The Fey, the Far, and the Ugly Space In Between


Otthor helps Saerie provide comfortable bedding and accommodations in the small home for her bear. Once done, he watches her lips and concentrates to slightly hear her words through the wax in his ears. They can both feel the wind buffet the small structure as the front of the storm reaches them. He opens the door and when they look outside, the wind blows the pairs long elven locks. The darkness outside foretells the oncoming of the ruinous storm they hoped to avoid.

Otthor looks at the mostly collapsed common building and the remains of the aberrant creature. Well, if it was indeed a creature...and not some kind of "alive colony" playing the role of a golem...protecting the harvested bodies while they gestated in their cocoons. He wasn't sure but he meant to find out more and make sure that those poor people didn't "come to life" if they were still in some kind of stasis or molting phase. He turns to Saerie so she can see his lips. "We have little time before that comes in. Find the dog and bring him back to us. Even if your theory is correct and he is deaf, perhaps its just age. Maybe you can still speak to and understand him as you do with other wild beasts." He points toward the common building. "I'm going there. With that storm, surely we're going to lose the tracks out of this place and to wherever the refugees went. Maybe I can find information on their path there. Besides, we're running low on supplies <he points to her waning quiver> and perhaps I can salvage something there." He pulls the remaining bundle of arrows from his quiver and places them Saerie's own quiver (2 Ammo to you @Binks ). "We can investigate that cellar in the morning."

He grabs his gear from a nearby table and turns to her again before he sets out. "Don't be alarmed when you see a fire. After I'm done there, I'm going to put the bodies of the poor settlers to rest...and my own mind."

I'm sure there is some kindling in here for a wood burning stove and/or the chimney. I assume there is some kind of dried goatskin, linens, or clothing that I can wrap around it? And perhaps some oil for a lantern? I just want to quickly make a short-lived torch to investigate the common building in this darkness.

Per Manbearcat
You find all of those materials in this structure. You can make a torch easily enough.

He leaves Saerie to her tracking and double times it toward the far end of the settlement and the ruined building.

Per Manbearcat
The foyer and the great room are completely open to the elements. The rafters and vaulted ceiling of the building have suffered about a 33 % collapse. Of the remaining 2/3, half again is threatening a collapse. The cold of the outside settles over everything. The gore of the slain "thing" is everywhere. There is no real smell associated with it and it seems to be liquifying in its decomposition fairly swiftly. The bodies are strewn here and there, their cocoons fully ruptured and "melting" like the rest of the mass. A simple glance reveals that these people are quite dead...or at least they certainly aren't alive in the normal sense of the word for humans or elfs.

By torchlight you can see the grizzly fate of the people all over the walls. Frozen, bloody swathes of skin, hair and other soft tissue mars the walls and floors. Entrails are spilled here and there. A hand, torn off at the wrist, is clutching an eyeball. It looks like the people literally tore each other apart. And then...through some unknown, macabre process, the dead assimilated into the disgusting collective mass that you slew before.

I'll get to that carnage soon enough. First things first. I step over shattered timbers, framing, gore and bodies so that I can better see what this building once housed. I'm looking for the following:

* A desk or any cabinetry that might house goatskin paper records that may serve to inform us of what happened here or where the refugees may have went.

* Supplies that may see us through the coming journey.

* Fuel, tender and any other means of turning this building into a fast-burning conflagration.

For supplies:

[sblock]Salvage (Int)

3, 5 + 3 = 11. 3 hold to spend 1 for 1. I'll grab 2 Ammo and 1 Adventuring Gear. I think we'll be ok with food for now...though I may regret that later![/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
Although the building is mostly ruined, there is a closet with enough supplies left that you can salvage a bit of functional gear.

You don't need to roll anything for your first * above. Its easily found. In a, still somewhat intact, office in the back, you find a fine-crafted pedestal desk with all of the paperwork from the settlement's governance and house-keeping. Its mostly a financial ledgers (including imported/exported goods and with whom), a logbook of grievances/petty offenses/restitution (this is extremely small), a government manifesto, a long calendar/account of the years, and a history of the seven families.

Treat it like 1 Use of a Bag of Books. You take + 1 when you Spout Lore about this settlement.

Jackpot. I'll roll them up, bind them carefully and place them in my pack. I'll study them this evening when we're tucked into our shelter and Saerie is caring for her bear. Trade partners in these highlands interest me. That is where the refugees would have gone.

I'll look for the means to burn this place down and ensure these people a final rest.

[sblock]Discern Realities (Wis)

4, 3 + 0 = 7. 1 question and + 1 forward when acting on it.

* What here is useful or valuable to me?[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
They host the entire settlement from time to time, so there is plenty of oil, liquor and dry tender to start an enormous, fast burning fire. Alright, how about a world move here for this:

[sblock]The Roof is On Fire
When you've got the means on hand and you want to burn a building filled with all manner of terribleness to the ground, roll + Con. On a 10 +, you're good. On a 7-9, choose only 1.

* The place burns to the ground along with everything in it.
* You don't attract unwanted attention.[/sblock]

Alright. I know very little of these humans' Gods. I invoke them generically the best that I can with some elven scripture that I'm familiar with. I then douse the place from stem to stern with the booze and oil, strategically placing the dry tender.

