• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Goodman Gang in The Mysterious Tower


Dungeon Crawl Classic #24
Legend of the Ripper
Level 1-3 (Scaled to level 4)​

Turn 69: Oh Sandy.

Thirty minutes later Cas and Bec are a little more comfortable, the sun has almost disappeared over the horizon.

“It’s going to get cold tonight, I suggest we huddle together people.” Jim states.

Suddenly Shadrack starts to bray, the pony shuffles and stomps till Jim lays a calming hand on the beast. “What is it Shadrack?”
“There.” Newt points, Jim strains to see, as does Anya, Ala however spots it straight away.
“What is it?” Jim asks.
“Beetle?” Ala guesses.

“Missile weapons.” Jim orders, the four still upright and able get ready.


Bows and Crossbows sing out, but the big black Beetle, background the darkening desert, is difficult to spot, and particularly at range.

“Wait till it gets closer.” Jim shouts.
“Not too close.” Newt chides.

The ad hoc barrage continues- all to no affect.

It’s not until the Beetle is within fifty feet that Jim can actually pick it out against the black. The Ranger’s next shot smashes into the thing, puncturing its carapace and sending out a mini-eruption of yellow ichor.

The Beetle stops.

“Is it dead?” Newt wonders.

The Beetle gets going again, heading straight for them.


Jim’s on the mark again, barely breaking stride the creature turns hard right and heads off as fast as its little legs can carry it.

“Leave it, that’s the last we’ve seen of him. Double watches tonight.”

The Goodman Gang get some well earned rest.

Then, in a blink of an eye, the sun comes up…

However it seems Cas, and in particular Bec, are far from well- they’ve pushed themselves too hard, the pair are suffering from sun stroke still, with a touch of hypothermia, the nights are very cold, particularly when you don’t have tents.

“We rest today.” Jim decides, “keep watch, we’ll head off again when the sun goes down, travel at night, when it’s cooler.”
Cas nods, Bec lies on his side, ragged breaths, shivering uncontrollably.
“Look after them.” Jim looks at Ala, she nods.

Twelve hours later…

The suns on the way back down, it’s getting cooler, and Bec and Cas are in much better shape.

“Thanks Jim.” Cas looks up and sips the remains of his tea.
Bec nods in the Ranger’s direction.
“Perhaps it’s best if Jim takes charge for a while?” Anya asks.
The Ranger likes the sound of that, he smiles.
“I thought he was in charge.” Ala states.
Cas sees the funny side, smirks.

A little while later they’re on the move again.

Three hours later…

Bec’s head hangs low, the Paladin is back to shuffling along, it seems their new found energy has been spent already.

One hour later…

The Paladin collapses, slumps to the floor, his mouth, ears, eyes and nose clogged with sand.

“You go on…” He manages, “leave me here.”
“Shut up.” Jim hefts the Paladin over his shoulder; Cas finds enough energy to cling on.

They trudge on for another hour...

Then another rest break, more water, hot food, thirty minutes rest.

And then Cas’ is hoisted up again, the Ranger whistles a happy tune as he adjusts his load, and then heads of into the near-dark.

Bec drifts backwards, eventually settles for trudging beside Shadrack, his giant hand on the ponies saddle, he can’t see very much.

One hour later…

The sun peeks over the horizon.

They stumble on.

One hour later…

And in the glare of first light they can see it, or at least Newt and Ala can.

“It’s a door.” Newt points and grins.
“Where?” Jim squints.
“There”, Ala points too, she giggles a little, “by that dune, to the right.”

Jim can’t see anything, he can barely make out the sand dune Ala’s referring to, it all looks the same… hang on, perhaps there is just the smallest speck of black out there.

“One last push, we’re nearly there.” The Ranger leads them off again.

One hour later…

The door is a door, the same as the other, except closed, it’s about two hundred yards away, next to a sand dune, like Ala said, although most things are next to a sand dune out here.

“Wahey.” Newt frolics, pirouettes, jogs forward ahead of the pack, heading straight for the portal. Behind him the others grin.

“It’s the same as the other one.” Newt calls back and pulls up short, walks over to the portal, touches it to make sure that it’s real. At the same instant the sand dune to the left erupts and the Beetle, still bearing testimony to Jim’s arrows, leaps forward- it’s enormous up close.

A jet black shinning carapace, and huge clacking jaws, it’s probably eight feet long, it grabs at the Gnome, its pincers meet and crush the Rogue.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrggghhh Bastard.” Newt summons the last of his strength and leaps, nay bounds, out of the things grasp, lands a good fifteen feet away and topples over in a crumpled heap.

“Let me go.” Cas shouts in Jim’s ear. “I’ll save him…” Jim does as he’s told, the Paladin staggers three feet then collapses, struggles, but cannot make sense of his surroundings, he lies on the floor clawing at the baking sand, he’s going nowhere.

The Beetle shuffles towards the fallen Gnome, who manages to right himself, comes up, woozy and staggering but weapon in hand.

The others come charging over, Bec is really struggling, stumbling, it’s Jim once again who leads the way.

They’re not going to get to Newt in time.

The Beetle suddenly changes direction, turns about face in front of Newt, who sees his opportunity and slashes hard at the thing taking another slice out of its carapace.

The Beetle stops, shudders, its rear end is now pointing directly at Newt, the Gnome shrugs and looks generally confused.


A spray half-fog, half-liquid erupts from the Beetle’s backside, engulfs Newt, its acid, Newt thinks- its acid, and then, I can’t be bothered with this, and thumps to the ground, unconscious.

A glowing longsword appears in the air by the Beetle, slashes down and interrupts the acid’s flow; Ala’s Spiritual Weapon keeps the Beetle at bay, away from the fallen Gnome.

“Smidgin”, a pair of Magic Missiles streak in, smash into its carapace, leave gaping holes in their wake.

The creature, squats, sinks then shudders- no more.

Jim and Ala catch up with Newt, the Ranger grabs hold of the little feller as Ala brings her healing powers into play.


