, we now have unexpected company… Very well informed unexpected company too. Do you have anyone to fear in Faerûn would like to cause you harm?”


Voadam rose from the bed and said in a low voice "Possible, though generally unlikely. I don't recognize the voice but I did beat out the Red Wizards and a lich to a certain artefact when I was last on Toril and there were those drow who tried to get me involved in their political skirmishing . . . give me a moment to prepare and then answer."

Voadam quietly casts a spell

[SBLOCK]Mage armor on himself[/SBLOCK]
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First Post
Brother Shatterstone said:
“I mean that he fell from the very air itself into that pile of books over there,”[color] which Meadowbrook pointed out with great poise, “as you can imagine it made quite a racket, while at the same time I was sitting here before my mirror and preparing for my next performance,” again her slim hand elegantly pointed out this new location, [color=plum“Expecting to find that our one of a family cats, Midnight in this case as he has always been a little rambunctious, had again knocked over my books I went to make sure he was okay. Not expecting to find an undressed man I didn’t worry about my undressed state and we managed to surprise each other in an equal state of undress. Of course, such a state was far more embarrassing for me and I screamed in surprised as I went running for the top I will be wearing for my next performance…”[/color]

Meadowbrook frowned slightly at this admission, she hadn’t even given much thought to what had happened until now and she found it upsetting, “I guess that means my reputation has been soiled already, good sir, but hopefully we can all agree to not pass on that little detail to anyone else?”

Meadowbrooke was truly sincere in her plight…

Firen breaks into an understanding smile. He has an extraordinary smile, utterly genuine and compassionate. "My lady, please don't think that I would dirty your name over an incident like this. You're not to blame, that's clear to me. I give you my word that I will not see your reputation harmed - if chastity is the reputation you cherish," he adds with a small flash of benign mischief creeping into his blue eyes as his smile widens momentarily into a grin.

Voadam said:
"So greetings and well met young man! I am Voadam called the Traveller and I speak true that it was a magical rift that brought me here. A clash of mighty magics with a demonic cabal that ripped apart the barriers between worlds. You're a sunite, eh? What of the house drinks would you recommend to a wanderer who has travelled far and seen many sights."

"Greetings and well met indeed," Firen replies, his curiosity brimming over the strange arrival of this man. "As far as drinks go, I can reccomend an excellent vintage of wine they're serving here. But as the Lady says, it would perhaps be best to clothe you first," he says with a wry smile. "What's more, I'd appreciate the chance to satisfy my own lingering doubts if you don't mind. I hate to be so rude, and truly I would like to trust you. But I confess that I find myself uncertain whether I believe your story. If you will permit it, my Goddess will grant me the power to see any stain upon your soul. It would satisfy my doubts, and perhaps those of the Lady here as well." He turns back to Meadowbrook for a moment. "Which reminds me... might I enquire as to your name? I believe I know you by reputation, but that is hardly the same as a real introduction. I am Firen Stormsong." So saying, Firen bows once more.

Lord Wyrm said:
Nicos moves lke fog rolling across the moors, his stride is measured and silent. He drifts in between the patrons as a ghost as he moves for the stairs. He eyes glance out searching for magic in the tavern, like twin saphires they glint with intelligence and a hint of magic. He reaches the stairs and ascends. He comes to the hallway with sleeping quarters lining it. His eyes detect the faintest hint of magics from one room, they are fading quickly and he knows the activity that must of occured there. His hand reaches out and he raps on the door thrice.
"Do you happen to house any planar traveller's in there?" Nicos inquires, almost in jest, but still maintaining his complete calm.

Firen's bow is interruped by the arrival of this stranger, and he is immediately on guard. Looking swiftly round at the door he grimaces and steps away from Meadowbrook. "I would advise caution," he says in hushed tones. "Will you permit me to open the door? I would not have you risk yourself if this stranger proves to be ill-intentioned."

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Medowbrook: Half-Nymph/Female (Bard)

Meadowbrook nodded and waited for Voadam to signal he was ready. As she waited she glanced and smiled nervously towards the handsome Sunite hoping that if the worst happened that he would be there to protect her…

Meadowbrook rolls her eyes at the charming Sunite even as she finds herself wonder just how many dressed how found themselves on the floor from his silver tongue but when she faces him again she couldn’t help but smile at his roguish charm, nor could she resist showing her relief that at least one man would be out to protect her from harm, “yes, good sir, at the moment chastity is the reputation I would like to preserve and I’m afraid that a young Sunite bolding answering my door would soil my reputation more than me playing naked in a pile of mud, especially since I do not know his name, but fear not, I will be extremely careful in opening the door.”

The signal came quickly enough and Meadowbrook opened the door with a pleasant smile, though truthfully she was nervous, “I do,” Meadowbrook admited honestly enough, if he was here this quickly there was probably nothing to gain but trouble by lying, as she clung flirtatiously to the doorframe with a captivating smile, “but I would like to know who is asking…”

Lord Wyrm

First Post
Nicos looked into Meadowbrook's eyes, his own eyes were piercing and seemed to reach into the young bard's very soul, "I am Nicos Morieth."
The bard no doubt knew of Nicos's position within the city as a noble and Member of the Watchful Order, as well as his reputation as a diplomat and well-seasoned traveller. Nicos was hoping this knowledge would be his way in.

Voidrunner's Codex

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