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The Friday Knights in Thunderspire Labyrinth (with Pics).


The Friday Knights

Session 6- “Bad Mustard.”

[DM Interlude- this is the second of the Christmas sessions, once again not all of the Knights are available, also we decided what with festivities ongoing, to only play for a few hours.]

For this session we have only three Knights-
Cathal, ever-present, Human Fighter level 2, adherent to Kord. Played by Simon.
Aeolace, Eladrin Wizard level 1, the Firestarter, or so it seems. Played by Paul.
Immeral, Eladrin Artificer level 1. Also played by Simon.

And then we're on with the action...

“Bad Mustard” Murgeddin explains, on the way to the catacombs, was a rascal, a bounder, and a cad; only he doesn't use such purty language- “Bad Mustard” was a bad bastard, a robber and a murderer.
“Was?” Cathal enquires.

It turns out “Bad Mustard” has been dead a dozen years and yet his tomb has been disturbed, seemingly in the Bloodreaver attack. Earlier today a bunch of the living dead staggered out into the light and waylaid several terrified citizens, they were eventually destroyed by the Fallcrest Guard.

The Friday Knights are tasked to enter the Tomb and discover what's going on.

[DM Interlude, as with session 5 there are no pretty pictures to go with this report, subject to the same computer crash, and the same failure to back up the files- normal service, rest assured, resumes with session 7.]

“Bad Mustard”'s tomb turns out to be a maze of corridors and small ante-chambers, there are few signs of life, although there are signs of passing- clearly someone has been here recently.

Eventually the someone's passing are located, the bodies of three Goblins, charred and cindered, burnt to a crisp, they look to have fallen foul of some sort of flaming trap.

The Knights, ever cautious, press on and finally emerge into a large central chamber that seems to have been locked away in the darkness for the last dozen years, except...

On the far side of the chamber is an ornate sarcophagi.

It has been opened.

The Knights creep closer, there are various other exits about the chamber, Immeral pulls up short; he's heard something. Over to the right a large beetle chomps on the remains of a human skeleton, trying to get at the marrow in the bones.

Immeral whips out his javelin and flings it, it smashes through the Carrion Beetle's hard carapace and kills it dead. Immeral's javelin turns to a wisp of smoke and reappears in his hand, a neat trick.

With a self-satisfied grin the Eladrin Artificer nods to Cathal who leads the gang over to the opened sarcophagi, it's at this point that eleven more of the Carrion Beetles chitter into the chamber, making either for the the fallen body of their companion, or else for the fresh flesh of the Knights- it kicks off.

The Knights are soon kicking ass, however seconds later a half-dozen or more Decrepit Skeletons rattle forth from the same dark exits and close in on the Knights.

To make matters worse a rancid wreck of a body pulls itself up from within the sarcophagi, grabs a hunk of its bloody bloated flesh, and hurls it at Cathal, “Bad Mustard” corrupt in life, corrupt in death- a Corruption Corpse.

The Knights are quickly surrounded - although this proves to be an ill-advised tactic - as Immeral unleashes his arcane powers, Aeolace “Firestarter” conjures a Flaming Sphere which clears a path in seconds, while Cathal remains at the front, shielding his companions and slicing through the myriad Minion enemies.

The Knights win through and close in on “Bad Mustard”, who very quickly has nowhere to go, hemmed in, he is hacked, stabbed and burnt and... buggered.

Soon after the tomb returns to silence, as silent as the grave...

[DM Interlude Encounter #14 [675 XP = Level 6] 12x Carrion Beetles (Level 1 Minions); 8x Decrepit Skeletons (Level 1 Minions) & “Bad Mustard”, Corruption Corpse (Level 4 Artillery) Too easy again, I'm going to have to learn to just let loose.]

Enemies vanquished, the Knights take a turn to investigate the tomb of “Bad Mustard”. They find nothing- nothing at all of any value, not in the sarcophagi, not down any of the dark exits- which lead to further disturbed tombs. Nothing, save a message.

Scratched on the inside of “Bad Mustard's” sarcophagi are some odd shaped symbols, Aeolace gets to work and uses a Comprehend Languages Ritual, ten minutes later he has his answers.
“It's written in Abyssal, it says 'the mirror is not here.'”

