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The Hand of Quoad


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Session 38

Session 38

Of Serpents and Swords

The days went by and Jek said very little as he led the group eventually to a dilapidated ziggurat in what might have once been a clearing. Under the thick layer of foliage, including vines, creepers, and a multitude of weeds, are the signs of an epic battle. So engrossed with the new sights, the group took little notice of Jek turning around and leaving the party at their desired destination.

"Check this out, these claws are not Rakasta." Hekuba stated. The rest of the group took longer to notice, and the signs the half-orc indicated were too deep and spread apart gouges in the stone to be of the feline race. "Looks like it was over a year ago too." the half-orc continued.

"Are we going to the ziggurat or what?" Mort commented impatiently as he began to walk toward the broken archway leading to the ruined structure.

"Wait Mort! Just because it's old doesn't mean there is no reason to be cautious, in fact it could mean..."

The rogue's words were cut short as a gargantuan anaconda dropped in front of the monk. Mythyria sprang into action first, charring the snake and leaving a sizable scorch mark. Hekuba let fly a crossbow bolt that connected but did not pierce the thick scales of the creature. Hoppup sent an electric charge that seemed to have little effect, while Eriks took to the air and flew behind the giant serpent.

Disregarding the rest of the company, the snake only has eyes for Mort. With startling speed, the creature coiled around the monk and began to squeeze. The monk let out a gasp of pain, that he immediately regretted as it was terribly difficult to draw his next breath. Kamal, seeing Mort's plight, channeled the power of his god. Mort felt his ribs strengthen and his breath return. Mythyria created a glowing hand of energy and used it to deliver a shock to the snake; Hoppup created a colorful sphere of energy, both attacks bypassing the thick scales of the huge beast. Eriks managed to place his sword between two scales and draw blood, while Hekuba attacked with a wave of sword strokes that failed to penetrated the snake's scales.

The companions were in dire straits, not piercing its scales, and the creature squeezing the life from Mort. Kamal approached the massive beast with determination in his eyes and a powerful spell on his tongue. As the power of Sarenrae gathered, Mythyria conjured a layer of grease upon Mort. With the combined effort of the monk's writhing, the pressure of snake's constriction, and the augmentation of Mythyria's spell, Mort squeezed out of his peril and was thrust into the trees.

Kamal finished his spell, a ray of life draining energy erupting from his palm. The creature, however, resisted the worst of the curse and took advantage of the priest's proximity to snatch him in its coils and squeeze. Mythyria lets out an exasperated sigh and began to recall her spell of grease. Hoppup continued to conjure spheres of light, but the spell was having little effect. More so, however, than Eriks and Hekuba were having trying to pierce the creature with their weapons. Kamal let out a cry of agony as the snake's coils tightened and the priest felt bones snap. Mythyria's grease spell flowed over him, and with little effort of its own, the snake's coils shot Kamal nearly thirty feet away into the tree canopy.

Frustration gripping the creature, it lashed at Hekuba and in one lightning quick motion, the half-orc was in its coils and being crushed. Hoppup continued to cast his spheres and Mythyria recited a quick curse to drain the snake's life force. A burst of healing energy shot from the trees where Kamal decided to stay put. Hekuba, trapped in the same general area as Mort and Kamal before him manages to free himself from the coils, and is launched into the trees in the same fashion.

Eriks then braved an attack from the snake, but the quick rogue managed to evade being coiled in the creature's grip. A war cry is heard as Mort runs from the trees, his crown aglow with an earthen power. Mythyria, now free to cast more effective spells, uses her spectral hand to deliver more draining magic to the creature. Hoppup summons a loop of electric energy that rattles across the creature's scales. Kamal's healing energy bursts over and over, and Mythyria cants one of her most powerful curses. The snake visibly weakens as Mort begins to pummel the creature with smiting energy. Hoppup's electric loop arcs once more and the snake freezes in place. Eriks scores another hit, and Mort continues his assault on the foe, now unable to slither away. With the foe now helpless the companions at last inflict enough hurt on the creature; the great snake falls to the earth with a great rush of displaced air and a loud crash. Eriks went to work extracting teeth from the giant snake and saving some of its scales for his prize collection as the rest of the companions regrouped in the clearing that the creature had blocked.

