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D&D 5E The Hags of 5E

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Huts & Hags 2022 Calendar for all your Dark Fairy Dreams and Nightmares

Also, why aren't there male versions of hags? I get the misogyny and historical and cultural prejudice/ageism. There are enough current Apocrypha of creepers and old weird men. Why do fairy tales and myths call them wizards instead of some negative connotations? What do you call a male hag? Codger? Dodderer? Coot?

I always use Hags as evil/dark/broken avatars of the Triple Godess's crone aspect.

As such i use evil/dark/broken avatars of the Horned God as "male hags". Depending of the setting, it can be Devils, Efreeti or Onis...


Also, why aren't there male versions of hags? I get the misogyny and historical and cultural prejudice/ageism. There are enough current Apocrypha of creepers and old weird men. Why do fairy tales and myths call them wizards instead of some negative connotations? What do you call a male hag? Codger? Dodderer? Coot?
We've got the word witch which we most commonly associate with women but it's a word which can be and has been applied to witches of any gender. John Fian and Francis Stewart of Scotland were referred to as witches at the Berwick witch trials in the late 16th century. The Codex Theodosianus from the early 5th century mentions punishments for wizards. So it's not all good for wizards I guess.


Ghosts of Saltmarsh actually has a full coven of Sea Hags in addition to Granny Nightshade:

The Wet Rot Coven is a group of three sea hags named Driftwood Moistrot. Rotten Blubbersore, and Auntie Canker.


Huts & Hags 2022 Calendar for all your Dark Fairy Dreams and Nightmares

Also, why aren't there male versions of hags? I get the misogyny and historical and cultural prejudice/ageism. There are enough current Apocrypha of creepers and old weird men. Why do fairy tales and myths call them wizards instead of some negative connotations? What do you call a male hag? Codger? Dodderer? Coot?
In Norse traditions, "hags" are female tröll. There are male tröll as well. They are nonhuman, originally jötnar, and these can be beautiful or horrifying, as can the male trolls be both as well. The name "troll" literally means "mage", witch, enchanter, being innately magical.

Over the centuries, the many different kinds of trolls came to be understood as belonging to the same family. where there are two siblings, one might be humansize and the other 10 yards tall. A parent and child, and one might be goodlooking and the other grotesque.

Among the jötnar, the tröll mainly come from the extremely goodlooking risar, the nature beings of mountain cliffs. But they mix with the frightening thursar as well.

They often teach human shamans how to do magic.

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