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The Heroes Three (Point Five): Keep on the Borderlands - Cancelled

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Note: This story (and game) is set in the Known World (later known as Mystara), and is going to eventually visit some of the classic modules of 1st Ed, but using 3.5 rules, as well as a few house rules, etc. Some of the setting is going to be slightly modified to fit the story and the modules themselves, and I am not intending to make use of a whole lot of the 'official' Mystara materials, most of which I don't have access to.


Things had always been peaceful in the small town of Stirrick, a farming community situated on the banks of the River Ielan in the Barony of Kelvin. It was so peaceful in fact that there was little need even for a simple militia. Men of the town did not need to train in warrior skills, and instead spent their days tending sheep, planting crops, and creating and selling wares. Stirrick, being a peaceful place, was a common stopping-over point for travelers along the road between the capital city of Specularum and the distant city of Penhaligon to the north. This was the only way that news would travel in or out of Stirrick, for it was quite uncommon for the townsfolk to leave the pastoral place for any great period of time.

But not all those born in Stirrick stayed put. One in particular, Harrian Thane, left Stirrick to become a hero of renown. Thane battled dragons, and giants, and hordes of the Undead, and visited many farflung places, such as the wild north and the Savage Coast. Thane was an inspiration to many, but not to the people of Stirrick, who had all but forgotten of their native son for the two decades of his absence.

Stirrick, being a gentle town, did not care much for violence or perpetrators thereof. In fact, despite Stirrick's location at the heart of a human-ruled Grand Duchy, many elves, half-elves, and halflings were known to make their home in Stirrick. While these non-humans never quite attained the same status as their full-blooded human counterparts, it was a cozy and jovial co-existence.

As children are apt to do, the younglings in Stirrick dreamt of adventure among the wild places of the world. Children at play took stories of Harrian Thane and others, and made themselves into make-believe heroic descendants of these legendary figures. It was not at all uncommon for the children of Stirrick to play at this make-believe well into their early teens, but for most, the dream of leaving Stirrick to become a great hero ended when they would begin an apprenticeship to their fathers (in the case of boys), or when they would be overburdened with household chores and other duties (in the case of girls).

But for three children of Stirrick, this dream did not end. In fact, these three children, two human brothers and an elf girl, became very close, and began to develop complex training methodologies, in the event that they would leave Stirrick to see the world and experience adventures of their own.

Of course, their relatives and friends mocked the children at this notion. After all, no one ever left Stirrick (forgetting of course about the great Harrian Thane!), so what good was all this training and planning anyway? Despite the jokes and finger-pointing, these three youths continued in their training for some time.

All this would change one day when the great hero, Harrian Thane, returned to the town of his birth. The townsfolk were shocked to see this hero of legend in the flesh, in their peaceful, pastoral township. It turned out that Thane had retired from the adventuring life, and wished to open a tavern in Stirrick, where he would live out the rest of his days, regaling travelers and locals with his tales of high adventure throughout the Known World.

Not only had Harrian Thane returned to Stirrick, he intended to pass on his vast knowledge, and chose the three children, the brothers Tamos and Rothrusk, and their good friend, Lenalia, the elf, as his pupils. A great shock came over the conservative town, who could barely believe that these veritable outcasts had now become the favored students of Harrian Thane!

Weeks went by, and the youths learned much about the life of an adventurer, the skills needed to survive on their own in the wilderness, and how one goes about finding treasure and glory, succeeding against insurmountable odds. In fact, Thane imparted more knowledge than ever the youths could have absorbed, try as they might.

Tamos, who had learned the ways of unarmed combat and acrobatics, was bolstered with additional tricks and skills to supplement his already impressive natural talent at combat. Though Thane was highly skilled in the sword, the axe, and the bow, Tamos had no interest in these weapons. Thus, Thane imparted his knowledge of street brawling, and the art of the quarterstaff, to which Tamos took very quickly.

His brother, Rothrusk, was a highly spiritual youth, who was introspective by nature and a moral pinion in a highly moral town. Rothrusk and Harrian Thane did not see eye-to-eye on matters of religion, but Thane was able to school Rothrusk in some mundane combat arts, on wearing and caring for armor, and in the crossbow. The rest of Rothrusk's training came from the local pastor, Brother Ladius, an old friend of Thane's.