Kamal returned from his precarious perch and beheld the bruises evident on his friends. A pang of guilt ran through the cleric, but he reminded himself that all of them had a role to play. Satisfied that he was needed, the cleric clasped his holy symbol and made his body a vessel for the power of his goddess. A warm and familiar light washed over the party; cuts closed, bruises faded, skin re-knitted, and even a bone or two could be heard cracking back into place.

Somberly, the group crossed the remainder of the way into the opening of the ziggurat; mostly ignoring the many more old scorched stone and claw marks that marred the area. Before they could enter though, Hoppup stepped in front of the entrance.

"Okay, is anyone going to break the silence?" Hoppup's words seemed resounding even against the backdrop of clatter from the jungle. "You all call this the Isle of Dread no? I think, particularly after our trip into Demi-gorgon's temple, we have grown in despair. Eriks, you used to be the spirit of this group." Mythyria made a clucking noise with her teeth. "Do not scoff, it is the truth of things." Hoppup scolded the elf. "We each have a part to play, and if one of us falters, then the rest of us suffer. When Karyan died, we lost a piece, but we cannot afford to lose two." The Nythyian leveled his gaze toward Eriks. "And besides that, we know she will return." All eyes went to the rogue, and he wished that he could simply disappear. How could any of them possibly understand the pain it caused him to see his family slain? As the tall man swallowed hard to form a reply, Hekuba spoke up.

"The lizard is right, I think this place is doing something to us. Maybe 'cause I haven't been here as long, I can see it a little clearer, but it as if the island feeds on our hope."

"I feel fine." Mort commented, though his face clearly showed that he didn't quite believe his own words. A silence that lasted a few heartbeats and an eternity followed, then at last Eriks found his voice.

"Perhaps that means there was never any hope for you." The group turned squarely upon Eriks, who at last wore a smile they had not seen in some time. Kamal stifled a small hiccup, but then it erupted into a great laugh. Hekuba, Hoppup, and Mythyria joined; Eriks kept smiling and began to shake himself. Mort's gaze remained cold and dead on Eriks, but the twitching of his lips betrayed the true emotion he was trying to hide. At last the monk also burst into laughter and the whole group nearly lost their breaths letting out the pent up frustrations of months in a hostile land filled with terror and hardships.

The first to recover enough to speak Mythyria addressed her trusted friends. "I do not think we are free from the influence of this place, but being aware of it will surely help in the days to come. Now let's see what the Rakastas left for us." The group finished their laughing fits one by one and entered the ruined structure.

Inside the temple, the group is astounded to find several very well preserved statues. All of them are various jungle cats, some that look more human than feline, but all in poses of defense and aggression. A dozen statues of finely crafted stone form a circle; in the center of which is a jaguar that looked as if it would pounce at any moment were it not crafted entirely of jade. The jade jaguar stands atop a large stand. Eriks begins examining it and the rogue's eyes widen as he realizes the truth of the statue.

"This is obviously where they would hide anything." Mort says and crouches into a stance that shows his intention of jumping onto the jade jaguar.

"Not twice today!" Eriks managed to make a leap of his own, but not onto the stature. The rogue tackles Mort to the floor, leaving them both in a heap and the group looking inquisitively. "The jaguar isn't real." Eriks reports. "Can anyone dispel its magic?"

"I happened to think we would need that today." the priest reports. He chants a simple prayer and waves his hand toward the center statue. A blue shimmer can be seen wavering in the air as it passes through a ray of sunlight. The wave flares and strikes the statue. For an instant nothing happens, then with an audible 'pop!' the jaguar and every other statue in the place vanish from sight.

"Well done sir." Hoppup commends the priest.

Where the statue stood, instead there is a long drop into a large, poorly lit, tunnel. Mort and Eriks, have untangle from one another peer over the side.

"Are the two of you sight-seeing or treasure hunting?" Mythyria calls with a smile on her voice. The elf was apparently the first to spot a ladder that goes down the side into the pit.

The tunnel slopes slowly downward and is faintly illuminated by what must be everburning flames that rest behind more statues of jaguars that overlook the companions about three feet above their heads. Eriks notices that each jaguar has jewels for eyes as his thieves tools appear in his dexterous hands.

