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The Horror! of a Game That Never Ends

We've all been there: as kids, we started a Dungeons & Dragons campaign but never imagined, decades later, that we'd still be playing in a world we made up. Does it ever end? Should it?

We've all been there: as kids, we started a Dungeons & Dragons campaign but never imagined, decades later, that we'd still be playing in a world we made up. Does it ever end? Should it?

Picture courtesy of Pixabay.

Dungeons & Dragon's campaign life cycle has always varied with its players. Co-creator Gary Gygax played with his friends and his children, with no theoretical upper limit on level advancement. Dungeon Masters who grew up in the 80s may still be running campaigns in their homegrown worlds decades later, even if it's not the same characters.

This can be quite intimidating to new players. Most tabletop gamers who are accustomed to board games can imagine playing a session for an hour or two at most; playing for four or more hours at a time is a serious commitment.

A campaign is even more daunting. Playing on and off for months or years can seem like another job (and for many DMs, it is). With no actual end, the game can go on forever. For an example for just how long, see Robert Wardhaugh's campaign that's been running continuously for 35 years.

When the Game Ends

There are obvious in-game reasons for why campaigns end. Total party kills can dampen enthusiasm. I had two campaigns that ended this way in high school.

Also, some campaigns end because players achieve their goals. It took some time before my Advanced Dungeons & Dragons campaign culminated in a finale that featured the defeat of the final boss. When it did end, we promptly started up another campaign set in the same world. That second campaign never wrapped, because I moved for college.

Players or the DM moving are just one example of how real-life reasons campaigns can fizzle out. One of the appeals of D&D is its episodic nature, ideal for gamers who have free time on their hands and no competing entertainment. This makes the average campaign ideally suited for four years, be it in high school or university. In my case, we played for eight years across both.

But then I moved, and the campaign fell apart, which brings us to another reason campaigns end without really wrapping up. Players move away, get married, get jobs, and--more grimly as we all get older--pass away. Keeping a campaign going after playing for decades with the same players can become increasingly challenging as real life responsibilities press in.

After my initial, successful D&D campaign, I ran another D&D game set in a different campaign setting that successfully wrapped up after three years, a D20 Modern/Call of Cthulhu setting that wrapped up after three years (but that my players later admitted they disliked), and an online Pathfinder campaign that ended after three years without wrapping up. The last two campaigns soured me on running a game without a conclusion. With my latest campaign I set out to address those mistakes.

You Can Check Out At Any Time, But Can You Leave?

A few things became apparent with marathon sessions in which we played together once a month for eight hours at a time: nobody remembered what happened between games, if a player missed the game they missed a whole lot, and the buzz from a great session wasn't enough to sustain my creative juices until the next session. Something had to change.
  • I've since shifted my online game to playing once a week. Playing weekly is critical, using Facebook and other social media to keep everyone connected. It's brief enough that players can still remember what happened from game to game. Despite this, we rarely actually play two consecutive weeks in a row due to competing adult responsibilities that demand all of our time.
  • We also play for shorter periods of time. As much as we'd like to run a game for longer, our games tend to run for about three hours each night.
  • We play with up to six players, with the understanding that we will still play if there's at least four players available. This keeps the game moving forward no matter what (we do make exceptions for the finale, where everyone has a chance to experience the last game).
  • But perhaps most important is that I've written my adventures so that there are natural breaks where current players can leave and new players can join. This creates a more natural and pleasant departure for a player and their character to leave vs the alternative of not showing up anymore, or an awkward explanation as to why a player's character disappeared. It provides an in-game pause that accommodates real life.
We're running a game with a new player who is currently just observing to decide if she wants to join. Watching experienced role-players laughing and joking together may seem intimidating; but by parsing out sessions and giving players a means of leaving with no hard feelings, I'm hopeful it makes joining an ongoing campaign a little less terrifying.

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Michael Tresca

Michael Tresca


Victoria Rules
When starting a new campaign, if someone asks me how long I intend to run it my usual answer is "Ideally, the rest of my life; no fixed end point. In practice, let's see how it goes."

So far I've had three.

The first went 10 years before a) I (and others) realized our system had trouble with high-level play and b) I-as-DM finally got fed up with my own setting, I'd written myself into too many annoying corners. I was able to bring it to a story-based conclusion and close the book on it.

The second went well over 12 years, and ended because I'd pretty much run out of ideas for it...except I didn't bring it to a conclusion, and in theory we could start it up again sometime. And the rules system was starting to wobble again as well.

The third is now well over 11 years and still has legs, though covid has put a bit of a hole in it as I have absolutely no interest in running anything online. But, at the moment down to one player and me, it's still going... :)

There's a small core of us who have been involved through most of these, and numerous other players have come and gone over the years.