[sblock]The Roof is On Fire (Con)

1, 6 + 1 + 1 (forward from DR) = 9

I'll take the first one and deal with the consequences. The place burns to the ground.[/sblock]

I stand at the threshold and throw my torch to the trail of booze that I left. As the conflagration begins, I bring my nose to the bottle of human spirits out of sheer curiosity. A quick sniff burns my nose and my mouth and eyes open widely. Wow. In the Feywild, we use something that smells like this to seal and protect our woodwork against the elements.

I hustle back to the front of the settlement, where our small building lies. Hopefully Saerie returns soon with the dog. Hopefully she'll be glad to have more arrows in her quiver. Hopefully I learn something from these books. Hopefully...nothing terribly comes in the night to investigate the massive fire...

I think to myself "likely one hope too many..."


16/21 HP

6 xp

3 Adventuring Gear after the 1 I salvaged.

4 Rations after tonight.

1 Ammo. I gave Saerie the 2 Ammo I had remaining. I'll give her 1 of the two Ammo that I salvaged.[/sblock]

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He turns to Saerie so she can see his lips. "We have little time before that comes in. Find the dog and bring him back to us. Even if your theory is correct and he is deaf, perhaps its just age. Maybe you can still speak to and understand him as you do with other wild beasts." He points toward the common building. "I'm going there. With that storm, surely we're going to lose the tracks out of this place and to wherever the refugees went. Maybe I can find information on their path there. Besides, we're running low on supplies <he points to her waning quiver> and perhaps I can salvage something there." He pulls the remaining bundle of arrows from his quiver and places them Saerie's own quiver. "We can investigate that cellar in the morning."

He grabs his gear from a nearby table and turns to her again before he sets out. "Don't be alarmed when you see a fire. After I'm done there, I'm going to put the bodies of the poor settlers to rest...and my own mind."

I thank Otthor for the help in getting Rawr settled in and for the quiver-replenishing bundle of arrows. Before he leaves with his ominous last words regarding the fire, I relay my agreement with the plan. I will do everything I can to find the dog and bring her back with me.

I move to the last known spot where I saw the dog; the crest of the hill which overlooks the drop into the settlement. Somewhere beyond the now-open gates is where the the old canine currently lies. Depending on how terrified she was, which may be very, she would be either quite near or quite far. The snow is thick enough here that finding the spot where I last lost sight of her is a triviality. But to track the old girl down may be another thing entirely. The wind is already steadily picking up in the exposed tundra up here. I wrap my scarf over my face and pull my hood up over my head.

[sblock]Hunt and Track (Wis)

5, 3 + 2 = 10

I follow the creature’s trail until there’s a significant change in its direction or mode of travel. I also determine what caused the trail to end.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
The wind dries your eyes to the point of pain. Your training ensures that you easily pick up the odd lope of the dog, its gait clearly weary, hobbled by age and its recent torment. It must know the territory well as it appears to have made a go for a line of snowdrifts that it could dig into and hide behind as the gusts pick up speed.

When you spot her, she has dug into the side of the drift facing away from the wind. Laboring over the effort, her tongue is out as she is in full pant. She doesn't notice your presence and as you watch her, you can see the fear in her eyes and the hunger betrayed by her gaunt form.

I slowly get into her line of sight so as not to startle her. When she sees me, I'll carefully pull out some dried meat from my pack. I'll get down on all fours, assume a non-threatening posture, and entreat her to a free meal, given in good faith.

[sblock]Parley (Cha)

My leverage is food for the starving dog.

5, 1 - 1 = 5.

1 xp[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
Her ears perk up. The dog looks interested in your offering. However, if she is deaf she doesn't need ears to perceive the thundering herd of reindeer bearing down on you. She, like you, can feel it in the ground. Your mind is ushered back to the Winter Wolf's words regarding a maddened realm near the two great bodies of water in the highlands where "...herds of reindeer would stampede each other and tear each other, and themselves, to pieces." Whether they're simply running from the fury of the storm that is hot on their tails or deranged creatures intent on your harm is impossible to say at this distance (far, 10 creatures).

The scared dog abruptly bounds out of her carved hole and rushes to your position where she might see the obscured threat. When she sees what is on its way, she tucks her tail between her legs and runs in a circle behind you, looking to you with uncertain eyes.

The reindeer are closing fast.

I spend the shortest of moments evaluating the situation. I want to know if this herd is behaving normally or if they look like they're intent on harming us. Also, is the snowdrift a reasonable location to obscure is from the herd if we have to hide.

[sblock]Discern Realities (Wis)
6, 2 + 2 = 10

3 questions and + 1 forward when acting on the answers.

* What is about to happen?
* What should I be on the lookout for?
* What here is useful or valuable to me?[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat

1) The herd are bearing down precisely on your position. Its so tringulated that they either want the cover of the drifts, which would be odd, or they're coming after you specifically.

2) A predator behind them that they're running from or absolutely no fear when they near you. If they're of their right minds, these creatures are typically unnerved by humanoids.

3) The drift may just provide you enough cover to hide. The hole she carved out is really your ownly shot as you don't have enough time to fully carve out your own.

Knowing that making a stand out here against that herd would likely be foolhardy, I pick her up and rush to the drift. I widen the hole she made and we both get into it. When we're in, I collapse the roof of the hole, hoping the reindeer didn't spot our escape.

