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Aust Thale

Respen, wholly unaffected by the natural fear associated with the presence of mummies, holds until Sylvar paints the area amidst the mummies with an arcane grease, glistening on the ground. Opportunistically, Respen smiles in spite of himself, and while moving across the corridor, casts his magical fire with an Elven evocation. It took less than a moment, but more than an instant for an explosion to burst with a whoosh and loud crackle.

Fireball cast centered on K/L 19/20 : damage = 35 hp; Respen moves to D 21 in an effort to make himself difficult to hit for any mummy able to get through the door.

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
The black square is the area of the Grease spell.
The yellow markings show the area of the Fireball spell.

NOTE: I had thought the columns would have shielded some of them, but there are too many affected squares for that to be an advantage. It only shields them on one side, and every Sphinx near a column is still getting hit on the other three sides, so it's a moot point.

Fireball Damage: 35 pts.; with Fire Vulnerability: 52 pts.
Grease Ignition Damage: 4 pts. (no save for 1/2)

Sphinx #09: 52 pts. damage.
Sphinx #10: 52 pts. damage.
Sphinx #01: (52+4) = 56 pts. damage.
Sphinx #02: (26+4) = 30 pts. damage.
Sphinx #03: 26 pts. damage.
Sphinx #04: (26+4) = 30 pts. damage.
Sphinx #05: (26+4) = 30 pts. damage.
Sphinx #06: 26 pts. damage.

Ok, new description rule:

100% = Unharmed.
090% = Slightly Injured.
080% = Moderately Injured.
075% = Significantly Injured.
060% = Severely Injured.
050% = Significantly Wounded.
040% = Moderately Wounded.
030% = Severely Wounded.
020% = Critically Wounded.
010% = Gravely Wounded.

Sphinx #01 = 56 pts. damage = Moderately Wounded
Sphinx #02 = 30 pts. damage = Severely Injured
Sphinx #03 = 26 pts. damage = Severely Injured
Sphinx #04 = 30 pts. damage = Severely Injured
Sphinx #05 = 30 pts. damage = Severely Injured
Sphinx #06 = 26 pts. damage = Severely Injured
Sphinx #07 = Unharmed / Turned / Cowering
Sphinx #08 = Unharmed / Turned / Cowering
Sphinx #09 = 52 pts. damage = Significantly Wounded
Sphinx #10 = 52 pts. damage = Significantly Wounded

It is now Dewydd's turn. Dewydd is within easy charging distance of the two Sphinxes in the doorway.

NOTE: The doorway to this room is 10 feet wide; that's barely big enough for one Sphinx to squeeze through; however, the ceiling is 20 feet high, and since a typical door is 75% as high as the ceiling, these doorways are 15 feet tall. These Sphinxes are larger than a horse, the lessers being about 21 hands (7'0") tall, the greaters being about 24 hands (8'0") tall. Thus, the lessers could fit two at a time, one on top and one on bottom, but the greaters would need to pass through one at a time.

If some brave soul chooses to block the doorway, he or she would prevent any passage through the doorway, because even if a Sphinx was flying above them, the size of the doorway would still allow a flying Sphinx to be within weapons reach, i.e., making the doorway a threatened square, with regard to Attacks of Opportunity.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
As per our FB Messenger conversation, I am posting on behalf of Dewydd.

Buffs running on Dewydd: (Note: Please remember that I said all of you could have had buffs cast during the exploration time.)

Fly. (Move rate: 90 ft. [See Haste Below] )
Haste. (Move Bonus: +30 ft.; Attack/Dodge/Reflex Bonus: +2)
Abjurant Armor - w/ Abjurant Armor, Swift Abjuration, & Extended Abjuration.
Alter Self.
Shield - w/ Abjurant Armor, Swift Abjuration, & Extended Abjuration.
Protection from Evil - w/ Abjurant Armor, Swift Abjuration, & Extended Abjuration. Blur.
Using Battle Leader's Charge, Dewydd does NOT provoke AoOs during his charge. The first attack which lands at the end of the charge is at +10 damage.

Charging: -2 AC; Heedless Charge: -14 AC; Total AC = (48-16) = AC 32.

Damage: +28 (Base for 2H wpn) Doubled to +56 from Leap Attack.
Powerful Charge: +2d6 damage vs. large creatures.
(+66+2d6 for first attack, +56+2d6 for all subsequent attacks.)

Pounce + Whirling Frenzy+Haste = 5 attacks at the end of the charge.
Attacks: (Charge: +22) (Full Attack: +20/+20/+20/+15/+10)

Charging Sphinxes #9 and #10 out-paces the +6 Buff from Duncan, but not the Axe's epic reputation buff. Total Will Save: +15.

DC: 19, 21

Rolls: 33, 27 (Success On Both.)

Attack Rolls:
Charge: 24 (Hit) Full Attack: 36, 31, 34, 30, 14 (4 hits)
Base Damage: 10, 12, 13, 7, 11
Charge: 10+66+2d6 = 10+66+9 = 85 pts.
Attack 1: 12+56+2d6 = 12+56+9 = 77 pts.
Attack 2: 13+56+2d6 = 13+56+6 = 75 pts.

I'm going to stop here. They're both toast.