The dead Beetle’s carapace, or rather what’s left of it, explodes- guck and splodge shoot out.

And from the wreck spill a million tiny little Beetles, a swarm- Newt’s too close, the black mass heads over to investigate the smell of fresh blood.

Jim quickly drags the Gnome back and away, Ala sends her Spiritual Weapon in to slow them down- it has no real effect, there are far too many of the tiny Beetles.

“Flame ON.” Anya steps into the swarm’s path.

And again, “FLAME ON”, this time through gritted teeth and they’re as good as gone, the few unscorched Beetles scuttle off to find something less capable to menace.

Ten minutes later, with Newt back up and fairly healthy, and having declared the portal free of traps, and unlocked no less, the sad and sorry four-some, dragging the sun-stroked and exhausted two-some, step into a corridor- much like the one they left, except without the noisome water, Shadrack follows them through.

A door ahead is eagerly ignored, they slump down to rest, even Shadrack is made to lie down in the cramped space, fed, watered, and pampered by Jim.

A sketchy watch rota is drawn up and soon enough they’re all asleep.

Yes, all of them.

Next Turn: Power Extreme.

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Dungeon Crawl Classic #24
Legend of the Ripper
Level 1-3 (Scaled to level 4)​

Turn 70: Power Extreme.

Morning has broken, or rather the Goodman Gang start to wake, they’re all present and correct… except for Jim and Shadrack, the pony.

The portal opens and Jim files in leading Shadrack behind him.

“Where have you been?” Anya asks.
“Call of nature, for both of us.” Jim eyes Shadrack.

An hour or so later, after ablutions and breakfast, the Gang break camp and ready themselves for adventure again. Jim tether’s Shadrack to the door, says goodbye to his new found friend.

Cas and Bec are a little under the weather still but much better than they were in the desert.

They move on in- through the door, after Newt gives it the once over, another corridor, a t-junction- door left, door right- nothing to choose between the two.

“Right, I think.” Cas states and motions for Newt to oblige.
“You’ve no idea where you’re going have you Lord?” Newt replies.
“No, but the trick is to sound confident.” Cas winks at the Gnome who gets to work.

Door checked, Cas opens it and leads the adventurers on.

A fine layer of dust covers the floor of the corridor ahead, a set of five steps leads down. The air smells as if it has been trapped in here for years- stale, almost rotten. Obviously no one has disturbed the passageway for some time, centuries probably. Through the dust and past an emaciated corpse stretched prone on the floor, the corridor ends at a door. There’s a carving above the lintel, strange runes surrounding a bright yellow gem embedded in the stonework.

“Newt, if you would- give the place the once over.”

The Gnome skitters down the stairs, cautiously scans the floor and inches ahead till he’s to the corpse.

“What is it?” Ala shouts.
“A dead guy.” Newt proclaims and carefully steps around the dead guy.

The Gnome makes it all the way to the other end of the corridor, no traps up to here.

The others follow on- Ala bends to examine the corpse, “desiccated- almost mummified, without the wrappings of course, odd.”

“Anya can I get a hand.” Newt winks at the Mage, “only I’m out of Potions of Spider Climb.”
“It just so happens.” The Wizard grins and thirty seconds later Newt is above the door and examining, without touching, the gemstone and runes there, the later he cannot read, however, “There’s a trap- it’s the gem stone, don’t approach it, stay where you are. I think…” he tails of and rifles through his backpack, “here it is”, he pulls out a Tanglefoot Bag.

Newt hangs on, looks around, then down at his companions, eventually climbs down the wall and heads over to Cas.

“Can I borrow your shield Lord?”
“Err… Yeah.”
“I suppose, what do you…” But the Rogue is gone, back up the wall, and to the gemstone, with Cas’ shield in tow.

“Ready?” Newt calls down.
“Yes.” Cas thinks about it. “For what exactly?”


Newt slaps the Tanglefoot Bag onto the Gemstone, it covers it instantly in a mass of goo.


He thumps Cas’ shield into the goo, forming a makeshift barrier which totally covers the Gem.

The Gemstone pulses, the goo hardens in an instant, it steams slightly as almost all of the moisture in it evaporates.

“Damn.” Newt curses and juggles out a small pry-bar.

“Cas.” Ala shouts, behind them the desiccated being is getting up, the Paladin swings into action, slashes wildly with his longsword and slices the Zombie’s right arm off- shame really, he was using that, the Zombie falls back down.

The Gemstone pulses again, the Tanglefoot goo hardens to rock, crumbles, the shield detaches and falls, clatters onto the stone floor, then the goo, now nothing more than dust, falls away. Newt jams his pry-bar in.


And levers out the Gem, catches it with the same hand, “Mine”, and tucks it away for safe keeping.

“Down.” Cas smashes the Zombie again, decapitating it.

Newt jumps down from the wall, “easy when you know how.” He grins.
“The door if you please.” Jim indicates the door ahead; after all he’s now officially second in command here.

A minute or two later.

“That’s odd- no traps”, Newt looks up, “I guess we already fixed it.”

Cas opens the door and leads them on.

The door opens into a circular room twenty-five feet in diameter and features a domed ceiling. The dome is covered with murals of an ocean filled with various aquatic creatures; all emaciated and withered, in the midst of violent death throes.

In the middle of the room is a large fountain. The gurgling water is so clear, so refreshing and so pure in appearance that it draws the adventurers in.

How cool it would taste, Cas thinks, “We can refill our bottles here”, the Paladin approaches.
“Leave IT.” It’s Ala and it’s a command.

The Priestess of Correllon marches over to the Paladin, grabs him by the hand, “don’t trust this place- there’ll be something wrong with it, I have spells remember- I will provide.” She winks, stands on tip-toes and in a public show of affection kisses the Paladin on the cheek.

Which breaks the spell.

“Right you are, I mean… Yes Ma’am.”
“Oh get a room.” Newt strolls past the fountain, there’s yet another door on the opposite side of the chamber, he gets to work.

“Not locked, not trapped. It’s a doddle this place.” Newt waves the Paladin by, Cas leads them on.