It can be done, provided the DM is in the situation of being able to live long-term in the same town or close and has long-term friends who want to play. :)

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
Co-creator Gary Gygax played with his friends and his children, with no theoretical upper limit on level advancement.

Well, not unlimited levels for monks or druids and all non-human folk (depending on class of course), if they were playing AD&D.

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
Removing my pedant hat; I will say that an unlimited horizon game feels daunting. I am playing in an RPG group in which a one of the other players we have been playing RPGs since 1991 or so. But not the same campaign, or even same game. And also an 8 year break between 2000-2008. The idea of the same PCs in the same world seems sort of boring tbh. I'd rather switch it up. Now I might be interested in the children or otherwise related folks to the existing PCs. But even that feels sort of boring after a while. Just like I am finding that books and tv shows I liked in my teens and 20's now feel dated; I could see a game in the same setting feeling the same way.


Victoria Rules
Removing my pedant hat; I will say that an unlimited horizon game feels daunting. I am playing in an RPG group in which a one of the other players we have been playing RPGs since 1991 or so. But not the same campaign, or even same game. And also an 8 year break between 2000-2008. The idea of the same PCs in the same world seems sort of boring tbh. I'd rather switch it up.
Switching up PCs is as simple as retiring one (or having it die and stay dead) and bringing in another. :)

As for the same setting becoming dull after a while, you have a point. The trick IMO is to always keep large bits of the setting mysterious, so there's always something new to discover. Example: in my current game it took them about ten years (real time) to find any reason to go down to the southern sea beyond the jungles (an area about which most northerners know little to nothing); but once there they found almost a whole new setting - new empires, new cultures, new local deities, new customs, etc. - which they've barely scratched the surface of exploring.

In real world equivalence, they've now explored (or have decent knowledge of) much of North America. Now they've discovered South America. Europa, Asia, and a bunch of other places yet await...never mind a whole other planet running binary with this one. :)

So yes, I can still get tons of mileage out of this setting even though I've been running it for 11+ years. I could easily start new campaigns, completely unrelated to the current one, and recycle the same setting (though I'd make it clear up-front to any continuing players that I was doing so, as some things e.g. astronomy would still be familiar and that might detract from their experience of exploring as if it was all new)


Its absolutely fine to keep playing a setting until it stops being fun . At that point its time to make changes.

In fact D&D or TTRPG's themselves are that rare gift, a hobby that brings people together be enjoyed from childhood to old age , played everywhere and anywhere for as long as they bring joy and on any budget, large or small.

Were there more more people who spent time tossing the polyhedrals instead of playing with people's lives this world would be a much nicer place.


The High Aldwin
I have the same "campaign world" I've been using since the mid-80's. I've run about a dozen campaigns in it ranging in length from 6 months up to 5 years- most are in the 2-4 year range due to my life (middle school - 3 years, high school - 4 years, undergrad - 2 years, grad school - 6 years, moving to a new place - 4 years, etc.). Our last game, the first 5E one I've run/co-DMed, was almost 2 years as well--we stopped because we hit level 20 and really didn't want to run an "epic" style game. The game also breaks when we play other RPGs, but then picks up again.


Solitary Role Playing
DMing since 1980.

Never had a "single-mega-super-detailed-campaign-world-that-goes-on-forever". I guess I could put them all on the same planet if I wanted to. I don't have a big binder with all the campaign notes.

I prefer to start fresh every time. Usually with a new edition or if I start DMing for a new group of players.

In all those years I only had one campaign that actually finished properly with a real ending. Characters retiring from adventuring into more lordly roles. It was my longest running campaign. 5 years (1990-1995).

Most campaigns end because the group of players disbands, TPKs (very rare) or I loose interest and want to start something new.

My current 5e campaign just passed the one year mark but stopped because of Covid-19. I like to use terrain and miniatures. We have a major battle between three armies coming up. We will play again when we can meet face-to-face.


I have an ongoing campaign world as well with most of it's geography and history intact since around 1980. A few hundred years have passed in game since that day and other than a couple of elves (last of the original dwarves passed on a couple of years ago) and one wizard (one of my first PCs, an atheist, who may have achieved his goal immortality) it's all new inhabitants.

Various campaigns set in the world have come and gone in different regions with impacts on the larger world great and small. A barely averted apocalypse happened because one campaign didn't achieve it's "stretch" goal. The world didn't end, but there was still led vast destruction everywhere including basically one of my major cities and major campaign hub. There are statues here and there of PC adventurers long gone, others are mere legends, some have been forgotten. PCs from my wife's last campaign (she shares my world now, we do crossovers now and then) have become NPCs and continue to be active in the background now and then.

Every campaign impact on the world great and small which helps shape it's history and trajectory. Kingdoms have fallen, but new and peaceful kingdoms have also arisen, some led by retired PCs. People know that some day their names may also go down in history,

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