Sphinx #01 = 56 pts. damage = Moderately Wounded
Sphinx #02 = 30 pts. damage = Severely Injured
Sphinx #03 = 26 pts. damage = Severely Injured
Sphinx #04 = 30 pts. damage = Severely Injured
Sphinx #05 = 30 pts. damage = Severely Injured
Sphinx #06 = 26 pts. damage = Severely Injured
Sphinx #07 = Unharmed / Turned / Cowering
Sphinx #08 = Unharmed / Turned / Cowering
Sphinx #09 = DEAD
Sphinx #10 = DEAD

Dewydd, who was already hovering in anticipation of meeting foes with the ability of flight, draws his massive blade, and charges into the room! The charge is so quick, and so well-executed, that the lesser Sphinxes cannot react in time, and can only watch in awe as the magical warrior speeds past them, intent on putting an end to their leaders!

The charge attack strikes Mummy #09 dead center, cleaving the beast in half with a mighty, single blow! There is a brief flash of blue light, as the negative energy life force is dispersed, and the mummy collapses into a heap of bones and rotting flesh!

In the same, fluid motion, Dewydd spins, striking the second Sphinx (#10) in almost the exact same place, with the same result; there is another flash of light, as the negative energy dissipates, and the undead soul departs, leaving behind only a useless pile of rotting remains.

In the space of about 2 seconds, Dewydd once again proves his worth in physical combat, using a deadly combination of training, speed, magic, and rage, to tear asunder two mighty opponents!

DUNCAN & COMPANY: It's your turn! Make your saving throws, which are now all 19's, and don't forget your +8 bonus from buffs! What do you do?
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:: Duncan & Company ::

The company holds their ground a quick step behind the groups second line. They watch as Sir Dewyyd devastates a row of mummies. The twins continue to hold their actions prepared to blow fire on any mummies that cross the line of death. ( Column E ) ( Lenny Damage 6 Fire / Travis Damage 4 Fire )

Ebony 29
Travis 24
Lenny 22
Duncan ( Paladin ): Immune To Fear

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth

KLEBORN: It's your turn! What do you do? Make 2 Will Saves at DC 19 (with a +8 bonus) and then state your intentions!
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Kleborn leeps to attack sphinx # 1.

Will save 1: 32
Will save 2: 23

Kleborn will call 10 points of power attack, w/ Heedless charge and leap attack.

Attack 1 +21 (base) +2 (haste) +2 (charge) = 35
Haste Attacke +25 =43

damage 1: 35
damage 2: 38

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Please remember that if you accepted the "warm and fuzzy feeling" from Khubsheth's Geas spell, you have an additional +5 to all of your saving throws for the duration of this adventure. (Insight Bonus.)

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Kleborn charges to square H20. Kleborn attacks Sphinx #01.
Kleborn inflicts 35 damage to Sphinx #01; 56+35 = 91 pts.
Sphinx #01 is destroyed.
Kleborn's 2nd attack is directed at Sphinx #02.
Kleborn inflicts 38 damage to Ssphinx #02; 30+38 = 68 pts.
Sphinx #02 is Severely Wounded.
Kleborn is now blocking the doorway, and threatens all adjacent squares, even if one of them tries to fly above him.

Kleborn rushes forward, intent upon putting an end to this vile threat. He had never been especially fond of the undead, but these creatures had a certain something about them, that made them seem even more vile, more abominable than a typical undead creature; this did invoke hatred with Kleborn, but rather, a sense of urgency. One does not become angry at a disease; one simply administers the cure.

In this case, the cure was a mithral, runic blade, which, in a like manner to Dewydd's blow, cut the first Sphinx in half with incredible ease. The blow was less precise than Dewydd's, but carried an equal amount of power with it, nonetheless; with a flash of light, the Sphinx's soul left his cursed form, as it sped on to its fate in eternity, that of ineffable damnation.

Being under the effects of Dewydd's Haste spell, Kleborn is able to complete another full swing before losing the momentum of his charge; the blow lands squarely on the skull of Sphinx #02, drawing a shriek of rage and emnity from the creature, as sparks of energy fly off the mystical blade.

TAM: It's your turn! You can see Sphinx #02 through the doorway well enough to target him with your bow, if you so desire. What do you do?


Remembering the horror of the dream attack/slaughter on the Great Sphinx earlier, Tam swears 'never again if at all I can help it' and grabs one of his oil-soaked arrows, touches it to the now open lantern flame igniting the arrow. He then draws the bow, feeling the flame's heat against his right cheek and upper forehead and absently seeing the flicker of the fire by his right eye.

He fires the first arrow (d20+16: rolls a 19?!?; Damage: d6+1; rolls a 2?!?)
He then repeats the attack: (rolls d20 +11 an gets a 16?!??!?!?!?? with a damage of 2 again?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!???)
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
You forgot to roll your saves. So I'm using those first two rolls for that, and then rolling the missing attack for you.
Save #01: 19 (Saved)
Save #02: 20 (Saved)
Sphinx Flat-Footed AC: 20;
+1 To Attack (Duncan's Buff)

Attack #01: 16 (+1) = 17 (Miss)
Attack #02: 34 (+1) = 35 (Hit)
Normal Damage for +1 Elven Holy Arrows: 1d4+1+1d4 (Holy)
Damage for being lit: Additional 1d3
Total: 1d4+1+1d4+1d3
Fire Vulnerability: 1d6+2+1d6+1d4
Total Damage Taken: 11 pts.
Sphinx #02 has taken a total of (68+11) 79 pts. of damage. [Critically Wounded]

Tam's first arrow drops too quickly, and skips off the floor. But his second arrow strikes true, singeing undead flesh! Sphinx #02 is quickly burning away into nothingness, but as of yet, still clings to unlife.

THALLOK: It's your turn! What do you do?
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