D&D 5E The Fall of Blackmoor (IC)


OOC: As noted post #220, Ngoya is a full round away from being in long range (disadvantage) with her bow, assuming she spends her action this round taking the Dash action to get back to the others.

17A's weapon slices cleanly through the wasp hit by Jeremiah's crossbow, its severed halves landing a few feet from each other. The insect's parts twitch convulsively but it is no longer a threat.

The three remaining wasps swarm the construct, their stingers plunging toward the warforged.

Three wasp sting attacks - [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

Three wasp sting damages - [roll3] [roll4] [roll5]

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Steve Gorak

whatever that thing is, it's on our side Jacobim thinks to himself, as he concentrates to blast one of the wasps attacking the construct, closest to him.

Cast Eldrich blast

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