Which leaves everyone puzzled, furthermore Aeolace thinks the writing was done by “Bad Mustard” himself, while in the grave, while dead- clearly the message was, or is, important- important enough perhaps for the Bloodreavers to take time out from their raid to break into the tomb.

The Knights retrace their steps and head out to meet back up with Murgeddin, they tell all, the Dwarven Guard Sergeant has no clues, clearly another mystery.

And so without further ado the Knights head back to their preparations, ready themselves for the road to Winterhaven, all except Kullervo, who makes a decision.

At precisely 4 AM, when all in the Blue Moon Alehouse are sleeping, Kullervo departs- breaking out of the Inn.

The young Rogue is never seen again.

[DM Interlude, alas due to work, rest and play commitments Rob, who plays Kullervo, has had to leave us- therefore no more Kullervo, a sad moment for the me and the rest of the Knights.]

And so the very short session ends, only one Combat Encounter and a total of 975 XP, which is enough to take Aeolace to second level.

Next time the Knights head off down the King's Road to Winterhaven, until then, adieu.
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Hi Goonalan

I'm still here and just caught up. I'm a bit sad to see you go to the shorter format - not that I haven't enjoyed the later posts, far from it, but just because it's only been two-thirds of a page of fun, rather than about ten!

Don't get me wrong, I fully appreciate your selfish desire to hold down a job, have a life and actually spend time preparing and running the game, rather than spending all your time chained to a keyboard, nourished by nothing but PG Tips and Tunnocks caramel wafers, as you churn out page after page of perfectly formed prose for your barely appreciative and non-fee-paying public ...

Ahem ... where was I ... oh yeah - keep up the good work, and I'm glad you're having fun again DMing.


The Friday Knights in the Keep on the Shadowfell

Loving this game- good players, that's the secret. Also, whisper this, much easier to prep 4e, particularly using Maptools which is a lot of prep regardless. Turns are going to get a bit longer now, the gang is back.

Thanks for still reading.

The Friday Knights

Session 7- The Keep on the Shadowfell Part 1 The Kobold Menace.

[DM Interlude, and so we're onto the Keep on the Shadowfell, many of the PCs are level 2 so I have of course upped the levels of the creatures and encounters, as you'll see. At this point I was hoping not to TPK the players, which is an odd thing for a DM to hope for.]

And so sans Kullervo, who is nowhere to be found, the Knights take to the King's Road heading for Winterhaven, in play this evening we have-

Antaurea, Eladrin Ranger Level 1
Astaroth, Human Fighter Level 2
Cathal, Human Fighter Level 2
Ignaran, Human Druid Level 2
Immeral, Eladrin Artificer Level 1

Yes, Astaroth has been prised from the tender ministrations of Lady Constance- he's back.

The road is long, and windy, and yet is encounter free, our guys get into a routine - it's two and a half days of solid marching to Winterhaven afterall, and all goes well - until that is they have the walls of the town in sight. It's at this point, when the Knights are off-guard, that a pack of bloodthirsty Kobolds leap out from behind whatever cover is available, and for the most part, charge at the Knights screaming for their heads.

Perhaps the Friday Knights fame has spread this far?

[DM Interlude- 'pack of bloodthirsty Kobolds', it just doesn't sound right; Kobolds, 3.x edition are more likely to suffer fatalities getting the top off the sauce bottle, damn 4th edition messing with Kobolds, the minions minion.]


To Koboldly go...

Kobold Minions rush screaming at the Knights, herded forward by a pair of heavily armed and armoured Dragonshields, and at the rear a lone Slinger perches atop a rock, screams up a hullabaloo, and lets fly.

The Knights however are a well oiled team; Cathal and Astaroth are straight into the fray and already four of the Minions lie dead , the Slinger is soon bloodied and searching for a way out. Then the Dragonshields arrive and, soon after, start taking a pounding, it's a massacre.

The Slinger almost escapes but Antaurea is deadly accurate with his Twin Striking Longbow. There's little hope for the ambushers, the last to fall are the Dragonshields which turn tail and flee when their comrades have bitten the dirt, the pair are also cut down.