Into a small, dark six-sided chamber, it feels claustrophobic, oppressive. A dais opposite the door holds a chest, but what gets their attention is the large, red mass of coral that is suspended from the ceiling at shoulder height by chains. The coral is etched with runes and strange symbols, there appears to be a recess atop the object. A great and terrible power seems to emanate from this relic.

The Gang stand there for a moment, struck dumb, the sounds of waves crashing against a rocky shore fills their ears.

Jim comes out of the trance first, “traps?”

Newt sets to work, he takes his time.

“Why aren’t we taking this again?” Anya asks.
“Because we were told not to.” Cas replies.
“But why- what harm could it do, it might even help us.”
“To do what?”

Anya stares at the Artefact, “I don’t know but… It’s very tempting.”
“Is it?” Cas looks at the faces of his companions- Ala shakes her head, Jim shrugs, Bec’s not listening, Newt turns to face him- shakes his head, “looks dangerous- leave it.”
“It’s only you that thinks that Anya.”

Anya looks back at the thing. “Aren’t you in the least bit… interested.”
“Nope.” The Paladin shakes his head.
“So you trust Khan?”
“I didn’t say that, I’m just more concerned that we’re wasting our time here when we should be getting on with the job in hand.”
“Bloody Paladin.” Anya sighs then smiles, at least he can be relied upon, that’s more than most men, she thinks.

“Nothing.” Newt wanders back to the crowd.
“Are you sure?” Jim asks.
“Yes… That is, oh hang on- I’ll keep looking.”

Newt wanders back to give the place the once over, again. The Goodman Gang listen to the pleasant sound of the waves, drift off or about, check this and that on their equipment, bite their nails, and hum unknown ditties.

The Gnome tromps back, “Nothing- I can’t find anything, no traps, no… nothing.”

Newt leads Bec in, around the coral artefact, to the chest- the Barbarian picks up the box, and is lead back out again.

“That’s that- we’ll have a look in the chest back at the t-junction.” Cas leads them out.
“You’re not even mildly curious.” Anya states, and stamps her foot a little.
“No, now come on- we’ve got bigger fish to fry.” Cas holds the door open, mainly to make sure that Anya leaves.

Back at the t-junction the chest is opened, the contents removed, a Detect Magic spell from Ala helps to quantify their find- there’s a nice belt, a necklace, a pearl, and a horn (for blowing), the last two detect as magical; the first two are appraised as valuable, the necklace made of small pink pearls is very valuable indeed, according to Newt.

“Right then, let’s try the other door.” Cas states.
“I told you that you didn’t know where you were going.” Newt replies.
“On the contrary we have emerged unharmed and laden with treasure; surely you Newt can see the benefit of that.”
“Got me there- lead on Lord, and I shall follow.”

Cas indicates the door, the Gnome obliges, and they’re soon through, the corridor ahead mirrors the last, in dimensions only though, this time the stairs lead down into three feet of filthy water. The door at the end of the chamber is still there however the gemstone and the runes are gone, also there’s a second door on the right-hand wall about halfway down the passage.

Newt makes for higher ground, scrambles up the wall and heads off to see what he can spy.

A moment later his voice rings back, “it’s safe up to the door, which isn’t trapped and doesn’t appear to be locked.”

Cas and the others wade over to the right-hand door, the Paladin opens the way.

It opens into a circular chamber some twenty feet in diameter. Frescoes upon the walls depict torture and death in gruesome detail. A section of the wall to the left has partially collapsed, and sewage stained water seeps through in a foul stream to add to the muck through which the adventurers have been striding. The smell of waste is thick and heavy causing Cas to gag reflexively.

“Pelor help me.” Cas wipes his mouth, wades in, Newt scurries after the Paladin, talking the high road, still firmly attached to the wall, Anya strides in next.


The door slams shut.

The water explodes upwards, drenching everything and everyone in the chamber; Newt scrambles for purchase for a second, then hangs on. The sunrod gutters and flares, then springs back into life- its cold glow encompasses the room.

The water churns and froths.

“What the…” Anya begins.
“Er… Help.” Cas tries.

Next Turn: In a spin.


Dungeon Crawl Classic #24
Legend of the Ripper
Level 1-3 (Scaled to level 4)​

Turn 71: In a spin.

“What’s going on… What’s…” The Wizard quickly wades towards the door. The water continues to boil, Cas looks around him, a ivory white skull begins to rise from the water, it’s attached to the rest of the Skeleton, the Paladin smashes it down in an instant.

“Get that door open.” Cas screams.
“There’s something holding it shut.” Anya screams, it’s getting noisy in here.

On the other side of the door Bec rips his fingernails out trying to pry the thing open, Jim on his knees, head just above the water- working on the bottom of the door, trying to get his dagger into the gap.

“Open it.” Ala shouts.
“We’re trying.” Jim states, frustrated.

Suddenly a crack appears, the doors opening, Bec wedges his fingers in the gap- heaves at it, Jim does the same, and yet the door only opens a few inches.

Anya’s at the gap, “get it open.”

“Cas.” Newt shouts and points.

The Paladin spins round as two forms rise up from the water, vaguely humanoid in shape, for water they look pretty solid, instinctively Cas slashes at the first, the water creature swirls and at the last moment dodges aside.

Anya turns back, takes it all in, presses her mouth to the gap, “open it Bec, open it Jim. Quickly. Please.”

Newt grabs for his crossbow, nearly spills the thing, juggles it into his hands.

A fist of water lurches upwards out of the turgid slop their standing in, looks about for a moment- or so it seems, then pounds down hard towards Cas, the Paladin shifts his weight and dodges the blow- the Elemental, in no hurry, disappears beneath the waves.

Anya mumbles arcane words, her Mage Armour takes affect.

Bec and Jim continue to strain at the door; it opens another inch, no more. “Open it.” Ala screams, which does nothing more than further frustrate the straining pair.

Cas lashes out at an Elemental, seems to hit, a gash appears in the watery humanoids side. The second Elememtal dissipates before it can attack, sinks beneath the waves.


