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The Goodman Gang in The Mysterious Tower

Richard Rawen

First Post


Great story telling man, and, with the ... um... Songy, one of the best laughs I've ever had in Anything gaming related... truly top material lifelong.
Your talent, and the antics of your gaming groups, are and will be missed.


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Great story telling man, and, with the ... um... Songy, one of the best laughs I've ever had in Anything gaming related... truly top material lifelong.
Your talent, and the antics of your gaming groups, are and will be missed.


I'm not dead you know, you're worrying me RR what's with resurrecting all my dead stories- I've posted a new episode for the Whiterock crew. Obviously all this games died a death, and with 4e here...

To be honest I'd forgotten completely that this story existed, just been having a look through it again, it was never that good anyway.

Scat the Otyugh was the best/funniest bit of it.

Anyway what's the deal?

Cheers Paul

Richard Rawen

First Post
I'm not dead you know, you're worrying me RR what's with resurrecting all my dead stories- I've posted a new episode for the Whiterock crew. Obviously all this games died a death, and with 4e here...

To be honest I'd forgotten completely that this story existed, just been having a look through it again, it was never that good anyway.

Scat the Otyugh was the best/funniest bit of it.

Anyway what's the deal?

Cheers Paul
Heh, ok, so answers in order, just for kicks:
Glad you've not moved on and such.
Why worry, if nothing else I'm helping others to enjoy the antics of your heroes!
Thanks most sincerely for the new post, I'll be sure to rush over :)
So sorry to hear that this had no further action.
4e: meh
"it was never that good anyway" whatever.
Scat was quite likely the funniest character I've ever read in any context... though it does help quite a lot that I'm both a Metallica fan And familiar with the MoP lyrics... I almost cried laughing on that one.

Your low self-esteem aside, I quite enjoy your work and am sad to find the end of your stories.
That is the deal =-)

Off I go then, to enjoy what tidbits are added to Whiterock.


Heh, ok, so answers in order, just for kicks:
Glad you've not moved on and such.
Why worry, if nothing else I'm helping others to enjoy the antics of your heroes!
Thanks most sincerely for the new post, I'll be sure to rush over :)
So sorry to hear that this had no further action.
4e: meh
"it was never that good anyway" whatever.
Scat was quite likely the funniest character I've ever read in any context... though it does help quite a lot that I'm both a Metallica fan And familiar with the MoP lyrics... I almost cried laughing on that one.

Your low self-esteem aside, I quite enjoy your work and am sad to find the end of your stories.
That is the deal =-)

Off I go then, to enjoy what tidbits are added to Whiterock.

Truth be told what with Life, Work and Play there's not a lot of time left to write, looking back I have no idea where I found the time to keep up one story hour never mind write two or more at once. The Goodman Gang never really clicked for me, the PCs started with one backstory and then quickly decided upon a different way of playing- which is there decision and made for lots of excellent sessions, which made it difficult at times for me to write. Also I was over-writing a lot. Finally the group dynamic was very strained at times- which meant I had to fill in more of the gaps.

With story hours like the Sunless Citadel one, I forget the name, then it was more a case of what to leave out, or sometimes me remembering things that happened which I wish I had included, why after I'd written and posted the sessions. The Goodman Gang were much more serious, and in many ways less fun to write at times.

Cat out of the bag, I write (sort of) for a living, my low self esteem is because unless I really try I'm not a good writer, and what with time (well see above) therefore my musings here are just that. I haven't re-read them since I posted them, until now, they make me cringe a little (sometimes).

Anyway, all that aside, thanks for the kind words, they are appreciated- I just prefer to beat myself up a little- I'm funnier than this in real life, just ask my Mrs.

I'll keep posting the White... damn, forgotten what it's called- I haven't checked to see how many there are, or even what they contain, they'll be as much a surprise for me as they will be for you.

Oh and I'm still writing- not often admittedly but see my sig.

Again, thanks- honest, good to hear from you again, always appreciated your comments, and great to see the Master, LB still going strong.

Cheers Paul


Turn 103: 112 Cabbage Street.

