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Aust Thale

Having permanent see invisibility cast on himself, he sees what Lenny & Travis see, and he states as much to the group, not loudly, but a regular voice: "Do not be fooled by the illusion, my friends. An enemy (or more) are before us. The twins see them, as do I. Do not trust your eyes. I will attempt to expose it and hinder its movement. Stand fast." He thinks to himself: This may not work, but if it does, it will both expose the adversary as well as make its movement most painful.
DM please roll Initiative for Respen as well as roll Will Save and Spell Resistance checks for Enemy; range is 230 feet.

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth

Respen, you cannot see more than one enemy at the present time (the Lamia) but that doesn't mean there aren't things lurking in the dense vegetation.

Respen is quick on the draw, catching the Lamia flat-footed; he can see that Tam is making movements that will be interpreted as hostile; he can see that the Lamia is doing the same. It takes a fraction of a second for all of these things to occur, and for Respen to begin reacting to them, although to Respen "The Quick" Coraellus, things seem to be moving in slow motion.

Respen is able to warn his companions of the danger, and get off a spell, before anyone else can even think. But the Lamia's will is strong, and the spell (Bloodbriars) fails. Respen is non-plussed by this, and the emotion becomes a sour scowl, spreading across his face.


Sylvar nocks an arrow, and holds his action; when the Lamia becomes visible, he will shoot her from where he's standing; at only 80 ft. away, she will be easily within his 110' short range increment.


Not being able to see his enemy, Tam uses a standard action to activate his ring, and then takes a 1-square adjustment, from Q19 to P18. (I corrected it for you, Tam, because you had the squares wrong. But it's a moot point, because both positions are equally advantageous in this instance.)

TRAVIS: It's your move! And right after you, it's LENNY's move! What do you do?


Travis moves forward, placing himself between Tam and the threat, then unleashes a line of fire at the Lamia.

Moves to Q17, now hovering 10 feet from the ground.
60 foot line of fire: 8d6 fire damage, DC 20 Reflex save for half damage. 33 damage rolled.
Enduring Breath (Dragon Magic, p. 77): Deals damage over 2 consecutive rounds. Target takes the normal amount of damage initially, then half that amount the next round. Example: Target fails reflex save and takes 33 damage. Next round they will take another 16. Or, if target makes reflex save this round and only takes 16 damage, next round they will take 8 more. If they have evasion and take no damage the first round due to a successful save (or they have immunity, resistance, etc), they also take no additional damage the following round. No save is allowed against the second round's damage.

Lenny moves to just behind and beside his brother, then unleashes his own line of fire at the Lamia.

Moves to P18, now hovering 10 feet from the ground.
60 foot line of fire: 8d6 fire damage, DC 20 Reflex save for half damage. 27 damage rolled.
Each of Lenny's breath effects require he use the cone version. He is not within 30 feet to be able to do so.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Immediate Action: connect to the Lamia via the bottle's Clairaudience / Clairvoyance ability.
Standard Action: See / hear what's going on.

Lenny and Travis both attack the Lamia without hesitation, and she is surprised that they are able to see her!

Brother Xao, as your mind links up with the Lamia's, and you begin to see and hear what she's doing, you notice what looks like a large group of adventurers heading toward the oasis. Out front, ahead of the main group, is an armored mage, and two, rugged-looking, shield-carrying, mercenary types, being led by a small, unassuming Halfling, who appears to be searching the sand for traps. You are hopeful that this is the rescue you've been hoping for.


Suddenly, the two mercs, who look to be twins, murmur among themselves, and run to approach the oasis, taking flight as they do so! They position themselves in front of the Halfling, as if trying to protect him; then, still in flight, both men breath gouts of fire at (you) the Lamia! They are Dragon Kin!! Perhaps they were sent by the samurai who discovered your talents? You can't be certain. The only thing you are certain of is that you are glad to be sitting in the comfort and safety of this bottle, while your captor is facing the flames! You see the lines of fire coming, and cringe as they make impact.

The Lamia wails, "Aaarggh! How did you see me! Curse you!"

