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The Friday Knights in Thunderspire Labyrinth (with Pics).


The Friday Knights

Session 8- The Keep on the Shadowfell Part 2 The Spy in Winterhaven.

[DM Interlude, time for a player shuffle, which is always a problem when you're writing up the action- several of PCs used in the last session are retired, temporarily perhaps, as new players are available for the game.]

And so hotfooting it from Winterhaven come another two Friday Knights, having caught up at last, only recently arrived from Fallcrest, the first is known to us, Aeolace is back in the action, the second however is a new face- he's called Lucan.

Lucan, Elven Rogue, a dashing young thing with a cruel smile and glinting eyes. He's the replacement for Kullervo, although he'd argue that Kullervo was just warming his place. Lucan is another native of Fallcrest, although he's a slum dweller, unlikely to move in the same circles as Cathal, the other resident of the city. Lucan is played by Jack.

With the changing of the guard, then, Antaurea and Ignaran are sent back to Winterhaven- the Druid and the Eladrin Ranger are... Well, Mike who plays the pair has had to work, and seven characters are too many to take with us.

I know it's unsatisfactory from a narrative perspective but this is the way that games go when players are not always available.

So just to confirm, players for this session are-
Aeolace, Eladrin Wizard Level 2
Astaroth, Human Fighter Level 2
Cathal, Human Fighter Level 2
Immeral, Eladrin Artificer Level 1, after an Extended Rest Level 2
Lucan, Elven Rogue Level 1

The Knights chat a while and prepare themselves for what lies ahead, cautiously- Lucan first, hiding as best he can in the shadows, the Knights head into the Kobolds' lair in search of Irontooth, the Goblin Bloodreaver leader, and the members of the dark cult said to lair here.

They enter a world of pain.

It seems they are expected - the first wave, a smattering of Kobold Minions; screaming, hollering and gesticulating wildly- the wave breaks against Cathal and Astaroth who hold the line.

Behind the Minions, Kobold Skirmishers dash in, spears at the ready, and there are more Kobolds, and worse, coming towards the Knights.

But now Aeolace and Immeral have shuffled through the waterfall, a Scorching Burst suddenly appears amidst the massed ranks of the enemies, it devastates and breaks the second wave. Immeral tosses his Javelin which lands in the rough ground and then sprays out spectral thorns, lashing and cutting through Minions.

Less than twenty seconds later there are only two Minions left standing, one of the three Skirmishers has fallen, another is bloodied. However, added to the Knights woes are a pair of Dragonshields which advance in step, slashing with their shortswords. Behind them a Kobold Wyrmpriest who tosses Energy Orbs into the Knights, and leaps from foot to foot and cackles with glee- the Wyrmpriest is called Pensacola, remember that name, the Knights will.

Then finally stepping into the fray is Irontooth, the Goblin with... you guessed it, iron teeth.

The scene is set, the battle joined, it gets bloody very quickly.


Here comes Irontooth.

Immeral takes on all comers with his javelin, rarely misses, another Kobold Skirmisher falls. Astaroth tries to fend off Irontooth's ferocious blows, fails more often than not, and is quickly bloodied and sinking fast. Cathal is pressed against the Kobold Dragonshields, trying to get through to the Wyrmpriest, but not succeeding. Lucan stays towards the back, either spiralling out daggers from his hand or else nipping in to stab a lone Kobold in the back. Aeolace stays as far away as he can, and flounders a little before coming up with his master plan- Sleep.

Suddenly several of the Kobold feel woozy, it's like they're moving in quicksand, five of the remaining Kobolds, and Irontooth are slowed.

The fight goes on, Cathal is bloodied, Lucan is dragged into a knock-down fracas with the last Kobold Skirmisher and one of the Dragonshields, he's not as effective going toe-to-toe. Astaroth is almost on his knees, on 4 hit points and fading fast. Immarel is needed now, his Curative Admixture Encounter Power to the fore, healing the Knights as fast, nearly, as they are being battered down.

Then Irontooth falls.


As do two other Kobolds.

[DM Interlude- yep, I'm failing saving throws like it's going out of fashion.]

The fight is lost, the Kobolds see into their immediate future- it's pretty bloody, and flee. Alas it's only Pensacola, the Kobold Wyrmpriest that manages to escape the Knights clutches. The chafing Kobold plunges through the waterfall and disappears out into the forest. I wonder if we'll see him again?

In the chaos Astaroth has his revenge, Irontooth, snoozing happily, is however still the target of his attacks- the Goblin finally manages to tear himself away from Aeolace's Sleep spell's grasp. He's not done, and yet... He has nowhere to go.

Vainly, furiously, he battles on, even when he's surrounded he continues to swing desperately- bloodying Lucan and Immeral before he falls- pierced, pounded and thumped.

Irontooth is dead.


[DM Interlude Encounter #20 [1510 XP = Level 7] 10x Kobold Minions (Level 2 Minions); 3x Kobold Skirmisher (Level 2 Skirmisher); 2x Kobold Dragonshield (Level 3 Soldier); Pensacola, Kobold Wyrmpriest (Level 4 Artillery) & Irontooth, Goblin Brute (Level 4 Elite Brute). Until the sleep spell hits it was in the balance, with Astaroth a round from down, Cathal almost down, and Irontooth and Pensacola almost without hurt.]

The lair is searched, and much treasure found- Irontooth has a chest, Lucan has a lockpick, a little later the Knights have the best part of 500 gold coins in their hands, and a suit of well made +1 Dwarven Scale, Immeral confirms with his arcana check.


Lucan arrives just in time to rescue the treasure.

Also in the chest are Irontooth's orders-

“My spy in Winterhaven suggests we keep an eye out for visitors to the area. It probably does not matter; in just a few more days, I’ll completely open the rift. Then Winterhaven’s people will serve as food for all those Lord Orcus sends to do my bidding.”

Signed Kalarel, which makes the Knights smile and nod knowingly- now they're in the hunt.

All they have to do is find out where this rift, “portal”, Immeral translates, is. Best guess is the Keep not so very far away from the town of Winterhaven. This then, it is agreed ,will be the Knights' next port of call, after they return to Winterhaven to tell their tale, and root out the spy.

The mention of Orcus gets their collective attention- Cathal goes for a stirring five minute speech exhorting his colleagues to vanquish the Lord of Undeath and all his scumbling fawning foul servitors- those that understand it are put right in the mood.

Further searching reveals another, very short, note- crudely scribbled on a strip of leather, clearly cut from from a larger piece- the notes simply states, “they're coming!”