[sblock]Defy Danger (Dex)
2, 4 + 2 (+1 forward from DR) = 9

success but hard bargain, worse outcome, or ugly choice[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
In your efforts to hold the struggling dog to get her in the hole, she kicks your quiver which spills the majority of your arrows (leaving you with 1 Ammo remaining). You can gather them and make a stand before the beasts set upon you, or you can sacrifice them and get in your "hidey-hole." Your choice.

No question. Get in the hidey-hole with the dog and let the threat pass us by. I cringe when I hear the tell-tale snapping of arrow shafts as the herd tramples them underfoot. We get out when the herd passes fully.

Per Manbearcat
You've won the trust of the dog. She follows you back to the settlement. Your interactions with her reveal, quite clearly, that she is indeed deaf.

Otthor's blaze guides us back to the settlement with ease. When we get to the house we're camping in, I'll open the door and let the dog in before me so she can greet Otthor. Hopefully he is relieved to see the both of us in one piece. I gratefully accept the bundle of arrows that my friend hands me and if he asks about what happens to the ones he gave me earlier, I'll grimace and simply say "maddened reindeer...just as the Winter Wolf had said."

I ask him to help me settle the dog in, give her some food and look after her while I tend to Rawr. Its going to be a cold, rough evening so we both make bedding on the floor with the animals, using the collective body heat of our little pack to keep all of us warm.

I'll attempt to communicate with the dog tomorrow.

[sblock]Care for Rawr (Wis)
1, 3 + 2 = 6


1 xp[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
Rawr is as stubborn as ever. Your attempt to care for his hurt paw is arduous and somewhat futile. He rebuffs you repeatedly in the night, illiciting a roar of protestation that keeps you guys up. No one gets any rest and you're exhausted come the morning.


[sblock]You get no credit for Make Camp, meaning that Otthor gets no HPs back. Further, because of Rawr's cantankerousness, neither of you guys can use the Bolster move to get 1 Preparation for the coming day.[/sblock]

Doh. Sorry Otthor.


[sblock]21/21 HP

4 xp

4 Adventuring Gear.

4 Rations after tonight.

2 Ammo after the 1 Ammo Otthor salvaged.[/sblock]
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Doh. Sorry Otthor.

Thats ok. I think I can manage being down 1/4 HP for the next bit :uhoh:

On her return with the dog and the discussion of her waning quiver, I'll take the remaining arrows from my own quiver and place them into Saerie's. Whether she protests or not, I'll simply say "its a hundred-fold more important for us that you have arrows to string than for I to."

I'll do my best to comfort the dog. If I give her one of my four remaining Dungeon Rations, can I give Saerie a + 1 forward on her attempts to communicate (Parlay, whatever) with the dog tomorrow?

Per Manbearcat
Sure, that works.

So you're down to 0 Ammo and 3 Dungeon Rations now. Don't forget to adjust your Ammo to 3 Binks.

Since nobody is going to get any rest around here this evening, I'm going to pour over these letters, ledgers, histories, etc that I retrieved from the common building.

[sblock]Spout Lore (Int)
6, 2 + 3 + 1 (Bag of Books) = 12[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
I'll go ahead and tell you one thing that you find and you tell me another.

The most likely place that the refugees may have gone is to the realm of the Coldlands and their human barbarian tribes further north still. It is an unforgiving place in the highest points of these mountains. The journey northward is treacherous as all manner of predators claim the deep interior of this place. Its two days through barren tundra where hidden crevices claim lives just as often as exposure does. Then there is the day's climb of Averandox's Glacier, named for the White Dragon that claimed it centuries ago, which grants entry into the higher altitude Coldlands. The meltwater lake that the Winter Wolf told you about lies at its base. Only the most desperate, foolhardy, or prepared would make that trek.

The histories speak little of the barbarian tribes that claim that place as home. The primary mention is of one family, the Argoths, that was cast out some 20 years ago from this settlement. The patriarch of that family, Ranyon, was a viscous but brilliant man of no small size and stature who nearly died as a boy from a pox. One fateful winter, Ranyon Argoth had a dispute over goats with another man. Ranyon alleged that he leased the goats and a portion of his land so the man and his family could work off an owed debt. The other man alleged that the goats and land were sold to him fairly and that there was no debt.

The dispute was taken before the settlement's arbitrators. Due to lack of a physical contract and other confounding factors, they found in favor of the other man and ordered Ranyon co-sign a contract that they would write up. Enraged, he refused and a terrible fight broke out in which Ranyon nearly killed three men but lost an eye in the process. Within a fortnight, the the man in the dispute with Ranyon was found dead and his wife and daughter missing. Ranyon's large clan, 2 wives and 12 sons, had up and vanished. It is believed that they fled north to the Coldlands to be with the only other humans in these highlands.

Tell me one other thing you find out that will be useful.

There is an underground empire of frost goblins with a chieftain named Ornuck. Initially when the settlers came here, they fought back some rather meager raiding attempts by the goblins. Eventually, the goblin losses didn't make up for the few goats they were able to steal. As such, the settlers actually became trading partners with the goblins who had a valuable commodity of mushrooms; a delicacy almost impossible to find in such a remote place. However, the trading stopped abruptly about a 6 months ago and the raiding hasn't started up in its stead. No one knows why.

Its unlikely, but possible that the refugees fled underground to seek the aid of the frost goblins. There is a vast opening in the mountain face to the far north of here, simply called Earthmaw, that leads down to the dark depths of their underworld. The settlers and barbarians use that giant cavern as a safe haven against the cold, against the storms, and as the neutral sight where all three peoples can trade. Its possible that we could resupply there.