“Right then, Winterhaven.” Cathal declares and points the way, after a brief search of the deceased the Knights head on, having barely broken a sweat.

[DM Interlude Encounter #15 [580 XP = Level 1] 5x Kobold Minions (Level 2 Minions); Kobold Slinger (Level 2 Artillery) & 2x Kobold Dragonshields (Level 3 Soldiers). In truth the Friday Knights never missed an attack roll throughout the entire encounter, I knew then it was going to be one of those sessions.]

The Knights arrive at Winterhaven at midday, disperse and begin to pump the locals for information.

Cathal introduces himself to Rond Kelfrem, Captain of the Winterhaven Regulars, stories are swapped- gruff men with tall tales of daring-do, eventually Cathal asks whether Winterhaven has a Kobold problem. “It's funny you should mention that”, Rond states and grins. Rond will arrange for Cathal, and the Knights, to get an audience with Lord Padraig, the ruler of the town. They do indeed have a Kobold problem and Rond doesn't have the manpower to do much about it- the Friday Knights may score some brownie points with the locals should they resolve the issue.

In fact everyone in Winterhaven has something bad to say about the “blasted Kobolds”. Eilian the Old is soon getting along famously with Astaroth, which may have something to do with the fact that the man-mountain keeps buying him beers in Wrafton's Inn.

Eilian considers himself to a man of lettres (sic.), a learned man, a local historian, almost a sage- he's also able to burp show tunes, which he does now and then when the conversation turns dull. Eilian thinks Redcaps are the problem, he's not sure what a Redcap is but he's heard that they are “mean buggers”, and red.

Astaroth, the lug, is foolish enough to ask about Cult activities in the area, which gets the old farmer excited- he offers to pay a pretty silver to watch a virgin being sacrificed- the pair get on famously, Astaroth, it seems, has a friend for life.

Antaurea, also in Wrafton's Inn, chats with the owner- Salvina Wrafton, she too has only bad things to say about the Kobolds, rumours of darker deeds, kidnappings and the like, attacks on the road- all bad for business. She also remembers Douven Staul, the archaeologist that Nimozaran back in Fallcrest was harping on about, he stayed at the Inn for a while, but left after talking to Eilian.

Antaurea and Astaroth redouble their efforts and soon enough, actually three and a half pints later, Eilian reveals that he directed Douven to an old burial site to the south west of the town, supposedly the last resting place of a dragon. He'll draw them a map for a shiny silver coin, for a gold coin he'll even colour it in. Astaroth and Antaurea go for the silver option, although Astaroth regrets it instantly, thinking perhaps he could have helped with the colouring in... perhaps next time.

Ignaran in the meantime has found Sister Linora, Priestess of Avandra, she's desperate for help, and Ignaran is desperate to help- a match made in heaven. It seems the Kobold menace is serious, farms have been attacked, people are missing, and Lord Padraig, despite her pleas, has done nothing about it. Ignaran knows just the people, she smiles wistfully, and he departs.

The Knights take a further hour to chat to a number of other townsfolk including Bairwin the Shopkeeper and Thair Coalstriker the Dwarven Smith. The Smith swears a lot and spits into his forge, not much enamoured with Kobolds; while the Shopkeeper, Bairwin proves less forthcoming.

The Knights also fail to speak with three other townsfolk, not for the want of trying- Lord Padraig is busy at present, although a future meeting is on the cards- Rond assures Cathal; Valthrun the Prescient, a Sage- no really, and wise-man. No amount of hammering on the door of his tower is enough to stir him; and lastly a beautiful Elven lass called Ninaran, a local hunter, who is wary of Antaurea's advances in Wrafton's Inn, the Eladrin however is certain she is just playing hard to get.

The Knights take lunch and share their findings, a plan of action is agreed and after only two hours in Winterhaven the band hit the road again, bound for the Burial Site that Eilian the Old spoke of, after all it's less than two hours distance, and they haven't killed anything in ages.

All does not go as planned.

No surprises there then.