The “they” Cathal confirms are “us”, the Friday Knights- clearly Irontooth was warned of their approach- now who have the Knights been talking to?

However the Knights are spent, they rest- sleep, stay put in the cave and get their breath back after the titanic battle with Irontooth and his Kobold army.

[Cathal now has enough XP to move to level 3 after the battle with Irontooth, and after the Extended Rest he rises, ready for more adventure, a more experienced warrior. Immeral is also level 2 now.]

It's early evening when the Knights head back out again, at pace and in silence they travel, back the way they came- towards Winterhaven. They're almost back to town two hours later when they hear some strange noises- screams in the night.

Lucan and Immeral lead the way, through woods and into a farmer's field, lights ahead, from the farm house, and when the Knights get closer still they can see that the front door of the family home has been smashed open.

The Knights spread out, approach at Cathal's signal- a poor imitation of an owl hoot, and head in- the screams continue, someone's in trouble and the Knights are here to save the day.

They get the drop on the Bandits within the farm, who are too busy making merry with the farmer's family- women and children scream and wrestle with their captors, the farmer barks and brays tossed back and forth between two Human Lackeys.

A Magic Missile flies from Aeolace's outstretched hand, Immeral's javelin takes down the two Lackeys playing with the bloodied farmer. Cathal cuts another Lackey down and charges on, Astaroth leaves his greataxe in the back of a Human Ruffian, while Lucan's dagger finds a home in between the shoulder-blades of yet another Human Ruffian.

All is chaos, the Bandits attempt to take hostages but are prevented by the continued flurry of spell and blade, almost in an instant the Bandits are broken. That is, until a huge monstrosity seemingly carved from stone strides into the chamber, the Killinator, a retarded axe-swinging monster of a man- sound familiar.

Astaroth's eyes light up, he slays the Ruffian he is battling and races forward to get his man. Then from the opposite side of the farmer's home a familiar face appears, Jersey Turnpike, the Halfling Slinger the Knights last encountered in the company of Agrid, the Gnome, at the Burial Site.

The few Bandits left renew their efforts, but it's still not enough. A swatting Human Mercenary accompanying the Killinator, leads the retreat. Bloodied he flees, diving through perhaps the only still intact window in the building; he escapes into the night.

But he's the only one, Astaroth goes axe to axe and wins the day, eventually, against the Killinator. Cathal and the others mop up the remaining Bandits; Jersey Turnpike, battered, bruised and bloodied is captured- still alive, and shoved in a sack and kicked for a while, till he goes quiet.


Knock! Knock!

[DM Interlude Encounter #21 [1000 XP = Level 5] 4x Human Lackeys (Level 7 Minions); 2x Human Ruffians (Level 2 Skirmishers); Human Mercenary (Level 3 Soldier); Human Berserker (Level 4 Brute) & Jersey Turnpike, Halfling Slinger (Level 2 Artillery (Leader)).]

The farmer family are made comfortable. Although their home has been destroyed, their lives have been saved- the Friday Knights are hugged, kissed, wept upon and otherwise made to miss their own homes and families. Uncle Astaroth dandles a child on each knee, plays horsey and grins like a chimp.

Except for Lucan, who mooches about the residence, “clearing up”, and helping himself to anything valuable he can find.

Which just leaves us with Jersey Turnpike, the now awake Halfling Slinger, he's turfed out of the bag and taken into another room for a quiet chat. A little while later the terrified Halfling sings like a canary- “it's Bairwin, Bairwin the shopkeeper, he pays us- that's all I know! Please don't kill me.”

Astaroth, still in tears after his welcome from the farmer's family- Uncle Astaroth as he will be forever known, well... he's not inclined to clemency. The man-mountain strangles the Halfling- kills him dead, with the other Friday Knights watching on, not helping.

[DM Interlude- the Friday Knights have a mean streak.]

The Knights have pressing business in Winterhaven. They stay a while longer, give money to the family, actually two years worth of wages and then grab the farmer's cart, now packed with the farmer family and their belongings, and head off to Winterhaven- it's getting late.

Strange, the doors to the town are wide open, and the Knights are off again, all action. Ahead a body flies through the window of Wrafton's Inn, Bairwin the shopkeeper is temporarily forgotten, they leap into action and weapons drawn spill into the Inn.

It's Agrid making trouble, more mercenaries, the locals are trying to contend with them, but are losing the battle fast.


A quiet drink at Wrafton's.

The tide turns very quickly, faced with the Friday Knights again Agrid and his companions do the best they can for a little while, and in cramped conditions- several of the Bandits pick a window, smash through them and flee.

Cathal notices that Ninaran, the Elven Hunter, seems to be subject of a number of the Bandits ire, he dashes in to save her.

The fracas is short and to the point, the Human Thugs are all left dead, the Human Ruffians either flee or are killed, the Human Mercenary is out of the bar in a flash- Agrid himself tries to escape but is brought to a stand still by Lucan's Positioning Strike, like the Halfling before him, he's bagged and beaten.

Soon after, the Inn returns to calm.

[DM Interlude Encounter #22 [749 XP = Level 2] 4x Human Thugs (Level 2 Minions); 2x Human Ruffians (Level 3 Skirmishers); Human Mercenary (Level 4 Soldier) & Agrid, Gnome Skulk (Level 3 Lurker (Leader)).]

The Knights are still in a rush however, they quickly take to beating Agrid, looking for confirmation of their target- “it's Bairwin, it's Bairwin!” Agrid screams.

The Gnome is left in the capable hands of Rond, who has now made his way to the Inn, it seems a good half-dozen of the Winterhaven Regulars are dead. Rond is also informed of the Kobold attack on the caravan on the north road. He promises to take care of this in the morning, when the town is properly secured.

The Knights double across the road to Bairwin's Grande Shoppe, Astaroth kicks in the door and the lot of them charge inside- empty, save the shop's wares, which Lucan takes to searching through, looking for the till float- and anything else he fancies.

Immeral however has found a trap door, stairs down, lights and chanting- something dark and nasty sounding, Cathal grins and leads them in.

Straight into a dark shrine dedicated to the Death Lord, Orcus- Bairwin (possibly) in a cowled robe at the front leading the chant. Two twisted Goblins, Dark Servants, spot the Knights and interrupt Bairwin's ceremony with screeches and shouts.

The fight is joined and, as the Knights move forward, from the walls of the dark chapel come a pair of almost formless shadows- Sightless Reapers, armed with spectral scythes.

