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Nodding to Respen as he touches my shoulder, I prepare to dive into the enemy. A grin spreads across my face as I realize Respen has cast Greater Invisibility on me. Throwing caution to the wind I jump through the air and take three large swings at the enemy, hovering above the ground to try and aid the ranged attacks of allies... "Oh no; most of them can't see me! I think to myself, shrugging as I trust my equipment to protect me from any stray arrows.

Jump: DC 18, rolled a 29.
Charge to E7 & attack L2: -2 AC, +2 Attack
Battle Leader's Charge: +10 Damage
Power Attack: 2-Handed for x2.
Shock Trooper (Heedless Charge): Charge & use Power Attack at -5 or more. In addition to -2 AC & +2 Attack of Charge, can assign Attack penalty to AC, up to BAB. -12 AC (-14 AC total, +24 damage).
Leap Attack: +100% normal bonus damage from Power Attack. (x3, now +36 damage total).
Pounce: Full attack with Charge.
Powerful Charge: +1d8.
Punishing Stance: +1d6 with all melee attacks.
Wielding a +2 equivalent weapon.
Current effective AC: 36.

Attack Roll 1: 33
Damage: 54
Attack Roll 2: 20
Damage: Missed.
Attack Roll 3: 12
Damage: Missed.

Oof, those were some bad rolls! :D Sorry guys!

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Clare's Golem 27
Tam 26a
Lathir 26b
Greater Lion Creature 24
Vale 23
Respen 22
Sylvar 20
Xao 19
Lenny 17
Thallok 13a
Dewydd 13b
Kleborn 11
Lesser Lion Creatures 6
Travis 3

L1, L3, GL = Affected by Breath Weapon. DC 26 Reflex: 24,15,19 = All 3 failed.

L1 Takes 16 pts. Damage; L1 is Entangled.
L2 Took 87 pts. Damage This Round
L3 Takes 16 pts. Damage; L3 is Entangled.
L5 Took 46 pts. Damage This Round
GL Takes 16 pts. Damage; (+40 from Lathir) GL has taken 56 pts. damage so far. GL is Entangled.

Lion Battle 003d.png

Dewydd slams into the lion-creature, slashing it deeply with the big blade, causing it a SERIOUS wound! The creature reels backward, stumbling, gasping, and bleeding profusely. All of this backpedaling causes Dewydd's follow-ups to miss, because he was expecting the creature to stand its ground, rather than to almost collapse from a single blow. Still, the creature has nowhere to go, and Dewydd is quickly recovering his footing!

KLEBORN: It's your turn! What do you do?
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Kleborn looks at the giant lion statue with a smile. He unleashes the force of both his sword and shield giving his all to defeating the statue. The wolf stares down the lion as he attacks.

Kleborn attacks the greater lion with shield bash
Attack 1 = 33, damage = 14
Attack 2 = 19
Attack 3= 23, damage if a hit= 12
Shield Bash = 34, damage = 7
Total damage if attack 3 is a hit = 33
Total damage if attack 3 is not a hit = 21

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Kleborn slices the big lion-thing one good time, but it is able to parry the last two sword blows with its massive paw; however, it is not expecting to get slammed with a shield. The lion-thing reels from the attack, seeing stars, but remains in the fight!

GM: AC 26, for future reference.

Clare's Golem 27
Tam 26a
Lathir 26b
Greater Lion Creature 24
Vale 23
Respen 22
Sylvar 20
Xao 19
Lenny 17
Thallok 13a
Dewydd 13b
Kleborn 11
Lesser Lion Creatures 6
Travis 3

L1, L3, GL = Affected by Breath Weapon. DC 26 Reflex: 24,15,19 = All 3 failed.

L1 Takes 16 pts. Damage; L1 is Entangled.
L2 Took 87 pts. Damage This Round
L3 Takes 16 pts. Damage; L3 is Entangled.
L5 Took 46 pts. Damage This Round
GL Takes 16 pts. Damage; (+40 from Lathir) GL has taken 56 pts. damage so far. GL is Entangled. GL Takes another 21 pts. Damage; Total Taken: 77.

At this point, I am going to start calling these things by their proper names: Leonids. It's much easier to type.

DON'T TOUCH THAT DIAL! The Leonids are up NEXT!