"Hey, no. No, man." Mort put a hand on the rogue's shoulder. "You talk about traps? Well what if something down here doesn't want us taking stuff?"

Eriks processed this for a moment. "We're here to take stuff anyway, right Mythyria?"

"If I'm to be in this, then I side with Mort. We are here for a cache of weapons, not jewels."

Much slower than he drew them, Eriks returned his tools; though his eyes remained on the jeweled eyes a few moments more.

The tunnel ends into a room that is much like the one the group left to venture underground. A dozen statues of various feline forms circle the center. On the walls, a detailed depiction of Rakastas fighting a multitude of foes can be seen. The floor is thick with dust, and in the center of the room is a smaller circle of pillars with bamboo mats at the very center; noticeably clear of dust.

"Hold, we are not alone." Hekuba tells the group as he points to the floor.
In the dim light, the group can just make out the slithering that give away a snake's path. "How old are these?" Kamal ask.

"Not old, I think" The ranger replies. The group gives a start as the whisper of steel on leather sounds. Eriks stands with his blade in a defensive position and his gaze upward. "We are being watched, I know it. It is not evil, but..." He let his words hang in the air.
Hoppup lets his vision slip to see the unseen sheen of magical auras. "I do not detect any magic above, maybe under the mats..." The Nythyian's words are cut off by a melodious voice from above the group. The words sound sweet, but only Mythyria responds, in the same rhythmic language.

"Who are you?"

"We were sent to end the blood moon."


"It is our mission and we seek the Rakasta's weapon to help our fight. Who are you?"


Mythyria visibly stiffened, and she told the group the conversation so far, then continued.

"If you guard the legacy of the Rakastas, you should know. There is nothing left."

"You are mistaken. The Rakastas were careful; their legacy remains."

"May we see you?"


"What killed all the Rakastas?"

"Why do you care?"

"This island is threatened once more, we do not want history to repeat itself."

A breeze whirls through the chamber and the whole room begins to glow with a soft light. A long serpent with angelic wings that shift with every color in the rainbow appears before the group. The creature's gaze meets them all.

"The Nythyians used magic beyond their limits, it summoned creatures called Skinwalkers. These evil creatures could kill and wear the skin of their prey. The Rakastas knew the threat was coming and tried to prepare by building up their strength. Alas, it was not enough and the Skinwalkers slaughtered them all. This is all that remains now of the Rakastas legacy."

The mats in the center of the room roll away and the stone floor raises with the grumble of stone grating stone. The floor continues to rise to reveal a large weapon rack, filled with finely made war-claws, bows, arrows, spears, and javelins. A separate rack holds one bow, a greatsword, and a war-claw. Mythyria approached the winged serpent that she later identified as a Coatl.

"May we use these to hunt our enemies and yours?"

"Only if you do just that."

"You have our thanks..."

"You may call me Tona-Tiuh. I am no longer needed here, but I will help in what ways I may. Take these."
The Coatl presented three of her own feathers to the group.

"Three times, you may call me, and I will assist you. Now go and see the Skinwalkers dead."

With that, Tona-Tiuh shimmered and faded from sight.

"I didn't catch all of that, but I think we just got another strong ally." Kamal remarked breaking another silence, though this one born of awe.

The group made preparations to rest in the underground temple. Taking their watches in turn, Eriks declared that he wanted to make sure the tunnel was still clear.

The next morning, the group made their way back to the surface, and only Hekuba noticed-with a hidden smile-that the jeweled eyes in the statues of the tunnel were all missing.

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First Post
Session 39

Session 39

Reunited And It Feels So Good...Hey, That's A Dragon!

Leaving the Temple of the Jaguar, an apparition coalesces before the party. Before Kamal has a chance to brandish the power of Sarenrae, Eriks stops him. "Hold friends! It is Karyan. What news sister? Are you ready to return to us?"