Newt’s bolt passes through the water creature but leaves no mark in its passing.

The second Elemental suddenly appears, in wave form, rolls around the edge of the chamber, gathering momentum, then smashes hard into Anya, sending the Wizard crashing into the door, for a second she sees stars, then water streams in as she sinks, coughing and spluttering, seconds later, she heaves herself up, and before her stands a nine foot tall Water Elemental in all its glory.

“You BASTARD.” She smashes at the creature with her staff, punches a hole right through the thing, the creature makes a sound, possibly the Aquan version of laughter, that or someone farting in the bath.

Newt, desperate, fiddles another bolt into place.


This one seems to have an affect, slices into the side of the creature menacing Anya, drills a bore hole all the way through the Elemental. It doesn’t flinch, instead grows steadily taller, piling wave upon wave, then topples, crashes down on a screaming Anya smashing the Wizard, like flotsam against a rocky shore.

It dissipates.

On the surface of the water Anya’s unconscious, or dead, form floats.

The other Water Elemental instantly explodes to the surface; sending crashing waves in every direction, spraying stinging water everywhere within the chamber, Cas and Newt quickly reassess their footing as they’re buffeted and bashed.

The Elemental sinks again beneath the waves.

It seems their toying with the Goodman Gang.

The water continues to bubble and froth.

Then, finally, the door is wrenched open, and Ala rushes in, only to be suddenly blocked as one of the Elemental springs up to intercept her passage, she slices wildly with her longsword, taking a liquid gout out of the creature. The Elemental forms two liquid fists, wails on the Priestess, who dodges then defects both of its blows.

Cas scrambles for Anya, then notices that the water in the chamber is beginning to circle, the Wizard’s body drifts away from him as the water increases in speed, a vortex begins to form in the centre of the chamber.

“WHIRLPOOL” Cas screams, then “GET ANYA”, his words directed at anyone who will listen.

Jim’s listening, the Ranger rocks back and then barges into the chamber, bull-rushing through, almost, the Water Elemental blocking the doorway, he flings himself into the water, hands flailing trying to grab hold of Anya- he misses as the Wizard slips from his grasp and continues to spiral into the mix.

Bec and Ala are still stuck in the doorway, unable to pass the Elemental that pounds at them there, Cas has an idea, the Paladin fights the Whirlpools drag and wades over to the water creature blocking the door, swings his longsword low and cuts clean through the base of the Elemental, which cut off from its source, even for just a second, instantly dissipates- actually explodes like horizontal rain.

“Come in if you’re coming.” Cas screams.

Bec dashes straight in and throws himself into the spin, the Barbarian grabs at Anya, heaves the Wizard to him and holds her head above the water, however he’s floating free heading for the centre of the maelstrom. Cas grabs at Jim, Jim grabs at the door, braces himself somehow- the Paladin reaches out, and on the next turn snags the Barbarian.

Ala and Newt, suddenly scream and point but their words are lost in the noise of the storm, the human chain turns to see the second Water Elemental reforming.

The speed of the Whirlpool increases.

“Pull her in. Pull her in.” Jim screams.

Jim strains, Cas strains, Bec strains, and Anya is hauled back in, just in time as the second water Elemental slams into the side of the chain, and in particular Cas, who is dragged and buffeted, twisted by the force of the wave, and yet he grips tight through the surge.

Ala leans in as Anya is drawn towards her, she touches the Wizard and her healing energies course into her, Anya coughs, chokes and splutters and comes alive in an instant.

Jim continues to pull, Cas does likewise, and Bec is dragged steadily out of the Whirlpool, the chain breaks up as the warriors inch out of the storm.

“Clear out.” Cas calls, the entire Gang head out of the chamber and into the passageway beyond. The Whirlpool in the centre of the chamber seems to lose its intensity, begins to slow and swirl back on itself.

Anya staggers away, as far as she can get, pulls out and downs a healing potion as she stumbles up the stairs and out of the water.


A Water Elemental forms with lightning speed in the doorway, cranes out of the chamber, looks, or rather senses left and right and then strides out into the passageway.

Bec and Jim are one side of the creature, Cas, Newt and Ala the other- the Goodman Gang attack en masse, but their blows seem not to bother the creature, the Elemental forms a tight fist and pummels the Paladin, almost sending Cas sprawling.

However he’s far from done with the creature, he slices again, aiming low, trying to cut the thing off from its source again, his blade bites deep, clearly wounding the creature but not enough to cut all the way through.

The second Elemental takes shape in the chamber, spies the open door and surges, like a tidal wave out into the passageway. At the same instant the first Elemental steps back to dodge a blow from Jim.

The two Elementals collide, sending mini tidal waves crashing out from the epicentre, but staggering both of the creatures.

“O Correllon Bless us in our hour of need.” Ala whispers, her spell buoys her companions, even if only for a moment.

Jim steps into the wreck of the two Elementals and swings hard, smashing the first of the creatures to emerge from the chamber in twain, the two halves fall away- the creature is no more.

“Smidgin.” Almost an afterthought, two Magic Missiles thump into the one Elemental left standing, a moment later Bec finds his range, repeats Jim’s feat and cleaves the watery devil cleanly in two- it spills back into the sloping drench.

And that’s it- they’re gone.

The silence returns, just the drip of water, and the ragged breaths of the adventurers.

DMs Interlude- in the version of this scenario for 4th level characters the Water Elemental was supposed to Large in size, however I surmised that this would prove too greater threat for the PCs, instead I opted for two Medium Water Elementals, I wanted to give the Goodman Gang a sporting chance.

“Anya, rest- Jim, Bec come with me.” The Paladin ducks back into the chamber, a sunrod flares.
“Oh yes Mr. Paladin sir.” Anya tucks her legs under her, sodden, miserable and dirty- she sulks a little.

Bec wedges the door open, jams a dagger into the hinges- it can’t close.

The three examine the frescoes painted on the walls, they clearly depict the fate of any that would seek to free the Undine from her captivity- the rescuers depicted are forced to suffer the tortures of Hell.