I'll relay what I find to Saerie and see what she thinks. Perhaps the dog will have some insight? In the morning, we'll go check out that cellar where the noise came from.
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Alright, going to treat this nights rest as end of session, so please handle that on your next turn. Obviously, you guys will have to corroborate on some of it. Please update your xp tally in your follow-up post.

[sblock]End of Session

When you reach the end of a session, choose one of your bonds that you feel is resolved (completely explored, no longer relevant, or otherwise). Ask the player of the character you have the bond with if they agree. If they do, mark XP and write a new bond with whomever you wish.

Once bonds have been updated look at your alignment. If you fulfilled that alignment at least once this session, mark XP. Then answer these three questions as a group:

* Did we learn something new and important about the world?
* Did we overcome a notable monster or enemy?
* Did we loot a memorable treasure?

For each “yes” answer everyone marks XP.[/sblock]

Each building of the settlement has a steeply pitched roof. This construction aids in the shedding of precipitation from the dwelling, ensuring no collapse due to weight of ice and snow. However, the structures shake something fierce in such blizzards, especially so when the wind-fields buffet the homes at a certain angle. Such was the case last evening. The howling of the wind, the groaning of the buildings framing, and the shaking of the structure coupled with Rawr's protests to make for a perfectly miserable night.

The few Zzzzzs that you guys did catch last evening are abruptly interrupted by the sounds of howling, growling, and snarling wolves. Interlaced with that, you hear a strange "sliding sound" and the familiar crunch of humanoid footfalls in deep snow. The "crunches" are diffuse, arising from several places in the settlement. You hear no spoken tongue, although that could be because of the proximity to your dwelling to the noises and the very likely reality that your walls are 3 feet deep (or more) in snow.

Rawr doesn't seem particularly interested. However, the dog perks up immediately and pans her head this way and that. She flattens her ears and wags her tail nervously as she looks at you both with fearful eyes.

What are you guys doing?


End of Session Move and xp

Bonds - None of my bonds have been resolved.

Alignment - "Slay a menace to the innocent." The dog was an innocent creature and the abomination was a menace to it. So, I'm going to say yes. 1 xp.

EDIT - Given that we now have an idea of what we're dealing with her, I'm going to switch my Alignment to another within the Good portfolio. I'll set my mind and determination toward the following vow: "Endanger yourself to combat an unnatural threat."

* Did we learn something new and important about the world?

Several things. We learned...

...something is affecting the highlands with madness and causing a murderous rage and transformation by way of cocooning or moulting.

...these things that are happening are centered around the two major bodies of water in the highlands.

...the sister settlement to Gilliad's Rest, World's End Bluff, lies on one of these bodies of water and has fallen prey to whatever is happening here.

...the vector for the madness spreading seems to be sound and hearing. It is an assemblage of deranged whispers followed by horrific whispers that work to take your mind.

...the refugees may have gone to a place called the Coldlands, the upper reaches of this highland realm. There are clans of humans there, amongst them is a former, outlaw member of this settlement.

...the Coldlands is also where a dark tower has recently been spotted. The timing of its discovery may relate to the madness infecting this place.

...entrance into the Coldlands requires passage through the territory of a White Dragon.

...the only other humanoids that we know of in this place are frost goblins. They were once friendly and traded with the people here. That inexplicably stopped not long ago.

...there is a grand opening into a mountain far in the interior called Earthmaw. All the peoples of this place used it as a neutral site for camping and trading.

1 xp

* Did we overcome a notable monster or enemy?

I think the abomination of World's End Bluff counts as a notable monster?

1 xp

* Did we loot a memorable treasure?


So that is 9 xp total now. One more till Level-Up move.

The few Zzzzzs that you guys did catch last evening are abruptly interrupted by the sounds of howling, growling, and snarling wolves. Interlaced with that, you hear a strange "sliding sound" and the familiar crunch of humanoid footfalls in deep snow. The "crunches" are diffuse, arising from several places in the settlement. You hear no spoken tongue, although that could be because of the proximity to your dwelling to the noises and the very likely reality that your walls are 3 feet deep (or more) in snow.

Rawr doesn't seem particularly interested. However, the dog perks up immediately and pans her head this way and that. She flattens her ears and wags her tail nervously as she looks at you both with fearful eyes.

With my face scrunched in an inquisitive manner, I slowly pet the dog to comfort it. There must be something within the effects of a wolf's howl that can penetrate her deafness. Perhaps she can actually "feel it" or maybe she can smell them. Creatures have a way for making up for the loss of one sense with the amplification of another. If her sense of smell is that strong, she may make a useful ally (Hireling!).

With all four of us huddled together for warmth, I'm surely close to Saerie. Somewhat concerned that the dog will begin whining and give away our position, I'll look at my friend and mouth very deliberately "...are you able to communicate with her to keep quiet?"

Brow still furrowed in concentration to hear through the wax in my ears, I stand up and begin to equip myself. Its so cold that every move pains my fingers. It registers little though. I move to the boarded up window and place my ear to it. Though we've heard none yet, I'm listening for and trying to make out any spoken tongue or the nature of voices that speak it.

Per Manbearcat
You guys take - 1 ongoing to Discern Realities solely with hearing while the wax is in your ears.

[sblock]Discern Realities (Wis)
4, 4 + 0 - 1 = 7

1 question and + 1 forward when acting on it.

