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The Fall of Plaguestone


Seeing the threat was done, the goblin woman smiled broadly. "Why, hello, hello. That was a bit of an unusual first meaning. But I had a feeling that was the right time to stop by. So who are we, and where are we going?"

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Etran’s Folly (Plaguestone)
Late Afternoon
Round 0

Silvi and Galahad examined the large wolf. It was dead, from the many blows it had taken from the others in the party. She couldn’t see any sign of disease on the wolf. When she pried its jaws open with a stick, the stick sizzled a bit, but she could see weird glands in the back of its throat that shouldn’t be there on a normal wolf. A poke with the stick sent out a spray of acid that hit a nearby tree and sizzled, eating through the wood.

OOC: Hiromi, I need an Athletics check from you. If you beat a DC 15, you are fine. The wagon needs to successful DC15 Athletics checks to move again without penalties. Trevor got 1.

Livinia, if Hiromi misses the DC 15, you are Fatigued since you also missed the DC 15. Hiromii will be Fatigued as well. You take a –1 status penalty to AC and saving throws. While exploring, you can’t choose an exploration activity. You recover from fatigue after a full night’s rest.

The heroes manage to grunt and push and force the wagon back onto the road. “Ah, guid, guid! Nae tae bad, I ‘ope,” Bort compliments. “We’ll get some guid food an’ a bed t’ rest in t’night at Plaguestone,” he reassured them. “Let’s get on the road again ‘fore we lose the light.”

It only took the caravan another hour to reach Etran’s Folly, and they still had a few hours before dusk. The wagons rolled to a stop in front of a building with a sign indicating it was called the Feedmill. It had the familiar structure of an inn and tavern.

Most of the simple wood-and-thatch homes in Etran’s Folly looked identical to one another and were in a similar state of disrepair. A number of the houses clearly looked abandoned, their roofs collapsed. As they passed through the middle of town, the wagons went around a large, flat, cylindrical, moss-covered rock standing 2 feet high, with a hole in its center and a bowl-shaped depression off to one side.

The teamsters secured the caravan for the night. “I’m gaein’ t’ make some rounds ‘round toon,” Bort said, “talk t’ me customers. Make yerselves at ‘ome in the Feedmill,” he told the party.



Silvi AC 13 HP 19/19
Trevor AC 18 HP 20/20
Galahad AC 18 HP 15/15
Hiromi AC 17 HP 17/17
Varen AC 18 HP 20/20
Lavina AC 19 HP 19/19
Jewel AC 16 HP 19/19

Party XP: 80


OOC: I was not trying to look at the big one. I was trying to look at the regular wolf that was knocked unconscious with daze.


OOC: Ah, okay. In that case, the wolf seems pretty normal. It seemed to have been following the pack leader, which was the acid wolf. Though I believe all the wolves got hacked up pretty well. Not sure if Daze knocks it out, though, as it does damage, too, which I don't recall seeing was nonlethal.


Hiromi had helped with the wagon, and it had been very difficult to get it going. She found that in spite of her fitness, she had pushed too hard. Now she was sore, and she wanted nothing more than a bath and to bed.

OOC: Hmm... Assurance 13 doesn't help much when the DC is 15. Athletics: 1D20+3 = [8]+3 = 11 Nor does rolling! Fatigue 1 for Hiromi and Livina.


Silvi is somewhat dismayed by the sight of all the dilapidated and and abandoned homes as they pass through town. "Well," she says to herself, "...at least they have this neat rock!" When they arrive at the Feedmill the gnome this time chooses to hop down from the wagon, landing on the ground with the tiniest thud. She wondered what sort of accommodations a tavern with such a workmanlike name might off. Silvi doubted she would be wowed, given the state of the town, but she could hope for the best! "Dibs on any local delicacies!" she exclaims as she hops once and rushes the door.


Lavine looks unusually tired after the effort, but doesn't shirk her duty; she stays on watch, for more wolves - acid-spitting or otherwise.


Etran’s Folly (Plaguestone)
Late Afternoon
Round 0

As the caravan members dismount from their wagons, a halfling woman approaches. “Edra Wythe, stable hand,” she introduced herself. Then she went over to the horses. “Oh, you poor beasties! You look so tired. Why don’t we get you some oats and water and some nice straw to lie in. Oh, and what’s this?” she fingered a wound where one of the horses had gotten bit by one of the wolves. The halfling tut-tutted as she led the horses around the side to the stable.

Moving inside, the Feedmill was rather simple. The tavern seemed to have a sort of general store attached to it, accessed through a side door near the front. There were few customers this early, barring one gigantic, brutish man with scars criss crossing his face. A small male goblin was serving him a plate of food, and fumbling with a jug of ale, trying to refill his cup. The man growled at the goblin and cuffed his ear when he spilled a bit, and yelled at him to get him some more bread. The goblin cowered and squeaked and hurried off, hurrying back just as quickly with the bread. The big man looked at the entering caravaneers with dark eyes and then returned his attention to his food.

Behind the bar was a middle aged human female. She was talking with a human male and another human female, who leaned against the bar. Both had a towel over a shoulder and held an empty tray, looking like servers.

The other occupant was a male half-elf who was tuning a lute in the corner -- or, at least, hopefully tuning, because if that was a song… The lute looked to be missing two strings, and his practice vocal pitches seemed a bit off.



Silvi AC 13 HP 19/19
Trevor AC 18 HP 20/20
Galahad AC 18 HP 15/15
Hiromi AC 17 HP 17/17 Fatigue 1
Varen AC 18 HP 20/20
Lavina AC 19 HP 19/19 Fatigue 1
Jewel AC 16 HP 19/19

Party XP: 80


Silvi approached the trio by the bar. Hopefully they would not have too much trouble noticing her as they employed another small person, the goblin. "Excuse me," she asks, "Do you serve anything here that is not quite like anywhere else? A local specialty?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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