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The Geek's Sophie's Choice


  • Avengers: End Game

    Votes: 8 32.0%
  • Game of Thrones season 8

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker

    Votes: 8 32.0%

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Seems weird but I remember the local FLGS owner hyping up the 1st book. At the time I was into Eddings, Feist etc. That was in 1996/97 or so in a shop that closed over a decade ago. A Dance With Dragons was the latest one out when I read it- circa 2012.

Theory is he has made a lot of money so the incentive to write the last books is probably less as he doesn't exactly need to make a living. Kind of like those artists who have a massive album or 3 and are set for life.


Theory is he has made a lot of money so the incentive to write the last books is probably less as he doesn't exactly need to make a living. Kind of like those artists who have a massive album or 3 and are set for life.

More like he has less incentive to send a book out into the world that he isn't 100% happy with.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Oh, my sweet summer child!

No, he's entirely correct. Anyone who knows Robert Jordan understands.

Your see, George is not a young man. He's 70 years old. He will, eventually, die. And then, someone will step in to complete the series based on his notes, just like they did for Robert Jordan. And that person will have incentive, as they won't have residuals piling in from the TV show to fill their coffers. Sanderson had a Wheel of Time book out within about 2 years of Jordan's death, and finished off the final three in less time than it has taken Martin to put out one book.

Yes, the series will be concluded.


That was easy: Marvel by default.

I've never seen Game of Thrones and the Star Wars movies are getting more and more *meh* to me (I didn't even bother watching "Solo"), whereas I've enjoyed the Marvel movies.

I'll probably give GoT a chance once the whole set's on DVD (I've been told my multiple sources that I'd love it), but in the spirit of the "Sophie's Choice" in the original post I'd much rather watch the rest of the Marvel movies even if it meant never getting to see GoT.


Star Wars.

ASoIaF will eventually end, even if we have to draft Brandon Sanderson (Misery-style).

Marvel and DC are indistiguishable to me (I know, turn in my nerd card.)


This was easy. I've been waiting for the end of ASoIaF since the mid-1990s when the first book came out. So GoT all the way!

It helps that The Last Jedi was so good and works as an end to the saga. Plus, I suspect J.J. may undo the best decisions Rian made in TLJ.

And Marvel... I *like* most of them, and am going to see Endgame this Friday. But I'm not that invested in them, if that makes sense.

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