The Faerie Woods [Knight Otu Judging]


After collecting and dividing most of the rewards from the foray into the burning tower, everyone enjoyed an evening of rest. Feeling refreshed, those who wish to continue on are assembling in front of the jewelery shop next door to Rilithorne's tower. It's about 10 AM, and from the sign indicating the hours the store is open you expect the Jeweler to open the door at any minute.

A larger sign reads "Gontor's Fine Jewelery."
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Nars is grinning from ear to ear, looking thoroughly pleased with himself. If anyone asks him why, he will show them his brand new shiny set of locksmith tools. He waits for someone with more grace to enter the jeweler's.
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Gorefoot - Gnome Barbarian 2

Gorefoot arrives shortly after Nars. He has a far away look in his eyes as he imagines the kind of damage he can do with that new sword he'll be getting. He doesn't see Nars and almost runs into him. With a start, Gorefoot looks at him, "Hello Nars, anyone else here yet?"


First Post
His cloak trailing in the early morning breeze, Morulas comes runs up to the waiting couple, skidding to a stop on the cobble street.

'Cormamin lindua ele lle, Aierae'² the elf greets them 'Nothing like heading on a trip out'a town, after chocking in that thrice-cursed smoke. Don't you think?'

'My trance this night was strangely troubled.. it's been too long since I've been out in the woods I guess.'
Morulas mumbles to himself

Turning towards the Jewelery's door, Morulas intends to knock but holds in with a sudden frown.
'Did you too hear those rumors about murder in the city? I sure hope fine Gontor will open his store after being robbed before and the city watch seemingly overcharged these days.'

My heart sings to see thee, little ones.
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Persephone walks up slowly, Fridley enjoying the morning air on her shoulder. She smiles broadly when she sees her friends. "Nars! Gorefoot! Morulas! You look well today." She gives everyone a hug. "I'm so glad you're all interested in this little adventure. I will miss Fant, so. How can any of the rest of us measure up to her as a leader. Still. We'll get by. And Ishmael will come. He has to to collect his little glaive. I'm sure he won't mind if we get started, though. If nothing else, I might have a look at his jewlry."

Persephone pushes open the door and goes in.


First Post
When Gorefoot arrives:
"Ah, careful there Gorefoot. Ya might knock me over. Haha"

When Morulas arrives:
"It is, ah, good to be out of that tower. I'm, er, used to the underground, but not being, er, pent up with wizards."
In answer to Morulas's question, he replies, "Aye." and mutters, "dark times"

When Persephone arrives:
Nars blushes as usual when hugged by Persephone. At mention of Ishmael, Nars has a revelation, "A human, elf, gnome, dwarf and our halfling's on the way. How 'bout that?"

When Persephone enters, Nars will follow. He will listen to what is said and when given permission, begin inspection of the shop hoping to find any clues left by the thieves.
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Persephone is momentarilly surprised to find the front door of the Jewelery store locked, but its only a short inconvenience.

An elderly Dwarf can be seen through the glass of the shop's window, he aproaches saying "Now, now, don't be in such a hurry, I'm coming to open the door."

A moment later, the door is opened, and the propietor ushers you inside.

"Welcome, welcome, I'm Gontor, very pleased to meet you." He immediately focuses his attention on Persephone. "My, my, what beautifull eyes you have, young lady. Yes, yes, I have some items that will compliment them wonderfully! You've certainly come to the right store, Miss, and I'll be happy to help you. Wait just a moment, there's a particular necklace I think you'll like..."


LEW Judge
As if on cue, Ishmael arrived a few moments after his name was spoken. This time the halfling was no one to look down on. The little Ishmael was mounted on a shaggy, scale-barded warpony, in the style of a knight but with less dignity and glory due to his size.

"Good day, everyone" he greeted them after dismounting. He gave a pat to his pony. "This is mine friend, Courage. He is slightly uncouth to strangers, but with time he shall warm up to thee all"

He tied Courage up to a nearby post, instructing the warpony to behave.

"Shall we begin the investigation?" He gestured toward the shop and entered after everybody else had.


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Gorefoot - Gnome Barbarian 2

Gorefoot looks uncomfortable as Persephone hugs him, but he bears it well. He quietly nods in agreement with Nars and Morulas about the murder. At Ishmael's suggestion that they begin, Gorefoot gives an affirmative grunt and heads into the store after Persephone.


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"oh Gontor. Thank you! I'd love to see the necklace. Oh. Well actually." She follows after the bustling dwarf. "We were over at your neighbor Rilithorn's yesterday. We were doing some work for him. With that fire, you see. Anyway, he mentioned that he'd noticed a theft by magical means. Are you missing a necklace, perhaps?"

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