The hero's greatest challenge was the elf girl, Lenalia, who was growing in arcane power. Unlike book wizards, who learned their magic from a common source, Lenalia's magic came from within. This was something with which Harrian Thane had little experience. Instead, the hero taught Lenalia how to handle herself in a fight, when perhaps her spells might fail her. Thane taught the elf girl to rely on her physical skills as much as her magical might, which would prove invaluable later.

It was a fantastic few weeks, but soon, it was time for training to end, and experience to begin. Thane provided Tamos, Rothrusk, and Lenalia with the tools and provisions they would need on their first foray out of Stirrick. Families provided food that would last a few days on the road, and Thane provided trail rations to carry the youths the rest of their way to the destination, a lonely place far to the north, known as Merghis Keep.

This keep, situated on a plateau overlooking a vast forest, bordered on the wild Altan Tepes Mountains, and was literally surrounded on three sides by orc, goblin, gnoll, and kobold tribes, in addition to scores of other nasty creatures. Duke Stephan, in his wisdom, placed Merghis Keep along an old road leading into the mountains, to protect the regions to the south, and perhaps one day, to expand his territory into those mountains.

Our heroes traveled for nine days, through lands they had only heard about, and were kept safe by what Harrian Thane had taught them in order to survive along such roads and into the wilderness beyond. And after nine days of travel, our heroes stood at the foot of the gate to Merghis Keep. It would be here that our three heroes would make a name for themselves, finding glory and adventure... at the KEEP ON THE BORDERLANDS!

... more to come!
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Arrival at the Keep - Part One

Lenalia, the Elf, carried the letter from Harrian Thane, as it was expected that she would do all the talking once the trio arrived. After all she was the most charismatic of the three, and the guards and such would be far more likely to want to speak to a pretty Elf girl than a pair of somewhat homely fellow humans.

Upon arriving at Merghis Keep, our young heroes were directed to Rand Fairir, Captain of the Watch. This would be their first real contact here at the keep. Capt. Fairir was a tough fellow, and he would need ample proof before buying into the young heroes' tale.

"So, you've come all the way here from where?" he asked. Capt Fairir seemed a sarcastic fellow, and not at all in a good way. He had a scimitar at his side, a weapon not commonly seen in much use in the Grand Duchy.

"Stirrick, sir," Lenalia replied, pushing forth the letter, penned on fine parchment. "This is a letter from Harrian Thane."

The Captain's eyes widened. "Harrian Thane, you say?" He immediately snatched up the letter and burst the seal. Obviously, the mere mention of Thane's name was enough to get Fairir's attention. He hurriedly read through the letter, then smiled at the conclusion. "Well, then," he said. "Let's get you situated. There's much to be done."

The Elf girl's two companions brought into the keep a mule, packed with the trio's traveling needs, such as trail rations, their tents, torches, lanterns, and other supplies, as well their spare weapons and ammunition.

"You seem to be well stocked," Capt. Fairir pointed out. "Everything a traveler would need to make the journey here from... Stirrick did you say? Never heard of it. Anyway, grab whatever you will need off that animal, and then see that it is put in the stable. We don't much care for mules and other animals getting in our way around here."

"Yes, Captain," Lenalia said, nodding to Tamos and Rothrusk to get unpacking. "There is an inn here?"

"A decent one, yes," Capt. Fairir replied. "Probably as good as you'll find along the road here from Stirrick. Rooms are a fair price, and they have some vacancies as far as I know. I'll have my corporal here show you around." Lenalia and the others could see a younger soldier lurking in the background. He waved.

"I hope your visit here is pleasant and... well, I would say uneventful, but that would spoil the whole point of the journey, now wouldn't it?" The Captain laughed at his joke, then wandered away.

The lurker stepped into the Captain's role as tour guide. "Good day, madam," he began. "I am Corporal Osgood Tazus, and I'll be showing you around Merghis Keep."

The tour guide, though not much younger than Tamos or Rothrusk, was fairly knowledgeable on matters of warfare and life at Merghis Keep. He had probably been a conscript at the age of 15 or 16, and had likely served in the Duke's army for several years now, the last two at Merghis Keep.