While on the road discussing what to do should another Kobold ambush take place they are ambushed by some Kobolds, what's the word- like coppery... irony, that's it.

A wall of Kobold Dragonshields come rushing forward, charging into the fray and cutting Cathal and Astaroth before the pair have had a chance to even draw their weapons. An Energy Orb bursts and blasts Ignaran badly scorching his armour and body, a critical hit.

The Knights spring in to action but not before the Dragonshields manage to hit both Fighters again, it's serious now. Astaroth and Cathal set to work; chopping, slicing, dicing and blocking. Ignaran conjures Wolfie who appears close to the Kobold Wyrmpriest- the Energy Orb slinger- which causes the creature to cease his infernal flinging.

Immeral joins the fray and Antaurea peppers the closest targets, soon the Dragonshields are losing ground, two are quickly bloodied, then equally quickly despatched, freeing up Cathal to charge the Wyrmpriest. It's at this point that the Kobold Skirmisher, hidden thus far, dodges from behind a rock and sinks his spear into Cathal's back, the warrior of Kord is very bloodied.

Right on cue the Wyrmpriest cuts and runs- which alas proves to be not soon enough, Antaurea remains as far away from the action as he can get and yet in range of everyone, the Wyrmpriest is killed, two arrows in his back- bullseye.

From there it just gets worse for the remaining Kobolds, those left standing attempt to scarper but none get far, they're all cut down.

[DM Interlude, and this DM is relieved, I wanted to get past this encounter, I TPK'ed a group here last time I played Shadowfell. I feel better that the Knights are still alive, I can start trying to kill them now.]


Cower before my great Orbs of Energy...

[DM Interlude Encounter #16 [750 XP = Level 3] Kobold Skirmisher (Level 2 Skirmisher); 3x Kobold Dragonshields (Level 3 Soldiers) & Kobold Wyrmpriest (Level 4 Artillery (Leader)) Relieved this one is over.]

A brief search follows, with little of interest found, except for a crude brooch in the shape of a ram-horned demon, that would be Orcus then. Which gets the Knights attention.

Soon after the Knights head off again- on the road to the Burial Site. An hour later they're at the site, and there's a friendly Gnome on hand to help them with their investigations, how nice.

The Burial Site is a large crater in the ground, with a fenced off area in the centre, four rough looking fellows swing picks and shovels at the behest of a smiling Gnome by the name of Agrid. He spots the Knights, smiles some more and motions for them to come and join him down in the crater. The rough men, labourers likely, lean on their spades and gap-toothed gawp at the Knights.

Which leaves the Knights floundering for a while, bonhomie is not what they're used to, now if they'd thrown spears the Knights would have known how to react, and yet a number of their collective spider-senses are tingling, all is not as it seems, they think out loud.

Antaurea remains hidden in a bush a little behind the action, a broken conversation takes place, all affable one-way (Agrid the Gnome), and heaps of suspicion the other way (the Friday Knights).

The two groups trade increasingly barbed remarks, particularly when Agrid and his diggers state that they have never heard of Douven Staul, and yet, eventually the Knights, or at least four of them head down into the crater to have a look around.

That's when Agrid springs his trap, but to be honest the Knights are ready and waiting, put a map on the screen in maptools and the Knights kinda get the feeling they should be rolling initiative.

[DM Interlude, I actually have lots of maps that are not combat encounters, and I sometimes try to keep from revealing the map as long as I can, but when it's needed as a visual aid, well it's difficult- bit of a give away though at times. Obviously when I'm doing the ambushes (Encounters #15 and #16) I don't reveal the map until the encounter has already begun.]

As I was saying, Agrid and friends launch their attack.


Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones...

“Destroy the meddlers”, Agrid declares, then buries a crossbow bolt in Cathal's chest, to add insult to injury a Halfling, Jersey Turnpike, appears from behind some rocks and twirls his sling around his head, and then makes three sling attacks- two of which hit home - Ignaran and Astaroth, although the damage is not great.

The Human Rabble stride forward swinging their picks and spades, which actually isn't that terrifying to behold, alas the ragged foursome are cut down in a matter of seconds. The Halfling Slinger is also sent scurrying when Antaurea's Twin Strike proves too hot to handle, particularly as one of the hits was a critical.