At this point, the Lamia begins to cast a spell in retaliation; however, she is INTERRUPTED by two party members whom have been holding their actions, waiting for her to become visible.

Lathir can interrupt her first, because he is the fastest.
Sylvar will interrupt her second.


The Lamia takes 46 pts. of fire damage from the twin's double breaths. This represents significant burns! She wails in pain.

Suddenly, from behind her, stepping out of the dense foliage of the oasis, a HUGE Dire Bear with silvery-looking claws begins to MAUL the Lamia! It is wearing a distinctive AMULET and a pair of huge BRACERS. There is only one explanation: SOMEHOW, LATHIR HAS RETURNED!!!

The Lamia barely has time to turn her head, to look upon her attacker, before she is clawed badly in the face! Brother Xao, you get a close-up view of the fearsome assault!


The Lamia has taken a total of 93 pts. of damage so far. She is gravely injured!

The Lamia reels from the bear's fierce attacks, backpedalling, trying to get away. As she does, three arrows wiz in, two of them high, disappearing into the foliage. But one of the arrows finds it mark, and sticks in her side!


The Lamia has taken a total of 103 pts. damage so far.

The Lamia is trying to invoke one of her spell-like powers, but she is overwhelmed by the fierce onslaught, and the power fizzles.

Concentration check: Roll: (2) + 15 = Fails miserably.
(DC would have been 118, but I would have counted a Natural 20 like a critical strike; i.e., if she had rolled 20, I would have rolled d4 and multiplied her check by that amount. (35 x 4) = 140. She had a chance, albeit a very slim one. Rolling a 20 is a 5% occurrence, but then, anything less than 4 on the d4 would still have been a failure.

Brother Xao, using the powers of the bottle against his captor, attempts to bestow a curse upon the Lamia! A spectral hand issues forth from the foilage, and tries to touch the Lamia!

Bestow Curse DC 19
Lamia: Roll (9) + 13 = 22 (Saved)

The Lamia scowls, and curses angrily, "So, my little prisoner wants to play as well, eh?"

The Lamia snarls as her eyes glow, and the spectral hand dissipates!


VALE: It's your turn! The Lamia is gravely wounded! But she retains her fierce resolve! What do you do?

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Val says, "Smite this witch with the power of LIGHT. It is beneath your dignity to engage one such as her, who attacks from ambush. And besides, a spell is quicker than have to trod all the way over there through all this bleedin' sand. You'll never be able to get all of it out of your boots, if you're not careful, lad."

Searing Light: Range: 200 ft. at your level, Damage: 5d8 at your level, No save (but does require ranged touch attack), spell resistance applies. You're pretty sure this is the spell that the axe is referring to. You're well within its range; the Lamia is only 85 feet away. You could still hit her at double that distance.

Aust Thale

Vale Stonegallows:
Mentally receiving the Axe's suggestion, Vale elects to indeed do as it suggests. He whispers a dwarven prayer using his hand as a focal point. A preternatural white-gold light jumps from his outstretched palm and crackles with a low thunder as it heads straight toward the now visible, wounded, and supremely pissed off Lamia. "Wretched creature. May this speed you toward your end."



Thallok looks at the distance between himself and his enemy, and realizes it might be too great of a distance for the orc to make up. His main focus is ending The Lamia, so he grabs his bow and nocks 3 arrows. "Can't let you all have all the fun" Thallok said as he releases his arrows.

Attack 1-natural 1, miss
Attack 2-21, Damage 8
Attack 3-natual 1, miss
Thallok is pissed


Kleborn watches Thallok miss his mark, and laughs a little under his breath as he can see Thallok's anger. He really wants to use his sword, but knows that he can't make it to her in time, and that his best bet is to fire arrows as well. "hopefully these arrows are a little more true than yours my big orc friend." Thallok was not amused.

Kleborn fires his three shots at the Lamia.

Attack 1 - 27, damage 5
Attack 2 - 18, damage 9
Attack 3 - 9, damage 4

Voidrunner's Codex

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