After the mule was stabled, the group passed some sort of warehouse, then continued around the corner to what Cpl. Tazus called Merchant Row. This is where the heroes would find trade in goods of their particular interests. First, they passed a smithy, whose banging and clanging sounds were audible throughout most of the open area of the keep. Next, a series of private apartments adjoining the outer wall. Rothrusk started to take a particular interest in the many siege weapons capping the keep's towers. A request to tour the walls and towers themselves was politely refused.

Once the group had passed into the main part of Merchant's Row, they spotted a few more shops. Tazus described these as a Provisioner's Shop, a Trademan's Shop, and the Bank. While all three of these shops would have interesting things to buy, sell, or do, none of these shops had an immediate need to fulfill, so they moved on.

Turning another corner, the group reached Fountain Square. Here, they found the Traveler's Inn, along with the adjoining Shardstone Tavern. Here, Cpl. Tazus left the young heroes, wishing them good day.

Lenalia, still leading the way, took the trio into the Traveler's Inn, and they booked two rooms. It was decided that the common room was too dangerous for innocents such as themselves, and since they had enough gold to spend, a pair of rooms would do just fine. In fact, they managed to score a pair of rooms right next to each other upstairs, with windows overlooking a courtyard they had not yet seen. Rothrusk wanted to make sure to ask about this area at the next opportunity.

The young heroes doffed the accoutrements of their journey, and rested their feet, for it had been quite a long nine days. After a few hours of winding down, the heroes decided that they should visit the Tavern. Perhaps some rumors would help spur the imagination. Harrian Thane had taught them to always find out about the local scene, as you can learn much from the locals. Fresh clothes on, the trio headed downstairs and to the tavern...


Arrival at the Keep - Part Two

Shardstone Tavern was not nearly as wild as many of the places Harrian Thane had described in his travels, but it was busier than any place ever the three heroes had visited. It was a small, one-room bar area, with perhaps a storage room of some kind in the back. Sandros Shardstone, the proprietor, a Dwarf, was behind the bar, dispensing drinks and tales of his own adventures in the Known World. His son, Walding, cleared tables and cooked meals for those who asked. A wench, Mirra, served the tables with fare.

It was a busy night, and the trio seemed out of place. They were fairly clean, and definitely did not fit in with the mentality of most in the room, who were grizzled veterans of keep life. There were no tables available, as all twelve were taken. Stares at the newcomers forced Lenalia to lead her human companions to the bar, where luckily, there were just three stools left bare.

"Not quite the rough place I expected," Rothrusk mentioned. "I'm kinda hoping to see a bar fight."

The Elf maiden smacked him. "I would hope to avoid that in our first night here," she said. "Let's just keep to ourselves."

"How are we to learn what's going on here in Merghis Keep if we keep to ourselves?" Tamos asked.

The Dwarven barkeep finally made his way over to the newcomers. "What'll ye have?" he asked, cleaning a glass as he went.

Rothrusk smiled. Finally, ale in a real tavern. They were getting ever closer to being adventurers. "Your finest ale, my good man!" he announced, loud enough to be obnoxious.

His brother shot Rothrusk a stare. Tamos was decidedly more tame in his approach. "I'll have an ale as well."

"Two ales," Shardstone said. "And for the lady?"

"I don't suppose you would have Elven wine back there...?"

"I'll have a look," the Dwarf said, sliding off into the back area.

"You three ought to be careful in here," a stranger sitting next to Rothrusk said calmly. "I wouldn't want anything to happen to you."

Rothrusk turned, looking this stranger up and down. He was half-Elven. That much was certain. He wore a pair of matching shotswords at his belt, and was sporting a fine suit of studded leather armor, black in color, with gold studs. "Sorry about that," Rothrusk said. "It's my first time in a tavern."

"Do tell," the man replied, finishing his ale. "Just be careful in here, all right?"

Tamos leaned over his brother. "We are new here, hailing from Stirrick to the south. I am Tamos, and this loud fool is my brother, Rothrusk."

The stranger looked upon the lovely Lenalia and smiled. "And who is this ravishing young lady?"

"I am Lenalia," she replied. "And what is your name?"

"They call me Rocelin," he replied. The stranger did not offer a hand to shake.

"Have you been here for a while?" Tamos asked.

"In Merghis Keep?" Rocelin asked. "Yeah, I've been here for a long stretch in fact. Outbound here before too long."

"Where are you headed, if you don't mind me asking?"