The Dark Servants block their passage using their daggers to deliver necrotised slashes and slices, although they're nowhere near as effective as the Sightless Reapers with their scythes- Cathal and Astaroth are almost bloodied in the opening moments.

Bairwin uses Darkness Unleashed, calling on the power of Orcus, and leaving Immeral blinded, wounded and spun back, and out of the action. Then the Knights find their feet, Aeolace's Scorching Burst makes a mess of the Dark Servants who are then cut down by Astaroth and Cathal, who surge forward and onto Bairwin- the Cult leader, the Spy within Winterhaven, or so the Knights think.

He struggles hard against them, limited to trying to block and parry their blows with his Quarterstaff, alas he's not up to the job.

The Sightless Reapers prove their mettle, but are finally taken down by the force of the Knights, almost at the same time that Bairwin is at last slain.

The fight is short but very bloody, the Knights breathe a sigh of relief, the menace within the town is ended, they heal and set about searching the fallen, and the chamber- intent to find further evidence of Bairwin's foul activities.


A Cult Hit.

[DM Interlude Encounter #23 [825 XP = Level 3] 2x Dark Servants (Level 3 Skirmishers); 2x Sightless Reapers (Level 4 Soldiers) & Bairwin, Human Mage Cult Leader (Level 4 Controller (Leader)).]

[DM Interlude Astaroth now has enough XP to get to level 3, after the next Extended Rest.]

Bairwin has in his possession Douven Staul's amulet, the Friday Knights grab this to return to the aged archaeologist. A secret chamber is revealed with a number of books dedicated to the worship of Orcus, also a stash of money and a Ritual Book which Aeolace gets his hands on.

There are also yet another set of orders, once again from Kalarel, it seems the Knights are working their way up the management structure. Cathal reads aloud-

“Your latest shipment of supplies should meet the Keep’s needs until the ritual is finished, which should be any day now. I require more sacrifices however, see that Agrid and his men locate more supplicants. Rest assured that you will be rewarded for your actions on behalf of Orcus once the rift is open. —Kalarel.”

Which fills in the missing gaps.

The Knights head back to the Inn, inform Rond of all that has occurred, and then exhausted head to their beds after a quiet drink. The mood is sombre, there's been a lot of death one way or another.

A beautiful morning puts a slightly better spin on things. The Knights are in a rush to get to the Keep and yet Lord Padraig and Valthrun the Prescient have already left messages, they both need to see them as soon as possible.

Sister Linora is also at the Inn for breakfast, she's been busy all night dealing with the dead and the wounded. And yet she still has a smile for the Knights, and a clutch of Potions of Healing, all she possesses. She knows they are bound for the Keep, and fears it will prove to be an extremely dangerous place.

The Knights head off. First stop Lord Padraig's Manor, the young Lord is smiling and yet serious, concerned that more citizens of Winterhaven, and the surrounding farms, are not in further danger. He listens to the Knights story- the destruction of Irontooth and the Kobolds, it's at this point the Knights realise that Ninaran was only half right about the Kobold lair- there were no Cultists to be found.

Lord Padraig pays his reward and then fetches out two lists of names, names of citizens of Winterhaven that have gone missing in the last month or so- most from surrounding farms. The second list is from Eoffram Troyas, the Knights patron in Fallcrest, it arrived yesterday afternoon - a comprehensive list of those presumed taken in the raid on the city.

All told, 34 innocent citizens have been taken. The Friday Knights are charged with the recovery of the missing- alive; the reward is generous; they swiftly agree to attempt the task.

Lucan, looking over Cathal's shoulder at the list of those taken from Fallcrest, notes his brother's name- Dikkon, but says nothing.

They shake hands with the busy Lord and are swiftly out of the manor and back to Valthrun's residence. The fake sage is quickly to the door and ushering them inside, he has been busy- and he's had some success.

Valthrun with a skull in one hand, and refreshments in the Knights' hands, stands one foot on a rickety stool and recites-

“In shadowed keep of tumbled stone,
A peril lurks, for years unknown,
The Kinslayer's spirit guards it yet,
'Gainst a newfound vile threat.

The Kinslayer once was proud and strong,
Until the Blood Lord came along.

The thing of evil sent dark dreams,
Nightmares wrought of tortured screams,
The vowed defender's mind did bend,
And with his blade he did rend.

Awakened to the awful truth,
Shattered bones of men and youth,
His wife and children, pride and joy,
Mistaken for demons he was forced to destroy.

The Kinslayer fled to meet death alone,
For wicked deeds he must now atone,
And so the fallen paladin must wait,
For heroes to arrive and reverse his fate.

But twisted whispers echo through the halls,
And ghostly blood runs 'long the walls,
None can face those cursed remains,
Fear like water in their veins.

A Blood Lord follower from a cursed line,
Now threatens to awake the unholy shrine,
Dark power craves as men do thirst,
Confining spells to be reversed.

Storm clouds gather with the demon's approach,
And the living dead will soon encroach,
The forces of good will never survive,
For the Prince of the Undeath will soon arrive.”

Which leaves the Knights stunned.

[DM Interlude, the above is taken from Myrhdraak's brilliant conversion H1-3 Demon Prince of Undeath Conversion, which can be found here- http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=1089353; go there, you may have to sign in I can't remember, it's fantastic. I will be using this in further adventures in this series, although I've also added my own twists here and there.]

Astaroth looks confused, perpetually, but more so now. Cathal gets a little of it, Valthrun proves his worth and explains.

It seems the Keep used to be a bastion of the Nerath Empire. That was until it was brought low- broken from within by a traitorous act perpetrated by Sir Keegan, the Paladin leader of the men stationed at the Keep. Sir Keegan awoke, it is said, a man possessed- slew his family and then set about slaying all of his men- he however was successfully repulsed and eventually sealed within the catacombs beneath the Keep. Soon after the Keep was abandoned.

Spin forward a century and the Keep is once again inhabited and heroes are expected, the poem confirms. There's a portal somewhere within the Keep, and some dark follower of the Prince of Death, Orcus, is set to loose a host of Undead into the Nentir Vale.

Gulps, wide-eyes and open-mouths are the order of the day, Valthrun is thanked, the Knights shuffle out- their task better defined, they must be heroes again, they must save the day, save Winterhaven, save the Nentir Vale.

The Knights head back to the Inn, remember to return Douven's amulet to him, the old archaeologist opens the amulet and takes the picture from within, his dead wife, and then passes the amulet back to Cathal.