* Who’s really in control here?[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
You strain to hear through your covered ears. The slight crunching moves in your direction as you suddenly hear the growling and snarling of two wolfs who begin to attack each other not far from the door to your dwelling. The stark crack of a whip cuts the air. A smallish, but rough and edged, voice of a recognizable pitch admonishes the creatures just outside. It speaks the goblin tongue. You know enough of it to make it out.

"DOWN! You'll have the bones on these people to gnaw on soon enough..."

I'll look back at Saerie to measure her response and if there is none, I'll quietly mouth "Goblins." I'll nod to her gear on a table nearby. I creep over to the chimney so the floorboards don't creak. I'm wondering if Saerie could shimmy up there. It would make a nice little sniper's nest if it comes to that... :)
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Just going to use [MENTION=6781356]Tecklenburg[/MENTION]'s format and stuff discovered:

End of Session Move and xp

Bonds - None of my bonds have been resolved.

Alignment - "Break an unjust law to benefit another."

Not yet!

* Did we learn something new and important about the world?

Several things. We learned...

...something is affecting the highlands with madness and causing a murderous rage and transformation by way of cocooning or moulting.

...these things that are happening are centered around the two major bodies of water in the highlands.

...the sister settlement to Gilliad's Rest, World's End Bluff, lies on one of these bodies of water and has fallen prey to whatever is happening here.

...the vector for the madness spreading seems to be sound and hearing. It is an assemblage of deranged whispers followed by horrific whispers that work to take your mind.

...the refugees may have gone to a place called the Coldlands, the upper reaches of this highland realm. There are clans of humans there, amongst them is a former, outlaw member of this settlement.

...the Coldlands is also where a dark tower has recently been spotted. The timing of its discovery may relate to the madness infecting this place.

...entrance into the Coldlands requires passage through the territory of a White Dragon.

...the only other humanoids that we know of in this place are frost goblins. They were once friendly and traded with the people here. That inexplicably stopped not long ago.

...there is a grand opening into a mountain far in the interior called Earthmaw. All the peoples of this place used it as a neutral site for camping and trading.

1 xp

* Did we overcome a notable monster or enemy?

I think the abomination of World's End Bluff counts as a notable monster?

1 xp

* Did we loot a memorable treasure?


So that is 6 xp total.

I take a look at the animals, the dog's agitation and Rawr's ill temperment from his wounds, and quickly move to the chimney to shimmy up, confirm what I can see and then, shimmy back down.

Per Manbearcat
You don't need to DD for this. Nothing is really pressing, at stake here so nothing interesting is going to come out of it.

You're work your way up to the top and quietly swivel the chimney flu. The snow is icy and cold and the sound of the whipping wind is present, even with your wax-laden ears. Locking your feet on either wall, you have quite the vantage point and snipers nest, just as Otthor had mentioned. When you pick above the crown of the chimney, you can see several frost goblins scattered about the settlement. 9 in total. Amongst their numbers are three teams of wolves pulling sleds, perhaps 15 wolves. They're all getting very feisty. Most of them are poking around the ruined, smoldering, smoking remains of the common building. A few are on top of the cemetary's hill, investigating the hardness of the ground, seemingly with a mind to excavate the graves for whatever they might be able to pillage.

A few others are rummaging around the central courtyard area, trying to keep the agitated dogs from ripping each other apart, clearly falling prey to whatever fell enchantment that claimed this place.

I shimmy back down, quietly closing the flu. I approach Otthor and let him know what I saw up there. We're both very familiar with the viciousness of goblins due to our relations with Nachtur, the goblin realm in the Feywild. However, the Great Gark that rules there has sent diplomatic envoys to the Summer Fey as well as the dark fey of our home world. From the letters Otthor recovered, it appears that the people of this place once had relations amenable enough with these goblins to warrant trade. Perhaps they can be reasoned with or maybe they can be a source of information if nothing else. I move in close to his ear so he might hear me.

"Speak to them but keep your sword hand ready. I won't alloy them to despoil these graves and I trust them as little as you do...but perhaps we each have something the other wants. Certainly they know of the curse that plagues these lands. We know not where it comes from, but we know how to deal with it. It may be helpful to them lest their team of wolves tear each other apart, or them, and leave them stranded far from home."

With a grimace I say "I'm sorry my friend, but you're going to have to endure the biting whispers once more to do this. The goblins won't let you get very close for parlay...

I turn to the animals and put my hands on them to steady their nerves. I'll stroke them and speak to them through my primal magic and give them nonverbal instructions to be still and quiet, empathically relating it to them in their bestial manner.

[sblock]Defy Danger (Wis)
3, 5 + 2 = 10[/sblock]

As I rise, I'll refer to the animals. "They will remain here so as to not unnerve our visitors." I smile a casual smile and point to the chimney, letting him know that I'll have him well covered up there. With that, I'll shimmy back up, rotate the flue on its access and, get back in my perch and survey the scene. I'll say a quick elven prayer, set arrow to bowstring and wait. I'm watching the goblins very, very closely. When Otthor engages them in parlay, I'm going to get a read on their mannerisms, positioning, postures. If anyone gets nervy and looks to rise weapon to attack or begins to subtly, or not, circle to flank, my arrow will fly freely.

