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The Great Anti-Hero Showdown(Nominations Open)


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Odysseus is not an anti-hero, he is a through and through hero. Classical Epics are defined as being about a Hero, which is why they are often referred to as Heroic Epics, and they are written about the Heroic Era. In this case, The Odyssey.

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First Post
demiurge1138 said:
No problem. I thought that pic was pushing the size limit...
Thank you very much!

I suppose I should contribute to this thread...

* Marv (Sin City)

He's not a nice guy. In fact, he's kind of a thug and a bully. But, he's actually trying to turn his life around, somewhat, when things all go to hell. In the end, he's still striving to do what's right, even as he's killing folks who deserve it.

Favorite quote: "I love hit men. You never have to feel bad, no matter what you do to them."


The man with the probe
Various posters said:
5. Solid Snake
23. Odysseus (Mythology)
24. Indiana Jones (movies)
I think these are Heroes more than anti-heroes

Various posters said:
21. Calvin (Calvin and Hobbes) The mischevious spikey haired blonde six year old with a talking tiger.
I wouldn't even consider him a hero, let alone an anti-hero

Nominations (Numbers omited due to general confusion as to what the number currently is (Maybe you should update the list on the first post).
- Inigo Montoya (Movies: Princess bride)
- Kyle Reese (Movies: Terminator)
- Tommy Gavin (TV: Rescue Me)


The EN World kitten
warlord said:
26. Han Solo (Star Wars)

Han may have started out as an anti-hero, but I think that the end of Episode IV marks his changeover into a full-fledged hero.

Beyond that...

28. Venom (Marvel Comics)

29. Solo (Marvel Comics; "While I live, terror dies!")

30. Spawn (Image Comics)

31. Deadpool (Marvel Comics)
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The EN World kitten
I noticed that there seems to be a bit of confusion over what constitutes an anti-hero.

For me, it was always someone who did the wrong thing for the right reasons (or maybe the right thing for the wrong reasons), such as people who murder evil-doers exclusively.

Here's a small portion of the definition from Wikipedia:

In literature and film, an anti-hero is a central or supporting character that has some of the personality flaws traditionally assigned to villains or un-heroic people, but nonetheless also has enough heroic qualities, intentions, or type of strength to gain the sympathy of readers or viewers. Anti-heroes can be awkward, obnoxious, passive, pitiful, obtuse, or even normal; But they are always, in some fundamental way, flawed, unqualified, or failed heroes. Comic books feature anti-heroes (also known as "dark heroes") who are characters fighting for the side of good, but either with some tragic flaw (such as a tormented past), fighting for reasons that are not entirely altruistic (they may fight a villain due to a grudge or some other selfish motivation, with little or no regard for typical "heroic" motives), a non heroic character who is not evil, nor are they good, but find themselves fighting on the side of good due to circumstance, or a hero using questionable means to reach their goals. A good working definition of the anti-hero is a paradoxical character that is, within the context of a story, a hero but in another context could easily be seen as a villain, simply as unlikable, a normal person or coward.


First Post
33) Vlad Taltos (Steven Brust's Jhereg books)

34) Jayne Cobb.

35) Cerebus the Earth-Pig Born

36) "V" from "V for Vendetta"

37) Takeshi Kovacs (Richard K. Morgans's Altered Carbon, Broken Angels and Woken Furies)

38) Rincewind ;) (Terry Pratchett's Discworld)
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39. Sir Edmund Blackadder Esq. II. He once blackmailed the corrupt baby eating Bishop of Bath. Inspite of his mean spirited and vicious nature he did fall in love, though his bride to be ran off with Lord Flashheart, and he tried to save the queen, though he, Baldrick, and the rest of Queen Elizabeth's court were all murdered by Prince Ludvig the Indestructible.

40. Royal Butler Edmund Blackadder the Third. England 1790 - 1815.

41. Captain Edmund Blackadder the Fourth. The Western Front 1917.

42. King Edmund Blackadder. Modern day. This song and these interviews sum him up.

song lyrics:
Let joy fill every Briton's heart,
For now the country's going to make it.
At last a King who looks the part,
At last a Queen who looks good naked.

A monarch with panache,
He's got a nice moustache

Everything he wants he'll get,
The world is now Blackadder's oyster,
Most Prime Ministers are wet,
But Baldrick he is even moister.

A dog who's got his bone,
A bastard on the throne

His beard is neatly curled,
He's going to rule the world.

[sblock]King Edmund

Sunday: Your Majesty, in a break from royal tradition, you have decided that instead of staying at the draughty, unheated Balmoral Castle this year, you and 200 of your closest friends are the guests of a dodgy old billionaire at his Caribbean island. Why is that?

King Edmund: I am in fact doing it entirely for the sake of the nation. Certain people have become tired of the formality of the former Queen's Christmas messages. I will therefore be addressing the nation this Christmas Day in a pair of skin-tight mini-trunks from the top of a high-diving board with the heavenly Gail Porter sitting on my shoulders in a fur bikini. I'm sure this will delight the people of Britain and bring joy to the Commonwealth.

Sunday: Sir, given your sometimes robust comments on modern architecture, can you share your thoughts on the Millennium Dome with us?

King Edmund: Certainly, it's the most beautiful and exceptional piece of architecture since the Panthenon, and I will be spending the money that the Prime Minister paid me to answer that on a very fast new car.

Sunday: Now you are King, who would you like to see in the Tower?

King Edmund: Apart from those swines who ripped off the Mitchell brothers in EastEnders?

Sunday: Yes, apart from them?

King Edmund: Well, if ever you actually visit the Tower these days, it's full of foreigners, and that feels about right to me.

Sunday: Are there any old laws or royal privileges you'd like to see brought back?

King Edmund: Three primarily. First, the divine right of kings, which lets you sleep with anyone you see at a party who looks divine. Second, the royal right of the highway, which lets you drive on both sides of the road, nay the pavement even, if it takes your fancy. And third, the right of Kings to answer no more than four questions from any magazine.

Sunday: And our final question is...

King Edmund: Shut Up.

Prime Minister Baldrick

Sunday: Prime Minister, do you feel that your socialist plans to make the monarchy more relevant in the 21st century have been in any way changed by the deep and abiding debt of gratitude you owe your close friend King Edmund?

Baldrick: I am certainly happy to concede that the King had a strong influence on my decision to make the monarchy more relevant in the 21st century by giving the King total power over everything except the price of a dog licence.

Sunday: Sir, can you tell us more about your exciting plans for the People's Millennium?

Baldrick: I don't want to reveal too much, but I will just say that the prime event will take part in an exquisite building, the largest ever constructed by man, consisting of 12 enormous steel pylons with a pair of Pavarotti's pants stretched over the top. Inside will be performed a mighty work of drama which will prominently feature root vegetables.

Sunday: And what part will your friend the chancellor of the Exchequer play in all this?

Baldrick: He will play the part of King Turnip.

Sunday: Some say the monarchy is finished and Britain needs a young, thrusting President with his First Lady by his side. What are your views?

Baldrick: Well, at first that seemed like an attractive idea. And on second thoughts it seemed a splendid though. But when I mentioned it to King Edmund earlier this month, he strung me up by my three softest parts for a week and a half. Therefore, after mature consideration and 10 days of torture, I can confidently tell you that it is a very bad idea.[/sblock]
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43. Travis Bickle (Taxi Driver)


Ex-veteran, psychotic cab driver who somehow puts things right.

Voidrunner's Codex

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