“Keep it, for luck. You're going to need it.”

Then the old man shuffles off.

The Knights make ready and then head out of Winterhaven, en route to the Keep on the Shadowfell, and there endeth Session 8, with four combat encounters, and another 7946 XP to share about.

Till next time.

Anybody now why the write-ups appear with super large images on my screen, it never used to do, I had to click on the images to enlarge them?

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Richard Rawen

First Post
Great stuff, very enjoyable reading... except:
Anybody now why the write-ups appear with super large images on my screen, it never used to do, I had to click on the images to enlarge them?
Sadly while I do not know the reason for the formatting change, I do know that it forces me to copy the text out to a text editor or be forever sliding the bar back and forth to read the outside edges :p
Hopefully some sage reader will help out!
Meantime I'm enjoying the story, keep it up!


The Friday Knights

Session 9- The Keep on the Shadowfell Part 3 Into the Keep.

And so the Knights make their way to the Keep (on the Shadowfell), Lucan regaling them with tales of his bawdy antics the night before in the Inn, with not one, but two, of the serving girls. Several of the other Knights affect either not to care, or else pour scorn on the young Elven Rogue's kiss-and-tell stories. They're above that kind of thing, or else jealous of the rakish Lucan's charms.

Which causes the young Elven Rogue to change tack completely, he calmly informs the Knights that one of those missing from Fallcrest is his brother, Dikkon...

The Knights continue on, a little more reserved now- hoping to find the Rod of Ruin, to rescue Dikkon and the other prisoners, and finally put an end to this nonsense, also to prevent the portal from opening- to save the world, or at least their corner of it.

Soon after they arrive at the Keep, a mess of fallen stones, search hither and yon and discover that humanoids, most likely goblinoids, have been this way. There is a set of rough stone stairs leading down into darkness.

A grim and determined Lucan leads them down.

In play this week we have-
Antaurea, Eladrin Ranger Level 1
Astaroth, Human Fighter Level 3
Cathal, Human Fighter Level 3
Ignaran, Human Druid Level 2
Immeral, Eladrin Artificer Level 2
Lucan, Elven Rogue Level 1

[DM Interlude- some of the players are having problems being available for every Friday night session.]

Into a rough and ready guard chamber, Lucan instantly spots the danger ahead, a poorly concealed pit trap- he calls a warning. However there are also, as of yet unseen, Goblins beyond the pit trap, out of sight- a hue and cry and the Goblin Warriors come running, a pair of Sharpshooters maintain their distance and pepper the Knights as they rush into battle.

The Goblin Warriors are easily overcome, the one left standing after the initial clash is bloodied and back-pedalling furiously, all to no avail.

Cathal and Astaroth are on the trail, the pair burst into a rough Goblin bedchamber, the other Knights rush to support. The Sharpshooters see they're outmatched and attempt to flee, both heading for a pair of rotten double doors, alas they're much too slow- one is cut down, the other captured.

The fracas is livened up a little way in when a swarm of rats, bored of guarding the bottom of the aforementioned and assiduously avoided pit, climb out and harass the back marker Knights, however they too are eventually scattered- their gnawing menace swiftly curtailed.

The Knights search the Goblins and the area, discovering a few filthy coins and a foetid supply of Goblin food and drink, alongside some horrendous Goblin lodgings. Stranger still are the scrawled markings on the wall, “I killed them, the shadow comes...”, and various others in a similar vein. Immeral declares them to be the rantings of a madman- Sir Keegan probably.

The Knights spend a little time with their captured Goblin Sharpshooter- divine that Sinruth, the Bloodreaver leader of the raid on Fallcrest is here, and that the lair's defences are the purview of a fat Goblin called Balgron the Fat, apposite really.

Alas Astaroth tires of the chat and brains the Goblin- dead.


The Friday Knights receive a warm welcome to the Keep on the Shadowfell.

[DM Interlude Encounter #24 [700 XP = Level 1] 2x Goblin Warrior (Level 2 Skirmishers); 2x Goblin Sharpshooters (Level 3 Artillery) & Rat Swarm (Level 3 Skirmisher).]

[DM Interlude- Antaurea has now enough XP for level 2, all he needs now is an extended rest.]

The Knights head out, forsaking all other exits, they make for the rotten double doors to which the Sharpshooters were fleeing.

They descend stairs into darkness, a maze of tunnels or so it seems, and then a light, a great arcane symbol blocks their path. Before they can properly investigate this new discovery, moans and groans are heard, from the south, the east... oh and the west- in fact from every direction except the north, from which direction they entered this maze of chambers.

The Knights form a defensive line, as shambling around various corners and into sight come a gaggle of Zombies, Rotters and worse, the Knights retreat to the stairs and reform, to make their stand.

Ranged attacks are the order of the day until, that is, the Zombie horde have them hemmed in on all sides, then the fighting really begins.

Wave upon wave of the shambling dead throw themselves at the Knights but the line stands fast, the artillery continue to batter and burn, until finally the last of the undead have fallen.

The Knights wait a while, catch their breath, and listen intently for any further moans and groans- silent; silent as the grave.


The Dead Centre.

[DM Interlude Encounter #25 [1040 XP = Level 3] 10x Zombie Rotters (Level 4 Minions) & 4x Zombie (Level 3 Brutes).]

[DM Interlude- Lucan now has enough XP to make level 2, all he needs is an extended rest.]

The next half hour is spent in a complicated game of hopscotch, Lucan is sent leaping about, trying desperately to find a path through the maze, and avoid the arcane symbols that litter the route. Behind him Ignaran and Immeral put their heads together and use their arcane knowledge to make safe the the other, less athletic and acrobatic, Knights' passage.

It goes wrong only once. Lucan mis-times a leap and ends up flopping flat on his face on one of the symbols, which explodes in fury sending out tendrils of dark energy, which in turn cause the unfortunate Rogue to run pell-mell into a long forgotten chamber. The rest of the Knights eventually catch up with him there.

The chamber is decorated with the further bloody rantings of Sir Keegan, writ in some sort of fresh, yet spectral, blood; also within are the emaciated bodies of two of the captives they have come to rescue- the pair died of starvation, Ignaran confirms.

[DM Interlude- 34 citizens to find, two located, alas both dead; not a good start.]

Solemn, the Knights head off again, finally make their way to a chamber with yet another set of stairs leading down into darkness.

They descend, there's a lit chamber ahead, Lucan quietly shuffles forward and takes point.