Jim gulps.

“We’re not here to free her, we’re here to kill her.” Cas simply states.
Jim mulls the suggestion over- “What’s she done to deserve that?”
“That’s a good question.” Cas tells them the story he has been told by Major Khan, about a swathe of destruction should she escape her prison, it doesn’t take long.
“And you believe him?” Ala pokes her head into the chamber.
“Maybe we should ask her.” Jim states.

The Paladin looks around his companions, “I’m ok with that, should the opportunity arise.”

Agreed they head off, Newt moves forward to check the way is clear.

Next Turn: The Tomb.


Dungeon Crawl Classic #24
Legend of the Ripper
Level 1-3 (Scaled to level 4)​

Turn 72: The Tomb.

Anya staggers into the frescoed watery chamber and makes her own inspection.

“All clear.” Newt calls back.

Then steps back from the door ahead.


A stone the size of the Gnome drops from the ceiling, followed by another and then another, all into the space the Rogue so recently occupied, almost blocking the passage to the portal.

“What did you say?” Cas shouts back.
“I said its all clear.” The Gnome looks over his shoulder grinning.

“These frescoes are a little more complicated than you think; I’ll need a moment to translate them properly.” Anya steps out of the chamber, spots the blocked passage and heads back in, “give me a shout when you’re done.”

Bec, Jim, Ala and Cas get to work, clearing the way.

It takes over an hour to clear the passage, which coincides with Anya finally finishing her translation.

“So, it seems that were going straight to Hell if we free her, if she’s already up and about then we should either put her back in her prison, or if not- slay her. They’re not very complementary about her, whoever made the frescoes were clearly terrified of the Undine.”
“Who made the frescoes?” Cas asks.
“I’m not sure, my best guess is whatever passed for the Grimbo City Council way back when- maybe a thousand years ago.

“So if she’s out we kill her, or put her back in. I just want to get it clear in my head.” Jim asks.
“That seems to be the case.” Anya replies.

“Path clear.” Bec grunts.

Newt still grinning swims to the door and checks it again for traps, his Spider Climbing spell is over.

“Nothing. Really.” He grins. Cas opens the door.

The room revealed is circular in shape, a crumbling and rat infested chamber. The iron-barred door and the cold brick walls give the place the air of some hideous dungeon cell from a nightmare. The chamber is streaming with dampness and poisonous with stench, due perhaps to the corrupting influence of the filthy water lapping at the adventurers legs. A statue of a sea captain stands at the opposite end of the room, the figure proud and defiant, with several Aquatic Elves cowed at his feet. Lying in the centre of the room is a sarcophagus, its heavy stone lid dust-laden and apparently untouched.

Suddenly Cas feels a cold breeze, like someone- or something passing by him, he senses the presence of some intangible evil.

“She’s here.” The Paladin states, and wades in.

Cautiously the others follow.

“Captain Horimus Drake- I read about him, at school- he ruled here, in Grimbo, with an iron fist. I know he fought a lot of battles, I didn’t know he fought the Aquatic Elves, I guess he did by the look of the statue.” Cas finishes.
“Did he make this?” Jim asks.
“He was about at the time, I think.” Cas tries to remember back to his schooldays.

Newt swims about, prodding and poking, he smells a rat.

“Hey, secret door- this isn’t the tomb.” He calls back.
“How do we know for certain?” Cas replies, he can still feel the presence of Evil in the chamber.


Bec levers the lid of the sarcophagi, which ends the debate.

The rest of the Gang immediately adopt combat crouches, ready for an attack that doesn’t come.

There’s a Skeleton inside the sarcophagi, unmoving. Cas eventually wanders over, the sense of Evil is emanating from the corpse, he prods the bones- nothing stirs.

“Ok, you’re right- get the door open Newt.” Cas confirms.

Newt swims over, scours the inside of the sarcophagi, a mass of shell jewellery nothing at all of any value, he scoops it all into a bag, because that’s what he does.

A minute or so later and the secret door is open, Cas leads them through.

Ahead a long narrow hallway which stretches off into darkness and shadow, the Gang edge their way forward, Newt still has to swim.

Half way down the hall, where it curves to head east, is a font built waist high into the wall. At the point of the curve, on the left, the tunnel wall bristles with rusted iron spikes. A lone skeleton dangles from the spikes like some sort of macabre hunting trophy.

Newt checks the way ahead, “Clear, it’s already been triggered.” The little Gnome swims on.
“She’s already been disturbed then.” Anya states.
“Maybe… We’ll see.” Cas heads on around the corner.

“Newt.” Anya calls, “come back here.” The Gnome swims back to the Wizard who pulls out a scroll, “I was saving this one for me”, she mutters arcane words and once again the Gnome takes to the walls, he’s back Spider Climbing.

And just in time, “There…” Newt screams and points.

A wave of filthy rats, over a dozen of the large vermin, are heading down the passage at speed towards the Goodman Gang.

“Back to the room. Back to the room.” The Paladin hollers and thrashes the water to foam.

Newt skitters back, still high on the wall, almost at times above the mass, fires crossbow bolt after crossbow bolt into the squeaking filthy bodies of the rats.

The creature’s follow the adventurers all the way back to the false tomb, the warriors leap in- Bec is a wild man, a threshing machine- one, two, three, four of the creatures meet their end on his blade.

Cas takes a bite to the hand, no more than a scratch, manages to stab the creature dead in retaliation.

And yet there are still almost a dozen of the rats left.


Newt’s crossbow sings, a rat is no more, Bec is hit by a pocket of the vermin, can’t get away, stumbles, his greatsword goes astray, the Barbarian unintentionally connects with Cas, leaves a mighty gash down the Paladin’s arm.

Ala and Jim leap in, slashing and slicing, another two of the rats come to bloody ends.

Cas meanwhile is caught in the storm, as the Barbarian flails and sinks beneath the water, the rats attacking him move instead to savage the Paladin, he’s bitten at least four times in the chaos.


Newt takes care of another. Ala grabs at Cas, pumps healing into her man- dragging the swatting Paladin away from the centre of the melee.


