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The funniest encounter or moment in your campaign


First Post
Yeah, i would like to hear some funny stories here...!

[EDIT] Rune didnt enjoy my "funny" story (i know, it wasnt, but i felt i had to come up with something when i started the thread), so i deleted it:eek:
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First Post
in the last campaign i DMed, when the party was around 4th or 5th level, they encountered a group of goblins. they easily slaughtered them until only one was left. instead of killing the last one, one of the party members had the bright idea of trying to intimidate it to get some information.

...and proceeded to roll a 1 on his Intimidation check. i just got the image in my head of this plucky little goblin giving the party the finger and saying, "Bite me! You'll never take me alive! WHHEEEEEEEEEE!!"

they had to kill the poor thing. too bad, in that moment he became one of my favorite NPCs. :p


Once A Fool

I don't mean to censor you, but, in all honesty, I do find myself appreciative of the consideration you've shown in deleting the anecdote.


That's pretty funny.
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There are two which stand out in my memory

The first is during an adventure in which the PC's had to sneak in to a dragons lair and retireve a magical item, they did this but on the way out inadvertantly awoke the dragon, who needless to say was a little miffed, more so when he noticed the space where the item had previously been empty.

In terror the PC's fled, and in Rage the Dragon took flight, now sensibly most of the party ran as fast as they could for the Forest, and hence cover...all that is bar one, who in a moment of what can only be explained as insanity, stopped running and shouted "No, we shouldn't run, it will be fine i'll reason with him"!

The rest of the Party of course didn;t stop running (sensible lot) anyway as they head down the hill that led to the edge of the forest, they saw a flash and a pyre of smoke..but they never saw the other character again :)

The Second is during a Dungeoncrawl in the Undermountain underneath Waterdeep in my FR campaign.
The party were descending down a circular stairway when they encountered a Beholder, the lead party member an elven ranger called "Hiestan" in a panic (having met one before) fled down the stairway... leaving the rest of the party to handle the beast.

Anyway down and down the winding stairway he went until he reached the bottom where there were a pair of alrge double doors, pulling one open he saw a darkened room or large size, as his eyes grew accustomed to the half light, he saw an immense form of a dragon, wings furled crawling through the hall towards him, filling it floor to roof....

closing the doors and running back up the stairs, he ran past the beholder and kept on going :)


Liquid Awesome
One that comes to mind was an adventure I played in several years ago. We were ridding a town of a werewolf. It turned out that the werewolf was the son of a powerful wizard and a powerful illusionist (wife of the wizard and mother of the werewolf). We slew the werewolf and infiltrated the castle of the wizard and illusionist to bring them to justice for harboring their son (who they knew had been murdering the townfolk).

We broke into their private chambers and the monk in our party attacked the illusionist. With a perfect critical hit he knocked her unconscious with a single blow (this was a Rolemaster game). The rest of the party unleashed our attacks on the wizard.

Seeing that he was outgunned for the moment, the wizard cast a Fly spell and shot out the window. The only person fast enough to catch him was the monk who leaped out the window, tumbled safely upon reaching the ground and took off after the fleeing wizard.

He managed to catch up with him but the wizard was still flying and the monk (being a monk) had no ranged attack weapons. So he attempted to taunt the wizard into a fist fight (!?) by yelling, "Hey, we've got your wife!" (!!??). Surprising to him (but not to any of the rest of us), the wizard didn't descend and duke it out with him. Instead, he unleashed a blizzard of lightning bolts on the monk unlike anything we'd ever seen.

The players all sat in anticipatory silence as one critical hit after another was rolled to determine the total damage taken. Fortunately, the dice were relatively kind and he was left (very) unconcious, near death, smoking and bleeding. If the wizard hadn't been afraid that the rest of us were about to show up, he probably would have finished him off. Of course, I'm sure the wizard was as surprised as the rest of us that anyone could have survived the torrent of death that he had unleashed.

After the initial shock (hehe) had worn off of us as players, one of the other players says to the player of the monk, " 'We've got your wife?' WTF were you thinking?!" The reply, "Well, I was trying to piss him off." We all replied in unison, "I'd say you succeeded!!"

For years after that, whenever there was a foe we wanted to taunt, we'd always tell that player to yell "We've got your wife!" at them.

Dungeon Master

First Post
That was funny Neo, its events like that that make the game all the better in my opinion.

I have a story, In my ongoing campaign the party found themselves needing to acquire two artifacts (Gems). One of the party members had a weasel familiar who just somehow managed to be in the building where a body (former NPC) was. Now the party all had a mind link via the psionicst including all familiars thus everyone could speak in everyone's mind. The party asked the familiar weasel to search the body of the NPC and find the Gem. He searched and searched finally coming across the artifact (Gem). Unfortunately during the time he was searching, the evil villains entered the house, the party could see this from the distance using their spyglass. They told the weasel to take the gem and find a way out. The familiar couldn't very well carry the gem so he asked the party how to get it out. They told him to swallow the gem. Weasel attempts to swallow golf ball sized gem (I'm rolling dice behind the screen), apparently the party had some concerns and asked if he had swallowed it yet and if not, don't swallow the gem. Too late, Artifact (Gem) in the weasel.

The Weasel escapes the house unnoticed and makes his way out to the party. Everyone was happy, they had the artifact!
With some hesitation in his voice, the thief Bran pondered the question of just how the gem was to get out and how long this might take. Without question the mighty Barbarian Thayr picked up his Axe. No, no, no this can't happen. The Psionicst Krystiana and the Wizard concoct a plan to make a potion of sorts to help the poor weasel throw-up. The players make their DC roll for the potion and lace it with butter and sugar in hoes the Weasel will enjoy it enough to drink the whole thing. More dice rolls are made and sure enough the weasel drinks down the potion. 10-15 minutes later the weasel is rolling on the ground making squeaking noises (like weasels do, I guess) but the gem seems to be passing through him not out the same hole it went down.