The half-Elf pushed his empty ale glass to the center of the bar. "Somewhere else," he answered. "Been here far too long."

"What does that mean?" Lenalia queried.

"I've been here long enough to know that a loner like myself... well, there's only so much for me here. If I were to work for the Guild, maybe I would stay. I'm not much of a joiner, if you know what I mean."

"What can you tell us of Merghis Keep?" Rothrusk asked. "We are looking for work."

"Looking for work, huh?" Rocelin asked. "Well, if you don't mind it, I would recommend the Guild. I'm no friend of Guild Master Ithan, but I hear they pay nice fees if you do services for them."

A fight broke out behind the heroes as they sat at the bar. It seems a pair of drunk guardsmen began to insult another pair of drunk guardsmen, and the scrap was on. Tables and chairs flew, and soon, the Watch was called in to break it up. All the participants were taken out, leaving a pair of tables unoccupied. Ever opportunistic, Rothrusk jumped quickly to snag one of the open tables for himself and his friends.

The Dwarven barkeep finally returned just as the heroes were about to take their table. "Young lady," he said. "I've some true Elven wine."

"How much?" she asked.

"Twelve gold," he replied, dusting off the bottle. "Not much call for it round these parts."

"Deal," Lenalia said, slapping a platinum and two gold pieces on the bar. She took the bottle and a glass in her hands and made her way to the table Rothrusk had found.

"See," Rothrusk said. "I can be useful."

The trio drank, and listened to the conversations going on around them. Most of the talk regarded some Caves not too far from the keep. Many believed that 'large dog-men' ruled the caves, though it was clear from piecing together conversations that more than one type of humanoid made its home in the Caves.

"So... the Guild?" Rothrusk asked. "Or straight to the Caves?"

Tamos frowned. "Who are you kidding?" he asked. "You think we can just walk right into those Caves? I doubt we are ready for that."

Lenalia agreed. "I say we speak to someone at the Guild. Perhaps this Master Ithan our friend Rocelin mentioned."

Rothrusk looked over at Rocelin at the mention of the name, and saw Rocelin, who had obviously been looking their direction, quickly look away. The half-Elf got up, flipped some gold coins on the bar, and made his way out, tipping his cap to the wench as he went, flipping her a coin as well. Rothrusk made a mental note to keep an eye out for this Rocelin in the future. He had a feeling they would meet again.

"Agreed," Tamos said. "The Guild sounds more reasonable."

"The Guild it is!" Rothrusk declared, drawing stares from those around him.

"Haven't you had enough ale?" Lenalia asked, getting up from her seat. "Let's get some rest."

The trio left Shardstone Tavern for their rooms at the Traveler's Inn, to get some sleep. They would have a big day on the morrow, heading for the first time into the wilderness outside the keep walls...


Out & About - Part One

The next morning, our young heroes emerged from Traveler's Inn, fresh and rested, and with full bellies. Their hosts had served a find breakfast, which was quite a relief given their previous week's worth of trail rations.

It was off to the Guild House, though the heroes weren't entirely sure where that was locatied. They made their way through the keep's byways until they came to Merchant's Row, and saw a peculiar side-street they had not yet been down.

"I wonder if this is the way to the Guild House," Tamos wondered aloud. "Should we ask someone?"

Lenalia looked around, and saw a pair of guardsmen who were wandering in her direction. "Excuse me, lads," she said. "Can you direct me to the Guild House?"

The two men looked upon the Elf with a smile. "You're just about on it," one of them said. "Just down that way," he added, pointing to the side-street Tamos was examining. "Can't miss it."

Lenalia thanked the soldiers, and they went about their business. The trio traveled down the side-street, which they found was the place their rooms at the inn overlooked. The Guild House was indeed not at all hard to find, and soon, the heroes were looking at the front doors to the place.

Rothrusk spotted a Chapel just adjacent to the Guild House. "I think I should inquire in the Chapel," he said. "Paying my respects probably wouldn't hurt either."

"You do that," Tamos replied. "While you're there, how about a few prayers for us? I have a feeling we'll be needing them."

So the trio split, with Rothrusk headed to the Chapel, and Lenalia and Tamos headed inside the Guild House.