The ghostly form of the ranger becomes slightly more solid, just enough to display discernible facial features. In a voice that sounds as a hollow whisper of her own, the ghost of Karyan reports while the group struggles not to stare at the images of a terrible teeth and acid scars on the specter's body. "Brother, all; I bring news, but no I can not yet return. I must check on Bargle and his progress on the central plateau." Turning her gaze toward Hoppup, the ranger continues. "You will be happy to know that your people are already rebuilding quickly and are eager to march. The more pressing concern though, is the crew from The Dark Maiden's Dance. They are in dire straits, and those that still live are under some type of mental control. Make haste friends, I go now to spy on Bargle, but will return as soon as I can."

With her message complete, the spirit of Karyan dissipates into a thin vapor and then shifts into the wind.

"I guess that makes our next stop pretty clear?" Mythyria said, breaking the silence.
"So long as it is by way of the Nythian village to deliver these weapons." Hoppup remarked.

"We can get to where we left the crew much faster in our new ship, and I for one am ready to stretch my sea-legs again."

"Not all of us like boats, monk." Hekuba gruffly told Mort, with a face that could have been a smile or scowl. "But I agree, we need to hurry. Those little Rakasta things will be marching soon themselves."

"Yes, what a terrible guilt to bear if we were not there when all the fun begins." Eriks said cheerily just before sipping from his rather large, and nearly half drained tankard.

"Do you ever stop drinking? I am at a loss for how you actually manage to walk, let alone wield divine power." Kamal sounded like a chastising parent.

"We can't all be solar powered Kamal." Eriks replied, "Some of us need alternate sources of power."

"Enough you two." Mythyria scolded. "This gets us no closer to the Dance or Bargle."
With that the two holy men shared nod. Knowing that though they travel different paths, their causes were very much the same. The trek to the village was uneventful and the group made quick work of setting sail around the island.

The wind and waves seemed wanting to hurry the ship to its destination, and in record time the group dropped anchor and lowered a longboat into the cove that served as the Dance's final resting place.

"Do you guys hear that?" Mort's eyes had gone wide, and before anyone could form an answer, the monk jumped into the frothy waters and began swimming toward the dance.

"Wait! What are you?" Hoppup jumped in the sea to follow the monk; Eriks, without saying a word, took to the air and followed his two companions. As Hekuba and Kamal rowed the longboat, Hoppup cried out. "Something in the water!" The lizard-wizard joined Eriks in the sky, leaving Mort to swim a fast pace ahead of them, but not before a single bolt of lightning bounced off of his skin. Mythyria created a ghostly version of her own hand, while a glowing scimitar appeared in front of Kamal. Hekuba, letting the boat travel on momentum drew his bow and shot into the growing shadow in the cove. The shadow broke the surface and lashed at the swimming Mort, but whatever source controlled the monk kept him moving too quickly to be struck. Mort reached the rocks that the ship were impaled upon and began climbing.

Mythyria's summoned hand plunges into the deep, but whether or not the spell the wizardress placed upon struck true could not be determined. Another bolt of lightning glances off of Hoppup, but his scales seem resistant to the energy, leaving less scorching than it should have. The lizard wizard raises his trident, "Try some of this lightning!" A larger, brighter bolt slams into the water and sizzles the creature. Eriks lets loose a single bolt that embeds into a tentacle, but does not appear to do much damage. The glowing scimitar in front of Kamal strikes and scores a hit while the priest, still not rowing the longboat summoned an orca next to the sea monster. The giant mammal speared the creature and an audible underwater thud. The tentacled menace begins to retreat, but Hekuba lets fly two arrows that open its skin and make it falter. The water turns red with blood and the threat seems to be ended. Except that Mort has now made his way onto the ruined main deck of the Dance.

With the sea creature dying, Hoppup and Eriks continue their flights toward the ship, the rogue advancing as far as the main the deck, only to see Mort go below; where the ship is angled and mostly underwater. Mythyria and Hekuba begin rowing the longboat and another bolt flies from the sky. Though the wizardress was the bolt's intended target, the elf managed to jump away from the strike. Kamal stood up from his rowing position. "You coward! Fight in the open under Sarenrae's light!"