Then the reinforcements arrive, a pair of Guard Drakes scuttle around the fenced area and into the midst of the Knights; Astaroth, Ignaran and Immeral are drawn into close combat, Cathal is in hot pursuit of Agrid who is back-pedalling furiously, while Antaurea remains out of reach, content to snipe at the piddling enemies.

[DM Interlude- the Ranger, I believe, has yet to take even one hit point damage since its creation, and I've targeted him, believe me, I've just not hit once. However he's usually last in line and partially concealed much of the time.]

The Guard Drakes prove to be tough opponents, particularly as their bites seem more effective when the pair are fighting in tandem, that said the Knights still manage to make short work of them. Agrid is backed up the slope and out the other side of the crater, and then is struck a mighty blow by Cathal; result- the Gnome disappears from sight and scurries away at top speed, leaving Cathal looking somewhat bemused, and silently fuming.

[DM Interlude Encounter #17 [727 XP = Level 2] 4x Human Rabble (Level 3 Minions); 2x Guard Drakes (Level 3 Brutes); Jersey Turnpike, Halfling Slinger (Level 2 Artillery) & Agrid, Gnome Skulk (Level 3 Lurker (Leader)). Lovely bit of roleplay to start us off, the Knights know, or rather- think, it's a trap but are trying hard to find the words to get the Gnome or the Rabble to give the game away.]

The Rabble are searched, as is the area, thoroughly, and in a bed roll, tied up, the Knights discover Douven Staul, a blustering old wreck who “could'a handled 'em 'imself”, if the Knights had only given him the chance, and boy does he have a story to tell.

The archaeologist had just started to remove the bones of the ancient dragon from the ground when the Gnome turned up, it went downhill rapidly from there, the Gnome it seems was looking for a mirror, Douven tells them.
“A mirror?” The Knights parrot back remembering the message on the inside of “Bad Mustard's” tomb.

Douven, the wily old bugger, however kept the mirror secret, he'd found it much earlier in the dig and had buried it just a little away from the crater, and marked the place- he fetches the mirror for the Knights to take a look.

Ignaran and Immeral get to work, the mirror seems to be some arcane device, perhaps used as a focus for some Ritual, they're not sure what sort of ritual as of yet. Douven allows them to keep the thing, for saving his life- he also offers a further reward, it seems Agrid stole his locket from him. The locket contains the only picture Douven possess of his recently deceased wife, he wants it back, and the Gnome brought to book. The Knights can keep the locket, it is after all magical, he just wants the picture of his wife back, the old romantic.

Before the Knights head back to town Douven takes them on a guided tour of his dig. He seems to have uncovered the bones of a great dragon, dead many centuries, the dragon it seems died in battle with a number of large winged humanoids- possibly demons or devils, odd.

The Knights take the slightly battered Douven back to Winterhaven, getting back to the town just before the great gates are shut.

Douven has one last nugget to pass on, before he's sent upstairs to sleep his ordeal off, “there's a spy in Winterhaven”, he hisses to Cathal and without further explanation stomps off up the stairs.

Which leaves the Knights with time on their hands and a pub full of people, the inevitable drinking session is averted when Rond appears and indicates that he has secured a meeting with Lord Padraig...

Who turns out to be the cloaked figure accompanying Rond, Lord Padraig is younger than they expected, and for all the complaints of the townsfolk at his inability to deal with the Kobold menace, a good man- just beset by too many problems.

The group secure a private booth out of sight and away from eavesdroppers, Lord Padraig proposes that the Knights solve the Kobold problem, Rond nods and agrees, in short a deal is done. The young Lord then announces to the Inn that the Knights are here to save the day, that the Kobolds will no longer menace the highways and byways, and on he goes.

So, no pressure then.

The Knights are bought drinks, Antaurea spots Ninaran, the Elven Hunter and marks her as Quarry, the two retire to a corner for a quiet chat. Ninaran is all smiles and glad tidings, she does however refuse Antaurea's offer of a cosy bed, instead she shares her secrets- she knows where the Kobolds are and is happy to provide what little information she has, wanting only to see them punished.