I make more dice rolls behind my screen, thinking that in all my years of running D&D games I've never had to play a weasel familiar passing an artifact. Ok so the weasel has a pretty nasty case of the runs, the Barbarian feels sorry for the poor creature and begins to message his belly, hoping to force out said artifact. More dice rolls behind the screen, semi-solid waste all over the barbarians hands, Weasel screaming, party laughing at this sight. Barbarian lifts the weasels tail to check for the gem, more dice rolls behind my DM screen, light streaming from the rectum (Gem glows with a yellowish white light). Now the party is really laughing, rolling on the floor even, oh boy....

Finally the weasel passes the Gem, the party has what they came for and to this day that weasel has never walked the same again!

What a funny moment, I still laugh at this situation when I think about it....


Mishihari Lord

First Post
Two of many:

The party was after a group of 200 or so bandits that had been preying along travelers on a main highway. A fair amount of food had been stolen, so the party hid in a potato wagon under a bunch of potatoes. Sure enough, the wagon is taken, and after an hour or so it stops. The party can't see anything, but sounds of a busy camp are all around. The kender decides now is the time to get a look around, so he stands up, only to see that they're right in the middle of a camp. The camp slowly goes quiet, with everyone turning to look at the kender. The kender, with a potato in each hand and one on his head, looks around and says, "Anyone want to buy a potato?"

The party was traveling down a highway and two scruffy looking men pop up out of the brush. "Gotta pay the toll, mate!" says one. The fighter says "This is the king's highway, there's no toll here!" The cleric asks "How much?" When they're informed that the toll is 50 gp, they reply "50 gold?! That's highway robbery!" The party finally gets it at this point when I crack up.

Teflon Billy

In my Champions campaign, the PC group of Superheros (The Justice Hurricane), were fighting their Archnemesis (The Government Cyborg Operative X) and his lackies (the half-man half-mantis Insectoid and the Soviet Battlesuiter known as Comrade Arsenal) to recover a small sentient toy bear (don't ask) on top of a Vancouver skyscraper.

As the Kinetic Energy absorbing powerhouse known as Battery Duked it out with the Insectoid, and the Telekinetic beauty Kinetica, Mistress of Motion and the robo-ninja Blackwing occupied Operative X, the cracked and battered reflective hero Mirror Image fighting far above his weight battled Comrade Arsenal for possession of the Toy Bear.

In the scuffling the Bear went over the precipice of the building and landed 60 stories down in the back of a beet farmer's pickup truck.

Kinetica due to a series of bad rolls could not effectively grab the Toy Bear with her TK at that range. So it was left to Windman, Lord of the Airs to use his Whirlwind (area effect TK, no fine manipulation) he got the Toy Bear....and the entire load of beets.

Why this is funny is that it coined a new term for when the team manages to get something done in a clumsy, non-ideal fashion.

That term is Beet Cyclone

Matt (Windman): "Well Kinetica, you took out Subterranean Samurai, but ruined the Venus DeMilo while doing so.

Casey(Kinetica): "Yup, quite the Beet Cyclone"
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Dungeon Master said:
That was funny Neo, its events like that that make the game all the better in my opinion.

Finally the weasel passes the Gem, the party has what they came for and to this day that weasel has never walked the same again!

What a funny moment, I still laugh at this situation when I think about it....


LOL, somehow i doubt the Weasel remember it with a smile :)


i just recalled another one...

Well i remember it funny i'm sure the player in question doesn;t :)

anyway, my group likes to be prepared, they try to ensure they have something in their possession for EVERY contingency, and so for one particular adventure, in which they had to travel across land some distance to a Dungeon hidden away at the foot of some mountains, they purchased a wagon and stocked it with all manner of paraphenalia.. everything from clockwork toys (don't ask), to spare rope, extra food, shovels etc... but they also made a point of buying a few barrels filled with oil (for molotovs, torches, lanterns etc...), realising this was potentially quite a flammable cargo they covered the wagon and set off.

Now at the time most of the group were fighter types a ranger, rogue, elven fighter mage, paladin, cleric and so forth... all that is barr Doctor Feustus who was something of a creepy individual (necromancer) who was overly fond of his cranial drills and leech collection... he was rather feeble in combat so often chose to ride the wagon.

Anyway they travel on for a few days uneventfully, until the third night out they choose to camp by a stand of trees. Setting out the camp, building a fire, eating a meal and generally completing their evening regimes before hitting the hay the group failed to notice the Brigands stalking the camp.

The Brigands ambushed the group catching them in a crossfire, needless to say most of the group charged forward to make the Brigands missile fire less effective and cause them to engage in melee instead, all that is except doctor Feustus who stayed on the wagon.

so you can imagine his surprise when it turns out the Brigand have a spellcaster of their own, and his opening greeting comes in the form of a Fireball aimed at the camp.

As the GM i rolled for scatter as the Brigand was none too specific on where in the camp he unleashed the spell, most of the group were already moving out of it's effect, leaving Doctor Feustus and the Wagon packed full of Oil (you see where this is heading)...

anyway i roll the scatter a 2... which is NE oops thats the direction of the wagon, i roll for distance oops 8 feet thats directly on the wagon...on the oil!


No more wagon, no more supplies, no more oil, and sadly...no more Doctor Feustus... although it did rain splinters for a while


Sorry Chris if your reading this...but it was funny :p

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