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Leonid #1 moves down 1 square, and attacks Kleborn. [AC 28]
Leonid #2 attacks Dewydd. [AC 36]
Leonid #3 attacks Lathir. [AC 24]
Leonid #4 attacks Xao. [AC 23]
Leonid #5 attacks the Golem. [AC 30]



Leonid #1 hits 3 times, and with rake attack.
Total damage: 39 pts.

All attacks miss.

Leonid #3 hits 3 times. Lathir beats Grapple Check, no rake.
Damage: 32 pts.

Leonid #4 hits twice. Rake attack misses.
Damage: 25 pts.

Leonid #5 hits once. Damage: 0 pts. (DR)
Clare's Golem 27
Tam 26a
Lathir 26b
Greater Lion Creature 24
Vale 23
Respen 22
Sylvar 20
Xao 19
Lenny 17
Thallok 13a
Dewydd 13b
Kleborn 11
Lesser Lion Creatures 6
Travis 3

Kleborn is Moderately Wounded (39 pts.)
Lathir is Moderately Wounded (32 pts.)
Xao is Moderately Wounded (25 pts.)

L1, L3, GL = Affected by Breath Weapon. DC 26 Reflex: 24,15,19 = All 3 failed.

L1 Takes 16 pts. Damage; L1 is Entangled.
L2 Took 87 pts. Damage This Round
L3 Takes 16 pts. Damage; L3 is Entangled.
L5 Took 46 pts. Damage This Round
GL Takes 16 pts. Damage; (+40 from Lathir) GL has taken 56 pts. damage so far. GL is Entangled. GL Takes another 21 pts. Damage; Total Taken: 77.

The Leonids spring into action, each proving to be every bit as fierce as Lathir! Kleborn, Lathir, and Xao take the brunt of their fury, each being moderately wounded in the fray; Dewydd's invisibility keeps him completely from harm, and the Iron Golem ignores his opponent, since its claws cannot penetrate the golem's thick, iron plating.

TRAVIS: It's your turn! What do you do?
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Moving into position, Travis breathes a cone of fire upon the enemy.

Flies to H5 and unleashes a 30 foot cone. It stretches to B5 and then fans to the North, washing over GL, L1, & L2.
DC 26 Reflex save for half.
Damage: 32.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Reflex saves: 16,30,17 = L1 made it; GL and L2 failed.
L1 takes 16 pts. damage.
GL takes 32 pts. damage.
L2 takes 32 pts. damage.
Clare's Golem 27
Tam 26a
Lathir 26b
Greater Lion Creature 24
Vale 23
Respen 22
Sylvar 20
Xao 19
Lenny 17
Thallok 13a
Dewydd 13b
Kleborn 11
Lesser Lion Creatures 6
Travis 3

Kleborn is Moderately Wounded (39 pts.)
Lathir is Moderately Wounded (32 pts.)
Xao is Moderately Wounded (25 pts.)

L1 Took 32 pts. damage this (1st) round; L1 is Entangled.
L2 Took 119 pts. Damage This (1st) Round; L2 is GRAVELY WOUNDED!!
L3 Took 16 pts. Damage This (1st) Round; L3 is Entangled.
L5 Took 46 pts. Damage This (1st) Round; Round 2: Golem: +48 pts.
(Total so far: 94 pts.) L5 is SERIOUSLY WOUNDED.
GL Took 109 pts. Damage This (1st) Round; GL is Entangled. GL takes another 75 pts. damage. GL is DISABLED.

As Travis enters the room, he breathes a cone of fire, knowing that his companions have previously been buffed to resist the effects of his breath weapon. The Leonids roar with a combination of anger, fear, and surprise. L2 and GL take the worst of it, while L1 only gets singed a little.

Clare's Golem takes a step southward, as the portal through which it came winks out of existence. Tam must struggle to keep his balance as the Golem moves, because its movements are fast, violent, and jerky. But he manages to stay atop the thing, anyway. However, he also realizes that now, he is within the Leonid's reach, and that if he fires his bow, he will provoke an attack from L5.

As the Golem continues to pound on L5, spells issue forth from the globe embedded in its chest.

