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The Fifth City - Chapter 1: The Gathering


Queen of Everything
Arms out to either side of her Amisi confidently pushes her way through the crowd, swinging her hips as she goes, assuming her new friends are following.

"I believe Lord Clarion is busy at the moment," with a warm smile she says sweetly, "Is there something we can help you with? We can be quite accommodating."

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure

the emotion is unmistakeable in Marcus' voice, his eyes become narrow slits. but keeping the peace is his job, so he takes in the situation and asks, "Gentlemen, whats going on here?"


Korgon arrives with everyone else, he had actually slowed his walk to keep pace with the others, he could slip through a crowd like a fish through a net. He is sizing up the man as Amisi takes the lead and engages the man in dialogue. Korgon gives a snort of approval, that worked perfectly. At the back of the crowd, Korgon slips over the side of the docks and begins to make his way under the dock towards the ship. Rather than swimming he reaches out and grips the pilings and pulls himself through the water as it would be quieter and just as quick. Not that he was likely to be heard over the hubbub of the crowd below.


Felix takes a moment to size up the situation. As Amisi has taken the lead in speaking, he merely adopts an air of calm keeping his hands empty and taking a non-threating pose a little to the side. He commends the guards on their efforts softly, "Very good, the last thing this guy needs is an audience." He smiles benignly at fellow with the dagger and examines the Elf hostage for signs the fellow might do something rash and checks out the crew members huddling behind them wondering what they might be thinking as well.

OOC: [sblock]Sense motive for Felix is +6 and Diplomacy is +5. He wants to get a read on the various parties in the situation and support any attempts at diplomacy by Amisi. In these situations would you prefer we roll or just give you our bonus?[/sblock]


OOC: If you want to augment any bit of roleplaying with an appropriate skill check, please do so. I may also call for a skill check at times as well. Felix, go ahead and roll Sense Motive. Korgon, please roll Stealth. Amisi, please roll Diplomacy. Marcus, please roll Perception.

The hostage taker holds the knife a little closer, "Oh no, not you. You just keep your damn magic to yourself, black-coats!"

Black-coats is a derogatory term for members of the Corps of Magi, referring to their usual attire. Black-coats is often used by those who believe the Corps is an all-seeing "big brother" bent on usurping the free will of "ordinary" folks and/or deposing the rightful monarchy and putting itself in power.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Not really much of a personality as the soldier has already assessed, Marcus the 'black coat' stands at the ready to keep the peace. He is not too fond of the blood thirsty elves, But no laws were broken by them - yet. He will consider the options of taking down the knife wielding man.

prepare to cast Magic mssile


Queen of Everything
OOC: If you want to augment any bit of roleplaying with an appropriate skill check, please do so. I may also call for a skill check at times as well. Felix, go ahead and roll Sense Motive. Korgon, please roll Stealth. Amisi, please roll Diplomacy. Marcus, please roll Perception.

The hostage taker holds the knife a little closer, "Oh no, not you. You just keep your damn magic to yourself, black-coats!"

Black-coats is a derogatory term for members of the Corps of Magi, referring to their usual attire. Black-coats is often used by those who believe the Corps is an all-seeing "big brother" bent on usurping the free will of "ordinary" folks and/or deposing the rightful monarchy and putting itself in power.

"Who said anything about magic? All we're doing is talking. So far, we're all friends here," she smiles calmly. "Why don't you tell us how we can help."

OOC: Diplomacy (1d20+10=22)

Is IC okay or would you prefer all rolls from EN?


OOC: Don't forget about that Perception check, Scott DeWar. ;) As for which die roller to use, Invisible Castle is groovy. Its what I use.

Korgon makes his way to the other side of the elven transport unseen but not unheard. The rest of the elven crew, known for their keen ears, glance in his direction as he emerges from the water, but say nothing. The hostage taking human does not notice him, however.

His attention is focused on Amisi, "You can help by getting Lord Clarion down here! There's things he needs to know. About the elves! About the war! About everything!"

Felix's keen sense for people tells him that the hostage taker is a veteran of the elf/human war. He speaks like a soldier, a man whose seen too much death. He's sweating and obviously scared, but feels he's gone too far to turn back. The elves are harder to read. The one being held at knife point is being careful not to make any sudden moves, but none of the elves are showing any fear...but that's not unusual for an elf. During the war, it was said that an elf could stare death in the eye and not blink.

Voidrunner's Codex

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