The young elf finds his way into a guardroom, he knows this as there are two burly well-armed, and armoured, Hobgoblin Warriors standing less than fifteen feet before him, on guard. He swiftly turns tail, he's seen enough and heads back to tell his story.

Moments later the Knights enter the chamber, rapidly- that is charging and screaming all manner of obscenities and threats to a person.

Which catches the Hobgoblin Warriors out, Cathal sends one of the pair tumbling into a deep well the other manages to stay alive a little while longer, long enough at least to scream and holler and summon his kin.

A pair of Hobgoblin Grunts launch into life and rush down a passage to the north, which is strange as the Knights are fighting in the south of the guard chamber, from another passage to the east more Hobgoblins come, from a door to the west and yet more... you get the idea.

Soon enough a wall of interlocked shields and stabbing blades sweeps towards the Knights, from both sides of the well, the stairs- the exit, once again behind the Knights.

Antaurea's bow sings, Immeral's Javelin takes to the air, Ignaran fires Flaming Fists, Lucan manoeuvres to get into position and Cathal and Astaroth slice and dice.

Punch holes, eventually, through the Hobgoblins' shield wall and resolve.

That is until the Spider appears.

Spotted at the last moment by Lucan, the elf with the eagle eyes, alas just too late- the hairy beast, a Deathjump Spider, springs over the Hobgobins, and over the Knights; and almost to the stairs, blocking the Knights retreat; and then it has the audacity to take a chunk out of Astaroth and poison him for good measure.

The Knights realign their aim, all effects and attacks are turned inward for a moment, and at the end of it all, in ten seconds, the Deathjump Spider is destroyed- from there it goes easy, not one of the Hobgoblins escapes the Knights' fury.

[DM Interlude- damn Action Points, the Spider lasted a little more than one round.]


Enter the Spider.

[DM Interlude Encounter #26 [1120 XP = Level 4] 5x Bloodreaver Hobgoblin Grunts (Level 4 Minions); 4x Bloodreaver Hobgoblin Soldiers (Level 4 Soldiers) & Deathjump Spider (Level 5 Skirmisher).]

The guard room and associated chambers are mostly empty, a few gewgaws here and there, a scattering of coin, and that's it.

Exits to the south and east are located, the most travelled seems to be the one heading east; the Knights alas are starting to tire. Only three fights into the Keep but Immeral and Lucan are already low on Healing Surges, then again the young Rogue is only a neophyte at this adventuring lark (Lucan Rogue level 1).

They head south- damn them.

[DM Interlude- the Knights have made their way through the first level of the Keep's catacombs with only two encounters, this from a potential 12 encounters. Now, on level 2 of the Keep they are making their way, seemingly, directly to the finale of this adventure. I think I may have to put a stop to their game.]

So south it is and into a much larger chamber- empty and dilapidated, once again the Knights spread out and try to discern which of the two double doored exits is the least travelled. West it is, and along another corridor, they've not met any resistance for a good twenty minutes now. The passage turns south and ends in a decrepit pair of metal doors, both very badly corroded, barely hanging on their hinges.

Lucan levers one open and takes a look inside, the passage continues south and seems to open at a t-junction, not a sound...

The Knights head in and shuffle down to the t-junction- east or west; the east passage looks to be only short, ending a little ways off, it also sports a number of empty looking alcoves, the west passage turns quickly and continues south.

Lucan looks for advice, Cathal points south and grunts, the young elf nods and heads over, the rest of the Knights hold here.

Lucan has gone a little way south when something strikes him as odd- the floor is clean, really clean- as if it has been swept regularly, he shrugs his shoulders- strange, and heads on. The south passage seems to open up ahead into another larger chamber.


Back with the pack, and Astaroth is squinting hard- intent on something down the much shorter east passage. The big man is having trouble making out exactly what he sees - every now and then the air before him seems to glisten slightly, as if the light is being reflected back to him off some polished surface.

Astaroth is about to vocalise his thoughts, more than likely grunt and point, when Immeral and Antaurea spot the intruder- a large Gelatinous Cube is heading directly for man-mountain, that would account for the wink of the light.

The pair scream warnings and open up with Javelin and Bow, it gets violent and bloody (or jelly) very quickly.

And at the same time a pair of stinking shambling wrecks of men hove into Lucan's vision, he screams as the first creature rips a fleshy chunk from his body and hurls it at the frightened Rogue, a pair of Corruption Corpses.

It's all action.


More Jelly than even Astaroth can eat.

Astaroth takes a hunk out of the cube before he is immobilised, grabbed up and sucked into the foul creature's jellified body. Leaving the big lug aimlessly flailing with all his might stuck within the cube, not trying to escape- trying to attack, dazed and burning up, courtesy of the creature's acidic secretions.

Cathal and Ignaran, with a little help from Wolfie and the odd arrow from Antaurea, manage to keep the cube from progressing on to engulf any more of the Knights.

Lucan and Immeral manage to bring the first Corruption Corpse down before it can do too much damage. Still at range, the second, already bloodied, shuffles forward into melee with the pair. Antaurea is helping out both fights, stood behind the Knights offering artillery cover in all directions.

Eventually the second Corruption Corpse is destroyed, it expires in a foetid burst which delivers yet more necrotic damage to Lucan.

Meanwhile the semi-subdued Gelatinous Cube is battered and bruised, more octagon than cube, it's lost corners in the fracas, and still Astaroth is caught within the creature, but not for long- the dashing Cathal plunges his hands within the beast and, with the big man's help, heaves him out.

Astaroth's armour is scoured clean and worse, the acid has taken its toll.

All of the Knights focus their fire and fury on the cube, and soon enough the terrifying jelly comes to a quacking-farting halt, and slowly implodes, melting into puddling, squirming globules.

[DM Interlude Encounter #27 [900 XP = Level 3] Gelatinous Cube (Level 6 Elite Brute) & 2x Corruption Corpse (Level 5 Artillery).]

And with that the ninth session comes to a close, four combat encounters and a good deal of exploring, with some nice work from Lucan checking out the way ahead, not bad for a first level character. Alas however, Lucan is down to his last Healing Surge, and has already made use of one of Cathal's Healing Potions.

The Knights gain 7313 XP to be shared between them, they just need to take an Extended Rest to reap the benefits.

Until next time...

Entertaining as always Goonalan - I've read a few storyhours with KotS and it's interesting to see a slightly different spin.

Hope you can get the pictures sorted out though - reading the text is a pain at the moment.