Bec rises, like a monster from the depths, sword in hand he creates a whirlpool of death- swings and spins, swings and spins and in moments over half-a-dozen of the creatures lie dead, floating lifeless in the water.

The swarm is gone, stragglers paddle furiously away from the scene of destruction.

“Drink.” The Barbarian shoves a Healing Potion at the Paladin, who’s still clearly wounded; Cas nods and drains the vial.

“Rest. For a moment.” The Paladin breaths hard, leans on the sarcophagi. The others congregate, while Jim keeps an eye on the door and the passageway beyond.

“We need a plan.” The Paladin states, “for when we meet her.”
“You reckon she’s awake?” Jim asks.
“Yes, definite.” Cas looks stern.

Five minutes latter the Gang head off down the passage- Jim and Bec are in the front line, with missile weapons at the ready, Newt shadows the pair, clinging to the wall, his crossbow at the ready.

They round the corner, move on down- towards the chamber ahead, there are lights ahead- Ala brushes against Cas, her Aid spell instantly takes affect, and all without him knowing.

A wave of water suddenly surges up, pulses and rushes headlong down the passage, too quick for the Gang to get out of its way.

“BRACE.” Cas screams.

The wave smashes into the front rank- Jim, Bec and to a lesser extent, Newt, they bear the brunt of its power.

The trio ride the crest of the wave, come down again five feet further back, more or less uninjured.

“Weeeeeeee.” Jim offers.
Cas gives the Ranger a dirty look, then points the way ahead.

Jim and Bec double time forward, the others follow on wading behind, and into the entrance way to the chamber ahead.

Pillars wreathed in a dancing yellow flame support the ceiling. The surface of the water casts an infernal glow as it reflects this mysterious light. In the centre of the room lies a sarcophagus, its interior lined with sand, its glass lid cast aside. Water has seeped in, soaking the sand and filling the sarcophagus with murky water.

To the rear of the room, a short flight of stairs climbs to a raised dais and a pool of crystalline water. The walls are mirrored, reflecting the image of the water down onto the lower portions of the chamber.

Wading through the dingy water behind the sarcophagi, pacing like a caged tiger, is a astonishingly beautiful woman. She appears to be Elven, but her skin is slick and moist and tinged a bluish-green. Her hair, pulled back from her face by an embroidered cap, is a vibrant green and glistens like the sun reflected in a placid pool. She looks young, but not innocent. Her cat eyes are far from innocent. Her eyebrow rises as she takes note of the Gang. She seems so calm.

“Are you…” Jim starts up.
“I’m pleased to see that dry-skins are still as foolish as they were in my day,” she states smoothly. “Indeed, you’ve done me a great service, facilitating my re-emergence. Thanks to you, I can now safely navigate the wards designed to keep me a waking prisoner down in this stinking jail.”

“But are you…” Jim tries again.
She smiles at Jim coolly. “I am a victim of the Barbarians whose city squats above us. They would destroy my people, my home. They would condemn me for being loyal to my kingdom. I am Princess Iasmini of the Blue Spires, and now I am able to return to Grimbo, to destroy, once more- and this time for eternity! Stand aside, or rest forever in this cold, wet grave.”

Cas tries to edge his way to the front.

By her imperious expression, you can tell that she is used to being obeyed.

“Ok, you’re the Undine, you’ll destroy the City, got it, love.” Jim affects his most patronising voice, swiftly followed by, “FIRE.”

Next Turn: The Undine.


Dungeon Crawl Classic #24
Legend of the Ripper
Level 1-3 (Scaled to level 4)​

Turn 73: The Undine.


That’s Bec’s bow, it doesn’t get much use, the arrow smashes into the Undine’s face, or rather would have done if her Shield spell wasn’t in place.

Fwung, and then again.

Newt’s crossbow sings, but the Undine’s Shield spell holds.

Suddenly a Hawk appears in the air above the Aquatic Elf, Anya points at the Undine and the startled bird attacks, but is easily swatted away.


A jet of water races from the Undine’s fingertips, barrels down the passageway, the wave crashes into Bec and Jim, knocking the pair over, slamming them into the sides of the passageway- Jim thumps back out of the chamber and into Anya who loses her footing and tumbles into the water.

Ala quickly grabs the Wizard up, still concentrating on her spell, the Hawk continues to attack. Jim and Bec struggle to the surface.

“Charge.” Cas rushes towards the chamber.

Bec rights himself, throws down his bow, and charges, he’s a good ten feet ahead of the others, and moving fast.

Suddenly a water snake, a huge Constrictor explodes from beneath the surface and slams into the Barbarian, who stumbles under the sudden weight. The snake quickly coils forward, wrapping itself around Bec’s right leg and lower torso.




The second bolt from Newt’s crossbow finds the weak spot and slams into the Undine’s side, she flinches, yells some sort of bitten off curse.

“For that you die dry-skins.”

Anya’s Hawk dives in again but once more is swatted away.

Jim rises, coughing and spluttering from the water, takes a gulp of air and screams “No, it’s your time that’s over, bitch.”

The Undine just grins, and in an instant a wall of water rises up and seals the passage from the chamber, through it Jim can still see her smiling face, and Bec of course, being crushed by the Giant Constrictor Snake, the Barbarian gurns back at the Ranger, he’s alone with the Undine and her pet Snake.

Ala and Cas react first, they share a glance and then charge, as best they can knee deep in sludge, they crash into the wall of water- the pair bounce back, it’s solid.

Bec beyond the wall is dragged under the water, screaming with fury, ribs cracking, breaking- the Giant Constrictor is crushing the life out of him.

The Undine, Princess Iasmini, smiles her wicked smile, waves through the portal at the Goodman Gang, and settles to watch the sport.

Next Turn: A Watery Grave.


Dungeon Crawl Classic #24
Legend of the Ripper
Level 1-3 (Scaled to level 4)​

Turn 74: A Watery Grave.