[sblock]Discern Realities (Wis)
2, 4 + 2 = 8

* What is about to happen? + 1 when acting on the answers.[/sblock]


I move to the lit oil lamp and put one ear and then the other over it, letting its warmth melt the protecting wax.

[sblock]Defy Danger (Wis)
5, 5 + 0 = 10.[/sblock]

When the incomprehensible whispers and disturbing images return, I take a deep breath, hold it, and concentrate deeply on pushing them out of my mind. My training and strength of will proves the better.

I test the door. When the weight of the heavy snow stacked up against the dwelling proves significant, I give it everything I've got.

Per Manbearcat
You don't need to roll DD (Str) here unless you want to attempt to not announce your presence to the frost goblins and their wolves. Otherwise, there is no urgency nor any stakes involved. While the snow is stacked 3-4 feet high, with enough effort you're able to make enough clearance to squeeze your body out sideways.

I'm not trying to be stealthy here. I'm going to announce my presence as soon as I get out anyway so if whether they notice me later or hear me me leaving this particular structure is of no concern to me. If it comes to blows, they'll locate Saerie's position quickly enough anyway after several of their number drop dead.

Let me know who looks at me and if they have any overt response to my sudden presence. The first thing I'm going to do is put my hands in the air, well away from my weapon belt, signifying that I wish to parley. I'd like to locate the ranking member, or an obvious priest or the largest if no rank is immediately clear.

[sblock]Discern Realities (Wis)
4, 3 + 0 = 7

1 question and + 1 forward when acting on it.

* Who’s really in control here?[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
All but two of the light-blue skinned goblins turn their heads to regard your noisy egress from the wood cabin. The remaining two are frantically working to separate the frenzy of the five wolves that are trying to rip each others' throats out. If they let go of the wolf's collar in either hand, they're likely to lose the hand.

The rest of them regard you coldly (pun...maybe intended). The two on the hill of the cemetary stop their efforts of breaking the frozen soil but don't exchange their spades for their spears. The two who are attempting to pull the boards from the structure nearest to you (near keyword) cease with their prying efforts, put their spears out before them defensively, but do not advance.

The farthest three looking through the smoking ruins of the common building, including a hobgoblin of human-size (surely the leader of this band) bearing a well-worn spear as long as a man, immediately make note of your appearance. The two goblins flanking him assume a defensive position in front of him, their spears crossing his torso and shields forming a protective wall. He immediately pushes through them with ease and begins casually walking toward you. They rush after him with wordless protests.

I'll let him walk until I can see the whites of his eyes (Near), hoping my meager understanding of the goblin tongue and sincere attempt to parley stop his advance. With my limited mastery of the language, I'll attempt to use words expressing that "I seek parley" and that "I can help them settle their wolves."

[sblock]Parley (Cha)
1, 1 + 1 + 1 (forward from DR) = 4...

Leverage: The knowledge of how to end their wolves' savagery.

marked 1 xp[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
You have a sneaking suspicion that this tribe's dialect is much different from that of the Feywild goblins. None of them seem to acknowledge a single world of what you said and there is a hint of lack of understanding. The large Hobgoblin seems unimpressed and doesn't stop at your words. His advance picks up pace and his smallish guardians, if you can truly call them that, double-time it to stay with him. He stops a mere ten feet from you, cuts a line in the snow halfway between you and he with the tip of his spear, and speaks. "Ours. Trespassing. Gift. Quick Death." His gesticulations are fairly intensive and, although he says a whole lot more than those five words, that is all that you can make of it. He pulls on his leather jerkin with one hand and points at you with his spear in the other when he says the words "gift" and "quick death" in the goblin tongue.

Two of the other four goblins begin to advance on your position, shortspears in their hands. The two preoccupied with the 5 wolves continue their efforts. The remaining two move to their respective sleds and begin to unhook the wolves hitched to them.

I'll wait for arrows to send this guy's flanking guards to the afterlife before I challenge him to a duel for the lives of his group. If he refuses, every one of them will die today. @Binks ?
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I'll wait for arrows to send this guy's flanking guards to the afterlife before I challenge him to a duel for the lives of his group. If he refuses, every one of them will die today.

I know it would be pretty dramatic to put one right between each of those guys' eyes and watch them slump to the floor, but I'm thinking it would stretch my abilities to the max to pull that off. Those guys are well armored, trained warriors, and don't pose the threat that the two guys in the back running to unhitch the wolves do. I will, however, get their attention.

With Camouflage, I'll definitely be attacking these guys at range with surprise. So...

[sblock]Called Shot on one of the light armored goblins running to one of the sleds to unhitch the wolves.

I'm not going to risk anything here with a roll. Just automatic d8 damage. 6 damage - 1 armor = 5.[/sblock]

I'm sure he's dead.

I let loose the first arrow. As it cuts through the air, I whistle loudly, making sure to draw their attention to myself and to the deadly draw of my bow. When I confirm the first goblin heading to a sled to unhitch the wolves is dead, another arrow will immediately be free from my bowstring and into the air.

[sblock]Volley (Dex) on the second goblin running to the other sled.
4, 5 + 2 = 11.

d8 damage. Crap. Only 2 damage - 1 armor = 1 damage.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
Save for Otthor's and the two goblins trying desperately to handle the rabid wolves, all eyes in the settlement turn to you at the hum of your arrows and your shrill whistle cutting the air.