Tamos and Lenalia found the interior of the Guild House far more decorated and exquisite than the exterior, which looked just like the rest of the drab buildings within Merghis Keep. There was a main foyer, with bulletin boards and portraits of past Guild members, as well as a large portrait of Guild Master Jordanus Ithan, current head of the Guild. The pair spotted a desk, behind which sat a Clerk. They approached.

"Can I help you fine folks?" the Clerk nervously asked. The old man wavered in both speech and his physical mannerisms, and seemed one foot into the grave.

"Yes, we heard the Guild might be looking to hire on some help," Tamos said.

"Oh, we are always looking for the right sort of folks," the Clerk replied. "What can you do?"

"I am a warrior," Tamos replied. "And my Elven friend here is a wizard. I suppose we could be of service to the Guild."

The Clerk shuffled through his papers. "I imagine so," he replied. "There is always much to be done around here."

"Any trade goods to transport, caravans to guards, those sorts of things?" Lenalia asked.

The old man looked up. "How would you feel about finding a lost merchant?"

At the Chapel, Rothrusk was in the company of the Curate, Tova Ethelau, a quietly confident human woman, who had greeted Rothrusk at the door. When he entered, Ethelau had been tending to some wounded soldiers. She left their side to meet Rothrusk, and seemed in a bit of a hurry to get back to aiding the wounded.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I'm afraid I have a lot to do today. What is it that you need?"

Rothrusk smiled. "I see that a priest's work is never done," he said, eliciting no reaction from the Curate. "Do you know of any employment to be had around the keep?"

Ethelau frowned. "No, I have no interest in such things," she said. "If you'd like, stay here and help me with these wounded men. Then, perhaps when I get a chance, I can ask around about getting you some paying work."

Looking around at the beds of the wounded, Rothrusk snickered. "Sure," he said. "It'll be my first good deed of the day!"

The Curate was not amused, but gladly accepted Rothrusk's help.

Before too long, the trio was reunited, and heading for the gate. It seemed that there was the potential of hired help, but one had to hurry before all the good mercenaries were taken. The heroes arrived at the gate, and saw two such armed and armored mercenaries waiting there.

One, a female half-Elf, was clearly an archer, as she carried a longbow. In addition, she also had a shortsword at her side. The other, a male human, carried a spear and a shortsword. Both wore chain mail armor.

Rothrusk approached both mercenaries. "How much?" he asked.

The female mercenary looked the other way, choosing to ignore the oddly straightforward question. The other merc smiled. "You looking to hire?" he asked.

"Yes," Rothrusk replied. "We have need of some skilled warriors."

"I'm yours for two gold pieces a day," the man said. "Take it or leave it. And I get paid two days up front - one day there, and one day back."

"That sounds reasonable," Rothrusk said. "Done."

Now the heroes had for themselves a hireling. Lenalia, seeing the half-Elf and wondering if she would also be useful, wandered over to the archer and struck up a conversation.

"Are your skills for hire?" Lenalia asked the morose half-Elven archer.

The mercenary turned to face the Elven wizard. "For a price," she replied. "Yes."

"What are your terms?" Lenalia asked.

"Depends," the archer countered. "What sort of venture is this? Guard duty, assault, search and rescue?"

"Search and rescue," Lenalia replied. "We are in the Guild's employ."

"Very well," the archer said. "I suppose since no one else is hiring, I can be yours. Six gold a day, plus a full share of any treasure we find."

"That is a bit steeper than I had imagined," Lenalia said. "Allow me to discuss it with my allies."

The Elf maiden returned to the rest of them, who had gathered near the stables. Rothrusk had taken the liberty of asking for the mule, and it was now being readied for another journey.

The archer's fee and terms were discussed, and it was agreed to pay her what she asked, for the heroes really didn't know any better, and had little with which to bargain. The half-Elf was hired on, and once both mercenaries had been paid their up-front fees, the group left Merghis Keep for the wilderness...


Out & About - Part Two

The Heroes Three (Lenalia, the Elf, Rothrusk, the Human would-be Priest, and his brother, Tamos, the... well, let's say Adventurer) left Merghis Keep along with their new hirelings, Jodah Meers, a female Half-Elven warrior, and Allester Brunes, a male Human warrior, skilled in the use of the spear.

Just before leaving the keep, the travelers had visited the Provisioner to buy supplies. They expected to spend a week total in the wilderness, figuring that Merghis Keep was not a very long trip if supplies were to run out.