And I have to ask - afte rthey'd lost the fight at the inn, were the thugs bitter?

... sorry :eek:


Entertaining as always Goonalan - I've read a few storyhours with KotS and it's interesting to see a slightly different spin.

Hope you can get the pictures sorted out though - reading the text is a pain at the moment.

And I have to ask - afte rthey'd lost the fight at the inn, were the thugs bitter?

... sorry :eek:

Fixed it, well sort of- just go Thread Tools and 'Show Printable Version', all you have to do is click on the links for the images.

Very Bitter, Browned off some of them, particularly the Lager than life thugs, although the Knights remained Mild throughout the fracas.

Bad joke overload, must go now...

Richard Rawen

First Post
Fun Stuff! And kudos on re-routing your over-zealous group.
Few things suck as badly for a DM than feeling stuck between an almost certain End Boss Battle TPK - or hamstringing your own End Boss to avoid the TPK :(


Thanks for the comments.

For the best way to read this thread then go to- Thread Tools and 'Show Printable Version', all you have to do is click on the links for the images.

The Friday Knights

Session 10- The Keep on the Shadowfell Part 4 Battling the Bloodreavers.

In play this week we have-
Antaurea, Eladrin Ranger Level 1 (Level 2 after an extended rest).
Astaroth, Human Fighter Level 3
Cathal, Human Fighter Level 3
Ignaran, Human Druid Level 2
Immeral, Eladrin Artificer Level 2
Lucan, Elven Rogue Level 1 (Level 2 after an extended rest).

Jack, who plays Lucan is late into the session, he misses the first fight.

[DM Interlude, as I said in the last report, the Knights have skipped a whole host of encounters here, and that makes me less than happy- therefore I have decided, well... just you see. Let's just say that the Knights introduction to the catacombs beneath the Keep has been noted, the Bloodreavers are on their trail.]

Having despatched the Gelatinous Cube and the Corruption Corpses the Knights check out their new abode, hopefully somewhere they can rest up for a while.

A pair of sarcophagi are discovered in the larger chamber to the south, wrenched open, smashed to the ground and then hammered and bashed into pieces, the Knights are not big on sarcophagi it seems.

A door leads into another lonely room. Not much in here save an ancient looking chest which, with a little help from Lucan, delivers up the toys and mementos, Ignaran presumes, of the mad Sir Keegan's children.

“Valuable” Lucan states and is met by glares, that's until one of the amulets found is discovered to be magical, a +1 Safewing Amulet, the Knights squabble for a while until Ignaran grabs hold of the precious find and makes it his.

Having searched and secured the place, and discovered there's only one possible entrance/exit, the Knights decide to bed down for an extended rest.

They're two hours into their rest when the Bloodreaver Patrol, possibly following the trail of blood and bodies the Knights have left in their wake, pay a visit.

Fortunately eagle-eyes Astaroth is on watch, which almost leads to the patrol getting a surprise attack on the sleeping Knights, Astaroth shouts warnings, and kicks awake his companions with only seconds to spare.

Battle is quickly joined as the Knights scrabble for their weapons and rush to meet the Patrol. Hobgoblin Grunts dive into the thick of it, a pair of Hogoblin Soldiers form a shield wall behind them and move forward in unison. Behind the melee attackers are a pair of Hobgoblin Archers, and leading the Patrol, from the rear, 'Dread Tony' a Hobgoblin Warcaster.

The Grunts are swiftly cut to pieces, that's their job. The Soldiers however are a different proposition, and yet they're all the Knights have to aim at. They therefore attract a considerable number of attacks- the Knights realise that the first job is to break the line, get the Fighters through to the less well armed missile wielding types beyond.

And this they do, with a surge and they're through, one Soldier dead, the other now cut off as the Astaroth and Cathal smash into the Hobgoblin Archers.

The Hobgoblin Patrol attempts a tactical retreat, which involves both Archers and the Warcaster fleeing into the previous, much larger chamber and resetting their positions, then letting loose with the artillery as soon as the Knights hove into view. The last Hobgoblin Soldier gives his life in attempt to slow the Knights down.


Your morning call Mr. Astaroth.

It's not enough, only one of the Hobgoblin Archers escapes with his life, fleeing north. The Friday Knights however can't be bothered to continue their pursuit, they're tired, and much bruised and bloodied. They wait a while longer in the larger chamber, weapons and spells poised, just to see if anyone else is going to turn up.

[DM Interlude Encounter #28 [1051 XP = Level 5] 4x Bloodreaver Hobgoblin Grunt (Level 4 Minions); 2x Bloodreaver Hobgoblin Soldier (Level 4 Soldiers), 2x Bloodreaver Hobgoblin Archer (Level 4 Artillery) & Dread Tony, Bloodreaver Hobgoblin Warcaster (Level 4 Controller).]

The bodies are searched, and twenty minutes later the Knights retire, back into the former home of the Gelatinous Cube, save for Lucan (now he's here) who is next on watch. The young Rogue remains in the larger chamber, with orders to come and wake the other Friday Knights directly should anything else untoward take place.

They don't have long to wait, only ten minutes later Lucan comes running back to rouse them, more Goblins it seems. The Knights head out and are met in the larger chamber by...

The Bloodreavers, all of them, it must be all of them.

Ten Goblins spread out around the room- four Cutters, three Warriors and three Sharpshooters- all ready to rush the Knights; but that's not all.

It seems the management has deigned to pay a visit to the front line- Balgron the Fat, it must be a he, a corpulent Goblin with a club at his belt and a loaded crossbow pointing directly at Cathal.

To Balgron's side a huge Hobgoblin, Boggis the Torturer, brandishing a still glowing poker and clad in blood red leather armour.

Further back still is a familiar Kobold, the Wyrmpriest Pensacola, bane of the Knights. The Acid Orb flinging Kobold has a Guard Drake at his side, champing at the bit.

But most noticeable, for all the wrong reasons, is Sinruth- the mighty Goblin Bloodreaver General, he stands a little over three feet tall- admittedly he looks like pure fury, but there's not much of him to see. Sinruth gesticulates wildly and marks time behind the Goblin Warriors.

Then something strange happens, the Knights try to talk their way out of the fight.

[DM Interlude- caught me by surprise. All of the Knights are down to one or two Healing Surges left, Lucan has none, and he's injured still.]

Pensacola, the Kobold Wyrmpriest, does the talking for the Bloodreavers, alas it's mostly threats- the Knights are abruptly told to either surrender or try to fight their way out, which of course will result in their certain death.

