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The Heroes of Freedom: Issue One


Eastern Seaboard Bank, 52nd Street, Freedom City
Saturday, November 1, 2002
16:23 ET

The central branch of the Eastern Seaboard Bank, called the E-Sea by locals, is located in downtown Freedom City. Next to the E-Sea is a popular local coffee shop, Cosmic Coffee, known for its varied and unusual flavors, and a several office buildings. Across the street lies Liberty Park, whose grounds are covered in a carpet of fallen leaves.

The temperature is unusually cold for late autumn, and the strong wind puts the windchill into the thirties. The sky is a featureless light gray, and daylight already begins to fade.

Perhaps the cold weather causes the E-Sea to be nearly deserted today. In contrast to the long, winding lines usually seen at the bank, only a dozen or so customers are present. The four bank tellers glance anxiously at the clock from time to time, awaiting closing time, while an elderly, overweight security guard sips a banana-coconut mocha from Cosmic Coffee as he leans against the beige walls, within easy reach of the alarm system.

Across the street is parked a green 98 Accord, and the ground underneath his window is littered with ash from dozens of cigarette butts, now swept away by the blowing wind. He speaks into his celluar as an unmarked, windowless white van turns the corner.
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Chloro walks through the leaves in Liberty Park. He runs his hand down the side of one of the many park trees beginning their long winter's sleep and smiles.
The few joggers braving the chilly weather still give Chloro a bit of a wide berth, though they've become used to the plant man's presence in the park. He attended the park, all of the parks of Freedom City, as often as he could. But Liberty Park was his favorite. The intermingling of nature and human habitat was the perfect balance here.

Smiling at a nearby couple holding hands as they walked a path, he leaves the park to head back to his home at ASTRO Labs.


First Post
?? is walking down the street with a rather blank look on his face, one he's had ever since he woke up in that strange room two months ago. He's wearing rather ragged looking clothes, which obviously smell because they look like something that resembles a cross between BDU's and homeless person clothes. There's a couple holes in one arm and one leg. People give him a wide berth, either they avoid him because of his smell, or because his eyes are grey with no pupils.

He turns another corner and see's something really strange, beyond anything else he has seen in the last two months. He see's a walking plant heading in his direction.

??'s mouth drops wide open in befuddlement, obvious he's never seen this thing before.

(note to Chloro: You see a homeless looking man staring at you. This man is impressively tall, about 6'6" and looks like a well built wrestler wearing old looking BDU's. He has a buzz cut haircut, silver in color, and his eyes are pure grey.)

(note to others: If you are near Chloro and you see him there's a chance you'll see ?? also.)


First Post
Kathleen Maxwell was enjoying the cool weather as she stood at the E-Sea ATM taking out a couple of $20's. She was planning on getting an iced mocha from Cosmic Coffee after she was done at the bank, and then sitting in the park to study for her Atmospheric Science 143A class.


First Post
Okay so this should put me at about halfway, to my goal right, I mean wait a second wasn’t there a test today? Did I study, oh man what if Tina is there, she is cool, man, and beautiful… oh crap! The Asian youth swerved on his bike, and hopped up onto a cab, riding over the top of the vehicle roughly, causing a scene on the busy street. He dropped down in front of it, and smiled goofily, “Uhh sorry!” he waved.

He swerved onto the sidewalk, and hopped off the bike, and slowed it to a stop. Leaning it against the pole, and walked up to the door of the office that Tina worked in carrying his current delivery. He checked his hair in the mirror and sighed, it was a mess, his shirt was old and worn, and his jeans were not in the best condition. Jet sighed and walked in, with a cheerful smile, “Hey, hey delivery, I am looking for a Tina Vasquez?” he said with a smile. A lovely thin woman of Filipino and Hispanic mixture stood and smiled. She wore tight hip hugging jeans, and a black tank top. Her dark hair had blonde streaks in it, and she had wonderful almond eyes, that seemed to just make Jet melt.

“Do you always have to say that Jet,” Tina took the bags from him, “So did you study for the test today, I feel like I am going to so blow it, I don’t know anything about American History, it seems like.”

Crap… was that today, American History, okay don’t panic stay cool, yeah… you can do this, what was I doing last night, oh yeah the ninjas, always has to be the ninjas… up late again… Jet squeaked out a semblance of words, “Yeah I studied, but you shouldn’t worry you have not gotten anything worse then an A- since like kindergarten.”

“Your sweet,” as she handed him the money, and his tip, “I still don’t think I will get a good grade though, I hate history.”

“Well yeah history is where we come from, and uh, yeah the future is doomed to repeat if we forget the future and the past is the… good luck,” he finishes with a sigh, “I have to go and run to the E-Sea Bank, see you in class later,” he turned and walked out completely flustered.

Jet walked outside, and slipped on the first step and tumbled to the ground in a heap. He sighed, That was so smooth, how is that I can kick butt like nobodies business but I can’t even talk to Tina…

”It is because you try so hard, young master that you fail to see the ease at which things should be. And it is the lack of dedication that bars you from becoming a true master. And the quote is, ‘Those that forget the past are doomed to repeat it,’” a condescending voice spoke, amidst gentle clapping. Jet looked up to see the ancient ghostly visage of Black Crane the spirit that inhabited the magical amulet his late uncle had given him.