It was after a brief jaunt down the road that rides the sloping ridge leading up to the keep itself that conversation was struck between the travelers.

"So what are you after out here?" Jodah asked. "I suppose I should have asked that before I signed on."

"It's no secret," Lenalia replied. "We have taken on a task for the Guild. We are to search for the merchant, Finstan, who is of some influence within the Guild."

"He came out here looking for his son, Rake," Tamos added. "Apparently, Rake was something of a warrior, and was out to make a name for himself. People at the Guild think he may have been heading for the Caves near here."

"I've heard nothing but bad things about the Caves," Allester commented.

"Well, we're going to do our best to stay away from there," Lenalia replied. "It's possible that one or both of them are just lost out here in the forest."

"Are any of you trackers?" Jodah asked. "I'm not."

Tamos looked at his fellow adventurers. "No."

"Not me," added Allester.

"Great," Jodah said with a frown. "How are we supposed to find this Finstan then?"

"We'll just have to keep our eyes and ears open," Rothrusk said cheerfully. "It's the best way to find anything, according to Harrian Thane."

"Thane?" Jodah asked. "I've heard that name. Some call him a hero."

"He was our mentor," Rothrusk said. "Taught us just about everything we know."

"Hmm..." Jodah replied, looking into the forest.

"So, this Finstan," Allester said. "You are to bring him back alive, I assume."

Lenalia smiled nervously. "That's the plan."

"It's really dead or alive, isn't it?" he asked.

"Well, sorta."

The companions continued down the road until they reached the t-intersection. South from this point on the adjoining road would lead them back toward civilization, towards Stirrick. North would lead toward the wilderness, the Caves, and eventually, the Altan Tepes Mountains. They did not know what laid beyond the mountains.

Of course, the heroes went north, expecting that the merchant Finstan would have traveled in that direction looking for his son, Rake. The only information they had to go on was that Finstan had been gone a few days, which was unusual. Finstan's wife was putting up the reward herself, as opposed to the Guild coughing up the gold.

It was mid-day when the travelers came upon an apparently abandoned wagon. It was off the road, but not entirely into the treeline. Divets in the roadside dirt seemed to indicate that the wagon had been there probably for only a few days. This could be the first clue in their search!

Owing to caution, the companions spread out, looking for clues or possible foes. Tamos climbed into the wagon and began to search it. Allester split off and took the north side of the wagon. Jodah and Lenalia watched the south side of the wagon. Rothrusk watched the trees on the opposite side of the road.

Before too long, Jodah and Lenalia spotted something in the trees, metal glinting in the midday sun. They stepped forward to get a better look and were surprised to find arrows flying in their direction!

A combat began, archers in the trees firing at the hapless travelers, and the travelers returning fire, mostly in the form of Lenalia's bolts of magical energy. In fact, Lenalia managed to drop a few of the archers within a short period of time. Meanwhile, on the north side of the wagon, spearmen emerged from the forest, charging Allester and Tamos, who had just come out of the wagon to join the combat.

A spearman or two came to the south as well, keeping Lenalia and Jodah busy. The spearmen, though dangerous, did not prove to be a great threat, and were soon dispatched. Three lay dead at the end of the exchange, and one escaped. Tamos swears he saw more in the forest who never came out to fight.

After the battle, the companions assessed the situation.

"Do you want the good news or the bad news?" Tamos asked.

"Good news first," Lenalia replied. "Always."

"I found a bag of silver coins in there," Tamos revealed. "It was shoved under some floorboards in the wagon."

"And we are relatively unharmed from the battle," Rothrusk added.

"We should be thankful for that," Jodah said. "We were very lucky."

"Tis not luck," Rothrusk countered. "We have the favor of the Divine on our side."

"Whatever," Jodah said. "All I know is that we were outnumbered. I do like your magic tricks, Lenalia."

"Thanks," the Elf maiden replied. "I do know a few things that will help out. Conjuring the merchant, however isn't one of them. Any clues in there, Tamos?"

"That would be the bad news I was getting to," he answered. "Didn't find a thing. I'm not even sure this is Finstan's wagon."

"If indeed he had a wagon to begin with," Lenalia said. "We don't know that he had a wagon."

"Let's continue to the north," Rothrusk said. "I'm sure we'll find something."

