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The Future of the X-Men "cinematic universe" - what do you think will happen, want to happen?


I've read a variety of rumors online about the X-Men universe, specifically where it might be going after X-Men: Apocalypse. The point of this thread is to discuss what we think might happen, and what you want to happen.

I am far from an expert fanboy on the topic, but as far as I can tell this is what we know:

*There will be one more Wolverine movie in 2017, and one only - at least with Hugh Jackman
*Apocalypse completes a trilogy that started with First Class and continued with Days of Future Past
*Apocalypse takes place in the 1980s and re-introduces younger versions of later, and classic X-Men like Jean Grey, Cyclops, Storm, Psylocke, Nightcrawler, etc
*There will also be spin-offs of Deadpool and Gambit, both in 2016, although it remains to be seen what connection they have to the main movies or if there is any continuity with the first Wolverine movie
*There have been rumors of a tv show, as well as X-Force and The New Mutants, but nothing substantial
*It also seems like Days of Future Past negated X2 and The Last Stand (which of course opens the door for a possible re-try on the Dark Phoenix saga)

Feel free to add anything else.

I've also heard the rumor that the whole X-Men franchise might be rebooted, possibly to be returned to Marvel's purview. The latter seems unlikely, but some kind of reboot is possible - although my guess is that it will only be a "soft" reboot, with the characters introduced in Apocalypse in the 90s and beyond, rather than a "hard" reboot and a start-over. But who knows.

Assuming Apocalypse is good and the characters well represented, I for one would like to see them continue forward. My only problem with that approach is that it keeps the X-Men stuck in the past, with follow-up movies likely occurring in the 90s, given the youth of Tye Sheridan (Cyclops) and Sophie Turner (Jean Grey). Of course given that this is the X-Men, it could be that something happens that puts them in suspended animation at the end of Apocalypse, and then awakening in 2018 or whenever the next movie might come out. Or maybe they time-travel...that seems more likely.

I'd like to see a tv show that would be something like Xavier's school for gifted youngsters - so akin to the New Mutants. The problem with that is you'd probably want the presence of Xavier, and unless they recast the character, I can't imagine James McAvoy doing anything more than cameos.

Here's another idea. Let's say they do something similar to what I mentioned above, with the X-Men in Apocalypse going into some kind of suspended animation or a wormhole into 2018+. Meanwhile, mutants go into hiding in the 90s and 00s, but a group starts to protect and gather them, sort of a hidden school for gifted youngsters - but not led by Xavier or even Magneto. Maybe....Mystique? Obviously re-cast, but with her shapechanging abilities this could work out well. Or the series could involve two groups, a "rebel" X-Force and a governmental X-Factor. Anyhow, it would be a great opportunity to introduce any number of mutants from the long history of the comics, and of course new ones.

So the series would start in 2017 or maybe 2018, and the next movie would be a year later.

Just speculating with a healthy dose of wishful thinking...

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41st lv DM
I would like to see Marvel control ALL of their characters. I would like to see Disney simply buy them back from Fox. Or, if Fox refuses, just buy Fox.....
I don't want them to do ANY story from the comics. Just take the characters & make a stories unique to the screen.
Likewise I don't want trilogies, etc. Just X-Men:{sub-title}. Then X-Men:{sub-title}. And on & on until I die or they burn the franchise out.
I want to see my favorite characters in their comic book costumes.
I'll settle for entertaining movies though.


Given the recasting of the characters, the most obvious choice for the next film would be something set in the late 80's or early 90's. Though they could take the time-travel/suspended animation route the OP suggests.

To be honest, I'm not too bothered - I'll probably go see whatever they come out with. Though the OP does mention one thing I definitely don't want - a re-do of Dark Phoenix. They've done that now, and although it didn't work out as well as was hoped, it's best to just let it lie, IMO. Do something new, please.


One thing that came to mind is that technically, only The Last Stand is absolutely certain of being erased from the new timeline. X2 probably didn't happen, but it could have. We saw Jean Grey and Cyclops when Logan went "back to the future," but we don't know if she had come back from the plane accident or not. Not that it really matters, but you never know - sometimes they play with little bits like that.


Mod Squad
Staff member
I think they'd be best off allowing Apocalypse to wrap up the current continuity, without any specific follow-on. Further movies can then base on the general idea of the X-Men, without having to rehash the origin story details yet again, but not actually extend that same storyline.


First Post
I'd like to see a tv show that would be something like Xavier's school for gifted youngsters - so akin to the New Mutants. The problem with that is you'd probably want the presence of Xavier, and unless they recast the character, I can't imagine James McAvoy doing anything more than cameos.

Fox is developing a New Mutants movie directed by Josh Boone (The Fault in Our Stars). McAvoy may return to play Xavier in the film, but I have no idea when they plan to release it.


First Post
I prefer X-Men (and Spiderman, whose right Sony is not going to sell - cheap or at all, despite Civil War the next Spidey film will be 100% Sony ) away from Disney tentacles.


Mod Squad
Staff member
(and Spiderman, whose right Sony is not going to sell - cheap or at all, despite Civil War the next Spidey film will be 100% Sony )

Not exactly correct. Spider Man will appear in Civil War.

But... "Sony Pictures will thereafter release the next installment of its $4 billion Spider-Man franchise, on July 28, 2017, in a film that will be co-produced by Kevin Feige and his expert team at Marvel and Amy Pascal, who oversaw the franchise launch for the studio 13 years ago. "

That's Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios.

So, 100% Sony? Not really.

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