“Damn it Black Crane, what in the hell is that supposed to mean, is there a school one can go to learn how to talk like a fortune cookie?” Jet replied standing up speaking towards the ghostly warrior, although no one else could actually see him.

”You should learn some respect young master,” Black Crane replied, as he adjusted his long black and green silk shirt; his long mustache, swaying in an unseen breeze along with his long dark hair, as he turned and started walking away from Jet.

Jet raced to his bike and followed amidst strange looks and stares from the passerby’s, “Hey wait up, man you would think you could go easy on me, I am not like a professional yet, or anything, so what is it that you think I need to do to become a true master like yourself?”

Black Crane listened and continued walking for long moment before replying, ”You will need to show dedication, and stop slacking off! A proper hero makes time for both his studies and his work. He is a man of honor, and nobility, and a proper hero dresses the part!”

“Why do I even bother, see you around old man, catch you later when you realize it is the 21st century, and not the height of the Han Dynasty or whatever,” Jet raced along the street weaving in and out of people towards the E-Sea Bank.

He parked his bike out front, and hefted his backpack over his shoulder, and walked into the bank to stand in line and cash his check from work. Finally giving him some spending cash, maybe he would ask Tina to a movie, not that she would go, he sighed. Well at least he could pick up a new game for his PS2 or something unless his Aunt needed something, and knowing his luck she probably did…


Somewhere in Freedom City
Saturday, November 1, 2002
16:24 ET

"Yeah," a deep, gruff voice queries into his mobile phone. "Sure took 'em long enough. Guess now it's time to see if my partner can deliver th' goods. There any capes around?"

After hearing the response, he tersely replies. "Good. Just sit there, see how things go."

The large, well-dressed man turned off his cell, depositing it in the inner pocket of his suitcoat. "This could be the best deal I made in ages," he tells himself as he looks out the window of his luxurious home, watching his daughter Alicia step into the Rolls-Royce, followed by two large men in pinstripes. That last one just came too close, he thinks, recalling the incident. With my new partner's help, I won't have to worry about her anymore. He then turns and exits his office, his mind contemplating the many possibilities of his new partnership.
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First Post
Sam pedaled hard, his breath visibly trailing behind him thanks to the chill. It gets so cold here, he complains to himself, despite a heavy coat. He'd have to dress more heavily for his paintball outing tommorrow. But first he needed to complete this errand. With a practiced motion, he chained his bike to rack next to Cosmic Coffe and proceeded across the street to the E-Sea.


Sam, Kathleen, Jet

Sam darts across the street, and as he enters the E-Sea he notices a white, windowless van illegally parked directly in front of the bank. He pushes open the heavy glass door just as he hears the van doors open, and several people get out.

Jet, after standing in line for a few minutes, you reach the bank teller, an elderly woman with greying hair. She smiles sweetly, then abruptly, that smile fades, her eyes grow wide, and her face turns white.

Kathleen, leaving the E-Sea with a fresh supply of cash from the ATM, sees them first. Half a dozen heavily muscled thugs push rush into the lobby of the bank, holding Uzi 9mm submachine guns and pointing them at customers."Everyone get down on the ground and shut up! You move, you die," one shouts. The fat security guard looks towards the alarm system, but reconsiders his decision when the barrel of an automatic weapon is shoved into his face.

The Man With No Name, Chloro
A man in his 30s, dressed in a denim jacket and sporting a thick, brown beard rushes towards Chloro. He kneels down and begins snapping photographs from a bulky, expensive camera extremely quickly.


First Post
Oh I don’t like that look, is it the Ninjas! Nope… goon squad, damn… okay you are a hero right, where is Black Crane when I need him? Jet spins on his heels, and gives a quirky smile to the gunmen.

”Well young master you seem to be in another predicament, eh? Six armed men, ruffians, uncouth thugs. Are you scared? Come now isn’t this the life you have always wanted, now handle them,” Black Crane spoke as he gently fanned himself, completely invisible to everyone except Jet.

“I am not scared!” he said loudly, before blinking and rolling his eyes drawing the attention of the thugs.

He grinned, “I mean,” he raised his hands, “can’t we talk about this, I mean your really going to have a bad day, trust me on that,” he says with a growing knowing smirk.

OOC: Assuming he isn’t Flat-Footed he has a Defense of 35, he will spring forward with a Leaping strike, a kick towards the closest gunman, and then use his Bounce power to spring off the attack and move the full distance away from the attackers trying to situate himself behind cover using Move-By-Attack as well. His Strike is a +12, and he does +12 Stun damage to his assailant. His Initiative is +19 if needed.

Without another word Jet springs forward amazingly fast, spinning in the air he lashes out like a well-honed dagger with a diving kick at the lead gunman. A stark grin on his face. If he strikes he will kick backwards placing himself behind a column or desk that is nearby and within the 50 feet limit of his total movement.


Cholro notes the large, bedraggled man looking agape at him. It's a look he's grown used to over the past year since he began leaving the lab to explore the city. He simply smiles at the man and continues on his way up the street.

As the man with the camera begins to take the pictures, Chloro stops, cocking his head to the side, a look of confusion on his face. "What are you doing?" he simply asks.

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