They quickly turn their attention to the flight paths of your arrows and see the first goblin dead in a heap. Their eyes are naturally drawn to the second goblin awkwardly sprinting through the knee-deep snow, desperately seeking the cover of the sled and the rigging so he might free their wolves. Your second arrow clips him in the hip, but his leather jerkin and his adrenaline is sufficient to the task of keeping him upright and on the move. He flails an athletic abomination of a diving somersault, all untucked knees and elbows, goblin head over goblin feet. Nonetheless, he makes it to the sled, pivoting to get a handle on the rigging and to gain some cover from your deadly spray of arrows.

You've got one last shot before those 5 wolves are loose, but he's now put the sled between you and his small form. You're going to have to move from your sniper's nest, to the ground and strafe to the right to get line of sight on him. I'll move the fiction forward after this go.

I scrunch my nose and furrow my brow as I pull the same trick I did yesterday against the Perytons. I leap from my chimney perch, slide down the steep roof and hit the ground running. A few quick steps to my right later, I look down my line of sight as another arrow flies from my quiver to my bowstring and toward the goblin.

[sblock]Volley (Dex) on goblin trying to unhitch the wolves from the sled.
4, 3 + 2 = 9

Hrmmm. Can't afford the Ammo loss nor risk the - d6 damage. I'll roll normal damage and choose:

You have to move to get the shot placing you in danger as described by the GM.

6 damage - 1 armor = 5.[/sblock]

That should kill him. Tell me what kind of trouble I get myself into and where I end up.

Tell me what kind of trouble I get myself into and where I end up.

The two frost goblins who were attempting to pull the boards from the structure nearest to you had ceased their prying efforts and put their spears out before them defensively at Otthor's emergence from your dwelling. When you made your leap from the roof's eave and strafed for line of sight of your, now slain, second goblin target, they quick-stepped toward you, realizing that the fight is now on. You're now in melee range (close) of their short spears/javelins. They begin to circle you immediately. [sblock]They will be FG1 and FG2.[/sblock]

If you want to high-tail it out of their or drop your bow and draw your weapons, you're going to need to Defy Danger as they're upon you.

Over where the two frost goblins are frantically trying to get their unhitched wolves under control, things go from bad to worse (for them). One of the two goblins loses control of one of the wolves and it tears into the flesh of his forearm. He instinctively, and foolishly, lets go of the other wolf to try to wrench the muzzle of the wolf from his arm and the other wolf topples him. The two quickly take his throat.

At this grizzly turn of events, his partner gives up. He pushes the two wolves that he is trying to separate from one another and draws one of the javelins from his back. Putting it up defensively before him, he begins to back up quickly toward the middle of the settlement to where his leadership is engaged verbally with Otthor. [sblock]He will be FG3.[/sblock]

The wolves aren't interested in feeding, however. They appear to just want to bathe their muzzles in blood and gore. Two of them begin tearing into each other. In a collection of low growls and pitched barks, the other three begin to sprint after the goblin toward the central yard of the settlement (and the goblin leadership and Otthor). The terrified frost goblin and the wolves are closing, but not terribly quickly due to the depth of the snow. [sblock]They will be W1, W2, and W3.[/sblock]

The other ten wolves are making a terrible noise and straining fiercely to escape, but they are hitched to their sleds for now.

In the central yard, violence is about to break out as well. Once the shooting commenced and first blood was drawn, the hobgoblin and his two guards assume a phalanx. If they register the movement of their ally sprinting for them, wolves in hot pursuit, they don't shift the shield wall to protect that flank. They're focused directly on you Otthor and advance on, the hobgoblin thrusting his spear (Reach range) over the top of them and toward your throat. You're going to need to Defy Danger. [sblock]This is out of the melee range of the the two guards (which is Close, just as yours), so there won't be any + 2 to damage for them. If you want to close to melee for you (Close) or get out of Reach range afterward, you can do so, no problem. The hobgoblin will simply be HG while the guards will be G1 and G2.[/sblock]

Of note, the hobgoblin leader and his two guards are akin to better armored versions of peltast skirmishers of ancient Greece. They bear shields strapped to their arms with a pair of throwing javelins clenched in the fists bearing those shields. In their main-hands, the guards have short spears while the larger hobgoblin has a full-sized spear.

Otthor's relative position to everyone else is:

1) Reach with HG and G1 and G2.
2) Near to Saerie and FG1 and FG2
3) Far to FG3 and W1, W2, and W3.

Saerie's relative position to everyone else is:

1) Close with FG1 and FG2
2) Near to HG and G1 and G2.
3) Far to FG3 and W1, W2, and W3.

* You guys are both Near to two structures (the one you slept in and the one just a little ways away.
* The ground is covered in snow up to either your chins, your knees, or thighs depending on any given location, and may be treacherous.
* All 3 sleds are Far from you on the other side of the central yard.
* The primary potable water source of this place is meltwater runoff collected in an artificially created, large stone reservoir with raised sides so the animals can't get into it. It is well snowed and iced over but is in this central yard and is Near to everyone.

Each of you roll your DD and tell me what you're doing.


Each of you roll your DD and tell me what you're doing.

Before I do that, I want to resolve something else. As I'm engaging them and the situation escalates, I'm thinking on what I know from my tenacious studies on war theory during my training and on the knowledge I've gleaned from this world in the last few years here with Saerie. I know of two Gods that warring humanoids would serve here. The Lord of Battle and Storms, Kord. The tyrannical God of War and Conquest, Bane. Hobgoblins typically serve the latter. I'm looking at their shields or the hobgoblins armor for any signs of which God this clan reveres. I'm then thinking on how I might provoke a rite of challenge in either of that religion. I'm hoping to invoke this and either force him into single combat or undermine his credibility with the troops under him if he refuses.