Ninaran describes the route to a cave behind a waterfall, perhaps six miles to the northwest of Winterhaven, worse still she believes that this cave is not only home to the “blasted Kobolds”, but also to some dark cult- she has seen hooded men within the woods. Antaurea promises, and an Eladrin never breaks his promises, that he will end the Cult and the Kobolds, tomorrow, lead his men (get him) into the fray, as he always does- from the front.

Cathal, listening in, nearly falls off his stool at this point.

There's more to the evening however, Bairwin the shopkeeper has a quiet word with Immeral and Cathal. He tells a tale of a dishevelled Gnome, trying to sell him some ancient mirror, he had found a buyer in Fallcrest for such an artefact, however the Gnome failed to complete his end of the bargain- he never saw the miscreant again.

Before Cathal can counter, Astaroth butts in and states that the Knights have the mirror, and how much is it worth exactly. Bairwin is surprised and then delighted- he offers 100gp, here and now for the thing, he doesn't want to disappoint his buyer in Fallcrest.

Before the deal can be sealed however a messenger arrives, from Valthrun the Prescient, who the messenger states had predicted the arrival of brave adventurers to the fair town of Winterhaven this morning while reading the leaves of his breakfast tea.

The Knights are expected, in his tower, now.

The audience with Valthrun is... well judge for yourselves.

Valthrun, swathed in a voluminous purple crushed velvet robe (actually an old pair of curtains worn like a poncho), swoons hard left, then hard right. Effects a gruff quacking voice and begins.

“I am in contact with the spirits, I'm getting a name, beginning with...”
The Knights lean in, against their better judgement, mesmerised.
“K.” Vathrun declares.
Cathal goes for “Shush”, but Astaroth gets to “Kalarel” first, and blurts it out.
Valthrun swoons some more, then finally declares...
“No, that's not it- what is your name spirit?” He screams.
Causing Ignaran to spill his drink down himself.

And on it goes

By the end of the evening Valthrun has been asked to look into the history of a ruined Keep, half a days journey to the Northeast of the town. The Knights have heard stories of it in passing, nothing concrete, but by the end of the evening they just want to get out of Valthrun's tower- the man is clearly a charlatan.

Gone midnight, the Knights tramp back to the Inn and head for their rooms, and rest- tomorrow the Kobolds, and the Cultists, two for the price of one.

For those still interested the spirit's name turned out to be 'Keith.'

The next day the Knights rise and a little after head out of Winterhaven, en route to the Kobold/Cultist lair. they've not gone far up the track however when they run into trouble, a dying man stumbles up the road- fails to make words and collapses, dead- he looks to be a drover, or an impoverished farmer.

The Knights rush on, towards smashing sounds just over a rise in the road, ahead they spot a caravan, mid-ransack, at least eight Kobolds, all shapes and sizes- without further ado the Knights charge in.

Kobold Minions pour forward to meet them, a Kobold Hurler- standing on the back of a wagon - takes aim. Another Kobold armed with a pike defends a second wagon.

Cathal and Astaroth again cut through the Minions. The Kobold Hurler looses a flask of fire which singes Ignaran somewhat and puts him off his stride, and to make matters worse a Kobold Slyblade skulks out from beneath one of the wagons and buries his short sword in Cathal's knee, which hurts a lot.

Once again Antaurea hovers at the rear, his arrows however are incredibly effective, the Kobold Hurler is soon permanently put out of action. The Minions are likewise quick to fall, and soon after only the ducking, dodging Kobold Slyblade and the Pikeman are left alive.

The Slyblade falls next as the wagon he hides under, the same wagon the Pikeman prods down from, is surrounded- the creature falls to a hedge of blades.

The Pikeman runs, but doesn't get far, and this time the Knights choose to capture the creature, it takes quite a chase but they get their Kobold.

The Kobold Pikeman proves to be not that well informed, the Knights learn that there is indeed a Waterfall Cave, that they are on the right track, and that the Kobolds lair there. They also learn that the Kobolds are lead by a Goblin known as Irontooth, who turns out to be... wouldn't you know it, a Bloodreaver General. Cathal thinks the 'general' bit may be an overstatement. Nothing about cults however.

