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D&D 5E The Fifth City - Episode 1: The Gathering


OOC: [MENTION=8058]Queenie[/MENTION] and [MENTION=48394]pathfinderq1[/MENTION] are you still with us?

The ruffians scramble a bit to get out of Korgon's way, with their leader, the scarred and sunburnt fellow who had done most of the talking at the docks snarls, "Watch yourself, oaf!" The group quickly moves to surround Korgon.

Ambassador Mollari rolls his eyes dramatically, "There is always an assassination being planned somewhere in this city, my friend. Dragonborn plotting to kill tieflings. Tieflings plotting to kill dragonborn. Tieflings plotting to kill each other. If some plot or another hasn't reached my ears by the end of the day, I really start to worry because then only the competent assassins are at work. Ha! Why, just this morning...well, afternoon, I suppose, but morning for me, some fool threatened to kill me at the gambling table. If it weren't for a compassionate fellow named...what was his name? Varner, I think. Yes, that's it. Varner. If it weren't for him offering to pay the fool off, I might be dead this very moment. A tribute to your species, that Varner fellow."

"Well, I am glad that Vamer could help. I'd hate to have to investigate your murder." He gives a wry smile at this last. "The plottings of Tieflings and Dragonborn are indeed well known, but in this case I have been tasked with protecting the arrival of a Deva ambassador. It would not do to have them assassinated on my watch. If anything related to the Devan Ambassador's arrival were to reach your ears I would be in your debt should you bring it to my attention." As the commotion begins Felix makes his apologies. "I am sorry to rush off, but it seems I may be needed in my official capacity." He begins to move toward the commotion.

OOC: Does Felix know who Varner is?
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Queen of Everything
With no small hesitation, Rhal nodded at the ambassador, turned on his heel and walked back to the table. As he took his seat, he waved down a member of the staff and called for a sweet elven sherry.

"Amisi. I would be honored if you would speak to our ambassador. He is called G'Kar,"
he said, his lips pulled back to reveal his teeth. "Though he has asked me to ply you with drink first. As if bonds between people are made stronger by taking away the senses of one party... I have called for an elven sherry. Harmless, but keep your wits."

Rhal was unlikely to ever redeem himself to the Kha'Ri, and it seemed G'Kar would like to make him think otherwise, or at least use Rhal's precarious situation for his own (and his people's own) benefit. None of this was distasteful to Rhal, but pushing alcohol on a human was taking an advantage he felt went too far.

Amisi looks at Rhal's sharp looking teeth and tries not to squirm. "Of course I shall go with you my new friend, it will be my pleasure to speak with your ambassador. Tis my job to do so. And of course I never go anywhere without my wits! But I wonder why he wants me to have a drink first..." She scrunches up her nose as she tries to work through her own question. It's obvious her wits have left her for the evening. When the sherry show up Amisi gladly takes a sip, the displeasure of alcohol lessening slightly, "This is better than that awful grog Korgan gave me. Much better. Thank you Rhal." She puts her hand on his arm as she drinks in a gesture of thanks, or perhaps she's holding herself steady. "Let us go meet with your friend. What is his name again?"


"G'Kar," asnwered Rhal, eyeing Amisi's hand on his arm. He was about to offer her a way around the engagement - seeing as she clearly wasn't fit for debate or civil agreement, but Rhal was pulled out of the moment by Amisi's hand. Her hand on his arm. It was startling... so warm and energetic, his scales stood on end. Had a human ever touched him before? He couldn't remember a time. 'Born weren't taken with physical acts of affection, they didn't hug or hold hands or clap shoulders. Here was this human, treating him as one of her own. Not revolted by his cold scales or strange ways, only including him as a friend.

Rhal stared at the hand for a moment, imprinting the moment on his mind.


Queen of Everything
Amisi looks up at Rhal's face, studying his pause, looking for emotion. She furrows her brows, unable to interpret. "Are you alright? Come," she tugs on his arm, "Let us go meet G'Kar. I am sure it will be fine." She tugs again, trying to pull him towards his ambassador.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Markus lets a small curl on the corners of his mouth to grow as he watches Amisi and Rhal. "So, an irresistible force meets an unmovable object."


Despite his reptilian appearance, Amisi sees a familiar hunger in the eyes of the dragonborn ambassador. She'd seen it in many men, though G'Kar's eyes held a predatory glint that was unsettling, "Ah, welcome, yes, sit, my dear." He stands and pulls out a chair for Amisi.

"Thank you for joining me this fine evening. Allow me to get straight to the point. My people, as you may know, do not have mages of our own. We are forced to rely on our priests or hire arcane practitioners of other races when we have need of magic. The leaders of my people have empowered me to seek, shall we say, alternatives. Among those alternatives is an effort to reintroduce the magic spark into my race's bloodlines. Now, in exchange for your assistance, my government is prepared to offer you a substantial reward in riches, a veritable palace on an island near the dragonborn home island, and whatever else your heart desires. In exchange, we ask that you...well, share your blood with us. There's the overly clinical method, where we'd extract some of your blood and analyze it and have our priests try to duplicate it...all very boring. I think the direct mating approach would be much more preferable, wouldn't you agree?"

Meanwhile, the scuffle in the center of the tavern abates as the ruffians note Felix's approach. The scarred leader points at Korgon and says to Felix, "This buffoon started it. Arrest him I says."

Uninvolved and therefore a bit more alert to goings on, Lenya and Markus note that N'Grath is watching the scuffle intently, concern causing his hyena-ish features to crease, making him look like a mangy pug.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
N'grath is who Marcus is most attentive to. He glances around to see who else is watching him. If he is up to something, others may very well be associated to him, and watching too.
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Queen of Everything
Amisi knew she should feel paranoid, and the thought that this actually had something to do with her past, her family and upbringing, all were thoughts that briefly flitted through her pretty little head before perishing there. She looked to Rhal briefly, wondering if he was in on this plan from the beginning. Was she that naive? Was he on that boat this morning because she was?

Than another thought crossed her mind and a sharp anger started rising in her belly. Her eyes narrowed. He, they, took her for a prostitute! A common tramp! Someone who could be bought for mere coin!! How dare they! She would tell them both where they could go!

She took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly, relaxing. It wouldn't do well to anger the ambassador on her first real day, him insulting her or not. Keep it together, girl, you don't want to fail at this.

She sits up tall while clearing her throat, banishing the other thoughts. It wasn't that hard to do. She smiles easily at the two dragonborn, at least she thinks she is. "Ambassador G'kar, you honor me with your... request. However, as I am in the employ of the Mages, I cannot accept your most gracious offer."
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Felix closes in. "Now we don't want to have a scene in here, bad for business. I'm sure this fellow intended no harm," he says looking at Korgon. "Big fellow like that can hardly turn around in a crowded bar like this. But if all of you really want to come down to the station and fill out a complaint we can all go down there. Been a busy night, but I'm sure it won't take much more than four or five hours. If you'd rather just go on about your business I'll be happy to have a quiet word with him, and remind him how lucky he is not to be a guest of the city lock up for the next few days."

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