[sblock]Discern Realities (Wis)
2, 5 + 0 = 7

Who is really in control here (from a god perspective). Take + 1 forward when acting on the answers.

Spout Lore (Int)
4, 1 + 3 (+1 for martial tradition and + 1 for DR) = 10

The GM will tell you something useful on the subject.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
Their wood and animal hide roundshields have crude, hand-painted symbols of a sword with a fist balled around a thunderbolt as the hilt and crossguard. Telltale sign of Kord, the Lord of Battle.

There are many rites of challenge in that religion and, lucky for you, most involve nonverbal communication. Typically its stuff like:

* drawing of one's own blood and symbolically letting it drop on the ground where the battle is to commence

* calling out a foe directly and exhorting him to accept the challenge as the Lord of Battle is always sitting in judgement of valor and cowardice.

Etc, etc. Make it up, tell me where you learned it, and lets see how the dice fall. You still need to Defy Danger!

I've trained with wooden practice swords as hard as steel since I was a child. My forearms and shin bones are iron due to the constant barrage on them. I give the hobgoblin and his goblin troopers a show of strength, will and martial prowess becoming of a member of their faith.

[sblock]Defy Danger (Str)
6, 6 - 1 = 11[/sblock]

As the spear comes in for my throat I wait until the very last moment before it hits me. I then throw my head to the side and slam my forearm down upon the shaft of the spear. I corral it so that when he attempts to extract it, I come with it and we're face to face.

I stare into his eyes and look at him grimly. Still no weapon drawn I throw my scarf free and pull the coif of my fine elven mail down. I abrade the skin of my neck with the sharpened edge of his spear. I step back, letting the warm blood flow. I reach up to wet my hand with it and then flick it sharply on the ground before me so the snow is reddened at our feet. I slowly draw my sword and bring it to the sky, invoking the Storm Lord in their tongue the best I can, and challenge the hobgoblin to a trial by combat so we may find who is more revered in Kord's eyes.

This is an improvised version of the same ritual I've seen time and time again while on recon missions in Nachtur, the goblin kingdom in the Feywild. Bleeding the neck is key because it is so close to the carotid. It shows bravery and willingness to die for the right to prove the better.

Obviously I'm challenging him to a duel, so...

[sblock]Throw Down the Guantlet (Cha)
5, 5 + 1 = 11

If he doesn't accept, GM chooses 2 of 3

* You take +1 ongoing against them until they defeat you
* They lose the respect of their peers and underlings
* They retreat[/sblock]


Per Manbearcat
The Hobgoblin stares back at you with hatred...and suddenly fear. You can see he doesn't want to accept the challenge as he skittishly glances to the left and right to see his subordinates clearly waiting for him to step forward and battle you in solo combat. They even lower their shields and weapons, effectively rendering the phalanx impotent.

When he doesn't accept and demands that they raise their shields and attack with their spears, tbey both erupt in scathing protest in their tongue. They clearly don't want to blaspheme and prevent the Storm Lord the opportunity to judge their battle captain.

The oncoming wolves and the wailing goblin they are chasing alleviates the situation from further escalation. The two goblin members of the former phalanx shuffle through the snow, let their goblin companion pass through and then immediately make a shield wall to defend against the wolves. The lupine creatures throw themselves against the goblin's protection and yelp when the are brutishly repelled.

The Hobgoblin captain turns to you, knowing he cannot retreat and that he has lost the respect of his underlings. The only way to win them back is to slay you.

He steps forward and assumes a battle stance.

[sblock]Obviously I've chosen the first 2. You can do one move here and then stop as we have to get to Binks. You're at Close range. His armor is 3. His damage is b[2d8] for his counters.[/sblock]

I immediately become a blur of spins and a torrent of diagonal slashes and follow-ups.

[sblock]Flawless Bladework (Int)
4, 1 + 3 (+ 1 OG from TDtG) = 9

Deal damage and apply one technique. Damage is only 2, so less his 3 armor is 0.

Torrential: Your attack ends with a flurry of strikes that your opponent must dedicate effort to blocking or avoiding. If they instead attack you in response to your attack, deal your damage again (this does not apply techniques).

His damage to me is 1, 4. So 4 - 2 armor = 2 damage to me.

My counter due to Torrential is 6 - 3 armor = 3 damage to him.[/sblock]

We're locked in a dance of death, spear and sword both wetted. My attacks are initially cut short by his proficient shield-work, but when he mounts an effective but futile counter, he pays for it with a gash across his spear arm, severing his thick leather armor. The white snow reddens further.


Now that we've crossed swords and I have a feel for this guy's speed, agility and the rudiments of his combat routines, I'd like to get a feel for what he is going to do next.

[sblock]The Riddle of Steel (Wis)

When you cross swords with a humanoid opponent, gain +1 forward to discern realities about them. In addition, you may add the following to the list of questions you can ask:

  • What is this person about to do?
  • What emotion drives this person?
  • What is this person trying to hide?

5, 2 + 1 = 8

1 question and + 1 forward when acting upon the answer. I'm going to ask "what is this person about to do?"[/sblock]
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