The wall of water is still firmly in place, beyond it Bec surfaces again, tendons pinging, Rage engulfs him…


And with a dagger in his hand, he stabs down and slices into the snake, saws through the Constrictors skin, flesh and bone, cuts away the last three feet of the serpent.

Instantly a wound appears upon the Barbarian’s scalp, it bleeds profusely.

And then there’s the snake which is crushing him still.

Anya’s hawk fades to smoke and dust, the Wizard presses herself against the wall of water, stares in, she wants this spell to go just right.

The Wizard mutters arcane words, suddenly there’s an explosion of light right in front of the Undine’s eyes, the Flare is just enough, the Aquatic Elf stumbles and at the same moment the wall of water comes crashing down.

“Kill her.” Cas screams as he and Ala rush straight for the Undine, Jim diverts his charge, buries his battleaxe in the Giant Constrictor and rips it free from the Barbarian, slashes again, and again, and again… until finally the thing is dead.

“Noooooo.” The Undine screams, but too late, she expertly dodges Ala’s sword thrust but is impaled, momentarily, on Cas’ sword. The Aquatic Elf slips free of the blade and dives into the water, and swims like an eel, she’s gone- down the passageway and out of the chamber, before any of the Goodman Gang can react.

Bec continues to thrust his dagger into the now dead Constrictor, still raging.

“There, down the passage.” Newt, who so far has stayed well out of the trouble, points the way.

“Charge.” Cas cries, Bec leads the way back out of the chamber, he needs no urging.

Suddenly the water in the passage drains away, which leaves the Gang, for a fraction of a second, high and dry, then flows back in, with a vengeance, a tidal wave, a tsunami.

And yet all of the adventurers, miraculously, stand after the tide has passed.

“Damn you dry-skins.” The Undine spits as she disappears around the far corner back the way they came.

The Gang charges on after her.

The Undine is much too quick, she dives back into the water, and by the time the Gang reach the False Tomb she’s climbing out of the water at the far end of the passageway, on her way out of the tomb.

“Enjoy your stay dry-skins; I’m going to destroy your City.”

Instantly another wall of water seals off the passage behind her.

Princess Iasmini waves demurely and is gone.

Next Turn: The Element of Surprise.

Princess Iasmini waves demurely and is gone.

That's not good ...

I was going to leave commenting until the end of this story arc, but now I've decided that seems rather mean, so I'd just like to say: Great stuff. I'm enjoying this tale more and more as it progresses. It's almost enough to make me wish I lived in Grimsby.

Ok. That last bit may not be entirely true.

Keep up the good work. :D


HalfOrc HalfBiscuit said:
That's not good ...

I was going to leave commenting until the end of this story arc, but now I've decided that seems rather mean, so I'd just like to say: Great stuff. I'm enjoying this tale more and more as it progresses. It's almost enough to make me wish I lived in Grimsby.

Ok. That last bit may not be entirely true.

Keep up the good work. :D

Thanks for that, much appreciated.

Here goes...

Dungeon Crawl Classic #24
Legend of the Ripper
Level 1-3 (Scaled to level 4)​

Turn 75: The Element of Surprise.

But the Gang it seems have not given up, they charge en masse at the liquid barrier, and Bec, then Cas who’s right behind the Barbarian slam through, the water is like glass, with ragged edges, the two flop through the other side, the barrier instantly reforms, the pair lie still for a second panting, covered in bleeding wounds from head to foot.

The four that didn’t make it through are also nursing wounds, damaged on impact with the liquid barrier.

Then Bec is up and through the door, Cas, gasping- ragged breaths, staggers after the Barbarian.

“Cas… Cas…” Ala screams but the Paladin doesn’t look back.

And then there she is, the Undine, about to open the far door- Bec charges forward, almost out on his feet, tottering, he ploughs into her, his Rage still in full fury, the pair stumble and fall, crash through the portal, and land back in the deep desert.


The Undine screams as she takes in her surroundings, pressed down onto the scorching hot sand, beneath the baking sun, blinded by the light she struggles, clearly out of her element- an arid wasteland where no water exists.


Bec plunges his dagger into her chest- and yet another deep cut opens up on the Barbarian’s scalp.

Back in the foul tunnels the wall of water finally bursts, the Goodman Gang are coming.

Cas stumbles on through the portal, staggering and falling, using whatever is at hand to keep him upright, he’s bleeding profusely and gasping for air.

Princess Iasmini struggles against Bec’s choke hold, she lashes out, rakes her nails across the Barbarian’s face, more blood flows, Bec cannot see it fills his vision. He has to free his hand to try and wipe away the filth.

She scratches and claws again, with both hands this time, her nails dig in deep; she rips the flesh from Bec’s face, then as the Barbarian falls backwards, scrambling and pawing at his broken visage, she draws the dagger from her belt, and with both hands plunges it deep into Bec’s chest. The Barbarian slumps forward- spent.

Iasmini wriggles out from beneath Bec who lies still, unmoving, in the stinging sand.

Cas staggers forward- through the portal, using his longsword as a walking stick, lashes out but the Undine scrambles away just in time, the Paladin, now without the support of his longsword, falls, and lies still.

“Dry-skins, Pah.”

The Undine spits, the water evaporates almost before it reaches the baking sand, she looks… terrified.

Jim comes bundling through the door, Ala quickly behind him, the Priestess kneels and fires healing energy into the Paladin, and then soon after the Barbarian, for Bec it’s, once again, just in time.

Jim stalks forward battleaxe in hand, the Undine retreats.

“Where you gonna run to now?” The Ranger screams. “Where?”

The Undine screams back, and then lunges at Jim, who staggers back and swings his axe with all his might, hoping that his aim is true.


Everything stops.

Jim looks down at the ragged form of the Aquatic Elf, his axe buried deep in her side, her right arm removed at the elbow, the bloody stump waving forlornly, she looks up, “Not here… not here in the desert. Please…”

“I…” Jim begins and then looks doubtful.

Cas steps out of his shadow, lances his longsword deep into the wretched Undine’s gut.

The Undine grasps the blade, then spits out blood, her eyes close.

“It’s over.” The Paladin whispers.

