• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
All of Thallok's arrows save one go high and wide; but then again, he had never considered himself an archer. The second arrow in Thallok's volley actually hits the Lamia, but fails to penetrate her tough hide.

Kleborn's first arrow finds its mark, and unlike Thallok's best arrow, DOES manage to penetrate the Lamia's tough hide; The arrow pierces her just above the collarbone, the tip of the arrow coming out the back by about 2 inches. The Lamia wails dreadfully, And yet, she somehow manages to remain standing.

Kleborn's second arrow fails to penetrate, and his third falls short, not quite reaching the Lamia.

The Lamia has taken a total of 128 points of damage so far.

DEWYDD: It's your turn! What do you do?

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Not wanting to risk opening my back up to any more potential hidden enemies, I use one of my new form's spell-like abilities to cover the Lamia and the surrounding area in twinkling golden miniature swords to prevent any potential attempts at escape, while also hopefully uncovering any nearby hidden allies she might have.


Glitterdust (Spellcraft DC of 21 to identify): Glitterdust Description. DC 15 to resist blinding.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
As the second round of combat begins, the smoldering burn marks on the Lamia's skin RE-IGNITE, burning her to a crisp!

The Lamia takes 16 pts. of damage from the Lingering Breath Weapon.
The Lamia has taken a total of 144 points of damage.
The Lamia had 135 hit points. The Lamia is now dying, very swiftly. [-9]


Everyone is shocked to see the Lamia fall... no one moves for a few moments (1 round, to be exact.)

The Lamia bleeds out and dies. [-10]

Lathir, being the closest, you hear a small explosion, somewhere in the dense foliage, behind where the Lamia was standing. Shards of glass fly everywhere, as the foliage erupts into flames!

Lathir isn't close enough to the explosion to take fire damage.
Shattered glass damage: 2d4 = (2,1) = 3 pts. damage.
Lathir had DR 5/Magic; Lathir takes NO DAMAGE.

Lathir, you feel hundreds of tiny shards impacting you, but they cause you no harm.

Brother Xao, there is suddenly a flash of light, and you find yourself standing on a blackened circle of burnt vegetation, and the vegetation at the outer edge of the area is still burning. You think that the Lamia must be dead, because you are fairly certain that the explosion was that of your bottle, the magical powers of which must have been tied to the Lamia's lifeforce.

You wander out of the foliage, and spy the burning corpse of the Lamia, as well as the huge, brown bear with glowing blue claws! The other adventurers are here, too!

Lathir, you see a tall, human man emerge from the foliage, a look of bewilderment (or is it curiosity?) on his face...

Physical Description of Brother Hua Xao, Written By Scott DeWar:
Tall and lean is the very first impression one gets upon seeing Hua Xao. Six foot tall, and less then 200 lbs; in fact, with the right alterations to his ears and face, he would pass as full blooded Elvin. But his face is is almost not human, his Nipponese features are plain to see, but he has eyebrow ridges that curve around his temple, like a reptile of sorts. His skin is deeply tanned, even for one from Nippon, bronze, actually. (Like sailors of the high seas, from prolonged time in the sun.) But still there is a texture to his skin .. .. .. His attire is simple, well-repaired travel clothing, covering finer clothing to protect it from the elements. He carries a 3-sectioned backpack, bedroll, a flask, and on his belt, a dagger. His belt is a simple, weathered rope, tied securely around his waist and his boots, which have seen many many miles of travel, and are almost out of place for a sandy environment. His skin is clean and he smells of fragrant incense [courtesy of the djinn bottle]. His demeanor seems strangely calm, almost aloof, except there is a glint of curiosity that shines in his eyes.

EVERYONE: What do you do?
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second birthdate : 15 Dec 2011
The human brushes his clothing as if there might be ashes or maybe he thinks he can remove the wrinkles .. .. ..

"ahem hello, I am Hua Xao. I was following your battle with .. .. .. her, " he gestures to the dead and fried Llamia, "I even tried to intervene on your behalf, to no effect, regretfully. Your killing her freed me from the bottle. I must warn you, there is another one about, a sphinx, and she might be .. .. .. insane"

He remains standing still where he stopped with his hands together and fingers inter woven.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
The large, dire, cinnamon bear, adorned as if it might have somehow been used in a traveling menagerie, turns and takes a step toward the Nipponese man. In the instant of the step the bear becomes a human man with red-blond hair and mustache. He is dressed in his usual kilt and tunic, decorated with manticore spikes; but to those who knew him from the trials against the giants, he is missing his hat and heirloom half-spear.
He had given his hat of disguise to Tam-tam back in the giant fortress.


He takes another step toward the other new arrival then turns his body be able to view everyone as best he can. "I see I am not the only one to arrive at an oasis my the action of some other being. I am Lathir. I am a druid under the order of Meilikki. What was that explosion?"

When turning his head to the remainder of the party, he nods in greeting to those he knows. "It has been quite some time since I flew from the bluff overlooking the giant's fortress. I needed some time to myself as my kind often do. It seems our duties or destinies are again aligned, which means malevolent individuals offer a significant threat to the balance of existence. It is good to see everyone again. I should commune with this oasis to discern what I can of the lamia being here in it."
OOC: Survival: d20 + 29 = 16 + 29 = 45
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Vale's sentient axe blurts out, "Welcome back, tree hugger. The Lamia was obviously protecting this pool. I suspect there is something hidden in it. But be careful, I don't trust the water not to be poisoned."

Vale snaps at the axe, "Mind yer tongue, axe. The rest of ye is mithral silver, so why couldn't yer tongue be as well? Lathir is a friend, and capable ally. We are lucky to have him! If he's a tree hugger, then you're a wood-chopping axe!"

Vale smiles and nods at Lathir.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth

None of what you are seeing is real; this so-called desert is a magical construct, an illusion, a magical trap. There are certain real things present, in order to complete the sensory deception; there is a magical, sand-like substance that you are all standing on. There is a magical light, which emanates some sort of super-powered heat spell. The pool of water, and the statue of the sphinx are both real. It seems to be the perfect blend of reality and illusion. You suspect that if your willpower were not as strong as it is, you would have fallen prey to the illusion, and the heat spell would be baking you alive. But your mind is too strong, and you easily shake off the suggestive powers of the illusion.

Apparently, the party has found some way to resist the effects also, because none of them seem bothered by the environment.

Given a day to re-memorize your spells, you think you might be able to end the illusion completely with a Dispel Magic spell.

But that might not be necessary. But you keep it in mind, as an option.

You touch the surface of the water, and right away, you can tell that the water is poisoned. You, of course, are immune to poison, but the others are not, and should be warned.

Borother Xao, please make a Will save, and report the result to me in FB Messenger.
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I end my spell early and shift back into my normal form. Smiling, I nod and offer my hand in greeting. "Well met Hua Xao. I am Dewydd Moresby. Yes, we're all aware that the majority of what we see is an illusion. I noticed you mentioned a prison. What caused you to be held captive?"

Turning to Lathir I continue, "It's good to see you again. I look forward to hearing of your journey!"

Voidrunner's Codex

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