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The Gods Hate Us

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Ruslan and Igor are flying along at a moderate walking pace, with Igor occasionally looking behind him and reporting what the others are doing.*

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Pabsit and Ruslan:
For a moment, you catch sight of a strange, upside down pryramid shaped...thing that seems to be floating not far from where you'd camped. The moment you catch sight of it, however, it disappears and the world behind it seems to fade into where the thing was.

The giant then took a heavy step forward, looking suddenly more dangerous than before, "You are not to go there!" he growls in Ruslan and Pabsit's direction, raising the large mace in his hand and looking ready to catch up in small amount of steps(for a giant, at least)

((Yes, we're going to go to Initiative order at this point.
Oskar 14, Ruslan 8, Igor 12, Toryn 19, Baril 20, Lou 16, Pabsit 13, Giant 18.
So that puts combat order as: Baril(up on the wall still), Toryn, Giant, Lou, Oskar, Pabsit, Igor, then Ruslan.

Also, attaching a map...hopefully you can identify everyone. The 9Gs are the Giant, with the - as the wall and the = as the gate section of the wall.



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Isida Kep'Tukari

"What? You said you didn't want us in the city, so I'm going around so I can travel on the road. Or is that not allowed either?" Ruslan says with heavy sarcasm, gesturing discretely for Igor to prepare to open the portable hole again.

What was that odd thing? Some kind of magical construct sent to spy on us? Probably, all things considered. Cowards.


First Post
Toryn points in the direction from which the group had come. "Not sure about this but we may have some company approaching," says the dwarf. He then steps back and readies himself into a defensive stance as he sees the giant begin to move. (Single Move to B6 & Standard Action Total Defense AC=37, if the creature is truly classified as a giant make that AC 41)

The giant takes a quick look down to Toryn, but keeps his attention more on Ruslan and Pabsit. His free hand reaches out, and a sudden blackness expanded out from a nearby rock. It covered all of them, making it near impossible to see what was around except for a faint outline.

((Note that EVERYONE is within the effects of it, and if you have darkvision you've still got trouble seeing. Actions for the rest of you? And Isida, do you want to change Ruslan's action?))

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Ruslan sighs dramatically, and casts a spell with a simple gesture of his hand. A ghostlike hand appears before him, floating in the air and awaiting instructions.*

[OOC - Casting spectral hand with aquamarine of spell extending. Going to do some lovely nasty touch spells next round.]

Voidrunner's Codex

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