Even when Cathal and Ignaran attempt to persuade the Bloodreavers that the Knights wish only to head on - to destroy Kalarel and prevent the rift from opening, and then go on to describe the hordes of undead that are set to spill from the aforementioned dark portal... Even then.

While Pensacola is convinced, the same cannot be said for Balgron, Boggis and Sinruth- the bubble bursts and Sinruth leads the charge.


The Bloodreavers, including management.

The Goblin Cutters are killed in the opening furious flurry, the Goblin Warriors however hold the line and manage to get a few hits in- Sinruth is straight into the mix with Boggis. In the opening exchanges Astaroth, Lucan and Cathal all take wounds, which for Lucan is really not a good thing.

Then the Goblin Sharpshooters, Balgron and Pensacola open fire- result the same three Knights mentioned above are bloodied, and the fight has only just begun.

[DM Interlude- Lucan is down to 3 HP already.]

Immeral drops back and provides what healing he can.

[DM Interlude- and then all action points and remaining dailies get spent.]

Astaroth's Boundless Endurance kicks in, he starts to regenerate, Sinruth feels the effect of his Villains Menace, and soon the tiny Goblin Chieftain is having to give ground, and is bleeding profusely from a myriad wounds.

Antaurea Fey Steps to a safer position and then unleashes the artillery, Twin Strike followed by Two Fanged Strike, followed by more Twin Strikes- culminating in a Hunter's Bear Trap on Boggis. The Hobgoblin Torturer is brought to his knees and then swiftly killed.

Cathal clears the way with a Sweeping Strike, uses his Healing Word- 'by the power of Kord etc.' to heal himself, and then puts up his Shielding Sides and drifts into the thick of it- slaying Goblin Warriors left, right and centre.

Ignaran conjures Wolfie and sends him into the mix, then settles a swarm of Blinding Bats into the midst of the Goblin mass- even Sinruth is caught up in the effect.

Immeral, as previously stated, continues to use all of his skills to heal the Knights before they fall, that and launching his deadly javelin attacks.

Lucan stays as far back as he can, content to throw his magical dagger again, and again, and again. Remember he's only 1st Level and without Healing Surges, and very bloodied... He tries to remain as anonymous as possible.

The Knights battle hard and soon enough break the line- Pensacola, the Kobold Wyrmpriest, is the first to flee, abandoning the rest of the Bloodreaver management to their fate.

Balgron, already bloodied, is the next to depart, then one, then another of the archers, although the last of them to flee is cut down as Antaurea looses yet another Twin Strike.

Moments later it's just Sinruth and one Goblin Warrior left standing, and a little later there are none... Sinruth is dead.

[DM Interlude Encounter #29 [2424 XP = Level 9] 4x Goblin Cutters (Level 2 Minions); 3x Goblin Warriors (Level 2 Soldiers); 3x Goblin Sharpshooters (Level 3 Artillery); Guardian Drake (Level 3 Brute); Pensacola, Kobold Wyrmpriest (Level 5 Artillery); Boggis, Hobgoblin Torturer (Level 4 Brute); Balgron the Fat, Goblin Chieftain (Level 5 Lurker) & Sinruth, Goblin War Chief (Level 3 Solo Soldier). Which is quite a lot of XP you'd have to agree, and yet... Another titanic fracas which could have gone either way, save for some well timed dailies and Immeral's Healing Admixture.]

[DM Interlude- Immeral and Ignaran now have enough XP to reach level 3 after their next extended rest- which, at long last, is not too far away.]

The Knights decide against retreat to the Gelatinous Cube chamber this time, it's brought nothing but bad luck so far. Instead they opt to hold the chamber they are in, an extended rest is called for, guards doubled- and the Knights snooze. This after the assorted dead are thoroughly searched- Boggis has a suit of +1 Bloodcut Leather armour, which Lucan takes; while Sinruth has an Ironskin Belt which Astaroth lays claim to; there's plenty of gold to be had too.

The extended rest is complete, and at last without further interruptions.

[DM Interlude- only six encounters before the extended rest is taken, but what encounters; particularly the finale. In truth, Lucan did very well to stay out of trouble, or rather the other Knights made every effort to keep him safe. Rest assured I attempted to target him, but he had positioned himself behind two, and more often three, of his companions- it didn't seem fair to keep on trying, particularly as the bloodied fighters in the front row (Astaroth and Cathal) were much more of a menace to the Bloodreavers.]

Fully rested, the Knights head south, through another pair of metal doors, and into a huge chamber. In the centre of which is a massive statue, a warrior in platemail armour wielding a great axe, Lucan's spider senses instantly begin to tingle, either that or his sinuses are playing up.

Also in the chamber are a pair of large statues, drakes or dragons, poised to attack.

Lucan creeps in, and absolutely to form, the monstrous statue awakes, begins slashing its axe around in a furious arc. But not fast enough, Lucan leaps aboard the great contraption, clambers up the thing and quickly discovers a control plate, gets it open and delves inside- into the guts of the machine cum trap; all the while of course hanging on as the statue pivots and gyrates.

It takes a while, but eventually the statue grinds to a halt- the rest of the Knights venture in.

Next stop the dragon statues.

Lucan goes to take a look but is sent tumbling back; a blast of air from the nearest dragon statue's mouth forces him to retreat at haste.

The Knights pull back some more, take aim, and unleash all they have at one and then the other statue, the result being both dragon statues are destroyed.


Lucan is head and shoulders above the other Knights.

The Knights head to the southern exit, there are four cherubic statues forming a square before an ancient looking pair of double doors. Lucan is not amused, and less amused when he steps closer to have a look, a forcefield suddenly appears behind him, splitting him off from the other Knights.

Which is bad enough, but then the enclosed area, Lucan still within, begins to fill with water- spewing from the cherub statues' mouths. Lucan gets to work, while the Fighters smash at one of the cherubs, Immeral uses his arcane knowledge to attempt to investigate yet another of the statues in an attempt to bring the forcefield down.

The cumulative effect is enough, two of the stone cherubs are destroyed, the forcefield collapses, and Lucan spills out surfing a foetid tide- wet and cold but otherwise unharmed.

The Knights take a short, well-deserved, rest and then head on again, to the southern portals.

Lucan, still full of confidence, squeezes into the chamber beyond, takes a quick peek and then squeezes back- a little excited and out of breath, but grinning- “Zombies”, he whispers and rubs his hands together in glee.