And they went north along the road. After a few hours, the forest was starting to narrow on both sides of the road, and the travelers could see hills rising ahead of them. It was starting to get dark, and the adventurers knew it was time to make camp.

Harrian Thane had taught them how to make camp, and where good spots could be found, and what to avoid when choosing a campsite. They had brought along all the requisite gear they would need for an extended stay in the wilderness, and after dinner, set watches for the night.

The first watch, Jodah and Lenalia, went as planned, with nothing out of the ordinary. All in all, pretty boring. The second watch, however was by contrast, quite eventful. As Tamos, who was alone on watch, patrolled the campsite, he heard something rustling in the bushes. Before he could wake anyone, Tamos was assaulted by two giant spiders!

As the spiders approached, Tamos did his best to awaken those in the camp, lest they be eaten by rampaging spiders. Tamos, being quick witted and agile, managed to dodge the spiders' bites long enough to rouse Lenalia and his brother Rothrusk before any permanent harm came to them.

Lenalia fired off blasts of magical energy, felling one spider as another, a third, emerged from the foliage. By that time, Jodah had also awakened, and had joined the battle. Finally, Allester, apparently a very deep sleeper, was kicked awake during the fray.

Though the spiders were mighty opponents, they were eventually slain. This battle was far more difficult than the bandits had been earlier in the day, and each one of the companions found themselves wounded. Not only that, but both hirelings lay unconscious and POISONED!

Now, our Heroes Three find themselves in an unfamiliar wilderness, surrounded by unknown threats, with two wounded and unconscious hirelings. What would they do next?

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First Post
Hi Insight.

Your story hour is quite good. Not only do I have fond memories of this classic adventure, but you tell an interesting tale. I will look forward to your future installments.

It would be nice to see the characters and any NPC/BBEG's in the Rogues Gallery thread, too. :cool:


MichaelH said:
Hi Insight.

Your story hour is quite good. Not only do I have fond memories of this classic adventure, but you tell an interesting tale. I will look forward to your future installments.


I'll have more installments this weekend, since I am all up to date now.

It would be nice to see the characters and any NPC/BBEG's in the Rogues Gallery thread, too. :cool:

Yeah, I'd like to stick the PCs in there too. Just need to swipe their character sheets...


I may have an update tomorrow. Otherwise, it will be Sunday most likely. The game session is tonight.

Thanks to all my readers for checking out the Story Hour!


And One Makes Four - Part One

Miles, the Halfling, had come to the Borderlands from far away. It had been a long journey from the Five Shires, and after a two week sojourn through the Grand Duchy, he determined that his trip was at an end - for now, at least. The Halfling had spent nearly all of his gold and silver to get to Merghis Keep, and was now counting on some sort of venture to recover his sunk funds.

But the trip's cost was more than financial - Miles was dead tired. After visiting the keep, the Halfling traveler decided to trek into the forest, to happen upon some treasure or loot he could recover and make good his venture thus far. He spent hours, most of the day, in fact, looking for bandits or goblins or anyone from which he could... we'll say borrow... funds. Unfortunately, there was no one to be found, and this forest was turning out to be yet another in a long line of miscalculations. At least, he had not been attacked.

So Miles settled down, right there in the middle of the forest, lying against a tree. He would sleep for now, to later awaken to a whole world of adventure.


Jodah and Allester, the hirelings, were still quite wounded, though through Rothrusk's devotions to Valerias, his patron deity, the hired warriors were at least coherent. The spiders' poison had sapped their energy, and robbed the hirelings of their balance and agility. The others, the Elf maiden Lenalia, and Tamos, brother of Rothrusk, filled out the remainder of the camping party.

While Rothrusk tended to the infirmed hirelings, Tamos and Lenalia discussed pressing matters.

"To be truthful," the Elf began, "I'm not convinced we should go on. Perhaps returning to the keep would be to our overall benefit."

"You mean due to the poison," Tamos added. "I don't know. Seems like a waste considering we just started."

"I know," Lenalia replied. She turned to watch the poisoned pair as they laid on the ground. "It will be days before those two are ready to travel again. Maybe even a week. I'm no expert on poisons, but..."

"You want to go on," Tamos said. "Without them?"

The Elf looked at Tamos. "I don't see why not," she answered. "They've been paid for two days' worth of work. We have been out for a day. That's a day back to Merghis Keep."