A little later, wounds have been dressed, and where possible healed; the Gang head back in to search her tomb, there’s nothing more to be found, the only treasure the weapons the Princess had on her.

Much later, before the return journey, Jim creeps back into the desert and hauls the already rotting carcass of the Aquatic Elf away into the dunes, leaves her there for the butchers, the carrion eaters, for the Beetles to eat her- he hopes.

Four days later they emerge from the sand and baking heat, with quite a story to tell.

Next Turn: All’s well that ends well.


Dungeon Crawl Classic #24
Legend of the Ripper
Level 1-3 (Scaled to level 4)​

Turn 76: All’s well that ends well.

“So she’s dead?” Khan asks again.
“Yes. I said so didn’t I?” Jim pronounces every word.
“Why didn’t Casimir La Frond come and tell me this?”
“Because I wanted to do it.”
“To see your face, to see your reaction.”
“And? Are you satisfied Mr. Bowen?”
Major Khan smiles.

Jim glares at him, instinctively rests his hand on the haft of his axe.

“Nobody calls me Mr. Bowen, that’s my father’s name.”
“Was Jim… Was your father’s name.”

Which stops the Ranger in his tracks.

“Here’s your reward, and more besides- three hundred platinum coins, I thought it would be more portable.”

Jim goes to take the sack of coins.

“That’s enough to buy your silence, isn’t it- we don’t want any of our secrets to get out… do we?”

Jim shakes his head, grabs the sack, turns on his heels and is out of there before he can take another breath.

Anya latches onto him outside of the Watch House.

“What did he say?”

Anya comes to a halt, Jim strides on oblivious, his head buzzing with memories of his father.


He walks on.

Anya eventually sees that he’s not stopping, she rushes to catch up, grabs his arm.

“What now?”
“Sleep… Sleep to forget.”
“Forget what?”

The Goodman Gang put down their weapons, remove their armour, even forget to learn their spells at the dawn of the next day.

Peace reigns.

In the Wheatsheaf inn the Gang are treated like heroes, after all they ended the Ripper’s killing spree, Father Whiskin calls to add his voice to the throng, but victory seems somewhat hollow. For all of them.

Jim takes to his room- alone; meals and drinks are sent up.

Bec wanders the town till he’s fed up with people pointing at him, about half-a-day is all it takes, then he too takes to his bed.

Anya hits the books, disappears into Grimbo College, the Department of Magics, takes to sleeping on a camp bed in an otherwise empty room, she doesn’t go out at all.

Cas and Ala wrap themselves around each other, emerging only to take a closed coach to the Church of Pelor every now and then.

Newt’s gone, back to The Nunny, to do whatever it is he does there.

Time passes slowly.

The Gang drift wordlessly apart.

Next Turn: Review


Dungeon Crawl Classic #24
Legend of the Ripper
Level 1-3 (Scaled to level 4)​

Turn 76a: Review

Overall score out of 10: 7.9
Play time: Approx 14 bloody hours.


Another scenario that seemed to go on and on, you certainly get your moneys worth with this one. That said the players enjoyed the second half of the scenario less than they did the first. The hunt for the Ripper proved to be a lot of fun, particularly when the players got out the dressing up box and started to get into the swing of things. Likewise the terrifying nature of the hunt kept the players on edge throughout- on a number of occasions they wanted to just get out of the place.

The players commented on conclusion that the first half of the scenario was far more enjoyable and that the second half proved to be incredibly difficult, more of an add on, this was reflected in the overall score for the scenario.

Notes and Quotes:

The opening was excellent, the Gang stumbling from clue to clue trying to work out exactly where they need to go to find the Ripper. Obviously it didn’t help that Newt blew his Gather Information spectacularly and then decided to try to employ threats to get Blackburn the Baker to tell all. All it needed really was a touch of Cas’ charm, which he of course brought to bear a little later.

The gang of ruffians proved no real threat, even advanced in levels, they were quickly brought to see the error of their ways. I chose to get them upstairs into the Bar of the Ten Bells next, hence the scream from above when they got to the cellar proper. I figured it would be game over far too soon if they were to stay in the cellar and find the secret door there.

And so upstairs and into Mari’s home, I tried to pile on the agony, keep them on their toes; I think I did a fair job of keeping them moving particularly when they got to meet Mari’s spectral remains.

Then, after rescuing the blind and lost con artist they’re back down in the basement and soon after through the secret door- and on their way to the final confrontation.

The battle against the Ripper, advanced to 6 HD, including two levels of Ranger added with flashing Masterwork Sickles, and Human as its Favoured Enemy, it all proved to be a titanic face off. Bec came very close to dying.

But eventually the Goodman Gang saw it through.

Which only lead them further into the mystery, the Undine.

Down below eventually and to the Iron Golem and the desert, between a lot of little rocks (sand) and a hard place. Yet another epic battle at hand, the Huge Metal Statue was more or less impervious to their blows- it takes a while but, as always, they battle their way through.

The desert is the killer, there’s a lot of it and nothing happens, except that the players get weaker, I think this is the point of frustration, there’s nothing to battle here and yet they can see their characters falling apart. Particularly Bec and Cas, Miss E. and Mr. R., they’re out of their depth, as I’ve said nothing tangible. In actual time it took over an hour to play through the desert section, obviously I should have prepared a set of encounters, something to relieve the monotony, it didn’t work so well.

Then on to the pair of Water Elementals, which nearly proved to be Anya’s undoing, I felt that a Large Water Elemental would have proven to be much too much for the players to handle, after all they’re only just level 3, Cas level 2. The two Medium Elementals caught in the chamber were more than enough to make it difficult for the players trapped within.

Which just leaves us with the Undine, and that was close, they got lucky, a Flare spell to save the day, they got lucky- that’s my line and I’m sticking with it. If that water wall had not fallen then this DM would have taken great pleasure in finally destroying Bec, and from there… they would have fallen like a house of cards, honest.

I was that close to finally getting rid of the Goodman Gang.

Who am I kidding?

Next Turn: Catch up, again.

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