The Knights grin a bit themselves and then head on in- in a rush. The opening charge sees a good half-dozen Zombie Rotters trashed, smashed, burnt to crisps and in general made to see the error of their wanton undead ways.

However the Rotters, there are over a dozen of them at the start of the fracas, summon reinforcements, ostensibly by moaning very loudly- a pair of Zombie (non-Minions) shamble forward. While at the back of the pack a slavering Ghoul dodges in and out of the shambling horde in an attempt to get to the succulent, fleshy Knights.

Which just leaves one other enemy unaccounted for, the Flesh Prince, a Clay Scout. The winged homunculus watches from afar for a while, firing off a Mind Touch power to daze Astaroth, it's a wonder it had any effect- Astaroth is to all intents and purposes a mindless killing machine.

The odds shorten, dramatically, in less than thirty seconds- the Zombie Rotters are all gone, the other Zombies are looking, well... shambolic, which suits their look. The Ghoul, while having some success, clawing and immobilising Cathal, then for good measure biting a large chunk out of the warrior of Kord, and stunning him in the process... well, the Ghoul's bloodied already and only just hanging on to unlife.

The Flesh Prince scarpers, that is flaps off, through an open set of double doors to the east of the foul-some chamber.

The other inhabitants, including the Ghoul, are soon accounted for- Cathal needs healing but the other Knights have barely broken a sweat, it's a tough life this Defender malarkey.


The Knights latest undeadly enemy.

[DM Interlude Encounter #30 [1272 XP = Level 5] 13x Zombie Rotter (Level 4 Minions); 2x Zombie (Level 3 Brute); Flesh Prince, Clay Scout (Level 3 Lurker) & Ghoul (Level 6 Skirmisher).]

The Knights rest up a while, have a nose about the chamber, Lucan discovers a hole in a wall, beyond a very narrow passage; he squeezes in and discovers... nothing, and a dead Dwarf- he ignores the Dwarf and concentrates on the nothing.

Nothing, that is, except a sack seemingly larger (more voluminous) on the inside than it is on the outside, yeah, a Bag of Holding, containing 176 gold coins.

The dead Dwarf turns out not be dead, only unconscious- after Lucan robs him, he wakes him.

“Nah! Nuthin'! Only 'nuther bloody Dwarf.” Lucan returns to the rest of the Knights affecting his finest peeved expression, the little liar.

Welcome to Farkill, the newest member of the Knights, Farkill is played by Zoran who is Skyping in from Serbia. Farkill is a Dwarven Cleric of Moradin Level 1, a wayward soul, a wannabe adventurer who wandered into the Keep two days ago after being attacked by Bloodreavers looking for more Slaves. He escaped his attackers and somehow made his way here, to this chamber, almost entirely unharmed, apart from his earlier beating (yeah, unbelievable I know but it's our narrative).

The Knights rejoice a while- they've found a Cleric, and in five minutes flat are firm friends. Farkill heals himself and is ready for the fray, only all his money seems to have disappeared- funny that.

Lucan grins some more.

The room, from Farkill's point of view, spins for a second, voices, voices in the his head- the screams and cries of the innocent, a warning, a sign... Farkill, in a gruff voice, chunters “onwards”, waves his executioner's axe about and points to the doors through which the Flesh Prince earlier departed.

Cathal leads the Knights off down a great long (and very dark) stair.

Into the Cathedral of Shadows.

Actually into the ante-chamber of the Cathedral of Shadows, Lucan gulps once and then switches over to scouting mode, he disappears into the darkness and shadow.

He's gone a good five minutes, and in all that time doesn't roll anything less than a 25 for his stealth checks, he silently circumnavigates the great and deadly chamber.

Crimson trails of blood lead into the central area of the vaulted cathedral, the blood spills through a grate in the floor- a deep dark shadowy hole. Crystal columns illuminate a robed man at a dais in the northern part of the chamber- incanting and chanting, calling upon Orcus, the Demon Lord of Undeath.

There are several other unsavoury looking creatures dotted about- waiting, Lucan takes note and returns to tell the others.


Lucan, stealth fighter (actually Rogue).

And there endeth the 10th session of play, the Knights gain 8843 XP, till next time...


Just wanted to pop in and give another cheer for your story hour Goonalan. I really do love your style.

Have you been having the PCs advance at different rates? How are you finding that?


Actually we (that's me) decided that new characters should start at one level below the lowest level character already in play, don't ask me how or why I dreamt that one up. We've stuck to it so far although I sometimes have to even things out in other ways, i.e. give the new guy a little boost as regards equipment- but never abything too higher level.

So at the moment, we played session 42 last week (I think), there are six PCs in play (I wont say who they are) and the spread is level 7-9. In truth there's only one level 9 character, and only one level 7 character- the other four are level 8.

The issue is with the level 7 guy missing quite often in combat, and he's a striker, however after discussion that seems to be more to do with the leap forward that comes at level 8, by which I mean-

Our level 7 guy when he gets to level 8 will get a +1 To Hit for the even numbered level, a further +1 To Hit after he's added on his 2 new stat points, and yet another +1 To Hit if he takes the Feat he's been looking at.

Level 8 is a monster, a number of the characters have improved their To Hit chances by +3.

As to the other skills, stats et al; there doesn't seem to be any massive difference. This is all made a lot easier to use by my patented XP award system. So in the case above-

XP needed to get from Level 6 to 7 = 17,000
Level 7 to 8 = 24,000
Level 8 to 9 = 31,000
Level 9 to 10 = Unknown (I tell the player when he gets close to leveling)

It's not (previous level XP+7,000 ) for all level advancement- it just is for the levels in the example.

So in the last session (42) the six characters clocked up something like 32,000 XP shared equally between them, the level 7 guy will be level 8 well before the level 9 guy will be level 10- as they go up levels they bunch together (provided all players turn up to the session). I have predicted (and I'm usually quite accurate) that by level 11 or 12 (if they all turn up every game) then they'll all be on the same level.

Thanks for taking an interest, in some ways I prefer the present format, if only because it gives me a chance to catch up with the action, having said that I am have only written up to session 15 so far. The later sessions are... fantastic, and I know that's me saying that but the game is progressing amazingly well- the plot is shaping up nicely and H1-H3 is proving to be whole lot more Heroic than anything Wizards could have dreamt of.

Particularly with the little side treks that the players are getting dragged into- I really want to give it away and tell you what's going on... but I can't, I really can't.

Damn it.

Thanks again for reading.
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