"Can they make it back to the keep in this condition?" Lenalia asked.

"I don't see why not," Rothrusk replied, sneaking up on the pair of adventurers as they spoke. "Jodah is faring a little better than Allester," he added.

"So you think they can make it back to the keep on their own?" Tamos asked.

"As long as they stay to the road and avoid any more spiders," his brother replied. "I don't see why not."

"There is still the matter of Jodah's share," the Elf added.

And they paid Jodah her share of the silver pieces they discovered in the abandoned wagon the day before. It was getting late, and the group decided to get a little more rest before sunrise. Once the sun was up, the group split, with Jodah and Allester returning to Merghis Keep to recuperate.

Rothrusk, Lenalia, and Tamos continued along the road north. It wasn't too long before they could see the hills rising in the distance, and could just barely make out the peaks of the Altan Tepes Mountains in the distance.

It was the aspiring Cleric who stopped the Heroes Three as the headed up the road. He had spotted a stand of trees just there, and in one of the trees, a piece of yellow material flapping in the midday breeze. The trio closed in to investigate. The material was in fact ribbon, and although it had been torn from whatever its source, the ribbon was tied to a branch, no doubt the work of an intelligent being.

The trio determined that this was some sort of clue, and decided to head into the forest, having no other leads at present as to the whereabouts of their quarry, the merchant, Alfred Finstan. About 150 feet or so from the location of the first ribbon was a second, tied to a tree branch about shoulder-height on a human.

"What do you suppose this means?" Rothrusk asked.

Tamos shook his head. "A sign of some sort," he said. "Maybe someone is leaving for themselves a trail."

"That seems likely," the Elf maiden replied. "Should we follow?"

"I don't see why not," Tamos said. "At worst, it's a diversion from our quest, but since we have nothing else to go on."

But Rothrusk had seen something, and without a word, went off to investigate. Ten noisy steps later, the Cleric was closing in on the subject of his curiosity.

"Where is HE going?" Lenalia asked.

"No idea," Tamos replied. "But I'd better go along, just in case."

As Rothrusk closed in on what he determined to be a sleeping humanoid of some kind, his younger brother looped around, with far more stealth than his sibling. The Cleric crashed through a heavy bush, causing the sleeping humanoid to reach for a weapon and dart eyes in Rothrusk's direction.

"Hey!" the little voice said. "Come out from there!"

Rothrusk, obviously caught in the act, emerged from the bushes. Tamos, still unseen, approached cautiously.

The sleeper, who now stood to his full height of three feet, still held the tiny rapier in one hand. This was by all accounts a Halfling, which was not unknown to the brothers, and in fact Stirrick had its own community of the little folks.

"Who are you," the Halfling asked, "And why have you disturbed my sleep?"

Rothrusk approached, hands away from his sides and weapons. "I mean you no harm," he said. The Halfling's nose crinkled at this remark. "We are looking for a middle-aged merchant and his son. Have they happened by here?"

Tamos stepped on a dry branch, and it cracked, causing the Halfling's senses to alarm. He quickly spotted Tamos in the open. "Hey, another one!" the Halfling remarked. "Trying to sneak up on me, huh? You'll have to try a lot harder than that."

Caught, Tamos came closer, also with his hands peaceably away from his weapons.

"So, you guys are looking for a lost merchant and his son," the Halfling said. "Sounds like a quest."

"I suppose you could call it that, yes," Tamos replied.

"And quests... there are often rewards..."

"Indeed," Rothrusk said. "In fact - "

"I don't suppose you could make use of a little guy like myself?" the Halfling asked. "I am quite useful, you know. I can get into all kinds of places, and I can handle myself in a scrap."

The brothers looked at one another in surprise. They had not expected the Halfling to become friendly so quickly. Perhaps the thought of a reward had turned the little guy around, or perhaps he was lonely or bored out here in the wilderness by himself.

"I don't see why not," Rothrusk replied, forcing a hand toward the Halfling to shake. "I am Rothrusk," he continued. "This is my brother, Tamos."

"Well met, gentlemen," the Halfling said. "I am Miles, " he added smiling. "And I think we shall have quite a bit of fun together."
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First Post
Insight – excellent story. I remember going through this module as a player and then later sending my own campaign through.

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