• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The First (IC) (d20/3.x D&D)


Angrboda nods. "I agree with you, Elldar. And apparently Kaznak, Falryn, and Forge have no opinions on the matter. Jaegar, now that I have healed somewhat, you are probably the most wounded: are you strong enough to continue on?"

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Thy wounds are healed!
Hanging the pelt over a low tree branch Forge moves to join the conversation. "I wish to go on, but if anyone is fully not up to it then I will return to camp. We could try again when everyone is better." Forge says concern on his face.


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Kaznak's head jerks up after Angrboda and Elldar speak. He rubs his eyes a little as he says, "Hm? Oh, sorry, I was lost in thought, and then started to doze off... Annoying when that happens, as you have a tendency to lost parts of the conversation. Then you... Oops... Rambling has that effect as well..." Kaznak pauses as he takes a breath and looks off to one side, composing himself a little. "I think it would be best if we returned to our camp. You and Jaeger need some more time to recover, and it would be troublesome if we encountered another pack of wolves, or fiercer animals, while we're already injured."

Kaznak stands, brushing some dust off of his light armor. "Much as I would like to continue, mind you, I also care for all of our safety..."


Angrboda laughs at Kaznak's distraction. "Friend, I do believe your thoughts are with a certain dwarven woman back at the settlement." She continues to smile at Kaznak and continues talking. "I appreciate your concern for me but these woods have graciously healed me of nearly all of my wounds." She holds her arms out as if for inspection and everyone can see that she has only a few light scratches remaining from the horrible wounds she had recently received. "I share the concern you have for the wellbeing of the others... Jaegar still bears wounds from the battle though it seems Forge and Elldar feel themselves strong enough to continue; also, on the morrow I may again beseech the wilds for healing power. Unless any of us still bear serious wounds I still think we should continue. Of course, we should travel with caution... and in the next battle we must fight I will be more prepared." She flushes with embarrassment at her foolishness in the previous battle that led to her getting seriously wounded.

Angrboda looks over at Jaegar and it is obvious that she is still concerned for him yet there is something else there as well: an expectation of strength, perhaps, or maybe something else. It's hard to tell. She turns her attention back to the others. "So, then, unless one of us feels too weak to continue, we go on." She waits a moment to see if there is going to be any objections to her statement then gets up and begins breaking camp and collecting her gear.

[sblock=OOC]Angrboda is only down 1 hit point. And I apologize, Angrboda is bossy and will usually try to turn everything to support her position. She's driven to achieve something, she just hasn't figured out what it is yet (other than mother a race of giants).[/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
Forge nods and starts gathering his gear up from stripping the wolf pelt. He then rolls up the pelt and tucks it under his arm ready to go.

[sblock=ooc] Angrboda's personality works for me as I see Forge as having a soilders demenor. Taking orders and following someone elses lead, though he doesn't have experience as a soilder just thinks like one. He will always be dreaming of creating things out of metal, so I have him as the quiet helper type. [/sblock]


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Kaznak coughs and then chuckles. "Ahem... I suppose if everyone feels up to it, we might as well go. Though I'd suggest only one more day of travel, and then return to the camp. We've already been gone longer than I think we said we would be. Perhaps we could mount another expedition a few days after our return."

I don't mind and I don't find her particularly bossy. She's got nothing on my family! :p :lol:


Angrboda nods thoughtfully at Kaznak's words. "Wise advice. That's what we'll do then: another day, then back to camp. I hope they have managed well since we've been gone."

The giantess shoulders her pack and nods in approval as Forge bundles up the wolf pelt. She glances around their temporary camp to make sure they've left nothing behind. "Let's go, then." She begins walking, keeping a pace that Elldar can easily manage.


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Frustrating puzzlebox, a noise, and northward-bound

At the camp, Metliz spends hours trying to solve the puzzlebox, but despite a few clever twists that aligned a few markings and gemstones on the box, she spent a lot more time making wrong turns that only got the box a little more scrambled-up in patterns than before. After a few hours of pretty much just making it worse, she gets frustrated and puts the shiny puzzlebox away to try again later.

Tianulien continues carving up a bowshaft, while Theris finishes carving some wooden stakes and begins hammering them into the ground just outside the perimeter that Pyre cleared away earlier, with the pointed ends face-up. Seshani and Hassad search the nearby woods for several hours, gathering some food for the camp and trying to find something useful to Tianulien.

However, late in the afternoon, while Theris is working on some more of the stakes and Seshani is still away from camp, Pyre, Metliz, and Tianulien hear some kind of squeal a short distance to the east! Something's running through the undergrowth over there, towards the camp.....


Meanwhile, at the resting spot the expeditionary group used while Angrboda recovered, the consensus that same afternoon is that the group should continue traveling for another day or so before returning.

Jaegar responds "Aye, let us travel onward. We cannot let one unfortunate encounter ruin our plans or scare us off the path we have chosen. My wounds are not too grievous..." He stands up and does a quick check-over of his wounds and their impromptu bandaging, then gathers his possessions and hefts his halberd.

Angrboda, Jaegar, Elldar, Kaznak, Forge, and Falryn resume their journey northward after picking up their bedrolls and other supplies, though some with a bit of trepidation or hesitance. The group travels until shortly after nightfall, setting up another temporary campsite. Jaegar is the first to set up his tent and bedroll, trying to get some much-needed sleep after staying up the previous night. Falryn and others take shifts on watch, but nothing bothers their camp that night. Falryn does hear a few wolves' howling late at night, during his shift, but only in the distance.

It is now morning for the expeditionary group. They've only really traveled half a day since Angrboda recovered, due to all the time spent resting and recuperating first. Thanks to the interruptions earlier, you estimate yourselves to only be slightly more than one full day's walk northward from the main campsite.

[sblock=ooc]Finally! Took hours to get just a few posts to go through tonight, and hours more just to get to making THIS post. Stupid browser's been freezing up most of the time that I try to load EN World or any particular thread/page, especially when trying to post. Stupid googleads. Hopefully I'll have enough time THIS weekend to download and install Firefox, but last weekend I had an appointment at the eye doctor's and had to get new glasses, then go back to pick them up on Tuesday.

Anyway, I need to know if anyone foraged for supplies on the day of rest for the expeditionary group, since Angrboda was unconscious at the time and couldn't for most of the day. If anyone with the Survival skill does forage, roll a few checks to see what you come up with. Likewise, roll any Survival checks needed for foraging 'today' in-game for supplies.

Metliz got too many terrible rolls from InvisibleCastle to make any progress with the puzzlebox today, undoing each of her bits of progress with several setbacks afterward. She can make some more attempts later, but right now, I need to know how the main camp group responds to the noise in the brush to the east.[/sblock]


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Hearing the sound, Pyre was immediately on alert, hefting a shortspear as he readied for combat should it erupt, moving to investigate the source of the noise and assess whether hostilities were to erupt or not, and if it would be safe for him to unleash his inner fire, and send the creatures back to their Creator.

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