Suitably informed of what lies ahead the Knights ponder what to do with the captured Kobold, while they are pondering Astaroth kills it.


Kobolds, available in an increasing number of flavours.

[DM Interlude Encounter #18 [661 XP = Level 2] 6x Kobold Minions (Level 2 Minions); Kobold Hurler (Level 3 Artillery); Kobold Pikeman (Level 3 Brute) & Kobold Slyblade (Level 4 Lurker (Leader))]

[DM Interlude, Immeral now has enough XP to advance to Level 2 after an extended rest.]

The Knights rest a short while, after discovering a rough Kobold encampment, and a little further down the road the body of the second drover- nothing more of import alas. They decide to pick up the drovers' bodies on their return journey to Fallcrest, such is their confidence. Of the horses there are no signs, except for snapped reins.

They plunge on, off road, through the woods, Antaurea giving directions, remembering the route that Ninaran told him.

An hour or so later the Knights are paddling across a shallow stream, ahead they can see a low waterfall - this must be the place - when Ignaran spots something, or rather some thing. A little way ahead a bored Kobold Minion picks his nose and fails to notice the Knights mid-stream.

The Knights do their best to stay silent and creep a little closer, then they unleash the artillery, result – dead Kobold Minion, the attack however rouses the as yet unobserved other Kobolds present- all twelve of them.

The Knights are swiftly surrounded and in the thick of it, as Kobold Minions pour out of the woods, a Kobold Slinger takes aim and clonks Immeral on the head. A Kobold Dragonshield stands within some sort of magic circle and squeaks for Cathal to come and fight him.


Friday Knights all right for fighting.

Once again the Kobold Minions prove ill-equipped to thwart the Knights, they're quickly despatched, as is the Slinger, again courtesy of Antaurea.

The Dragonshield gets his wish, Cathal advances, takes a few hits and then slays the thing. While this is happening a Kobold Skirmisher dashes out of concealment from within the woods, stabs Antaurea hard in the side, and then scarpers back out of sight.

[DM Interlude, a hit, a hit- a palpable hit on Antaurea, the first. Of many, I hope.]

There follows a conga of Knights lead by the Kobold Skirmisher through the woods, reminiscent of a Benny Hill Sketch, the Knights get their Kobold before the creature manages to circle back to the entrance to the waterfall cave, just mind you, the creature is at the lip of the cave and climbing when he's finally brought down- Immeral's javelin this time doing the damage.

[DM Interlude Encounter #18 [650 XP = Level 2] 10x Kobold Minions (Level 1 Minions); Kobold Slinger (Level 2 Artillery); Kobold Skirmisher (Level 2 Skirmisher) & Kobold Dragonshield (Level 3 Soldier)]

The waterfall guards are dead.

The way ahead is clear, and those inside the cave have not been alerted, probably.

And thus the seventh session draws to a close, and what a session, gone is the fifteen minute day, banished forever with 4th Edition, all you naysayers.. doesn't matter, this is not the place to resurrect the argument. Five combat encounters and a shed load of investigation, the Knights are on track, earning a total of 6805 XP between them.


A wyrmpriest named after a Croatian football club?

Nice one. :D

As a much younger man I was a football freak (watching and playing), at the age of 14 I'd played in several european countries, I wasn't bad at it (actually I was just big for my age and liked kicking people). I also had a thing about words (and now I have an English degree or two and lecture for a living)... and then Hadjuk Split came into my life, it's probably not the correct spelling but to me... Genius name, I didn't know it was a place, I thought it was just, well... a Hadjuk Split, I can't say it without smiling.

The world is just a better place for it, or at least my corner of it.

Story ends.

Thanks for reading.


And his mate Rupel Boom.

What a Name! Oh he's a dark one Rupel Boom, and what's that under his surcoat... that's how he got his name.

Look out for Rupel Boom, you know he's going to mean business.

He may have a hunchbacked-henchperson, Dukla Prague, but he'll be apush over i comparison to his boss.

Thanks for reading.

Cheers Paul

Voidrunner's Codex

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