“We should be out there…” Cas screams.
“You’re just avoiding the issue.” Anya hollers back.
“Thistle has got a good lead, he says he knows where their might be a place, a swamp- Kobolds again, it’s got to be the place… Oh Anya.”

The rest of the Gang, sans Newt, sit around the improvised table in 112 Cabbage Street- their new home. Actually ’table’ is not strictly correct- two barrels and a door, and they’re sitting on crates, and staying out of the argument.

“We should investigate…” Cas starts.
“Responsibilities.” Anya states.
“You’re always running away from your responsibilities Casimir.”
“Always Cas. Always.”

The Paladin slumps forward, defeated.

“Okay. Okay- what now?” He mumbles.
“Well there’s a choice of three- Misty Buff, Buffy Mist and Bec’s choice”, Anya looks unamused and glares at the now trembling Barbarian, “slapdash?”
“What colour is ‘slapdash’?” Cas murmurs, like he’s interested.
“Mostly yellow, although the stars and moons are bright pink.”
“We’re not having that.” Jim pipes up.
“I said that… but he insisted.” Anya relents; Bec has his hand on his sword.
“And the difference between Misty Buff and Buffy Mist?”
“Subtle.” Anya states.
“Misty Buff then.” Cas gently butts his head into the wooden door.

“Oh- Misty Buff. Oh. Okay… Are you sure?”
“Buffy Mist then.” Cas looks up, Anya’s not happy, he looks down again.
“Cas which colour would you prefer, it’s a simple question?”
“Misty Buff.”
“Not Buffy Mist?”
“Misty Buff Anya, Misty Buff- everytime.”

It goes quiet for a while, Cas peeks, Anya’s thinking about it- staring at the window, the end is in sight, he thinks.

“Okay but we’re going to have to re-think the curtains…”

The conversation continues, no that’s not the right word, circles- that’s better, for several hours more.

Till its just Anya and Cas left at the table, and its dark outside.

“Anya. Anya- I give in.” Cas has had enough.
“Are you sure?”
“YES.” Cas looks up again, Anya’s smiling- that’s got his interest.
“Positive?” Anya whispers, stands up and shivers out of her robe.
“Yes.” Cas sits up.
“Good- now get on the table.”

The Paladin does as he’s told.

The house is painted and decorated, the furniture arrives a little while after, from the Tower, most of it heads straight upstairs to Anya’s room, and less than two weeks later the house has become a home.

In which they all live happily ever after.

The End.

That do you Richard?

Jon Potter

First Post
A lurker chimes in

In which they all live happily ever after.

The End.

Well... it's an ending. Not a particularly satisfying one, but at least there's closure.

Thanks for writing it up. Your story hour prompted me to pick up (and get hooked on) the Dungeon Crawl Classics. So thanks for that too!


Well... it's an ending. Not a particularly satisfying one, but at least there's closure.

Thanks for writing it up. Your story hour prompted me to pick up (and get hooked on) the Dungeon Crawl Classics. So thanks for that too!

Sorry and all that but other things claim my attention and as much as I would like to... I just can't after so long away, I had problems working out what was going on with Cas and Anya in the above post (which I wrote when I was still DMing the group, save the last two lines of course). My memory had Cas and Ala as an item; it took me thirty minutes of searching through past posts just to confirm that the above post wasn't written in error. It's alright working from notes but I've probably got two pages of them for the next scenario, I just don't remember what happened inbetween what I've got written down.

I feel bad now.

But happy that you found your way to Goodman Games, my present group (see sig) are trawling through Sellswords of Fallcrest (Punjar), then they head off to Keep on the Shadowfell, back to Fallcrest for Scions of Fallcrest (Punjar), then head out to Thunderspire. With 28 sessions played so far (there are lots of other interludes outside the listed scenarios, which I've adapted as well). Whisper it but the Goodman Games scenarios kick the arse of the Wizards stuff.

I've also taken to keeping comprehensive notes (lesson learned), although worringly the posts for the Friday Knights so far are all taken from the first page of my notes, only another 40+ pages of notes to catch up to where the Friday Knights are now.

Thanks again and sorry for the piss poor ending but in truth until Richard commented on this and Whiterock I had forgotten all about them.

Cheers Paul

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