Mythyria spies movement in the ship and understands that Mort will be the first to encounter whatever creature is hurling the bolts. Trusting in her spectral hand, the elf delivers a spell unto the monk that increases his size and strength. The ship groans as its burden is so suddenly increased. "Mort! I'm here!" Eriks announces as he follows the monk below decks. Hoppup flies around the back side of the ship, and gets his first look at the creature plaguing them. A twisted and aquatic looking affair with octopus like tentacles and a beak where its mouth should be and several larger protrusions writhing off of its body. Mort, with a glassy look in his eyes approaches the creature and hears a voice in his head. "Kill the one behind you." For a heartbeat, the monk's fists clinch as if to follow the order, but Mort's extensive training steeled his mind against the intrusion at last. His eyes become clear as the creature makes a hideous gurgling sound and lunges a tentacle at his lost thrall. Mort, even in a larger more lumbering form, easily dodges the blow. "Guys! Little help?!" An electric loop bursts through the back side of the ship and shakes the creature. Mort, clenches his fists and while still dodging the whipping appendage of the creature lands two heavy blows.

Mythyria, having heard Mort's pleas but not seeing the whole scene aims a wand and lets fly an orange bead that explodes, reducing a large portion of the Dance into embers, burning the creature, and engulfing Mort, Eriks, and Hoppup. The monk and rogue both manage to duck into the water to avoid the blast, but the flying Nythian is caught in the blaze. Eriks uses the power of his flying boots to put his body into a horizontal position, maneuver behind the creature, break the surface, and slash at it with his newly acquired holy sword. With its attention on Mort and not its back, the rogue is able to bury the sword deep into its flesh. The creature's screams are cut short by another loop of electricity. The aquatic thing slumps into the water and lays still. Huddling on the far side of the underdeck; Mikhail, Avner, Skald, and two other survivors of the Dance's crew emerge. The company is helped from the ruined ship to the new acquisition. The few things salvageable from the Dance are ferried over, but the companions help themselves to a few magic trinkets and the makings of some sort of laboratory the creature had set up.

"We can make good with this heap" McHale informs the group, "When do we leave?"

"Not for some time captain." Eriks informs his once employer. "We have some loose ends to tie up, and my sister needs to come back to life."

"Your what?" The captain looks more astonished than his malnutrition lets him sound.
"Quite a long story sir, but he is right. We have to finish a few things before departure." Kamal reassures the castaways as only he seems to know how.

The group sets off into the jungle once more.

"Now, why are we trying to find a dragon?" Mythyria asks for the dozenth time.

"Because Cayden said we should." Eriks responds. "You're not afraid are you?"

With that the group traveled on in silence until they came to a large clearing. On one side a great mountain casts a shadow over the clearing, and opposite the mountain Arithiavox stares at the travelers. If the dragon took any notice of the group, he did not show it. Instead, the beast grabbed a huge dinosaur and wrestled it to the ground; tail, feet, wings, and arms a flurry of motion and destruction. Without a sound, the mighty green dragon hurtled into the sky and the group was left staring at its diminishing form.

"So, no luck, we can leave." Mythyria tries to reason once more. Before Eriks can debunk her objections, the ghostly form of Karyan appears before them. Her spirit looks as though it is in pain; Kamal and Eriks both rush to see what has happened.

"Sister! What is wrong?"

"Can't...I...Body..." Karyan's response is fractured, but not so much that Kamal does not understand the need for the ranger to be returned to her body.

"We need to bring her back. Let's rest so I can prepare the proper spells."
Before settling for the night, Eriks sends a message to Mildred asking for more information about the vision Cayden Cailean presented to him.

The group camps at the foot of the mountain, which is in actuality a huge copse of trees that have been twisted and shaped into the mound. Eriks and Kamal are the first to rise and as soon as the priest finishes his prayers, the group helps them prepare Karyan's body. In a ritual that was becoming all too familiar, the group witnesses Karyan's soul return into her body and her eyes flutter open.

"Thank you! My spirit was attacked by a necromancer in Bargle's employ. I was able to gather some vital information though. Whatever we are about, we must act quickly for I feel as if Bargle is leaving soon. His army of undead is massive, and we will need all the help we can get. There's more, two pieces of the Hand of Quode are on the central plateau, and a mustached man with Bargle holds our family's sword." Karyan directed the last part of her message toward Eriks, and the rogue suddenly felt a strange longing for the blade.

Voidrunner's Codex

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