Quickened Action: Quickened Maximized Empowered Magic Missile
Normal Action: Maximized Empowered Magic Missile
Damage: 37.5 pts. each spell. (75 pts. total.)
Both spells are targeted at GL.
GL has taken a total of 184 pts. damage. GL is DISABLED.

10 blue motes of intensely glowing light slam into the Greater Leonid, causing it considerable pain! It roars in agony, and sits down on its hind legs, its front paws trembling. The blow was a mighty one, the two spells nearly (but not quite) ending the Greater Leonid's life; it would take very little now to finish the job.

Attack: 25,29 = Both hit
Damage: 23,25 = Total 48 pts.

The Golem continues to pound of Leonid #5, slamming him with his massive fists. The sound of ribs cracking and of the jawbone breaking can be heard, as the Leonid begins to spit teeth and cough up blood. One more volley of blows, and this Leonid will be done for.

TAM: It's your turn! Your weapons aren't effective against these brutes! Perhaps you could find another way to approach this problem? What do you do?
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Tam, seeing how his arrows have little to no effect against the Leonids, decides to go for a soft spot, one of the eyes, with a Precise Shot. The Leonid (L5) is his target.
Crit: 20+16 = 36, followed by 15 + 16 = 31
Elven Arrow (d6+d4 holy damage: 5 and 3 respectively = 8 total hit points.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tam has soft cover from Golem (+4 AC)
Tam has soft cover from Height (+4 AC)
Tam's total AC vs L5: AC 28
L5's Attack of Opportunity: (19) = Missed (Would have missed Tam's Base AC.)
Called Shot To Eye: -14; Natural 20 hits.
Hit Roll of 31 (-14) = 17 (Not a Crit); Extra 3d6 = +9
Holy Damage is maxed (4) because of called shot.
L5 takes 18 pts. damage. L5 has taken a total of 112 pts. damage so far. L5 is GRAVELY INJURED.

As Tam draws his bow, the Leonid takes a swipe at him with its paw; but the small Halfling is too high, and the Golem is moving around too much. The swipe misses badly. Unfortunately for the Leonid, Tam's arrow does NOT miss.

Tam knows that aiming for the eye is a longshot, but that doesn't stop the determined Halfling from pulling off this impossible shot. The arrow strikes the Leonid squarely in its right eye, putting it out completely. The Leonid roars in pain, but it is as helpless to avenge the loss of its eye, as it was to prevent its loss in the first place.

NOTE: Precise Shot is a feat that simply allows you to fire into melee without the standard -4 penalty to hit; what Tam did was a CALLED SHOT, the rules for which can be found here:


LATHIR: It's your turn! The Greater Leonid is a single claw swipe away from death! What do you do?

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
As per LINE chat instructions:
Lathir's Attacks: Vs. GL: (36) = Hit; Damage: 22 pts.
Greater Leonid is DEAD. [-22]
Vs. L5: (34) = Hit; Damage: 24 pts. (112+24) = 136 pts. total.
L5 is DYING. [-6]

Lathir reaches out with his left paw, and rips the Greater Leonid's throat completely out!! The once-majestic creature collapses into a lifeless, bloody heap on the floor!

With his right paw, Lathir rips L5's abdomen open! The lesser Leonid, who had his attention focused on the Golem, is caught completely by surprise. He never sees his impending doom as it comes for him. He collapses to the floor, where he begins to bleed out from the grave wound.

Clare's Golem 27
Tam 26a
Lathir 26b
Greater Lion Creature 24
Vale 23
Respen 22
Sylvar 20
Xao 19
Lenny 17
Thallok 13a
Dewydd 13b
Kleborn 11a
Someone Else Who Just Woke Up 11b
Lesser Lion Creatures 6
Travis 3

Kleborn is Moderately Wounded (39 pts.)
Lathir is Moderately Wounded (32 pts.)
Xao is Moderately Wounded (25 pts.)

L1 Took 32 pts. damage this (1st) round; L1 is Entangled.
L2 Took 119 pts. Damage This (1st) Round; L2 is GRAVELY WOUNDED!!
L3 Took 16 pts. Damage This (1st) Round; L3 is Entangled.
L5 is DYING. [-6]
GL is DEAD. [-22]

VALE: GL and L5 just went down, thanks to Lathir's ferocity! What do you do?
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Voidrunner's Codex

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